Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/24/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/24/13


Episode # 10081 ~ Tyler & Lily's Rapport Upsets Cane; Phyllis Shares Her Feelings With Avery

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Tyler did a great job.

Avery: Mm-hmm. And in record timing.

Nick: Well, it's a good thing since the club's reopening on Tuesday.

Noah: What are you guys looking at?

Nick: Some of Tyler's designs for our club-opening do-over.

Noah: Looks nice. That guy really knows how to make a place seem cool.

Nick: And I don't?

Noah: I never said that. I'm just glad I don't have to wear the bow ties again.

Adam: Jack asked me to handle this.

Tucker: Hmm. Jack should know I'm not someone you handle, Adam.

Adam: [Clears throat] You do own a sizable little piece of this company. Noted. As to why you're here...

Tucker: You got the flu?

Adam: I'll be fine. Thank you.

Tucker: Well, you look like hell.

Adam: Thank you.

Tucker: Are you kidding me, man? Are you drunk?!

Adam: Is that what you think?

Tucker: I think I'm not very reassured about the millions I have invested in this company now.

Adam: I understand your reticence as to some of the choices and decisions and actions that Jack has made as C.E.O., but, uh, now that he's stepped down --

Tucker: What?! When did this happen?

Adam: Earlier. Billy and I in charge, so Jack is no longer a liability to this company.

Tucker: Oh. Drunk and drunker. Well, I can see the wheels have completely fallen of the Newman express now.

Adam: You speak with me as if you know me. And you, Tucker, do not know me.

Tucker: I'll tell you what I do know. You and Billy get along like a couple of raccoons in a burlap sack. You won't last five minutes sharing that chair.

Adam: Then may the best man win.

Tucker: As one gambling man to another, I doubt it will be either one of you.

Cane: Right.

Neil: Did you get my message from yesterday?

Cane: Yes.

Tyler: Hey, what am I, early?

Neil: No, actually, you're, uh -- you're right on time, Tyler.

Cane: Yeah, we've got that meeting in 20 minutes, though. All right?

Lily: Hey. Wait for me. Hi.

Neil: I thought you were taking a sick day.

Lily: Yeah, I was, but Mattie and Charlie are feeling better, and they got their appetites back.

Cane: Fantastic.

Lily: Yeah. I had the sitter come in while they were napping and I didn't want to leave Tyler hanging. We got to do this pitch together.

Tyler: I appreciate that.

Cane: Yeah, we would have understood.

Neil: Absolutely, we would have.

Lily: Well, thank you, but you're being nice 'cause I'm family, which is not fair to the other moms who work here.

Tyler: Well, maybe we should be more understanding to the other moms' situations.

Lily: That's right.

Devon: Hey, Dad, can I talk to you for a second?

Neil: Uh, yeah. Tyler and Lily were just about to do a pitch --

Devon: No, I know. I'm sitting in, too, but this can't wait.

Tyler: Let's go and get set up.

Lily: Okay.

Neil: Yeah. Go on, guys. I'll be right there. What's up?

Devon: I was talking to this guy who I know who works at Newman.

Neil: Right.

Devon: And he heard a rumor that Jack is stepping down and coming back here full-time.

Neil: What?

Devon: If that's true, what does that mean for all of us?

Jack: One of the worst times I've ever been through, and you were right there by my side. I am so damn grateful to have you back in my life again.

Phyllis: I'm not sure this is a good idea.

Tucker: You know, Billy's stubborn, sometimes clever. He won't give up as easily as you think. You'll get bogged down. You won't get anything done, because the two of you will fight over every decision, every damn little, insignificant thing. That will be your undoing.

Adam: Thanks for that insightful play-by-play. Billy's a lightweight. He's got no skin in the game. Now that Jack's out, he will be, too.

Tucker: And you'll make sure of that, will you?

Adam: You and I both know how you feel about my father. And as one of the major shareholders of this company, you have a seat on the board, influence.

Tucker: And you want me to use that influence how?

Adam: You and I coordinate. We oust Billy. We stop any attempts my father makes to take back the company. And, in return, you get a much greater voice in this multinational conglomerate.

