Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/18/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/18/12


Episode # 10055 ~ Michael & Lauren Celebrate Their Anniversary; Sharon Takes Faith; Alex Approaches Carmine

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by

Sharon: (Sighs) You like surprises, don't you, Faithy?

Faith: Mm-hmm. When will we come home?

Sharon: Oh, you know, we're just gonna be gone a little while to have some fun. We are going to have such a good time together. It's gonna be warm and sunny, and you're gonna be swimming and playing. And you're gonna have so much fun, you might not ever want to come home.

Nick: I thought you'd be out of town all day.

Avery: Well, the other attorney canceled.

Nick: You gotta go back to the office?

Avery: Are you making me a better offer?

Nick: Why don't you grab your coat and find out?

Avery: Oh. Okay. Are you gonna give me a hint?

Nick: You're gonna want to bring some lipstick, too.

Avery: Why? (Chuckles)

Nick: 'Cause you're gonna be kissing me a lot.

Avery: Oh. Okay, well... (Giggles)

Lauren: Hmm. You know, this brunch could be tasty.

Michael: But you're not dazzled.

Lauren: Not yet. You know, you bailed on our anniversary, Michael, and this apology meal with the accompanying gifts-- it better knock my socks off.

Michael: Whoa, whoa. Accompanying gifts?

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Do I not get any leniency because I had to abandon our plans for the public good? I mean, I was doing the work of the people.

Lauren: And you know, it's funny. Last time I checked, you weren't married to the people. So tell me, what did you get me? Is it shinier than a Maserati? Is it more fabulous than a pair of Louis Vuittons?

Michael: You know what? All I can tell you is that you will be surprised.

Lauren: So what is it? Is it sparkly, huh?

Michael: No.

Lauren: No? Oh, my God. It's a trip. Is it a trip? Is it Paris? Is it Italy?

Michael: No. No, it's not that, either.

Lauren: Am I gonna like this?

Michael: Well, now I'm... I'm not so sure.

Jack: Uh, sorry we keep getting interrupted.

Neil: It's okay, Jack. I needed the time. It gave me a chance to absorb the fact that you're folding Jabot into Newman.

Jack: Yeah, how do you feel about that?

Neil: How do I feel about that? Well, let me tell you. I feel used.

Jack: Wait, why?

Neil: Making the company a subsidiary of Newman means that you're gonna be running the show, Jack, not me. You actually hired me to be a stopgap C.E.O.

Jack: Because of your leadership and restructuring, the takeover now makes sense for Newman Enterprises. I just want to keep Jabot close.

Neil: And in the midst of all this closeness, you gonna promise me that, um, I'm not gonna be just a yes-man?

Nikki: But why won't you talk to the arson investigator?

Chelsea: I told you not to come back here, Nikki.

Nikki: It's not unreasonable for me to expect you to follow through what you started.

Chelsea: I wish I had never said anything to you in the first place.

Nikki: If you hadn't come to Victor and me, we would never have learned that Sharon is the one who burned our house down.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah. And now Adam knows that I'm the one that pointed you to Sharon.

Nikki: Okay, so what? He's upset?

Chelsea: Yes! Wouldn't you be? I completely betrayed him. And now this whole situation is threatening to ruin my marriage.

Nikki: Chelsea, I doubt that your marriage is on the rocks because you told the truth.

Chelsea: What other reason would my husband have for moving out of our house?

Nikki: Adam still has feelings for Sharon.

Adam: Even if I did hire someone to set fires to cover for Sharon...

Victor: You and I both know that's precisely what you did, don't we?

Adam: Well, you'd have to be able to prove it.

Victor: You know me and what I'm capable of.

Adam: All too well, Dad.

Victor: Just know this-- I will not leave a stone unturned until I find evidence that links Sharon to the fire that burned down my home.

Adam: Unless I agree to help you.

Victor: That's up to you, Son. Who do you value more-- Jack Abbott or your old love Sharon?

Michael: You will absolutely be surprised, I guarantee it.

Carmine: Hey.

Lauren: Okay.

Carmine: I kind of overheard you guys talking about your anniversary, so I thought you might like this. It's, um, it's on us.

Lauren: Oh. Why, thank you. Carmine, right?

Carmine: Yeah.

Michael: Yes. Carmine. What the hell are you doing here?

Carmine: (Scoffs) Well, the bar I used to work at burnt down, but since you're the D.A., you already knew that, right?

