Y&R Transcript Friday 12/21/12
Episode # 10058 ~ Neil & Leslie Fight; Jack Learns Who Leaked the Article About His Problem
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Lauren: (Giggling)
Michael: Mm.
Lauren: Okay, so maybe we should pace ourselves just a little bit.
Michael: No. Oh, I am.
Lauren: Otherwise, we won't have anything left for our 20th and our 30th anniversaries. (Giggling)
Michael: I am, I am. This is me pacing myself.
Lauren: Really? Mm.
Michael: Yeah.
(Knock on door)
Lauren: Mm, mm, the door.
Michael: Mnh-mnh.
Lauren: Yeah, you should go.
Michael: No.
Lauren: No, you should go.
Michael: No! Come on, you--
Lauren: Yes, come on, come on. We'll get back to this, I promise, believe me, trust me.
Michael: No, no, no, no!
Michael: Hi.
Jamie: Sorry. I-is this weird, just showing up?
Michael: No, no. Come--come on in. Come in.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Jamie, hi.
Jamie: I-I found out where I'm headed. The social worker says she's sending me to a... group home.
Nick: It's your birthday. Go ahead.
Summer: Oh, is that my birthday gift?
Nick: Yep, that and the water. Don't forget that.
Summer: You got me both?
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Summer: You just spoil me.
Nick: I know.
Avery: Hi.
Summer: Hey, I didn't think you could make it.
Avery: Oh, no, I'm not crashing your birthday dinner. I didn't know you guys would be here. Uh, I have a business dinner.
Nick: Well, don't you have all the fun?
Avery: Yeah. (Laughs)
Summer: Um, well, if you finish, you can come and have cake with us.
Avery: Thank you, but I think that you're gonna be done, uh, long before we finish what we have to talk about, uh, but happy birthday, and I will see you tomorrow. That's still on, right? The family get-together?
Nick: You bet.
Avery: Okay, good. Okay, bye.
Nick: Have a good night.
Avery: You, too.
Jill: I told you, it's not gonna work, Katherine. Lord, you're so obviously faking. Oh, my God.
Leslie: You're not really gonna quit your job.
Neil: Leslie, I already did.
Leslie: It was a heat-of-the-moment thing. Jack will understand.
Neil: I don't understand Jack. I told him straight up that I had to have autonomy to run Jabot, and now it's like that conversation never even took place. You know, it never occurred to me that he would go back on his word like this. I don't know what the hell's going on with him.
Jack: Wait, when does he want to call? Okay, fine. Yeah, thanks for setting this up. Uh, listen, it's time we get the news out there. I have plans for this company. Yeah, and he's got a sizable readership. No, that line of questioning is totally off-limits. No, except to say that these are totally unsubstantiated rumors. How many hits? (Sighs) Okay. Yeah, uh, we will probably have to make some kind of statement. Yeah. I'll talk to you later. (Sighs)
Kyle: Something wrong?
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Jill: Katherine. Katherine! Oh, my God. Oh, Lord, oh, Lord.
Kay: (Clears throat) (Groans)
Jill: Oh, thank God! Thank God.
Kay: Oh, oh.
Jill: Katherine...
Kay: Hmm?
Jill: Katherine. Oh, Katherine.
Kay: Mm.
Nick: All right, can I give you your present now?
Summer: I don't-- I don't think I need a present this year. I don't really deserve one.
Nick: Hey, it's your birthday. That means you get presents. I don't make the rules. I just follow 'em.
Summer: (Gasps)
Nick: It's parked outside.
Summer: Ohh, wait-- are you sure this is a good idea?
Nick: I think you learned a very valuable lesson.
Summer: Okay, but it was so irresponsible of me, and...
Nick: You took ownership of that, Summer, and that's what's important. Your mother and I talked about this. We think you're gonna make some good decisions going forward.
Summer: Really?
Nick: Yeah.
Summer: Thank you!
Kyle: Oh, man.
Jack: Yeah, Tucker gave me the heads-up. I didn't take it seriously at first, but apparently, this story has legs. That's Victor's handiwork.
Kyle: Did they quote him?
Jack: No, anonymous sources, but come on. Who else benefits? This man is desperate to get Newman back, and it's in character-- spreading lies to discredit me.