Tyler: All right, so, you got your typical downtown park at lunchtime or any empty parking lot at a mall, then, out of nowhere, a bunch of people, they come together. They start to make spontaneous art.

Lily: Yeah, you have chalk drawings on the pavement, you have sand sculptures, you have snow and ice renderings...

Tyler: Prominently featuring the Jabot logo or any product that we want to promote.

Neil: Mm, let me understand this correctly. This is, um, like art flash mob minus the singing and dancing?

Lily: Exactly. Exactly.

Tyler: Yeah. And people are gonna want to know what's going on. They're gonna stop. Once they start seeing what's being created, finally they'll realize it's all about Jabot. Then, later, the images melt, blow away, vanish without a trace.

Lily: Except on video at our website.

Tyler: You know, we could even kick it up a notch and bring on guest artists.

Lily: Or we could turn it into a competition.

Tyler: We could have Jabot sponsor one, you know, with a cash prize involved.

Cane: Yeah, but that could be expensive.

Lily: Well, it doesn't have to be. I mean, we could make this as cheap or as extravagant as we want. We could even use Jabot employees.

Tyler: So, what do you think?

Jack: Hey. I thought we were on the same page.

Phyllis: Dr. Lee said that you shouldn't make any big decisions until you've been clean for six months to a year. I don't want to screw up your recovery.

Jack: If I have learned one thing in this whole thing it's that life is short. I don't want to waste another minute --

Phyllis: Okay, well, that's how you feel.

Jack: So you're not ready?

Phyllis: I'm going through a divorce. And right now is not the greatest time to start a relationship. You know, in fact, I'm thinking of just taking a break and finding out who I am finally. I don't -- I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to get hurt again.

Jack: I don't exactly have a perfect record in marriage, either. Maybe that's why we'd be good together.

Phyllis: What? Come on, Jack. So we could hurt each other?

Jack: We can make it work this time.

Phyllis: No. I don't think we can.

Jack: Listen to me. It's working. It's working already.

Phyllis: It -- no, it -- no. It's not. It won't.

[Footsteps departing]

Tucker: It's an intriguing plan. But I have other people I need to think about. Keeping Victor on the outside -- it won't go over big with Katherine or Devon.

Adam: Devon? Fathers and sons. It can get messy, can't it? But since when have Devon or Katherine, for that matter, ever approved of anything you've done? The attempts that you've made have failed, have they not?

Tucker: That's none of your business.

Adam: The people that want to...want to hold you back, sometimes you need to just write them off. They'll never love you or respect you the way you're hoping they will. They want to turn you into someone you're not. You'll twist yourself into a pretzel just to make them happy. But you don't want any part of that so-called love. Believe me. I know.

Tyler: Hey, you know, my favorite part was when we were just riffing back and forth. Professional artists, contests, sponsorships.

Lily: [Chuckles] Yeah, there were some really great ideas in there.

Tyler: Well, you really helped sell it.

Lily: Thanks.

Tyler: You know, it just goes to show how great your instincts are. Hey, uh, did I tell you that I'm doing the marketing for Nick Newman's new club?

Lily: The Underground? I didn't know that.

Tyler: I just got the gig. I want to bounce some ideas around. Maybe I could get your feedback?

Lily: Oh, I would love to, but I really have to get home and check on my kids.

Cane: You know what? If you want to meet for a little bit just go for it. It's okay. I'll go home, make sure the kids are fine. It's cool.

Lily: Oh, thank you. That's very sweet of you.

Cane: You got it, Baby.

Neil: Here you go, Buddy. This is everything you're gonna need for the meeting.

Devon: Uh-huh.

Neil: Sure. Hey.

Leslie: Hey. How did Tyler's presentation go?

Neil: It was very nice. I was impressed.

Jack: Hey, there, everyone. Devon, Neil.

Neil: Hello, Jack.

Jack: Hi, Leslie. Nice to see you in these hallowed halls. How's it going?

Leslie: You know, I'm enjoying the job very much.

Jack: Terrific. If you don't mind, I'd love to have a word with Neil.

Devon: Absolutely. I have a meeting to get to.

Leslie: Okay. So do I.

Neil: [Chuckles] Very convenient. All right.

Leslie: [Laughs]

Neil: So, uh, are you here to fire me again, Jack?

