Y&R Transcript Monday 12/31/12
Episode # 10064 ~ Daniel Returns; Leslie's Challenge Exposes Something About Neil
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Kay: I am only doing this to get you off my back. (Chuckles) Uh, and don't think, uh, you know, it means that I plan to forgive you.
Tucker: No, no, of course not. Now why would I think that? I know you're still mad at me for what I did to Victor.
Kay: Oh, really? Well, you cost my friend and his family a great deal of distress, I'll tell you that.
Tucker: And I apologize...
Kay: (Scoffs)
Tucker: Again. You need to bundle up better than that. You need this up around your neck, okay?
Kay: Oh, oh, please, please, don't you start.
Tucker: (Sighs) You know, I talked to Jill.
Kay: Oh, Jill, for God sake! I mean, she blows everything out of proportion. I mean, my blood sugar was low, and it will be again if we're gonna stand around here and talk all evening rather than getting ourselves to dinner.
Tucker: She said that the doctor told her you collapsed due to stress.
Kay: Tucker, if we're gonna spend the entire evening with you expressing your concern and telling me that I should take it easy, then I will have Esther fix a nice, quiet little dinner for me here at home. Get it?
Tucker: Got it.
Kay: Good. Now...
Tucker: (Sighs)
Lily: So does anybody know why Dad texted us to come over here?
Leslie: No clue.
Cane: So are you keeping your sister company, or were you invited, as well?
Tyler: No, I was summoned here just like you, but it must be good news, right? Since he dragged us all away from the holiday.
(Door opens)
Leslie: Yeah.
Lily: Devon.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hey, I thought you were staying with Ana and Harmony through New Year’s.
Devon: Well, that was the plan, but then I grabbed the first flight back after your dad called me.
Leslie: Oh, so you spoke to Neil?
Devon: Just briefly. Does anybody know what's going on that's so important?
Tyler: No, it's a bit of a mystery.
Devon: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Neil: Hey. Thanks for coming.
Lily: Yeah. So what's going on, Dad?
Neil: Well... since this affects all of you, I wanted to tell you right away, and I-I didn't want you to hear this from anyone but me, that I no longer work at Jabot.
Devon: What?
Lily: Wh-wh-when did this happen?
Leslie: Wait, but I thought you worked things out with Jack and told him the whole quitting thing was a mistake.
Neil: Yeah, well, Leslie, we did work things out, but then Jack fired me earlier this afternoon.
Lily: Why?
Neil: It really doesn't matter why. Cane... you're the new C.E.O.
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: What took you so long, and why don't you answer your phone?
Adam: I got your message and I'm here now, so what's the big emergency?
Jack: I fired them, all of them. Phyllis, Neil, even Kyle.
Adam: You're kidding me.
Jack: I've never been more serious. Now it's just you and me.
Adam: But why, Jack?
Jack: Because they can't be trusted. So the next question is, can I trust you?
Daniel: Working the day after Christmas, huh? Thought you were the boss.
Kevin: Where the hell have you been?
Daniel: (Laughs) It's a long story. Didn't miss anything here in G.C., did I?
Kevin: (Exhales sharply)
Tucker: I can't believe you're making rules about our dinner.
Kay: Agree, or I swear, I'll have the maître d' call me a cab.
Tucker: All right. I promise to stick to neutral topics like the weather or New Year’s resolutions.
Kay: That's too personal. (Sighs) You will behave, won't you?
Tucker: I have no intention of ruining our dinner. Tonight is about mending fences. Mother--
Kay: Tucker, if you really want to kiss and make up and prove you're just as sincere as you claim...
Tucker: I am.
Kay: Then you won't mind if he joins us for dinner, huh?
Tucker: (Sighs)
Kay: Good. Victor.
Victor: Katherine.
Kay: (Laughs) Hello, my friend.
Lily: How could Jack do that to you?
Devon: Yeah, why would he fire you?
Leslie: Let me look at your contract.
