Y&R Transcript Monday 12/24/12
Episode # 10059 ~ Lily Urges Cane to Give Tyler a Chance; Victoria is Conflicted About Her Loyalties to Billy & Victor
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Victoria: Ohh, maybe that's Santa with an early delivery. Okay, love you, see you soon. Bye, Reed. (Jolly voice) Ho, ho... (Flat voice) Ho.
Victor: I'm glad you're in the Christmas spirit. I need your help.
Adam: May I come in?
Sharon: Um, I was just starting some decorating.
Adam: Yeah? I used to help my mom out with that. Need a hand?
Sharon: Um, uh, no, thanks. I can manage. So I'll--I'll--I'll see you some other time, okay?
Adam: Sharon, I need to talk.
Sharon: Adam--
Adam: It's not personal. It's just that, um... there's no one else I can talk to about this particular thing.
Sharon: What's going on?
Adam: You know that arrangement that I made to protect you from arson charges?
Sharon: That-- did that fall through?
Adam: Oh, no, no, it didn't. Part of me wishes it would. It might make things a little easier, simplify things, maybe allow us to take a different path, but...
Sharon: Adam, what's wrong?
Adam: Can a man sell his soul if he never had one?
Sharon: Okay, what is it? What is Victor asking you to do?
(Cell phone ringing)
(Laptop keys clicking)
(Cell phone ringing)
Kyle: More reporters?
Jack: Could you bring that phone here?
(Cell phone ringing)
Kyle: So much for trying to give you a wake-up call.
Jack: What, going to the press and telling them I'm abusing pain medication? That's not a wake-up call. That's a train wreck. It affects thousands of people-- shareholders, employees...
Kyle: Yeah, well, I don't care about them.
Jack: I know you're concerned about losing me. That is not going to happen. I'm through with the pills.
Kyle: Yeah, you keep saying that. Why should I believe you?
Jack: You shouldn't. I'm a liar.
Tyler: I know, I know. Can't get rid of me.
Lily: (Laughs) Hi, Tyler. Did you get the job?
Tyler: I'm here 'cause of you.
Victoria: Dad, if this is another bid to get me to join the Newman conquest, then it's not gonna happen.
Victor: Nothing of the kind. This is about Valentine’s Day.
Victoria: Okay, you're a little early.
Victor: Well, not if your mother and I are gonna pull off our wedding.
Victoria: Oh. You finally set the date.
Victor: But there are a lot of things to do before.
Victoria: Right, and I would be more than willing to help you, but as long as you understand I'm doing it for her sake, okay? It's not a peace offering to you because I don't extend those to people that test my loyalty or hold my marriage hostage. I don't do that.
Victor: Can we put our differences aside? I mean, at least until your mother and I... have been married? And, uh, you know, it's Christmastime, holiday time. I'd love the family to be together.
Billy: I'm sorry, we already have other plans.
Adam: It never would have come to this if Chelsea hadn't gone to my dad and Nikki.
Sharon: (Exhales slowly) You know what? I'm sure they would have found out I set the fire sooner or later.
Adam: No, no, not after what I did to cover this thing up.
Sharon: What, pay off a few people to say I was out of town the night the ranch burned down? That wouldn't have necessarily held up, especially after Victor got to them. The other fires around town-- you arranged that, didn't you, to make it look like a serial arsonist?
Adam: The point is, Dad backed off coming after us.
Sharon: Really? After he found out the two people he wants to see punished most in the world were behind it? Victor wouldn't have backed off that, not unless there was something huge in return for him.
Adam: Like a multibillion-dollar corporation?
Sharon: Victor wants Newman back.
Adam: And all I have to do to get it for him is bring down Jack.
Jack: You were right to challenge me. I did take another pill, yesterday afternoon, uh, but it was my last.
Kyle: Yeah, until the next one.
Jack: No, no, no, the wake-up call you wanted me to hear-- I heard loud and brutally clear from you, from Phyllis, from Neil... and it scared the hell out of me.
Kyle: Dad, how am I supposed to know you're not just telling me what I want to hear?
Jack: Kyle, you don't know anyone who has a stronger sense of self-preservation than your old man. The cockroaches envy me.
Kyle: (Scoffs)
Jack: I am not about to spend my life tethered to a narcotic. I'm not. I can beat this.
Kyle: On your own?
Jack: Yes, because I have the best reason in the world to do it... you.
Billy: I don't mean to ruin your yuletide picture, but, uh, Vicki and I are gonna take Reed and Johnny to Jamaica.
