Y&R Transcript Friday 1/4/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 1/4/13


Episode # 10068 ~ Kevin & Chloe Enjoy Their Fortune; Fen & Summer's Fight Troubles Michael

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Emma

Victor: What did you find out about Stephanie Gayle?

Man: This the girl you hired to make friends with Jack Abbott?

Victor: Yeah, but that's an old picture.

Man: Only a few years, but I'm guessing they were hard years.

Victor: So, what did you find out? Where is she at?

Man: Well, I didn't find her, but what I did learn, you're not gonna like.

Nick: Hey, it's me. How are you? Good. So, I know you know it's, uh... yeah, Cassie's birthday's coming up. So, I was thinking I was gonna swing by the cemetery and, you know, take Faith and do something special with her. I think we should do it as a family. Okay. Good. So, I'll let Noah know, and, uh... I'm pretty sure Summer's out.

Summer: Jamie, are you even playing my messages? Look, about what Fen said -- just call me so I can explain to you... and apologize. [Sighs]

Michael: Well, no phone calls from Jamie. No texts. He hasn't shown back up at the group home, either. You hear from him?

Fen: [Sarcastically] Yeah, 'cause we are so close.

Michael: When your mother and I wanted Jamie to move in, you agreed.

Fen: This is your place.

Michael: Just... what is it with you and Jamie?

Fen: The guy's got a million problems that aren't me. Maybe he took off so when his dad gets out from jail, Jamie doesn't have to play punching bag.

Michael: Or... maybe he's in town, alone, needing help.

Fen: Yeah. Well, I got to, uh, go to, uh, swim practice, so, uh, I will definitely let you know if we swim in laps. Bye, Dad.

Michael: Fenmore!

[Door slams]

Michael: Fen-- Paul.

Paul: He just went down the elevator. Is everything okay?

Michael: Oh, no, things are great. Jamie's missing, and my son is thrilled about it.

[Door slams]

Summer: Geez.

Noah: [Sighs] Where is it?

Summer: Where's what?

Noah: You know what. The money. Tell me what you did with it, Summer.

Summer: Nothing. I don't -- I didn't even touch it.

Noah: You were the only one who knew where it was, and now it's gone. Tell me where it is, please, Summer.

Summer: I didn't do anything with it, okay? I thought it was dirty laundry. Maybe dad thought it was, too.

Noah: I already checked my room.

Summer: I don't know. Maybe someone took it?

Noah: Who would know? Who did you tell?

Summer: No one! I swear. Noah...

Noah: [Sighs]

Summer: ...Where did that money come from, and why are you so scared?

Chloe: It's hypnotic, isn't it? It's like it's trying to suck us in and steal our souls. Ohh. [Sighs] Okay, we have to figure out what we're gonna do with this fast. I can only keep Dee with my mom for so long.

Kevin: Oh, okay. Well, let's bring Delia home and tell her that mommy stole drug money from Noah Newman and we don't know what to do with it. Maybe Pinkerton pony will have some ideas.

Chloe: I rescued the money to turn it in to the cops for a reward. I was trying to be noble so we don't get foreclosed on, okay? Look, I-I'm not a thief!

Kevin: [Scoffs] You stole!

Chloe: I recovered.

Kevin: How do you explain to the cops how we got this money?

Chloe: The reward said no questions asked.

Kevin: Wha-- are you kidding me? It's a setup! This much cash, a drug dealer involved? You know Detective Chavez is gonna want some answers. Chloe, if we turn this money in, we become suspects number 1 and 2. [Sighs]

Victor: So, what did you find out?

Man: Full name is Stephanie Gayle Wheeler. Rings a bell, doesn't it? Her father is Congressman Marcus Wheeler. You've contributed to his campaigns over the years.

Victor: I'll be damned. Marcus Wheeler's daughter's a call girl?

Man: Grown woman with a history of drug addiction and daddy issues. It happens.

Victor: So, she went home with Jack Abbott. All right. I want you to find out what happened that night, where she is now, and you better make sure that no one finds out who hired her.

Paul: Okay. So, Jamie has been missing since when?

Michael: Uh, New Year’s Eve. Lauren and I came back from a party, and his things were gone.

Paul: And Fen doesn't have any information?

Michael: Not only that, he's hostile about it.

