Y&R Transcript Monday 1/14/13
Episode # 10074 ~ Friends and Family Members Attend the Opening of Nick's Club; Phyllis Must Make a Choice
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: [Groans]
Phyllis: I stayed because I don't have anywhere to go. I want you to get better. That's why I stayed. So I can deal with watching you go through so much pain and all the crap that you're dishing out to me because I finally get to help somebody. So, I stayed. I've just felt so helpless since I realized you had this addiction, and... what -- what made you finally get help?
Jack: I told you. It was New Year’s Eve. That's when I hit rock bottom.
Phyllis: Yeah, that's a -- that's a hard night to be alone.
Jack: Look... I know I -- I know I haven't exactly been a barrel of laughs to be around lately.
Phyllis: That's an understatement. Listen, I don't even know if I'm the right person to help you through this, but I'm here, and I'm staying. Unless you want Ashley or Traci to come up. We can call them or Kyle.
Jack: I don't want anybody else. Look, I know I keep saying this over and over again... I couldn't do this without you, Red.
Devon: Look, man, I'm in a rush to get out of here. I got Roxanne waiting for me.
Tucker: Son, it'll just take a minute. I just wanted to check in with you, see how things are going. Is that all right?
Devon: Sure.
Tucker: So, what do you think of the corporate world?
Devon: It's great.
Tucker: Really?
Devon: Yeah.
Tucker: So, what do you like best -- the endless meetings or avalanche of paperwork? What?
Devon: You know, actually, I've been learning a ton about marketing, which has been really cool, you know? Yeah, and Neil's made some positive changes I had a hand in that's really lifted morale around here. It's all good.
Tucker: Neil's a top-flight manager, but he's out now, right? I mean, Cane is CEO now.
Devon: The changes he made are still in place, but you're right, yeah.
Tucker: I'll tell you something, Devon. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not hearing a whole lot of enthusiasm. Now, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and --
Devon: Tell me what you think you've heard despite what I actually just said?
Tucker: From what you've said and haven't said, Jabot doesn't seem to be the best fit for you.
Avery: Of course you make me happy. Why would you even wonder?
Nick: 'Cause you have been there for me whenever I needed you, and I've been so wrapped up in opening this place that maybe I've been neglecting you. I haven't asked you about your life or your job or how you're getting along with Phyllis right now.
Avery: Well, she's in Savannah helping Daniel, so she hasn't been around to make me crazy. Do you really want to talk about me right now? Because you are launching a new club in like 20 minutes.
Nick: Still, if every time you peeled me off the ceiling, if it was just to make me feel good -- no, no, no, no, no. Don't you do that.
Avery: Okay. Look, everything is fine. Everything is going to be great. And if I didn't want to be supportive, I wouldn't be. And what's wrong with wanting you to feel good?
Nick: Still, if it's all about me and nothing for you?
Avery: Nick, you give me so much. You actually listen to what I have to say, and that is very rare for a man. And you're smart and funny and kind and sexy and a phenomenal father with a killer smile -- well, when you let people see it. And most importantly, you're a man of your word. You said to me that you wanted to step out of Victor's shadow and create something that wasn't Newman, and you've done that. You've done that here, and I could not be more proud of you.
Devon: I like working here, Tucker.
Tucker: Well, okay. But if you want to get back into a creative field where you have more control over your time, I know the perfect gig.
Devon: I bet you do. What is it, working for you again?
Tucker: Well, there is an executive opening in my music division -- head of publicity for all of McCall's recording artists. You keep them front and center for all the major industry awards, you handle the media, liaison with their P.R. reps. You can do the work here, New York, wherever you want. It's a big position, Devon.
Devon: It really is. You just don't quit, do you?
Tucker: Quit what? Wanting to see you do work I know will make you happy and that you're good at?
Devon: No. That's not what you're doing. You think if you give me a big, flashy job, I'm suddenly gonna want to be close with you, and I'm gonna tell you what I told you before. Thank you, but no thanks.
Tucker: At least think about it. When you get tired of makeup and perfume, there will always be a place for you at my company.
Devon: You know, what I won't get tired of is working with my real family here.
Tucker: I deserve that, but you are still my son, Devon. And if things ever change for you... well, you know where to find me.
Devon: [Sighs] Hey, Roxy. Hey. Hey, Baby. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna be later than I thought tonight. There's just one more thing that I need to do before I join you.
Noah: You can't go. Sorry.
Adriana: Your dad's opening a hot new club. Come on, we got to go.
Noah: I got to go. I got to work. You and I -- we can't be seen anywhere together.
