Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/1/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/1/13


Episode # 10065 ~ Chelsea & Adam Plan for a New Start; The Citizens of Genoa City Ring in the New Year

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by

Nikki: Hi, Darling.

Victor: Hi, my baby. Look at that. Millions of stars, untold galaxies, and an ever-expanding universe. You know, when you think about it, our problems seem so insignificant, don't they?

Nikki: And yet, you can't let go of them.

Victor: Well... I can't rearrange the universe, but I certainly can control my world.

Nikki: Well, if that were true, Nicholas and Victoria would be joining us tonight.

Victor: Sweetheart, are you upset that we're just having Michael and Lauren over?

Nikki: No, not really.

Victor: No?

Nikki: I just have to wonder how many special occasions the kids might miss because you want to get your company back. Now if they don't make it to our wedding, I will be upset.

Victor: I will get my company back, and I will get our children back.

Nikki: Is that your New Year's resolution?

Victor: It's a promise.

Phyllis: Hey! (Laughs)

Summer: Hi, uh, Mom, what are you doing here?

Phyllis: Oh, I was hoping that maybe we could spend New Year’s Eve together.

Summer: Oh, um, I'm sorry, but I have plans. Uh, come in, I just-- I thought you were Fen.

Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, oh, you worked things out with Fen?

Summer: Yeah, um, I finally got him to realize that Jamie and I are just friends, so...

Phyllis: Oh, good.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Good. Um, so wh-where-- where are you going tonight?

Summer: Um, just a party at Taylor's, but no, there will not be alcohol...

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Summer: Just music, dancing and revelry.

Phyllis: Ooh, revelry, wow. Wow.

Summer: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Um, well, that sounds fun.

Summer: What--what's wrong? You seem like something's wrong.

Phyllis: No! Oh, no, no, I'm great. No. I mean, well, I... got fired, but...

Summer: Wait, Jack fired you?

Phyllis: Y--it's complicated. Anyway, get--keep on getting ready. I-I want to see your shoes. What--what's going on here?

Summer: Okay, um, which ones should I wear?

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Summer: These or these?

Phyllis: Well, definitely... those.

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: (Clears throat) So is your dad here?

Summer: Um, no, he--he's out.

Avery: Okay, don't say it.

Nick: "Happy New Year"?

Avery: "You're not ready yet."

Nick: Well, you're not, are you?

Avery: Well, you know that I have trouble deciding what to wear.

Nick: I know, which is why... I picked you up this.

Avery: (Laughs) You picked me out a dress?

Nick: Yeah. Well, Lauren helped me. She told me you were gonna look perfect in that.

Avery: Wow. Well, how would I know? You haven't even told me where we're going.

Nick: You're right, I haven't.

Avery: Give me a hint.

Nick: Wouldn't be a surprise then, now would it?

Avery: (Sighs) You're the worst! (Chuckles)

Nick: Go get dressed.

Avery: Ooh, and bossy.

Chelsea: I'm sorry, are you waiting for someone?

Alex: Um, no.

Chelsea: (Exhales sharply)

Alex: How about you?

Chelsea: Rockin' in the New Year alone.

Alex: I bet you turned down a lot of invitations.

Chelsea: (Laughs) Well, you can't say yes to just anybody, you know?

Alex: How about me?

Chelsea: Excuse me?

Alex: Can I buy you a drink?

Chelsea: Sure.

Billy: Okay, we have our selections for movie night-- "Bad Boys II," "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance," or my personal favorite, "Resident Evil: Damnation."

Victoria: No, this is movie night, this is not the eve of destruction. So we have "The Great Gatsby," "Out of Africa," my favorite, "The Way We Were." I really love that one.

Billy: Couldn't you pick a good Redford movie?

Victoria: (Sighs) Well, we're not watching any of those.

Billy: Fine, but no chick flicks.

Victoria: Okay, fine, we'll compromise. We'll watch one of mine and then we'll watch one of yours.

Billy: Mm-hmm, and why are we watching one of yours first?