Jack: Actually, I'm here to apologize for the way I treated you. You tried to help me, and I rejected that help.

Neil: I'm just glad you got it.

Jack: Well, I did get it, and I'm on the mend, and I'm on my way back to Jabot.

Neil: So, then, uh, the rumors are true? You'll be leaving Newman?

Jack: Already happened. Neil, I want you here with me.

Neil: Uh, yeah. Jack, we discussed this before I took the job. You know, I-I can't be anyone's second fiddle.

Jack: I've come up with some new ideas to broaden the business. For openers, I want to start a fashion division.

Neil: In addition to the cosmetics?

Jack: That's right. And I want you to run it. No one loses their job this go-round. You have my word. What do you say? You interested?

Neil: Jack... what you're suggesting...it's a major change.

Jack: That's why I need a seasoned executive at the helm. You.

Noah: Let's order one more case of the Well vodka, just to be safe.

Nick: If Tyler's promotion brings half as many bodies as he's projecting...

Noah: You're right. Let's order two.

Nick: [Sighs] You know, we're gonna need more staff. I put an ad in the newspaper for another bartender. I don't want you to have to cover every shift.

Noah: More staff? Wait, do you hear that?

Nick: What? What is it?

Noah: That's the sound of blatant optimism. Haven't heard that from you in a while.

Nick: Me? I've been all sunshine and bluebirds compared to you. So...we gonna talk about it or are you just gonna keep pretending to count bottles?

Noah: There's nothing to talk about.

Nick: Noah, what's going on?

Phyllis: Are you thinking of calling somebody for their birthday?

Avery: Uh, she's 63 today.

Phyllis: You gonna get her something? Are you? A card, balloons, her favorite caramels?

Avery: I sent her something. You know, uh, she'd probably like to hear from you. I have her number --

Phyllis: I don't think that's good for her health. She may have a heart attack.

Avery: Ah. So you're not gonna reach out because you're worried about her well-being.

Phyllis: She doesn't want to hear what I have to say.

Avery: You know, it's a phone call. She's our mother. It's her birthday.

Phyllis: Seriously? Lydia stopped being my mother when she took our father's side over mine.

Avery: I know what she did was wrong. You know, he was her husband.

Phyllis: [Scoffs] I'm her daughter. That doesn't matter, though.

Avery: Okay.

Phyllis: A mother is supposed to keep her daughter safe. That's what they're supposed to do. [Scoffs] Every mistake I've made is because of my family.

Avery: What do you mean, every mistake? Are you talking about getting the divorce papers today?

Phyllis: [Scoffs] Nick is divorcing me. Instead of learning from my parents, I turned out just like them, didn't I?

Kyle: [Sighs]

Jack: Wow. Maui did wonders. You look a lot more relaxed than the last time I saw you.

Kyle: Oh, really? I look more relaxed than the morning we shoved you in a car kicking and screaming and sent you to rehab?

Jack: Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

Kyle: Yes. My point is, I had a lot on my mind the last time you saw me. Dad, aren't you still supposed to be there?

Jack: I made a lot of progress. I'm still on medication for these withdrawal symptoms, but I am doing so well. So well that I thought I could come home and finish my therapy here.

Kyle: Dad, I don't --

Jack: With doctor's approval. And, perhaps more important, with Phyllis' approval. Besides, I had a few things to set right.

Kyle: Is that what all these boxes are about? The Newman courier just dropped them off. Are they yours?

Jack: I packed up my office. I left Billy and Adam in charge at Newman.

Kyle: You left Newman?

Jack: Yep. I'm going back to Jabot. And I would love for you to come with me, work at the company your grandfather started.

Kyle: Wait. That's a lot of changes all at once. Are you sure about this?

Jack: I'm positive.

Tucker: Hey, there.

Devon: Hi. Tucker, do you have second?

Tucker: Sure. Have a seat.

Devon: After we spoke last week, I went and got some advice from someone much wiser than me.

Tucker: Katherine the great? [Chuckles] What did she advise you to do?

Devon: She thinks I should give you one more chance. And if she thinks that you deserve that...

Tucker: Well, Katherine thinks you should give me another chance. That's good. Maybe that means she'll give me one herself. So, have you thought any more about that job I offered you?

