Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/2/13
Episode # 10066 ~ Jack Acts Shockingly; Chloe's Coup Enchants Kevin
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Kevin: Well, Tucker has his money back... like he needs it. Gloria won't give us another cent. We can't ask Katherine for anything, so... any way you look at it, we are broke.
Chloe: [Humming]
Kevin: Nice.
Chloe: You likey?
Kevin: I lovey.
Chloe: No, I'm not hitting on you.
Kevin: What?
Chloe: This is my stakeout outfit. Look, I'm so -- I'm so sexy and so sneaky. It's so me.
Kevin: [Chuckles] Stakeout? But that plan is dead.
Chelsea: Ah, that smells good.
Adam: Yeah? Mmm. You smell better. So, did you enjoy sleeping in your own bed?
Chelsea: Yes. I'm so glad we came home last night. How are you?
Adam: Well, you're still here, which means best night and best morning ever.
Chelsea: So, let's parlay that into a lifetime.
Adam: All right. What do you want -- Buenos Aires, Barcelona... Paris? Name the place. It really doesn't matter where we go to start over... 'cause you're my home, Chelsea.
Avery: Morning, Summer. How you feeling?
Summer: Um, my dad's not home right now, so, uh, you should probably try his cell phone.
Avery: Wow, that was an excellent brush-off, truly. Um, you were at my doorstep at 2:00 A.M. last night crying.
Summer: Yeah, you know, it was just ridiculous teen drama stuff, so...it's over.
Avery: Summer.
Summer: Look, um, you know, my dad -- he should've stayed over at your house last night, but he insisted on driving me home, so I'm really sorry that I ruined your night. Happy New Year.
Avery: Okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Summer, do you have any idea how many crazy things I've heard in my life? So, whatever you think you can't tell me... you can trust me.
Summer: I'm stupid. It's stupid. I just -- talking about it isn't -- it's not gonna help anything. It's too late.
Phyllis: Uh, Savannah is beautiful, it is. I'm excited for you, I am.
Daniel: No, you're not.
Phyllis: No, I'm not, I'm not, but I want to be excited for you. I want to be excited for you here. When is your flight?
Daniel: Tonight.
Phyllis: Yeah. Hey, um, if Summer wants to jump into one of your bags, just try to convince her it's not a good idea.
Daniel: Okay. Convince her to, uh, stay here, and I'll try and convince you to come with me. Seriously, Mom, even if it's just for a little while, you got to get away from this city. You don't realize how claustrophobic it is until you get outside of it, you get away from it, and then you realize there's just this whole big huge world out there -- I mean, ridiculously big, crazy.
Phyllis: Yeah. Uh...I think I'm needed here, you know? Jack --
Daniel: Oh, Jack. Yes, Jack. Jack. We're talking about the same guy who fired you, ripped into you last night? "You betrayed me." That Jack?
Phyllis: He wasn't like that.
Daniel: He was kind of like that.
Phyllis: He was kind of like that, but...I don't know, we're sort of family.
Daniel: Oh, well, you know, I could tell you who else is sort of family. I mean, I'm sort of family. Lucy -- she misses you. I know she misses you. I know she'd like to spend more time with you, maybe have you read her some storybooks, teach her some swear words.
Phyllis: I wouldn't do that.
Daniel: Mm-hmm. You know, the people in this town -- they can survive without you for a couple of weeks.
Jack: [Groaning]
Avery: So, is this about the two guys that you mentioned?
Summer: It doesn't matter.
Avery: The ones who both like you?
Summer: Past tense.
Avery: So, you chose one... and it didn't go so well. Look, Summer, people say things, they do things that they don't mean.
Summer: They do things that they don't mean, but they might regret it, but it doesn't fix anything, it doesn't change anything. And that doesn't make it okay.
Avery: Okay, wait. Who are we talking about here?
Summer: I told you it just doesn't matter.
Avery: Summer, listen to me. If you told someone how you feel... whether they liked it or not, you were being kind. You did the right thing.
Daniel: There are some incredible galleries in Savannah, and the food -- oh, my God, the seafood. You are gonna love the seafood.
Phyllis: You don't have to sell me. I know. I haven't said yes to your invitation.
Daniel: I know. I have chosen to ignore that minute detail.
Phyllis: I'm just thinking of Summer, you know? She needs me. She's felt abandoned enough already.
Daniel: We're talking about a visit here. Summer wants you to be happy, too. I'm sure she wants you to be happy.
