Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/23/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/23/13


Episode # 10080 ~ Phyllis Is Threatened With Legal Action; Lauren & Michael Talk About Fen's Guilt

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Eden: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey.

Eden: Do you want me to warm that up for you, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Oh, no. It's fine. Thank you.

Eden: Okay.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Hey. I guess you heard the good news.

Avery: No. Tell me.

Phyllis: Nick is free. At least he will be when I sign the papers.

Nick: [Sighs]

Victor: I heard about the opening.

Nick: Well, you should have experienced the catastrophe firsthand.

Victor: I'm sorry. I was busy.

Nick: Why are you here -- to gloat?

Victor: Son, I don't gloat at my children's setbacks, okay?

Nick: Do you personally want to set back Adam when you see him sitting in the C.E.O. chair at Newman Enterprises, partnering with your least favorite son-in-law?

Victor: I assure you that Billy and Adam will not be around for long.

Nick: And their departure painful, I'm guessing.

Victor: You know, when I take over the reins again, I'd like nothing more than to have you at my side again.

Nick: Its still Jack's company, Dad, and he's gonna be back as soon as he's done recovering from his heart attack.

Victor: By the time I am through with Jack Abbott, he will wish that his heart attack was the worst of his problems, I assure you.

Jack: [Sighs] Marcus. Jack Abbott. Won't you join me?

Wheeler: Since I'm preparing to bury my daughter, who was found facedown in an alley after spending the night in your company, let's skip the pleasantries.

Paul: [Sighs]

Christine: Guess who.

Paul: Oh. [Chuckles] Give me a hint.

Christine: Uh, okay. A woman who quit her job in D.C...

Paul: Oh.

Christine: ...Who packed up her whole life and moved back to Genoa City and with whom now you are stuck.

Paul: Yes. It's on the tip of my tongue. Are there any more clues? [Laughs]

Christine: Crazy.

Paul: There you are.

Christine: Is it coming back to you now?

Paul: Yeah. I missed you like crazy.

Christine: I missed you, too. But I am going to try and track Michael down about coming back to work.

Paul: Oh. He's not in the office. I was with him and Lauren all night at the hospital.

Christine: Yeah. How's that boy that they were taking care of?

Paul: He's still unconscious. And, uh... to be quite honest, I'm worried. I'm worried about Jamie, and, um... I'm worried about what might happen to the Baldwins if that poor kid doesn't make it.

Lauren: Oh, sorry.

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: I didn't mean to startle you.

Michael: Oh. Ohh.

Lauren: Any change?

Michael: No. He didn't move. He didn't open his eyes. The doctors aren't sure when he will.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: Fenmore?

Lauren: Mm. When I got home last night, he had locked himself in his bedroom. Very hard to have a heart-to-heart through a shut door. But I do not believe that he had anything to do with Jamie's fall off the roof.

Michael: All right. Well...I'm gonna go home, take a shower, check in with the office.

Lauren: Okay.

Avery: I'm sorry to hear that.

Phyllis: [Laughs] You are so sorry, aren't you, Avery? You're so sorry that your boyfriend is officially available.

Eden: Avery, hey. Do you want me to bring your usual over so that you two can visit?

Phyllis: No, I'm not with her. Thanks.

Avery: Just bring mine to go. Thanks.

Eden: Okay. Sure.

Avery: I thought you wanted Nick to be happy.

Phyllis: I do want him to be happy. Just because we're divorcing... doesn't mean... I don't still love him. We have a child together.

Avery: Right, which does not explain this hostility.

Phyllis: Ohh. Well, I just want the best for Nick.

Avery: Meaning not me?

Phyllis: What do you think?

Avery: I think... [Sighs] Phyllis, I know what it's like to have a marriage fall apart and to feel completely responsible for everything --

Phyllis: Oh, my God. You are so patronizing.

Avery: I am not. I am not. Nick is trying to be civil with you. I don't know why you and I can't do that. But you keep living in the past.

Phyllis: I'm actually fine.

Avery: Okay, you know what? I can't. I can't. I can't do this today. I have a deposition. I cannot do this. I hope your day gets better.

