Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/8/13
Episode # 10070 ~ Jack Angrily Confronts Phyllis About Her Past Mistakes; Chelsea is Angry With Adam for Being Unable to Escape His Enemies
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
[Keys jingle]
[Door shuts]
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hey.
Billy: How'd it go? Talk to your dad?
Victoria: Yes. I talked to my dad. I told him that I'm back in the fight for Newman.
Billy: Let me guess. He bought you a small island to say thank you.
Victoria: How about you? Did you accept Jack's job offer?
Billy: Good thing I did. He's in pretty bad shape.
Victoria: But he's still getting help, right?
Billy: That's the plan. That's the plan.
Victoria: All right. So let's just hope that our plan works, too.
Billy: Well, I-I already started it off. [Chuckles] I dropped by Adam's, let him know that we were going to be running Newman together while Jack's away.
Victoria: Oh, wow. I bet he loved that.
Billy: You know, he -- he was...all right. You know, he played it pretty cool. He was detached, unemotional, didn't give his hand away. I've never actually seen him like that.
Victoria: Billy.
Billy: What?
Victoria: Stop joking. This is very serious.
Billy: [Chuckles] I have no illusions. I realize that forcing Adam out of Newman is going to be one hell of a fight, Honey.
Adam: That little tool struts in here like John Wayne on cheap steroids, and he actually utters the phrase "There's a new sheriff in town." Really?
Chelsea: Don't let it bother you.
Adam: No. No, of course not. I -- I shouldn't let it bother me, should I? Jack hiring Billy -- of all people, Billy -- to babysit me while Jack is off detoxing. Yeah.
Chelsea: Well, you do need somebody to take your place at Newman.
Adam: [Clears throat] Yeah, I do. I was thinking more an executive type of personality, not so much a, uh, drunk surfer.
Chelsea: Hey. Nothing wrong with surfers.
Adam: Be honest with me. When you first met Billy at the bar, did he come off as someone who could run a multi-national conglomerate, let alone spell "Conglomerate"?
Chelsea: It doesn't matter what I think. It's Jack's decision, and obviously, he trusts his brother.
Adam: That's right. He trusts the guy who went to his rival's daughter with sensitive information. That -- you know, if Jack had not gotten on that thing early, he could've lost Newman, easily.
Chelsea: Not necessarily.
Adam: No. Necessarily. Yes. Actually, he could have, because all my father needs is just a small opening to take full advantage of this whole situation. You know, I got to handle Billy. I don't know what I'm gonna do. But I'm gonna have to take him out from under his --
Chelsea: Oh, my God! Stop! Stop! Enough! Please!
Adam: What am I doing? What?
Chelsea: Are you listening to yourself? You promised not to get wrapped up in all of this, and then here you are. [Sighs] What is it gonna take for you to be free of these people?
Jack: [Shivering ]
Phyllis: You're doing so great. You're doing so great. Jack, just... you got to hang on. You got to hang on till the morning, okay? The doctor will be here to help you. You got to hang on.
Jack: D-doctor? Wait. Who -- who called the doctor? We got to get rid of the --
Phyllis: Jack. Jack. Jack.
Jack: Wait. How did we get here?
Phyllis: Hey.
Jack: W-what's going on?
Phyllis: Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. You asked me to bring you up here so you can get off of the pills.
Jack: No, I -- I can't stay here. I got to go back.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Jack! Jack!
Nicholas: What do you mean there's a problem? Everything was cool on New Year’s.
Worker: Well, since then, some older wiring shorted out.
Nicholas: [Sighs] How long's that gonna take to fix?
Worker: Won't know till we open the wall.
Nicholas: Open the wall? I'm opening in a couple days. There's no time for that!
Worker: Better make time. You want to pass inspection?
Nicholas: Oh, we are officially screwed.
Avery: Oh, reality check, Gentlemen. Nothing's as bad as all that. Not when you have cupcakes.
Worker: Works for me.
Nicholas: That good?
Victoria: Hey, you're still up for this, right?
Billy: Yes.
Victoria: Even though it's gonna be a big fight?
Billy: Sure am.
Victoria: Right?
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Okay, well, try not to sound so enthusiastic about it.
Billy: It's not just business interests that we're dealing with. There are huge personal costs at stake.
Victoria: I know that. That's exactly why we're doing it -- because if you and I are successful, my dad and your brother will get their family companies back, and Adam will get what he deserves, which is a pink slip, or hopefully a big black eye, you know? But if we step back and just let Adam run wild, then --
Billy: Oh, I know. He will wrap Jabot up into the big galactic empire. Yeah.
