Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/20/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/20/12


Episode # 10057 ~ Nikki & Victor Set a Wedding Date; Jill Encourages Katherine to Forgive Tucker

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by

Adam: Morning, Mason. Jack in?

Mason: Door was closed when I got in. I assume he's on his way to Chicago for that big presentation.

Adam: That's right, thank you. Jack. Jack, wake up.

Jack: (Grunting) Ohh! What the hell do you think you're doing?

Adam: I'd like to ask you the same question. Were you too messed up to go home last night?

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Kevin: Gloria lost every penny she invested in our last company. Why would she risk it again?

Chloe: Because she loves fashion, she loves us, and she's about to get 7 million big ones burnin' a hole in her wallet.

Kevin: Yeah, well, hope you got it in writing.

Chloe: Oh, thanks for the good wishes, "Sweetums."

Kevin: You got it, Babe.

Chloe: (Scoffs) See, what'd I tell you? Kevin's just all "Mr. Sunshine" lately.

Chelsea: Maybe we should listen to Kevin and bail on this idea, cut our losses now.

Chloe: What? No. We have to move on to much bigger and better things, like this rockin' new business we're about to launch.

Chelsea: Okay, okay, I-I just feel like we need to just, like, slow down a little bit.

Chloe: What are you talking about? We're on a roll. Okay, we both need this in our lives right now, and I've got some more good news. Okay, look, I found this amazing space that we can work at. Okay, look at this loft that I found. It's--

Chelsea: Okay, stop, stop, I can't do this! I can't do this. Everything's just going too fast right now.

Nikki: Oh, my God, where did you get this?

Victor: Look at that, yeah.

Nikki: All of our photo albums were destroyed in the fire. I can't believe it.

Victor: No, I just, you know, asked the rest of the family and friends and the photographer, and then I think I found all the--all the important ones, except there are some favorite ones that are missing, I think.

Nikki: Thank you so much. They are beautiful. You couldn't have gotten me a better gift...

Victor: I'm so happy.

Nikki: Or found a better way to get my mind off of strangling Sharon.

Sharon: Faith was crying, I was crying. I was sitting in my car trying to comfort her.

Dr. Watkins: And it wasn't working?

Sharon: Nothing was working. She was hysterical... and that's when it hit me how wrong that was. I was taking her away from the people who love her, and... what gives me the right to wreck her life just because my life is such a disaster? And that's when I knew I had to turn around and take her home. (Sighs) How can my concept of right and wrong be so off base?

Dr. Watkins: Sharon, you're missing the most important piece of this. That moment of clarity that you experienced-- it means that the medication is beginning to work.

Kay: Stop... right there.

Tucker: Good morning, Mother.

Kay: What the hell are you doing here at this hour? Did Esther let you in?

Tucker: Well, uh, actually--

Kay: Actually, just once, I would like to decide who is welcome in my home and who is not.

Jill: This man is always welcome in my home, Katherine, so I will thank you to stop harassing him, and don't blame Esther. I'm the one who let him in... last night.

Neil: All right, that's it. Great meeting, everybody.

Cane: All right, on to the next one.

Neil: I want you back here in time for Tyler's pitch, all right?

Devon: Wouldn't miss it.

Lily: All right, thanks, Dad.

Neil: Thank you all.

Leslie: Now I know I've said this, Neil...

Neil: Hmm?

Leslie: But I don't expect you to give Tyler a job just because he's my brother.

Neil: As always, it's gonna boil down to what's best for Jabot.

Leslie: Oh, glad to hear it.

Neil: Yeah, I think I proved that, uh, I'm not averse to new approaches.

Leslie: Mm. From what I'm hearing, the new dress code's a hit.

Neil: Hey... (Whispers) I still keep a tie in my drawer.

Leslie: (Laughs) Your security blanket?

Neil: (Laughs) (Normal voice) You know, I had my doubts. I kind of like it, though. It's a good move for the company.

Leslie: Yeah, it'll be just one of many great things you'll accomplish as C.E.O.

Neil: Just as long as Jack doesn't pull the rug out from under me.

Jack: I was perfectly capable of getting myself home last night.

Adam: So why didn't you?

Jack: Because I was working late and I got too sleepy to drive.

Adam: Too sleepy to call your chauffeur or a cab? How many pills did you have last night, Jack?

