Y&R Transcript Monday 1/7/13
Episode # 10069 ~ Jack Finally Accepts Help; Victor Warns Adam Not to Cover Up Jack's Mistakes
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Adam: A friend of yours?
Victor: I thought you might know her.
Adam: Why is that?
Victor: She was seen with Jack Abbott New Year’s Eve. Now she's dead. And Jack is off to parts unknown, supposedly to recover from a heart attack.
Adam: What's your point?
Victor: That he had reason to disappear. Not because he's ill. Because of a cover-up. A flimsy one, at that.
Billy: I promised that I wouldn't go back to Newman if you kept your father away from Jabot.
Victoria: Okay, well, I told you that that was one hell of an "If." What if I can't hold up my end of the deal?
Billy: Come on. Now that you've slept on it, there's got to be a way, right?
Victoria: Listen, if my dad wants to reclaim Newman and grab Jabot while Jack's out of the picture, he won't hesitate, Billy.
Billy: Yeah, and leave my brother with nothing, which is unacceptable.
Victoria: My father does what he wants and you know that.
Billy: [Clears throat] Jack is counting on me, and I'm not gonna let him down again. I refuse to let him come home to nothing.
Victoria: Listen, if this was just my dad against your brother, I would let them duke it out. But Adam is involved, and that changes everything.
Nick: So, this detective's name is Chavez.
Sharon: Alex. Right. From New York.
Nick: You know him?
Sharon: Well, I ran into him the other day when I stopped by the tack house.
Nick: My house?
Sharon: Yeah. Noah didn't tell you?
Nick: What has he told you?
Sharon: Well, that there was this girl named Adriana and Noah wants nothing to do with whatever she's mixed up in, but I can tell he was upset.
Nick: She cheated on him and broke his heart. Noah's over her now, which is a good thing because it sounds like she's nothing but trouble.
Sharon: Um... who told you that he's over her?
Nick: Noah did.
Sharon: Nick, I saw the look in Noah's eyes when he said her name. He's not over her.
Nick: [Sighs]
Noah: Dad? Summer?
Adriana: What about me?
Noah: Adriana, what are you -- how did you get in here?
Adriana: I can get into anything. Did you forget that?
Noah: You cannot be here right now.
Adriana: But I am. Isn't that great? Oh, I've missed you.
Noah: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What if my dad or my sisters would walk in right now?
Adriana: How cool would that be? I can meet your whole, all-American family.
Noah: No. No.
Adriana: Maybe somebody would make a pie.
Noah: You have to get out of here. Right now.
Adriana: Come on. I like it here in Wisconsin. There's lots of room, clean. You know, you can see the sky. No wonder you left New York.
Noah: I left because you dumped me for that guy from Brooklyn, remember? Your soul mate, you said.
Adriana: I don't even remember his name. But yours, Noah -- yours I can't forget.
Noah: Did you forget to call me back after all those messages I left you? Hmm? You sent me a bag full of money. There was a cop here from New York looking for you. You are in a boatload of trouble, Adriana, and now you get me involved? I need answers. I need to know what you got me caught up in.
Leslie: The boss calls, I come running.
Neil: Unh-unh-unh-unh. Cane is the boss. You and I are just potential colleagues.
Leslie: Colleagues with benefits. Is that what the kids call it?
Neil: Well, I don't know. It's been a long time since I was aware of what the kids call anything. But I'm guessing the benefits that you're referring to involve somebody getting naked.
Leslie: Neil, we had an agreement.
Neil: Yes, we did. No unprofessional conduct while you were reporting to me. Well, I got fired, so you weren't reporting to me back then, and you're not reporting to me now. Cane is the boss.
Leslie: He may have the title, but you'd be running the company.
Neil: That's a little detail that we're supposed to keep between us, all right? There's nothing in the Jabot employee handbook that prohibits fraternization.
Leslie: You are hoping I will climb back into your bed on a technicality.
Neil: Hold on. No, no. I am hoping that you don't throw away what we could have for propriety's sake. Leslie, what we shared was absolutely wonderful.
Leslie: Yes. It was. Past tense. Because it won't be happening again, not as long as we're working together.
Neil: Mm.
Tyler: Well, if it isn't my favorite ex-co-worker.
Lily: Hi. [Laughs] Listen, I wanted to tell you the other day that I'm really sorry it didn't work out for you at Jabot.