Devon: Is it about the music and the clothes? 'Cause we can go back to wearing suits and ties if it's gonna save your job.
Tyler: You know, I can do a more mainstream campaign if that'll help.
Neil: All right, listen, Guys, I thank you all for your support on my behalf. I'm gonna spare you the gory details, though.
Lily: Dad, you've gotta tell us why this happened.
Neil: Basically, Jack is going through something right now and he's refusing to get the help he needs.
Devon: What the hell is he going through?
Leslie: Or are you under a gag order?
Neil: Self-imposed. Bottom line-- Billy, Kyle, Phyllis, and I met with Jack to discuss our concerns and we all got fired, with the exception of Billy, of course. Jack had already fired him last month.
Leslie: So his son, brother, friends, all concerned?
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. W-was this an intervention?
Victor: So, Tucker, what do you think about what's going on at Newman?
Tucker: Salmon looks good. What are you two having?
Kay: Tucker, uh, did you not hear Victor's question?
Tucker: Are you referring to the press conference?
Victor: I'm referring to the fact that Jack is denying that he's popping pills.
Tucker: Yeah, I heard the gossip weeks ago, and I talked to Jack about it.
Kay: What did he say?
Tucker: That someone was spreading rumors to undermine him. How was your Christmas, Victor?
Victor: So let me ask you, Tucker, you think that, um, I spread those rumors?
Tucker: No, I don't think you did. Jack does.
Victor: You don't think I did?
Tucker: No.
Victor: I'm not used to you thinking very kindly of me.
Tucker: Well, false rumors aren't your style, are they?
Kay: Well, are you concerned about Jack?
Tucker: Yes, I am, and I told him I would help him any way I could.
Victor: And he rejected your offer?
Tucker: In favor of your son.
Victor: Yeah, he does like my son.
Tucker: Well, I invested in Newman because I thought Jack Abbott would be at the helm, not Adam.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Why don't you jump ship?
Tucker: No, thanks.
Victor: Well, let me tempt you. I'll buy back your shares at a very good price.
Adam: Of course you can count on me, but, Jack, you just fired your friend, your ex-wife, and your kid.
Jack: That's right, because I can't trust them.
Adam: Where is this paranoia coming from?
Jack: It's not paranoia! They're out to get me. Kyle was here, Phyllis, Neil, Billy.
Adam: What for?
Jack: An intervention, not to listen to me, not to give me credit for keeping things under control.
Adam: Okay. Well, that makes sense. That's why Phyllis was trying to contact me.
Jack: Well, you missed it. No, they wouldn't have had much room on their judgmental high horse for you.
Adam: Well, ganging up on you obviously is not the best way to handle this situation.
Jack: I-- there is no situation!
Adam: Yes, there is a situation, Jack, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Jack: I can stop taking these pain medications anytime I want.
Adam: So you've said before, but there is a perception.
Jack: It is false!
Adam: And it is just as dangerous as the truth. You gotta get in front of this thing, man. My father is going to use this against you.
Jack: Oh, come on, this is not about Victor.
Adam: Yeah? Well, he's coming after you, Jack, and you're just handing him a loaded gun.
Kevin: So catch me up, my friend. Any luck with the galleries in Chicago?
Daniel: Mostly no.
Kevin: That sucks. Wait, mostly?
Daniel: Well, someone who knew someone, that led to something else, and, uh, I don't know, they hooked me up with this gallery in Savannah, Georgia. Now I'm doing a major show there.
Kevin: (Gasps) Dude, why didn't you call or something? That's huge.
Daniel: It's the first big break I've got in awhile. It's the kind of thing that could reboot my career, you know?
Kevin: You're gonna be a megastar like, um, like what's-his-name, or, no, uh, that other guy who everybody knows.
Daniel: Everyone except for you, apparently. Hmm.
Kevin: Okay, I admit I have a blind spot when it comes to internationally renowned visual artists, but that is gonna change now that you're gonna be one.