Kyle: Well, Dad, I mean, they're not lies.
Jack: They sure as hell are.
Kyle: Well, you do take painkillers.
Jack: Yes, for a time. Standard protocol with major surgery. Kyle, you didn't read the article. It makes me out to be an addict.
Kyle: So you're saying you quit taking pills?
Jack: Yes!
Kyle: How long ago?
Jack: It's something you do over time, it's not something you do overnight, but yes, I am done.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Oh.
Kyle: Who was that?
Jack: Oh, another scandal rag. I gotta be careful who I talk to or how I handle things. Y-you--you do, too. You cannot afford to be drawn into casual conversations with well-meaning strangers any longer. We are folding Jabot into Newman and investor confidence is everything.
Kyle: Wouldn't it be a good idea to just hold off on the Jabot thing for a little bit? You know, just till you've had more of a chance to recuperate?
Jack: Kyle, I told you, I am back! Dad is back, and better than ever.
Kyle: Dad, you're kidding yourself. Hey, don't do that, with the hurt look. You're sounding just like Mom used to when she'd get in over her head on something, trying to convince herself she wasn’t.
Jack: Wait, is that what you think, I'm in over my head? Kyle, this is not something I can't handle.
Kyle: Under normal circumstances, maybe, and just 'cause you can handle it doesn't make it a good idea. You know, I don't know why you had to take over Newman in the first place. Why couldn't you just be happy at Jabot? That's where you belong.
Leslie: Jack hired you to head his company because he trusts your judgment.
Neil: Well, for whatever reason, that changed. I didn't see it coming.
Leslie: Push back. You didn't get to where you are by giving up easy.
Neil: Hey, hey, young lady, I know how to fight for myself. I didn't think I would need to with Jack, you know? Otherwise, I never would have taken the job.
Leslie: Do you want to know why I took this job?
Neil: Hmm?
Leslie: To work with you, be a part of what you're building. You are revitalizing this company, Neil. You've got the ideas, the drive, and I'm not the only one feeling it.
Neil: Well, thank you for saying that, but Jack's vote is the only one that matters.
Leslie: Well, he just needs a little convincing.
Neil: A little convincing? He about blew a fuse when I said that we ought to consider his ideas. Imagine the reaction when I tell him I think that we ought to go with 'em.
Leslie: Do you really?
Neil: Yeah. I mean, uh, the concept made me think, you know, step back a little bit, but, um, that's the whole point of guerilla marketing, you know? To get through the clutter and get inside your head. Mm. All those little eyeballs all over the place that he made-- I-I love it. It's a fresh, innovative campaign. It's gonna get people talking, and that's half the battle.
Leslie: See? Listen to you, the passion and conviction. You can't tell me Jack wouldn't be impressed by that. You can't just walk away, Neil.
Jamie: And I told the social worker I don't want to go back there.
Lauren: Have you been to this group home before?
Jamie: Yeah, another time my dad was... uh, unavailable.
Lauren: Do you know this place?
Michael: I've heard some things.
Lauren: So what was it like?
Jamie: You--you had to really watch your back. Y-your stuff would go missing, and if you complained, they'd let you have it.
Lauren: And who would?
Jamie: The other guys. Some of them were... pretty hard, you know?
Lauren: Michael--
Michael: We'll figure something out.
Jamie: Look, I-I-I-- I'd rather just go home, on my own. I mean, at least nobody's gonna beat me up. I-I-I can get a job. I-I can pay for my own food--
Michael: Jamie, I'll make some phone calls.
Jamie: Uh, thanks. I didn't know if I should bother you guys.
Lauren: Oh, I am so glad you came to us. This is just too much for somebody your age to handle by yourself.
Jamie: I-I-I don't know what to do.
Lauren: Oh, Jamie. Ohh.
Jamie: Thank you.
Fen: Seriously?
Nick: You know I put a little system in there for you, too.
Summer: (Laughs)
Avery: Hello again.
Nick: Hey.
Summer: Oh, you're done with your meeting already?
Avery: Uh, it never happened. My client had to cancel.
Summer: Mm, seems to be a lot of that going around.
Nick: Phyllis is delayed getting back from Chicago.
