Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/25/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/25/12


Episode # 10060 ~ Jack's Peace Offering Is Rejected; Summer Discovers Noah's Secret

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by

Victoria: Billy! Are you boys almost ready?

Billy: Johnny is good to go. Reed will be down as soon as he finishes level 3 of... "Killer Attack of Alien Zombies"?

Victoria: Okay, so how long does it take to fend off zombies?

Billy: Well, they're alien zombies, so there's no telling, really.

Victoria: (Sighs) You know, I knew it was a mistake letting him open a gift early.

Billy: Oh, come on. I always got to open a gift on Christmas Eve. It's an Abbott family tradition, just like mom and dad kissing under the mistletoe. Mm! Mm.

Victoria: Yeah, well, your traditions are gonna make us late for dinner.

Billy: Actually, the... (Sighs) You're gonna be late. I'm not going.

Avery: Chocolate. Cannot forget that.

(Cell phone ringing)

Avery: Hello. I was just thinking about you.

Nick: Good things, I hope.

Avery: Actually, very bad good things.

Nick: (Chuckles) Tell me more.

Avery: Well, it involves that little red number you love and chocolate.

Nick: You are killing me.

Avery: I thought you're supposed to be knee-deep in tree ornaments and lights.

Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, I just had some last-minute shopping to do.

Avery: Ah, I'm off to do mine, unless you've changed your mind about dinner.

Nick: Do you think I would miss you covered in chocolate?

Avery: Well, I'll see you later, then. Oh, Nick... milk or dark?

Nick: Surprise me.

Noah: Who's that?

Nick: Hey.

Faith: Daddy!

Nick: Hey, Beautiful. Ohh! Wow. Hey, Bud.

Noah: How are you?

Nick: Look at that tree. It's beautiful! You guys did everything. There's nothing left for me to do.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Faith: You can put the angel on.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: Oh, even better, how about if I help you do that?

Faith: Okay.

Nick: All right.

Sharon: That's a great idea, Sweetie. Here you go.

Nick: Okay.

Noah: All right.

Nick: All right, we're going up.

Sharon: Got it? Almost. All right!

Noah: There you go, yeah!

Sharon: Yay, beautiful!

Nick: Great job.

Noah: Good job, Faith.

Sharon: That's perfect.

Nick: Good job.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Phyllis: You do realize its Christmas Eve, don't you?

Jack: It is also a workday, and I expect all of my employees to work as hard as I do.

Phyllis: Well, expect all you want. You made me miss most of my daughter's birthday.

Jack: I already said I was sorry for the Chicago mix-up.

Phyllis: Mix-up? You were passed out in the car, Jack. You made me do your work for you.

Jack: It won't happen again.

Phyllis: Well...

Jack: The meds are no longer part of my life.

Phyllis: Oh, right, I heard that before.

Jack: I mean it this time.

Phyllis: Do you? What changed?

Jack: I took a good, hard look at myself, and I didn't like the man I saw.

Victoria: We canceled our trip to Jamaica so that we could spend Christmas together here.

Billy: That's right, so tonight, you go spend it with jolly old St. Vic, and then tomorrow, we've got the kids. You, me, and the kids. Perfect.

Victoria: You seriously aren't coming?

Billy: Honey... (Sighs) This truce that your father offered... (Chuckles) Is just a big bad bowl of eggnog, trust me...?

Victoria: Oh, hey--

Billy: And I'm not gonna let him think that he's snowed me. Not gonna happen.

Victoria: No, just do it for me, then. It'll be my Christmas present.

Billy: Oh, Sugar, I already got you a present. I just can't return it.

Victoria: Billy, stop it. This dinner is important to me.

Billy: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Everybody will have much more fun if I'm not there, including me. Besides, I've got stuff to do.

Victoria: Oh, really?

Billy: Yes.

Victoria: Really? Well, what could be more important than spending time with your family?