Phyllis: Of course she does, but we're in a really good place. I don't want to blow it.
Daniel: Mom, this -- this city -- all the drama, all the craziness, all the stupidity -- it's not normal. Life can be a whole hell of a lot simpler. Talk to Summer. She'll tell you to go. She will.
Phyllis: Where are you going? Wait.
Daniel: Well, Kevin is broke, and he's apparently short-handed, so my last act of bro-hood will be pouring coffee at Crimson Lights. Then I'll swing by and see Summer.
Phyllis: You are an amazing -- I'm being serious. You're an amazing son. You're an amazing friend. You're an amazing dad. I mean, the kind of son you are, I can't even -- I'm not doing anything. I'm just saying. Give me a break. I'm just saying. I just love you.
Daniel: I love you, too.
Phyllis: I'm gonna go now.
Daniel: Okay. Hey, man.
Noah: Hey, you're back.
Daniel: I am. I'm back. I'm back, I guess, just long enough to pack up my stuff and fly south.
Noah: You moving?
Daniel: I'm most certainly moving. You know how that goes. How about you? You heading back to New York anytime soon?
Noah: Family's here.
Daniel: I mean, all that time in New York -- you must have people there trying to lure you back, hammering at you nonstop.
Noah: [Chuckles]
Chloe: Come on, you are not going to pull the plug on this plan.
Kevin: How many times have you said to me, "Don’t do anything to get yourself arrested"?
Chloe: Yeah, but we're not gonna get arrested.
Kevin: Stealing dirty, illegal drug money? What part of that sounds legit?
Chloe: I never said it was legit. I just said, "Don’t get arrested." Besides, we're not stealing the money. We're gonna turn it in for a reward. It's not even Noah Newman's money.
Kevin: Like that's any better. Do you even hear yourself?
Chloe: Okay, let's just say that we find the cash. Okay, what is Noah gonna do? Is he gonna go to the cops and say, "Yo, someone stole my drug money"? No. He's gonna go to his trust fund, and he's going to replace the cash, story over.
Kevin: If he even has the cash. All we know is that Noah got a package. It could have been, uh -- uh -- it could have been a book.
Chloe: Yeah, stuffed with money inside, so let's go find out.
Kevin: We can't, okay? No more Chipmunk.
Chloe: Babe, this isn't remotely Chipmunky. We are both lucid, first of all. We need the money, and I do not want a big "Foreclosed" sign on this house. It's gonna scar Dee-Dee.
Kevin: Okay, we are not gonna lose the house. That's not gonna happen. I --
Chloe: I know, I know. You're gonna figure something out, yeah. [Sighs]
Chelsea: [Sighs] Milan -- so chic. And Paris -- I mean, just the street fashion alone.
Adam: We should get you a little studio wherever we go so you can work your sartorial magic.
Chelsea: Yes. Yes, but the cities are so expensive.
Adam: And...?
Chelsea: Chloe's broke. I don't think they can afford postage to France, never mind rent. And, you know, since she's my partner --
Adam: Yes, I forgot about Chloe, your little buddy. Well, if you need to stay in Genoa City for your business --
Chelsea: No, no, no. Oh, no. Genoa City needs to be in our rearview mirror if we ever stand a chance.
[Cell phone rings]
Adam: Hold on.
Chelsea: If that is Milan, tell them that we haven't decided yet.
Adam: Done. No, it's not Milan. Hello?
Jack: Adam, I need you here now.
Adam: You fired me, Jack.
Jack: I need your help.
Adam: What's with the cloak-and-dagger routine? Why do I have to come in through the back door? No. No, no, no, no, no.
Jack: She's... she's dead.
Adam: This is how you ring in the New Year, Jack?
Jack: I don't know how this happened.
Adam: You don't know how what happened, Jack? How she expired or how she got on this floor?
Jack: I met her at the club last night. Her name is Stephanie. I was there, Phyllis was there. That was a mess, and then Stephanie showed up.
Adam: Did you ever think about taking a break with the redheads, Jack?
Jack: She flirted with me, and -- and then... and then, I-I-I -- I don't --
Adam: Okay. Just listen to me. Now, did you give her any party favors, Jack?
Jack: What?
Adam: Any pills. Did you give her any pills?
Jack: I have no idea.
Phyllis: Hey, Summer. And Avery.
Avery: Happy New Year, Phyllis. I was just leaving. Tell your dad I stopped by.
Summer: I will.
Avery: And if you need to talk...
Phyllis: All right.
Summer: What?
