Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/9/13
Episode # 10071 ~ Chloe & Kevin Decide What To Do With the Stolen Money; Sharon & Nick Celebrate Cassie's Birthday Together
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Avery: Are you worried about today?
Nick: It's Cassie's birthday. It always makes me a little sad.
Avery: I wish I could make it better.
Nick: I just miss her so much. Every day.
Avery: Well, you tell her that at the cemetery today.
Nick: I will. I wish I could take you with me.
Avery: Oh, no. Listen, that's not necessary. And I think... I think it is a really nice tribute that even though you're divorced, you and Sharon honor Cassie together.
Nick: Yeah, we're gonna go out afterward with Noah and Faith, tell stories about Cassie.
Avery: Summer?
Nick: Uh, she couldn't get the time off from school.
Avery: Okay. Well, what's gonna put a smile on your face today?
Nick: Sharing Cassie's memories. It's important that my little girl is never forgotten.
[Cell phone chimes]
Carmine: Champagne?
Chloe: Why are you closed? You doing inventory?
Kevin: Uh, in a way.
Chloe: What is that doing here?
Kevin: If this money was used in a sting operation, chances are, it's marked.
Chloe: And you brought it here?
Kevin: It needs to be laundered, so I made some calls, and there's this guy I know --
Chloe: Whoa, whoa. Wait. Guy, like, "From your unsavory past" guy you know? Is that safe?
Kevin: [Sighs] It's necessary. Anyway, my guy knows a guy who can trade the bills out over time so there's less of a chance it will be traced back to us.
Chloe: When will we get it back, and how much will that cost?
Kevin: Right away, and it ain't cheap.
Chloe: And the guy's coming here?
Kevin: Would you rather have him come to the house so he can meet Delia?
Chloe: [Sighs] I don't -- I don't know about this.
Kevin: [Sighs] Don't know? [Sighs] Chloe, there is half a million dollars in here. Even after this guy takes his cut, there is going to be plenty of money for us to pay off that balloon payment. We get to keep the house.
Chloe: No, it's not just that.
Kevin: Then what?
Chloe: It's just all this talk about laundered money and paying people off. It's just making everything very real. We're officially criminals. [Sighs]
Noah: Voicemail again, Adriana? Really? Look, that cop may have left New York, but whoever broke into the house and stole that money may still be waiting around to see if you show up. Things are dangerous here. You need to leave Genoa City, okay? I can help you, but you need to give me a damn call.
Sharon: Sweet Cassie. How would you be spending your birthday if you were with us today? You'd be out of college. Living on your own. But not too grown-up, right?
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Come in!
[Door opens]
Nick: How you doing?
Sharon: I really miss her. I feel really close to her, though, today. Like she's been watching over me, helping me deal with everything lately.
Nick: That's a good bet. So, you ready to go to the cemetery?
Sharon: Um... Nick, how would you feel about doing something different this year, something positive?
Nick: Like what?
Sharon: Well, what I have in mind I'm pretty sure is something Cassie would approve of.
Lauren: Thank you. I thought you worked at On the Boulevard.
Carmine: I picked up a shift here.
Lauren: Yeah? Saving for something?
Carmine: Well, just trying to get all the work I can since Gloworm burnt down. So... how about that drink?
Lauren: It's a little early for champagne.
Carmine: Ah, yes. Well, you see, if I put one splash of O.J. in it, it is now, boom, a breakfast cocktail.
Lauren: Probably shouldn't.
Carmine: [Chuckles] Well, it's on the house, so you can't say no to that.
Lauren: And what do your bosses say to all this alcohol that you give away?
Carmine: Well, a drink here and there, that's not a big deal.
Lauren: You sent over a bottle when we were at On the Boulevard when I was celebrating my anniversary.
Carmine: [Chuckles] Yeah. What can I say? I'm a sucker for romantic occasions.
Lauren: [Sighs]
Kevin: Babe, are you having second -- no, wait, third, no, wait, fourth -- thoughts about keeping the money?
Chloe: Yeah. But we're flat out of choices. If we turn the money in and try to collect for the reward...
Kevin: We could get busted for possession of stolen property.
Chloe: And if we decide to hold on to it...
Kevin: We'd be facing the same thing.
Chloe: Only difference is, our mortgage will be paid and our family will be under the same roof, which we discussed is what matters most. So... option "B" it is.
