Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/27/12
Episode # 10062 ~ Tyler Makes Cane Jealous; Tucker Surprises Jill & Katherine
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Adam: I'm really, really glad you came.
Chelsea: I suppose it doesn't hurt to see each other today. It might not be the merriest of Christmases, but...
Adam: Well, I'm just glad you came by, even though I know the only reason you did is 'cause, uh, you want to pick up that gift I promised you.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) You got me.
Adam: Busted.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: It's right here.
Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sighs) You remembered.
Adam: Images of a childhood you wish you had had. I-I picked it up a while ago.
Chelsea: Does it have a print of the one we loved from that-- from that B and B in Kansas?
Adam: I marked the page and everything. I know that some of these images might-- they might make you feel a little sad or... reminiscent of what we once had, but I was hoping they might be symbolic of... maybe the future that we still have together.
Billy: Look at that.
Victoria: What is that?
Billy: Yeah, Buddy. That is cool.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh.
Billy: That is cool.
Victoria: Wow, I think your grandma and grandpa deserve a hug for that one.
Victor: There we go.
Reed: Thank you!
Victor: You're welcome, my boy.
Nikki: You're welcome.
Victor: Hey, one day, you and I will play with that, okay? All right?
Reed: Okay.
Victor: Give me five.
Victoria: Yes, but first, let's get you something to eat.
Nikki: Oh, I have yummy things in the kitchen.
Victor: Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Nikki: I have homemade cinnamon rolls.
Victoria: Oh, cinnamon rolls. Johnny's never had a cinnamon roll. We'll have to give him a little bite when he wakes up.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victor: You can bring me one, too. I love those.
Victoria: Uh, do you want a cinnamon roll?
Billy: Uh, no, I'm good. I think your dad might, though.
Victor: Bring one to me.
Victoria: Okay.
Victor: Okay?
Victoria: Sure.
Billy: Great gift. He really liked it.
Victor: Yeah, I think it's important to give kids something that makes them think, you know?
Billy: Oh, yeah. That's great. I agree.
Victor: Instead of those damn video games.
Billy: So now you're the toy police. Oh, whoops. Sorry. Oops. Peace and love. It's Christmas. It's all--mm.
Victor: But maybe I'm being unfair, you know. Maybe you got those video games for yourself, now that you're about to sell the magazine. Have you sold it, by the way? I don't know. Have you sold it? You'll have nothing else to do then, will you? But play video games. Any prospects for anything else?
Billy: Oh, you know me. I've always got something going on.
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Chloe: What are you doing?
Kevin: Why? You want to report back to Michael?
Chloe: You know what? I'm not apologizing for that, because I don't want my husband getting arrested. Besides, I know whatever idea you're working on is going to be a way better idea. So what is it? You know, Wisconsin is a community property state, which means that whatever idea you're working on is half mine. I'm entitled to see it.
Kevin: Okay, I'll show you half of it.
Chloe: Kevin.
Kevin: It's better this way. I'm the only one who takes the fall if it all goes to hell.
Chloe: As it turns out, "Hell" is joint property, too. We're in this together. Let's just get out of it together, okay?
Neil: That squeal of Matty's is still ringing in my ears.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Uh-huh. (Laughs)
Lily: Well, it was a big day for a little girl, you know? It was her first Christmas where she understood what was going on. She was excited.
Cane: My favorite part was, uh, Charlie had the complete opposite reaction. It was like...
Neil: (Laughs)
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. Catatonic and overwhelmed.
Lily: Yeah, for, like, five seconds, and then he turned into this little dervish tearing wrapping paper.
Neil: Yeah.
Cane: All I can say is this, they're going to have a long nap this afternoon.
Lily: Are you missing Moses?
Neil: What do you think? Sofia promised to take lots of video, and we will see him this afternoon.
Cane: So we're only gonna miss Devon?
Neil: Mm.
Lily: You know, it's nice, though, that Harmony has been able to spend the past two Christmases with her--with her kids. She must be happy, right?
Neil: Oh, look at who it is. Hey, Tyler. Come here.
Tyler: Hey.
Neil: Good to see you.
Tyler: What's up?
Neil: Are you, uh, meeting up with your sister, or what?