Victoria: And the Abbott legacy will cease to exist, which would be a huge setback for Jack's recovery.
Billy: So all this is for Jack's benefit?
Victoria: No. I'm not gonna pretend like that's the case. But, I mean, come on. We really don't have much of a choice, do we?
Billy: You're right. But are you sure you're okay with not telling your father what we're really doing here?
Victoria: Yes! It'll be better this way.
Billy: And which way is that, exactly? 'Cause you haven't filled me in on any of the details.
Victoria: And I will. I will fill you in, just as soon as I work them out.
Billy: [Chuckles] You haven't worked them out yet?
Victoria: Well, I mean, come on. Is that so unusual?
Billy: For you? Yeah.
Victoria: Wait a minute. You don't think that I'm playing you, too, do you?
Billy: Well, we know that big daddy knows how to push your buttons, and I imagine if it becomes between him and Jack, well, you're probably gonna go with daddy.
Victoria: Well, if it came down to it, what would you do? You've had a lot of animosity towards my father. How do I know you're not playing me?
Billy: [Scoffs] You really think I'd side against you?
Victoria: After what we've been through the past few months...
Billy: All the more reason for me to have your back. I love my brother. I want what's best for him. But you are my priority. Right? We're a team? First, last, everything? Can I get a "Go, team"? Can I get a "Go, team"? "Go, team..."
Victoria: [Sighs] Go, team.
Billy: That's what I'm talking about! Now we can get some matching jackets and pom-poms. You can do some cartwheels.
[Both chuckle]
Billy: What's the next move?
Victoria: Hmm. Maybe a little bit of this.
Billy: Ooh, I like this move! This is a good move!
Victoria: Maybe a little bit of this.
[Both chuckle]
Victoria: [Sighs] Maybe we ought to start buying up some stock.
Billy: No. That was Victor's strategy, and Jack's, and Adam's. We've got to come at this takeover from a different angle, Baby.
Victoria: Yes, but they've seen just about every possible angle that there is.
Billy: Then ours has to be invisible.
Victoria: How are we gonna do that?
Billy: [Sighs] Poker.
Victoria: You want to play cards for the future of Newman and Jabot?
Billy: [Laughs]
Victoria: You want to ante up corporations like poker chips? Really?
Billy: Yes, I wish I could. I'd have this whole thing settled in a couple of hands.
Victoria: Oh, please. You'd probably gamble away both companies. Okay. What are you getting at, Billy?
Billy: I'm just saying, there's nothing like sitting at a table across from a guy, with a big smile on your face, knowing you're holding nothing but a couple of 2's. It is fantastic.
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: Yeah? Here. I'll show you.
Victoria: No. No, I don't think you should.
Billy: Oh, come on. Come on.
Victoria: I really don't think you should.
Billy: No, there's nothing to lose. Unless you're a ringer who's gonna use some card shark tricks to take me for everything I'm worth. You already own it all.
Victoria: [Gasps]
Billy: [Chuckles] Come on. It's just -- it's just a strategy tool. I can show you how this is done, all right? The gift of the grift? I mean, you do want to beat the odds, right? You want to save Jabot and Newman?
Victoria: [Sighs] Okay. Deal.
Billy: All right, all right, all right. Pay attention. You're about to learn from the master.
Adam: I owe it to Jack to keep this company sound until he returns. That's all I'm doing.
Chelsea: That's not true, Adam. You have this thing about Newman and this town. Today, Billy's the reason you're not leaving. In a couple months, it'll be something else.
Adam: Mnh-mnh. No, no, no.
Chelsea: It will.
Adam: No, I'm out the door. Just got to get a few ducks in a row, just a few people in the right places. And, of course, there is one big issue.
Chelsea: Here it comes.
Adam: It would be, uh, the issue of where are we going to move to. Have you narrowed down the list?
Chelsea: Um...not exactly.
Adam: No? You've added to it?
Chelsea: [Laughing] No! No! Just think about it! It's so incredible, being able to pick any place in the world, and be able to live there. [Sighs] I mean, my mother and I were always running from something, you know, staying in one creepy Bates motel after another. Now I'm just -- I'm excited to be able to start a new life someplace incredible with you.
[Cell phone pings]
Adam: Oh.
Chelsea: You want to get that?
Adam: No. I want to concentrate on you. Sit down. And I want to concentrate on where it is we're moving to.