Kevin: On the other hand --
Chloe: La-la-la-la-la-la
Kevin: All I'm saying -- all I'm saying --
Chloe: Is no. No. There is no more rethinking, rehashing, or other-handing-ness, okay? We're doing this. We're doing it.
Kevin: Okay. I just was gonna say, all you have to do is say the word. I take the money, I put it behind a dumpster, and I place an anonymous call to the cops. That's it.
Chloe: I'm scared. And then I'm exhilarated. And then there's that other part, that -- that constant thing that's just stuck in my throat.
Kevin: Is there a name for that?
Chloe: Yeah. Us getting caught and what it would do to Dee.
Kevin: Babe, we're not gonna get caught because this guy is a master at covering his tracks.
Chloe: [Sighs] You know what's crazy?
Kevin: Us. This. All the above?
Chloe: I feel closer to you than ever.
Kevin: You do?
Chloe: Maybe it's all this danger, this danger that makes it that much more exciting.
Kevin: Hmm.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
[Knocking on door]
[Indistinct conversation]
Michael: Hello?
Kevin: Take this. Take this. That way.
[Knocking on door]
Kevin: Hey.
Michael: It's freezing out there.
Kevin: Yeah.
Michael: Why's the place closed?
Both: Inventory.
Michael: Is this a bad time?
[Cell phone rings]
Noah: Yeah.
Adriana: Good morning, Noah. How'd you sleep?
Noah: I didn't. I was too stressed because my ex-girlfriend showed up asking me to hide her from law enforcement.
Adriana: Lower the decibels, okay? I haven't had my coffee yet.
Noah: Well, we can pick one up on the way --
Adriana: Thanks for setting me up in this place. It's really nice.
Noah: Adriana, do not leave that room, okay? I'm on my way to take you to the bus station.
Adriana: Take your time. I was in the room all night long, so I'm into the amenities this morning.
Noah: Did you order room service?
Adriana: No, I, uh, went to the gym, the sauna, and now I'm in the dining room having breakfast. Oh, and I want to squeeze in a massage before I check out.
Noah: The idea was to keep a low profile.
Adriana: But the cop left town, right?
Noah: It doesn't matter. We still have to be careful. Just don't go anywhere until we make sure that Chavez is gone, okay? I'm on my way. Hey.
Sharon: Hi.
Noah: What are you guys doing here? I thought, uh -- why -- why is Faith out of school?
Sharon: Well, we took her out early so she could spend the afternoon with us to celebrate Cassie's birthday.
Nick: Yeah, you didn't forget, did you?
Noah: No. Yeah. Sure. I just, um... I thought that because Summer couldn't be here that we were gonna do things a little differently this year, is all.
Sharon: Well, there's still the four of us.
Noah: Uh, it's -- I-I made these plans.
Nick: Well, you know how important this is to your mother and me.
Noah: It is to me, too.
Nick: Then change your plans.
Noah: It's really not possible.
Sharon: What could be more important?
Noah: Look, when we -- when we didn't firm things up, I just thought that I would go and remember Cassie in my own way later on.
Nick: You can't blow this off.
Noah: That's not what I'm doing.
Sharon: Okay, let's not get upset. Um, Faith, why don't you go upstairs and I'll be up in a minute to see the new dollhouse?
Faith: Okay.
Nick: Look, Faith never met Cassie. If she is ever gonna get any sense of her sister...
Sharon: We all need to help.
Noah: No, I get that. I do.
Nick: It's important that Faith hears our stories and our memories of her.
Sharon: Yeah, like how much Cassie loved baking. You know, spending time with her in the kitchen was...
Noah: Messy.
[Both laugh]
Nick: You two would end up covered in flour from head to toe.
Sharon: Yeah, but the cookies always turned out delicious. Do you remember her favorite flavor?
Noah: Butterscotch chocolate chip.
Nick: Your mom thought it'd be a good idea if we made up some cookies as a family and then took them to the paramedics as a token of our appreciation.
Noah: Because they are the first responders to kids hurt in drunk-driving accidents.
Nick: Don't you want in on that?
Sharon: Nick, let's not pressure him.
Noah: No, no, no. It's a good idea.
Sharon: So, you'll stay?
Noah: Yeah.
Michael: Do you always get this tense during inventory?