Tyler: No, not yet. She's, uh, in the church choir. Yeah, she's singing in every service, you know? One was enough for me, so... I'm, uh, just gonna grab a bite and meet up with her later.
Neil: Okay, well, why don't you join us?
Tyler: Sure.
Jill: Whoa, I won't need to eat again until after New Year's. Oh, well.
Kay: All the more reason we should have gone to the Christmas parade. Now we could be walking off that meal instead of just sitting around.
Jill: Really? Which combines two of your least favorite things in the world-- cold weather and other people. Come on, Katherine. You need your rest.
Kay: I don't need to be a shut-in.
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: I mean, suddenly, I'm-- I-I'm so frail, I can't go to church or drink eggnog. (Chuckles)
(Front door opens)
Tucker: Ho ho ho!
Jill: (Laughs)
Tucker: Jolly old "Saint Tuck" is here with some Christmas cheer.
Jill: (Laughs)
Tucker: I hope you don't mind me dropping by.
Kay: I'm surprised to see you.
Tucker: One of my elves told me that you were having some trouble getting a hold of the new Pinkerton pony play set for little Delia.
Jill: You found it?
Tucker: Yes, I did.
Jill: Oh, she's gonna be so excited. She's not here right now, though. Murphy and Esther took her to the parade.
Tucker: Oh, that's all right. I can wait. In fact, uh, Santa has, uh, a few things in his bag for you little girls, too.
Jill: Ooh.
Kay: That wasn't necessary.
Jill: Uh, speak for yourself. It's very thoughtful of you.
Tucker: Yeah, I think what Katherine's trying to say is, it won't score me any points. But that's not why I'm here. I'm just hopin' that for this one day, we can put our differences aside and you know, try to enjoy each other's company. What do you say, Mom?
Chloe: You don't want to tell me about this new plan because of the way I reacted to the last one. Okay, well, is this one as illegal as the last one? Like how bad are we talking? Community service or hard time and conjugal visits?
Kevin: Uh, paying customer. Back to work for me.
Alex: Hey.
Kevin: Actually, Eden, I'll, uh, I'll take care of this. Thanks. Merry Christmas.
Alex: Yeah, same to you.
Kevin: What can I get for you?
Alex: Oh, just a coffee.
Kevin: (Clears throat)
Alex: (Sighs)
Kevin: Shame you couldn't make it home for the holiday. It must mean you're making progress on the case, though, huh?
Alex: Must it?
Kevin: Look, I'm just making conversation. It's part of my job.
Alex: Ah.
Kevin: So any luck finding Noah?
Alex: Well, part of my job is not talking about the job. Two... three...
Kevin: Right.
Alex: Here you go. (Whistling)
Chloe: Who is that guy? And who is he looking for? You said Noah, as in Noah Newman? Does this have anything to do with your secret plan?
Billy: You know, I have to tell you your concern for my well-being-- it's touching. I mean, it gets me right here.
Victor: Isn't it? It--it--it just warms the cockles of my heart, I tell you. You know?
Billy: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Victor: How will you occupy yourself once you sell the magazine?
Billy: Oh, well, do you have a prediction that you would like to share with me?
Victor: Well, I do. I do, I do, I do, yeah. From experience, I can tell you, you'd better keep busy, better have a plan.
Billy: Keep yourself out of trouble, right?
Victor: That's right, Billy boy.
Billy: That's sage advice. Thank you very much for that.
Victor: Uh-huh, you bet.
Victoria: Hey. What did I miss?
Billy: Not much. How is Johnny? Is he all Christmased out?
Victoria: Um, well, he's still sleeping.
Billy: Well, you know what? I think I'm gonna take him home and put him in the crib.
Victoria: Oh, okay. Um, well, we'll all go. Reed's pretty wiped out, too.
Reed: I'm not tired!
Victor: No, he doesn't look wiped out.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Come on. You were up before 5:00 this morning.
Victor: He doesn't look wiped out.
Billy: I'll tell you what, I will make you a deal. I take you home. You lay in your bed. You close your eyes. I'm gonna put Johnny in his crib. If you're not asleep after that, we'll play more video games. Deal? All right.
Victor: You want me to give you some help? Need help with that? No?
