Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/19/12
Episode # 10056 ~ Jack Works to Beat His Addiction; Adam & Chelsea Consider Their Relationship
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Nick: I don't know what I was thinking saying that Faith could stay the night with Sharon. Noah? Great. He's gone, too?
Avery: Maybe we can call him. I'm sure his phone is on.
Nick: Oh, he's probably out trying to track down Sharon before anything happens. And if anything does happen...
Chelsea: When you married me, I knew in that moment how much you loved me with your whole soul. (Sighs) If it's not like that now, I deserve to know.
Adam: I don't want to hurt you.
Chelsea: Say it.
Adam: Things have changed.
Chelsea: (Sighs) I want a divorce.
Nick: Noah's not answering. I don't like this.
Avery: Okay. Slow down. Maybe Sharon took Faith to the movies.
Nick: On a school night? And that still doesn't explain the open suitcase and the clothes everywhere. I'm callin' the police.
Faith: Daddy? Miss Patsy!
Nick: Faith! Oh, come here, Sweetie. Oh, oh, come here. Come here. Come here.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: Ta-da!
Kevin: I thought we decided Delia was the only one Santa could afford to visit.
Chloe: This isn't a Christmas present. It's a "Love and gratitude for giving Tucker's money back" present.
Kevin: Oh, yeah. You're gonna be filled with love when we're living on the streets.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: Whatever this is, we can't afford it.
Chloe: Open it.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. (Giggles) Don't break it.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Coupons?
Chloe: From Delia and me. Oh, and Bobby.
Kevin: The dog made me coupons?
Chloe: I told you he was brilliant.
Kevin: I get to be the panda at a tea party with Delia? I never get to be the panda. That is so nice.
Chloe: I know. That's because she loves you. And did you see how much I love you?
Kevin: You're gonna...
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: (Sighs) Finally.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: And then you're gonna...
Chloe: Yep.
Kevin: This is the greatest gift ever.
Chloe: (Laughs) And you have the sexiest dimples ever.
Kevin: (Laughs)
Chloe: But, uh, I have something that's even hotter ta-da!
Kevin: A check from Tucker for buying us out?
Chloe: But look. It's even better than he said it was gonna be. I guess he kicked in a little extra since we really ramped up the pathetic factor.
Kevin: (Sighs) Tucker McCall taking pity on someone.
Chloe: Well, I guess his heart grew three sizes.
Kevin: Maybe. It's not enough to pay off the equity line on the house though. But I will figure it out.
Chloe: I know you will, Sweetie. But call me old-fashioned, but I don't really want any plans that involves us getting arrested. And, well, the bank is not giving us an extension.
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, you know, opportunity exists all around us. You just have to know where to look.
Lily: Hey, Babe, it's me. I'm just--I'm gonna be late because I'm dropping off some reports for my dad, so don't wait up, okay? I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna be late.
Cane: I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I'll be late. (Sighs) I love you.
Lily: I love you.
Phyllis: Oh, uh, no, this is--this is the wrong table. I'm meeting Matt Merrick.
Jack: Actually, that's a white lie that I told to your assistant. This is an apology dinner. I should never have spoken to you the way I did, and I'm sorry. Please sit?
Phyllis: Thank you.
Jack: It is also a working meal. I have a very important presentation to make tomorrow in Chicago, and I need your help. I want you to be there with me to do an R & D presentation.
Phyllis: No. No.
Jack: So what do you say we order some food, and we'll get right to work?
Phyllis: No.
Jack: No? You're not hungry?
Phyllis: No, I can't go to Chicago with you.
Jack: (Sighs)
Adam: A divorce?
Chelsea: Well, did you think we'd have an open marriage? You'd come home to me Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sharon Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays? We'd draw straws for weekends?
Adam: I'm not with Sharon.
Chelsea: You're not with me, either, Adam, not the way that I need.
Adam: You're right.
Chelsea: You used to love me more. How did that just go away?
Adam: It didn't. It just... shifted. What happened with my father and exposing Sharon, it just...
