Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/15/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/15/13


Episode # 10075 ~ Phyllis & Nick Come to an Understanding; Michael Fears That History Will Repeat Itself With Fen

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Morning. Hey, Mason, my man, here you go. I am spreading the love, bringing croissants to the office in honor of his royal smugness bon voyaging off to France.

Mason: Okay. Will do. Yes. M-Mr. Abbott. Mr. Abbott, please.

Billy: Seriously?

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, have you spoken to your brother this morning? I understand the opening of the club didn't go too well.

Victoria: If Mom told you about it last night, I think you've had plenty of time to call Nick about it yourself.

Victor: I don't think he would appreciate that too much.

Victoria: Oh, I see. Why -- because he'd think you were gloating? We all know very well how you feel about his career path that he's chosen. You did not congratulate him. You did not show up at his club opening. You know, it was a disaster last night, but Nick will be fine. He's got a very good support group, whether you call him or not.

[Knock on door]   

Avery: Phyllis.

Phyllis: How's Summer? Did her fever break?

Avery: Uh, Nick's checking on her now.

Phyllis: How is she?

Nick: Fever hasn't broken, but it hasn't spiked, either. Doc said to call if it does. I'm just gonna let her sleep.

Phyllis: Right. Well, you should get some sleep, too -- not that you look trashed.

Nick: Did you fly in from Georgia? You didn't have to do that.

Phyllis: Of course I did. Summer's my daughter. This is where I belong.

Paul: Okay. So, um, I've checked with my contacts and I've checked with my friends in the police department. So far, no luck tracking down Jamie. But we will have luck. I promise you.

Lauren: He's just a kid. I mean, the idea of him being out there all by himself --

Michael: No one to trust, given that nobody gives a damn.

Lauren: All right, look -- something made him run. But that something was not you.

Michael: Yeah, well, I didn't do much to --

Fen: Yeah, listen to Mom, Dad. She's reminding you it's all my fault.

Jack: Stephanie Gayle. [Sighs] Nothing. Nothing. How can there be nothing?

John: Son?

Jack: Not now, Dad.

John: I could not be prouder that you're trying to get clean.

Jack: Then leave me alone and let me do it.

John: Jackie, it's not about the pills. It's about her. But you can't forget that a girl died because of you.

[Indistinct conversations]

Lauren: Fen, let's talk about this, but let's talk about it calmly.

Fen: Oh, a calm discussion about how you guys blame me for Jamie --

Michael: All right, you see that?! You see that right there -- that thing -- you trying to make your mother and me defensive? That's not gonna work anymore. You didn't like Jamie. You wanted him gone. And now he is. And that fight you had with Summer -- that was inappropriate, and you know it was --

Fen: Oh, did Dad tell you about that? He thought I was gonna hit her. Ask Paul. Paul was there. Because, apparently, that's the kind of guy I am. I hit girls.

Michael: All right. You see what you just did? Get back here!

Fen: [Sighs]

Michael: I'm not finished.

Fen: Oh.

Michael: This -- this isn't working. I told you that. You are not gonna make us feel defensive. I apologized. I made a mistake, and I apologized to you. It is done.

Fen: Man... [Chuckles] It must make you nuts you're stuck with me instead of a sweet guy like Jamie, who trashed a woman's apartment and ended up in juvie. But, yeah -- yeah, Dad. I'm the bad guy.

Lauren: Fen. Fen, don't leave.

Paul: Lauren, maybe he needs a little space.

Michael: [Chuckles] A little space. A little space isn't gonna fix that.

Lauren: Oh, boy.

Michael: You see? See the attitude? Did you see the look in his eyes? It's one thing for him not to like Jamie, but for him not to give a damn about another human being in trouble -- I-I do not understand how my son, this sweet, kind kid -- I don't understand how he turned into that person.

Phyllis: Thank you. Thanks for looking after Summer, Avery. I appreciate it. You two must be trashed from the opening of the club last night. You must have been up late.

Nick: Uh, not that late. We have some electrical issues, so lights went off -- dark room, empty club.

Phyllis: Sorry.

