Y&R Transcript Friday 1/18/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 1/18/13


Episode # 10078 ~ Jack Confesses to Michael; Tucker Tries to Rebuild His Relationship With Katherine

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victor: Well, Billy boy, your brother has gotten himself into a difficult situation. This is a chance to mitigate it, you know?

Billy: By convincing him to leave Newman and installing you as C.E.O.?

Victor: Don't you think that's preferable to spreading all of his dirty laundry all over the media?

Billy: You know, I might be a little weird this way, and you might not remember, but I am not too crazy about being blackmailed.

Victor: Well, just think of it as skipping a few steps in your plan to return my company to me. That is what you promised Victoria, isn't it?

Billy: That is what I promised her, as long as Jack holds on to Jabot.

Victor: Well, all the more reason to ensure my silence, isn't it? Because if the nasty business that your brother was involved with becomes public, there's very little that he has left.

Billy: Even if I can persuade him to hand over Newman to you, what's gonna stop you from going to the press anyway? I've never been able to trust you. Why should I trust you now?

Michael: You're responsible for a prostitute's death.

Jack: Yes.

Phyllis: No. No.

Adam: He didn't kill her.

Jack: I might as well have.

Phyllis: Michael, don't listen to him.

Jack: That's where it happened.

Phyllis: He doesn't know what he's saying!

Jack: Right there. That's where Stephanie overdosed, and I did absolutely nothing to help her. If that doesn't make me guilty, I don't know what does.

Kay: Oh, come on. Please. Now, this is entirely unnecessary. All I did was drop my keys.

Tucker: Your hands were shaky. Don't you try to blame it on the cold weather. I know you're still upset about Murphy. Unless you want me to drive you home, you're gonna sit right here until you calm down. Come on. There.

Kay: Five minutes. Just five minutes. That's all.

Tucker: [Sighs] You don't have to put on a front with me, you know. I wouldn't think any less of you because you were scared.

Kay: Seeing him choke on a piece of food? That's nothing to him! My God, there's heart attacks, strokes. Sitting by his bedside day after day, hoping he would wake up. Looking down at that mug of his and thinking of all the things that we'd shared. Did you know we used to live in a trailer?

Tucker: No!

Kay: Yeah. Uh-huh.

Tucker: The Duchess, roughing it in a trailer?

Kay: [Chuckles] Yeah, loved every minute of it, too. [Both chuckle] I did. He saved my life, literally and in a lot of other ways. And, uh... and when it came time for me to save his life...it was just a terrible decision -- defying his wishes and leaving him on a ventilator or to let him go.

Tucker: Can't imagine how hard that must have been.

Kay: After all that, I mean, to choke on a damn piece of meat going down the wrong pipe? Yes, damn it! I-I-I was scared! I was scared.

Lauren: Paul.

Paul: Oh, hi.

Lauren: I came as quickly as I could. [Both sigh] How's Jamie?

Paul: Oh. Uh, he's still unconscious. He's been that way since I found him.

Lauren: And what are the doctors saying? I mean, why hasn't he woken up?

Paul: Well, he's getting a C.A.T. scan right now. So, hopefully, we will know something soon.

Lauren: I-I thought you called Michael. Where is he?

Jack: I'm ready to answer any questions you have.

Adam: At least get a lawyer first, Jack.

Jack: I didn't come all this way to exercise my right to remain silent.

Phyllis: It's there to protect you, Jack.

Jack: What do you need to know, Michael?

Michael: If this woman died in the house, why was her body found in the alley?

Kay: Well... [Clears throat]  Enough of that.

Tucker: I'm not the only one who's got your number, you know. The whole town knows what a softy you are when it comes to Murphy.

Kay: I've never made it a secret about what family means to me.

Tucker: Which is why I'm so grateful to have another chance with you.

Kay: You know, grudges never did me a lick of good.

Tucker: Would you mind telling that to Devon?

Kay: Really? Well, I'm hoping he will follow my example. Do you realize if I had shut you out completely, tonight you wouldn't have been there to give Murphy that, um...?

Tucker: Heimlich?

Kay: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Heimlich.

Tucker: Yeah, well, apparently just the sight of me sets him off. He probably wouldn't have choked if I hadn't been here.