Devon: Actually, I was very intrigued by it.

Tucker: Head of publicity for my record division.

Devon: Yeah. Now, if I were to take that job, you said I'd be able to work from here, right?

Tucker: Your staff would be in New York, and there would be some travel for music awards and concerts, whatever else comes up.

Devon: But my home base would be here in Genoa City?

Tucker: Well, mine is. Devon, you'd be perfect for this gig.

Devon: Now, why do you think that?

Tucker: I think that because you have the education and the experience. You've written and performed, yourself. You can relate to the artists and their reps. You'd be a great asset to the company. Now, when I, uh, talked to you about this before, you turned me down flat. So what's changed? Or is it just all the upheaval at Jabot?

Devon: That's -- that's nothing that I can't handle.

Tucker: Good. Well, you think about the job a little bit more, but don't take too much time.

Devon: What? Does the offer have an expiration date?

Tucker: No. But things change. I just don't want to see you miss out on an opportunity like this.

Devon: Okay, well, I'll definitely kick it around. Thank you.

Tucker: You're welcome. Devon...I meant what I said. I want to see you happy doing something you love. Taking the job at McCall -- it doesn't mean you'd be disloyal to Neil. I'm sure he would respect your choice.

Noah: I just feel so blind when it comes to women.

Nick: [Laughs] Gee, I wonder where you'd get that.

Noah: You know, I let Adriana walk all over me. Mom says that when you love somebody you want to see the best in them, that you tend to forget all the bad stuff they put you through.

Nick: That is often the case.

Noah: I'm trying to see Adriana for exactly who she is. I don't want to forget.

Nick: I thought you said you were done with her.

Noah: I'm trying. I want to move on. I...

Nick: But it's not easy.

Noah: You divorced Phyllis.

Nick: True. But a part of me will always love her. Just like a part of me will always love your mother. But the good thing is you understand that this girl is not right for you. So you can learn from your mistakes.

Noah: There's something that you don't know. In order to get out of this situation that Adriana's put me in, I need to make her think that I still care about her. I'm just worried that I'll get too close and fall for her again.

Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. How will faking things with Adriana get you out of a bad situation? Who told you this was a good idea?

Noah: Don't think it will work?

Nick: I think you're playing a dangerous game.

Noah: I don't have much of a choice.

Nick: Detective Chavez, this is Nick Newman. This is your last warning. Stay away from my son. You want to bring down Adriana, you do it without my kid.

Avery: Why do you say you're like our parents?

Phyllis: Well, you didn't believe me when I blew the whistle on Dad. Nobody did. I did the right thing, and no one believed me. So I had to leave. And then I just decided that the way you get what you want is to lie and cheat. I don't know how to be honest. I'm not good. I wasn't a good wife. I'm not a good mother. I wasn't a good sister to you.

Avery: Phyllis, that's not true.

Phyllis: That's not true? My daughter gravitates to you, not to me. I don't know how to make her feel safe.

Avery: You are a good mother, and Summer knows that. And you can be a good sister when you want to be.

Phyllis: I really tried to be okay with you and Nick together. I really tried. I really tried to be a good sister.

Avery: I know it was hard for you.

Phyllis: Yeah. It was hard for me... because I think you're trying to take over my life.

Avery: Okay, Phyllis, your marriage was over.

Phyllis: Was it over? It's not how I see it. I think you're deliberately trying to hurt me.

Avery: Oh, you can't honestly think that.

Phyllis: Yes, I do. I'm not gonna bite my tongue anymore with you, Avery. You know how I feel about you and Nick being together? I hate it.

Lily: Here is my feedback -- wow. [Laughs] This is great! I can't wait to see when it all comes together.

Tyler: Well, you're pretty "Wow" yourself, Lady.

Lily: Why? Because I love all of your ideas?

Tyler: No. Because you love your kids so much. A dedicated mother with a challenging career -- you know, that's quite an accomplishment. You definitely got my respect.

Lily: Thank you. I know how hard it is for a woman to have to choose between her marriage and her career. I'm just lucky that I have a husband who's so supportive, where I don't have to choose.

Tyler: Cane's a smart guy to keep you happy.