Phyllis: Okay. I hope yours does, too.

Avery: Thank you. Thank you. Oh, here. Here. Keep the change.

Eden: Oh, sure.

Avery: Thanks.

Phyllis: [Sighs] [Clears throat]

Nick: So, what kind of leverage do you have on Jack? Actually, you know what? I don't want to know.

Victor: Too bad this club idea didn't work out, but, you know, these things happen.

Nick: You think I'm gonna quit 'cause of one bad night?

Victor: Well, Son, you said the opening was a catastrophe, so why throw good money after bad?

Nick: You think I'm trying to prove something to you?

Victor: Well, what is this all about?

Nick: I don't need to justify my decision to open this place to anyone.

Victor: Yeah, but I'm interested in your motivation. I mean, you were a formidable businessman, you know. You were in charge of projects that involved billions of dollars.

Nick: And now I've sunk to this?

Victor: A dive with electrical problems -- yeah.

Nick: A dive? Wow.

Victor: Son, you're trying to attract clientele that can't pay their rent. Now you're extracting their last dime out of their pockets to pay for drinks?

Nick: It's a nice place -- good atmosphere.

Victor: I think your time would be better spent in your family's business.

Nick: I can't keep chasing your dreams. I got to start chasing some of my own.

Victor: And this is one of your dreams?

Nick: Look, I didn't open this place to make money or to prove something to anyone. I just wanted to start something from scratch. This place is cool. People can come here and, frankly, get away from bosses like you and Jack. I got a lot to do before I reopen the club.

Victor: Billy boy, you better get back to me with an answer promptly, all right? Is Jack Abbott stepping down from Newman Enterprises, or do I make his problems public?

Jack: Congressman, I am so sorry for your loss. Stephanie was --

Wheeler: My daughter was a prostitute.

Jack: Well, I-I want you to know that I am turning myself in.

Wheeler: To ease your conscience?

Jack: I, too, am a father, and I know no amount of punishment is going to make your pain go away for the loss of your daughter, but I thought perhaps my taking some responsibility would give your family some closure.

Wheeler: You think coming forward and getting a slap on the wrist will make this easier for my family?

Jack: What can I do?

Wheeler: Your self-serving stab at repentance will only create a media spectacle. You think that's what I want?

Jack: Well, you're saying your daughter's death or the way she lived her life will somehow tarnish your image?

Wheeler: You've got a lot of gall, passing judgment.

Jack: No, I didn't mean --

Wheeler: She died weeks ago, but I've been missing her for years.

Jack: Okay. I understand.

Wheeler: I'm glad, Jack. What I don't understand is how you tossed her body out like she didn't belong to someone, wasn't loved by anyone.

Jack: It was a terrible mistake, one for which I may never forgive myself, one which I'm trying to rectify.

Wheeler: You can't fix this. But you can help.

Jack: Tell me how.

Wheeler: I'm trying to keep the press from making the connection between Stephanie Gayle, the prostitute, and Stephanie, my daughter.

Jack: I see.

Wheeler: This is for my family. I don't want them going through weeks of press and photographers and questions and trials. They're suffering enough. Do this much for me and my family.

Paul: And it brought out a real mean streak in Fen -- so much so, he's unrecognizable to his own father.

Christine: Like with you and Ricky.

Paul: Yeah. You know... it was all I could do to hold it together for Lauren and Michael. I couldn't help but think about Ricky when I -- when I saw poor little Jamie on the rooftop. You know, my son had his own demons. They were internal. But Jamie's demons are flesh and blood. He was bullied by his own father at home and by kids at school.

Christine: So, do you think Fen was involved with the bullying?

Paul: From everything I've seen and heard, I think that's a real possibility, and it just might have led to what happened on the roof.

Michael: Jack, I am so sorry to hold you up. I had to do a little research.

Jack: No, that's okay. Um, tell me, do I have to get my things in order? Do I have to prepare for a trial?

Michael: Well, you did, in fact, attempt to cover up that poor young woman's death.

Jack: Yes.

Michael: But you clearly had nothing to do with the cause of that death.