Kay: Yeah, but, Tucker, he has every reason to be angry with you. You only came back to Genoa City to punish me for giving you up as a baby. And you -- you still haven't stopped.

Tucker: I've stopped now. I really do want to make this work between us.

Kay: I have to warn you -- I'm open to it, but... you know, it may take some time convincing me that you, of all people, are sincere.

Tucker: It just so happens I have something in the pipeline that might convince you.

Victor: Use your head, Billy boy. What purpose would it serve to renege on our agreement?

Billy: Oh, I don't know. You mean besides just sticking it to me and Jack because you like to?

Victor: That would only alienate Victoria, not to mention her mother. I don't want to do that. I spent a lot of time mending my relationships with them.

Billy: You would risk every relationship you ever had to get Newman back. But I'm telling you this -- I am not gonna sacrifice my brother so you can do it.

Victor: You're not very sharp, Billy, are you?

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victor: This is a chance for your brother to save himself. It's giving him an opportunity he doesn't deserve. He can save face. Because if it becomes public knowledge what he was involved with --

Billy: What are you even talking about? What the hell does that even mean?

Victor: You ask your brother. And tell him this offer will not be on the table much longer.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Michael: Who moved the body, Jack?

Jack: I did. I carried her to the car, found an out-of-the-way place, and left her.

Michael: Well, I agree with Adam. You should hire an attorney.

Jack: It's not gonna change my story. I met Stephanie New Year’s Eve. I brought her home, and when I woke up the next morning...

Michael: You were aware she had a drug problem?

Jack: I didn't even know she was a professional. She was an attractive woman who paid attention to a lonely guy.

Michael: Did you see her take anything that night -- powders, pills?

Jack: No.

Michael: Any sign of distress whatsoever?

Jack: Not that I remember.

Phyllis: Well, maybe that's the thing. Maybe you just don't remember anything. Maybe you fought like hell to keep that woman alive.

Jack: I didn't do what anyone in their right mind would have done. I didn't call 911.

Michael: What do you mean by "Right mind"? Did you have one too many glasses of champagne that night? Is that why you have no memory of what happened?

Jack: I wasn't drunk. I was drinking. I was also taking drugs of my own. I'm an addict, Michael. And I'm finally ready to take responsibility for what I failed to do for Stephanie...even if that means going to prison.

Phyllis: This is crazy. Not another word. Please? He's irrational. No sane person asks to go to prison.

Jack: That's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to own up to what I did.

Adam: You can't consider this a formal statement, Michael. Whatever he says, it's off the record.

Michael: When you realized what was going on, why didn't you call the police?

Jack: I panicked. I didn't want this news to go public. I I was worried it would... I might lose my position at Newman. God, how did I ever get here? I put ambition first. What a mess.

Michael: Well, at least you recognize it.

Phyllis: Listen. He does recognize it. He does. When I was helping him get off the pills, all he was talking about was how guilty he felt. He still feels guilty. I mean, look at him.

Michael: Wait. Wait a minute. You knew about this, and you helped cover it up? When are you going to learn? Both of you! Both of you are accessories after the fact.

Jack: No -- neither of them knew the first thing about Stephanie until today. The only thing they're guilty of is protecting me, covering my drug problem. That's it. They're also the people that convinced me to get help. And Phyllis bore the brunt of the whole thing. Boy, it wasn't pretty. Without her, I wouldn't be --

Phyllis: Without me, you wouldn't be sitting here trying to confess to a death you didn't cause. What an idiot I am. I should've never helped you detox.

Jack: What do I do, Michael? That's why I came to you first.

Michael: Listen, Ja--

[Cell phone buzzing]

Michael: Excuse me. I'm sorry. Hold on a moment. I-I have to answer this. Hello?

Lauren: Finally. Thank God.

Michael: What's going on?

Lauren: It's Jamie. He's had a bad fall. Michael, he's unconscious.

Michael: You at Memorial?

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: All right. I'm on my way. Um, I am so sorry, Jack. Uh, a kid I've been taking care of, he's -- he's gotten hurt, and I have to go.

Jack: Of course.

Michael: Don't talk to the police just now. Give me some time to figure this out.