Phyllis: Okay, what happened?
Summer: Fen and I just had a fight.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I am so sorry. You know, when I saw your call, it was so late, and I didn't want to call you back because I didn't want to wake you up.
Summer: It's fine. My night wasn't that great, anyway, so... at least you had fun, right?
Phyllis: Yeah. It wasn't, you know, whoo-hoo fun, but... hey, you know what? I have some really good news.
Summer: Hmm?
Phyllis: Your brother is back in town.
Summer: Daniel? Where?
Phyllis: Yeah, he's at the coffee house, but he's gonna come here later. And, um... he -- he has a big art show opening in Savannah, and, um... he and Lucy are gonna move there.
Summer: Just like that?
Phyllis: Yeah, just like that. It's great. So great for him. It's really exciting. It's beautiful there, just gorgeous. You know, sometimes you just need to get away, find a new place, and, um... you know, I was -- I was thinking that I-I would go down there and help them get settled, just for a couple weeks, not a big deal. Just a couple weeks, but I'll stay here if you need me.
Summer: No, no. That's -- that's fine. You should -- you should go. I mean, I would get out of this place, too, if I could.
Phyllis: Things are getting better, aren't they?
Summer: They were, but then I did something.
Phyllis: What did you do?
Summer: I don't want to bore you with all that boy stuff, boy trouble.
Phyllis: Tell you something, I have caused a lot of boys a lot of trouble. [Laughs] There's nothing you can tell me that I haven't done, heard.
Summer: We'll talk about it when you get back, yeah?
Phyllis: Okay. You gonna be okay?
Summer: Yeah, no, I'll be -- I'll be fine. You should go. I mean, there's plenty of people around here that can make sure that I don't cut class anymore. You know, Dad and Noah and Aunt Avery are here.
Phyllis: I'm not worried about you cutting class. I'm not worried about that. I'm just worried... I'm worried that you're never gonna know how awesome I think you are.
Noah: You know, I don't really talk to anybody from New York anymore. That time is over.
Daniel: Good. I mean, you know, it's cleaner to cut ties sometimes, leave the past alone, you know?
Noah: Yeah.
Daniel: Good. All right, man. Well, um, if I don't see you before I go, you take care.
Noah: Yeah, you too.
Daniel: All right.
Alex: Guy's right. It would have been a lot cleaner if you hadn't stayed in touch with Adriana. All those calls to that New York number.
Noah: I told you I called her. I haven't talked to her. I just leave messages.
Alex: Well, I pulled the phone records, Noah. A lot of your calls were four, five minutes long.
Noah: I haven't talked to her.
Alex: Come on. You're not leaving messages that long. What -- oh. Right. That -- that's what that -- you really like this girl. So, when you say it didn't end well, you meant it didn't end well for you.
Noah: Detective --
Alex: Is that what -- I had this all wrong. See, I thought you were a bad guy here. But this whole time, you're just brokenhearted guy.
Noah: Do you mind? I'm doing my job here.
Alex: And I'm doing mine. So, if you really like this girl, Noah, you're gonna help me find her because she's in real trouble.
Chelsea: Hi. Whoops, sorry. Uh, two minutes to pack, and then I am out of here.
Chloe: What? Why?
Chelsea: Um, so I can leave you and Kevin to whatever you guys were doing in that getup.
Chloe: Oh, no, this? This is not sexy time, no. This is -- its business. You know, you -- you didn't stay here last night, did you? Wait. Did you...?
Chelsea: I did.
Chloe: [Gasps] You little trampy tramp! Well, congratulations. I think it's so great. Sometimes you just need to use a man and toss him aside.
Chelsea: Yeah, uh... well, this one's a keeper.
Chloe: That good, huh? You know, you really don't need to just commit after one night.
Chelsea: Well, it wasn't -- wasn't really just one night. We just needed one night to remember what we wanted. Don't be mad.
Chloe: [Groans] What? Are you kidding me? You're backsliding into wish-washy pushover-ville?
Chelsea: Stop, all right? I came home last night, and Adam was here, and he had candles and...
Chloe: Oh, God, great. That means I need to fumigate the place.
Chelsea: No. Stop. We went home. We went home, and it was... [Sighs] Yeah, it was amazing.
Chloe: We finally pry you away from the crypt, and you go back?
Chelsea: Don't worry. Not for long. Adam and I are leaving Genoa City.
Adam: Hell no.
Jack: What? What?
Adam: Was your friend exceptionally friendly, Jack? And incredibly thirsty?