Chloe: It's the money. You know, you knocked on the door and we were in the middle of an argument about our financial situation.
Michael: Oh. That's rough. I do want to help.
Chloe: Oh, we -- we really appreciate your offer, but --
Kevin: Yeah, you've already gone above and beyond with the money you fronted us, the $10,000.
Michael: Well, is the house still in jeopardy?
Kevin: Uh... we'll land on our feet. We always do. So, if that's why you came by, then we should just...
Michael: No, no, no. I actually came by to ask you if you'd seen Jamie. He's disappeared.
Chloe: Oh, I thought he liked staying with you and Lauren, relieved to get out of that group home.
Kevin: Yeah, kids his age, they always take off. He'll show up.
Michael: I was hoping he'd come by here.
Chloe: If he does, we will call you.
Michael: Oh, you know what? I also wanted to ask you if you might know any of Jamie's other friends because if you could put me in contact with them, that could help me find him.
Kevin: No, the only people I've ever seen him in here with are, uh, Fen and Summer. He's kind of a loner.
Chloe: Sorry. Sorry we can't help.
Michael: All right. Yeah, well, let me know if you see him. Thank you.
Both: Okay.
Michael: Well, for a couple strapped for cash, you certainly have a lot of it lying around. [Whistles]
Carmine: [Sighs] Should I top off your drink?
Lauren: Mmm. Mnh-mnh. I should probably eat something before I have another glass of that.
Carmine: Okay.
Lauren: Oh, my goodness. That's very speedy service there. [Both laugh] Actually, um, I'm meeting my husband for brunch and he's just running late.
Carmine: Hmm. I had pegged Mr. District Attorney a smart guy.
Lauren: He's actually quite brilliant.
Carmine: Then what's he doing letting his beautiful wife sit here alone?
Lauren: Mmm. Mmm. No, no, no. He didn't stand me up. He's just -- you know, he texted me so I wouldn't worry.
Carmine: Aha. I think you at least deserve a phone call. Didn't his Ma teach him better?
Lauren: I actually have no idea what Gloria taught him, but from my experience, I think sons tune their mothers out.
Carmine: Hmm.
Lauren: Because I definitely did not raise my son to act the way he's been acting lately.
Carmine: Ah. Don't take that personally. Guys that age, all they want to be seen as is a man. You know, it's kind of hard with your Ma breathing down your neck to clean your room.
Lauren: Did you listen to your Ma?
Carmine: Well, yeah, I usually had to because she had me by the ear.
Lauren: [Laughs]
Carmine: But, um, I don't know. Listening and obeying... two different things, right? I mean, do you usually obey all the rules you hear?
Noah: Hey, Sweetie. Have you seen my duffel bag anywhere?
Faith: The big, black bag for your clothes?
Noah: Yeah. Yeah. That's the one. Have you seen it? Maybe, um, did you open it or tell somebody about it?
Sharon: Faith, Honey, we're ready to mix the batter. Cassie used to stand on an apple box just so she could reach up to the counter.
Nick: I don't know what Cassie liked more -- using every bowl, plate, pan...
Noah: Spoon, fork, whisk, and colander.
Nick: ...Or eating up all these cookies.
Faith: If she was here, would Cassie like me?
Noah: [Chuckles]
Nick: Absolutely.
Noah: Oh, Faith, your older sister would have loved you.
Sharon: Cassie knew that we were gonna have another little girl.
Nick: Yeah. It's like she sent you to us so we wouldn't be so sad anymore.
Sharon: You were a gift, Faith. A perfect gift from heaven.
Lauren: So, growing up around your father's business, how did you stay on the right side of the law?
Carmine: Who says I did?
Lauren: You were a juvenile delinquent?
Carmine: Yeah, for a while. Until I figured out the only way to avoid all that trouble was to, uh, stay far away from home. It was really the only way for me. Can I, um...can I give you some advice?
Lauren: About what?
Carmine: Okay, um, about your kid. Uh, what's his name?
Lauren: Fenmore. Fen for short.
Carmine: Yeah. Um... love him and protect him.
Lauren: Yeah, well, that's a given.
Carmine: Yeah, well, most parents, they try to do the whole tough-love routine.
Lauren: But it's been known to work.
Carmine: That'll just make your kid resentful and push him further away. Let the kid -- sorry, uh, Fenmore, Fen for short... just let him know you got his back. No matter what he does, 100%, you'll be there for him.