Nick: Well, it got me home to Summer that much faster.

Phyllis: I should have been here.

Nick: You were needed elsewhere.

Avery: How are Daniel and Lucy?

Phyllis: They are great. I'm gonna go check up on Summer.

Avery: I think, uh, it's time for me to leave. [Sighs]

Nick: You know, you were a real champ -- calm, supportive, coffee duty.

Avery: Ahh. Anything I can do to help.

Nick: Really?

Avery: Yeah. What do you need?

Nick: Can you swing by the club -- check on the "Electrical issues"?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: What do you want -- money?

Avery: I want your keys.

Nick: Oh. That I can do.

Avery: [Chuckles]

Victoria: You know, Nick's happy, Dad. I haven't seen him smile this much in years. And we should be ready to smile a lot more, too, because we are getting Newman back.

Victor: You seem very confident.

Victoria: Well, I just think that we should let Nick enjoy his life. I want Newman back enough for both of us, and I want it back for Abby, as well.

Victor: And you don't think you need some assistance?

Victoria: Well, that's why I have Billy by my side. And with Adam gone and Jack out of commission, it's not gonna be very long.

Victor: Billy's not an asset. And as far as Adam is concerned --

Victoria: We don't have to worry about Adam all the way from Paris, do we?

Victor: He's not gonna slink away that easily. Are you kidding? As a matter of fact, I'm convinced he isn't. As long as his wife is in town, so will Adam be.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: So, France didn't want you, either, huh?

Adam: Chelsea and I have had to delay our plans for the sake of Newman Enterprises and the current power transfer.

Billy: Oh.

Mason: Mr. Abbott, I'm sorry I didn't update you on the situation sooner.

Billy: Oh, he's not a situation. This man is a menace. Thanks, Mason.

[Paper bag rustling]

Billy: Would you like a croissant? They're good. I'm telling you, they're good. Go to France and get 'em there. They're better there. Now, look, I told you -- your services are no longer needed here. So, fly away, little birdie. Go on. Fly away. Go to France. Unless you plan on keeping your talons in Newman and Genoa City for good.

Kevin: Hi. Hi. Yes. Um, I need to speak with someone regarding a short-term business loan. My wife and I are gonna put our coffeehouse up as collateral. I'm gonna have to call you back. Thanks. Hey, Buddy.

Fen: Oh, was that my dad?

Kevin: What?

Fen: Well, you just got off the phone so fast. Was my dad calling to check up on me?

Kevin: He would be doing that because...

Fen: [Scoffs] Well, Jamie -- he's been in town for like five minutes, and suddenly the entire freaking world revolves around him.

Kevin: [Sighs] Hey, do you really want to get into a crappy-parent contest with me?

Fen: Yeah. I know you're the wrong guy to complain to.

Kevin: Right -- not just because of Terrible Tom but because Michael and Lauren can look out for Jamie and still love you more than anything in the world -- anything. You're too smart to not know that.

Lauren: Well, we need to find out what this issue between Fen and Jamie is. Um, Michael said that you talked to Fenmore at the coffeehouse.

Paul: Yeah. He was angry and jealous of Jamie. He said maybe we should talk to Brittni about Jamie's whereabouts, and he looked right at Summer when he said it.

Lauren: I don't know what that means. Did you try with her?

Michael: No, I did. I got nowhere. I asked her if she knew any of the places Jamie might go.

[Knock on door]

Michael: Sorry. [Sighs]

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: [Chuckling] Oh. Jamie?

Lauren: What?

Michael: Jamie! Jamie -- Jamie is here!

Lauren: Ohh!

Michael: Yes.

Paul: Oh, man.

Lauren: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Michael: Are we glad to see you!

Lauren: Yeah, really. You okay? Are you hurt?

Michael: Where did you go?

Jamie: I just -- I-I had to take off. But then I didn't know where to go.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: You need to be here, all right?

Lauren: Yeah. It's gonna be okay.

John: Withdrawal pills working, Jack?

Jack: Better than not having them.

John: Well, they won't ease all of the pain. Waking up, seeing Stephanie on the floor, knowing that you did nothing to help her?