Reed: I got that, Grandpa.
Victor: Okay.
Billy: (Laughs)
Victor: Okay, my boy.
Nikki: You're leaving so soon. I was hoping we'd have a chance to talk about the wedding.
Billy: Well, no, no, no. You--you two--sure. Absolutely. I-I'll take the boys home. No problem, all right? Thanks. Okay, Buddy, come help me out.
Victoria: What did you do?
Chelsea: You want to have scenes from "An American Family" again? Uh, since when?
Adam: To be honest, Chelsea, I'm just glad that you're willing to talk to me.
Chelsea: Well, thanks for the book.
Adam: Well, you're welcome. So... do I get to open my present now?
Chelsea: (Laughs) I'm sorry, um, I'm a bad guest. I didn't bring you anything.
Adam: No, you didn't. But you did get me something. I found it tucked away.
Chelsea: (Gasps)
Adam: This.
Chelsea: Oh, no, you know what? Actually, I changed my mind about that.
Adam: Yeah, well, you should change your mind about changing your mind. After all, fair is fair.
Chelsea: Adam, I--
Adam: You got to open a present.
Chelsea: I really wish that you wouldn't do--
Adam: I get to open a present, too. Wow, this must be nice.
Adam: Wow. This is emerald?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: So it's the Christmas spirit, right? It's green for Christmas.
Chelsea: Emerald is the birthstone for May... when the baby was due.
Adam: Oh. Our son. (Sighs) (Sobs quietly)
Victor: We had a perfectly civil conversation-- just talked about his plans for the future.
Victoria: (Scoffs) Of course you did.
Nikki: Victor, on Christmas?
Victor: What does that mean? I'm not going to stop being her father because of a holiday.
Victoria: Please tell me you did not throw Hong Kong in his face.
Victor: I did not do that.
Victoria: No, you just generally and casually dropped it into the conversation that he's had a drinking and gambling problem?
Victor: I did not do that, okay? But you're telling me that those subjects are taboo now, or what?
Victoria: I'm out of here. This is ridiculous.
Victor: Wait a minute. I think you're overreacting now.
Victoria: Oh, I'm overreacting? Is it so unreasonable for me to believe that you meant it when you said that you'd accepted my marriage and that Billy was welcome in your home?! I convinced him to come here. I told him it was going to be okay. I guess I was wrong.
Chloe: Okay, you know what? Don't worry about it. I'm just going to go ask him what you were talking about.
Kevin: Don't--don't-- don't do that. He's a cop from New York. Don't look at him! (Scoffs)
Chloe: Why is he looking for Noah?
Kevin: He's not just looking for Noah. He's looking for a girl, Adriana, and some missing money.
Chloe: Money? How much money?
Kevin: I did some investigating. The N.Y.P.D. had half a million dollars go missing during a sting operation. Our buddy over there was working undercover investigating a drug kingpin.
Chloe: Okay, hold up. Noah and drug kingpins-- I mean, they're not really "Mixy" things.
Kevin: Well, Noah did leave New York very suddenly and didn't want to talk about why.
Chloe: Oh, Kevin, come on.
Kevin: He thinks there's a connection. Maybe it's the girl.
Chloe: Okay, so what are you thinking? Are you thinking that we're gonna go find this money before he does? Oh, that is crazy, not to mention dangerous.
Eden: Merry Christmas, Michael!
Kevin: How would we get caught?
Michael: Hey, Merry Christmas. Mwah! You're coming over to the house tonight, right?
Eden: Uh, if my jerk of a boss lets me go.
Michael: Jerk of a boss. (Groans) Merry Christmas, you. Mwah.
Chloe: Merry Christmas. Mwah. (Groans)
Michael: (Groans) (Sighs) Wow. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Uh, things seem a little better between you two.
Kevin: Well, you know what they say-- don't ever go to bed angry, right?
Chloe: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Michael: Aw. Right. Well, uh, Lauren and I are hoping to take another stab at a holiday celebration, so maybe you could bring Delia over and...
Chloe: We'd love to.
Kevin: That would be great.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Great. Great. Okay. Well, I will see you both later.
Kevin: Later.
Michael: Okay.
Chloe: Bye.