Lily: So, what was your childhood like? Did your mom work?

Tyler: [Chuckles] My mother had a full-time job just keeping me on the straight and narrow, so...

Lily: I heard that she passed away. I'm -- I'm really sorry.

Tyler: Yeah. Yeah, me, too.

Avery: I knew you weren't happy when I started with Nick. And I chose to ignore that because the marriage was over.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. 'Cause he walked out of my life right into yours, didn't he? You knew how much that hurt me. You knew.

Avery: I guess I didn't think about it...all the time. And I...chose to justify everything so that I could be with him.

Phyllis: You had to have known that every time I saw you together, it was like a knife in my heart. It killed me. It killed me that my husband moved on so quickly. You had to have known that.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: But I guess I deserved it, didn't I, Avery? Because I was with Ronan, so I deserved it.

Avery: I know you must hate me.

Phyllis: No. No way. I don't hate you. I've been through a lot with Jack. He's helped me. He appreciates the woman I am.

Avery: Phyllis, are you ever gonna forgive me?

Adam: We alone?

Jack: Kyle is upstairs. I ran into Congressman Wheeler. He wants to keep his daughter's death out of the press. I promised him I would stay quiet.

Adam: What about Michael? You confessed to a cover-up to the D.A.

Jack: I spoke to him, as well. Since Stephanie died of a self-administered drug overdose, Michael sees no reason to subject Wheeler's family to a trial. He's not going to pursue a case against me, which means no one will ever know that you moved the body.

Adam: Thank you, Jack.

Jack: We were there for each other. We protected each other. I won't forget that.

Adam: Well, I'd still watch your back if I were you. Congressman Wheeler may not want to seek revenge, but --

Jack: But Victor will. Knowing my part in this poor woman's death is gonna be my punishment, but since you and Billy are running things at Newman, if Victor comes after anybody, it's gonna be the two of you.

Adam: Well, he is welcome to try.

Jack: Sounds like you have a plan.

Adam: Well, for starters, I may have a way to block my father from any hostile-takeover attempt.

Jack: You could always surprise him, you know? Just hand him the company. You'd be Victor Newman's number-one son.

Adam: And then what? I'd become just like Nicholas or Victoria. Just another child in the shadow of the oh-so-great man.

Jack: No, that doesn't sound like your style, does it?

Adam: Sooner of later, he would find a reason to say that I disappointed him. The truth is Dad needs me to be the outcast son. And I need him to be the evil father.

Jack: So the two of you will do battle. Gonna make for some late nights. You sure your wife is gonna be up for that?

Adam: Chelsea and I are over. We're getting a divorce.

Jack: I'm sorry to hear that.

Adam: She wanted me to be someone that I couldn't be. So, all I have left is Newman.

Neil: Thanks for slipping away with me.

Leslie: Oh, well, I could tell you needed a break. So, what do you think about Jack coming back?

Neil: What do I think about Jack coming back, huh? Not much. You know, Cane and I, we have our issues, but we could have worked them out. Jack and I, on the other hand -- that's a different story.

Leslie: Are you gonna leave again?

Neil: I'm too young to retire, right? And it's not as if I have a brilliant hobby that I could turn into a career.

Leslie: You don't have hobbies.

Neil: Oh, maybe nothing exciting like mountain climbing or skydiving, but, you know, I do my thing.

Leslie: Really?

Neil: Yeah. I go to the gym. You know, I work out. I shoot hoops. My music -- I love my jazz -- post-war jazz. I read a book a week, mostly history.

Leslie: [Chuckles] Well, you know what? Congratulations. You have the same pastimes as my grandma.


Neil: I'm as exciting as grandma?

Leslie: Almost.

Neil: That's good to know. So, is grandma still with us?

Leslie: No. No, she's not.

Neil: Sorry. It seems as if you and Tyler are all alone. Do you have any family?

Leslie: Not really. A couple aunts here and there.

Neil: Yeah, I felt bad when I heard you mention your mom, because I didn't know. It made me wonder what she was like, you know, if she was responsible for making you the person that you are today -- successful, driven. If you ever want to talk about her --

Leslie: I don't. I don't like dwelling on the past, Neil. I live for today and tomorrow.