Avery: Oh, Honey, I'm sorry. I know she was really looking forward to this dinner.
Summer: You can join us if you want.
Avery: Oh, uh, thank you, but I think I'm gonna head home.
Nick: We ordered a lot of food. We could use some help eating it.
Summer: Yes. Otherwise, Dad'll spend the whole night saying... (Deep voice) "Oh, I can't believe I ate it all."
Avery: (Laughs)
Nick: Do I sound like that?
Summer: (Laughs) Mm-hmm.
Avery: Well... (Laughs)
Summer: (Normal voice) Together, we can stop him from gorging himself.
Avery: All right, I'll stay for a little while.
Summer: (Chuckles)
Jill: Here, let me hold this for you.
Kay: No, no, no, no, I'm fine, I'm fine. I was only joking.
Jill: Not this time, Katherine. You fainted.
Kay: (Sighs, sniffles)
Jill: Now were you lightheaded? Was there pain with it?
Kay: Pain in the neck.
Jill: My God, the next time, I'm gonna walk out of this room and leave you lying there. That would serve you right.
Kay: Mm, mm.
Jill: What, what's the matter with your head?
Kay: I-I, uh, I-I... I-I think I must have hit it when I dropped onto the couch.
Jill: You could have a concussion!
Kay: Oh, don't be silly.
Jill: No, I'm gonna call your doctor.
Kay: Uh, uh...
Fen: Group home, huh?
Lauren: Yeah, your, uh, your dad thinks that he might be able to intervene on Jamie’s behalf.
Jamie: Maybe I should just go.
Michael: Jamie, stop. Stick around, hang out with Fenmore for awhile. Let's see how far I can get tonight. It's a challenge.
Fen: I just got a new video game. Come on.
Michael: The simplest thing for us to do is to have him stay with us temporarily.
Lauren: Yeah, well, I want that, too, but is there a problem that we're not licensed foster parents?
Michael: Well, as an officer of the court, I think we could cut through some red tape.
Fen: Hey, is there any of that chicken left? We're hungry.
Lauren: (Chuckles) I'm just about to make dinner, but let me ask you a question. How would you feel if we asked Jamie to stay with us for awhile?
Fen: Well, how--how long is "A little while"?
Michael: Just until we can arrange for something else. Listen... I know that you have your issues with him, but the kid could just use a break, Fenmore.
Avery: Thank you.
Summer: Thank you.
Avery: Nick, do you feel all right?
Nick: (Deep voice) I'm so full.
Avery: (Laughs)
Summer: (Laughs)
Nick: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Oh, um, oh, listen, listen, I'm the birthday girl's mom. Can I take this over there? Do you--do you mind? Thank you.
Avery: Interesting. (Laughs)
Nick: I'll bet.
Summer: Hi!
Nick: Oh. Oh.
Avery: Oh!
Phyllis: Hey, happy birthday.
Summer: Thank you!
Phyllis: Yeah, uh...
Summer: You made it.
Phyllis: Well, of course. I'm not gonna miss my baby girl's birthday.
Summer: Thank you. Oh, I am so happy that you're here. Look, Dad ate everything, but if you're starving, we can order more.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Oh, no, it's okay. I already ate.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: Yeah, um, make a wish.
Summer: There's nothing left to wish for. I already have everything that I want.
Jack: Wh-when you say "I belong at Jabot"--
Kyle: Well, is that not the same thing you said every day for years after Victor took over the company?
Jack: You're implying that I can't handle anything else.
Kyle: I'm saying you have enough on your plate. That's all I'm saying.
Jack: Kyle, taking over Newman was an amazing business opportunity that fell into my lap.
Kyle: Oh, yeah, can't we be real with each other, please? Taking over Newman wasn't a business move. It was payback for a lot of things, and in my opinion, that's beneath you.
Jack: And what about this smear campaign? Is this beneath Victor? Why aren't you hassling him like you're hassling me?
Kyle: You're missing the larger point here. You ought to be worried you weren't well enough to make it to that meeting with Matt Merrick, not worried about who's gonna read about it in some stupid internet article!
Jack: I thought you didn't read the article.
Kyle: Well, I imagine that's what it says.
Jack: You imagine because... that's what you told the reporter? You did this to me?