Jack: I didn't put the pills in her hand! I didn't put the drinks in her hand! I didn't kill her!

John: But you didn't save her, either, Jack. And now you've got Adam involved in this mess? And you made sure he was an accessory, and you made sure that you'd owe him forever. And why, Son? [Sighs] Newman? Oh, Jackie, Jackie. You know the answer, and you know how to fix this.

Jack: Stop, Dad! Just stop! Please, stop. Oh, God.

[Breathing heavily]

[Twig snaps]

Jack: Who's out there?

Phyllis: Avery left?

Nick: Yeah. Summer sleeping okay?

Phyllis: [Sighs] She's so beautiful when she sleeps. I just remember when she was a little baby. It just brings me back to that time. I mean, when you called me and said she was sick, you know...

Nick: Yeah. The coma, Switzerland. You made her healthy and whole again. That was all you.

Phyllis: You know, when we were waiting for her to wake up while she was in a coma... I-I think that was a really good time for us. Not her being sick, but -- but it made us... whole again. I think that we just -- we remembered what mattered.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: That's not... us anymore.

Nick: I got word that... our divorce is final.

Phyllis: [Exhales sharply] Its official. We're over.

Victoria: So, did you and Adam change your plans? What happened to Paris?

Chelsea: It's still in France, waiting for us. Adam just had to take care of a few things at Newman before we left.

Victor: Things that are more important than your stay overseas?

Chelsea: Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it will be dealt with quickly.

Victor: Or is Adam finding another reason to stay indefinitely?

Adam: I have no intention of staying in Genoa City a day longer than is necessary.

Billy: Fantastic. Mason, you can go back to your desk. I'll let you know if we need to call the fumigators, okay? What are you looking at, Mason? [Clears throat]

Adam: This resistance to my offer of help during the time of transition -- it smacks of insecurity, jealousy, and a hint of...paranoia.

Billy: [Chuckles] And your resistance to backing off hints of jackassery. Your ego told you that Newman couldn't survive without you. It turns out your ego -- big fat liar.

Adam: Your older brother -- your older, wiser brother, Jack -- he asked that we work together, and I promised him I would support him and the company, and I'm doing that now.

Chelsea: It's fascinating to me how much time you spend thinking about Adam without actually liking him. My husband and I are about to start a great new life together, and it doesn't include you or your family or your company, so feel free to pop the champagne and throw the confetti as soon as possible.

Victoria: If Adam wanted to be on that plane, he would have been on it last night.

Chelsea: You still don't know him at all, do you? Adam made a promise that he wouldn't leave Jack or Newman hanging. So he won't. He just needs to make sure that the right people are put in the right positions, and then we can start our new life together and then you can continue to badger the leadership the way that you badgered him. You can go after Billy or Sharon -- whoever you like.

Victor: Billy and Sharon?

Billy: You know, my older, wiser brother -- he put me in charge because you no longer bring anything to the table.

Adam: You see, the thing is, Billy... I determine when my job here is done.

Billy: Oh, you don't get it, do you? Okay, let me help you out. You no longer make decisions here. I do. I decide which direction this company is going to move. I decide who's hired. I decide who's fired.

Sharon: Adam.

Kevin: You know, this whole "Angry young man" pose, treating your parents as the enemy -- it's not doing you any good.

Fen: Well, if I walk away, they say I'm shutting them out, yet if I actually tell them how I feel, they're offended. Meanwhile, they're in the corner, boohooing over Jamie.

Kevin: I know. It sucks. That's the thing about being 16. It sucks.

Fen: [Scoffs] Great.

Kevin: You just got to get through it. You got to be smart, Fen. Stay calm.

Fen: You mean...make nice?

Kevin: Michael and Lauren are your parents. That's never gonna change, okay?

Fen: You're right. At the end of the day.

Michael: Yes. Thank you.

Lauren: So, what did they say?

Michael: [Sighs] The new judge agrees that Jamie can stay here until his father's released from jail, which probably won't happen anytime soon.

Lauren: Okay. So, no more group home, thank God.