Jack: Meaning the overdose?

Michael: Yeah. According to the coroner's report, Stephanie Gayle ingested those drugs hours before she met you. Whether or not she came home with you, she would have most likely still have died that night. You are not responsible for her death.

Jack: [Breathes deeply] And the cover-up?

Michael: I do not believe justice would be served by putting you on trial.

Jack: So, that's it? I...just walk away?

Lauren: I'm sorry you felt so alone. I thought by bringing you into our house, we could help give you a fresh start. I... I never thought that... [Sighs] Look, I d-- [Sighs] I don't know what happened. I don't know whether you stole from us or not. It doesn't matter. I just... I just want you to wake up and be okay. Please be okay.

Lauren: Jamie. Can you hear me? Okay. I'm gonna go get the doctor. You keep those eyes open. It's okay. You don't have to be scared. You're in the hospital, and you fell. Do you remember what happened?

Jamie: F-Fen.

Fen: Whoa. That's my phone.

Michael: Summer can wait. We need to talk about Jamie.

Fen: Is he okay?

Michael: He still hasn't woken up.

Fen: [Sighs]

Lauren: Jamie, why did you say Fen's name? What about Fen? Jamie. He -- he woke up for a second.

Paul: I know. I heard. Look, if Fen had anything to do with the fall --

Lauren: He didn't. I know my son, Paul, and he wouldn't hurt anybody.

Michael: I really understand how difficult this has been having a stranger living with us.

Fen: Dad was okay with it.

Michael: Were you? Were you okay with it -- with the time and attention we'd been giving Jamie?

Fen: Sure.

Michael: Listen... we were just trying to keep Jamie from being hurt again. His home situation -- it's brutal.

Fen: Oh, God, Dad. I've heard this story 5 million ti-- I know. I know. I know what you were trying to do.

Michael: Okay. Then...maybe we weren't sensitive enough to how having Jamie here affected you.

Fen: I'm cool.

Michael: Well, yeah. Well, see, that is the problem. You always are.

Fen: [Chuckles]

Michael: Look, you make friends so easily. You deal with change so well -- like the time we had to switch schools, you know? Your mom and I just assumed that this would be easy for you, too. Just tell me. Were we wrong?

Paul: It could have been an accident, but we can't ignore that Fen didn't want this kid around from day one.

Lauren: No. We talked to him. He was absolutely fine with Jamie moving in.

Paul: Lauren, he never hid the fact that he didn't like you or Michael taking an interest in him or that Summer did, too.

Lauren: All right, Paul. Jealousy's completely normal at this age, and you know it.

Paul: It is, and I don't want to assume the worst.

Lauren: Well, then, stop talking like you are. Stop talking like I don't know my son the way you didn't know yours.

Paul: I'm not comparing Fen to Ricky.

Lauren: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know that. But there is nothing -- there is no sign -- to indicate that Fen had anything to do with what happened to Jamie or that he was even on the roof.

Michael: There is nothing... not a thing... that you could do that would ever make your mom and me stop loving you. Do you know that? We all make mistakes. You can tell me anything.

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: [Sighs] It might be your mom. Hi, Honey. I'm just --

Lauren: Michael, Jamie woke up.

Mason: Mr. Newman to see you, Sir.

Victor: Thank you, Mason.

Mason: Can I get you anything?

Jack: We're fine. Thank you.

Victor: Talk to your brother Billy lately? He seems to be avoiding my calls.

Jack: Billy passed your threat along to me, yes.

Victor: Mm. It's not a threat, Jack, my boy. I will tell the press what I know about your night with Stephanie Gayle, or should I say Stephanie Gayle Wheeler, Congressman Wheeler’s daughter, unless you walk away from here.

Jack: I already am.

Victor: Really?

Jack: Yes, walking away. I'm leaving Newman in the capable hands of Adam and Billy. I'm just here to collect my personal effects.

Victor: Well, that's a good start. Then let me say this. Unless you want the press to know about the fact that a hooker died at your house, you'll also convince Adam to walk away.

Jack: With you? What are you doing?

Victor: I'm giving you a fair warning, Jack.