Neil: Mm-hmm. A woman of mystery.

Leslie: Hey, I think it keeps a relationship fresh.

Neil: Leslie, you don't have to keep your background a secret, because I already know the truth about you.

Noah: Hey, we got some play on that ad for the bartender while you were gone.

Nick: Good.

Noah: A couple of decent candidates.

Nick: Good. I need to hire someone this week.

Noah: All right, let me know if you need some help. Um...thank you for the advice before about Adriana.

Nick: All right. You gonna take it?

Noah: That is the plan.

Nick: Okay. Uh-oh. Bad workout?

Avery: Hi.

Nick: [Smooches]

Avery: I ran into Phyllis. We had a very long talk.

Nick: About?

Avery: You know, I knew how much she was hurting over losing you, and what did I do? Leap into a relationship with you.

Nick: Avery, you didn't leap into anything. You were very hesitant.

Avery: Okay, but was I being disingenuous? You know, I said that I wanted to take things slow, and, the truth is, I couldn't wait to get involved with you. And after talking with Phyllis, I...hate that I hurt her so much. And I really wish I hadn't done that.

Nick: Avery, are you... breaking up with me?

Tyler: There you are. I wanted to pitch another idea to you. I had this flash of this thing we used to do as kids in Milwaukee, and then, suddenly, I realized --

Lily: Wait, Milwaukee? I thought you said that you were from Detroit.

Tyler: Well, I am. Um...my -- my grandparents, they lived in Milwaukee, and I spent a lot of time there, so...

Cane: Hey. Uh, so, the kids are feeling okay.

Lily: Oh, good. Thank you for checking on them.

Cane: So, uh, how did things go with you guys?

Lily: Things went great. Right, Tyler?

Tyler: Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Leslie: What "Truth" do you think you know about me?

Neil: It's obvious. You...are...a...spy. The CIA is looking for new ways to turn lipstick into a weapon, and they planted you at Jabot.

Leslie: Oh, well. You got me.

Neil: I did, didn't I?

Leslie: My cover's blown.

Neil: It sure is.

Devon: Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt.

Neil: That's okay. Uh, is there a problem?

Devon: No. No, not exactly.

Neil: Well, what's going on?

Devon: Tucker offered me this incredible job at his music division.

Neil: Again?

Devon: And, you know, I would like to stay with you, but if Jack comes in and makes changes, how is -- how is that gonna, you know, affect our working together?

Neil: Seriously? Um, I have no clue. But why do I sense there's more to this?

Devon: What do you mean?

Neil: Well, clearly, you're not enthralled about the world of cosmetics, and that's fine, you know. But the question that you have to ask yourself, Son, is where do you want to go next? You know, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, then there's really no point in staying.

Devon: I hear you.

Neil: So, what are you gonna do?

Devon: I really don't know. What are you gonna do?

[Cell phone beeps]

Phyllis: "Come. Be with family."

[Cell phone rings]

Jack: Hey, there.

Phyllis: Hey. Um, you know, Nick is having his club re-opening. Uh, do you want to be my "Plus one?"

Jack: Consider it a date. Though, if you don't mind my asking --

Phyllis: You were right. Life is too short. You have to spend it with the people that make you happy.

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Given any more thought to my proposal?

Tucker: I'm out.

Adam: You sure?

Tucker: I'm not gonna help you get rid of Billy or block Victor from coming back. My family's too important to me.

Adam: Your loss.

Tucker: I don't think so.

Adam: We need to meet. Tomorrow.

Nick: This -- this is crazy. I don't want to break up with you. This is the last thing --

Avery: Okay, no, no, no, no. That's not what I mean. I don't -- I don't want to break up. Look, Phyllis wants you to be happy.

Nick: I am happy. I'm happy with you.

Avery: Good, because I'm happy with you, too. I have the most wonderful man in my life, and Phyllis and I are putting the past behind us. So, that means you and I can have a real relationship. I think the future is bright for all of us.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chloe: Conquer the next step in the break-up recovery process -- revenge sex.

Sharon: Victor is gonna come gunning for you.

Adam: Game on.

Victor: Jack Abbott stepped down. He's no longer running Newman Enterprises.

Nikki: What did you do?

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