Noah: All clean.
Nick: Well, not quite.
Sharon: Faith, maybe we should bring you upstairs and get you cleaned up.
Faith: Before we go to the fire station?
Nick: Well, do you think the paramedics are gonna let you climb all over their fire engine with you all powdery like that? That's right.
Sharon: [Chuckles] I'll be up in a minute, Honey.
Noah: [Clears throat]
Nick: You taking off?
Noah: Yeah, you guys can, uh, handle the cookie delivery without me, can't you?
Nick: Actually, your mom and Faith are gonna do that. I got to swing by the club, and I was hoping you'd come with me.
Noah: Why?
Nick: They dropped off the artwork samples. I wanted you to help me pick out something cool.
Noah: I mean, that's kind of more like Summer's thing, right?
Nick: Well, Summer's never been to a nightclub. At least, she better not. And you've been clubbing in New York. You know what works.
Noah: It's more about the music than what's hanging up on the walls, really.
Nick: Still, I want every detail perfect when this club opens.
Noah: Okay, um, can I meet you there later? I just got this thing I need to take care of, and I keep on putting it off, so...
Sharon: You know what? Is this about the Detective?
Noah: No, he's gone.
Nick: Something's got you all worked up. Did Adriana call you?
Noah: Look, I really got to go, okay?
Sharon: Something's going on. Please tell us.
Noah: [Sighs]
Nick: Is she in town, Son? Are you covering for her?
Noah: No. Why would you even think that?
Nick: Well, I found this bracelet here, and I know it's not Summer or Faith's.
Noah: I don't -- maybe it's Avery's.
Nick: It's not Avery's. It's not her style.
Sharon: Noah.
Noah: [Sighs] Adriana showed up last night asking for my help. I think I may be in way over my head.
Adriana: Charge it to my room. And include a nice tip in there for yourself. [Sighs]
Alex: Adriana Stone, in the flesh. I knew if I waited long enough, you'd show. Ah, ah, ah. Don't even think about it.
Michael: There has got to be $3,000 or $4,000 here.
Chloe: $5,000. I withdrew it from my account today. [Laughing] And now I have a whopping $46 in my account.
Michael: Why would you do that?
Chloe: I was, uh, trying to stall the foreclosure, and, um, as it turns out, five grand is just a band-aid. It won't stop the bleeding.
Michael: Okay. You've got to let me help you.
Kevin: I can't accept another loan.
Michael: Kevin, I understand pride, but if you are completely tapped out, you've got to set your ego aside --
Kevin: Ego?
Michael: ...And think about what's best for your family.
Kevin: Exactly. My family. I'm the one who got Chloe and Delia into this mess. I'm gonna get them out.
Michael: What are you gonna do, rob a bank?
Kevin: [Scoffs] Yeah. And knock off a liquor store, too.
Michael: Chloe, talk to your husband.
Kevin: What -- she's gonna be driving the getaway car. We're gonna be a-a-a-a modern-day Butch and Sundance.
Chloe: [Laughs] Could you imagine us as criminals?
Michael: Sadly, I can. I'm all too familiar with Kevin's crazy schemes and how they're likely to drag people in.
Kevin: Oh, come on. Didn't you just apologize to me for saying stuff like this?
Michael: Yes, I did. But you worry me, Kevin. I think you're kidding, but I trust that your plan to save your house doesn't involve anything illegal because I'm tired of prosecuting people I know!
[Both sigh]
Lauren: Hmm. There's Michael. I should settle up.
Carmine: Oh. It's, um, on the house.
Lauren: Well, thank you, Carmine.
Michael: You look beautiful. And I hope you weren't waiting a long time.
Lauren: Not too long. Thank you.
Michael: And, uh... I hope the, uh, Neanderthal wasn't bothering you.
Lauren: Oh, Honey, no.
Michael: Thank you.
Lauren: Now, why did you want to have brunch with me?
Michael: Why? Uh... because you have been stressed out about Fenmore and you deserve a break.
Lauren: You know, I have decided that all we can do is love and protect him.
Michael: I agree wholeheartedly. That being said, we might as well forget about Jamie and Fenmore for at least... one hour...
Lauren: Hmm.
Michael: ...And concentrate on each other.