Billy: It's Johnny's first Christmas. You don't want to deprive him of the very first full-on Abbott-Newman fully holiday experience, do you? No.

Victoria: You know what? I could do this, too. I could come up with a million excuses why I shouldn't spend Christmas with your family.

Billy: Hey, you cannot compare brunch with my mother to a full-on evening with your father.

Victoria: What about Jack? He wants us to come there tomorrow.

Billy: (Scoffs) After the "Incident" in Miami, I'm not feeling the whole "Goodwill towards men" thing for my brother, okay?

Phyllis: I haven't liked the Jack I've seen lately.

Jack: Well, he is gone, and so are the meds. You have my word.

Phyllis: (Sighs) That used to mean something.

(Knock on door)

Jack: I'm gonna prove to you that it still does.

Kyle: You ready for us?

Jack: Yeah, come on in.

Adam: Really, Jack? A meeting on Christmas Eve, huh?

Kyle: Adam's right, Dad. It's a little bit excessive.

Jack: Well, I will make this short, then. It's official. This time next week, Jabot will be a subsidiary of Newman Enterprises.

Adam: You really went through with it.

Jack: All that's left now is the paperwork.

Phyllis: Wait, are you sure this is a good idea?

Adam: I'm not.

Jack: It's done, and it's gonna be good for everyone-- Newman, Jabot, and us.

Kyle: Our portfolios are gonna get a major shot in the arm.

Jack: That's right. Merry Christmas.

Adam: Don't work too hard, Jack.

Jack: Uh, gonna join me for Christmas Eve dinner?

Kyle: Oh, I'm sorry, I, um, I made plans. Mark and Travis are back in town for the holidays.

Jack: Oh, no, that--that's fine. Enjoy. That's great.

Kyle: No, you know what? I can blow that off. It's no big deal.

Jack: No, no, no, we'll have time together tomorrow.

Kyle: Are you sure?

Jack: Positive.

Kyle: All right, well, I'll see you later.

Jack: Have fun.

Kyle: Phyllis, Merry Christmas.

Phyllis: Merry Christmas.

Chelsea: What?

Chloe: I have some very un-Christmassy news. Gloria's decided to not invest in our company.

Chelsea: No! Why?

Chloe: Because Jeff convinced her to buy a racehorse. Yeah, I know, it's crazy.

Chelsea: I can't believe this. No, no, actually, I can believe this, because it's me.

Chloe: What?

Chelsea: (Sighs) I lost my baby, I lost my marriage, and now my business. It's like this is all payback for all of the bad things I've done in my life.

Chloe: Are you kidding me, Chelsea?

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chloe: Even I know that you have a great spirit. I mean, if anybody has an ugly dose of karma coming their way, its hot-mess express Sharon.

Noah: Okay, come on, Faith. (Exhales slowly)

Nick: Thank you.

Sharon: Thank you for coming over tonight and for letting me spend the day with her.

Nick: It's Christmas. You're her mother.

Sharon: Well, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't trust me with her.

Nick: I know you'd never do anything to hurt our daughter.

Sharon: I almost took her away from you.

Nick: Yeah, it-- it freaked me out a little bit, but you did the right thing.

Sharon: The thought of going back to prison...

Faith: (Giggling)

Sharon: Being separated from them again-- I just panicked. I know that's no excuse. I should have never run off the way that I did.

Nick: Sharon, you came back. That's what matters. Dad, unfortunately, is still trying to prove that you started that fire.

Sharon: Nick, I did so many terrible things.

Nick: You weren't well, but you're getting help and you're getting better.

Sharon: Do you really believe that?

Nick: I do, and really, who knows you better than I do?

(Door opens)

Jack: What do you want, Adam?

Adam: Thought we could break out the eggnog and discuss all the reasons why we shouldn't be folding Jabot into Newman.

Jack: So you figured, you get me drunk enough, you could, uh, get me to forget that you were all for the idea when I first brought it up.