[Door closes]

Phyllis: You'd better listen to him. You'd better listen to him, and don't do otherwise. I swear to you, if you do, I will hog-tie and gag you.

Adam: It's true. You know she'll do it.

Jack: I have no doubt.

Phyllis: Yeah, someone's got to fight for you if you won't fight for yourself. You're not going to prison.

Jack: Listen, I appreciate your help, both of you. But now I'm in this on my own. There's no reason any more lives have to be ruined.

Phyllis: Jack, your life doesn't have to be ruined either.

Billy: Yeah? Well, it will be if Victor has anything to say about it.

Victor: [Speaking indistinctly]

Tucker: Well, what do you know? My way of proving I want to make amends just walked through the door. Victor!

Kay: What has Victor got to do with this?

Victor: Hello, Tucker.

Tucker: Hello.

Victor: Katherine.

Kay: Victor.

Victor: How are you?

Kay: Well.

Tucker: Come on and join us.

Victor: I don't want to intrude.

Kay: [Clears throat]

Tucker: There's always room for one more.

Victor: Even me?

Tucker: Especially you.

Victor: Well, in that case, Tucker, I shall sit down.

Lauren: I'm so glad you're here.

Paul: [Sighs]

Michael: Anything new?

Paul: No. Sorry.

Michael: How did this happen?

Paul: I don't know. Jamie had already fallen off the ledge when I got there.

Michael: How did you track Jamie down in the first place?

Paul: Oh. Well, uh, that was off a hunch -- something Fen said... that Jamie was freezing on a rooftop downtown.

Michael: Where is Fenmore?

Lauren: I don't know. He's not answering his phone.

Fen: [Exhales sharply] [Breathing heavily]

Michael: Paul, this hunch of yours -- do you think Fenmore knew Jamie was headed back to this rooftop? Was Fenmore there?

Lauren: No, he was not. What are you doing, Michael?

Michael: I'm just trying to understand what went on.

Lauren: And what's to understand? Jamie had a terrible fall, and our son had nothing to do with it.

Michael: All right. Listen to me. I am not accusing Fenmore of anything. I am merely theorizing that if Fenmore knew that Jamie were headed to this rooftop, if he were with Jamie, then he would've seen what happened. And the mere fact that Fenmore is not answering his cell phone indicates to me that he... he may very well be upset about something.

Lauren: God, you're right. I didn't even -- I didn't think about that. I'm -- I'm sorry.

Michael: T-this thing has us all upset.

Paul: Yeah. I mean, I promised Ronan that I'd keep an eye on the kid.

Michael: Paul, we both promised Ronan.

Lauren: [Sighs] And this whole thing wouldn't have happened if we hadn't accused him of stealing. I mean, everything was replaceable, you know -- the money, the stupid trinket box. I-I don't know why I made such a big deal.

Michael: It was a big deal, and we had to ask Jamie.

Lauren: Yeah, and now Jamie is in the hospital, and our son is God knows where. I need to fix this, Michael. We need to find our son. We need to make sure that Fen is okay.

[Fen remembering]

Jamie: You set me up.

Tucker: I had no idea you were an aficionado of French cathedrals, too, Victor. I have to tell you -- my absolute favorite is Strasbourg.

Victor: Mm.

Tucker: Yeah. Beautiful. What -- what was it, uh, Goethe said about it? Um..."A thousand harmonizing details." That man really knew what he was talking about.

Victor: Your cultural sophistication impresses me.

Tucker: [Chuckles]

Victor: Goethe. Next will be Schiller. Then maybe Shakespeare. Molire. Who the hell knows? So, what is all this about -- you inviting me to the table? You -- are you trying to ingratiate yourself to your mother or what?

Tucker: How am I doing?

Kay: You still have a ways to go.

Victor: [Chuckles] Katherine is no pushover, you know.

Tucker: Oh, I know that. Which is why I took our last conversation to heart, about how I could demonstrate my goodwill. I'm ready to make it happen. You draw up the papers, and a sizable portion of my Newman stock is yours.

Victor: I'll be damned.

Billy: I don't think Victor's bluffing. He was about this close to outing your addiction already. What? What's going on?