Victoria: Because you love me and you would do anything to make me happy.

Billy: Because you're gonna be asleep by 10:00.

Victoria: Put this in.

Billy: (Growls) Good thing you're cute. (Humming)

Victoria: Hey.

Billy: Hmm? Oh, I was playing "Go Fish" with Reed.

Victoria: In between hands of blackjack?

Billy: Hey, blackjack is very educational. It teaches odds, arithmetic, risk analysis, all sorts of life skills for a growing child.

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, just look where it's gotten you.

Michael: Did you tell his honor that it was the district attorney calling him? No, fine, all right. Yes, uh, tell him I said happy New Year, too.

Lauren: Everything okay?

Michael: No-- words... to say how amazing you look.

Lauren: Now are you sorry?

Michael: What, that I have an unbelievably hot wife?

Lauren: (Chuckles) That yet again, you have accepted a dinner invitation from Victor when you could have spent the night here alone with your--and I'm quoting you-- "Unbelievably hot wife."

Michael: Unfortunately, I am not gonna be the only one missing out tonight.

Lauren: We didn't get permission to have Jamie stay with us?

Michael: Judge Witten wouldn't even take my call. He's not happy since I took Jamie out of that group home.

Lauren: No, no, no, we cannot send him back there.

Michael: Well, until I straighten this out, we have no choice.

Lauren: Michael... (Sighs)

Jack: Where are you, Dad? You're not gonna show up and tell me what a failure I've been this year? I've driven away everyone who really cares about me? Dad?  You know what? Go back to playing your harp. I'll do just fine without you.

Phyllis: So, um, I'll call you tomorrow.

Summer: Mom, I really don't have to go to that party.

Phyllis: Oh, no, you're absolutely going to the party.

Summer: Yeah, but I don't want you to be by yourself.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna be by myself. Oh, no, no, no, I-I was invited, um, to the club, and I-it--it's gonna be a huge party. There's lots of people and confetti and balloons and dancing and champagne and silly hats, so it's fine.

Summer: Are you sure?

Phyllis: Yes, I'm sure. You go to your party, have a fantastic time. (Sighs) You be safe, okay?

Summer: Okay, I will.

Phyllis: Happy New Year.

Summer: Thank you. You, too, Mom.

Phyllis: Oh, no, ohh!

Summer: I love you.

Phyllis: I love you. (Shivers)

Lauren: There has to be something that you can do.

Fen: About what?

Michael: Jamie. He can't stay here.

Lauren: They're sending him back to that horrible group home.

Fen: Maybe it'll be good for him.

Lauren: How can-- how can you say that? You saw the way they beat him up.

Fen: Guys fight. It happens.

Michael: He's being ganged up on.

Fen: You're the one who said the world's not fair.

Michael: I also taught you to look out for people who are being picked on.

Fen: Dude needs to learn to take care of himself. If he's in that group home, maybe he'll figure out how to do that.

Lauren: Really? Really? And, um, how would you feel if you were stuck someplace without anybody to help you?

Fen: I'd be fine. I don't let anybody walk over me. Maybe if you didn't baby Jamie, he wouldn't, either.

Lauren: (Gasps) Fenmore!

(Door closes)

Chelsea: So you're from New York?

Alex: Born and raised.

Chelsea: Mm. Mm, why would a New Yorker come to Wisconsin in the middle of the winter, hmm?

Alex: Work.

Chelsea: Maybe you should think about finding another job. Find one that sends you to L.A. or Hawaii.

Alex: I kind of like it here.

Chelsea: Mm.

Alex: People say hi to you. I'm walking down the street and everybody's like, "Hi. Hi. Hi!"

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Alex: I like that. They act like people. I'm not used to it.

Chelsea: Hmm.

Alex: So are there any other things around town I should be seeing, or places I should go?

Chelsea: Are you angling for a guided tour?

Alex: Are you offering one?

Chelsea: (Laughs) Well, there are a few places I could show you. I, um... there's a-a beautiful lake that I used to live by.