Michael: Oh, uh, oh, sorry. You know, what was, um, sorry-- what was that "Dangerous" thing you were talking about just now? The--the one where you don't think that you'll be caught. (Sighs)
Lily: So Dad used to own the best jazz club in the city.
Cane: This is true.
Neil: (Imitates trumpet)
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: There's a lot you don't know about your new boss.
Tyler: Oh, I'm sure, but I actually knew about Indigo already.
Neil: Why? Did Leslie mention it?
Tyler: No, I just did my homework.
Neil: Oh.
Tyler: Yeah. Neil Winters, working-class parent, star student, Stanford M.B.A...
Neil: Right?
Tyler: Top dog at Newman, Chancellor and Jabot, and lover of jazz, which told me more than all the rest of it.
Neil: Really? And what did-- what did it tell you?
Tyler: That you value creativity.
Lily: That's true. That's--that's true.
Neil: Right.
Tyler: You know, I really respect that. It'll be nice working for somebody that I respect.
Cane: What are you saying? You, uh, worked for people in the past you don't respect?
Tyler: Well, not for long. Let's just put it that way. Because life's too short and I'm just too damn talented.
Lily: (Laughs)
Neil: You need some confidence. Yeah, a little more. A little more confidence.
Adam: I'm sorry. (Sniffles)
Chelsea: No, don't be. I didn't realize-- I mean, you never said anything about--
Adam: You know, this Christmas was supposed to be-- supposed to be very different. And, uh, I pictured my... my hand on your tummy by the Christmas tree feeling... feeling our little boy kick, talking about next Christmas... (Sniffles) And would he be crawling? Would we need to baby-proof the tree? And...
Chelsea: We'd be hanging one of those cheesy "Baby's first Christmas" ornaments. (Sighs)
Adam: Yeah. Like... like one of those stories out of this book here. That's how it should have been.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: I'm sorry.
Kevin: It had nothing to do with us. We were talking about Noah.
Michael: Noah Newman?
Kevin: Yeah, this cop's been looking for him.
Chloe: Yeah, we wanted to tell him, but then we thought we might get caught, so that's what you heard.
Michael: What cop?
Kevin: He's from New York. He's been coming in here asking some questions.
Chloe: (Clenching lips) He's right over there.
Michael: Excuse me.
Michael: Hello. My name is Michael Baldwin. I'm the district attorney around these parts here.
Alex: Yeah, I know.
Michael: Interesting, since this is the first I'm hearing about you. It's unusual for a police officer to pursue a case outside of his jurisdiction without notifying the, uh, local authorities.
Alex: Uh, I'm not here on official business.
Michael: But you've been asking a lot of questions.
Alex: I'm trying to find a girl I used to know in New York.
Michael: Oh.
Alex: Mm.
Michael: Not Noah Newman?
Alex: Oh, you know him? Because, uh, your little brother over there never heard of him.
Michael: Kevin has an awful memory. I'm still not clear why you're here.
Alex: Well, my friend was friends with Noah back in New York, so this seemed like a good place to start.
Michael: Mm. Well, perhaps the lady prefers not to be found.
Alex: (Laughs) Look, um, Mr. Baldwin, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not here to make any trouble. Happy holidays.
Michael: Happy holidays.
Nikki: And then look at this bouquet. It's so unusual, isn't it? In a good way.
Victoria: Yeah? It's pretty. It's very colorful.
Nikki: (Sighs) I'm sorry I talked you into staying.
Victoria: Well, you know, Billy told me not to get my hopes up, that Dad would just be Dad.
Nikki: I think it says a lot that he was willing to make the effort.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, probably for the last time.
Victor: Sweetheart, did you see the checkbook anywhere?
Nikki: It's on the table.
Victor: Oh. Okay. So... how do you like your mother's plans?
Victoria: Dad, let's not pretend that nothing happened, okay?
Victor: (Sighs) I'm trying, okay? I'm committed to make Billy part of this family. I mean, it may take me a while-- two steps forward, one back-- but I'm trying.
Victoria: It's a little hard for me to trust that right now.
Victor: You can trust me.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Sweetheart, why don't you take some leftovers home? And then you don't have to cook tonight.