Tyler: Yeah, your husband wasn't exactly impressed with what it is I do, but it's all good. I'll land something somewhere else. I just know that my work would have been the freshest thing that Jabot has seen in a long time.
Lily: Well, for what it's worth, that is exactly what I told Cane.
Tyler: It's worth a lot. But, you know, if I'm disappointed for anyone, it wouldn't be me. It'd be you.
Jack: [Gasps]
Phyllis: I told you not to bring the bags down.
Jack: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Phyllis: You don't look fine. I've been reading up about opiate addiction just so I can understand what you're going through.
Jack: Oh, it's not so bad. I'll have a few days away from the stress.
Phyllis: I also understand why you didn't want to go to a rehab facility, what it would do to your career, so I get it. It's just gonna be you, me, and the addiction therapist up at the cabin, okay? All right? Can't hide. I need you to be honest with me.
Jack: You want honesty? It's only been 12 hours since I took my last pill. I'm already crawling out of my skin.
Phyllis: I know. Um, I had a conversation with Dr. Lee. I spoke to him --
Jack: Wait, wait. What did he say?
Phyllis: Well, he said, um... how many pills you actually admit to taking, it's probably double that, if not more. He also said it's not a weakness. It's not a character defect. It's addiction. This is addiction, Jack. Whatever you've done, whatever lies you've told... it's the disease. It's not you.
Jack: Whatever I've done. [Sighs]
Lily: Why are you disappointed for me? 'Cause I kept my job?
Tyler: I just feel like you're wasted at a place like that. You know, hot-shot executives, big suits -- they're walking around. They're all in love with their spreadsheets. Those guys got no clue what they're actually selling.
Lily: Well, thank you for the kind words, but Cane is actually very creative.
Tyler: Nah, he's old school. Just like Jack and Neil. You know the first lesson those guys need to learn? Is that beauty -- and I mean real beauty -- the kind that's admired, desired, that comes from inside.
Lily: Oh. Well... we are selling cosmetics, so...
Tyler: Like that right there. That smile you got.
Lily: [Laughs]
Tyler: Your face. You know, you should be the one out front leading the way. Other people may not see that, but I sure as hell do.
Neil: Hey. Come on, now. Things don't have to get that complicated, Leslie.
Leslie: Oh, but they would. How could they not? You won't go back unless you're in charge, and then we're back to the original dilemma -- why dating the boss does not work for me. Because I know how these things go.
Neil: Hmm. Sounds like the voice of experience talking.
Leslie: It is, and I refuse to go down that road again.
Victoria: If there is one thing that cannot happen, it's Adam seizing control of Newman.
Billy: Yeah. And while you two are duking it out, your father's gonna swoop in and wreak havoc.
Victoria: Is that why you think he talked me into this? To distract Adam? Really?
Billy: Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Just [Sighs] Sit down. Come on. I told you before, I don't care about this company. If your father can steal it back, have at it, he's welcome to it.
Victoria: You don't care about Newman?
Billy: No. I care about you and what this fight is gonna do to us.
Victoria: Billy, we have been through so much. We're stronger.
Billy: I believe that, too. But that's not my concern right now. I don't give a damn about this company, but [Chuckles] I care about my brother. And I'm not gonna let him down, and we have to make sure that he at least has Jabot.
Victoria: Okay, but what if Adam folds it into Newman Cosmetics the way that Jack was planning to do? Right? I mean, somebody needs to keep an eye on Adam and my father every single second.
Billy: You're not just pretty. You're also smart. There's your answer. You can't let your brother win, and I refuse to let my brother lose. So this isn't a job for just one person, okay? So, it's either we're in this together or we're not doing it at all. And since you can't talk me out of helping Jack, I'm gonna roll up my sleeves, and I'm gonna help you fight Adam. And once I'm co-C.E.O., I can see everything he does, both for Jack's sake and for yours.
Victoria: You would do that for me?
Billy: Yeah, I would do that for you. Because when that hits the fan, I don't want to see my wife getting hurt.
Adam: At least be honest about your deceptive tactics. Why else would the press stake out Jack Abbott's place New Year’s Day if not to catch his overnight guest doing the walk of shame, embroiling him in a cheap scandal?
Victor: And now it has turned into much more than a scandal, hasn't it?