Alex: That's great. We could go tomorrow.

Chelsea: You know what? I'm so sorry. Um, I have to go.

Alex: You--

Chelsea: I have to go. Um, happy New Year. Sorry.

Avery: Well, aren't you gonna say anything?

Nick: (Chuckles)

Avery: (Laughing)

Nick: Uh. I'll tell you, we better get out of here. I'm just gonna rip this thing right off you.

Avery: Ohh.

Nick: Mm. You know what? Nope. No. No, no.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: I promised you an amazing night, and it is gonna happen.

Avery: Oh, well, now, so far, so good.

Nick: You ain't seen nothing yet.

Avery: Really? Thank you.

Lauren: (Exhales sharply) What happened to him?

Michael: He has so much rage inside of him. He reminds me of someone else I used to know.

Lauren: Oh... no, no. You had reason to be angry. I mean, that house that you grew up in, and your stepfather-- it was just--it was a terrible environment.

Michael: Why is he so angry? I did everything I could to make sure he didn't grow up feeling the way I did.

Lauren: Honey, we both did, and you know, it just isn't gonna help our son to second-guess ourselves.

Michael: What will?

Lauren: Sticking together. It's always gotten our family through the tough times.

Summer: Jamie. What happened?

Jamie: Hi. Kids at the group home thought I'd make a good punching bag.

Summer: Does Michael know about this?

Jamie: Yeah, he's been letting me stay at his place...

Summer: Good.

Jamie: But the geniuses at foster care are putting an end to all that.

Summer: They're sending you back to the place where you got beat up?

Jamie: Th-that's what I came to tell you. I'm leaving town.

Summer: Jamie, you can't do that!

Jamie: I'm out of options, Summer.

Summer: Jamie, okay, it can't be that bad.

Jamie: Yeah? Check this out. "Stupid loser. You should be in jail for what you did. The world would be better off without you."

Summer: Look, whoever sent that is just a jerk.

Jamie: This is way worse than that Brittni on FacePlace. I get new ones every day.

Summer: Okay, you can't take it to heart. These idiots are just being mean and cruel.

Jamie: If I knew who they were, I'd kick their asses, but they hide behind their stupid phones, and I can't do anything to get back at 'em. I am sick of being told how much of a loser I am. It's all I've heard my whole life, and I just-- I can't take it anymore! I just--I can't! I just...

Summer: Okay, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Oh, Fen.

Nick: You ready?

Avery: I think so. Oh, Nick.

Nick: "Oh, Nick, I like it"?

Avery: Nick, I love it. It's perfect.

Nick: I'm glad you love it, 'cause you're gonna be spending an awful lot of time here... in your own booth.

Billy: Hmm. That wasn't as painful as I thought it was gonna be. (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Sniffles)

Billy: But not a very happy ending. (Clears throat)

Victoria: (Exhales sharply) Do you miss your dad?

Billy: Yeah, sure.

Victoria: Are there times that were special to you? You know, days that were special for the two of you?

Billy: Opening day, baseball season. We'd always watch the Brewers together.

Victoria: Well, it's New Year’s Eve for me and my mom, ever since I was a little girl.

Billy: Oh, really? I thought Victor would have laid claim to Nikki on that night.

Victoria: Yeah, he did. I mean, they used to always go to this big fancy New Year’s Eve party at the governor's mansion, but one time, I got sick, and my mom stayed home with me. And she said we could have a pajama party and watch a movie, and my mom made s'mores.

Billy: Well, that sounds good.

Victoria: Well, you know, if you like marshmallows that taste like burned coal, it's good.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: I guess I take after her in the cooking department.

Billy: Yeah. (Chuckles)

Victoria: But she had that movie all picked out.

Billy: Oh, yeah, let me guess, "The...

Victoria: "The Way We Were," yeah.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: It was just so nice cuddling up with my mom, knowing that she gave up that party to be with me... and watch a movie, our movie, and eat burnt s'mores.