Paul: Okay. So, he's a little jealous. That's understandable.

Michael: It's more than that. Whenever the subject of Jamie comes up, there's such a -- there's... such a coldness to Fen, where his expression -- it's as if he has absolutely no compassion for this kid, as a human being.

Paul: Michael, it's hard for kids to see past themselves. I mean, it's hard for some adults.

Michael: This is not the ego of youth, Paul. I remember sitting in Gloworm with you and Chris. This is before anything really happened with Ricky. And you were worried that he was too much like Isabella.

Paul: I remember. But that was different.

Michael: [Scoffs] Well...the things I did as a kid, the things I did as a young man...

Paul: Oh, Michael. Come on. You did time. You paid your penance. And, most importantly, you changed.

Michael: Maybe I just passed down all that rage and anger right on to Fenmore. I mean, it's all very familiar, isn't it -- the selfishness, the lack of compassion?

Paul: You know, the worst thing you could accuse Fen of right now is being in a bad mood.

Michael: I remember saying something just like that to you about Ricky.

Paul: Okay. Whether it was Isabella's mental illness or my neglect as a father... Ricky was broken. It's a completely different situation. That is not Fen.

Michael: Do we know that?

Paul: [Sighs]

Michael: Do I know him? Paul, I was a violent son of a bitch back then. You know. You were there. And Kevin -- he was just warped, tortured, beaten by that... Terrible Tom. The pain we caused, the laws we broke -- look, Fenmore could be like me. Fenmore could be like Kevin. Either way, he's got a lot of rage inside him, and either way, that's my responsibility.

Chloe: [Sighs] This can't be a trap. The money is the answer, and the reward is our salvation!

Kevin: We turn the duffel bag in, our reward is gonna be an 8x8 cell.

Chloe: Okay. Then what do we do with it?

Kevin: Well, it's gonna be kind of hard to sneak it back into Noah's living room.

Chloe: Okay. Well, what if I break out the cat suit? I mean, it worked the first time.

Kevin: Ohh. No, it's too risky. I got to think. I got to think.

Chloe: Kevin, will you please think fast? I don't even feel like myself anymore. All this green is really freaking me out. [Sighs]

Summer: You never yelled at me before. You know what? Can you just tell me what's going on so I can help you?

Noah: Can you get the money back, Summer? 'Cause that's what I need. I need to find the money. Sorry, okay? I don't -- I don't mean to yell. I just -- wrong place, wrong time, all right?

Summer: Oh, you're scaring me, Noah.

Noah: Yeah, well, I'm a little scared myself right now, Summer.

Summer: So, you're not even gonna tell me what's going on right now? Noah, why can this family just never be normal?!

Noah: What are you talking about, Summer? We are normal.

Summer: No, we're not! Okay, things were just starting to become okay with my mom and dad, and your mom was finally starting to get better, and then you come in here and yell at me like a total crazy person, okay? And then I have this stuff going on right now in my life, and... I think my life is ruined, Noah.

Noah: Summer, your life isn't ruined.

Summer: You don't even know what I'm talking about. Why can this family ever just be normal and fine at the same time?

Noah: You know what? Maybe -- maybe all this -- this chaos and this craziness -- that's what "Normal" is.

Summer: No, it's not, Noah. Okay? It's not. And then this thing happened on New Year’s with Fen when he came over, and it's just --

Noah: Look, I'm sorry. You know that I love you, but I-I-I can't listen to this right now.

Summer: Listen to what?

Noah: "Fen said this, Angelica said this, and now she doesn't like me." It just -- it doesn't matter.

Summer: That's not even what it's about! It's a much bigger problem than that, and I just wanted to talk to you.

Noah: I don't have time to chat right now, okay? Because I'm dealing with something that I can't talk my way out of.

[Door slams]

Paul: You know, years ago, if you were to ask me about you as a person or even Kevin, for that matter, this would be an entirely different conversation. But you and Kevin both chose to change. Most people refuse. Some people never get a chance at all.

Michael: Well, but I-I didn't think that -- I-I was -- you don't think that I --

Paul: Fen is not a killer. Of course he's not. You're worried about your son. Y-y-y-you don't understand the way he's acting... because he -- he doesn't come to you. He doesn't confide in you. He doesn't trust you anymore. You know what? That's... that is understandable. Your boy's a teenager.