Adriana: We could always pretend we don't know each other. That would be kind of hot.
Noah: Okay, I -- I put you up at the Athletic Club, provided that you stay out of sight. This is not out of sight.
Adriana: Babe, come on. Okay, I'm bored. I can only order so much room service.
Noah: Would you rather be in jail? Because that's where you're gonna end up if Detective Chavez finds you in a public place again. You said that he was dirty, that he could hurt you.
Adriana: Not if I'm with you.
Noah: I -- okay. You just got to stop. I'll be working, Adriana. I can't keep an eye on you and pour drinks at the same time.
Adriana: You're rich, okay? You don't have to work.
Noah: Wow. That's really not how it works in my family. Look, has it ever occurred to you that I like to work? I know that you're allergic to responsibility --
Adriana: Shh! Shh! Shh! You're tensing up. Calm down. Let me explain my position.
[Cell phone rings]
Noah: Hey, Dad.
Nick: Dude, where are you? We're opening soon.
Noah: I'm on my way. We got to go. Go back to your suite. Do not -- I repeat, do not go near my dad's club tonight. I don't want you ruining his big night. Let's go. You got it?
Adriana: Mm. [Sighs]
Nick: Hey, can you see if Kai needs anything in the back? Hello.
Avery: Hello. I thought we could have a private moment to toast to your success.
Nick: Should we maybe wait a little while, see if we have anything to actually celebrate?
Avery: I think you should look around you. You've already achieved everything you set out to do. So, to dreams coming true.
Nick: Hear, hear.
Avery: Mmm. And one last bit of good cheer before I have to share you with the public.
Nick: More presents?
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: You are spoiling me.
Avery: [Laughs]
Nick: Awesome. Victory chocolate. Nice. Do we eat it, or do we frame it?
Avery: Oh, we eat it, and you better be sharing.
Nick: You know, we could also just melt it down and use it for less wholesome purposes.
Avery: We could.
Billy: [Whistles]
Victoria: Why, thank you. And if I didn't say so before, you're looking pretty hot yourself.
Billy: Why, thank you.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Given our collective hotness, I don't see any reason why we'll have a hard time forgetting the, um...
Victoria: Business.
Billy: Yeah, that thing, yeah.
Victoria: Right.
Billy: Good thing Bob Lemon's not gonna be there, or any other member of the Newman board because you would be too busy charming them to dance with me.
Victoria: Oh, really? Uh-huh. And what about that lawyer from Jabot? Um, Candy or Cupcake? What's her name?
Billy: Callie?
Victoria: Yeah, Callie. Won't you be all over her, strategizing on Jack's behalf?
Billy: Of course not. Come on. Besides, aren't we talking about that thing we said we weren't gonna talk about?
Victoria: Yes, we are, and we agreed not to talk about it. But can we stick to it? That's really the question -- what were we talking about?
Billy: I don't have a clue.
Phyllis: Do you feel better after you ate?
Jack: Yeah, thanks. I-I just feel so disconnected, so cut off from the rest of the world.
Phyllis: You mean from Newman. You know, until this detox is done, please stop worrying about business.
Jack: How did I ever let it get this far? I should have told that surgeon no pain pills, none.
Phyllis: Nobody expected you to do that, Jack. Come on, you had a bullet removed from your spine.
Jack: Yeah, but I didn't stop at pain relief, did I? I relied on those pills to get me through the day. God forbid anyone should know that I wasn't in total control.
Phyllis: It's okay to be vulnerable once in a while.
Jack: It doesn't get much more vulnerable than this, does it? Oh, God, if the Moustache saw me now.
Phyllis: Well, he's never gonna see you. He's never gonna know about this. That's why we're up here. We're away from prying eyes. It's what you wanted. You know, when you get back to Genoa City, I think you should take a long, hard look why you're at Newman in the first place. You should be at Jabot. Everybody knows that's where you belong. And Adam -- why do you give Adam the time of day --
Jack: I-I-I-I don't want to talk about Adam.
Nick: [Sighs]
Noah: I'm sorry I'm late. Hopefully, it's the only snag we have tonight.
Nick: Take it easy. Your tardiness was the best thing that happened to me today. Anything that could go wrong has.
Noah: All that means is that, as soon as we open the door, everything's gonna run smoothly.
Nick: Knock on wood. Twice.
Avery: Oh, no, no. Don't tell me you guys are superstitious.
Nick: Hey, I need all the luck I can get tonight.