Billy: Well, if you want to go see her, I'm sure that we can--

Victoria: No, I don't want to go see her! That's not why-- I want to be with you.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah? Well, I hope that you don't ever get tired of that, because now that I'm not working for Jack, I am gonna be around a lot more.

Victoria: I'm sorry that there's a rift between the two of you, but maybe Jack firing you is the best thing that could ever happen to you... to us.

Jack: Scotch, neat. (Sighs) If you're thinking about another intervention...

Phyllis: You don't want my help.

Jack: I don't need it.

Phyllis: Happy New Year, Jack.

Jack: Hey.

Phyllis: Oh!

Jack: I am not hooked on pills.

Phyllis: You're a liar. You're lying to yourself.

Jack: This, I gotta hear from the biggest liar I know.

Phyllis: Congratulations, Jack, you've finally chased away the last person who cared about you. Congratulations.

Jack: Who needs you?

Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa! Hey, what's going on here?

Phyllis: I didn't know you were gonna be here tonight.

Daniel: It's a good thing I came. Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hey, Daniel.

Daniel: Is everything all right?

Phyllis: Yeah, Jack and I were just saying good-bye. Come on.

Avery: Oh!

Nick: Whoa!

Avery: (Giggles)

Nick: Okay.

Avery: Wow.

Nick: All right, this one is on the house.

Avery: Well, good, 'cause you spilled half of it. Here--oh!

Nick: Yeah. Oh, sorry! (Laughs)

Avery: (Laughs) Wow.

Nick: Oh, you know what? It looks like you got a little on your hand right here.

Avery: I did. Thank you.

(Glasses clink)

Nick: I'm sorry we didn't go to the big bash at the club.

Avery: Oh, why? What do they have that we don't? Awesome venue, we've got that. Champagne, we lost some, but check. Hot guy, seriously check. Music.

Nick: Check.

Avery: Ohh.

Nick: May I?

Singer: Girl, I heard you got someone in your life who keeps you sad and makes you cry

Lauren: It's beautiful. The view, the--the way you decorated, everything.

Nikki: Oh, thank you.

Michael: Is it gonna be a permanent move?

Victor: Well, the architect just finished the plans for the new ranch house.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: They start construction soon.

Michael: Mm.

Victor: How's Fenmore doing?

Lauren: Oh.

Michael: Oh, uh, he had plans to see Summer.

Victor: And you probably are wondering what he's up to.

Lauren: Oh, he's-- he's very responsible.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Hmm.

Nikki: We never do stop worrying about them, though, do we? No matter how old they get.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Victor: I just wish they would appreciate that.

Michael: It's true what they say--our children just pass through our lives.

Lauren: We just hope that we have done the best that we can.

Victor: Yes.

Michael: And that it's enough to keep them from doing something stupid.

Summer: Fen, I can explain everything.

Fen: Yeah, with another lie? No, I'm sick of them, Summer. I'm sick of you--you jumping from me to "Juvie boy." A-are you getting off on this? Are you, like, go--going from me to another guy? Is that--is that the kind of girl you are?

Summer: What?

Jamie: You watch your mouth, all right? Summer and I are just friends.

Fen: You are an idiot! She is not your friend...

Summer: Fen.

Fen: Except on FacePlace.

Summer: Fen, stop.

Fen: She is Brittni, you moron.

Summer: Fen, stop!

Fen: Did you really think someone like Summer would ever go for someone like you?! You are pathetic!

Summer: Fen!

Jamie: Is that true?

Summer: Jamie...

Jamie: Is that true?

Daniel: So, um, what's up with Jack?

Phyllis: Uh, nothing. Nothing. He just, um, you know, I-I don't want to get into it.

Daniel: Might as well tell me, because you got--

Phyllis: Okay, well, he fired me.

Daniel: What do you mean, he fired you? What'd you do?

Phyllis: I didn't do anything, Daniel. Thanks for the vote of confidence, by the way. He also fired Neil and his son Kyle.