Victoria: Oh, Mom, that's okay. I think I'm just gonna go, okay? I love you.
Nikki: Love you.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: I love you, okay?
Victoria: I love you, Dad.
Victor: I love you. (Sighs)
Nikki: I don't know why you felt the need to provoke Billy tonight.
Victor: I didn't provoke him.
Nikki: Yeah, you did. You were doing so well at dinner last night.
Victor: Sweetheart, I think you are making too much of this.
Nikki: You could have chosen to give us the gift of a relaxing, wonderful holiday. Instead, we got this. And now our daughter is gone, and we don't know when or if she's coming back.
Victor: She's so damn sensitive about this issue. She's overreacting, I'm telling you.
Chelsea: I knew you had to be feeling some of this. But I couldn't get you to talk to me.
Adam: It's hard to put into words.
Chelsea: And I felt like if I kept pushing, you would just-- you would... (Sighs)
Adam: Take off?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: I know.
Chelsea: And go to Sharon.
Adam: (Sighs) (Sniffles) You gotta understand. Uh, with her, there was something I could actually do. I could help fix things. I could make it better.
Chelsea: And with me, you...
Adam: Our son was already gone. There was--there was nothing that I could do. (Sighs)
Chelsea: I just needed you to be real with me.
Adam: (Sighs)
Chelsea: I mean, you can't tell me that it really ends there with her, that it's nothing else. Is it?
Adam: (Sniffling) It's complicated. (Clears throat) And it's like a jumbled mess in my head, and part of its guilt.
Chelsea: Guilt?
Adam: She lost her baby, too, because of me. I did that to her. And when it happened to us, it just kind of hit home what I did to her.
Chelsea: You feel like you owe her?
Adam: She's not a threat to us. As a matter of fact, she made me realize...
Chelsea: What-- what are you talking about?
Adam: She was here last night. We talked... (Sighs) About you.
Chelsea: Are you telling me you-- Sharon rejected you?
Adam: No, that's not what I'm saying. It's not what happened.
Chelsea: You want me now because you can't have her.
Adam: (Sniffles) Chelsea, I want you now because I realized that I want you, and I want to have a family with you.
Chelsea: And Sharon helped you realize what you wanted now, Adam? If she had taken you back, would I even be standing here right now? Oh, my God.
Adam: Chelsea. Chelsea--
Chelsea: This was such a mistake. This was a huge, huge mistake! (Sobs)
Adam: Chelsea?
Chelsea: Forget it.
(Front door slams)
Tucker: You can exchange those for another performance if Tchaikovsky's not your cup of tea.
Jill: Ah.
Kay: That's very thoughtful, and, well, so were all the others. I'm sorry to say I don't have a thing for you.
Tucker: Well, I didn't expect it. But, um, I would like to ask for something. Could the two of us have dinner sometime this week?
Jill: She's, um, free tomorrow night.
Kay: Jill, Jill, Jill, Jill, Jill. I'm perfectly capable of answering on my own, thank you very much.
Tucker: Well, before you do, I should let you know I'm not gonna give up until you say yes, or until one of us leaves this earthly sphere, whichever comes first.
Kay: It simply doesn't mean anything-- anything has changed.
Tucker: I get it. I'll be happy with some straight talk. And maybe you'll even let me in on what's going on between the two of you.
Lily: Okay, so we'll meet you at Sofia's after we see Jill.
Neil: All right, Tyler, glad that you could join us.
Tyler: Not a problem.
Neil: Please tell your sister I said Merry Christmas, man.
Tyler: I will, I will.
Neil: Okay.
Tyler: Whoa, just as soon as she stops yelling at me for being late.
Neil: Well, we'll have valet get your car first. Bye, guys. I'll see you soon.
Lily: Bye, guys. All right, see you soon.
Cane: All right, see you.
Lily: (Laughs) You ready?
Cane: (Sighs) Yeah.
Lily: What?
Cane: You know he has a crush on you.
Lily: What?! No.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: No. No, he's just friendly, okay? Stop it.
Cane: No, he has a crush on you.
Lily: Well, what-- is that why you've been so grouchy? (Gasps)
Cane: Grouchy? I'm not being grouchy.
Lily: Oh, my gosh, you're jealous. Oh, that's so cute.