Adam: Is this earlier, when there were days that you couldn't even keep track of how many pills you were taking?

Jack: It's a done deal, Adam. I'm just waiting for Avery to get back to me so that she can do the final paperwork. I was hoping she would get back to me before the holiday.

Adam: Why are you in such a rush, Jack? We can hardly keep the subsidiaries happy, let alone other things.

Jack: My focus was divided. This merger will help solve that problem.

Adam: You're putting Jabot at risk.

Jack: I disagree.

Adam: Your father built that company, Jack. It's your legacy and the other Abbotts', so I would protect it. Protect yourself.

Jack: Oh, then you think Victor is going to get Newman Enterprises back?

Adam: Don't underestimate him.

Jack: I should keep Jabot, just as a safety net.

Adam: You never know when you're gonna take a fall.

Jack: Or when someone's going to push you?

Avery: Phyllis. I thought you and Summer were getting together tonight. I-I mean, I-I figured you were.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm-- I'm on my way to see her.

Avery: Uh-huh. I'm surprised to see you working today.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, Jack felt that Christmas Eve was a good time to tell everybody about his plans for Jabot.

Avery: Oh, well, that explains the urgent text I got.

Phyllis: Yep.

Avery: Merry Christmas.

Phyllis: Merry Christmas. Wait a second. Um... wh-what are you doing tonight?

Avery: Oh, I was just gonna fix some dinner. You know, I'll probably be cooking a contract here. (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Contracts can wait. Christmas can't.

Avery: I don't follow.

Phyllis: Well, why don't-- why don't you spend Christmas Eve with Summer and me?

Chloe: On the house.

Chelsea: Life is so unfair.

Chloe: You want a complimentary scone, as well?

Chelsea: Some people just get it so easy. Some people just glide through their entire existence.

Chloe: Nobody just glides. You know that. Some people just have it a tad bit rougher than others. You figured that out when you got Jeff and Anita as parents.

Chelsea: Jeff. God, I can't believe he conned Gloria out of our start-up money. We have to find some way to finance our business, Chloe.

Chloe: Chelsea, I hate to beat a deadbeat husband, but if you would just reconsider Adam's offer--

Chelsea: No. No way.

Chloe: Listen, if you would just take the divorce settlement, it could really help start up our business.

Chelsea: No way. I can't do it, Chloe. I'm sorry. I have to do this on my own, without any help from Adam.

Jack: You put those in the drawer, didn't you?

Adam: I wanted to see if you had your drug problem under control.

Jack: Oh, you are one smooth liar. You always have been.

Adam: I've been nothing but honest with you, Jack.

Jack: And I'm supposed to trust you because you told me Victor asked for your help in getting me out of here?

Adam: And why would I have told you that if I weren't on your side, huh?

Jack: You got a twisted mind, Adam. I don't know what goes on up there.

Adam: It wasn't a trick, Jack. It was a test. We have to make sure you're strong enough to go up against my father.

Jack: This isn't my first rodeo, Junior.

Adam: Yeah, but he's coming at you with everything he's got.

Jack: I've dealt with your father before.

Adam: Not while under the influence of prescription medication, you haven't.

Jack: The pills are no longer an issue, Adam.

Adam: Are you sure?

Jack: I pass your test?

Sharon: "He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight..."

Faith and Nick: "Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night."

Noah: "A good night."

Sharon: (Laughs)

Faith: Another?

Sharon: (Gasps)

Nick: Ooh.

Sharon: Dad?

Nick: Um... (Laughs) Yeah, why not? One more.

Sharon: Okay, run up and get another book.

Faith: Yay!

Noah: (Grunts)

Nick: Oh, checking the watch again. You got somewhere to be, Dude?

Sharon: Story time used to be your favorite part of Christmas, too.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Noah: When I was 5.

Sharon: Well, you couldn't wait for Cassie to read you that one about Dave the golden retriever.