Victor: Jamaica doesn't exactly evoke sentiments about Christmas, does it?
Billy: For Vicki and I, it does. You see, Jamaica is where it all started.
Victoria: Yeah, Dad, that's um, you know, that's where we fell in love.
Victor: Okay.
Billy: And I'm not quite sure if you're aware, but the holidays-- they're for love, for real love, not just surrounding yourself with family like props.
Victoria: That's right, and this prop does not intend to abandon her husband just so she can be in the obligatory photo around the tree.
Victor: You misunderstood. I have decided to invite both of you.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Lily: You're here because of me?
Tyler: Well, thanks to the shout-out from the one person in the room who truly got my pitch yesterday, I scored a follow-up meeting with your dad.
Lily: Wow, nice. Does that mean that I get commission when you get hired? (Laughs)
Tyler: Absolutely. I'm a generous guy.
Lily: Yeah, and you're exactly what we need around here. I mean, if you knew how many variations of the same ad campaign that I see on a daily basis-- it's just ridiculous. That's why, when you came in and you wanted to plaster that huge eye all over town, I mean... (Laughs) I can't even stop thinking about it.
Tyler: It stays with you, doesn't it?
Lily: Yeah! It's like you took all the ideas I had just rolling around in my head and--and went one better.
Tyler: You know, it'd be a kick if, uh, we could actually collaborate. You know, going back and forth. No limits... just pure shared passion.
Cane: Hey, hey, uh, oh, I'm sorry to break this up.
Lily: Hi. Um, so Tyler has an interview with my dad. (Chuckles)
Cane: Lucky guy.
Lily: Yeah, so I have a meeting to get to. Um, I'll see you later. And kick some ass!
Tyler: Certainly. Uh, which way to the boss' office?
Cane: Uh, actually, the boss isn't here, so you're gonna have to deal with me and, uh, I'm sorry to say there's not much to discuss. Uh, Jack and I talked about, um, some things, and we just don't think your ideas are right.
Tyler: Well, that's not what your wife said.
Cane: Listen, why don't you, uh, work on some more ideas and, uh, give us a call when you think you're ready?
Tyler: (Laughs) Sure. Always up for a challenge.
Adam: I wanted to stall for awhile, play both sides.
Sharon: Well, why would you want to do that? There's no love lost between you and Jack.
Adam: I owe him. The guy gave me a chance to run Newman.
Sharon: Temporarily, and that was mostly just to get back at Victor.
Adam: At first, yes, but I believe I've earned his respect, and he trusts me. Well, he needs me to handle things.
Sharon: Why?
Adam: (Clears throat) Namely, because his plate is rather full. For example, he's folding Jabot into Newman.
Sharon: But if he does that and Victor takes the company back...
Adam: Jack loses both.
Sharon: Adam, we can't let that happen.
Adam: I don't know if we can stop it.
Sharon: This is, like, the same thing that I did, undermining Victor and trying to make Newman my own. Meanwhile, Victor's lost his legacy, and Jack-- he can't lose his.
Adam: The only way to prevent it is to boot Jack before he absorbs Jabot.
Sharon: So that way, everyone wins.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, everyone wins. Jack goes off running with his tail between his legs after he's ousted from Newman with Jabot as a consolation prize. Meanwhile, my father triumphs.
Sharon: (Sighs) You know... (Clears throat) You and me and Jack and Tucker have all tried to steal Newman away, and Victor was left on the outside, looking at his company, the accounts that he secured, the employees he hired, all in the hands of people who have no loyalty to it. Can you imagine what it must feel like to love something so desperately, and yet you can't have it? Jack just belongs at Jabot. He was happier there. You know, getting him out of Newman could be the best thing for him, for everyone.
Adam: Maybe.
Sharon: The only question is how to do it without him catching on.
Adam: It might be easier than you think. Jack has a weakness, and all I have to do is exploit it.
Jack: And we'll do it here at the house. Yeah, it'll--it just-- make it more personal. How soon can you set it up? Perfect. We'll see you then.
Kyle: You sure you're okay to do this?
Jack: Yeah, I put this off too long. It's time we address this controversy and put it behind us.
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: Oh. Stick around. I want you to see what it takes to undo this.
Kyle: Okay, I'll be in the study.
Jack: You lose your way to the unemployment office?
Neil: I deserve that. I was out of line yesterday, said some things I shouldn't have.
Jack: Like "I quit."
Neil: I'd like to rescind that, if you're amenable.
Jack: Come on in.