Michael: [Chuckles] He is. And, uh... [Sighs] Maybe I'm just not the father I should be to make him the man he needs to be.

Paul: Nobody knows guilt like I do. I grieve every day that Ricky wasn't who he could have been. But that's not Fen. So don't beat yourself up over Kevin or Fen or -- or Jamie. The only thing you can do now is pull yourself together and be there for them.

Michael: Yeah, okay. Yeah, well, that's hard to do with Jamie missing, and that's why I called you. I know you haven't taken a case since Ricky's death, and I --

Paul: That's right, and I'm not taking this one. But I will help you... as a friend. We will find Jamie, and you'll see that he's all right. And you'll also see that Fen's gonna be just fine. You know why? He's got you -- a father that loves him. There's nothing better than that.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Paul: Okay? Come here.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Chloe: Okay. Listen, do bank safety-deposit boxes come in duffel-bag sizes?

Kevin: No, but banks have security cameras, so that's awesome.

Chloe: Okay. Well, maybe we should hide it in the attic. No. No, no, no. Bobby's doggy bed. Wait, no. Wait. What if the house burns down? We should just put it in the freezer. Oh, my God. What if the house burns down? We should go guard it. We should go guard the stuff.

Kevin: Okay, maybe we shouldn't talk about this stuff right here.

Chloe: Oh, right. Good idea -- until a swat team is outside the door.

Kevin: You're the one who took the bag in the first place.

Chloe: And I am filled with remorse -- mostly fear. I'm filled with a lot of fear.

Kevin: Okay, okay, look -- that's nice. I'm really sorry, but I think you should just shut up, okay? Just shut up.

Chloe: Excuse me?! What are you talking -- you tell me to what?!

Kevin: Okay. I know.

Chloe: I -- [British accent] Oh, hello. [Normal voice] Hi.

Alex: Alex Chavez. Don't let me interrupt.

Chloe: Yeah. Not -- not interrupting. Hi.

Kevin: What can I get for you?

Alex: Truly, don't let me interrupt. Sounded like it was important, what you were talking about.

Chloe: No, we weren't even talking. I mean, we were talking. Of course we were talking. We talk, but not about anything important. Pbbt! We hate important. [Chuckles]

Alex: You putting me on? Or are you just really nervous?

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Victor: Hello. Mason, isn't it?

Mason: Yes, Sir. Uh, Mr. Newman. What can I do for you?

Victor: All right. Well, I'm actually here to see my son.

Mason: The other Mr. Newman isn't in yet. You're welcome to wait here. Can I get you some coffee?

Victor: No, that's all right. So, how are they treating you around here? Are you enjoying your time?

Mason: Yes.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Mason: I had hoped to be learning more by now, but there's just not much to see since Mr. Abbott fired everyone before his heart attack.

Victor: Oh. Huh. He did, did he? When will he return?

Mason: No word yet.

Victor: Uh-huh. Do you know if he's recuperating at home or in a private hospital? Ahh. You know, Mason, this company is in trouble. Between the two of us... I will regain power very soon, given the fact that Jack is unable to lead. And...when that happens, I won't fire everyone. I'll just take stock of those who put the interest of the company ahead of their own. So, uh, where did you say Jack was staying? Mason, I want you to know that any information you give me now will remain private.

Mason: These are Mr. Abbott's contact numbers during his recuperation.

Victor: Okay.

Mason: I'm sorry I don't know who the numbers belong to.

Victor: That's all right. Just know that this will be to the benefit of the company, okay?

Mason: If there's anything else I can do for you, Sir --

Victor: That's all right, Mason. Thank you very much. Nice to see you. Have a nice day.

Mason: Good to see you, too.

Fen: Looking for your little buddy?

Summer: You know, Jamie won't answer my calls because you had to be such an ass to him.

Fen: Gee, sorry, Brittni. You know, dad raised me to believe honesty is the best policy. All I did was tell Jamie the truth.

Summer: What is wrong with you? You know, this isn't fun. What did Jamie say when he went back to your place?

Fen: I couldn't tell you. Tough guy from juvie decided to slink off in the night. He's gone.

Summer: Gone where? Why couldn't you just leave him alone, Fen?!