Cane: I'm not jealous, and I'm not grouchy.
Lily: Listen, Bab--Honey?
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: You have nothing to worry about, okay?
Cane: Yeah? Yeah? Well, I know that. But does he?
Victor: (Sighs) I admit that the party wasn't what it could have been, okay? But it wasn't a total disaster. Yes, I admit that Victoria told me I crossed the line, but you know, we have survived worse.
Nikki: Look, here's the thing-- you think the problem is that we are all overreacting, and that's not the case. Now how do I know you're not gonna keep thinking that?
Victor: (Sighs) Okay. Before we have another party where Billy Abbott comes, why don't you write the lines for me? I'll memorize them. How's that?
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Victor: I can't stand the guy, Sweetheart. He's full of bluster, full of bull. Why can't our daughter see that?
Nikki: You promised her.
Victor: Okay, and I'll keep my promise. I promise to you, I'll keep it. I'll make the biggest effort.
Nikki: All right, we are very grateful for that effort... when you make it.
Victor: Can you just forgive me? Let's get past this, okay? I'll be a good boy. Do you want to look at the bouquets?
Nikki: Yeah. Oh.
Victor: What?
Nikki: Aren't you supposed to take that check over to the mission before Nicholas gets here?
Victor: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I forgot. Let me take care of that, okay?
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Right now. Come here. I'll be right back.
Nikki: Okay.
Victoria: I'm so, so sorry.
Billy: Don't be.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: For Victor, that was actually good behavior.
Victoria: I mean, where does he get off voicing his opinion on what you do with your time? If you wanted to quit, it would be fine by me.
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: You'd just be available to me more often. It'd be great.
Billy: Yeah? It'd be great?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Come here.
Victoria: (Gasps) Aah! Whoo!
Billy: (Groans) The next time that I say, "Let's go to Jamaica for the holidays"...
Victoria: I will have my bags packed before you finish your sentence.
Billy: Ahh, very good. Do you know what we were doing this time last year?
Victoria: Mm... something to do with vows and a church?
Billy: Mm-hmm. Who said we weren't gonna make it a year?
Victoria: We're gonna have a lot more anniversaries.
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: A lot more?
Victoria: A lot more.
Kay: Oh, thank you.
Cane: Well, we didn't make it to the Christmas parade, either, this year, so...
Kay: (Chuckles) But in your case, it's not because you're under house arrest.
Lily and Cane: House arrest?
Jill: (Sighs) Her doctor put her under orders to take it easy, okay?
Tucker: Why is that?
Kay: Because she's a neurotic ninny.
Jill: Yeah, right. For no good reason at all. Just merely because she fainted the other day.
Tucker: What?
Kay: It was nothing! Low blood sugar.
Cane: Oh, really? You sure it wasn't more to do with stress?
Chloe: Hey.
Kevin: Hey.
Chloe: Check this out.
Kevin: Where'd you find this?
Chloe: The N.Y.P.D. web site.
Kevin: This is awesome. The reward for the missing money is--
Chloe: Is more than enough money, and bonus-- we don't go to jail, because we'll be heroes.
Kevin: We find the cop. We follow him wherever he goes.
Chloe: Yeah, well, hopefully, he leads us to the money. And then what? How do we get to it before he does?
Kevin: We'll figure that out when we get there.
Michael: Jamie? Jamie, where the hell have you been? We've been worried sick about you. The hood. Oh, my God.
Jamie: It looks worse than it is.
Michael: Who did this to you?
Jamie: One of my... you know, roommates.
Michael: You give me a name, and I will have someone pick him up right now.
Jamie: Look, he's got friends. Just... just get me out of there, Mr. Baldwin. Please.
Adam: What is it?
Victor: (Chuckles) Well, Merry Christmas to you, too, Son. I brought you something to help inspire you.
Adam: Come in. Tequila?
Victor: Isn't that nice? There's more. (Clears throat)
Adam: A pill bottle.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Adam: So the, uh, the tequila was used to start the fire that brought your house down, and you want me to use the pills to take Jack down.
Victor: You can use one to redeem yourself for the other.
Adam: Strange version of redemption.
Victor: No one deserves it more than that jerk Jack Abbott.