Neil: Jack, as you know, I was feeling micromanaged yesterday. I have a real issue with that. I know that I can take Jabot to the next level. I am asking you to trust in me and trust in my experience and let me run with this. I will not let you down.
Jack: I appreciate your candor, Neil, and frankly, I am not proud of the way I handled things yesterday. Got a lot on my plate. (Exhales slowly) As a matter of fact, I'm getting ready to address the press about this whole mess on the gossip sites.
Neil: Really? What mess are we talking about? You know, I don't--I don't pay attention to those rags.
Jack: Well, unfortunately, a lot of people do, and someone has planted a story that I am hooked on painkillers. I guess we both know who would be responsible for that.
Neil: Victor? Yeah, I-I don't know, Jack. I mean, why give them something he can't substantiate? That's--that's not Victor's style.
Jack: Well, maybe it's another enemy I've made over the years, or some rogue investor just looking to make a buck by making the stock crash, but whoever it is, they're gonna be disappointed, because I'm about to quash this thing.
Neil: Hey... are you? Are you abusing pain meds?
Jack: (Chuckles) You even have to ask? Neil, I-I'm taking oxydycone for my back, and yes, it has a reputation of dependence, and an outsider would look at this situation and think I might have a problem. I don't. You have my word.
Neil: Sure. That's all good and fine, Jack, except for one thing. I'm not an outsider. I'm an addict, and I recognize when another addict's in denial.
Lily: You're usually not this cautious.
Cane: Well, when you're dealing with, you know, millions of dollars of company money, sometimes you should be cautious.
Lily: Yeah, unless it costs you a rising star. If we don't grab Tyler, somebody else will.
Cane: Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take.
Leslie: He wasn't impressed?
Tyler: No. Think I pissed him off.
Leslie: Did you hit on his wife? Unh-unh.
Tyler: Come on, she is absolutely gorgeous.
Leslie: Not again, Tyler! You need this job. How does someone with your talent and your brains burn through so much money so quickly?
Tyler: Life should be enjoyed.
Leslie: Yeah, and now you don't have a place to sleep. I mean, unless you want to crash at my place.
Tyler: Oh, what, and have your little bro around when you and Neil decide to start "Conducting business" for real?
Leslie: That is not gonna happen.
Tyler: (Scoffs) People are already taking bets on it. Hell, I should start a pool at Jabot.
Leslie: Yeah, first, you need to get the job.
Tyler: I will, in spite of Cane.
Leslie: He's the C.E.O.'s son-in-law.
Tyler: Yeah, but I'm that good.
Jack: I hate to disappoint you, Neil. I am not a member of that particular club.
Neil: Missed meetings, uncharacteristic behavior, subpar work performance-- man, they're all signs.
Jack: A sign that I am still recovering and I pushed myself too hard.
Neil: Hey, Jack, let me ask you something. You take more pills than the doctor prescribed? Multiple sources for your pills? Lie to people, yourself? Jack, it can happen to anyone.
Jack: I have not even been on the medication that long.
Neil: It just takes that one line to be crossed, and there's no going back.
Jack: I don't have a problem, Neil!
Neil: Look, I understand. I understand you're saying that to me right now, but that's what I said to myself over and over. "What's the difference if I have just one more drink? I can handle it. Yeah, I can control it." But you know what? I couldn't control it. I needed help, and so do you, Jack.
Jack: Okay, enough 12-step talk, okay? Save that for your A.A. meetings. I know you mean well, but stop projecting your issues on me. Now I have an interview to get ready for, and you have a job to get back to. I suggest you do that, and don't let me down.
Sharon: What are you talking about? What "Weakness" does Jack have?
Adam: You know what? Don't worry about it. Forget I said anything. I don't want to add to your already full plate and get chewed out by Dr. Watkins, so...
Sharon: Okay, yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. She likes the place I'm in now. She feels the medication is finally balancing me out.
Adam: Huh. I knew you could do it. With enough time and support, I knew you could do it.
Sharon: She also said she feels what's best for me is to stay away from you.
Victor: I would like us all to come together, you know, and celebrate what we have, and we have a lot.
Victoria: Aside from Newman Enterprises, of course.
Victor: Oh, but this gives me a chance to dispel the notion that that company is the only thing I think about, Sweetheart.
Billy: Oh, this ought to be good. (Chuckles)
Victor: You know that I've accomplished a lot in my life, but none of it means a damn thing without family. Without all of you, I feel as alone as I did when my mother left me in that damn orphanage.