Lauren: Oh, yeah. I would like more than an hour with you, though. Maybe a night in Chicago or a weekend at the beach where, oh, we have no responsibility and no surly teens. Just us.
Michael: I don't have to go away to find an escape. I just have to look in your beautiful eyes.
Chloe: Michael's parting shot was...
Kevin: Spooky accurate?
Chloe: He can know about the half-million.
Kevin: How could he?
Chloe: We all but confessed.
Kevin: Michael was just issuing his standard big-brother warning.
Chloe: If that cop thinks that this money is in this town, then he probably told the GCPD. And then Michael could know.
Kevin: Detective Chavez didn't even tell our cops that he was in town investigating. I doubt he told them about the money.
Chloe: And what if he did?
Kevin: [Sighs] Well, just to be safe, I will call my guy and get him started on moving this money, because the longer it's in our possession, the better chance we have of getting caught.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Adriana: Ow! What's this about?
Alex: Where's the drug money, huh? Where is it, Adriana?
Adriana: I don't know what you're talking about, Detective Chavez.
Alex: The half a mil you stole. Drug money you had in the panel in your apartment, remember? It disappeared. And then you disappeared.
Adriana: You have no proof that I stole anything.
Alex: What are you doing here in Genoa City?
Adriana: It's America's dairy land. I love cheese. It's a match made in heaven.
Alex: Give me some answers right now or I'm gonna have the locals put you in cuffs.
Adriana: For what?
Alex: Anything.
Adriana: I came here to visit my ex-boyfriend, okay, maybe rekindle things.
Alex: No, you sent the money to Noah Newman. And the sooner you admit it, the easier it's gonna be for you.
Nick: What has this girl gotten herself involved in?
Sharon: Are the police still looking for her?
Nick: Why are they after her?
Noah: They think she stole some money.
Sharon: Did she?
Noah: She claims she didn't.
Nick: Why can't she tell the police that?
Noah: She's scared. So when she asked me to hide her out, I got her a room at the club.
Nick: What the hell were you thinking?
Sharon: Well, he still cares about her.
Nick: It doesn't matter. You cannot be involved with this girl. If she stole this money, you're an accessory now. You could be charged with aiding and abetting.
Noah: I know, which is why I told her that I would help her for one night and then she's on her own.
Sharon: But are you willing to commit to that? I know how much you cared for her.
Noah: I did. Right up until she cheated on me, and now I don't believe a word out of Adriana's mouth. Which is why I'm telling her to pack up and go. I don't want anything to do with her.
Nick: You telling us everything?
Noah: Yeah. That's everything.
Sharon: So, after we drop off these delicious cookies at the fire station, I'll take you over to Lonnie's for your play date.
Nick: I am so glad we did this. I really think Cassie would have loved it.
Sharon: I did, too.
Faith: I did, too.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Nick: All right, well, listen, you don't sneak too many cookies on your way to see the paramedics, all right?
Avery: Oh. Hi. Um, I-I thought you would be out. I didn't mean to interrupt Cassie's birthday celebration.
Sharon: Oh, no, you didn't interrupt. We were just leaving.
Nick: All right. Go ahead.
Sharon: Come on, Kiddo.
Nick: Have fun. Bye.
Avery: Bye.
Sharon: Bye.
Avery: I am so sorry. I, uh -- I thought you would be out. I would have never just shown up like this.
Nick: It's okay. It's okay. What's going on?
Avery: Uh, nothing. Well, I don't think it's anything. But, um... I was gonna tell you about it, but I really wanted to talk to Summer first.
Nick: What did she do? No secrets, remember?
Avery: I know. Okay. Um, she took a key to my storage space, and, uh, she was hanging out there.
Nick: She did what?
Avery: Well, we talked about it, and she agreed to stay away. So...
Nick: Well, I hope you changed the locks.
Avery: I did. And I went there earlier today, and it's been broken into again.
Nick: This kid is not driving her new car for a week.
Avery: Well, hold on, because I don't know that it was Summer, but I would like to talk to her about it.
Nick: Well, she's gonna be home from school any minute. I'll talk to her.
Avery: Um, I'd like to handle it, if you don't mind. Summer trusts me, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Nick: Okay. All right. You know, all I wanted to do today was just...remember Cassie.
Avery: And there life goes being all inconvenient.