Lauren: We were thinking about having pasta for dinner. That okay with you?
Jamie: Oh, uh, I can't stay.
Michael: No, it's fine. We're happy to have you.
Lauren: In fact, we've all been talking about-- we would like you to stay with us while you get your living situation straightened out.
Jamie: That--that's not why I came here. I wasn't expecting that.
Michael: Are you opposed to the idea?
Fen: It doesn't matter if you are. You've been outvoted. Hey, 3 to 1, you're staying.
Jamie: Thanks.
Lauren: Okay, I will make dinner and you're gonna make some calls, right?
Michael: I'm going to make some calls, if you'll excuse me.
Lauren: Yeah, good.
Jamie: You're, uh, you're seriously cool with this?
Fen: We're not adopting you. Just a place to crash.
Jamie: Look, if I had anywhere else to go--
Fen: Hey-- man, that group home sounds like a pit.
Jamie: Pretty much my entire life sucks, and, no, that doesn't mean I'm after yours.
Phyllis: Would you like some cake, Avery?
Avery: Oh, no, thank you. I actually have some work at home that I need to be getting caught up on.
Nick: She wouldn't have been here at all, but she had a client bail on her.
Summer: Lucky us.
Phyllis: Yeah, we're so lucky.
Avery: Well, happy birthday, Honey.
Summer: Thank you. Um, I'll see you tomorrow?
Avery: Yes, you will.
Summer: Okay, bye.
Avery: Mwah!
Nick: I'll walk you out.
Phyllis: I'm sorry I was late.
Summer: It's okay. It's not your fault. What's Jack's deal lately?
Phyllis: Oh, I don't know. He's been very unpredictable lately, but you know, we're not gonna disparage him today, not on your birthday, not the man who delivered you.
Summer: Yes, in an elevator during an ice storm, I know.
Phyllis: Elevator, during an ice storm. It's true, it's true. You joke, but it's true.
Summer: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: The moment is seared in my brain... holding my beautiful baby girl for the first time, and now look at you.
Summer: (Laughs) You're so gushy tonight.
Phyllis: (Voice breaking) I love being your mother more than anything in the world.
Summer: Not lately, probably.
Phyllis: Definitely lately. (Normal voice) You remember what your dad and I used to say to you when we tucked you in at night?
Summer: Yeah, no, Dad and I were just talking about that. Yeah, "I love you more than infinity."
Nick: And infinity is not affected at all by phases of bad behavior.
Phyllis: Um, okay, well, I have a surprise. This is my gift to you.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Summer: (Chuckles) It's an infinity charm. Thank you, Mom.
Phyllis: You're welcome.
Summer: Thank you.
Nick: It is beautiful.
Summer: Um, I'm gonna go to the restroom. My mascara is just melting for some reason.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I'm glad she liked it. I-I know it doesn't make up for my being late.
Nick: Why did you go to Chicago in the first place?
Phyllis: Um... (Sighs) Uh, some business thing, just, uh, you know, Jack assured me I'd be-- I'd be back in time. He--he assured me it wasn't gonna be an issue.
Nick: And he just didn't show up?
Phyllis: Yeah. Don't get me started. This has been going on for weeks.
Nick: What's been going on for weeks? You been covering for him?
Phyllis: No, I'm not covering for him, Nick. It's just-- I-I-I think I'm just being selfish because it's, you know, screwing up my schedule, but he--he had major surgery. You just--it's--its incredible how he's recovered.
Nick: Well, it was awfully big of you to move in with him so you could take care of him.
Phyllis: Yeah, it was... but that's over. I'm back home now. It's a miracle, actually. It's incredible how quickly he's recovered.
Nick: Well, I'm glad you're here. It would have crushed Summer if you didn't make it.
Phyllis: I made it, okay? I made it. She liked my gift, so you can drop it, okay?
Jamie: That was really good.
Lauren: Thank you.
Michael: All right, it is tough to get anyone on the phone during the holidays, but I am trying. But, Jamie, you are staying here until we sort this thing out.
Lauren: Oh, that's a relief. (Chuckles) Okay, you guys ready for dessert?
Fen: Oh, I've got a study session with Drew. Big Chem test tomorrow.