Noah: All he wanted for Christmas was a family.

Nick: (Chuckling)

Sharon: (Laughs)

Noah: Who names a dog "Dave"?

Sharon: Well, you wanted to hear it every year. You would climb on Cassie's lap right there in that chair. I can still see it.

Noah: Yeah, she was a pretty great big sister.

Sharon: You're a pretty great big brother.

Noah: I am, aren't I?

Nick: You really are.

Faith: I found it!

Sharon: (Gasps)

Nick: All right! Well, big brother...

Noah: (Laughs)

Nick: You are up.

Noah: All right, come on, let's do this. Okay, look what you found. "Dave the golden retriever." (Chuckles) Okay. "Dave the golden retriever loved Christmas. He dreamed about it all year. It was his chance to get the one thing that he always wanted-- a family."

Phyllis: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Avery: Hi.

Summer: Oh, hi, Avery. Hold on. Please close your eyes. Close your eyes. Hold on.

Avery: Okay, sorry.

Summer: Okay, sorry, you can open them.

Avery: (Laughs) Okay.

Summer: Why didn't you tell me you were bringing her?

Phyllis: Uh, oh, I-I mean, I didn't know. It was a last-minute invite. I-I didn't know you were wrapping a gift. I would have-- I would have called.

Avery: Summer, you didn't have to get me anything.

Summer: No, I wanted to. No, I love the look on people's faces when they open up something that you picked out just for them.

Phyllis: Yeah. You--you should have seen the look on Summer's face when--when--when she opened the necklace that I got for her.

Summer: This is special.

Phyllis: So are you, Baby. You're special. So, um, I can make some, I don't know, hot--hot chocolate.

Summer: Yeah, that-- that's perfect.

Avery: I can make it.

Phyllis: I'll make it.

Avery: Okay.

Summer: I'll go put these under the tree.

Avery: Uh-huh.

Avery: Summer, why is Jamie sorry he kissed you?

Summer: Damn!

Avery: (Laughs)

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: What is that? Jamie kissed you?

Summer: Uh, yeah, we've been hanging out a little bit.

Phyllis: Hanging out? But that sounds like a lot more than just "Hanging out."

Summer: No, it's--it's not. I mean, Fen thinks-- thinks it is, but it's-- it's just making it weird.

Phyllis: Oh. Why is it weird?

Summer: Well, Fen and I have been best friends since forever, and now Jamie and I are friends, so I don't know, it feels like they're fighting over me.

Avery: Oh, that's a tough spot to be in.

Summer: What should I do?

Phyllis: I'll give you my opinion, um...

Summer: Yeah, uh, no offense, Mom, but you kind of suck at relationships.

Phyllis: Really? Well, uh, Avery's been married and divorced.

Summer: Yeah, but we know why your marriage ended.

Avery: (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Yeah, we do. Hey, Avery. You know, it's--it's so silly that we don't know anything about your marriage, you know? Wh-why did your marriage end?

Billy: (Humming)

Victoria: You're really gonna blow off this dinner?

Billy: Do you know how long it's gonna take me to undo this? An hour, maybe two.

Victoria: You know, since the day we got together, my dad has been saying that I deserve someone better and that you're not good enough for me.

Billy: That might be the only thing that he and I agree on, actually.

Victoria: I don't want anybody else... and I think he finally gets that. He's not gonna admit it, but I think this invitation is his way of saying it.

Billy: Honey, I am glad for you. I really am, but I could care less what your father thinks about me. He can trash-talk me to anybody he wants. Hell, if he wants to make this dinner a "Billy's a worthless punk" fest, if that flies his sleigh, so be it.

Victoria: My father would never do that to our kids!

Billy: And you think I would?

Victoria: Well, you're the one that's blowing off Christmas Eve dinner with the family.

Billy: He is not my family, and all the bogus invitations in the world aren't gonna change that.