Chelsea: Okay. All right. It's still between the top three places -- New York, Paris, Milan.
Adam: Okay. Well, with New York, which is an amazing place, you have the fashion industry. You've got Wall Street, and the Yankees and the Knicks.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] You're such a dude.
Adam: Yeah. Well, then Milan. And that's a very romantic Italian city, so...
Chelsea: True. But that one time I was in Paris...
Adam: Paris, huh? You love it?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Then I love it, too.
Chelsea: [Squeals, laughs]
Adam: Paris it is. City of love.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: A lot better than Genoa City, which is, what -- the city of trouble? Drama? Pain?
Chelsea: All three.
[Chuckles, squeals]
Phyllis: All right, Jack.
Jack: Where's my car?
Phyllis: Just work with me.
Jack: Where's my car?
Phyllis: Okay, you're not getting in your car. The only place you're going is to bed. Okay?
Jack: [Murmurs, gasps] No. You can't be here.
[Breathing rapidly]
Phyllis: What?
Jack: You can't be here.
Phyllis: What? What are --?
Jack: This is your fault. You did this to me.
Phyllis: I did?
Jack: Why did you do this? Why did you have to die?
Phyllis: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not dead. I'm right here.
Jack: Don't play mind games with me, Stephanie. You're dead! You've already ruined my life. What do you want from me now?
Phyllis: Jack, look at me. Look at me. It's me. Look at me. It's me! It's me, Phyllis. It's me, Phyllis.
Jack: Ph-- Phyllis.
Phyllis: It's me. Who's Stephanie? Why do you think this -- this "Stephanie" person ruined your life?
Jack: I don't know. She was just there.
Phyllis: Where was she?
Jack: It was too late. She wouldn't wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Come on. Get up, damn it! Open your eyes! Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. She's dead. I killed her. Oh, God.
Phyllis: You didn't kill anyone. You didn't kill anyone, Jack.
Jack: How did this happen? Why did this happen?
Phyllis: It didn't.
Jack: Why can't I remember anything?!
Phyllis: You can't remember because it didn't happen. It didn't happen. It didn't happen. You're hallucinating, okay? You're hallucinating. It's a withdrawal from the drugs that you were taking. It didn't happen.
Jack: How'd we get in here?
Phyllis: What?
Jack: Did you take my key? Did -- or did Ashley or Billy give you their key? They've all turned on me, every last one of them. They've turned on me!
Phyllis: No. No one turned on you. No one's turned on you, Jack. We all love you very much. [VI=ice breaking ] We love you, and we're trying to help you.
Jack: You want to help me?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: You?
Phyllis: Me.
Jack: The woman who left me? Who tore my heart out? Who slept with me, who made love with me while she was thinking of Nick? You want to help me?! Where was all this kindness when I laid my soul bare for you? When I cherished you? When I protected you? When I defended you when everyone said you were only out for you! You stabbed me in the heart, and you walked away like it was nothing. [Shivering] Like...it was no-- like it was nothing! [Continues shivering]
Avery: Break time, everyone, and then take 10.
Nicholas: Oh. Yeah, there you go. Actually, make it 5, all right? Not a minute more. 5.
Worker: All right.
Avery: Those were mint chocolate cupcakes. Cures all that ails ya.
Nicholas: Can your cupcakes re-wire this place? We have a short.
Avery: It'll get fixed.
Nicholas: Do you have any idea what will happen if I have to postpone the opening?
Avery: Yeah -- I'll have more time to find shoes to go with my dress.
Nicholas: I've got ads out there, commercials, billboards. I mean, just think about all the people I'm gonna have to turn away at the door, and the press? I mean, what am I thinking, opening a nightclub?
Avery: Whoa, whoa. Business is business. If you need something done, you do what you always do. You rally your employees. Pay them overtime. Hire more if you need to. There's nothing new about this.
Nicholas: Oh, it feels that way.
Avery: This type of thing usually rolls off your back. What's going on?
Nicholas: [Sighs]
Avery: Are you afraid of failing? Is that it?
Victoria: What was that?
Billy: What was what?
Victoria: That eyebrow thing you just did.
Billy: I'm -- I'm sorry. Eyebrow thing?
Victoria: You raised your eyebrow, like my dad.
Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah, because we're a lot alike. It's your turn.
Victoria: Billy, I know what I saw, okay? That's what my father always does when he has the upper hand -- raises his eyebrow.
Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you in, or are you out?
Victoria: I fold.
Billy: Oh, she folds. She folds.