Chelsea: God, you really believe that, don't you? You really believe that that's when all of this started? Adam, things changed way before that, and you know it. Every second you spent with Sharon-- that was you choosing her over me.
Adam: It was never about you, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Well, it should have been. I'm your wife, Adam. And I used to matter most... until I lost the baby. You can't even talk about it now. The day I came home from the hospital, you thought that we should just push it aside, ignore what happened, pretend we'd be just fine. You even said yourself, you--you weren't good about talking about your feelings. You--you had other ways of coping. You wouldn't even let me help you.
Adam: That wasn't your job.
Chelsea: Of course that's my job. I was aching without the baby, but I was aching even more without you. We could have ached together, but instead, you decided to come up with a million excuses to leave. It was--it was as if you couldn't stand the sight of me.
Adam: That's ridiculous.
Chelsea: Or... (Sighs) I-I felt like it was all my fault because of that.
Adam: I told you before. It was never your fault. None of it.
Chelsea: Me and the baby-- we were everything to you. We were your answer, and then suddenly... suddenly he was gone, and it hurt so, so bad. You started telling me once how much it hurt. Tell me now. Tell me now how much that hurt.
Adam: I went to Sharon because she needed help.
Chelsea: No. You started slipping away way before that, and you know it.
Adam: You think I just went to her as a distraction from the pain?
Chelsea: Maybe I want to know that. Maybe I want to think that it's a distraction and not the fact that-- that you just couldn't be away from her. Why did you go to her, Adam?
Adam: The truth is, I don't know. (Sniffles)
Chelsea: (Sniffles)
Adam: We just... keep disappointing one another. It's never quite enough.
Chelsea: (Sighs) So then I-I guess all that's left are the lawyers.
Adam: (Sniffles) This is your home. I'll be fine at the club.
Chelsea: Adam? (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)
Jack: Look, I know I have been a jerk, and I am sorry. Let's just chalk it up to stupidity and stress and pain.
Phyllis: And the pills. I said it out loud. Are you gonna yell at me?
Jack: No, cool and calm.
Phyllis: I react to things. Sometimes I overreact to things.
Jack: Yeah, I kinda noticed.
Phyllis: But I'm not overreacting to this. I'm really worried about you.
Jack: And I should be more grateful and less defensive. I realize that. Red, I'm lucky to have you in my life. You keep me honest, which is why I need you in Chicago with me. Look, stay ticked at me if you want to. But don't let it get in the way of us conducting important business.
Phyllis: I-I understand. Listen, I--that's-- that's not the reason I can't go with you. It's Summer's birthday tomorrow.
Jack: Oh. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: How could I forget? So you got big plans for the big day?
Phyllis: Uh, yeah, maybe. Dinner with family. I don't really know who that is, but...
Jack: So--so look, Summer would be in school till what? 3:00? And we all know you won't be making anything but reservations. So what if I promise-- what if I promise to have you back before dinner? Look, I-I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't really important.
Phyllis: Why--why do you need me there so badly?
Jack: This meeting is crucial to us moving forward at Newman. We have to stave off interference from Victor, and believe me, he's circling. He's gonna make his move soon, and... and I'm not at the top of my game.
Phyllis: Because of pain and the stress.
Jack: And the pills.
Phyllis: Jack, that's a big deal. That's a big deal-- admitting that, admitting that you have a problem.
Jack: I didn't say I have a problem.
Nick: So you missed Miss Patsy? She missed you, too. In fact, she begged me to take you over to your mommy's house, so we went, and no one was there. I thought you were staying home.
Sharon: Um, we had some errands.
Faith: We were taking a trip, but I forgot Miss Patsy.
Nick: Okay. Um, I'll tell you what-- why don't you and Miss Patsy go upstairs and brush your teeth, okay?
Faith: Okay.
Nick: All right, brush 'em good.
Faith: Okay.
Sharon: Good night, Sweetheart.
Nick: (Sighs)
Faith: Good night.
Nick: A trip? You put my daughter in a car, and you were going out of town?
Sharon: You didn't have to call a lawyer, Nick. He--he said I could have her for the night.