(Doorbell rings)

Billy: I'll get it. (Sighs)

Jack: Merry Christmas, Billy.

Victoria: I'll go check on the boys.

Billy: So what do you want?

Jack: I brought gifts.

Billy: Are you high?

Jack: What?

Billy: I saw your interview. You looked good for a guy who's hooked on pills.

Jack: Your television must have been on "Mute."

Billy: No, I heard what you said, but I also know you, Jack. You wouldn't publicly deny gossip unless there was some truth to it. You know that, I know that.

Jack: If there was any merit to this story, you would have covered it in "Restless Style."

Billy: Ah. Well, there's my Christmas present to you, Jack.

Jack: Give me a break. You didn't want to risk a libel suit while you're trying to sell the magazine.

Billy: "Publisher rats out brother." Circulation would have doubled. Might still.

Jack: Billy, its Christmas. Let me leave the gifts, okay?

Billy: You know, actually, all I really want for Christmas is for you to stop trying to be C.E.O. of the world and just go back to running our father's company.

Jack: I can't do that.

Billy: Well, I'm sorry, because I can't do this.

Adam: Are you here in place of coal in my stocking?

Chloe: Ha, ha. I have to talk to you.

Adam: Yeah? Well, if you're here to give me a hard time about being a lousy husband, a lousy business partner, a lousy human being altogether, you can just save it for another day.

Chloe: I have a proposition for you, a business proposition.

Adam: Because our last business venture was so successful.

Chloe: You made a huge profit on TagNGrab. I cannot say the same for its creators.

Adam: Well, I can't help it, Chloe, if I was smarter than you and Kevin when it came to contract issues.

Chloe: (Chuckles) You're an ass...

Adam: Thank you.

Chloe: And I'm giving you the chance to redeem yourself.

Adam: I'm really not big on redemption, Chloe, so if you'd just finish your pitch...

Chloe: Invest the money that you stole from Kevin and me in Chelsea's new fashion business.

Adam: You mean yours and Chelsea's fashion business?

Chloe: You owe your wife.

Adam: That's right, Chloe. I do owe my wife, and I offered her a very generous settlement, to which she turned me down. She doesn't want to have anything to do with me or my money, so thank you, but...

Chloe: Back her clothing line as a silent partner, completely silent. Put up the money. Chelsea and I have full creative and financial control.

Phyllis: So tell us what-- what happened to your Mr. Clark?

Avery: Um... we were friends. We thought we could be more. It didn't work out.

Phyllis: Oh, why not?

Avery: Stuff got in the way.

Phyllis: Do you keep in touch with him?

Avery: No, I don't.

Phyllis: Hmm. Well, there's your advice from your Aunt Avery. "Stuff" gets in the way. (Laughs) Listen... sometimes, you lose someone you really care about, and you just end up hurting them.

Summer: But I don't want to hurt Fen.

Phyllis: Sometimes you can't help it.

Summer: Oh, I'll go call him, then, just explain things.

Avery: (Clears throat)

Phyllis: (Exhales slowly) So was that a tough breakup?

Avery: You know, I don't like to look back.

Phyllis: Yeah, I understand, 'cause you're looking forward with Nick. Oh, Avery. I don't care. You two are together. I've accepted it.

Avery: Jack must help.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Ohh, yeah. I don't think Jack will entirely forgive me for going back to Nick this last time.

Avery: Do you regret cheating on him?

Phyllis: I regret hurting Jack... but honestly, what happened between me and Nick-- more than "Stuff." I fell in love with him.

Avery: Well, wouldn't it be nice if love were enough?

John: Some Christmas, hey, Jackie?

Faith: Where'd you get that pretty one, Mommy?

Sharon: A very special friend gave it to me.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: Merry Christmas, everyone.

Summer: Hi.

Nick: Summer, could you take your little sister upstairs, get her ready for bed?

Summer: Yeah, come on.

Nick: Thank you.