Daniel: Well, that's the plan, and this feels like the first step in the right direction, so it's kind of why I'm relocating there with Lucy.
Kevin: Georgia.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: For how long?
Daniel: Long as it takes.
Kevin: Where does that leave you and Heather?
Daniel: Oh, she's coming with me. She's taking time away from the D.A.'s office to move out there with us.
Kevin: So I guess it's serious.
Daniel: Mm, looks that way. We'll see what happens.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Congrats, man. You deserve it. I'm proud of you. I'm happy for you. I'm a little bit jealous...
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Kevin: But I'm glad everything's working out for you.
Daniel: Thanks.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Daniel: Everything's good with you, isn't it?
Kevin: Uh, not so much. Chloe and I might lose our house.
Daniel: Oh, whoa, what-- what are you talking about, man? As of when? What about your internet company? I thought that was doing really well.
Kevin: I don't want to bore you with how it happened, but pretty much the whole thing just tanked.
Daniel: But you're working on something.
Kevin: Says who?
Daniel: Oh, says who? I can tell by that look in your eye that you've got something going on there. What is it, my friend?
Leslie: I saw that press conference. Are you saying Jack really does have a problem with pills?
Neil: All I'm saying is that Cane is now acting C.E.O.
Tyler: Congratulations, man.
Lily: I'm--I'm sorry, Honey. I'm--I'm really glad that Jack chose you, but... I mean, how do we handle this? Its like, do we all quit to show solidarity to Dad?
Devon: Yeah, y-you know, I'm--I'm ready to leave this place. I'll go pack right now.
Neil: No, no, no, no one is walking out of here.
Devon: No offense to you, Cane-- I don't really want to work here without you.
Neil: Listen to me, Guys. I don't know what Jack's plan is. I don't even know if he has a plan, but I do know that Jabot needs you--all of you.
Kay: It, uh, would be a reflection of your goodwill.
Tucker: (Scoffs) The man is not asking me to pass the sugar, Mother. He wants a big chunk of a billion-dollar corporation.
Victor: My corporation, Tucker, for which I will pay you handsomely, okay?
Kay: You know, since you are the one who manipulated Sharon and schemed to keep Victor away, I, uh, I should think this would be a good way to, um, how do you put it? Mend fences.
Tucker: Can we talk about this after the holidays? This was supposed to be a family meal, not business.
Victor: All right. You enjoy your dinner then, okay?
Kay: Oh, you--you don't have to go, Victor.
Victor: No, Sweetheart, I have some reading to do, and thank you for inviting me to this very informative chat. I'll talk to you later.
Tucker: Victor. I know what it means to build something that matters and then to lose it...
Victor: Kind of devastating, isn't it?
Tucker: And I understand the desire to do what you have to do to get it back.
Victor: All right, Tucker. Talk to you later.
Kay: Okay, Victor, talk to you later.
Victor: You have a nice-- have a nice time together.
Kay: Thank you, Darling. Mm. Nice speech... but you put it on a little thick there at the end, don't you think?
Tucker: I meant every word.
Adam: I told my father I wasn't playing along with him anymore, so it's only a matter of time before he comes at you some other way, Jack.
Jack: I am not worried about Victor, and I am not giving up Newman.
Adam: Well, you might not have a choice. Once the stockholders find out about these changes you've made to key staff members, that's really not gonna instill a lot of confidence.
Jack: It was time for a change.
Adam: These people that you hired to replace the Newmans that you fired-- now you're firing them. Don't you see what's happening here?
Jack: Okay, we'll find some way to spin it.
Adam: And what about Jabot? Doing the same kind of thing at Jabot right now, at the same time, this kind of upheaval does not sit well with the street.
Jack: Fine, fine, I-I'll make it clear that we're folding two companies under one umbrella, which causes overlap, necessitates restructuring.
Adam: Ergo massive staffing changes, right? Everybody's fired.
Jack: I need to have people around me I can trust!