Adam: Mm. Yes, especially if you're tied to any of this.
Victor: I'm not.
Adam: Mm. Well, you do plan on blackmailing me to get Newman back, so there's that. Checkmate.
Victor: You miscalculated this time, Son.
Adam: Hmm?
Victor: This isn't just arson, you know.
Adam: No?
Victor: No. You covered up evidence... in a woman's death. That means you are an accessory to a potential crime. To protect Jack Abbott? Is that it? Do you think he's gonna return the favor?
Adam: You can't prove that she was at Jack Abbott's.
Victor: You want to bet?
Phyllis: I know how difficult this is for you. And not just getting off of the pills, but leaving Newman even if it's temporary. I know you like to be in control.
Jack: Oh, things are already out of control. Now, if I have to go away, better I do it now.
Phyllis: Why are you saying that? Did something else happen?
Jack: I just meant that Adam is clearly in my camp and I can leave without worrying about Newman and... I got you by my side. I couldn't do this without you.
Kyle: Dad, what is going on? Your message said --
Jack: There was no heart attack. It was a false alarm.
Kyle: So why is the news saying you're taking a leave of absence from Newman?
Jack: It's a cover story. I'm going away so I can put these pills behind me for good.
Kyle: [Chuckles] Well, that is the best present I could have gotten.
Jack: Present? Oh, dear God. I forgot.
Kyle: Dad. It's okay.
Jack: No, it's not okay. So caught up in my own crap, I can't remember my own son's birthday.
Kyle: Dad, Dad, I don't care about that. Seriously. I have been so scared that something bad was gonna happen to you before you realized you needed help.
Jack: I'm scared, too. I don't remember when I was ever this -- hell, I've never been this... rudderless, without direction, with -- wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. My dad and I were both boy scouts. I wanted you to be a scout, too. I -- I just wasn't around. Anyway... when we went camping, my dad used to bring this compass. I don't know. I think his father gave it to him. But... he never missed an opportunity to give me another lesson on... finding your direction, your passion, your -- your purpose, your -- your true north. Here. I want you to have it. You have been my true north. You forced me to see what was going on...in a way no one else could.
Kyle: It's 'cause I love you, Dad.
Jack: I love you, too. Happy birthday, Kyle.
Chelsea: Why would Victor think that you'd be willing to screw over Jack after the poor guy just had a coronary?
[Keyboard keys clacking]
Adam: Doesn't matter, since it ain't gonna happen.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Please tell me he's not holding something over your head... trying to force you into this.
Adam: Dad can't touch me.
Chelsea: You say that now, Adam. We both know Victor knows how to push your buttons. And you have this constant need to one want to prove him wrong.
Adam: It's a little more complicated than that, Chels.
Chelsea: Adam, I don't want anything to get in the way of us leaving town, okay? Even your dad. We have to get out of here. We need to be far, far away from Genoa City, just the two of us. Okay? Please tell me we're still on schedule.
Adam: I think we could leave as early as the end of next week. I just have to fill a few key spots -- mine, Phyllis', the C.F.O. position.
Chelsea: Oh. You have any ideas?
Adam: Yeah, I do. I have one in mind, actually, so far, but I'm not sure how much you're gonna like it.
Nick: Look, Noah swore to me that he wasn't involved in any of this trouble that Adriana got herself into. But even Summer thinks Noah's been acting weird.
Sharon: Which makes me worry that maybe there's more to this than you or I know about.
Nick: Maybe we're misreading the situation.
Sharon: Well, should we talk to him?
Nick: Let's not make any more out of this than is necessary. Look, Adriana's back in New York. Noah wants nothing to do with her, despite what this Detective Chavez thinks.
Sharon: Well, if the cops saw in Noah's eyes the same thing I saw, I can understand why he won't let up. He still cares about her. And I know what it's like when you're involved with someone who's in trouble. Their problems become yours.
Adriana: So, where'd you stash the money? Is it here? In your bedroom?
Noah: Look, Adriana, you -- you got to tell me something. Where did you find that kind of cash?
Adriana: I found it behind this panel in my apartment. Turns out some drug dealer lived there before me.
Noah: Oh, that's -- [Scoffs] So you just took it?
Adriana: Yeah. Finders keepers. It's the law of the land. I'd been living there for over a year. I figured if no one'd come get it, maybe they weren't gonna.