Adam: And what would I deserve, Dad, if I did what you wanted?
Victor: Oh, is that your way of asking for a payoff?
Adam: No. But you answered my question. It's clear the way you see me. Dad, thanks... but no, thanks.
Victor: Well, I'll be damned.
Michael: Come on. You're coming home with me.
Jamie: No, I-it's okay. I can hang out here. I-I don't have to get back to the group home till curfew.
Michael: You are not going back there. Not on Christmas day.
Jamie: Wait, but you said you couldn't get a hold of a judge--
Michael: Listen. We will take care of the red tape later. Right now, my top priority is your safety. Come on. Come on.
Victoria: I feel like I let you down.
Billy: No, don't. I told you I don't blame you for Victor's shenanigans.
Victoria: No, I don't mean that. We had an agreement.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: You remember?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I was gonna reward you for coming with me to my parents' house, but we both ran out of there in such a huff that... (sighs heavily) I guess I'm not gonna be able to make good on it.
Billy: I don't know about that. I'm a flexible guy. You're a flexible girl.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I'm sure we can work something out.
Victoria: Really?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: You would do that for me? You're so good to me.
Billy: Oh, absolutely. Let's go upstairs and negotiate.
Victoria: (Giggles) Okay. (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs) I missed this.
Victoria: Yeah, me, too.
Billy: (Groans) Okay. Come on.
Victoria: (Chuckles) (Squeals, giggles)
Billy: The negotiations begin! First on the table, we gotta do this.
Victoria: (Laughing)
Billy: (Laughs)
Cane: Well, I mean, last time she went to the hospital is right after she argued with you.
Tucker: I'm just as surprised and concerned about this as you are.
Kay: Please, no one has to be worried about me, because I am just fine.
Lily: Katherine, of course we're worried about you.
Kay: Well...
Tucker: I'm gonna get going.
Jill: You don't have to do that.
Tucker: That's all right. I'll see you tomorrow.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: Sorry.
Cane: That's all right. Hey, uh...
Kay: Hmm?
Cane: What's tomorrow?
Kay: (Sighs) We're having dinner together.
Cane: Why?
Kay: He says he wants us to make peace. I don't know. We'll see.
Tucker: Jill, why didn't you tell me that Katherine passed out?
Jill: Look, I am sorry. I'm keeping a really close eye on her, and so is her doctor.
Tucker: What'd the doctor say?
Jill: That she needed to cut back on her stress level. I haven't been able to convince her to step down at Chancellor.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Chloe: The best part is, we get to have all the fun stealing the money, and it's for a good cause.
Kevin: And that's your idea of a good time?
Chloe: That, and paying off the loan. And, oh, giving Delia a birthday party that she will never forget.
Kevin: First things first, okay?
Chloe: I know. I have to figure out what I'm gonna wear when we go cat-burglaring. Great, we're in.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Hey, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Hey.
Kevin: Uh, excuse me a second.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Chloe: Hey, what's up?
Chelsea: We don't need your crazy mother-in-law. We can start this business on our own. I'm coming into some money.
Chloe: What happened?
Chelsea: (Sighs) I went to see Adam. I know. You were right. It was stupid. But now I am done... with all of it.
Victor: I think we had an arrangement.
Adam: The deal's off, Dad. You overplayed your hand.
Victor: I'm still holding that hand. I can put you and Sharon behind bars anytime.
Adam: You're welcome to try. There's no way to tie either of us to any kind of a crime.
Victor: You don't think I'll find the arsonist you hired to start the other fires?
Adam: It'd be tough, since he doesn't exist.
Victor: You're playing a dangerous game, my boy.
Adam: More threats.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Is that all you got, Dad? What kind of a father shows up to his son's doorstep on Christmas, first to taunt me and then try and intimidate me? You have some serious, serious problems, Dad.
Victor: I brought you some tequila and some pills. Don't you make an enemy of me. That'd be very dumb. I'm warning you.
(Door opens)
(Door closes)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: This is really happening.
Phyllis: So we put all our feelings on the table.
Billy: I hope that Jack chooses us over the drugs.
Kieran: I keep my clients happy.
Jack: I'm not your client. This is a one-time-only thing.
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