Adam: And that right there, that is the pills talking. What you just said-- come on, Jack. You're usually sharper than that. You're usually premeditated, thoughtful about your business decisions. You can't be making knee-jerk decisions like this. There is a lot-- a lot at stake here.
Jack: You think I don't know that?
Adam: Then do something about it.
Jack: What do you suggest?
Adam: Take time off...
Jack: No. No!
Adam: Step back, clear your head. I will handle things while you're gone. What?
Jack: Wow, something just became very clear to me. Victor said you hadn't chosen a side yet. You just did, didn't you? And it wasn't mine.
Adam: (Exhales slowly)
Kevin: Yeah, I have a plan to get some cash.
Daniel: Tell me it's not crazy.
Kevin: Kind of.
Daniel: (Groans) Details.
Kevin: Tell no one.
Daniel: Cone of silence, man. Spill. Come on.
Kevin: There's this New York cop in town, and he's looking for this stash of cash that was stolen during a drug deal.
Daniel: Yeah, and?
Kevin: And I'm gonna find it before he does.
Daniel: How big of a stash?
Kevin: Half-million dollars.
Daniel: Are you kidding me?
Kevin: Right?
Daniel: Jeez, man. You--if I hadn't been so lucky to land this gallery exhibit, I might actually consider helping you out, trying to find that to get a piece of it.
Kevin: Well, uh, it involves some people you might not want to rip off.
Daniel: Like who?
Kevin: Like Noah.
Kay: Uh, so tell me, would you, um, really sell your stocks back to Victor?
Tucker: Well, they're the spoils of a strategic play I made and won.
Kay: Uh-huh. And now?
Tucker: I'm getting a little tired of this particular game. In the end, what does it get me?
Kay: Well, you're, uh, saying the right things.
Tucker: None of which you believe.
Kay: Tucker... if you're asking me, uh, for a test to prove your love for me... Victor does that sort of thing, not I.
Tucker: So what do you propose we do?
Kay: (Chuckles) Like a business proposal?
Tucker: Yeah, why not?
Kay: Well... (Laughs)
Tucker: I mean, that's what I do-- I make deals. I've made thousands and thousands of deals.
Kay: (Laughing)
Tucker: Yeah, that's how I think. No abstract concepts. This for that, that for this.
Kay: Mm.
Tucker: So please, Mother, propose something. Tell me, what can I do to repair this? What can I do?
Kay: Who says there's anything to be done?
Cane: You know, when Jack took over Newman, this was the job I was gunning for, but now that I know I have it, I know the job belongs to Neil.
Lily: I wish things were different.
Cane: I'm gonna do everything in my power to make this right.
Lily: I just hope Leslie can talk some sense into him.
Tyler: Well, my sister is a world-class talker, but how good of a listener is Neil?
Devon: I think we should come up with a plan "B," just in case.
Cane: Look, I think the best plan we have of getting Neil rehired is for me to make a direct appeal to the man who fired him.
Leslie: Since we're not in front of your kids or my brother anymore...
Neil: Right.
Leslie: Tell me, what's up?
Neil: What?
Leslie: How are you really feeling?
Neil: I'm feeling okay.
Leslie: Really?
Neil: Yeah, I-- Leslie, understand something. I'm not worried about myself, you know? I'm worried about my friend. He's headed for a big fall, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
Leslie: And Jack won't accept any help?
Neil: He's attacking everybody, you know? Family, friends. It's what addicts do.
Leslie: And you know that because you're an addict yourself, aren't you?
Jack: You have been planning this from the very beginning, haven't you?
Adam: Planning what, Jack? What is it you think I'm doing?
Jack: To get me to step down so you can take over Newman.
Adam: That is just ludicrous.
Jack: You have wanted to helm your father's company for as long as I've known you.
Adam: Jack, I could have taken you down. I could have taken you down. That was exactly what my father wanted, but I came to you, Jack. I came to you, transparent, up front. I laid out his whole strategy. Does that sound like a guy who's out to get you?
Jack: Then why do you keep telling me to walk away from my company?