Paul: Nice job, Michael.

Michael: Thank you very much. Now, does that meet with your approval, young man? Will you stay put, please?

Jamie: Yeah.

Michael: Yes!

Lauren: [Laughs] You must be hungry. Have you been eating? Where were you?

Jamie: I-I-I'm fine. This helps, though. Wait. Is there cinnamon in this?

Lauren: You must be exhausted. You know, your room is still made up from the last time, so if you want to clean up, take a nap, anything, just go for it.

Jamie: Oh, I got to go grab my stuff first.

Paul: Oh, I can give you a lift.

Jamie: No, thanks. It’s close enough.

Lauren: Okay. Here. Let me -- let me give you a key.

Michael: Jamie, someone should really go with you. We worry.

Jamie: I'll be back, Mr. Baldwin. Look, if this is gonna work, you have to trust me. Oh, and thanks...again.

Nick: We had some... amazing times together.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: And we got a great kid. But now...

Phyllis: Avery makes you happy.

Nick: I really want that for you.

Phyllis: [Sighs] I-I-I'm not ready to think in those terms yet. It'll just magically fall into place, I think.

Nick: Doesn't have to be magic. And it doesn't have to be hard, either. Avery and I talked a lot before we ever got together, and we said there were gonna be no games.

Phyllis: Okay, okay. Good. Good. Good. Good. [Sighs] As opposed to what?

Nick: I didn't mean it like that.

Phyllis: I'm sorry I hurt you.

Nick: Phyllis, we both hurt each other so many times over the years.

Phyllis: I just think that this last time -- I think we really had a shot. But then the trial, the accusations and cover-ups -- and you were so incredible. You really stood by me. You didn't deserve what I did to you. You deserve better.

Avery: Please work. Please. There. Great. Tyler! Thanks for coming.

Tyler: What, no candles or flashlights?

Avery: Aha! That's funny. Well, the place looks good when you can see it, right?

Tyler: Right.

Avery: I was wondering if your offer still stands about creating a marketing plan for the Underground.

Tyler: It seemed like Nick kind of passed on that offer last night.

Avery: No, no. He didn't pass. He was just in no mood to make a business decision. Does the offer still stand?

Tyler: Well... you got bodies in the door.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Tyler: But we'll need more bodies. We're gonna have to tweak what works, toss what doesn't -- and keep the lights on.

Avery: All right. Well, I like what you're saying so far. Tell me more.

Adam: I'm just staying for another week or two to ease the transfer of power and egos.

Billy: That's code for "Adam the obsessive-compulsive can't let go."

Sharon: Well, I'll just leave you two back to your meeting.

Billy: No, Sharon. Actually, stay. I didn't terminate your recent hire, despite her obvious issues, but it is probationary. Like I said, if you prove yourself, we're all good here.

Adam: Oh, I see. So, Sharon, who is more than qualified for her position here, unlike you, Billy -- she has to jump through hoops just to keep her job? Is that -- is that -- is that it?

Billy: You can call it "Hoops." You can call it a test. You can call it "Doing her job." Whatever floats your boat. Sharon, here I have a few projects that Adam and I disagree on. I'd like you to look through them and determine whether you would decide if we should move forward on any of them. No pressure. Take all the time you need.

Adam: Don't do this, Billy. She needs this job more than you know.

Billy: [Chuckles] Well, then, Adam, I hope she gives the right answers.

Adam: And by "Right answers," you mean she has to agree with you? And she'll keep her job then, right?

Billy: More or less, yeah. Or you get on a plane today. You leave -- she stays employed. I don't get it. You were already gonna leave anyway. But this is so important to you. What choice is there? Now, come on. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna leave, or is she gonna stay?

Sharon: Okay.

Billy: "Okay"? You don't need more time?

Sharon: I reviewed the front-burner projects when I signed on to Newman. I'm already familiar with these.

Billy: You're sure? All of them?

Sharon: I owe it to Newman to be prepared. I don't intend on letting anyone down.

Adam: How very responsible of you, Sharon. So, what are your opinions?

Sharon: I agree we should move ahead with the Cavington project.