Jamie: I-I should go get some clothes, uh, some of my stuff.
Michael: Hey, you want some help?
Jamie: No, go ahead and eat. I'm not bringing a lot.
Lauren: All right, well, we will have dessert when you get back.
Michael: Ooh, dessert. What do we got?
Lauren: Ooh, come here, let me show you.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Jamie: Hey, uh... there's no test in chemistry tomorrow.
(Cell phone rings)
Summer: Hey, Fen.
Fen: Happy birthday.
Summer: I thought you forgot.
Fen: Nah. Are you home?
Summer: Nope, I'm with my parents.
Fen: Okay, well, let me know when you get there. I have a present for you. Okay. (Chuckles) All right. I'll see you then.
Jamie: Where are you really going?
Fen: Summer’s. It's her birthday. All right, you--you can hang out in my room if you want, but don't touch my computer, though.
Leslie: I bet Jack already regrets how he handled things with you.
Neil: It can't be easy for him, turning over control of the company his father built.
Leslie: Even more reason he knows he was wrong. He was probably coming at you from an emotional place.
Neil: Yeah. Maybe I should give him some time. He might have a different take on things, huh?
Leslie: Mm, so you need to be ready to remind him of all the reasons he shouldn't let you go, assuming you're willing to talk to him again.
Neil: Yeah, I should be. Come on.
Leslie: All right.
Jack: You are the anonymous source.
Kyle: I had my reasons.
Jack: What possible reason could you have for destroying my repu--
Kyle: I'm trying to save your life! I see where this is going, with the pills and the exhaustion.
Jack: You are reading something into this situation that doesn't exist.
Kyle: See, the more you lie to me, the more I know you have a serious problem.
Jack: If you are so concerned, why not talk to me?
Kyle: I tried, but you won't listen to me. I had to do something. You're the only parent I have left.
Doctor: Your blood pressure is elevated.
Jill: Should she be hospitalized?
Kay: No.
Doctor: I don't think that's called for. You'll take it easy the rest of the night?
Kay: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Jill: Katherine, this is serious.
Doctor: We'll schedule a follow-up for next week.
Jill: Great. I'll make sure that she's there on time, and thank you for stopping by.
Doctor: No trouble at all.
Kay: "Yes, Doctor, I'll make sure she follows your instructions"... as if you were the one who didn't cause what just happened.
Jill: Me?
Kay: Your deplorable taste in men!
Jill: You know what? I'm not gonna fight with you. I'm not gonna engage with you on me seeing Tucker, because that's not what this health issue is about.
Kay: It's just-- just coincidence that is what we were arguing about when I dropped onto the sofa?
Jill: You're 300 years old, Woman.
Kay: Oh... (Scoffs)
Jill: It's a miracle you're still upright, and admit it-- this is not about Tucker and me. It's about Tucker and you. The two of you are so alienated from each other and you can't figure out how to fix it, and it's making you sick.
Kay: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Jill: (Sighs) Really? I have no idea what it's like to be alienated from my children? Katherine, in the last couple of years, I have forgiven and been forgiven by each of my sons-- by Phillip, by Billy, even by Cane, and it's changed me. It's changed my entire outlook on life, and it can do the same for you.
Kay: This is entirely different.
Jill: How is it different?
Kay: Your sons weren't screwing over the people you love. No, it wasn't, Jill. I'm... I'm so ashamed of Tucker. Oh, God, I'm so ashamed of what he's done!
Jill: And you're so ashamed of the part you played in making him who he is.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Summer: It was an awesome birthday. I-I really appreciate that you guys...
Nick: Weren't screaming at each other?
Summer: Yeah, I really appreciate it. Uh, do you need a ride home?
Nick: Uh, you go ahead. I have a stop to make first.
Summer: Okay. Thank you.
Nick: Mm, I love you, Sweetheart.
Summer: I love you.
Nick: Happy birthday.
Summer: Thank you. Bye, Mom.
Phyllis: Okay, be safe.
Summer: Okay, I will.
Nick: Speed limit.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: No texting. (Chuckles) I wasn't sure about the car, but I think it was a good idea now.
Nick: She needed to know that we still believed in her...
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: And I didn't realize how much she needed that until tonight.