Michael: A wise man might have seized that opportunity to leave town.

Carmine: Why? I got a sweet new gig here tending bar. Actually, today's my first day.

Lauren: Really? And they're letting you give away champagne already?

Carmine: Oh, no. This is, um... yeah, it's on me.

Michael: I have a feeling Mr. Basco is trying to butter us up in hopes that I've forgotten his attempt to kidnap my brother's wife.

Carmine: Can't you accept the gesture?

Michael: Take the champagne back.

Carmine: Well, could you at least let your wife enjoy it?

Michael: When it comes to you, nothing is free. Somehow, everyone else pays. Take it back.

Neil: When you approached me about leaving Chancellor, you said that I could be hands-on...

Jack: And you are.

Neil: That I could do things my way. That is what swayed me.

Jack: Neil, none of that has changed. You have my word.

Neil: Then why not leave Jabot right where it is?

Jack: We can streamline certain operational areas, utilize the same infrastructure for promotion and marketing. We save overhead, Neil. It's a good business move. You disagree.

Neil: Jack, you know, I know you pretty well, right? And these recent moves that you've been making-- it seems to me it's all about the power. It's your drive to obtain more control, man.

Jack: Nothing wrong with having a little ambition, Neil. Nothing wrong with wanting to have it all. And, uh, I intend to have it. Listen, relax. It's a smart move. And we will both prosper beyond our wildest dreams.

Neil: (Sighs) Yeah.

Avery: I don't get it. Is the surprise that you're still thinking of buying this place?

Nick: Thought and... bought.

Avery: Wait, you-- you own it? It's yours?

Nick: Yeah.

Avery: Nick! Oh! That's fantastic. (Laughs)

Nick: Thanks to you.

Avery: Oh. Okay, what changed your mind? Wait, what are you gonna call it? When are you gonna open? What, uh, uh, uh, uh, signature drink-- is there gonna be one? (Sighs) What can I do to help?

Nick: I'll answer the first question, because that's really the only one I remember.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: It was when you sent me that photo of you. It was kind of silly but also hot with the dance pose.

Avery: Yes.

Nick: That's what sold it for me.

Avery: Okay, you are right now ordered to, uh, wipe that image from your brain.

Nick: No! No. No shot. In fact, I want to see it again, maybe on opening night.

Avery: No, that is not happening. Tell me the rest. That's not the only reason.

Nick: I just needed something of my own where my ex-wives aren't involved and my siblings. It's just mine.

Avery: Mm-hmm. Not your dad involved.

Nick: Yeah. This place is gonna be for people like me who are dealing with work and life, and they can come here and just kick back, have some fun, have some drinks, listen to some music, and maybe do a little dancing.

Avery: I love it. I love it. I... (Sighs) I feel like we should have confetti raining or cannons booming.

Nick: Well, how about, uh... popping corks?

Avery: Yes! (Laughs)

Nick: Yeah? Let's do it.

Sharon: Uh, you know what, Sweetie? I-I realize that Miss Patsy is your favorite doll and your best friend, but it looks like she might still be at your daddy's.

Faith: Let's go get her.

Sharon: You know what? Here's an idea. I happen to know that there are a lot of other wonderful dollies out there who would just fall all over themselves to get to be your best pal and have tea parties and snuggle up with you at night. So you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna pick one of those really special dolls to be your new friend, okay? But we have to go now, Faith. Come on. We're going on an adventure. Let's go. (Chuckles) This is gonna be so fun. Let me get my coat. Go!

Chelsea: My marriage is none of your business.

Nikki: I am just trying to help you.

Chelsea: No, I don't need your advice. And I don't think Adam would even appreciate me discussing this with you.

Nikki: You're the one who said your marriage is falling apart.

Chelsea: Okay, now I'm really--I'm done talking about this, okay?

Nikki: Really? Even when it's obvious that your husband still has feelings for Sharon?

Chelsea: Obvious how?

Nikki: He followed her out of our party.

Chelsea: He-- he was concerned.

Nikki: And after Sharon told the arson investigator that she was in Chicago... (Gasps) All of a sudden, a hotel called and said that they had confirmed that she was there.

Chelsea: Really?

Nikki: Yeah. And now we have witnesses confirming, "Oh, yes, we saw her. We saw her in the restaurant. We saw her at the hotel."