Jack: None.

Adam: How many pills did you have last night?

Jack: I have had no pills since yesterday morning.

Adam: Is that because you ran out?

Jack: Adam, your speech got to me, okay? I know I can't be off my game. There are plenty of pills left.

Adam: Show me.

Jack: Here. Top drawer. Go ahead, knock yourself out.

(Pills rattling)

Jack: There. You happy?

Adam: If you're serious about kicking these, Jack... I can keep them safe, somewhere where they're not in a drawer where you have the only key.

Jack: Do what you like. You can throw 'em away if you want.

Adam: Nope. I can't do that. You might need these to taper off. Cold turkey's tough, but if you need them for pain or whatever else, I'll have them and you can just ask.

(Pills rattling)

Jack: Judging from the circles under your eyes, maybe you're the one with the problem.

Adam: Not sleeping well lately. Thank you for your concern.

Jack: Things still a little rocky at home?

Adam: Chelsea wants a divorce.

Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. Having been through it, uh, too many times, um, if you need some time off, just--just ask, okay?

Adam: Appreciate it, Jack. Unfortunately, I have been through it before, so I know what to expect.

Chloe: You know what? I'm sorry I'm pushing. No, no, I-I'm not. I'm not sorry at all, because I know that this is good for both of us, especially you, with you starting your life over. I mean, think about it. This is something really positive for you to focus on.

Chelsea: What do you think would happen to me without this project?

Chloe: It could get really ugly...

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Chloe: Like, not hideous ugly, but depressing, sad, a little ugly.

Chelsea: I-I will be fine, okay? I'm just a little bit overwhelmed right now.

Chloe: Yeah, eventually, you're gonna learn to deal with it, but right now, we cannot cancel on Gloria because we really need her money to get this whole thing rolling.

(Cell phone rings)

Chelsea: It's Adam.

Chloe: You know what? Give me the phone. I have some things I want to say to him.

Chelsea: No. What do you want, Adam?

Adam: Just calling to see how you're holding up. Hope you're not spending too much time with Chloe. She's got a pretty warped view of the world.

Chelsea: That's none of your concern.

Adam: We need to talk.

Chelsea: (Sighs) We said everything that we had to say last night, Adam.

Adam: We have to settle some things between us.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Fine. When and where?

Adam: On the Boulevard?

Chelsea: I'll meet you in ten minutes.

Chloe: Chelsea!

Chelsea: What?

Chloe: No! Come on. How are you supposed to move on if you keep on running back to him?

Chelsea: I'm not! We just need a little bit of closure, and he said that we need to settle some things.

Chloe: Settle what, exactly?

Chelsea: No clue, but I know what I need to settle. I'm gonna tell Adam that we need to cut all ties, and the sooner, the better. Wish me luck.

Chloe: Good luck.

Kevin: Hey, is Chelsea okay?

Chloe: (Sighs) No... but she will be, and so will we.

Kevin: How are we gonna be okay?

Chloe: They're talking settlements. Adam's loaded. He knows what a jerk he's been. He's gonna give her everything. Maybe we won't need Gloria at all.

Kevin: Unless he has a prenup.

Cane: Hey, Jack, how's it going?

Jack: Ho-hold up. What's with this music?

Devon: You know Neil and his jazz. We're mixing it up, though. Lots of cool new stuff. I'll shoot you an e-mail with the playlist if you want.

Lily: Hi, Jack.

Devon: Are you kidding me? (Laughs)

Leslie: (Laughs)

Neil: No, that's what he said, really.

Leslie: No, he did.

Jack: What's going on with my company? Blue jeans, music-- what's next, a tattoo parlor in the break room?

Neil: Jack, I'm experimenting with the workplace, making things a little less formal. I read several studies where productivity soared when--

Jack: It's not Jabot, Neil. We're about quality, high-end chic, and our employees do not dress like they're on spring break.

Neil: When you hired me, you said that I could do things my own way.

Jack: This is your way? Neil, you're the original buttoned-down executive. Somebody put you up to this.

Neil: I always prided myself on having an open mind.

(Knock on door)

Neil: Come in, please.

Leslie: Hope we're not interrupting.

Neil: Jack Abbott, this is Tyler Michaelson. Tyler's a graphic designer with a lot of success on the west coast. He's gonna be presenting some marketing ideas.