Adam: Well, that's a wise decision.

Billy: Yeah, and it's shocking that you would agree with Adam. It's really a shock.

Sharon: But the Delora and Tristine ideas we should hold back on.

Adam: Because?

Sharon: The whole team isn't behind it yet. There's a chance that it could be too close to an existing project. We would just be competing with ourselves, and that's a waste of money.

Billy: Exactly.

Adam: Well, that's a very valid point. I will take that under advisement, Sharon.

Billy: That's it. Board your plane.

Sharon: There are a dozen reasons why I shouldn't have this job. We all know that. But I'm here and I want this and I'm gonna do a damn good job, for the sake of Newman Enterprises and no matter who's in charge. Isn't that why we're all here?

Chelsea: Sharon turned Newman into an international punch line.

Victoria: And Adam hired her back?

Victor: Perhaps he wants her to continue her destructive path.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Because everything is always about Newman. This is why I can't wait to get out of here. Adam just wanted to make sure Sharon was employed, just so she could have a sliver of normal life. That's all -- nothing to do with you, nothing to do with destroying your precious Newman.

Victoria: Well, I'm sorry. I'm really not seeing his big heart in all of this.

Chelsea: Okay. You know what? I'm going to the gym. Have fun dwelling on things that I couldn't care less about.

Victor: Billy didn't say anything to you about Sharon?

Victoria: Dad, obviously, he didn't know -- obviously -- or he would be as furious as we are right now.

Victor: You think so?

Victoria: Yeah, I do. I know he's not keeping secrets, so please stop, Dad.

Jack: You need password?

Phyllis: I'm gonna check in on Summer to see if the fever broke.

Nick: Phyllis? It's been such a long time since we've just been able to talk and focus on Summer. I guess I don't want to cut it short.

Phyllis: Um, yeah. Uh... there -- there's not much more to say, is there? You're happy. I-I-I'll get there, too... soon.

Nick: You will get there, 'cause you deserve it. And when you...apologized to me...

Phyllis: Yeah?

Nick: I just want you to know that I really appreciated it.

Jack: What are you doing here? What do you want?

P.I.: I'm a reporter -- gossip. You're news. How's the ticker doing since your heart attack?

Jack: Gossip, huh? What site do you write for?

P.I.: Highest bidder gets the scoop.

Jack: So, what was your last story?

P.I.: That movie star cheating on his wife -- the guy with the beard.

Jack: Sounds scintillating. Did you win any awards for that, like maybe the Victor Newman memorial award for lying and deceiving?

Fen: Hey.

Lauren: Hi!

Michael: Good! You're home!

Lauren: So, uh... how do you feel about having that calm conversation and actually making it work?

Fen: Novel. I'm in.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: Oh. Really? Good. [Sighs] Fenmore, we have some news.

Lauren: Jamie's back.

Fen: I guess I didn't chase him out of town.

Michael: Apparently not. And he's come back to live with us.

Lauren: Right, and for that to work, you have to be okay with it.

Fen: Then I will be.

Michael: It's, uh, that easy?

Fen: Honestly, no. I-I-I don't like the guy. Things have been weird since Ronan took off and then Jamie became your deal. But I guess when it comes down to it, none of that is his problem. So, we'll make it work.

Lauren: That's good, Honey. That's really good. Thank you.

Michael: Jamie.

Lauren: Hi.

Sharon: Once I get a report on the Tristine situation, I can give you a more definitive response.

Adam: Very well done, Sharon. Wouldn't you agree, Billy?

Billy: You pulled it out. I'm impressed, Sharon. Good job.

[Door slams]

Victor: So, Billy boy, does your wife know how impressed you are by Sharon?

Billy: [Sighs]

Lauren: Uh, you know what? We'll be in the kitchen if you need us.

Michael: Yes, we're going to chop vegetables.

Lauren: We're good at that, aren't we?

Michael: Ha ha! Be good, children.

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: Come on. [Chuckles]

Jamie: Look, I'm here because I have nowhere else to go. That's it.