Jack: This hooker, as you call her, is a person with a family. She's someone's daughter.

Victor: Are you lecturing me?

Jack: What if this was Victoria or Abby and someone stooped to exploit her death for his own gain?

Victor: This is so rich coming from a man who just tossed the dead body of a prostitute into an alley like a piece of garbage. If you ever wonder to what lengths I will go to get this company back, now you have your answer.

Jack: Well, fortunately for the rest of us in the real world, there's only so much you can do. I met with Michael Baldwin.

Victor: Really? So, how soon will you be behind bars?

Jack: The district attorney will not be pursuing a criminal case against me.

Victor: After what you have done?

Jack: Congressman Wheeler does not want his family dragged through that. Since Stephanie died of a self-inflicted drug overdose, the district attorney officially sees no reason to drag the wheeler family through any more anguish.

Victor: We will see about that, Jack.

Jack: You fight this, your good friend Congressman Wheeler will not be happy.

Victor: Congressman Wheeler's a politician. And as a politician, he is dispensable. I'll have my company back.

Jack: How the hell did we get here? So, you and I are gonna just continue to hate each other so much, neither one of us can think straight? When is this gonna end?

Victor: You give me back what's mine... and you take back what's yours.

Jack: Well, the latter, I am in the process of doing. The former? You want your company back, talk to your son.

Nick: Well, the lights are on now, but if I turn on a blender, then, you know, everything goes dark. How can we fix it? No, I'm opening before then, so work with me here. [Sighs heavily] Okay. We'll talk then.

Avery: Huh. Sounds like somebody's not closing up shop after all.

Nick: Well, how could I do that to you? I mean, where else are you gonna shake that groove thing?

Avery: I don't know. What happened? What changed your mind? You were ready to cut your losses.

Nick: My dad showed up.

Avery: Here?

Nick: Yes. He strongly suggested I close this place down and rejoin the fight for Newman Enterprises.

Avery: Ooh. Well, who could turn down an offer like that?

Nick: Well, it sounded pretty good until he called this place a glorified dive.

Avery: Ouch.

Nick: Yeah.

Avery: What did you tell him?

Nick: I told him it's mine. Then I reminded myself that when I opened Restless Style and Crimson Lights, there were some bumps in the road. I mean, who launches a business where everything goes perfectly?

Avery: Mm-hmm. So, you're gonna stick with it, get it right?

Nick: I'm not the kind of guy who quits at the first sign of trouble.

Avery: Good. I saw my sister. She got her divorce papers today.

Nick: Yeah. I got 'em, too. Well, that's another reason why I don't want to shut this place down. This is a part of the next chapter of my life -- one I'm really looking forward to.

Eden: Hey! Christine! It's been a while! Can I get you something to go?

Christine: [Sighs] No, thanks. [Chuckles] [Sighs] It is a crime.

Phyllis: Your hair? That lipstick? I agree.

Christine: That you're sitting here, drinking coffee, when you should be rotting in a jail cell.

Phyllis: Oh, Christine, why do you hold on to the so-called need for justice?

Christine: Well, because you ran Paul and me down with a car.

Phyllis: And yet you still live to plague me.

Christine: And you find it funny?

Phyllis: I do. The judge dropped the case. Move on.

Christine: What's that supposed to mean?

Phyllis: Well, you dumped Danny like a hot rock.

Christine: Okay, you know what? What does that have to do with anything? [Laughing] Ohh. Oh, okay. Now I get it. You're being dumped by Nick.

Phyllis: You should stop now.

Fen: Is he all right? What did the doctor say?

Lauren: Jamie's stable, and there's every hope that he's gonna recover and be just fine.

Fen: Is he in...a coma?

Lauren: No. No. In fact, he should be waking up soon, and then he can tell us exactly what happened.

Christine: Your need to destroy a good thing is pathological. Nick was a great husband, a wonderful father.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, we couldn't make our marriage work. Lots of people can't.

Christine: Hmm. You can't. You had a good-looking, hardworking guy, and you hop in the sack with Nina's son? It's disgusting. [Chuckles] Phyllis --

Phyllis: I'm honest about who I am and what I do.