Tyler: The Jack Abbott. Wow. It's great to meet you, Mr. Abbott.

Jack: Likewise.

Neil: Hey, Tyler, why don't you just set up?

Tyler: Yeah.

Neil: Jack was just stopping by.

Jack: Uh, you know, given the circumstances, maybe its better I stick around.

Kay: I don't want any tea. I want to know what possessed the two of you to--to, um...

Jill: To hook up?

Kay: Hook up. Hook up? What in the hell kind of talk is that?

Jill: (Laughs)

Kay: (Scoffs) The fact that he was caught sneaking out of here ought to tell you plenty about his intentions.

Tucker: You know what? I was trying to slip out of here to avoid this conversation...

Kay: (Sighs)

Tucker: But come on, we're all here. I would like a cup of tea. Why don't we sit down and try to act civilized?

Kay: Impossible.

Jill: Oh, for God sake. We all got along just fine at Thanksgiving.

Kay: Only through a supreme effort of will.

Jill: Well, then make another damn supreme effort!

Kay: Jill, why do you think I am so upset with the two of you carrying on? He hurt you... repeatedly!

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: I get it. You don't think I'm good enough for Jill.

Kay: I couldn't have said it better.

Jill: Are you a saint? Am I a saint? I mean, everybody's made mistakes. No, Katherine, listen to me. Forget about me. For some reason, which I don't understand, he wants to have a relationship with you, his mother. Would it really be the end of the world if you gave the man a second chance?

Nikki: Oh, look, there's Douglas making the toast.

Victor: My goodness. I remember him saying, "Victor, ol' boy, a luckier man has never walked the face of this earth-- more debonair, perhaps, but never luckier."

Nikki: (Laughs)

Victor: He was right, you know.

Nikki: Ohh.

Victor: Wasn't he? Yeah, he was a nice guy.

Nikki: Now there used to be one with Casey...

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: Standing behind me, just goofing around...

Victor: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nikki: Pushing the tiara down on my head.

Victor: I couldn't find that one.

Nikki: Oh. Well, that means I'll never see it again, one of the very few pictures I have of my sister, thanks to Sharon.

Victor: Yeah. Sweetheart, let's not talk about Sharon right now, okay? Let's talk about the preparation... for the wedding. I'm so looking forward to marrying you again. Do you know that?

Nikki: You're right. We have a beautiful future together. I am not going to dwell on what that woman has taken from us.

Victor: Good, and I'm not saying that she will not pay for what she has done, but right now, I don't want to talk about that. When I get my company back, I will deal with Sharon, okay?

Sharon: I haven't even thought about Christmas and what I'm gonna get the kids. Of course, um, Nick probably won't let me spend that much time with Faith.

Dr. Watkins: You seemed a bit tense earlier, when you mentioned the visit you had last night from your friend Adam.

Sharon: Yeah, Adam isn't exactly a friend. Adam made clear his feelings for me, and they go way past friendship.

Dr. Watkins: And that troubles you? Why is that?

Sharon: Because I have feelings for him, too.

Chelsea: What happened? Sharon didn't welcome you back with open arms?

Adam: It's not about that.

Chelsea: Of course it is. She's the reason our marriage is over.

Adam: I could have lied to you. It would have been easier to lie... but then we would be living that lie and you would know it, deep down, and you'd hate me for it.

Chelsea: And you would still hate me for going to Victor and Nikki.

Adam: I could never hate you, ever. You know that. I love you, Chelsea. I always will.

Chelsea: Just not enough.

Adam: Well, even though we won't be married anymore, I want you to be taken care of, now and always.

Chelsea: If you mean financially, that's a nice thing to say, but... our prenup is airtight. It protects every cent of yours.

Adam: I'm throwing it out. I want you to have half of everything that I earned while we were together. That's fair. That's-- that's what you deserve. It should help get you through this.

(Cell phone rings)

Chloe: Hi, Gloria. Is everything okay? Yeah, you're really late for our creative meeting. Are you kidding me? I-- (Inhales sharply) No... (Sighs) You know what? Uh, don't--don't worry about it. We'll--we'll manage without you. Yeah, okay, thank you. Good luck to you, too. Okay, bye.

Kevin: What, was that bad news?