Noah: Oh, Summer has that rabbit's-foot key chain. I could have borrowed it if you'd said something. I could throw some salt over my shoulder. Oh, you know what? I've been carrying around this horseshoe all day. It's starting to get really uncomfortable.
Avery: Okay, stop, both of you. We do not need luck. This is gonna be a huge success. I can feel it. Have I ever been wrong?
Nick: Well, there was that one time --
Avery: Okay, don't answer that. Just, let's open the doors.
Kay: So, um, what was your response to Tucker's offer?
Devon: I said, "No, thank you." And I told him I'm just fine at Jabot, even if he thinks that I don't belong there. And I also made sure he knows that he can't just buy my affection by creating some dazzling job for me.
Kay: Well, I understand why you would question his motives.
Devon: I mean, look, here's the thing. Tucker says he wants me to be happy, but, I mean, you know, given how easily the guy lies, I half figure he's just trying to use me for something.
Kay: Well, knowing Tucker, that's certainly not impossible.
Devon: And yet... you have given him another chance more than one time, and, Katherine, I just have to ask you, how come?
[Up-tempo music plays]
Nick: Thank you so much for coming.
Victoria: Oh, you're welcome. I mean, this place looks amazing.
Nick: Thanks.
Victoria: It's beautiful. Uh, I'm sorry that Dad didn't show.
Nick: I didn't expect him to be here.
Victoria: All right. Well, you know, at least Mom is being supportive.
Nick: She really is. She's been awesome.
Victoria: And I'm sure she's gonna be here any minute, and we have something to celebrate. Adam is on a plane to Paris tonight. He and Chelsea are leaving town for good. How fabulous is that?
Nick: Yeah, Sharon mentioned something about that. I'll believe it when I see it.
Victoria: Why?
Nick: It doesn't make any sense to me. Why would Adam give up Newman Enterprises?
Victoria: I don't know. Who cares? He's gone. That's gonna make it a lot easier for Dad and I to take back the company.
Nick: How you gonna do that?
Billy: Because I promised to hand it back to you on a silver platter. That's how.
Nick: And why would that be up to you, Billy?
Victoria: Honey, you know, we promised not to talk about business tonight, remember?
Billy: I know. You're right. Because Jack left me in charge. That's how. Do you have any more questions?
Phyllis: Okay, we won't talk about Adam. I'll just add him to the list.
Jack: List?
Phyllis: The list of people we can't discuss, like Stephanie. Because every time I mention her name, you shut me down. I just assume she was your dealer.
Jack: She wasn't. Would you stop saying that?
Phyllis: I mean, it's not a big deal to me, Jack. But you just mentioned her name many times, and I don't think she's someone that you just invented while you were hallucinating. I think she's real. You said you hit rock bottom on New Year’s Eve. Does she have any connection to that? Come on, it's me. You can tell me. Jack, you know I think you are amazing. You are such a good man.
Jack: I'm not. I'm not a good man at all.
Kay: I would like to believe, despite everything, that Tucker is sincere in making amends.
Devon: And how do you know he's being sincere this time?
Kay: I don't know that he is. I just -- I just would like to know that he is capable of change.
Devon: I said something that was pretty brutal to him, and he seemed hurt. I don't think he was faking it.
Kay: Darling, the only way we are ever going to know what's in the heart of that man is if we give him a chance to prove himself.
Devon: Or burn us again.
[Silverware clangs]
Kevin: You listen to me. Like it or not, Tucker is family. And you always back up your family, no matter -- no matter how much they've disappointed us.
Nick: You're really okay with this guy running Newman?
Billy: Your entire family. "This guy," really?
Victoria: Listen, not am I only okay with it, I am thrilled. This is gonna be perfect for Dad and me.
Nick: Well, let me know how that works out for you.
Victoria: What, you don't trust my judgment?
Billy: Calm down, Buddy. You walked away.
Nick: You're right, I did. So, whatever happens to the company is up to you.
Billy: If it makes you feel any better, we have a plan.
Nick: I don't want to hear it. We're having fun tonight. It's my club. Go get some drinks. Yours are on me. You brought your wallet, right?
Victoria: Come on.
Billy: I love your brother.
Victoria: Let's just go find a table, okay?
Roxanne: I hope Devon can make it.
Lily: I know, me too. I can't believe Cane had to go out of town so last minute. But here's somebody who won't mind.
Tyler: Hello, beautiful ladies.
Lily: Hello. I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you weren't coming.
Tyler: Got to do my civic duty. Breathtaking women like you two should not be at a club opening alone. It's a law. What? It's true.
[Both laughing]
Lily: Uh, Tyler, this is Roxanne, Devon's girlfriend. This is Tyler.