Billy: That is a great story, and we'll be thinking about that and you when we're in Jamaica.
Victor: You know what? Think about your mom. She'd be very disappointed if you don't all come. She loves you. She has been through a lot. So have you, and you've come through it because your mother and you were supporting each other. And by the way, apparently, Vera is preparing some plum pudding.
Billy: Oh, sentimental. That's a nice touch.
Victor: Um... what do you say? I'm willing to put our differences behind us, but you gotta meet me halfway. So please come, okay? Bring the whole family. Bring the children, bring Billy. This will be a time and a season to remember, okay?
Billy: (Deep voice) "This will be a time and a season to remember." (Laughs) (Normal voice) I think he's been watching too many commercials, Honey. Ohh, please tell me you're not going to buy into this crap, are you?
Sharon: (Clears throat) I'm sorry. I shouldn't have, um, just blurted that out. I just thought you should know.
Adam: No, it's okay. That's... whatever your doctor suggests, you should do, even if it means staying away from me.
Sharon: But you know, it's--it's a good thing, really, because it'll give you a chance to save your marriage.
Adam: I already told you, that's, uh...
Sharon: No, you know, the kiss that we had, Adam, that--my life was completely out of control, and you just got caught up in that, and once you spend time alone with Chelsea, you know, you'll see.
Adam: I can't do that to her. She's been through enough. Uh, she's been hurt too much as it is.
Sharon: Because of me.
Adam: Because I didn't commit to my marriage... 'cause I couldn't. No, she turned down my--my offer to settle anyway. She doesn't want my help. She doesn't need it, she claims.
Sharon: Well, sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone is to just let 'em stand on their own.
Adam: So... (Clears throat) What happens next? (Exhales sharply) Any plans?
Sharon: Yeah, I think I'd, uh, like to get a job and start doing something that I'm good at and I can take pride in.
Adam: Well, we are hiring at Newman. (Chuckles)
Sharon: (Laughs) That's probably not the best place for me to be... for many reasons. Adam, thank you... for everything.
Tyler: Well...
Cane: (Exhales slowly)
Tyler: What are the odds?
Cane: You know, I thought the, uh, perks of this club were for the members only.
Tyler: And guests of the hotel. Look, I know you came here to wipe the day off, so let's do it. We'll start fresh.
Cane: There's no need to.
Tyler: I know you're giving me attitude because I noticed your wife, but it's kind of hard not to, man, and I mean no disrespect.
Cane: I'm giving you attitude because of your cockiness, the way you walk around with this "I got the job before I have this job" attitude. I know it's 'cause your sister works at Jabot and she's tight with Neil.
Tyler: Well, no offense, but I'm not the one married to the boss' daughter.
Jack: I am here to tell you there is absolutely no truth to the story reported by that so-called news outlet. I am not abusing prescription drugs. That claim is nothing more than malicious gossip, and I intend to set the record straight. After the surgery, I was prescribed medication for the considerable pain. Now listen, I'm not one to take aspirin, so you can imagine the effects of this heavy-duty painkiller. Compounding that, my commitment to Newman Enterprises motivated me to return to work sooner than advised. I should have listened to the doctors. I pushed too hard and I had to pull back. Not surprisingly, Newman Enterprises has operated at 100% ever since. There is, however, a subversive element that wants you to think otherwise, and they've gone to considerable lengths to paint me in less-than-flattering colors to do it.
Cane: Look, you don't know the first thing about me, so don't start making assumptions.
Tyler: Oh, assumptions. Well, now you know how that feels.
Cane: Look, I'm trying to, uh, make this pretty clear to you, okay, that if you want this job, maybe you should put your ego in check before I make my final decision, okay?
Tyler: I thought Neil had the last word.
Cane: Well, I'm the chief operating officer, which means it's my responsibility to make sure we hire the right people.
Tyler: Well, you know, I'll let my work do the talking. You won't find anyone better than me.
Cane: Well, we'll see. We'll see.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: You've got that look again.
Victoria: What? What--what look?
Billy: That "Oh, well, maybe it'll all be different this time" look, and then if you cave, Nick and Abby can't be too far behind, and then look out. Daddy gets exactly what he wants again, all his little geese following him in tow and lockstep.
Victoria: I think he was sincere.
Billy: Oh, nope, okay, that's it. We are leaving right now. We're leaving today. Come on.
Victoria: What? No!
Billy: Come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Victoria: Well, wait, what about Reed? What about our reservations?