Fen: Look, Dude, I get it. My parents want to make this work. I'm on board. Now the only one who can mess this up is you.

Jamie: Look, I won't tell them about the texts.

Fen: Thanks.

Jamie: They've had enough to worry about. Just -- just back off. We can stay out of each other's way.

Fen: Okay. That's the plan.

Jamie: All right. Well, uh, I'm gonna go take a hot shower.

Tyler: You're gonna want social media, word of mouth, all of that. It's all about branding this place as fresh, smart...

Avery: Hip?

Tyler: [Chuckles] Yeah, but we don't say, "Hip." We show it -- well, that is if you bring me on.

Avery: I thought I already did. You're on. You're in. You're it.

Tyler: Hmm. Isn't that Nick's call?

Avery: No. He's got a lot on his plate right now. You're hired.

Tyler: All right. Well, there's a lot to do.

Avery: Well, then, let's get started. The lights are on. You're on board. Suddenly, things are looking up.

Victoria: Oh, hey. Hey, listen, Chelsea. Um...I'm really sorry about before.

Chelsea: About what? Insulting my husband's motives, or just the way your whole family speaks down to me in general?

Victoria: All of it, honestly. I was just surprised that Adam was staying.

Chelsea: He's not staying forever. The day that he leaves, it'll be a good day for all of us.

Victoria: Until the two of you leave, it's gonna be pretty messy -- Billy's in, Jack's out, my father doing what my father does. There's gonna be board meetings and deals, and Adam's gonna be in the middle of all of that. It's not just gonna be messy. It's gonna get ugly. And sounds like you want to go, right? So, tell Adam that. Just show him. Convince him that you need to leave sooner rather than later.

Victor: The woman who brought Newman Enterprises to its knees. That does not go well for the new regime.

Adam: That's right -- the new regime, so not your problem anymore, Dad.

Sharon: I'll get back to you both about those projects.

Victor: And leave a trail of destruction in your path? So, Billy... is there a reason why you didn't want Victoria to know about Sharon? Does it bring back ghosts of times past?

Billy: Don't you have a heavy bag to cuddle or something?

Mason: Mr. Abbott, marketing's waiting for you.

Billy: Marketing! I love those guys. Fellas, I'm out of here. Don't steal anything.

Victor: So, was that a con -- you saying that you're on my side?

Adam: It was the truth.

Victor: Uh-huh. So, why'd you bring Sharon into this?

Adam: The same reason that I do everything here -- 'cause I'm doing it for the good of Newman.

Victor: You'd better mean that, Son.

[Door opens]

Mason: Mr. Newman...

Victor: Yes, Mason?

Mason: ...Is there somewhere we can talk in private? I think there are some things we should discuss.

Victor: You meet me at the club for a drink, okay?

Mason: Yes, Sir.

[Keys clatter]

Jack: Victor hired you! Don't even try to deny it! You're a P.I. that goes to the highest bidder. Okay. You're here to make money? Tell me what Victor knows.

P.I.: I'm just doing my job.

Jack: How do you think Victor's gonna react when he finds out you were clumsy enough for me to catch you? He doesn't tolerate mistakes well.

P.I.: He's made that clear. He keeps accusing me of making mistakes. I didn't make a damn mistake. We had no way to know --

Jack: Wait. Know what? Okay. I can ruin you, or I can pay you. You decide. What does Victor know? What does Victor know?!

P.I.: Victor hired her -- Stephanie Gayle, New Year’s Eve. You'd get busted with a hooker. Your reputation would go down the drain.

Jack: Yeah, that much I already guessed. What else?

P.I.: I cleaned up his tracks pretty well, and then she shows up dead. But we had no idea she was a Congressman's daughter.

Jack: So, what's Victor's plan now?

P.I.: Track you down, keep tabs, and then when you get back to town, expose you.

Jack: And everything I'd been hiding. Well, we'll just see about that.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: We got a problem. Victor has been sniffing around.

Mason: I'm not after money.

Victor: Mason, everyone is after money. It depends on how you acquire it.

Adriana: I was an idiot, okay? I didn't know what a good thing I had. I do now.

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