Fen: You were pissed off at Ronan. You got Jamie's number. You played Brittni and started making him feel like dirt. And then -- and then y-y-y-you felt -- you felt guilty and led him on to cover your tracks, letting him think you liked him?

Summer: I did like him!

Fen: Yeah, well... you liked me, too. You remember that? Kissing me so you could push me around? That was a bad idea, Summer, thinking I would be your lap dog. Really bad idea.

Kevin: Triple shot. Hey, did you walk the dog this morning?

Chloe: No, you did. I...mean, I thought you did?

Alex: Is she always...this scattered?

Kevin: When are you leaving town? I mean, if you're not having any luck with this case --

Alex: Who said I haven't had any luck?

Kevin: Well, I just -- I-I know how these things go. You know, my brother's the D.A.

Alex: Yeah, it's good to know your family's on the right side of the law.

Chloe: Yeah, did you find that girl? I know you're looking for a girl. Um, you know what? You should -- you should go find her.

Alex: What's this about the girl?

Kevin: Uh... y-you mentioned that you were looking for Noah Newman and a girl, so I-I asked Chloe about it to help you out, but we got nothing.

Chloe: Nothing -- nothing at all, except that Noah is a decent guy that would never get messed up in anything that requires law-enforcement types.

Alex: Hubby said he didn't know Noah Newman. Was I wrong?

Kevin: What? No, I don't. I don't. But Chloe knows a lot more people than I know.

Chloe: I know a lot more about a lot of things than he does.

Kevin: But she doesn't know anything about this, sadly. Neither do I. Neither of us do.

Alex: That's too bad. You could have been a great resource.

Chloe: Yeah.

Alex: See you around.

Chloe: I panicked.

Kevin: Yeah, I know you did. Why couldn't you play it cool like me? Look, we need to fix this. We need to take care of it now.

Nick: [Sighs]

Noah: Look, Dad, whatever Summer said --

Nick: No, no, no. This is just business. Want to make sure you're clearing a few nights for me so you can work at my new club.

Noah: You came all the way over here to say that?

Nick: Is there another reason why I would be here?

Nick: Okay. Yeah, you got it. I-I will make as much time as possible.

Nick: You seem tense.

Noah: I am tense.

Nick: What's going on? Hassles at work?

Noah: No, it's all good. It's just I was in a mood, and, uh, I snapped at Summer. I'll make it up to her.

Nick: All right. You want to hit Jimmy's after this -- grab a burger and a beer?

Noah: You working me?

Nick: Maybe. I know something's going on with you. And I think you want to tell me about it.

Noah: Yeah, maybe I do.

Nick: You know, I can -- I can stick around, wait till you're on a break so we're not talking while you're on the clock.

Noah: No, it's -- it's slow right now. I-I got to do this now.

Nick: Okay. I'm listening.

Noah: You know what? Maybe you were right. Maybe now is not the best time.

Nick: Okay. Then...at home.

Noah: Hey, Detective. Can you help me get a restraining order? This -- this guy that just keeps busting my chops everywhere I go.

Alex: Yeah. Well, not for much longer. It's time for me to walk away. You say you haven't seen Adriana. I haven't seen anything that tells me you have. I think it's time for me to walk on.

Noah: You know, you could have saved yourself a lot of hassle if you'd just taken my word to begin with.

Alex: Yeah, but then I wouldn't have spent time in Genoa City. Who knew I'd like Wisconsin so much? Yeah. Anyway, look, if you're ever in New York, let's grab a beer.

Noah: Okay. Sure.

Alex: And, look, if you ever do hear from your ex, give me a call?

Noah: Yeah.

Alex: I can help.

Nick: What do you want with my son?

Summer: What are you gonna do -- text me, Fen? Is that what tough guys do? You're sick. Do you know that? You love to make sure that people hurt.

Fen: You think your smile and your hair mean you can get away with anything you want. You can't, all right?

Michael: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What's wrong with you?

Fen: What?

Michael: What is wrong with you?! Did -- what did you do?! I-I can't trust you? I can't trust you?! What did you do, Fenmore?!

Nick: What do you want with my son?

Alex: Uh... [Clears throat]

Nick: Detective Chavez, I'll ask you again. What do you want with Noah?

Alex: Look, sorry, dad, but your son's not a minor. I'm working a case. I don't have to tell you anything.