Victoria: Hey, wait a minute. That's it? You don't even have a pair! I had three 7's!
Billy: Yeah, well...
Victoria: Yeah!
Billy: [Chuckles] Thems are the breaks, Baby.
Victoria: Yeah, but you did the eyebrow thing.
Billy: Yeah, well, I was bluffing, just like your dad. And he is the king of it. That is gonna teach you a lesson. Do not believe a thing he does or says, all right? Let's try this again.
Victoria: All righty, all righty, all righty.
Billy: What do you got, there? Let me see.
Victoria: No! No-no-no-no-no. No cheating.
Billy: Not cheating! No! I'm just trying to help you out! Yeah, I'm gonna teach you the strategy here, you know?
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: Boy Scout drop-out honor. Let me see them.
Victoria: Here.
Billy: Ooh! Baby, I hope you're hoping you're gonna bet the farm on that!
Victoria: Yeah, I might. I might. Maybe a few cows.
Billy: Yeah? Well, but... you've got to be aggressive and take huge risks, especially when you're facing odds that are as great as ours.
Victoria: [Exhales] All right. [Clears throat] But that's really easy for you to say when you're, uh -- oh, look -- holding the joker, right?
Billy: [Laughs] Well, generally, there's no jokers in real poker. But he is in this deck to teach you a very good lesson.
Victoria: Really? And what is that?
Billy: Well... [Scoffs] Don't let his name fool you, or that silly smile. He is wanting to wallop you over the head with that staff of his. He's capable of anything, just like Adam. A true wild card.
[Keyboard clacking]
Adam: Is that the translation app?
Chelsea: Oui, Monsieur.
Adam: Why don't we work on some key phrases, shall we?
Chelsea: Yeah, we shall. Okay, how about "Two glasses of red wine, please?"
Adam: No-no-no. Let's rephrase that. "The very best bottle of red wine that you have, please."
Chelsea: Mmm. I like the way you think.
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Here, let me write something down.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Don't look.
Chelsea: I'm not looking!
Adam: Seriously.
Chelsea: I need to learn.
Adam: Let's try this out. I am a slow...
Chelsea: Can't see -- typer?
Adam: ...Tablet typer.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Okay. "Certainment, Mademoiselle, la robe de mon épouse est si belle parce qu'elle l'a conçue elle-mme."
Chelsea: Ooh, that accent.
Adam: I don't know if it sounds right.
Chelsea: That was sexy. Uh, I don't know. You'll have to do it again.
Adam: You sure?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: "Of course, Mademoiselle, my wife's dress is so beautiful because she designed it herself."
Chelsea: Aww! How about, um, "That will be 4,000 Euros, please." How about that one?
Adam: You're gonna charge --
Chelsea: Yep!
Adam: Okay. Then you can pay our mortgage.
Chelsea: Have you seen my sketches?
Adam: You're a big deal, aren't you?
Chelsea: I'm a big deal. Okay. "Ce sera quatre mille Euros, s'il vous plat."
Adam: "Si sierra quattro mila Euros, s'il vous plat."
Chelsea: No, "Ce sera." You're mixing up your romance languages.
Adam: Darn.
Chelsea: Darn.
Adam: You know, I think what we need to do is just give me a little more incentive. I might learn more quickly.
Chelsea: Incentive?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: To learn?
Adam: Sure.
Chelsea: Incentive. Well, how about I take off...
Adam: I like this.
Chelsea: ...One article of clothing...
Adam: Yes?
Chelsea: ...For every answer that you get right?
Adam: Oh, okay. This is -- this is nice. What about if I get the answer wrong?
Chelsea: You reciprocate.
Adam: Oh. Reciprocity, huh? A little strip French 101?
Chelsea: Oh, no-no-no-no. Le strip Français.
Adam: [Chuckles] I stand corrected. Come here.
Chelsea: Mmm. Take it off.
Adam: I'll start with my tie. I won't cheat.
Chelsea: You're going down!
Nicholas: Hey, I have failed before. What's one more? It's not gonna matter.
Avery: Okay, because it's not just one more. It's the one.
Nicholas: Even announced it to my dad. I'm done with Newman Enterprises. I'm living my dream. That's this. This is what I wanted.
Avery: Okay. Then you should have it. No one's gonna keep that from you -- not your dad, not fate, and certainly not some stupid wires. Nick, you are ready for this, and all your past successes and failures have prepared you for this moment. All you have to do is embrace it. And you better, because I'm not about to give up my own private booth. I've had way too much fun there already. [Laughs]
Adam: "Ilfait-il obtention chaud dedans ici?"