Noah: And what about the cops, huh? Why are they after you?
Adriana: I don't know. [Sighs] When I found it, I saw it as my chance to get away from the city, okay? Away from my problems. Start over... with you. I want that so bad.
Noah: I didn't ask for this, okay? I didn't ask to be involved. Now Chavez knows that you sent me a package from New York.
Adriana: That's why we need to stick together, Noah, okay? We will figure this out. But first you have to answer my question. Where is the money?
Noah: Well, I probably should have told you this to begin with, but... it's gone.
Chelsea: You want Sharon to take Phyllis' job?
Adam: It's not too farfetched if you actually think about it.
Chelsea: No, I get it. It's okay. You want to leave her in a solid place. I am totally fine with it as long as we are on the other side of the planet.
Adam: [Chuckles] Well, I'm glad you're okay with it.
Chelsea: Has Sharon accepted?
Adam: She has not. Because I haven't offered it to her yet. I wanted to talk about all of this with you first.
Chelsea: Okay. Well, now you have, and I didn't freak, so let's go tell Sharon the good news together.
Lily: Well, I was just telling Tyler how creative you are, and you don't have to like all of his ideas, but we can bring him on, let him do his thing, and I bet we'll have the competition scrambling to imitate us.
Cane: You make a compelling pitch.
Lily: [Laughs]
Tyler: Well, normally my work speaks for itself.
Cane: Well, this time your work needed a translator, and since I trust my wife's instincts, I will give you another shot.
Tyler: Now, that's what's up, man.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Tyler: I appreciate that.
Cane: Okay. Go on. Startle me. Prove her right.
Tyler: [Chuckles] Lily speaks, people listen.
Lily: [Laughs] Well, you heard the man. Get busy. [Laughs]
Cane: [Sighs] So, you like this guy, huh?
Lily: I like this guy. I think it would be great if we brought him on board.
Cane: I will give your protégé another chance, and now you can do me a favor in return.
Leslie: His name was James. James Conrad.
Neil: James Conrad. Someone who worked at your old law firm?
Leslie: No. A client. The man was a major control freak. He started monitoring my every move, who I was seeing, where I was going, who I was calling on the telephone.
Neil: Okay. Hold your horses. That's not me. That's not gonna happen with us here.
Leslie: Yeah, that's what makes it even worse.
Neil: Mm.
Leslie: Neil, you're a really good guy, and I'd love to see where this might go... but I can't, not if we work together.
Neil: There's a simple solution.
Chelsea: Hi, Sharon. I hope it's not a bad time.
Adam: I have a proposition for you -- one I think you're going to like.
Sharon: Come in.
Adam: Phyllis is no longer with Newman. How would you feel about being the new R&D director?
Sharon: Adam, really? I mean, I knew that you had something significant in mind, but this? Wow.
Chelsea: Exactly what I said. And in case you're wondering, I'm in total support.
Nikki: You and Nicholas have turned your father down over and over. What's changed?
Victoria: Jack's taking a leave from Newman.
Nikki: Yes, I heard about his heart attack. I hope he'll be all right.
Victoria: Health-wise, he'll be fine. But while Jack's out of commission, Adam's gonna be in charge, and I am not just gonna sit by and watch him dismantle all that Dad's done or run it into the ground just out of spite.
Kyle: You okay?
Jack: We're Abbotts. We're tough.
Kyle: Dad, don't do that.
Jack: Don't do what?
Kyle: This is rough. It's okay to admit it. Nobody's gonna think less of you. I certainly won't.
Billy: Neither will I.
Jack: Hey. Hey.
Billy: I'm proud of you.
Phyllis: Yeah, we're all proud of Jack. But the real hard part is coming up. The car is waiting.
Billy: Jack, I just came by to let you know I'm going back to Newman. I'm gonna keep an eye on Adam, make sure all your interests are protected.
Jack: Thank you, Billy. That's a huge weight off my mind.
Billy: It's okay. It's fine. You just try to follow the doctor's orders, okay? And Phyllis', too.
Phyllis: Okay. Let's go.
Jack: Let's do it.
Billy: Everything's gonna be good, okay?
Jack: Thank you. Talk to you soon. Oh, come on.
Phyllis: No, I have it. I have it. I have it.
Jack: Oh. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
Phyllis: I'm gonna be with you the whole time. You're not gonna fail. I'm not gonna let you fail.