Christine: Oh, and I'm not, right?

Phyllis: No, you are not. You are not. You hide behind this sweet, saccharine attorney facade, and it's not who you really are. You're playing Danny and Paul at the same time.

Christine: I have been nothing but honest.

Phyllis: You know, Paul's gonna see through your act real soon, and you're gonna end up with nothing.

Christine: Like you. Or do you have another guy on the back burner, like Jack?

Phyllis: Jack is my friend.

Christine: Oh. Well, you never could be without a man, and as soon as you get them, you screw them over. So, it seems to me you're getting exactly what you deserve.

Avery: Phyllis seemed pretty shaken up by the final divorce papers.

Nick: You can just ask me.

Avery: Okay. Are you sad? Are you sorry?

Nick: Both.

Avery: Mm.

Nick: I'm sad that my marriage ended the way it did. I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused my daughter. But this paperwork just confirms what's already happened. It's over.

Avery: I wouldn't have wished this on either of you.

Nick: I know, even if Phyllis doesn't. And I'm tired of looking back. I'm excited about what my future holds, and this club's a big part of that. And you are, too. At least I hope you will be.

Avery: Yes. Oh. Well, I'm glad to hear you say that, because I have a big surprise for you.

Nick: Oh, yeah! I'm so into your surprises lately. What's on tap today?

Tyler: That would be me. I'm here to help you put this place on the map.

Avery: At my request.

Nick: Tyler, right? What is it you do again?

Avery: Tyler is on the cutting edge of youth marketing.

Tyler: And I've been working on some ideas that's gonna guarantee your next opening total success.

Nick: Hmm. What do you got?

Tyler: Well, I could sum it up in two words -- "Underground...deejay."

Nick: I don't get it.

Tyler: It's a huge thing at Raves. There's a whole subculture of underground mix tapes.

Nick: Mix tapes? That's your big idea?

Fen: Um, can I have some money?

Michael: For?

Fen: Food. I'm kind of hungry.

Lauren: Sure, Baby. I got it.

Fen: Thanks.

Lauren: So, uh, Jamie briefly regained consciousness.

Michael: He say anything?

Lauren: [Sighs] "Fen" -- just his name. And Paul was here and heard it and, of course, thinks that the reason he said it is that Fen had something to do with his fall, which I-I don't believe, Michael.

Michael: I saw Fenmore's look when he first saw Jamie. It was dread and guilt.

Paul: Hey. Um...I went back to the roof where Jamie fell, and I found something. Could I talk with you a moment, Michael?

Lauren: No. You have something to say, you say it to both of us.

Paul: I found this camera on the roof.

Michael: It's Fen's.

Lauren: We gave it to him for Christmas.

Paul: That places Fen on the roof right before Jamie fell.

Lauren: I know my son. He didn't do this.

Paul: Lauren, the picture.

Lauren: Yeah, the picture proves that Jamie was a thief. That's why he took the picture. He had nothing to do with Jamie's fall.

Tyler: I'm not talking about the kind of mix tapes that dudes were making back in the '80s for girls they were crushing on.

Avery: Yeah. This is how Nicki Minaj got her start.

Tyler: Now, you obviously got your finger on the pulse of cool. This year, what it does -- it's interactive. It takes the club experience to a whole new level. People go crazy for it. The entire place blows up with energy.

Avery: It would put you on the map, Nick.

Tyler: Yeah. Forget Chicago. They'll be trekking up here to be part of the underground scene.

Avery: Well, how does it start?

Tyler: I lined up a deejay -- underground deejay -- one of the best. And...I designed these flyers.

Nick: Hmm. Wow.

Tyler: Thanks.

Nick: I like it.

Tyler: That's what I do. Tell you what -- we'll get rid of those postcards there. Put these right here everywhere. Print 'em up real world, got 'em all over the cyber world -- we'll create a real buzz.

Avery: Nick, if you saw this online, you'd want to check it out, right? So, what do you say? You want to give Tyler a chance?

Jack: I ran into Congressman Wheeler at the club.

Phyllis: Oh, no.