Adam: I'm not telling you to walk away, Jack. Listen to me! I'm saying take time off-- time off, get clean. The company will be here when you get back.
Jack: Yeah, so I just trundle off to some rehab joint? Press won't care about that. They will have a field day, Adam!
Adam: Then we will create a cover story, Jack.
Jack: (Exhales slowly) No, no, it won't work.
Adam: At least tell me that you will consider it as an option.
Jack: No, absolutely not.
Adam: Well, then I have news for you, Jack-- there are no other options.
Jack: I can't trust you, either.
Adam: Really? So just fire me, then, Jack. Go ahead and do it.
Jack: Fine. You're fired. Get the hell out.
Adam: (Chuckles)
Devon: Well, I'm gonna get out of here. Um, call me as soon as you hear anything from Cane and Dad, okay?
Lily: Okay, I will.
Devon: All right. See you.
Tyler: Well, I guess we can forget about that new, stylish, edgy Jabot.
Lily: Why do you think that?
Tyler: Cane's the new top dog now. You know, he wasn't exactly buying what I was selling.
Lily: Well, you just started here. How can you know Cane or any of us that well yet?
Tyler: I know him.
Lily: You don't.
Tyler: Okay, I don't know him know him, but I know him. I know how he thinks, you know? I know guys just like him.
Lily: (Chuckles) Well, I can tell you that you're wrong, because there is no one like Cane.
Tyler: I don't know, maybe I'm missing something about Cane, but you... I'm sure I know you.
Leslie: I don't mean to put you on the spot.
Neil: You didn't.
Leslie: Okay. It's just, you know, when we used to date...
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Leslie: You always ordered club soda or iced tea. Even at Malcolm's wedding, you didn't touch the champagne, so yeah. Why are you looking at me like that?
Neil: Uh, because I'm just trying to figure out why you suddenly got so nervous. You're--you're--you're never shy, Leslie. (Chuckles)
Leslie: It's a meaningful question, and up until this point, you and I have been... you know.
Neil: Mm, meaningless?
Leslie: Flirty, not so serious.
Neil: Oh.
Leslie: And I'm, you know, not trying to push you into being anything more.
Neil: Then allow me to take the lead. Leslie, I have, uh... I've been sober for a long time, and the reason I've never talked about it before is because... it's not something you bring up when you're, uh, you know, you're trying to impress a beautiful woman.
Leslie: Well, just like I didn't want to break the mood by asking the handsome man, "Hey, do you have a drinking problem?"
Neil: I'm an alcoholic, an addict...
Leslie: (Sighs) Yeah.
Neil: And now you've got even more questions than you did before.
Leslie: That I have no right to ask.
Neil: Y-you know, there-- there really isn't that much to it. Once upon a time, I used to drink an awful lot, but you know something that's scary? That feeling never leaves you. Um, when I was sober, I wanted to be drinking. When I was drinking, I wanted to be drunk. When I was drunk, I wanted to believe that I was sober.
Leslie: And now you suspect that Jack...
Neil: Yeah, the rumors-- rumors are true, no matter how much Jack denies it.
Leslie: You're sure?
Neil: I know that Jack has a problem, because I was Jack, you know? Lying, bargaining, shaming myself at every turn just to get the next drink.
Neil: Do you think less of me now?
Leslie: You fought it, got clean, got your life back, thrived. I mean, I guess I still like you okay.
Cane: I called you, but you didn't pick up.
Jack: I assume you've heard.
Cane: About Neil? Yeah.
Jack: So why aren't you at Jabot? You're in charge now.
Cane: We're closed for the holidays, Jack.
Jack: Yeah, well, I assumed you were an overachiever.
Cane: I am, which is why I'm here to talk to you about this sudden job promotion. Can you tell me why you fired Neil?
Jack: Neil and I didn't see eye to eye on certain things.
Cane: So there's no other problems?
Jack: The only problem was the way Neil was running Jabot. Look, this new campaign-- it's all wrong for Jabot. I thought I saw in your reaction at the pitch meeting that you and I were on the same page.