Phyllis: I think--I think she'll be okay, you know, with the responsibility.
Nick: It's been a long few months, but she's gonna come out of this a lot more mature.
Phyllis: Every-- every now and then, I get... glimpses of her as, um, an adult... and it's terrifying and thrilling all at the same time.
Nick: I know what you mean. Look, Phyllis, we did a lot of things wrong--
Phyllis: Yeah, we--we did a lot of things wrong, but when it comes to Summer, I think we did everything right.
Nick: Yeah.
Kay: Come on, you heard what the doctor said. I'm supposed to be relaxing.
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: So if you really cared about my health, as you pretend to, then you will stop talking about Tucker!
Jill: Katherine, you were able to make peace with me when you thought I was your daughter, and I was your nemesis. You despised me. All right, Tucker has disappointed you and vice versa, but it's nothing you couldn't get past if you were motivated, and he is.
Kay: The only motives Tucker McCall has ever had... all ulterior.
Jill: Not true. He loves you. He wants a relationship with his mother before it's too late. Come on, if you weren't so stubborn, you'd admit you want the same thing! (Exhales quickly) God. Okay.
Neil: Okay. (Sighs) See what you did? Here I am, back at the grindstone.
Leslie: Yeah, it's good. I'm glad, though I must admit there's a downside to your staying on at Jabot.
Neil: Really? And what is that?
Leslie: We'll have to maintain our professional relationship, which rules out all those other interesting possibilities.
Neil: You know... I did officially resign earlier, and I wasn't planning on taking that back till the morning, so for tonight, technically... I'm not your boss.
Leslie: Mm-hmm. Nice try.
Neil: Worth a shot, wasn't it?
Leslie: Ah.
Neil: Yeah.
Leslie: (Laughs)
Neil: (Laughs)
(Knock on door)
Summer: Hey, um, I was just about to open up your gift. Come in.
Fen: Hi.
Fen: Oh, that-- that's not from me.
Summer: Oh, uh... it's not even a birthday card.
Fen: (Chuckles) Somebody piss you off lately?
Summer: Mm, not that I can remember. "I'm sorry, sorry for the awkward moment. I wasn't planning to..."
Fen: "Kiss you." Jamie kissed you?
Michael: All right, be careful, this is very hot.
Lauren: Uh, Honey...
Michael: Huh?
Lauren: Did you get Fen a new cell phone?
Michael: Huh? No, why?
Lauren: I found this one in his backpack.
Michael: Well, this would be a downgrade from the one he has. This just can call and send texts.
Lauren: You mean, it's prepaid?
Michael: Yeah, it's a burner. Use it and toss it.
Lauren: And why would Fen need one of these?
Nick: So where's all this work that you had that made you come home?
Avery: Oh, come on. Phyllis is entitled to enjoy her daughter's birthday without me around. Was she upset that you invited me to join?
Nick: If she was, she kept it to herself.
Avery: Okay, well, that's encouraging. You know, obviously, there's still a lot of tension between us, but in time, if that could taper off, it would be so good for everybody.
Nick: I think, at our next family function, Phyllis might bring a date.
Avery: Really? Was she dropping hints?
Nick: Not intentionally. Just kind of got a feeling that something was brewing with Jack 'cause of the way she was talking.
Avery: (Gasps) I had the same impression, and when I confronted her, she denied it vehemently.
Nick: Yeah, I didn't ask. It's really none of my business, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Avery: Well, it would be nice. I want my sister to be happy.
Jack: Just who I needed to see.
Phyllis: I needed you, too, in Chicago.
Jack: I'm sorry, I--
Phyllis: I almost missed my own daughter's entire birthday.
Jack: Look, I had a situation at Jabot, and then I had a meeting afterwards. It has been an awful day--
Phyllis: You know what? My heart bleeds! It bleeds for you! If you can't handle the responsibilities that you've taken on, if you can't keep your promises, you get help, and I am talking real help. I am not talking the help that comes in a bottle. (Exhales sharply) I mean it. I am done covering for you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tyler: We could actually collaborate. No limits. Pure shared passion.
Adam: Jack has a weakness, and all I have to do is exploit it.
Jack: I am here to tell you there is absolutely no truth to the story reported by that so-called news outlet.
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