Jack: Yeah. Devastating. Gut-wrenching. And then, of course, I got a visit from Victor.

Phyllis: To say what?

Jack: Surrender Newman or he will exploit Stephanie's death.

Phyllis: So, what are you gonna do?

Jack: Well, Michael's not going to pursue my case, and I refuse to hurt the Wheeler family any more by taking this public.

Phyllis: You know that Victor will blow this wide open if you don't give him Newman back.

Jack: Newman's not mine to give him. I may not be going to prison, but I haven't changed my plans.

Phyllis: So, you're still going to step down?

Jack: Victor and Adam can fight to the death over Newman. Talking to Congressman Wheeler and seeing what he'd lost, I -- I want my life to have meaning. I want my life to have purpose.

Christine: Hi. Paul's been telling me what's been going on. I'm so sorry.

Lauren: Thank you, Christine.

Christine: If there's anything I can do...

Paul: Look, why don't we give Lauren and Michael a chance to talk things over?

Christine: [Sighs heavily]

Paul: You're upset.

Christine: I'm fine.

Paul: What happened?

Christine: I hate that Phyllis didn't pay for what she did.

Paul: Chris, I thought you let that go.

Christine: I've tried, but after seeing her today, it brought up all the anger fueled by the sight of those final divorce papers.

Paul: Why would that have anything --?

Christine: Look, she's divorcing Nick, which means she is going to get a Newman-size settlement. I can't stand that. She is being rewarded for her behavior? I wish you'd never talked me out of moving forward with that civil suit.

Paul: Really, Chris?

Christine: Paul, I cannot let her get away with trying to murder us. I'm sorry. I am going to sue her. Phyllis doesn't deserve to have anything.

Nick: All right. Let's try this.

Tyler: All right. Let's rock 'n' roll. Now, there's a lot of work to be done, so I got to go ahead and get to it. We'll cover all the particulars later.

Nick: Cool. What do you need from me?

Tyler: I need you to sex this place up a bit. Get rid of the bow ties off the bartenders. It's not an ice cream parlor. But basically just be ready for all the people that are gonna pour in here. This place is gonna blow up, I'm telling you. All right. See you guys later.

Avery: Tyler, thanks for coming.

Tyler: No problem.

Nick: Thanks for that.

Avery: You're welcome.

Nick: How'd you know I was gonna change my mind?

Avery: Because, like you said, you're no quitter. And...I've never seen you as excited as I did when you were making plans for this place. Yeah. I've gotten used to that smile, and I would do anything to keep it on your face.

Nick: You don't have to do much. Just be you.

Victor: By the way, Mason... you were very smart to hedge your bets and approach me about your future.

Mason: You're making your move?

Victor: Jack is out, and Adam and Billy will be soon, okay?

Mason: When's this all going down?

Victor: Just wait and see. But keep your eyes and ears open, all right?

Michael: I can't wait to ask Fenmore about this.

Lauren: But if we push him, we might undo all the progress that we've made and make things worse.

Michael: I tried to make it easy on him. I tried to get him to open up. I told him that we love him no matter what.

Lauren: He knows that.

Michael: I think he was on the verge of confessing. And now that we've established that he was on the roof --

Lauren: It does not prove that he had anything to do with Jamie's fall.

Jack: I need to focus on my family legacy -- Jabot.

Phyllis: Right. Um, first, you need to finish your treatment program. You know that. Maybe we should go to the cabin.

Jack: No, that won't be necessary.

Phyllis: Every step is important.

Jack: I know that. But I have a regimen now. I'm on it. And I can do it from home, and when I feel better, when I feel I can... I'll go back to work.

Phyllis: What if you're not ready?

Jack: I'm in control now. I can say that honestly for perhaps the first time in a long time. Because of you. Because you were there for me. 'Cause you took care of me. 'Cause you trusted me. 'Cause you believed in me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Devon: Jack is stepping down and coming back here.

Neil: What?

Noah: In order to get out of the situation that Adriana put me in, I need to make her think that I still care about her.

Phyllis: Instead of learning from my parents, I turned out just like them.

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