Chelsea: Well, has it ever occurred to you maybe I was wrong? Maybe Sharon didn't start that fire after all.

Nikki: Or maybe Adam paid these witnesses to come forward to give her an alibi. He's quite capable of that, isn't he?

Nick: How do you feel about The Underground?

Avery: Oh, I like it. Yeah, it's subversive. It's mysterious. You have to be in on the secret.

Nick: Hmm.

Avery: Customers come to The Underground to avoid their stressful lives from up above.

Nick: Interesting. That, and we are also in the basement.

Avery: Well, that's true. I am so excited about this.

Nick: I am, too. I am, too. I've got a designer and a work crew starting tomorrow.

Avery: Already?

Nick: Yeah. They're gonna work around the clock. I'm paying them 24/7. They're gonna get this place up and running. In the meantime, I'm gonna be getting the word out, hoping to build some momentum.

Avery: I am so glad you are doing this. I think you're going to be so happy.

Nick: Well, I hope so. Or it could be just another headache going on with everything else.

Avery: No. No. No more headaches. Why, are you worried about Sharon?

Nick: Well... (Sighs) She and Faith are having a sleepover tonight.

Avery: Tonight?

Nick: Yeah. Faith asked. I felt pretty comfortable with it.

Avery: Okay. Well, then it seems like she's getting better, you know? At least she's over that whole "Rule the world" phase.

Nick: Well, she's gonna need that fire to deal with my dad.

Avery: Yeah. I'm sure Victor's pretty mad at her still for crashing the party.

Nick: He's definitely on the warpath.

Adam: All right, you win. Leave Sharon alone.

Victor: Mm-hmm. In return, you do as I say?

Adam: Not quite. I have conditions.

Victor: You are in no position to negotiate--

Adam: You need to back off, Dad.

Victor: Don't you tell me how to run business.

Adam: You cannot micromanage things. It's going to kill it.

Victor: You do as I say.

Adam: You can't keep showing up here, do you understand that? It looks suspicious, especially to Jack.

Victor: Do you think I give a damn about that jackass?

Adam: You're just gonna have to trust the way that I want to do this thing.

Victor: Trust? You?

Adam: Yeah, I know. That's a big deal for you, the big "T" word, but you're gonna have to go there, Dad. Otherwise, have at it. Do your worst. See if you can get Sharon and I both in jail, and you're gonna miss your one opportunity to get Newman back.

Victor: All right. Let's do it under your terms... for now. Just know that I'll keep you on a very short leash, and you and Sharon better be careful, unless you want to end up hanging by that leash.

Michael: Mmm! Good coffee.

Lauren: Mmm. Now that is delicious. (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, wait.

Lauren: No, you're not gonna get that.

Michael: Yes. Hold on. Hold.

Lauren: Honey!

Michael: Okay, it's work.

Lauren: (Laughs) Never would have guessed.

Michael: I know. Michael. Uh, uh, oh, okay, hold on. I'm gonna spend five minutes on this phone call, and that is it. Five minutes.

Lauren: (Scoffs)

Michael: Yes. All right. What? Now?

Lauren: (Sighs)

Carmine: I, uh, didn't mean to offend your husband.

Lauren: Hmm. He's got a long memory.

Carmine: Uh, he's got it right. I just wanted him to know that I'm not that guy anymore. Happy anniversary. What can I get you?

Alex: Don't I know you?

Carmine: No, I meet a lot of people tending bar.

Alex: No, no, no, no. You're from 122nd Street right near Lex.

Carmine: Yeah, I don't know where that is.

Alex: No, in New York. You used to run with Ziggy Carucci's group. Come on. (Laughs)

Carmine: No, sorry. I'm from Detroit.

Alex: Detroit?

Carmine: Yeah.

Alex: Really? Hmm. (Clicks tongue) My mistake.

Carmine: That's okay. I got one of those faces. What are you drinking?

Alex: Have you seen this girl hanging around?

Carmine: (Sighs) No. I would definitely remember a hottie like that.

Alex: Oh, she's been hanging with this guy I know--Newman. You know him?

Carmine: Yeah. The guy's a Jabroni.

Alex: Why do you say that?

Carmine: Oh, he's a hothead, you know, a short fuse. He attacks people for no reason. It doesn't surprise me the cops are after him. (Scoffs)

Alex: I never said I was a cop.

Carmine: I just assumed.

Alex: Okay. Then I'll assume they say "Jabroni" in Detroit. (Chuckles)

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Alex: Yeah.