Jack: Well, Victor can out me for a lot more than that. He knows I'm tied to the death of a female escort. Some big brother you have, huh? Brought a hooker home, and she didn't make it out of here alive.

Phyllis: Oh, for God's sake, Jack, please. She was a junkie. She had her own supply. She O.D.'d while your brother was asleep.

Billy: All right. Um... [Clears throat, chuckles] There are so many questions. But, uh, primarily, how did Victor get onto this?

Adam: How do you think?

Billy: That son of a... he hired her.

Jack: According to an inside source that I paid, Victor never intended for me to face anything but solicitation charges.

Billy: Are you kidding me? A dead hooker is like a cherry on top of a sundae.

Jack: I gave him leverage when I took the first pill. If my judgment hadn't been impaired --

Billy: You don't need to explain yourself to me.

Jack: Thank you, Billy. Thank you, all of you. You've been there for me, and I am very grateful. But now I have to handle this on my own.

Adam: Turning yourself in isn't the solution, Jack.

Billy: Uh, I'm sorry. What is he talking about?

Phyllis: Your brother is determined to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Lauren: No answer from Summer, either.

Michael: Wyatt hasn't spoken to Fenmore since yesterday.

Paul: I just talked to the nurse. Jamie's still in radiology.

Michael: Paul, I've been mulling over what Fenmore said to you this afternoon. Did he just think that Jamie wouldn't be with us for long, or did he seem certain about it?

Lauren: Michael. Why are you starting this again?

Paul: He seemed certain to me.

Michael: That's why I'm starting this again. If Fenmore were certain Jamie was leaving, then maybe he planted those items in his backpack to get --

Lauren: Fen did not put that stuff in his backpack to make it look like he was stealing.

Michael: You know he resented Jamie.

Lauren: Yes, but not enough to set him up and send him back to that group home. [Scoffs]

Paul: Well, you know, Fen did say he found a way to handle the situation.

Lauren: And that could mean a lot of things. Last would be framing a troubled child for a crime he didn't commit.

Michael: Either way, we need answers.

[Cell phone ringing]

Billy: There's no way I'm letting you go down for this, Jack.

Jack: It's too late. I already confessed to Michael.

Billy: You did what?

Adam: It wasn't official. It won't stand up in court.

Phyllis: Yeah, you know what? I can actually talk to Michael, and I can convince him that prosecuting Jack is in no one's best interests.

Billy: Fine. You do that. I'll handle Victor. I'll make sure he keeps his mouth shut.

Jack: I don't care if Victor talks.

Billy: What do you care about, Jack?

Jack: I care that justice is served.

Billy: You want justice? Fine. Go down to the red light district. Give them all jobs. Donate money to the painted ladies fund.

Jack: This isn't a joke, Billy.

Billy: I'm not laughing. I'm just trying to keep you from throwing your life away.

Jack: And what about Stephanie's life? Who pays the price for her losing her life?

Billy: The guy who sold her the dope, that's who.

Adam: You want justice for Stephanie, Jack? Stay clean. Do something beneficial with your life. Keep my father out of Newman. But you can't do any of those things if you're in prison.

Phyllis: What about Kyle? The one thing that scares him to death is losing another parent.

Billy: Yeah. Traci, Ashley, me -- we all lose our brother.

Jack: I'll still be there for you.

Billy: Behind a fiberglass partition... [Chuckles] ...With a guard listening to every word we say. That ought to be fun. And what about that pickup game we were supposed to play when your back feels better? Are we gonna do that when you're paroled at 80?

Phyllis: You know, Jack, I know you're so torn up about this hooker. I'm so sorry. You feel bad about it. You're doing penance already! Being locked up is not gonna change anything, but it's gonna change something for all of us, the people who love you. Please don't do that to us. Please don't put us through that much pain.

Kay: Well, you have certainly shown that you are sincere in trying to make peace between us.

Victor: Tucker, let me say this -- you have made overtures before, only to burn us in the end. So why should I believe that you're serious now?

Tucker: Well, I just have to let my actions speak for me. It's up to you whether you want to take the chance or not.

Victor: What are you talking about, "Taking a chance"? And what do you mean by a sizable portion of the stock?