Tyler: Pleasure.
Roxanne: The Tyler.
Lily: Trust me, there is not another one.
Roxanne: [Clears throat] I've heard a lot about you.
Tyler: Ah, that's 'cause I'm always talking about myself, but, yeah, Devon's such a cool dude, he just absorbs it. He's a great guy, but I did not know that he had such good taste. Mmm. So, can I get you ladies a drink?
Lily: Why not? I'll take a lemon drop, thank you.
Tyler: Oh, a lemon drop. Living dangerously. I like it. Roxanne?
Roxanne: Peach margarita.
Tyler: You got it. So, uh, where's Cane at tonight?
Lily: He had to go out of town to the factory in Kenosha.
Tyler: I don't know where that is. Sounds far and cold. It's his loss, my gain. [Clicks tongue]
Lily: Yeah, I know.
Tyler: Hey, Bro. Can I have a double shot of tequila, chilled, no salt, no lime, a peach margarita, and a lemon drop?
Noah: Yeah, you got it. Coming up.
Nick: You want to know what Billy's qualifications are to run a company the size of Newman Enterprises?
Avery: Uh, schmoozing people?
Nick: Mm, let's see. He lunches really well, um... you know, sports bets, bartends, gossipmongers.
Avery: He's a jack of all trades.
Nick: I don't know what my sister thinks this clown is gonna be able to do for her.
Avery: Well, then, it's a good thing you're not at Newman anymore. You can focus on your own venture.
Nick: With a crowd this small?
Avery: No, no. It's still early. Give it an hour, the dance floor will be packed. In fact, we should get out there now before it's too tight to move.
[People muttering]
Nick: What was that you said about me not needing luck tonight?
Noah: Hey, everybody. It's free drinks. They're on the house.
Nick: Here, Roxy, Lily. Here's some VIP passes.
Lily: Well, thanks.
Roxanne: Thanks, Nick.
Lily: Yeah. I'm really sorry this happened.
Nick: Thanks. I promise next time you come back, it's gonna be a lot brighter.
[Both giggles]
Roxanne: Sure.
Lily: Well, that'll be fun.
Roxanne: Hey, Baby.
Devon: Hey, Honey. Sorry I'm so late. What happened? What's going on here?
Roxanne: Electricity went out. Party's pretty much over.
Devon: Wow. That's too bad.
Roxanne: Yeah.
Lily: Can I get a ride home with you guys?
Devon: Yeah, sure.
Roxanne: I'll go get the coats.
Lily: Okay. Thanks.
Tyler: Well, looks like we got the dance floor to ourselves.
Lily: Yeah, I know. I feel bad for Nick. He must be disappointed. But, um, I'll see you at the office.
Tyler: What, you're leaving? Come on, the night doesn't have to be a total bust.
Lily: [Scoffs]
Tyler: Who needs music when you got free drinks and pleasant company?
Lily: [Laughs] Well, since my husband is not here, then there's really no point in staying, and his is the only pleasant company that I want or need, so I'll see you at the office.
Victoria: No, listen, Mom, just stay home. Nick's not gonna have the power on until morning.
Nick: Do you have any idea what my dad is gonna say about this?
Avery: Oh, come on. Do you think he's been home sticking pins in his voodoo doll of you?
Nick: No. He probably hired someone to do that.
Tyler: This is a great club you got here, man. But you need some better marketing.
Nick: Yeah, probably not the best night to really, you know, pack them in.
Tyler: Well, even before you lost juice, this place didn't quite have the crowd that it should have.
Nick: I noticed that. Who are you?
Tyler: I'm the guy that's gonna fix your problems.
Avery: Oh, are you an electrician?
Tyler: No, Ma'am. Tyler Michaelson. You put your ad campaign in my hands, this place will be the hot spot. The line to get in will stretch from here to Kenosha.
Nick: Thanks, Tyler.
Billy: You want another drink?
Victoria: Uh, no, actually. I'm good. Thanks.
Billy: Noah's a pretty decent bartender.
Victoria: Yeah. He takes after his uncle.
Billy: Hm. You know, I should teach him how to flair bartender. Maybe he could liven this place up. Sponsor him on the pro circuit.
Victoria: You know, the scary thing is I know you're not kidding right now.
Billy: Have you not seen me juggle flaming shots? You need to see -- can I get a --
Nick: You guys should probably just take off. There's no sense standing in the dark.
Victoria: Nick, I'm so sorry that things didn't work out. Really, I am, but you know what? We will definitely be here for the repeat.
Nick: Oh. Can't wait.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Oh, me neither.