Avery: It's okay. I'm here as a friend.
Nick: Avery, could you go and check on Faith, please?
Avery: Yes, of course.
Nick: Our daughter said, "A trip." So where were you going? To get ice cream? Go check out some Christmas lights? Where were you going?
Sharon: Away. I was taking Faith, and I was running away.
Nick: So you were kidnapping our daughter?
Sharon: I was afraid. The arson investigator, Victor... I've already spent too much time away from Faith. The--the thought of losing her again--
Nick: So you were gonna take her from me and everyone else who loves her?
Sharon: No. I couldn't. She was crying for her dolly Miss Patsy, and if she was sobbing that much for her doll, how would she feel if she never saw you again? Or Noah or Summer? I-I had to bring her back home. But... now I have to get out of town. I... even if it means leaving my baby behind.
Nick: Sharon, you gotta be smart. You cannot leave.
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, I can't stay. Victor's not gonna let up.
Nick: So you're just gonna bail on your kids again? You gotta stay and fight.
Sharon: Against Victor? I'd lose. He wants to punish me. He will... he'll hire lawyers. He'll--he'll pay off judges.
Nick: All right, just... listen. Settle down and start from the beginning. But you need a lawyer. So we're gonna get you one.
Kevin: Hey, so did you ever find, uh, Noah Newman? That's who you were looking for, right?
Alex: The guy you don't know all that well? Yeah, I did.
Kevin: Well, lots of people come through here. I might know someone who knows him.
Alex: Mm.
Kevin: If I knew more about why you were looking for him, I could ask around.
Alex: Hmm, that's true. You could. Unless you already know plenty, and in that case, you're obstructing justice and impeding an investigation.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Alex: Just a little more? Top it off?
Chloe: How bad?
Chelsea: (Sighs) Divorce.
Chloe: Oh.
Chelsea: (Sniffles)
Adam: Scotch, please.
Jack: Okay, I'm sorry I snapped earlier, again. For what it's worth, I'm not even taking the meds anymore.
Phyllis: Wait a second. You stopped cold turkey? You didn't even wean yourself off?
Jack: We're--we're not introducing a kitten to solid foods. I'm just--
Phyllis: No, no, Jack, this is difficult. You may need a program.
Jack: And I'm not an addict.
Phyllis: Yeah, b--
Jack: I got prescribed drugs. I took them. Now I don't need them anymore.
Phyllis: Okay, that medication was very, very strong. You know, to just stop like that, you may be irritable--
Jack: Are you ever gonna back off of this?! (Sighs) I'm sorry, okay?
Phyllis: I need to go get Summer's gift.
Jack: W-w-wait, Red. I am sorry.
Phyllis: This isn't you. This is the medication. I've dealt with tougher things. When you need help, I'll be there.
Lily: And are you being good for Cindy? Huh? No, Matty, no, don't give Humphrey too many treats. Okay, Charlie, Baby, I can't hear you. Wait, wait, wait, don't hang up yet. Don't hang--
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. I love you guys. I love you.
Lily: I love you, too, okay? Mwah, mwah, mwah. Kisses. (Sighs)
Cane: They're gettin' big, huh?
Lily: (Sighs) I know, but... that's their job. They have to.
Cane: You know you don't have to work here if you don't want to. You know, you can stay home with the kids. It's okay.
Lily: (Sighs) I know. I-I know. I do, but then... I don't. You know, I-I like working. I like talking to adults and--and seeing you. But... I don't know. Then when I'm home with the kids--
Cane: And they're so darn cute.
Lily: (Sighs) It's just every mom article says that the big lie is you can't really have it all. You know, like I have to choose between "A" or "B." But what if I don't want to?
Cane: What about option "C"? You in Tahiti on a beach drinking from a coconut while the kids play in the sand. Hmm?
Lily: (Chuckles) Why are you torturing me?
Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't speak. Don't speak. I'm, uh, I'm picturing you in a little tiny string bikini right now.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: (Exhales sharply)
Lily: Oh, you just keep visualizing. Keep it going.