Tucker: I'll sell you half my shares.

Kay: Why not all?

Tucker: I'm still a businessman, Mother. I know that if Victor regains control, there'll be a lot of profit to be made. Victor, I did you wrong by throwing in with Jack and Adam. I'm sorry. I only wanted to best my biggest competition not only in the corporate world, but in my mother's eyes. It really got under my skin that you respect him more than me.

Victor: So, now that you've confessed, you are asking for my forgiveness. Is that it?

Tucker: To start.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Tucker: Eventually, I would like to work with you instead of against you. I need another drink. Anybody else?

Victor: No, thank you, Tucker.

Kay: No. So, what do you make of that?

Victor: This was certainly a rather unexpected conversation we had.

Kay: But, Victor, I have to give him another chance.

Victor: Well, then --

Kay: No, not just for my sake. For Devon's.

Victor: Uh-huh.

[Cell phone rings]

Kay: Mm, what -- oh, Murphy.

Victor: I will leave you to him. Uh, as far as Tucker is concerned, um, I guess we'll wait and see. Nice to see you, Tucker.

Tucker: You heading out?

Victor: Yeah.

Kay: Please, I'm fine. Yes.

Victor: Spent enough time here, so, um...

Tucker: I hope it was worth it.

Victor: I accept your offer. And let me just say to you that I expect you to double-cross me. But you do that to Katherine, you will have hell to pay, I promise you.

Kay: How do you feel after your grand gesture?

Tucker: [Chuckles] Grand gesture. I can see the wheels turning. I know what you're thinking. "He seems sincere. But why the sudden change?"

Kay: Well?

Tucker: I don't know. Going through another holiday season feeling like I crashed the party, I guess. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being alone when I'm surrounded by people I know.

Kay: Mm.

Tucker: And I chased away the one and only person I ever truly connected with.

Kay: Ashley.

Tucker: Mm. You know, a few nights after she left, I was heading off to bed. And I could actually hear my footsteps echoing. Damn place sounded like a museum. And I thought, "If I don't do something, I'm gonna end up like some embalmed exhibit."

Kay: [Chuckles softly]

Tucker: "I got to turn this around." Listen. I have a chance I never dreamed I'd have. To know my birth mother. And I have a son. I-I really want to get to know him. And I am gonna try and try and try some more until I make that happen.

Kay: Uh, well, listen. I'd better get back to, uh, Murphy. He's waiting for me. Uh, Tucker? Never stop trying.

Tucker: Jack, its Tucker. What's going on at Newman? Call me.

Jack: The last thing I want to do is hurt you, after everything I've put you through. I can never thank you enough for what you did for me in that cabin.

Phyllis: I'd do it all over again. Except for the part when you asked me to leave.

Jack: Not my finest moment.

Phyllis: You came to your senses.

Jack: This doesn't mean I've changed my mind about turning myself in.

Billy: Oh. You don't want to hurt us, but you will.

Phyllis: All for a stranger.

Jack: That doesn't make her any less human. That stranger is someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's friend. They deserve to know what happened.

Adam: Did you ever think, just for a second, Jack, that maybe her family is better off not knowing?

Billy: Why saddle them with that last, pitiful image?

Jack: Because it's the truth! Do you know how long I have been hiding from the truth -- hiding you? Hiding myself? Do you have any idea what a relief it was just to talk to Michael?

Adam: Yeah. Why don't you talk to us about relief in six months, when you're locked up in a claustrophobic little cell?

Phyllis: You're not gonna fight for yourself at all, are you?

Jack: You make me want to fight, Red. But for the right things. I didn't go through the hell of detox to come out the same person I was when I went in. I'm done. I'm done with the lying. Done with all of it -- the blackmailing, the scheming, the cover-ups. I'm leaving all that to Victor.

Victor: We can speak freely.

Wheeler: Good. Good. I'd like this visit to be between us.

Victor: What brings you back so soon? You were on the Hill, I thought.

Wheeler: Well, I heard about your impromptu press conference.

Victor: Well, I canceled it.

Wheeler: Not before you mentioned Jack Abbott and his alleged heart attack.

Victor: Well, it was interrupted.