Adriana: Then hear this -- again. Okay, I don't know anything about that missing money.
Alex: I thought you were smarter than your ex. But since you're not, I'm gonna be watching you till that money turns up.
Adriana: I don't have it, okay? You think if I had it, I'd be hanging out here in nowhereville, U.S.A.?
Alex: So the money is here. You just don't have it. What are you hanging around here for, Adriana? Where's the money?
[Door opens]
Adriana: [Sighs]
Nick: I'm supposed to meet the foreman at the club and find out exactly how long this rewiring is gonna take.
Avery: Uh-huh. When is Noah supposed to help you pick out artwork?
Nick: You know, my son gave me the brush-off. He said he had something better to do.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: Oh, that should be the foreman. It's not. It is Summer telling me she wants to go to the movies with her friends. I'm telling her she needs to come home right now.
Avery: No, it can wait. Really. She probably just needed to go back and think again. It does surprise me, though, that she didn't just ask me.
Nick: Maybe it was an actual break-in.
Avery: Yeah, well, nothing was stolen. I mean, why would somebody just break in and not take anything?
Michael: I hate to say it.
Lauren: Then don't.
Michael: Thank you. I have to get back to work.
Lauren: Work can wait. I did.
Michael: It's not the office that's hung me up. I'm following a lead on Jamie.
Lauren: Do you know where he is?
Michael: Not yet. I was hoping Kevin and Chloe could tell me if he had any other friends.
Lauren: Does he?
Michael: Apparently Jamie never came to the coffeehouse without Summer and Fenmore. The situation was just very odd.
Lauren: Yeah, but, I mean, it makes sense that he would have trouble trusting people --
Michael: No, no, no. I'm sorry. No. Not Jamie. Kevin and Chloe. They acted strange. They couldn't wait for me to get out of there.
Lauren: Well, maybe you interrupted something.
Michael: Oh, I'm sure I did.
Kevin: That'll work. Thanks. My guy arranged a meeting with the cleaner, but he's not coming here after all.
Chloe: Seriously? They call him "The Cleaner"?
Kevin: The guy launders dirty money. The name fits. It doesn't matter what they call him so long as he has a way to move this cash.
Alex: Do you guys have time for a few more questions?
Noah: Hey.
Adriana: You scared the hell out of me.
Noah: Thought I was Chavez?
Adriana: What?
Noah: I saw you talking to him, Adriana. So, what are you doing back here?
Adriana: Looking for that missing money.
Noah: You know, with no cash, there's no proof that you stole anything.
Adriana: Yeah, but --
Noah: So there's no reason for the guy to stick around. You can just leave town and leave me alone.
Adriana: But you don't know this guy. Okay, he's bad news, a dirty cop.
Noah: How do you know that?
Adriana: He can hurt me, Noah. Look, I've got no one else but you. Please help me.
Nick: Unbelievable. There's no sign of the crew or the foreman. If I don't get this place rewired in time, I can't open.
Avery: Okay, you know what? It's been an emotional day. How about a drink? I would love a glass of champagne.
Nick: [Snaps fingers] Why not? We could toast to my complete and utter failure as a nightclub owner. What's this?
Avery: Uh... okay, that was for opening night. It was a surprise. But I guess since you seem like you could use a pick-me-up, open it now.
Nick: Okay. It's a framed dollar bill.
Avery: Yes. The first of many, I'm sure. Whether this place opens on the 11th or 2 weeks after the 11th, it's going to be a success. You are going to be a success.
Nick: Someone believes in me.
Avery: Yes, I do. Now, would you please believe in yourself?
Nick: Okay.
Avery: Yeah. I think that'll go with any artwork you choose.
Nick: I'll make sure of it.
Avery: Mm-hmm. Now, as your first paying customer, I want that drink.
Nick: Well, okay.
[Glasses clink]
[Door opens]
Sharon: Almost as good as yours. But not quite. Memories. They're what's kept me going... all these years. [Voice breaking] But you would tell me [Sniffles] To look to the future. [Sniffles] Look ahead. [Sighs] Adam? I'm gonna take the job at Newman.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: Mistakes were made.
P.I.: There's no way to trace the girl back to you.
Victor: That better be so.
Adam: My father will make a move. I'll have to gauge what approach he'll take.
Kevin: We have an appointment.
Alex: With the cleaner?
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