Cane: I'm not impressed with Tyler's pitch, but I would like to think that Neil would have stopped it.
Jack: I want to put Jabot back on top, Cane. I am trusting you to do that. Can you handle it, or do I need to hire somebody else?
Cane: I can handle it. Not a problem.
Jack: Then get to work.
(Opens door)
Cane: Okay.
Jack: I'm giving you a shot here, Cane. Don't blow it.
Kevin: So this New York cop comes in here, and he starts asking all these questions about Noah and this girl, Adriana.
Daniel: Why?
Kevin: He wouldn't give me anything. But then I overhear him on the phone talking about following the money.
(Door opens)
Kevin: I found out the money he was talking about was money that the N.Y.P.D. was using during a sting operation. It went missing.
Daniel: How did you find that out?
Kevin: Research.
Daniel: What about Noah? Was Noah in New York when that happened?
Kevin: No.
Daniel: Well, then he's not involved in any of this.
Kevin: Well, I-I checked his phone records.
Daniel: Why?
Kevin: Half a million dollars.
Daniel: I don't-- I don't know, Kevin. I think maybe you should just leave this alone before you get into trouble.
Kevin: Listen to this. Noah calls this number in New York, a burner, 12 times.
Daniel: So what? That doesn't mean a damn thing.
Kevin: Okay, but here's the part where it gets sketchy. Shortly before the cop shows up here, Noah gets a package from New York.
Daniel: He gets a package from New York? That--that's it? Kevin, man, a package-- it could have been... (Scoffs) Cookies, come on, people send you cook-- it could have been clothes he left behind.
Kevin: Or--or the girl was in trouble, so she sends the money to Noah so that he could stash it here.
Daniel: This is it? This is your big plan on how you're gonna raise cash? Do I need to remind you that me, you, Amber-- we all almost wound up in jail because we were trying to track down some dirty money?
Kevin: What's your point?
Daniel: My point is danger, Kevin Fisher.
Kevin: Half a million dollars, Romalotti.
Daniel: (Sighs) What about your wife? You're married.
Kevin: Oh.
Daniel: See? Yeah. I thought that might do something to you there. What's Chloe gonna say when she finds out about this? Oh, no. No. (Sighs) Okay.
Tucker: Yeah, there we go. You know, we should do dinner again.
Kay: Why should we subject ourselves to further torture?
Tucker: Well, um, I enjoyed myself, especially the non-Victor parts.
Kay: Well, I suppose, then, it wasn't a complete disaster, was it?
Tucker: That's the nicest thing you've said to me in a long time.
Kay: (Sighs) Good night, Tucker.
Tucker: Night.
Kay: I lied.
Tucker: About what?
Kay: There is a way to make things better between us.
Jack: Hey, Ash, it's Jack. I'm not surprised I'm getting voice mail. I'm sure you and Traci and Abby are off enjoying yourselves on the slopes. Listen... (Exhales sharply) I need you. I need you to come home. You're the only one I can trust. Come home.
Kyle: You're wasting your time. I just spoke to Aunt Ashley.
Jack: What did you tell her?
Kyle: She's not coming home, Dad, no matter how many times you call her.
Adam: Dad.
Victor: Hello, Son.
Adam: I want to apologize for my behavior on Christmas. You pushed my buttons and I simply reacted. So you leave Sharon alone and I'll get Newman back.
Victor: It's too late, Son.
Kevin: As soon as Chloe found out there was a huge reward for anyone who finds the money and returns it, she was totally on board.
Daniel: What about Noah? I mean, between the cop, the dealer, the girl-- he might not have any clue what he's stepped into.
Kevin: We'll tell him, after we find the money.
Daniel: If he does have the cash and you steal it from him, you could be bringing down a world of hurt on him. I can't let you do that, man. He's a friend.
Kevin: (Sighs) I hate it when you're right.
Daniel: So you're gonna drop this? Tell me you'll drop this.