Billy: Honey, we will figure it out, okay? But the first thing that's important is getting you out of here before you start falling victim to Victor's vortex. Let's go, come on.
Victoria: Honey, wait. I want to stay here. I want to have Christmas with my family.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Man: Earlier, Newman C.E.O. Jack Abbott addressed allegations that he's become addicted to oxydycone.
Jack: Let me assure each and every one of you that I was strictly monitored by doctors and have since stopped taking the medication altogether. I am healthy and strong, and so is Newman Enterprises.
Adam: (Exhales slowly)
Jack: Perfect timing. I'm glad I found you in. I'd like you to take a look at an interview I just did.
Adam: I already caught some of it. The damage control was very well done, very convincing.
Jack: Oh, y-you're making it sound like spin. It's not. Come on, Adam, have I asked you for any more pills?
Adam: No.
Jack: And I'm not going to. My head is clear. I am myself again.
Adam: Well, in that case...
Jack: (Sighs) It's good to be back.
Billy: Can't you see what a mistake this is? I-I--there are so many reasons why spending the holidays with your family is a mistake, starting with our marriage.
Victoria: Hold on a second. What does this have to do with our marriage?
Billy: I don't care what Victor says. He always has some sort of game in play, and I don't want to put us right in the middle of it when we're still trying to find our way back to one another.
Victoria: But, Billy, part of me finding my way back is being home, surrounded by the things and the people that I love, you know? And my father offered you a truce. I think you should take it. It's not often that he admits that he's wrong.
Billy: Wrong? I-I'm sorry, were we sitting in the same conversation? Wrong? No, no, no.
Victoria: Billy, would you please just do it for me? Please?
Billy: Honey, I would do anything for you. I would walk through fire. I would lasso the moon. I would sit through every Reese Witherspoon romantic comedy that you could possibly find, but I'm not gonna sit back and watch Victor hurt you any more than he already has.
Victoria: All right, well, you have my permission to pop him one if he steps out of line, but I believe that he'll behave.
Billy: (Laughs) Well, you may believe in miracles, but I don't.
Victoria: Come on. Stranger things have happened on Christmas. I'm willing to take a chance. Are you?
Billy: (Exhales slowly)
Neil: We worked things out.
Cane: Good, good, 'cause Jack would have regretted losing you.
Neil: So how did things go with Tyler's interview? When does he start?
Cane: He doesn't.
Neil: What?
Cane: Look, Neil, this guy talks a smooth game, but I need to see he can deliver before I put him on company payroll.
Neil: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the kid's got an excellent track record, very successful. What more do we need?
Cane: Weren't you the guy who was gonna quit 'cause he was being micromanaged?
Neil: Cane, this kid is the wave of the future. I don't want him slipping away.
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: Hire him.
Adam: These are waiting for your signature. I will be down the hall if you need me.
Jack: Hey. I'll be fine.
Lily: Okay, thank you.
Tyler: This time, I come bringing gifts.
Lily: What--
Tyler: I got three more ideas to show your husband.
Lily: That fast?
Tyler: Well, work flows when I'm inspired.
Lily: Well, I am sure they're all genius. I just hope that Cane agrees, because usually he's more open-minded, but...
Tyler: Well, the guy's staking his territory. He thinks that I was flirting with you.
Lily: (Chuckles) Were you flirting?
Tyler: Uh, it's just my natural charm. Cane will get used to it, especially when he sees how I knocked this out of the park. He won't be able to resist.
Lily: Well, let's find out. Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Tyler: I worked up those new proposals, and I can't wait for you to see 'em.
Cane: You got the job.
(Cell phone vibrating)
Adam: Yeah?
Victor: Made any progress?
Adam: Anxious much?
Victor: I saw Abbott's interview. It's not what I wanted to hear.
Adam: Relax. Things are in motion.
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Billy: What are you doing?
Victoria: Well, I figured we'd better pack if we're going to Jamaica.
Billy: Eh, forget about that. Help me with this. What do we got here?
Victoria: I thought you said we were just gonna put up enough to make the boys happy.
Billy: Well, we want to make this a holiday to remember, don't we? Hmm?
Victoria: Does that mean we're staying?
Billy: Baby... I don't need to spend Christmas in Jamaica. I just need to spend it with you. (Chuckles) (Growls)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: Next week, Jabot will be a subsidiary of Newman Enterprises.
Chelsea: This is all payback for all of the bad things I've done.
Chloe: If anybody has an ugly dose of karma coming their way, it's Sharon.
Nick: And you're getting better, and really, who knows you better than I do?
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