Daniel: He sounds a little out of control, if you ask me.

Phyllis: Yeah, he hasn't been the same since his surgery.

Daniel: What do you mean? I thought that removing the bullet was supposed to make him better.

Phyllis: There were complications. Anyway, maybe now that you're back, you can talk some sense into him.

Daniel: Yeah, um... I don't--I don't know if I'm gonna really be around long enough to, uh, do that.

Phyllis: Why? Where are you going?

Daniel: Lucy and I are moving to Savannah.

Michael: There is a whole different view of the world from up here.

Victor: Uh-huh. Isn't it beautiful? Staggering.

Michael: Being above the fray seems to agree with you.

Lauren: Yeah, I've never seen you more relaxed.

Victor: Credit goes to Nikki.

Michael: I never argued the value of a loving wife...

Lauren: Oh.

(Glasses clink)

Michael: But, uh, leaving Newman seems to have brought you a sense of peace I have not seen before.

Lauren: That's true. It's like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Michael: Now that you're out, maybe you should consider staying out.

Victor: Oh, I'm not so sure about that. I belong at Newman, you know?

Michael: Don't let Nikki hear you say that.

Victor: Oh, she knows how I feel about the company.

Michael: If it were me, I could step back from it all and just be with the woman I love, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Nikki: I'm sorry to bother you, Sweetheart.

Victoria: You're not. How is your New Year's Eve going?

Nikki: Well, it doesn't seem quite the same without "The Way We Were," does it?

Victoria: (Laughs) Or burnt s'mores. Well, maybe we could get together and have a pajama party.

Nikki: I'd like that. We could work on my wedding plans.

Victoria: Uh, next week?

Nikki: I'll call you.

Victoria: All right, sounds good. Happy New Year, Mom.

Nikki: Happy New Year to you, Angel.

Summer: Answer, Mom. Please answer. (Exhales sharply) Damn it! (Sighs)

Jack: Pete, another. Hey. Can I buy you a drink?

Woman: A gentleman. How nice.

Jack: I'm Jack.

Woman: Hello, Jack. I'm Stephanie.

Jack: Pleasure to meet you, Stephanie.

Chelsea: What are you doing here?

Adam: I overheard Kevin and Chloe say they were gonna be out for the night.

Chelsea: Let me guess, Sharon was busy?

Adam: I probably deserve that.

Chelsea: Probably?

Adam: The other night, I really thought--

Chelsea: Thought what? That I would cave, take you back?

Adam: Thought you'd give us another chance. I love you, Chelse. I'm lost without you.

Chelsea: Get a G.P.S.

Adam: What do you want from me?

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: Name it.

Chelsea: A divorce... and a big, fat settlement check.

Adam: Okay. I'll give you what you want. I'll write you a check, right here, right now... if you give me tonight.

Chelsea: What difference will one night make?

Adam: It'll give me a chance to prove you're the only woman that I want to be with. The other night, I had a dream... about us... and our son.

Chelsea: Don't. Don't you dare use what we lost as a way to get to me, Adam.

Adam: No, Chelsea.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: This-- this dream was about what we can have, not what we lost. The dream was us in the future.

Chelsea: You want a future with Sharon.

Adam: No.

Chelsea: I'm not an idiot, Adam! You have feelings for her!

Adam: I care about Sharon, yes, and I feel responsible for a lot of the things that have happened to her, but I love you.

Chelsea: Enough to forgive me for going to Nikki and Victor and telling them that Sharon caused that fire?

Adam: I understand why you did that. You would do anything to hold on to the person that you love, and I get it. I spent a-a lot of years doing regrettable things to get my father's attention and hang on to his love.

Chelsea: But you never had his love to begin with.

Adam: That's right, and that's what I had to learn. But your love-- that is the only love that I want. I didn't realize it... until I didn't have it. So let's just-- let's just forget about my father and Sharon and everything and start over.

Chelsea: (Exhales slowly) Do you mean it?