Chelsea: [Sighs] Ugh! Correct again!
Adam: What?
Chelsea: Come on!
Adam: [Clears throat]
Chelsea: Fine.
Adam: Oh well.
Chelsea: You know, I'm beginning to think either you have a very steep learning curve, or I have lost my ability to catch a con when I see one.
Adam: Says the queen of grifters.
Chelsea: Well, it just happens to me when I'm in love.
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Okay. [Clears throat] Little confession.
Chelsea: Confession?
Adam: Yes. Confession time. I might have had this much French in school, long time ago.
Chelsea: You cheater! I knew it!
Adam: I was a "C" student.
Chelsea: I knew it!
Adam: If Madame Toussaint had been...this kind of a teacher, I might have learned a little bit better.
Chelsea: Oh, yeah? Voulez-vous incentive?
Adam: Oui, oui.
Billy: [Humming]
Victoria: Well. But... will you go all-in?
Billy: That's pretty dangerous.
Victoria: Well, do you want to see my cards or not?
Billy: Mm-hmm. Damn right I want to see your cards.
Victoria: All right. Good. So put your money where your mouth is.
Billy: I'm gonna do that later. Right now, I'm gonna put my mouth right here.
Phyllis: Um, yeah. He's delusional, and he's hallucinating. Uh, and there's a lot of rage, and most of it is directed toward me. I don't think I can do this on my own. I don't think I can do this, Doctor.
Jack: [Mutters]
Phyllis: Okay.
Jack: Don't leave. Stay.
Phyllis: Listen. Whatever you can do. I got to -- I got to go now.
Jack: No.
Phyllis: But, please, you got to do this. You got to help me, please.
Jack: It'll get better. It'll get better.
Phyllis: Hey!
Jack: I promise. It's okay.
Phyllis: Hey.
Jack: Stay!
Phyllis: Wake up! Wake up. Hey. It was just a dream. Just a dream.
Jack: [Panting]
Phyllis: It was a pretty powerful dream.
Jack: Yeah.
Phyllis: What were you dreaming about?
Jack: About us.
Avery: Hi. Guess who's back?
Worker: Hope you brought some more cupcakes.
Avery: [Laughs] No, sorry. This is just for Nick. But don't let him know. It's a surprise.
Nicholas: "Dylan McAvoy."
Phyllis: You were dreaming about us? Really? No wonder you looked so miserable.
Jack: Oh, I don't know. We were pretty good there for a while. Better than good.
Phyllis: Until the end.
Jack: No, even then, too. What?
Phyllis: You... you just implied differently earlier.
Jack: What? What did I -- I hope it didn't get ugly.
Phyllis: No. No! No-no-no-no. You were fine. You were fine. You were just... rambling... about some woman named Stephanie, and how she's dead, how you killed her.
Jack: Did I also tell you that Teddy Roosevelt asked me to be part of the drug war? That I was having a mad, torrid affair with Mary Todd Lincoln?
Phyllis: [Chuckles] You left that last part out.
Jack: What was I thinking? How did I let it get this far?
Phyllis: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You're here now.
Jack: It's too late.
Phyllis: It's not too late, Jack. It's never too late. You look at me. You couldn't walk. You defied the odds. All the doctors said it couldn't happen, the physical therapists. And you walk! [Voice breaking] You walk now. You know why? 'Cause you're strong.
Jack: I'm a coward.
Phyllis: No, you're not. You're not a coward. What have you ever done that's cowardly?
Chelsea: Is this really happening? Leaving Genoa City, moving to Paris?
Adam: Let's make sure of it.
Chelsea: What are you doing?
Adam: Well, I'm booking us two first-class tickets to Charles de Gaulle for the 11th, and after that, I'm gonna get us a suite at the Plaza Athénée.
Chelsea: Oh, my God! I used to -- I used to hang out in that lobby and -- and pretend that I was staying there.
Adam: Well, you won't have to pretend anymore now, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: Our lives will be magnifique.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Jack: [Shivering]
Phyllis: Hey! Hey. Hey.
Jack: Hey.
Phyllis: What did you mean earlier when -- when you said that the two of us were good together? What did you mean?
Jack: Well, no thanks to me.
Phyllis: You?
Jack: Remember at the beginning? I used you to spy on Victor for me.
Phyllis: I forgave you for that.
Jack: Yeah, you did. And then some. Always kept me guessing. Never made things easy. Always had me on my toes.