Chloe: Well, Gloria has decided not to invest in our fashion business because she and Jeff have-- wait for it-- have decided to buy a racehorse. (Sighs)

Kevin: (Chuckles) Oh, man. Yeah, good old Gloria. Well, that is what you get for trying to depend on Gloria for something.

Chloe: Well, you know what this means, don't you? It means that we're back at square one, no money, with a balloon payment that's about to be due. I mean--

Kevin: Yeah, well, guess what? It wouldn't be an issue if you'd let me use the money from TagNGrab.

Chloe: Oh, the word is "Steal," my darling, not "Use."

Kevin: Tomato, toh-mah-to. Any way you slice it, we still don't have any money. (Scoffs)

Chelsea: You make a crazy amount of money, and half of that is still pretty crazy.

Adam: It should be enough to help you make a fresh start.

Chelsea: Why, Adam? Why are you doing this? Are you looking for a way to ease your guilty conscience? Because I'm not interested in helping you feel better about dumping me for Sharon.

Adam: Just take the money, Chelsea.

Chelsea: This was never about money. What, do you think I'm--I'm pulling a con? The whole point of us being together is that we never had to con each other.

Adam: I just don't want you to have to struggle.

Chelsea: Go to hell.

Adam: Chelsea, please--

Chelsea: I loved you, Adam. I wanted a life with you, a future, a family. It was never about money.

Adam: Don't you think I know that? I just want you to be comfortable.

Chelsea: You have made it painfully clear that I am not your priority, so keep your money. I don't want it. I don't want anything from you.

Tyler: We'll plaster stickers, flyers, billboards, graffitied walls all over the city, all featuring this... and only this-- a single sexy eye shadowed with intense color. No words, no logo, no hashtag or web sites, no explanation at all-- just one eye with that bold color popping up everywhere. People will talk, speculate, stories will appear in the local media, and then just before it hits the saturation point, boom-- Jabot launches its hot new eye shadow line. Beautiful, right? Any questions?

Devon: Not from me. Lily?

Lily: I think it's--

Neil: Tyler, would you please wait outside?

Tyler: Yeah, sure, no problem.

Jack: Graffitied walls? Really? This is the very antithesis of our brand.

Devon: I actually think it's kind of cool.

Jack: It's God-awful, and I hate it.

Neil: Tyler's idea has merit, Jack. I think we should at least consider it.

Devon: Yeah, I mean, I-it could open up new markets for people my age and younger who have no idea Jabot even exists.

Lily: Jack, market research is showing that people perceive Jabot as a brand for "Mature, sophisticated women," which... (Laughs) I'm sorry, but I feel like that's code for "Boring old ladies." This fits in perfectly for what I'm trying to do, just Tyler took it to a new level.

Jack: The consumer group that you just insulted, Lily, has been our bread and butter for decades. You spray-paint their town, you will alienate them, and we will not sell enough $90 jars of antiaging serum to pay your salary.

Cane: You know what? Actually, I agree with Jack. I don't think its right for, uh, Jabot's demographic.

Jack: Finally, someone else sees some reason here. Rogue tactics are not gonna fly, not while I own Jabot.

Neil: May I please speak to you in private? Is this how it's gonna be?

Jack: I am not trying to step on your toes, Neil. I am trying to look out for my family's company.

Neil: By cutting me off at the knees in front of my staff?

Jack: By questioning decisions you make that compromise work that we've done to build this company for decades.

Neil: Then trust me make the right decisions.

Jack: Neil, I can't trust you to wear a tie. God, this is the last thing I needed to deal with today.

Neil: Then don't. Why don't you hire yourself a yes-man to run your company? It'd be a lot less stressful for both of us, wouldn't it?

Adam: Damn it, Jack. (Sighs)

Kay: How many times do you have to forgive a snake before you get tired of being bitten? No! My God, I mean, how-- I thought you were smarter than that.

Tucker: Will you stop it, Katherine? Stop belittling her! Listen... Jill gave me a second chance. Now why can't you, my own mother?

Kay: (Laughs) You even have to ask? Please.

Tucker: You know what? If you'd listen, if you'd open up your ears and listen, you would understand that I only want what's best for Jill.

Kay: Ohh.

Tucker: You won't do that, though, will you? Too stubborn. All right, I'm taking off. Enjoy your morning, huh? We'll talk soon.