Victoria: Okay, so, bye-bye.
Billy: Good luck.
Avery: Okay, so, there's a little room for improvement, but I have unwavering confidence in you. Not a single waver.
Nick: I think this was all a sign, you know? We should leave the clubbing to the L.A. and Vegas types.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: Oh, geez. Sorry. Hey, Summer. No, you're not bothering me. What's up?
Jack: I... I've done something terrible... something I can't forgive myself for.
[Cell phone rings]
Phyllis: Just... I'll just get rid of them. It's Nick. He wouldn't be calling me unless something was going on with Summer.
Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah, go.
Phyllis: Yeah, Nick, what do you need?
Nick: Hey. Sorry to call so late, but Summer's sick.
Phyllis: What's wrong?
Nick: I don't know. She's running a fever. She can't keep anything down. I know you're in Savannah with Daniel, and I don't expect you to get on a plane, but I just thought you should know.
Phyllis: Thanks for calling me. Keep me posted.
Jack: Hey, what's going on with Summer?
Phyllis: Um...just... she's sick. She -- she has the flu, um...
Jack: If you feel you need to be with her --
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. It's okay. She -- it -- I don't need to leave. Nick is taking care of her. She has Avery.
Jack: Hey, it's me. I know you're not gonna be okay until you see your daughter for yourself. Go.
Victoria: You know, even if the lights hadn't gone out, I wouldn't have exactly called that fun.
Billy: [Laughs] Why? Because of Nick clenching his jaw, getting all tough with me?
Victoria: No. Because, I mean, all we did was talk about Newman at a club, where people are supposed to have fun and relax.
Billy: I know. We're becoming those people.
Victoria: I hate those people.
Billy: So do I. How do we fix this?
Victoria: Well, I think when the corporate craziness starts to come on, we should just remember our sweet little baby upstairs and focus on him for a little while.
Billy: That, my dear, is why you are the brains of this outfit.
Victoria: If I'm the brains, then what does that make you, exactly?
Billy: I'm the good-looking one. [Chuckles]
Kay: Wow. Were you spying on me and Devon earlier?
Tucker: I'm just having a drink, Katherine.
Kay: Oh. Sitting here alone, hunched over your bourbon, back turned to the world. Ha. Is this any way to reconnect with your son?
Tucker: He didn't tell you? I reached out to him earlier this evening.
Kay: He said you offered him a job, tried to buy his affection, or so it seemed to him.
Tucker: Well, I can't control what Devon thinks or feels. I can only try to be a father to him.
Kay: Well, then, you try a little harder. Now, we made a deal. Do you remember that?
Tucker: Yeah, I remember. I remember your ultimatum. I have to mend fences with him before you'll let me do the same with you.
Kay: [Groans] And he rebuffed you. And here you are brooding. For God's sake, do something.
Tucker: You can only push people so far, Katherine.
Kay: Do you know what your real problem is? You have betrayed us once too often. We're finding it very, very difficult to trust you again. So, I guess in the long run... [Chuckles] ...you haven't hurt me or Devon half as much as you've hurt yourself.
Adriana: Hey.
Noah: You promised you wouldn't show up here.
Adriana: It's a good thing I did. This place was practically empty. I breathed some life into this joint.
Noah: Oh, you think that's cute, do you? Do you have any idea how much trouble your being here could have caused?
Adriana: Am I to blame for the power going out, too? On the plus side, now that everyone's gone, we've got this place to ourselves.
Noah: Not here.
Avery: How is she?
Nick: Her temperature's 103. If it spikes any higher, I got to take her to the emergency room.
Avery: Okay, well, I can watch Faith if you need me to.
Nick: I tell you lately how grateful I am that you're in my life?
Avery: Well, that makes two of us.
Phyllis: Jack, I don't want to just leave you here.
Jack: No, no, no, no. I'll be fine.
Phyllis: Yeah?
Jack: I will. It's not like I'm alone. I mean, Dr. Lee is gonna be dropping by, and I got everything I need here. All I feel like doing is sleeping, and I'm not gonna feel any better knowing that you're pretending you're not concerned about your daughter.
Phyllis: I'll be back as soon as I can.
Jack: Okay. I'll be here when you get back.
Phyllis: Okay. Thank you. Thank you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: Did you fly in from Georgia?
Phyllis: Summer's my daughter. This is where I belong.
Lauren: Something made him run.
Michael: Well, I didn't --
Fen: Listen to Mom, Dad. She's reminding you it's all my fault.
Victor: As long as his wife is in town, so will Adam be.
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