Phyllis: [Chuckles]
Jack: [Shivers violently]
Phyllis: Hey. Hey. It's gonna pass. It's gonna pass, all right? Just hold on. It's gonna pass.
Jack: [Panting] Anybody ever tell you you'd make a great nurse?
Phyllis: [Laughs] No. No, they haven't. They tell me I'm a great wrecking ball. Maybe a great hit woman.
Jack: Oh, they're all just afraid of the fire. That's all. They're all afraid of your power. Me? Me, I say bring it on.
Phyllis: You may be the only one.
Jack: Why couldn't we make it work, the marriage?
Phyllis: I don't know, Jack. I don't know. Maybe because I used that wrecking ball to hurt the ones I love. I don't know.
Jack: Nobody's perfect, Red.
[Door opens]
Avery: Hey. Sorry it took me so long. Thought it'd be nice to relax with a bottle of wine, and I realized I was out. I didn't think you were the type to go through someone's things.
Nicholas: I just, uh -- I came across them in a drawer the night I was making you the -- the sundae.
Avery: And you're still holding on to them?
Nicholas: Well, I was curious, so I pulled them out again. I, um, looked them up online.
Billy: Oh, come on. [Laughs] A straight flush?
Victoria: That's right, that's right. You lost the shirt off your back to a rookie.
Billy: To a rookie? Well...it was worth it, Baby.
Victoria: Do you think I have what it takes to make it in the big leagues?
Billy: Uh, well, I mean, I don't know. I think we might need a little more practice before we, uh, go up against Victor. But we're getting close. What did he say, by the way, when you told him that I'm co-heading his precious Newman?
Victoria: Well, you know, he didn't really say anything.
Billy: That's surprising.
Victoria: Um, well, not really, considering I didn't tell him yet.
Billy: You chickened out. You little chicken.
Victoria: I did not chicken out. I just decided that there was a better tactical way to talk to my dad about it, so then I just -- so I chickened out.
Billy: [Laughs] Yes, you did. No wonder I didn't hear the sonic boom from that part of town. Maybe I should hire somebody to sky-write the news for the old man. He'd have a great view of it from his penthouse. I think I got altitude sickness last time I was up -- hi. How are you? What are you thinking about? Thinking about how you're gonna break the news to him?
Victoria: No. No, I was just thinking about our plan and how it could go wrong depending on the cards that we're dealt.
Billy: Well, we're not gonna have to worry about this guy. Not as long as we stick together.
Victoria: We will.
Billy: Because if he suspects anything, he's gonna try to get into our heads. He's gonna try to manipulate us, and it can't happen, okay?
Victoria: I know.
Billy: I'm serious. We trust each other, and nobody else.
Adam: Hey. Um, just wondering if you've made a decision about that position at Newman. Call me back when you can. Thanks, Sharon.
Jack: I can't do this!
Phyllis: Yeah, you can. You can do this.
Jack: You don't need to see this. I should never have asked you.
Phyllis: Well, if you didn't ask me, you would've gotten an earful.
Jack: Go home. You don't need this. Go home!
Phyllis: No! No, I'm not going anywhere! I'm not going anywhere. Please.
Jack: I don't want to hurt you, too.
Phyllis: You're not gonna hurt me. Please don't ask me to leave. Don't ask me to leave. It's a waste of your time if you ask me, okay? I'm staying here with you.
Jack: Could never win a fight with you.
Phyllis: Nope. You'd always lose. Hey, you go to sleep.
Jack: [Shivers]
Phyllis: I'm gonna be right here when you wake up. I'm gonna be right here.
Jack: [Continues shivering]
Nicholas: I didn't really find anything except that he was killed in action in Afghanistan a few years ago.
Avery: Dylan -- he was -- he was the man that I had an affair with.
Nicholas: Did things end because they didn't work out or because he died?
Avery: Um, does it matter?
Nicholas: Well, Avery, he clearly meant something to you.
Avery: And now you do. You do. I'm serious. I have moved on.
Nicholas: I'm a little embarrassed that I went behind your back, you know? I'm sorry.
Avery: It's okay. I meant what I said. I don't want there to be any secrets between us, so if you have questions about this, you just ask me, okay?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Carmine: I had pegged Mr. District Attorney a smart guy.
Lauren: He's actually quite brilliant.
Carmine: Then what's he doing letting his beautiful wife sit here alone?
Nicholas: Did Adriana call you?
Noah: I think I may be in way over my head.
Chloe: We're officially criminals.
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