Cane: You know what we could do? We could ask Neil if he could start a day care here, and you could see the kids whenever you want. Hmm?
Lily: Yeah, that's a-- that's a good idea. I don't know. My mommy guilt is my own problem.
Cane: You're an amazing mother. You know that, right? And I love having you here, and I love having you at home. Hmm?
Kevin: Hey, look, I am the last person in the world who would obstruct justice-- honestly. My brother is the D.A.
Alex: Well, then next time, try not to come across like you're fishing for information.
Kevin: (Exhales sharply)
Alex: (Clears throat)
Chelsea: This is so stupid. I'm not a crier. (Sniffles)
Chloe: You're not crying. Okay, you are. But you're not a crier.
Chelsea: He said that, um, that I could stay at the house.
Chloe: Well, that was big of him.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Chloe: But you can tell Adam that you're not gonna stay at that creepy house. You keep on staying with Kevin and me. I mean, there's no way you're gonna go stay at that house by yourself.
Jeff: (Shivers)
Gloria: Oh, I know, I know, I know! It's cold. Hey!
Jeff: Cold. Man! What's wrong?
Chelsea: Nothing. I'm--I'm good. I'm fine. (Sniffles)
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Chloe, come on. It's been ages. Let's catch up.
Jeff: What did Adam do?
Chelsea: Why would you just assume that--?
Jeff: Chelsea, you're not a crier. What'd he do?
Chelsea: (Sighs) It doesn't matter.
Jeff: Like hell it doesn't.
Chelsea: You don't have to start playing "Hero," Dad, okay? Nobody's watching.
Jeff: Will just give me a chance to be a regular dad?
Chelsea: You know when you started acting like a father to me? When I married Adam and you saw dollar signs. Before that, you pretended like I didn't even exist, okay?
Jeff: I was a waste of skin, and I should have been shot. Now I know you. I kind of like having you around, Kid, not your husband's money.
Chelsea: Good, because Adam and I are getting a divorce. How you like me now?
Avery: I'm happy to help you, Sharon, as an under-the-radar consultant. I do still work for Newman.
Sharon: Um, yeah. Uh, I-I don't know. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.
Nick: She cleared you after the Skye conviction.
Avery: Uh, Sharon, give me a dollar.
Nick: Its attorney-client privilege.
Avery: We're gonna call it my fee, okay? You hire me-- thank you-- and anything you say I can't repeat now.
Sharon: Um, I, uh, have bipolar disorder. I've been through some cycles, ups and downs, and I-I've done some things that I really regret...including setting Victor's house on fire.
Avery: Okay.
Sharon: And the night of the fire, I really don't know what I was thinking. I didn't even remember the fire until Adam told me about it.
Avery: Adam? Adam. So he's aware of everything? He helped you cover this up? Look, Sharon, I know you don't know who to trust right now. I understand that. But I promise you I am on your side. Okay, there's no reason this should even go to trial. There's no material evidence. There's no witnesses, and even if it did go that far, we can mount a strong defense given your diagnosis.
Sharon: You don't know how much Victor hates me.
Avery: Sharon, I think I have a pretty good idea. I know all the players in this, and I wouldn't say that we could do this if I didn't think it was true. So go home. Get some rest.
Nick: And since she didn't say it, I will. Stay put.
Sharon: I will. Thank you. Thank you both. Nick, will you kiss her good night for me?
Nick: I will. I mean, do I know how to show you a good time, or what? Could I have any more baggage?
Avery: Oh, come on. Baggage is something that weighs you down. You have history. That's different. And not many men would do what you just did for your ex. Not without some ulterior motive.
Nick: Yeah, Adam-- he's a whole other story entirely.
Avery: Yeah, well, listen. She's the mother of your children. You love them. You're being a good father.
Nick: Yeah, and it's not just for Noah and Faith. Sharon has a legitimate problem, and who knows how long she's been dealing with it? And if she doesn't have anyone, chances are she's gonna turn to Adam. And I have to keep her away from him for everyone's sake.