Wheeler: And if it hadn't been interrupted? Were you going to mention Abbott's connection to my daughter?

Victor: I think I told you that Jack Abbott would pay for her death.

Wheeler: For which I am immensely grateful, as long as you keep it out of the press.

Lauren: All right. I think one of us should go find Fen.

Fen: Wait. No. You don't have to.

Lauren: Oh, my God. I was so worried.

Fen: I'm so sorry. I got all your messages. I just --

Michael: What was it that kept you so busy?

Fen: Oh, I was -- I was watching a movie. I didn't have my phone on. How's Jamie?

Paul: Well, there's not much to tell you. We're just, uh... we're just glad he survived the fall.

Fen: Oh, I-I couldn't believe it when I listened to my voicemail.

Michael: So that's when you found out?

Lauren: Of course it is.

Fen: Well, it -- it's not like it's on the news or anything.

Paul: So, Fen, when -- when was the last time you saw Jamie?

Fen: Um, this morning, just before -- just after breakfast.

Michael: You okay?

Fen: Yeah. It's just hospitals, you know? Last time I was here, it -- it was Summer. Now Jamie.

Michael: No, Fenmore. Are you sure you're all right?

Fen: I'm fine, Dad. I just... I feel so bad for Jamie. He's already been through so much.

Lauren: At least he has us this time. I mean, it's the least we can do after we practically drove him to the roof.

Fen: What do you mean?

Paul: Well, your mom and dad discovered that there were some things missing in their apartment, and they accused Jamie of stealing them.

Fen: Uh, he -- he -- he stole from you?

Michael: What's important is he went running out feeling like a criminal.

Lauren: I mean, we probably traumatized him so much that he wasn't looking where he was going on the roof.

Fen: No! N-no. It -- it wasn't your fault.

Michael: Then whose was it?

Fen: Jamie's! For taking your stuff, and -- and -- whatever he took. Look, he -- he took it, and -- and he couldn't have cared less about it.

Michael: You seem very sure.

Fen: Well, I know how guys like that think.

Michael: Why? Because you're one of them?

Lauren: No! Michael!

Michael: Did you set Jamie up? Did you put those items in his backpack so we'd send him away? Did you?

Fen: Are you -- are you -- are you kidding me right now?

Michael: I wish I was.

Fen: Why do you blame me for everything? What the hell is wrong with you?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Wheeler: You know as well as I do that I can't survive a hit like Stephanie's career choice being exposed. And that's exactly what would happen if Abbott was implicated in her death.

Victor: Prefer that he walk?

Wheeler: There are other ways of dealing with him that don't involve a public scandal. I'm sure that you can find one.

Victor: You needn't worry, Marcus. I'm sure that Jack Abbott is no more interested in making this public than you are. And he will do everything in his power to prevent that from happening. Cheers.

Phyllis: We don't want a better you. Right? Especially if it costs you your freedom. W-what would a lying, scheming gal like myself do without a comrade-in-arms?

Billy: She's got a point, Jack.

Jack: Phyllis didn't leave someone to die in her home.

Adam: Eh, you never know.

Phyllis: Okay, look at that guy. Is that who you want to run your company? Because that's what will happen if you go to trial and you get convicted. That's what's gonna happen. He's gonna run it. And you know he destroys whatever he touches.

Adam: Mm. Why don't you tell everyone how you really feel about me?

Jack: You call Newman my company. I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and I've come to the conclusion that everyone was dead on when they said I did this for all the wrong reasons. I took over Newman because of my ego. But I wasn't doing what was best for my family. I told every one of them they were wrong. You know what? Look at what happened. My brother wouldn't talk to me. My sisters moved halfway across the country to get away from me. I alienated friends, caused good, hardworking people to lose their jobs. And I dulled the pain with pills. That's not the man my father wanted me to be. That's not the man my father would be proud of. And it's not the man I want to be. I can't do this anymore. So I've come to a decision. I'm walking away from Newman Enterprises. For good. Billy, Adam... I want you to take over for me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chloe: What'd you have in mind?

Kevin: You. Me. The cat suit.

Alex: Give me the money back now, or I'll put you in jail.

Chelsea: Leave this place, with me, tonight.

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