Nikki: I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I hope you're not charging into this simply because there's bad blood between you and your brother, Adam.
Victoria: Adam is not my brother, all right? Not in any way that counts, and as far as I'm concerned, he's an outsider who wants to destroy Newman.
Nikki: Jack is an outsider. Now, why weren't you motivated then to circle the wagons when he took the company away from your father?
Victoria: The difference is Jack is Dad's enemy, but Adam is everyone's. And he has to be stopped.
Sharon: Director of R&D? That's a lofty position.
Adam: One I think you could excel at.
Sharon: Okay, well, maybe you think that, but what about the stockholders and the board?
Adam: I don't want you to have to worry about that. You are qualified. You know the company. Your head is in a good place. It's not like you'd be the C.E.O. again. In my opinion, you are a perfect fit.
Sharon: I don't know what to say.
Chelsea: You could start by telling the man yes.
Sharon: Okay, well... I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but after everything that's happened, I would need to know exactly who I am working for. Jack's sick. You're on the way out. Doesn't that leave room for Victor to take control again? And I'd be walking right into a buzz saw.
Adriana: How can the money be gone?
Noah: It isn't here.
Adriana: I sent it to you for safekeeping. I mean, no one's gonna steal anything around here. A bunch of melon farmers live in this place.
Noah: Look, your second mistake was sending me the money. Your first was taking it to begin with.
Adriana: Noah, it was a half a million bucks. What was I supposed to do? Call the police?
Noah: Yes.
Adriana: Well, I didn't, okay? I trusted you.
Noah: Really? Then why didn't you return one of my phone calls?
Adriana: We've got bigger messes than your hurt feelings, Noah. Like who's got my money and how we're gonna get it back.
Noah: All right, look. It was here one day, gone the next, all right? Apparently someone besides Chavez knew I had it and decided to help themselves.
Adriana: Maybe someone from New York came to get the money. That's what I've been afraid of this whole time!
Noah: Afraid of what? You found the money.
Adriana: You know, word gets around. People know things. And this cop, he's still gonna come after me. Noah, I need your help. Okay, you have to protect me.
Noah: There's nothing I can do, Adriana. Especially if you won't tell me the truth.
Adriana: Okay, look. I know I screwed up, okay? But, please, you need to help me, Noah. At least give me a place to stay.
[Vehicle approaches]
Noah: Look, somebody's here. You've got to go.
Adriana: No, I need to know you're gonna help me, Noah.
Noah: I will find you a place to stay tonight. Then you are on your own, okay?
Leslie: Neil, you can't turn down the offer to return to Jabot.
Neil: Why not? I'm resourceful. I'm sure there's something else out there that's right for me.
Leslie: Yeah, and then I'm in the horrible position of having cost you a job we both know you wanted.
Neil: Okay. So, then, what would you like me to do?
Leslie: Take the job. We will go back to being colleagues who had a little one-night stand and put it behind them.
Neil: Leslie. Hey. Look me in the eye... and tell me, honestly, that's something you can really do.
Leslie: [Sighs]
Lily: Do you want me to help you convince Dad to take the C.O.O. job and work for you?
Cane: I don't want him to work for me. I want him to work with me, okay? I want the job because I earned it, not because Jack doesn't like Neil and canned him. And I don't have a problem being your dad's number-two guy, so there.
Lily: Aww. See? I told Tyler you weren't some rigid, old-school guy.
Cane: He said I was rigid and old school?
Lily: He -- he just -- he doesn't -- I don't think he gets you.
Cane: Well, I don't think I get him.
[Both laugh]
Lily: Well, you showed good judgment to bring him back.
Cane: Well, you see, us rigid and old-school guys can draw upon our experience. Yeah, let me show you what that experience does.
Phyllis: All right. We're almost in.
Jack: Dr. Lee! Hello?! I thought the therapist was supposed to meet us here.
Phyllis: Yeah, me too. I -- I'm --I'm on it.
Jack: Hello?!
Phyllis: Oh, God. I got it. I got it.
Jack: Are you calling him?
Phyllis: Yeah, I'll call him right now.
Jack: You said he had a drug.
Phyllis: Yeah, something to help you with your withdrawals.
Jack: How soon can I take it?
Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know. I got him right now. It's ringing. It's ringing. Dr. Lee, this is Phyllis Newman. Um, hey. Jack and I are here at the cabin. You -- you were supposed to be here before us.
Jack: [Breathing heavily]
Phyllis: Um, okay. I-I get it. I understand. I'll see you when you get here.
Jack: He's on his way, right?
Phyllis: Um... he had an emergency that came up with one of his patients, and he's not gonna be able to get here until tomorrow morning.
Neil: Okay, let me ask you something. After what we shared last night, you're gonna be able to see me every day at the office and our relationship is gonna be strictly business?
Leslie: You think you are that irresistible?
Neil: Hey. I think you're irresistible. And we have the potential to be that good.
Leslie: Yep. Too bad we won't find out, but we'll have that memory.
Neil: Oh, really? That's it? That's all she wrote? You're not tempted? Not even just a little bit? Come on!
Leslie: I didn't say that. I am not made of stone.
Neil: No. You really aren't made of stone.
Leslie: But I won't cave in.
Neil: I guess we'll see.
Leslie: I guess we will.
Nick: I can't believe you would consider going back to work at Newman -- with Adam, no less.
Sharon: He and Chelsea are leaving town. This is a permanent move.
Nick: I'll believe that when I see it.
Sharon: Okay, well, he's tying up loose ends right now. He's filling positions.
Nick: Its part of a plot. It's got to be.
Sharon: Okay, well, I want this, Nick. I need this. It's Cassie's birthday tomorrow. I -- I need something to hold onto.
Nick: Sharon, you just got back on your feet, all right? If you went back to work at Jabot, I'd be cool with that, but Newman?
Sharon: Well, consider it another place I can make amends.
Nick: Never mind that, Sharon. My every instinct tells me that that is about to be a bloodbath, and I don't want you in the middle of that.
Sharon: I'm a lot stronger than you think, Nick. And I'm taking the job.
Adam: We can finally talk about Sharon without getting into an argument.
Chelsea: Yeah. It wasn't exactly easy for me to smile and be all benevolent.
Adam: Well, you done well, and I'm proud of you.
Chelsea: Really? What's my reward?
Adam: Mm...
Chelsea: No, I'm talking about plans -- plans to leave Genoa City, go someplace fun and exciting.
Adam: Yeah, I'm just as anxious as you are to leave, but there's this little thing called a destination. We need one.
Chelsea: Ooh, I like the way you're talking.
Adam: Come here.
[Doorbell rings]
[Knock on door]
Adam: Okay.
Chelsea: Are you expecting someone?
Adam: Save that one for later. No, I'm not. So they're already bothering me.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Billy: Hi.
Adam: Oh.
Billy: Hi. So, seems I'm your partner at Newman Enterprises. I'm sure you don't like that, but you can take it up with Jack.
Adam: [Sighs] Well, he warned me.
Billy: So, you realize there's a new sheriff in town. If you think you're calling all the shots alone, you're wrong.
Adam: Message received, Sheriff. So you can grab your spurs, your toy gun, and you can hop on that horsey and ride out of here.
Victor: [Sighs] You filled in your mother about my offer?
Nikki: Yes, she has, and I have given her my two cents. Now it's up to the two of you.
Victor: What's your decision?
Victoria: We're in this fight together, Dad.
Victor: I love you for that. And you will not regret it. Come here.
Jack: I was gonna bring some extra pills. I should have. Why the hell didn't I?!
Phyllis: Here. I have some water for you. I have some water for you, okay?
Jack: No, no! I don't want it.
Phyllis: Jack, listen. I'm here with you. You can do this.
Jack: I can't do this!
Phyllis: You can.
Jack: I can't!
Phyllis: You can!
Jack: Listen to me! I need some. Give me something.
Phyllis: No. No. I don't have anything to give you. You have to hang on until tomorrow.
Jack: Okay. Get -- get me my phone. I'll make a phone call.
Phyllis: No, you're not gonna call your dealer.
Jack: Please. I need something.
Phyllis: You need to kick these pills, is what you need.
Jack: [Sternly] Give me my phone.
Phyllis: No! I'm not giving you your phone! You can do this. You have to make up your mind to do this.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: You really think I'd side against you?
Victoria: After what we've been through the past few months...
Chelsea: Are you listening to yourself? What is it gonna take for you to be free of these people?
Jack: You want to help me? The woman who left me? Tore my heart out?
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