Nick: And he's involved how?

Alex: He has a friend in New York. She's in a lot of trouble, and your son might get caught in the fallout.

Nick: What kind of trouble?

Alex: The larceny kind. Look, do you want to help your son? Tell him to trust the cops, not the girl.

Noah: Hey, I thought you left.

Nick: I just had a little talk with Detective Chavez. Son, I need to know exactly how deep you are into this.

Noah: [Sighs]

Paul: Fen... you all right? Come on. Let's sit down. It's all right. Sit down. So, listen -- uh... man to man, can you tell me what's going on?

Fen: Man to man, can you tell my dad I don't bully girls and had nothing to do with Jamie taking off?

Paul: You know [Sighs] That was nothing but a knee-jerk reaction about Summer. That's it. As far as Jamie goes, you know, he moved into your house, he takes your parents' time, maybe gets too friendly with Summer, right? You got a lot to be pissed about.

Fen: I just got to deal with it, right? That's what my dad says.

Paul: Your dad hates to see you hurting. And I know what it looks like. I know what you see is anger and maybe even rage. But it's just your dad trying to protect you. He sees you acting in a way he's not used to, and it scares him. He doesn't know what you're up to. He doesn't know what you're thinking. He doesn't know where you are. And it all boils down to the fact that he's worried about your welfare. Your dad loves you. He loves you more than anything else in this world. And that's not gonna change.

Chloe: [Sighs] Is it okay?

Kevin: [Sighing]

Chloe: Ohh.

Kevin: It's all here. [Sighs] Our little bundle of money.

Chloe: [Laughs] You are loopy.

Kevin: I'm loopy? What about you, babbling to the cops like a goof?

Chloe: I know. I know I used to be such a good liar. I used to be a professional. Now I stink. Okay, wait. No. I can do it again. Mr. Officer, I just found that money lying around in the park -- I mean, in the gym -- and I am a very Good Samaritan, and I'm returning it, so can I please have my reward?

Kevin: [Imitates buzzer] You lose! Terrible, terrible liar.

Chloe: Oh, duh! I mean, it's hard to give money away when you think it's gonna solve everything and instead it just ruins everything. Ugh! It's just such a cruel, cruel twist of fate, and now it's like we're stuck with it.

Kevin: With what?

Chloe: With this.

Kevin: With what -- this?

Chloe: [Laughing] You -- you've lost it!

Kevin: Lost what -- this?

Chloe: What? Oh, my God! [Squealing] Oh, my God!

Kevin: What, Baby? I'm just making it rain.

Chloe: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Like this? Aaaaaaah-ha-ha! Whoo! Whoo! Dance, cute boy! Dance!

Kevin: Unh-unh. I want you to dance. I want you to dance. Where's that cat suit? Break out the cat suit.

Chloe: Cat suit?

Kevin: Yeah.

Chloe: You can't handle the cat suit.

Kevin: I can handle the cat suit.

Chloe: [Laughs] Mmmmmm!

Nick: So, this is the girl you were talking about -- the one who ripped your heart out?

Noah: She stole some money -- a lot of money, from the sound of it -- and Chavez was here to see if she was hanging out with me.

Nick: Is she in town?

Noah: No.

Nick: Don't lie to me.

Noah: I haven't spoken to her in months -- honestly. He was here to see if I was lying. Adriana's not here.

Nick: Well, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that's just gonna let this go. He wants to nail somebody for this.

Noah: Which is why he is on his way back to New York to find the real culprit. It's over for me. It's done.

Nick: Yeah, I don't think it is, Noah.

Victor: An ally...in Jack's office gave me these two numbers, okay? Find out where Jack Abbott is and what he's up to.

P.I.: Right away.

Victor: Okay. And, by the way, I hope you've erased any proof... as to who hired the girl.

P.I.: There was a glitch with that.

Victor: What kind of a glitch?

P.I.: She's dead -- found in an alley.

Victor: Whoa. What did she die of?

P.I.: Apparent drug overdose.

Victor: Pills? Find out if it was oxydycone.

Paul: Fen, look... the thing is, every guy you can think of -- your dad, me, Nick, anybody -- when we were your age, we all did things we weren't proud of. So, if there's something you want to talk about, you can.

Fen: I'm supposed to break down and spill my guts now?