Summer: Faithy, let's go.

Nick: I'll be up in a little bit, okay?

Summer: Let's go. Ready for Christmas?

Nick: I thought I was gonna see you later.

Avery: Yeah, well, Phyllis asked me to spend Christmas Eve with her and Summer.

Nick: Phyllis?

Avery: Yeah, she's upstairs washing out her blouse. She spilled chocolate on it.

Nick: Ah, chocolate.

Avery: No, no, not that kind. Hot chocolate. You have to wait for the other kind.

Nick: I really don't know if I can.

Avery: Listen to me. Phyllis was really looking forward to she and I spending Christmas Eve together, okay? So I can't just take off because you and I want to have "Chocolate." (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Okay, I'm all set. Oh, hey, Nick. I didn't know you were here.

Nick: Um, yeah. That's my shirt.

Phyllis: Yeah, I-- oh, I hope you don't mind. Mine was drenched, so I just borrowed one of yours. I'll--I'll get it back to you.

Nick: Cool.

Phyllis: Yeah. Okay, well, I have to go, so can you just-- can you just tell Summer that I'll--I'll call her tomorrow?

Nick: You know, if--if you and Avery want to hang out, I can--

Phyllis: Oh, uh, no, I think that Avery has other plans for you.

Avery: Phyllis.

Phyllis: I'm fine. It's no big deal. Please. I'm fine with you two together. Merry Christmas.

John: You know, I don't ever remember it this quiet around here at Christmas. A home is to be full of people, laughter.

Jack: You know what I was remembering earlier? The Christmas right before I went to prep school.

John: Ohh, Jackie, that's a long time ago.

Jack: Yeah. Never forget the gift you gave me-- a solid gold key engraved "Jack Abbott, C.E.O."

John: I wonder where that got to.

Jack: (Scoffs)

Jack: "It's the key to the kingdom, Jackie." (Voice breaking) "Work hard and it'll open any door."

John: "You can have it all."

Jack: "You can have it all."

Jack: (Normal voice) Well, now I do have it all.

John: Oh, yes. You have all the power, success, and money a man could want, Jack.

Jack: That's right.

John: But it doesn't mean a thing... if you don't have someone to share it with.

(Doorbell rings)

Billy: My brother doesn't really understand the idea of Christmas, does he?

Victoria: Well, I guess that's what happens when you let anger and bitterness consume you.

Billy: It seems that someone doesn't want us to have lights on the house this year. It's a shame. It's not gonna be Christmas without 'em.

Victoria: You know... (Sighs) Jack has been fighting with my father since I can remember, and look at what it's done to him.

Billy: Yeah, he thinks he's a big winner.

Victoria: Yeah. He's alone on Christmas Eve.

Billy: No, no, he's not. He's got Newman Enterprises to keep him all warm and cuddly.

Victoria: Billy, listen to me. Maybe my father's overture is sincere and maybe it isn't, but he's giving you a chance to be with your family. Billy, take it, okay? Take it. Don't end up like Jack.

Billy: Honey, I'm not gonna end up like Jack because I've got you.

Victoria: Billy--

Billy: No, unh, unh, unh, don't say "You might not have me much longer if you don't go to this dinner," because I don't buy it. What we have is much bigger than some awkward dinner, so don't try to persuade me otherwise. (Whispers) I'm not going. (Sighs)

Victoria: All right. You know, you're right and you're wrong.

Billy: (Normal voice) Yeah?

Victoria: What we have is much, much bigger, but I think I can persuade you otherwise.

Billy: You do, do you?

Victoria: Yeah. (Whispering indistinctly)

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: Really? Really, after all this time, you think I'm gonna cave just because you offer up something tawdry? Is that what you think of me? Is-- mm. Mm.

Victoria: That was just a preview.

Billy: Okay, I'm going. I feel cheap and easy, but I'm going. Can I get another preview?

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: Hmm?

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