Jeff: You and Adam were good together, good for each other. The guy made you laugh. I bet you don't laugh easy. And he made you feel safe. I bet you never had that before. But he wasn't there when you needed him. Anybody could see that.
Chelsea: When?
Jeff: After the baby. He said he had to deal with grief in his own way. Hmm.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Jeff: He cheated on you, didn't he?
Chelsea: It doesn't matter. (Sighs) My marriage is over, and... there's nothing left.
Adam: I know I'm not supposed to be here.
Sharon: No, come in. It's good that you're here.
Sharon: So, um, Avery knows that I set the fire. She's agreed to be my attorney. She's gonna help me fight Victor.
Adam: Fire her.
Sharon: No, Adam. I can trust her.
Adam: She won't be able to help you. My father won't be coming after you.
Sharon: What did you do?
Adam: It's done. The details are irrelevant.
Sharon: Well, whatever you did or you said, that had to be huge. And, Adam, if you did that for me, you've got to stop helping me for the sake of your marriage.
Adam: Chelsea and I are... it's over.
Chloe: I love your earrings.
Gloria: (Chuckles) Well, you have exceptional taste-- exceptionally expensive taste.
Chloe: Yeah, I'm sorry that Kevin had to hit you up for that cash, but we're okay now.
Gloria: Good, because there's nothing worse than money coming between family.
Chloe: So did you get it?
Gloria: Hmm?
Chloe: The insurance money.
Gloria: (Chuckles) Yeah, maybe Santa will drop it down the chimney soon. Ho ho.
Chloe: Yeah, I'm hoping he's gonna bring me something soon, too...
Gloria: Mm.
Chloe: Because I just cannot wait to get this business started with Chelsea.
Gloria: Chelsea?
Chloe: Oh, my God. We haven't told you. (Laughs) It is so you-- fashion.
Gloria: Mm.
Chloe: Oh, my God. You should totally invest.
Gloria: Well, if it involves soirees, fashion week, and trips to Paris... (Chuckles)
Chloe: Uh, yeah, obviously. Go big or go home. Are you interested?
Gloria: I got some great ideas.
Chloe: Oh, uh, we're only pursuing silent partners right now.
Gloria: Oh, you're hilarious, Chloe. Me, silent? My money is wonderful, but my ideas-- priceless.
Adam: Chelsea asked me if... she has my whole heart. She knew the answer before she even asked the question. And after everything that she's been through, I... I couldn't lie to her. She didn't deserve that.
Sharon: (Clears throat) So you--you mean... you and I? I mean, there's no chance. We couldn't. We're--we're friends. We're finally friends again.
Adam: Friends. Yes, nothing more.
Sharon: I mean, you helped me, and--and I'm grateful.
Adam: And I would-- I would do it all over again.
Sharon: You know, the kiss, um, I really shouldn't have kissed you back. I sent mixed messages.
Adam: I know. You're finally getting back on your feet, just trying to figure things out. But maybe...
Sharon: Maybe what?
Adam: Maybe that kiss is the only thing in this whole mess that made any sense.
Avery: Okay, now maybe you can relax now.
Nick: Nope. I'm alert and tense at all times.
Avery: Okay, well, can I get you a glass of wine? A beer? Both?
Nick: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Remember? I'm tense kinda here-ish.
Avery: Kinda. Yes, yes, yes. How thoughtless of me.
Nick: Yes, I've noticed that about you. You're selfish. You never share your cake with me.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: You never let me beat you at chess. You never calm me down after I'm freaking out about my ex-wife disappearing with my kid. Actually, you've done all those things.
Avery: Mm, is Faith asleep?
Nick: Mm-hmm. Noah's working. Summer's at a friend's.
(Knock on door)
Avery: (Sighs) It's probably Sharon.
Nick: Oh, who knows at this point?
Avery: (Laughs)
Phyllis: Hi. Oh, my God, are you living here now?
Kevin: So my mom won't give me money, but she'll give you money? I'm feeling really loved right now.
Chloe: Babe, its fashion. It's glitz and glamour and everything... (Imitates Gloria) That Gloria loves.