Jill: Yeah, we better.

Tucker: (Kisses Jill) We will.

Jill: There. Are you satisfied?

Kay: Jill... I can see that you do not have a clue as to why that man is in your bed again.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Kay: He's using you. That is what he does. That's the only thing he knows how to do.

Leslie: So how'd it go?

Tyler: Oh, it wowed 'em, especially that dime piece Lily. Mm.

Leslie: Neil's the one you needed to impress.

Tyler: Yeah, well, he's still in there talking things over with Jack, but if the answer was no, I would have heard something by now.

Leslie: Mm, fingers crossed, little brother.

Tyler: (Sighs)

Jack: (Moans)

Tyler: Are you okay?

Jack: Yeah, I'm fine.

Tyler: So, uh, what did you think of my pitch?

Jack: This company has bigger issues than you to deal with right now, but I wouldn't go buying a new car.

Sharon: Adam's leaving his wife. They're getting a divorce because of me, which freaks me out.

Dr. Watkins: Why?

Sharon: Because he'll be available, and we could be together again if we wanted to. And these feelings I have for him, I have been fighting them for so long, and I can't fight them anymore.

Dr. Watkins: Why have you been fighting them?

Sharon: Because everything inside me is telling me I can't go there again.

Adam: Hello, Nikki. Is my dad here? I need to see him.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: What is it, Son?

Nikki: If you'll excuse me, I doubt I want to hear any part of this.

Victor: What's the problem?

Adam: How could you go to the press with that?

Victor: How could I go to the press with what?

Adam: Jack's pill problem. I wonder who could have leaked that.

Tucker: I just read an article on an online site about your misuse of prescription pain meds. Is it true? Are you a drug addict?

Jack: Believe everything you read on the internet?

Tucker: I believe what I see. Look at you. You're a mess. Now you tell me what the hell is going on.

Jack: Nothing.

Tucker: So if it's not true, how did the media get a hold of it?

Jack: How the hell do you think they did? Victor! He'll do anything to get his company back.

Tucker: So what are you doing to counteract it?

Jack: I am sick and tired of everybody trying to micromanage me! I don't have to tell you anything, except get the hell out of my office!

Tucker: Let me tell you something-- I sacrificed way too much to get control of Newman Enterprises to watch some drug addict flush it down the toilet! Now if you got a problem, you better get some help, Buddy, and get yourself straightened out, or you'll have me to answer to. Don't you screw me over.

Jack: Adam, get in here now. I need one of my pills. (Slams receiver down) (Breathing heavily)

Adam: You and I had a deal. You don't prosecute Sharon, and I get Newman back for you without your interference.

Victor: I didn't leak that story.

Adam: No?

Victor: Why would I throw a spotlight on Jack Abbott's drug habit? It doesn't serve my interest now, does it?

Adam: Okay, well, then who could have done it?

Victor: An inside mole.

Adam: You mean, aside from me?

Victor: And you are not doing a very good job as a mole. You're so preoccupied with Sharon's problems that you're forgetting that a pill head is running Newman Enterprises now.

Adam: I can handle things on my own just fine. Besides, this ain't my first rodeo. Once you get what you want, you'll be kicking me to the curb.

Victor: A curb is far better than a prison cell, don't you think, for aiding and abetting arson?

Adam: Don't you appreciate the irony here? Of the four Newman children that you have, the one that can pull through for you is me. The one thing you want, I can get for you. You'd be a fool to get rid of me, and you know it.

Chloe: For Adam to offer you that much cash, he obviously cares what happens to you.

Chelsea: (Scoffs) Does he?

Chloe: I never liked the guy, but I gotta admit-- I mean, you gotta give him a little bit of credit.

Chelsea: Maybe you do. Adam's feeling guilty about his nasty behavior so he's trying to throw money at me. (Sighs) I told him to keep it. I don't want a dime from him.

Mason: Can I help you with something?

Adam: Some disturbing rumors have surfaced about Jack's medical situation. Is it any coincidence that, uh, as of a few days ago, you've been placed just outside his door?

Mason: Mr. Newman, I swear to you I wasn't involved. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Jack: Adam! Get in here. What took you so long?

Adam: I had to take care of some--

Jack: Never mind, never mind. I've had an awful day. I need one of my pills.