Paul: No. You're not supposed to do anything. I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you need me. Do you have any idea where Jamie is?

Fen: No. Maybe you should ask his B.F.F., Brittni.

Summer: Can I go now?

Michael: Huh? Oh. Uh, look... maybe I'm reading into this, but, uh... this fight between you and Fenmore -- it's not like when you used to argue over toys when you were kids. Am I right?

Summer: Yeah, 'cause one of us has matured since then.

Michael: [Chuckles] Was it about Jamie? Do you know where he is?

Summer: No, and I'm really worried about him.

Michael: Me too. I want to help him. Did he ever mention anything about where he goes when he's not in school?

Summer: Well, it's not like Jamie and I really talk that much, even though Fen thinks we do.

Michael: Well, you know, it might have come up. Did it?

Summer: No. I-I have no idea where Jamie is.

Nick: [Sighs] You poured three drinks, and pretty leisurely. If you're gonna work for me, Son, you're gonna have to be faster than that. Tell me what's going on.

Noah: Look, I don't know where Adriana is or the money or whatever else it is that you think that I'm not telling you.

Nick: Since when do you go off on your sister like that?

Noah: So, that's proof that I'm lying? I told her I was sorry.

Nick: Look, I know you, and I know there's something going on. I mean, would you have even told me this much if I hadn't talked to that cop? Dude, when did I become a guy you can't talk to?

Noah: And say what exactly, Dad -- that I hooked up with some girl that the cops are chasing? You must be so proud.

Nick: Of you? Always. I'm always proud of you. And if you can't talk to me, then...talk to someone, okay?

Noah: What, like a shrink? Awesome.

Nick: Not necessarily. Your mom and I were getting together. We're gonna go see Cassie later. Then we're gonna take Faith somewhere special and tell her some stories about her big sister she never met. It'd be real nice if you came along.

Noah: I don't know.

Nick: Okay. Well, if you're not gonna go with us, then go see Cassie on your own. I talk to her all the time. And it helps -- every time.


Chloe: Who says that money doesn't make things better?

Kevin: Liars, because it does. It makes everything better.

Chloe: We could use fake money next time.

Kevin: Ooh.

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Kevin: Well, that sounds... fake -- still hot but definitely fake.

Chloe: Ohh! Okay. We -- we can't keep the money, but we can't turn it in. I mean, irony -- cruel, cruel irony!

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Let's go back to "We can't keep the money." Why is that again?

Chloe: Because it's drug money. It's tainted. It's illegal.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah -- all that. But we get to keep the house. But Noah gets screwed.

Chloe: Except for his rich parents and his trust fund and all that.

Kevin: Really, it was crazy of him to keep that kind of money lying around.

Chloe: Dangerous.

Kevin: You did him a favor.

Chloe: I'm a giver.

Kevin: Hmm. We wouldn't be so careless with money.

Chloe: If we keep it.

Kevin: It would go towards a good purpose -- keeping our home.

Chloe: It's not like we would buy a bunch of random stuff.

Kevin: No! We're smarter than that.

Chloe: It would also mean that we wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, wondering if we could pay for Dee's dance lessons, and we could fix the brakes on the car.

Kevin: It would be such a relief.

Chloe: Can we do this?

Kevin: We can. We totally, totally can.

P.I.: Yeah. Thanks. [Sighs]

Victor: Was it oxydycone?

P.I.: Tox report says lady died from a lethal combo of ecstasy and booze.

Victor: Ohh. Did they say where the body was moved postmortem?

P.I.: Didn't come up.

Victor: Find out.

P.I.: That would explain why we saw her walking into Abbott's place but not coming out.

Victor: This is all very interesting, isn't it? A congressman's daughter, who's a call girl, goes into Jack Abbott's house... and dies. And he suffers a heart attack. I'll be damned. And Adam holds a press conference, which is nothing but a diversion -- made sure that all the press people high-tail it over to the hospital to find out how Jack is. Maybe the biggest mistake he ever made. Cheers.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: If my dad wants to reclaim Newman and grab Jabot while Jack's out of the picture, he won't hesitate, Billy!

Tyler: You know, you should be the one out front leading the way. Other people may not see that, but I sure as hell do.

Chelsea: You want Sharon to take Phyllis' job?

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