Kevin: And now you're in business with her. Well, I hope you realize you just made a deal with the leopard print-loving devil.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Gloria: I may invest in Chelsea and Chloe's new fashion company.
Jeff: Fashion?
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Jeff: (Chuckles) Buttercup, that's-- that's a risky racket.
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Jeff: And we're getting such lovely new money. We need to put it on a sure thing.
Gloria: Yeah, when those gals hear what I have to say, it will be a sure thing.
Jeff: No place like home.
Gloria: What?
Jeff: The beauty of a horse-- the second coming of Secretariat up for sale because the owners filed for bankruptcy.
Gloria: You want to buy a bankrupt horse?
Jeff: No, my love, I want to purchase a Pegasus-- our ticket to the winners' circle.
Gloria: Mm.
Jeff: But if you'd rather tie up our cash in a risky fashion line that'll take forever and maybe go nowhere...
Gloria: Ahh, come on, Lover Man. I haven't signed any papers. And a lady always has the option of changing her mind.
Jeff: True.
Adam: No, I'm not here to ask you for anything. I feel something that makes it impossible for me to be married to Chelsea.
Sharon: Wow, this is all my fault. I'm--I--
Adam: No, no, no, no, Sharon. This is not your fault. This is me. This is my fault. It's on me. But when I changed in Kansas and I turned that corner, I want to stay down that path. I want to be the better person, and that means I'm not gonna lie to you, and I'm not gonna lie to Chelsea. That being said, I-- I'm gonna go now.
Sharon: Adam? Um, good night.
Adam: Good night, Sharon.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Lily: Your report is so concise. Concise is very sexy.
Cane: Mm, God, I like having you work here, 'cause no one else calls my reports "Sexy."
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Huh?
Lily: Well, how about we go home, yeah?
Cane: Mm.
Lily: And we read the kids a story...
Cane: Mm.
Lily: And then after they fall asleep, I can tell you more about your "Report."
Cane: I like you working here. You make me feel good. Hmm?
Lily: Don't look at me like that, okay? Not here.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: Is that because last time we almost got caught doing it here on your father's desk? Hmm?
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: You come on. I'm taking you home with me.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Yes.
Cane: I think that is the best idea you've had all day.
Lily: (Laughs)
Phyllis: Um, it's Summer's birthday tomorrow, and, uh, since she's finally talking to me, I thought it would be really great, uh, for the three of us to go out.
Avery: I'm gonna let you guys talk.
Nick: Uh, you don't have to leave. We're just planning a party for Summer. Please stay.
Phyllis: Um, so it... should just be the three of us, uh, for her actual birthday, and then maybe this weekend, all the rest of the people can come, like the grandparents and the cousins and the uncles and the aunts.
Avery: I would love to be there. Thank you. I'm gonna go.
Nick: All right, I'll call you later.
Avery: Okay, good night.
Nick: Good night.
Phyllis: Do you want me to call my sister back? Uh, I don't want you to yell at me.
Nick: No yelling. Let's just talk about Summer. When's the last time you talked to her?
Phyllis: Brie--I-I-- it was brief. I-I can't remember when, but it was brief. She was really busy.
Nick: Well, she was pretty broken up after the party. Seeing Chelsea-- I mean, she thought that everyone hated her, including us.
Phyllis: That's crazy. We would never hate her.
Nick: Of course not, but with all the drama and the tension, it's easy to forget that she's hurting. She needs us.
Phyllis: I know she does, especially since she's screaming out that-- that sh-she doesn't need us at all, right? So you're right.
Nick: I think it's a really good idea if the three of us had dinner together.
Phyllis: Do you think you could sit across the table from me and actually be nice to me? Do you think you can handle that?
Nick: I think I can handle that.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jill: I'm the one who let him in last night.
Sharon: Adam made clear his feelings for me.
Dr. Watkins: And that troubles you?
Sharon: Because I have feelings for him, too.
Adam: The one thing you want I can get for you. You'd be a fool to get rid of me.
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