Jack: Compared to what? I never met her before.
Adam: Ecstasy pills, Jack. She had them in her purse. She probably had them in her system. That's probably what she O.D.'d from.
Jack: Oh, God. Oh, God.
Adam: Right after you insist on TV that you don't have a problem with pills.
Jack: It was an accident, an accidental situation. It could've happened anywhere.
Adam: Yeah. Why don't you tell that one to the cops?
Jack: I'd be ruined. I'd be ruined. She's -- the body has to go away.
Adam: Yeah, we'll just ask the news truck parked down the street to get rid of the body for us.
Jack: Why is the media here?
Adam: Maybe because you did your "Pure as driven snow" press conference or maybe, just maybe, that truck is parked outside on a tip-off that you would be here with a Phyllis look-alike.
Jack: I was set up.
Adam: The Black Knight strikes again?
Noah: What exactly is it that you think that Adriana did?
Alex: I didn't travel 1,000 miles because I think she did something. I know.
Noah: What did she do?
Alex: She stole half a million dollars and sent it to you.
Noah: [Laughs] What, she sent it to me?
Alex: Uh-huh?
Noah: Through the mail? Come on, pony express or what?
Alex: [Laughs] No, she sent you a package from a New York address in the east village. That's your old hood.
Noah: That is where most of my friends are from, so if she, you know, if somebody did send me --
Alex: Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait. You just finished telling your buddy that you don't stay in touch with any of your friends. So, are you lying to him or me?
Daniel: Wow, this place is just jamming, isn't it, man? I got here right in time.
Kevin: You mock my downfall. I am this close to losing my house and probably my marriage, which is really difficult to think about today because of that cat suit.
Daniel: You know, I was with you that whole time, right up until that last word. What the heck are you talking about?
Kevin: It doesn't really matter now since you talked me out of the plan.
Daniel: Kev, you really want to be the guy holding the cash when the drug dealer shows up in town?
Kevin: Better me than Noah.
Daniel: Right. 'Cause you just got this heart that's bigger than the great outdoors, huh?
Kevin: Well, you would've gotten a cut.
Daniel: I'll live without it.
Kevin: How noble of you, you and your wife and your mortgage and your -- oh, wait. You don't have any of those things.
Daniel: Not for now. For now, I'm just a law-abiding citizen with a daughter and a thing for this really hot A.D.A.
Kevin: Fine, whatever, but I am missing out on some serious cash and that cat suit.
Chelsea: We have to leave. With Sharon here and Victor, all the history, it's...
Chloe: And you don't think it's a bad sign that in order to keep your husband away from that wackadoo is by putting an ocean between them?
Chelsea: Adam chose me, okay? He chose our marriage.
Chloe: And what did you choose? Death by vanilla? What about cutting-edge designer and entrepreneur?
Chelsea: We can still make it happen. You can move to Europe with us.
Chloe: [Scoffs] Yeah, with what money? Besides, I have Dee-Dee's father here and my mother. Oh, my God. She'll cry so much over the phone, it'll make my ears soggy.
Chelsea: Okay, then, I can be the European office in Milan or Paris, and you can be in charge of the North American branch. We can e-mail and -- and videoconference. We'll be an international sensation.
Chloe: [Scoffs] And what if Adam changes your mind once you get out of here?
Chelsea: Adam wants what I want.
Chloe: He's just making you think that. He knows exactly how to get what he wants. I mean, you were over him. You were done, and now you think he's just the bestest husband ever.
Chelsea: He wants to be.
Chloe: Well, what about when he wanted to kiss Sharon? I mean, one rocking night is not gonna change who he is.
Chelsea: You know, I didn't expect you to be happy for me, but I think showing a little support wouldn't kill you.
Chloe: Oh, because I like you, Doofus, and I think that you actually deserve to be with a man who is going to put you first.
Chelsea: Adam is going to put me first.
Chloe: He's gonna break your heart. It's just a matter of when.
Jack: I don't even know when this happened. I don't know what she said. I don't know what she did. I... and if I did know, I...
Adam: We'll have to mourn her later, Jack. Right now, we have to cover your ass.
Jack: We can't exactly walk her out of here.
Adam: You're right, we can't, which is why you're going to call 911.
Jack: How is that any better?
Adam: You're going to complain of pain in your left arm, shortness of breath, and you need to be checked out at the E.R.
Jack: So, they'll send an ambulance and come here and find her.
Adam: You will walk outside and meet the ambulance, at which point the news trucks will follow you and the ambulance, which will leave me alone to do what I have to do.