Adam: You need a pill? How soon, Jack, until it's two or three?

Jack: Are you turning me down?

Dr. Watkins: Why do you think you should avoid Adam? Is it because he cares about you?

Sharon: He shouldn't. I wish I'd never let him help me. I-I leaned on him too much, and now it's cost him his marriage.

Dr. Watkins: And how does that make you feel?

Sharon: Ashamed. I've gotta stop hurting people.

Dr. Watkins: That represents so much progress, Sharon, and you have achieved this on your own, without Adam. I want to see you continue along this path. Don't let yourself be drawn into something you're not comfortable with or prepared for. If your instincts are telling you that something is dangerous, it probably is.

Jill: Ohh! All right, all right, all right, let me get this straight. (Chuckles) The only way a man would ever, ever be attracted to me is if he was after something. This is what you're telling me.

Kay: Should I remind you of the cons you have fallen for over the years?

Jill: Oh, my God.

Kay: No, I'd better not. We'd be here all day long.

Jill: You know what? You are the one with the issues. You barely let Tucker open his mouth, you're so afraid.

Kay: Of what?

Jill: Despite all the rotten, horrendous things he's done, you know you still love him, and that terrifies you.

Kay: (Coughing)

Jill: If you would just open up that addled, closed mind of yours and listen to what the man has to say and face your history head-on, maybe, just maybe--

Kay: (Coughing)

Jill: Oh, God! This is the only way you're able to win an argument these days, by faking a heart episode! God, grow up, Katherine. I don't have time in my life for this.

Devon: Still haven't heard anything?

Lily: That's weird.

Tyler: Yeah, I'm not crazy, right? I mean, you liked what you saw in there.

Devon: Yeah, we both did.

Lily: Yeah.

Tyler: Thanks, man. I just--I know that my ideas could really rock this place, you know, take it to another level. You did tell Neil and "The suit" what you thought in there, right? You know, 'cause you were the only one in the room that actually knows the products. You use them every day, so to me, you know, your opinion should carry the most weight.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, I may have been the only woman in there, but everyone else in that room has more business experience than I do.

Cane: All right, listen, uh, Neil's boss, okay? So it's gonna be his decision. You have to wait to hear from him, okay?

Tyler: Well, that might be true, but I still value the lady's opinion.

Cane: Uh, we haven't actually been introduced. I'm Cane Ashby. I'm, uh, Lily's husband.

Tyler: Pleasure, Bro.

Cane: Cool.

Leslie: Neil hasn't come out yet?

Devon: It's been awhile.

Tyler: Yeah, my laptop's still in there. I didn't get a chance to pack it up.

Leslie: Oh, I'll see what the holdup is.

Cane: (Sighs)

Leslie: What in the world? Neil, what are you doing?

Neil: I already did it. I quit.

Victor: What have you got there?

Nikki: Oh, nothing.

Victor: Let me see.

Nikki: Just our wedding date, that's all.

Victor: Oh, Valentine’s Day. How sweet, how wonderful. I love it.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Let me show you how much.

Nikki: (Chuckles) Mm. All right, then, Valentine’s Day it is, but...

Victor: What?

Nikki: I don't want Adam there. I don't trust him, and I don't think you should, either.

Victor: I don't, but he may be our salvation, okay?

Nikki: Or he may take a page from Sharon's book and reduce us to ashes.

Victor: Don't worry about that.

Jack: Come on, just one pill.

Adam: You are practically crawling out of your skin, Jack.

Jack: You told me I shouldn't go cold turkey. Now you can take great pleasure in knowing that I was wrong.

Adam: I take no pleasure in being right about this.

Jack: Come on. (Breathing heavily)

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Oh. Phyllis. (Breathing heavily) (Moans)

(Cell phone vibrates)

Adam: Phyllis. I can imagine who you're looking for right now. Yeah. Yes, I am here with Jack. He's--he's not doing well. No, you're gonna have to go to that business meeting alone. Uh, he's not gonna make it to Chicago.

(Laptop keys clicking)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Leslie: Listen to you, the passion and conviction. You can't just walk away, Neil.

Kyle: Dad, I mean, they're not lies.

Jack: They sure as hell are.

Kyle: Well, you do take painkillers.

Jill: Oh, my God.

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