Kevin: (Sighs) I would, but... I already told Chloe about the plan and it, uh, it really turned her on. We had the best sex that we've had in months. (Exhales slowly)
Daniel: Kevin Fisher, are you telling me that you would risk Noah's life for some sex?
Kevin: Months.
Daniel: Seriously?
Kevin: (Sighs) Okay, no, I guess not. So I just have to find a way to break the news to Chloe, and I have to find another way to get half a million dollars.
Kay: My proposal is this-- you make amends with your son. Uh, don't try to impress me. Prove yourself to Devon. Prove to him that you truly love him.
Tucker: I do love him.
Kay: Then find a way to make him believe that.
Neil: You're smart.
Devon: Hey, you two.
Neil: Hey, look who it is. Devon, what are you doing here?
Devon: Hey. I'm just here picking up Roxanne's favorite dessert on my way to her place.
Leslie: What a considerate boyfriend you are.
Devon: Oh, I know, right? I learned from, uh, "Nice guy" Neil here.
Neil: Ooh, I guess that's me, right?
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: You okay?
Devon: Yeah, I'm fine, as long as you are. You know that Cane went to talk to Jack?
Neil: Oh, no, I wish I'd have known about that. I'd have told him not to bother.
Devon: Well, why? You have to find a way to turn this around. You're that good, Dad, and Jabot needs you that much.
Neil: Yeah, thanks, Son, I appreciate that. Have a good time, all right?
Devon: All right. You guys have a good night.
Leslie: Bye.
Devon: See you.
Neil: (Sighs) I got great kids, don't I?
Leslie: You're a great dad. A great guy, even if you are unemployed.
Neil: There is one bright spot in all this.
Leslie: What's that?
Neil: Well, I was thinking, since, uh, well, we don't officially work together anymore, so we can spend New Year’s Eve together. What do you say?
Lily: What do you mean, you know me?
Tyler: Oh, come on, don't take offense. All I'm saying is I think I know where you're from. You know, what you like, what you don't like. I get you. You get me, too. I saw that in the first meeting.
Lily: Well, Cane is quick on the uptake, so he will do what's best for Jabot.
Tyler: You know, if that were true, he'd make you C.E.O., and I mean that. All jokes aside, you're the one who should be running this place.
(Door opens)
Tyler: (Sighs)
Cane: So where's Devon?
Lily: Um, he left a little while ago. What happened, uh, with Jack?
Cane: He wouldn't reconsider hiring Neil and he put me in charge. And, uh... we won't be requiring your services anymore, Tyler.
Jack: You called my sister behind my back and told her what?
Kyle: The family is together on this. Aunt Ashley is not gonna help you, Dad. Neither is Aunt Traci, not unless you agree to get help.
Jack: How many ways can you hurt me? You go to the press with lies. You ambush me with Billy and Neil and Phyllis. Now you're talking about my--
Kyle: You don't think the-- the people--that it doesn't hurt the people who love you to have to do this?
Jack: I am fine, Kyle!
Kyle: You know, this is gonna get a hell of a lot worse for everyone unless you agree to get help soon, and by the way, I'm moving out.
Jack: W-wait, this conversation is not over. Where are you going?
Kyle: I'm going to pack a bag. I refuse to sit around here and watch you kill yourself.
Victor: Our agreement is null and void, Son.
Adam: You need me, Dad.
Victor: I gave you an opportunity and you disregarded it, okay? So from now on, I will take matters in my own hand, make sure that things are done right, so if I were you, I'd pack my office stuff, okay?
Adam: Why would you say that?
Victor: Because Jack Abbott won't be at the helm of Newman much longer, meaning, neither will you.
Adam: What are you planning?
Victor: You'd like to find out, wouldn't you, Son? Ah, that's a good one. You have a good night.
Next on "The Young and the Restless”.
Victoria: I want to be with you.
Avery: Well, aren't you gonna say anything?
Summer: Jamie, what happened?
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