Jack: So, when I get to the hospital, the doctor's gonna know I'm stalling as soon as he gives me an EKG.
Adam: Not if you talk to the right doctor and get the right EKG results.
Jack: Wait. You can make that happen?
Adam: You called me, Jack, because you needed me to take care of this, so I'll take care of it. Now, call 911.
Noah: The Adriana that I knew didn't have $2.50 to ride the subway most of the time. She certainly did not have half a million stashed away. Now, I will -- I will ask her about it the next time that I talk to her.
Alex: Here's the thing, Noah. You seem like a good kid. You got good manners, people seem to like you. This thing that Adriana's a part of, you don't want to be a part of it.
Noah: I'm not a part of it.
Alex: Oh, yeah, you keep saying that. God.
Noah: Would you like my lawyer to say it to you?
Alex: If I find out that you're holding out on me, you better get a team of lawyers, boy, 'cause I will devote my entire career to taking you down.
Summer: Jamie... please, I know that you hate me. Just, please, just let me explain about all the Brittni stuff. Please just call me, okay? I'm -- I'm really sorry.
Phyllis: Hey.
Kevin: Hey, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Is Daniel here?
Kevin: He was, but he was having a really difficult time with the huge crowd here, so he left to find Summer.
Phyllis: Right. Shouldn't this place be filled with hungover hipsters sucking down coffee, trying to remember what happened last night?
Kevin: Right? They should all be here. They should all be leaving me really big tips.
Phyllis: [Laughs] Large coffee.
Kevin: You got it.
Phyllis: Keep the change.
Kevin: Oh, I was -- I was just kidding about the big tips.
Phyllis: No, you weren't.
Kevin: No, I wasn't. Here you go.
Phyllis: Thanks.
Kevin: Hi.
Avery: Hi.
Phyllis: Susie homemaker. Yay! You can't make coffee?
Avery: Well, I leave that up to the professionals. Uh, the usual, please.
Kevin: I'm already on it.
Avery: Thank you.
Phyllis: Well, enjoy your coffee. I'm gonna go pack a bag.
Avery: Business trip?
Phyllis: Um, no, that would be very difficult since I was fired.
Avery: What? You're kidding?
Phyllis: No, I'm not kidding. I'm going to Savannah. I'm gonna help Daniel get settled since he's moving there.
Avery: Oh. Good. That'll be nice for you and Daniel and Lucy. Have a good trip.
Phyllis: Can I ask a favor of you while I'm gone?
Avery: I don't know. Does it involve me jumping off a bridge?
Phyllis: Um, can you look in on Summer once in a while?
Avery: Yeah, I'd be glad to do it.
Phyllis: Thank you. She's having some problems, boy problems. Yeah. Nick is a great dad, but he gets... distracted. You'll learn that.
Avery: I said I'd be happy to do it.
Phyllis: My daughter likes you. My daughter actually likes you.
Avery: Okay, well, I know that's not easy for you to say.
Phyllis: No, it's not. It's not easy at all, but it doesn't matter because the only thing that matters is what is best for Summer.
Avery: Okay, well, I think you're right. You know, we do get along really well, so...
Phyllis: Um, this isn't an invitation for you to start dying your hair red or for you to go into my closet and start trying on my clothes, Avery, all right? I just need help from my sister. That's all. I don't need you to steal my life.
Avery: Well, my life is pretty good right now, so I'm not looking for someone else's.
[Cell phone rings]
Avery: Excuse me.
Phyllis: Tell Nick hi, by the way.
Avery: Hello? Oh, my God. When?
Phyllis: Is it Summer?
Avery: It's Jack. He's had a heart attack. He's on his way to the hospital.
Adam: I wish there were more to tell, but as of now, information is very limited. Jack Abbott experienced severe chest pains and had to be taken to the hospital as a precaution. I would like to personally thank the doctors, the nurses, and the paramedics for their fine work. Jack and his family are in our thoughts and our prayers, and we expect a full and speedy recovery from this minor setback. Now, business as usual will go on at Newman Enterprises. This will not affect work at Newman. If you don't mind, excuse me. I'm gonna go to the hospital and visit my friend. Thank you. Happy New Year.
Jack: I-I don't want that.
Adam: One more time. You are recovering from a heart attack. The doctor was reticent to discharge you. But I assured him that you would be looked after. I'm looking after you. Now, take this. Or not.
Jack: So... did it, uh... go okay?