Adam: I'll do whatever it takes to prove it.

Chelsea: Including leave Genoa City?

Adam: Leave?

Chelsea: If you're serious about us really starting over... you'll leave Genoa City with me.

Fen: You finally got the message! Nobody wants you around. Too bad you didn't get it before you wrecked my life.

Jamie: You don't know anything about a wrecked life.

Fen: Oh, please. Y-you may have gotten my mom and dad to fall for that "Poor Jamie" number, fooled Summer into believing you're worth her time, but you're not worth anything. You're a waste of space. No. No, no, no, you're worse than that. You're nothing. You might as well not even be here.

Jamie: Go to hell.

Fen: Bye, now.

Daniel: There's a gallery there that's interested in showing my work.

Phyllis: There are galleries here. There are galleries here in Genoa City. There are galleries in Milwaukee, in Chicago.

Daniel: I know, I know, but we're doing this--

Phyllis: Why do you have to go to Savannah?

Daniel: We're doing this.

Phyllis: What about Lucy? Come on, who's gonna take care of Lucy while you do all your s--come on, Daniel.

Daniel: Heather's coming with us.

Phyllis: That's cr--no, no. Okay, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to let my granddaughter be raised by that person. No way.

Daniel: Mom, look-- it's my life. It's my daughter. We're going.

Phyllis: Why are you doing this to me?

Daniel: I'm not doing this to you. I'm doing this for me and I'm doing this for my daughter. Come on, say you understand.

Phyllis: I don't understand. I've been through so much lately... (Voice breaking) And the thought of losing you and losing Lucy--

Daniel: You're not-- you're not losing anyone! You can come visit. We'll come visit. We'll come visit all the time.

Phyllis: It's not enough.

Daniel: Then come with us.

Phyllis: What?

Daniel: Move to Savannah with Lucy and me.

Michael: Mm, mm, mm.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: How long do you think it is before, uh...?

Lauren: Ohh! (Laughs)

Michael: Somebody else comes home?

Lauren: Ohh, long enough, Baby. (Laughs)

Fen: Oh, sorry, d-didn't know you guys were home. Just getting my phone.

Lauren: Uh, Fen, wait. I-I thought you were going to Taylor's party with Summer.

Fen: Oh, we-- we decided not to.

Michael: What about Jamie?

Fen: What about him?

Michael: Did he go?

Fen: Jamie didn't tell me what his plans were. Um, I'll let you guys get back to whatever--

Michael: Fenmore.

Fen: Yeah?

Michael: Happy New Year.

Fen: Same to you guys.

Lauren: (Sighs) Wonder what happened with Summer?

Michael: Oh, more than he's telling us.

Lauren: Yeah. (Scoffs)

Michael: But he's home.

Lauren: Mm.

Michael: We don't have to worry about him tonight. We can focus on "Mommy and Daddy" stuff.

Lauren: (Laughs) I like that.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Billy: (Whistling softly) That was some good pizza. All right, what's one hand? Whoa. (Chuckling) Ooh, Baby. Nice.

Victoria: Oh, okay. Good enough.

Billy: Mm, how are the kids?

Victoria: Well, they are dreaming their way into the New Year.

Billy: Well, well, I'm just cleaning up here.

Victoria: Hey. Thank you. You want to watch one of your movies?

Billy: No. Only thing I want to watch is you getting out of these old pajamas so we can ring in the New Year properly.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Avery: Mm. It should be almost time.

Nick: Let's see.

Avery: Mm.

Nick: Yeah, you're right.

Avery: This is nice, just the two of us spending the New Year together.

Nick: Yeah, just the two of us... and the 300,000 people in Times Square.

Avery: (Laughs)

Crowd: Six, five...

Both: Four, three, two, one! (Exhaling)

Avery: (Laughs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: Stealing dirty, illegal drug money?

Chloe: It's not even Noah Newman's money!

Daniel: I mean, all that time in New York, you must have people there trying to lure you back.

Jack: I need your help.

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