Adam: Yes, Jack. The press chased after you and the ambulance like a pack of Jackals just as planned. Which left me here alone to do what I had to do.
Jack: But you -- you were respectful.
Adam: Yes, Jack. I was respectful. Did you know she was a professional, Jack?
Jack: She was...
Adam: A prostitute. She didn't come here because of your charm.
Jack: God. A prostitute O.D.'d in my living room. Thank you, Victor Newman.
Adam: Even my father could not have coordinated an O.D. I'm sure the plan was to have the press hiding in the bushes so they could see her take the morning walk of shame and the headline could read "Pill-popping Abbott parties with a prostitute." Board would have had your resignation by lunch. But we have upped the ante significantly, now, haven't we, Jack?
Jack: No one can ever know about this.
Adam: They won't. You're welcome, Jack. I just saved your life.
Chelsea: "Classic Milanese villa." "Parisian flat with view of the Seine." [Sighs]
Adam: It's time, Jack. We need to talk about the pills.
Jack: Oh, let's not make a priority out of that, okay?
Adam: You can't take a drink of water without wearing half of it. A woman died right here in your living room. So, yeah, I think we need to talk about your condition.
Jack: You're a little late to the party, okay? You missed the intervention.
Adam: A group of people came to you to talk to you about their concerns about you and your meds, and you reward their affection by firing them, you fire me, you go out and you get plastered? Yeah, I know. Your hangover must suck, Jack. But I don't think it's as bad as this woman Stephanie's condition.
Jack: I didn't force her to take the ecstasy.
Adam: No, and you didn't call EMT, either, did you, to have her stomach pumped?
Jack: I was unconscious.
Adam: You don't remember because of the pills and the booze. And if you don't see the connection, then you're either an idiot or an addict.
Jack: You listen here, Junior --
Adam: Do not "Junior" me after what I just did for you. What you are going to do is take a leave of absence from Newman. You are going to go away because of your heart condition, but what you really are going to do is flush that garbage out of your system at a detox place that knows how to be discreet.
Jack: I can detox in my home.
Adam: Rehab, Jack. Real rehab.
Jack: I don't need it.
Adam: No? There was a dead woman laying in your room, your living room, on the floor right there, Jack. Right there. She had a name. Stephanie. She had parents. She had a life -- maybe a life she didn't want -- and she lost it. It's gone now. So you're gonna go to rehab, and you're gonna get clean.
Jack: And what if I refuse?
Adam: Good luck explaining the corpse call girl to the press.
Jack: There's no way they would know that unless you told them.
Adam: Well, I guess there's always that, then, isn't there? So, what's it gonna be?
Noah: Dad? Summer? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Kevin: Big money. Big money. $5. Okay. Big money. Big money. Let's go.
Chloe: Somebody say... "Big money"?
Kevin: No. No.
Chloe: Yes. Yes. You were right. It was in the house.
Kevin: No. No!
Chloe: No, listen. Summer and Daniel were hanging out, and they were talking and talking and talking. Finally, I just snuck in and I found it.
Kevin: No! No!
Chloe: Yes! Yes! We can finally save our house! Make me say yes some more. Mwah!
Chelsea: Hey. Do you think we are villa people or penthouse people? I know how to tell a guy to take a hike in French and Italian, so language really isn't an issue.
Adam: Chelsea, Jack... had a heart attack.
Chelsea: Is he okay?
Adam: It's gonna be a long road. We can't leave just yet.
Chelsea: How long?
Adam: Given the shape he's in, I might be running Newman for the foreseeable future.
Chelsea: And you couldn't be happier.
Adam: Trust me. "Happy" is not the word I would use to describe these last few hours.
Chelsea: [Sighs] You never even really planned to leave, did you? It was -- it was just a lie you told to get what you want.
Adam: Right, because I planned for all this to happen to Jack.
Chelsea: If last night was real, say to hell with Newman. Leave with me, Adam. Prove that I matter the most.
[Door closes]
Phyllis: Jack. What are you doing here after having a heart attack? Which I only found out about because I had to grovel to Avery. Thanks a lot. What kind of doctor lets you out of the hospital after having a heart attack? What did you do? Bribe him?
Jack: I'm in trouble, Red. The pills... I can't do it on my own. I need your help.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tyler: You all right?
Lily: Uh, I'm fine. Why?
Tyler: Look like something might be bothering you.
Phyllis: If I tell you something, will you keep it highly confidential?
Victoria: You know you're relentless. That's not exactly a compliment.
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