Carmine: Hmm.

(Footsteps approaching)

Neil: (Sighs)

Leslie: Um, now what happened to the good mood and the casual look?

Neil: (Sighs) Duty called.

Leslie: The meeting you had with Jack?

Neil: Leslie, what do you got for me?

Leslie: Uh, drafts of the Gadson agreement. Here. So did Jack make you get all buttoned up again?

Neil: You know what? Jack informed me that he plans to fold Jabot into Newman.

Leslie: But you'd still be C.E.O., right?

Neil: Jack denies it, but I suspect that will become an empty title, and I'll be second in command.

Leslie: Like you were at Chancellor.

Neil: Same lack of autonomy, different letterhead.

Leslie: But isn't Jack your friend? Why assume he's not being honest with you?

Neil: Something's off.

Leslie: In what way?

Neil: He's merging his family's company in with Newman, right? Jack's always been fiercely territorial about the Jabot name and legacy.

Leslie: You think he was wrong to buy Newman?

Neil: More that he did it for the wrong reasons. You know, it was all about power and an old vendetta.

Leslie: Hmm. Well, Jack owns Newman now. Maybe he's satisfied.

Neil: (Sighs) Jack, Jack, Jack. Jack wants everything. And if he gets everything, where does that leave me?

Nikki: Look at the lengths he's gone to to protect her. He paid for somebody to start the other fires. He paid for false witnesses. He has broken laws all for Sharon.

Chelsea: Well, then why would I say something to your investigator? I'm not gonna have my husband sent to prison, Nikki. (Sighs)

Nikki: Look, I have been where you are, and right now the only person in prison is you. You've allowed your feelings for your husband to just lock you in this house, terrified of saying anything that will upset him.

Chelsea: I'm not scared of Adam. I-I just don't want to destroy everything that we have.

Nikki: Well, being afraid of what your husband's gonna do next is clearly tearing you apart.

Chelsea: You don't know anything about me, Nikki.

Nikki: Actually, I do. I've been you.

Chelsea: (Scoffs) Yeah, right.

Nikki: Yeah. We both came from sketchy pasts. We both met and married rich, powerful men.

Chelsea: Has Victor ever hurt--hurt you the way Adam's hurt me?

Nikki: Repeatedly. But we always seem to find our way back to each other.

Chelsea: Nikki, if my testimony puts Sharon in jail, Adam will never find his way back to me.

Nikki: Which tells me he's not worth having.

Jack: Well, you just can't stay away, can you?

Victor: By the way, Jack, every time I'm here, you're not. What do you do with yourself all day? You're certainly not working.

Mason: Hel--Mr. Newman. I'm Mason Wilder. I want to apologize for--

Victor: That's all right, Jason. That's quite all right. Um, just know who's who around here, because I'll be back in there sooner than you think.

Mason: Yes, Sir.

Victor: You have a nice day, Son.

Jack: What the hell was Victor doing in this office?

Adam: How many times do I have to tell you that he's gonna have his ass in that seat before you're even aware he's coming after you?

Jack: This is business as usual, Junior. So did he lay out a specific plan, or did he just make general threats?

Adam: Just as before. He wants me to work against you.

Jack: And what did you tell him?

Adam: I told him that I am on board with him, although I am firmly in your camp.

Jack: You sure about that?

Adam: I'm sure that your camp won't be standing much longer if you don't clean yourself up and get off those pills.

Jack: I do not have a problem with the--

Adam: Everyone has been covering for you-- Phyllis, even Kyle, and, yes, even me. This has to stop.

Jack: I am in charge here!

Adam: Then act like it, Jack! My father is a shark, and if he smells blood in the water, he will come in for the kill.

Jack: (Breathing heavily) I will say it yet again. I do not have a pill problem.

Adam: Well, you sure do take a lot of them, Jack.

Jack: They are prescribed post-surgery pain medication. I am fine, Adam.

Adam: Then why are you letting other things fall through the cracks?

Jack: If this is another reminder that I forgot my appointment with Mason or this green energy guy, save it, okay? Your little lecture is one thing I do remember.

Adam: It's not just these meetings you're flaking on, Jack.

Jack: Flaking?

Adam: There are other projects. There are contracts that need your approval. People are waiting.

Jack: I will get around to those things.

Adam: No, it's not just that. You're contradicting yourself. You're forgetting things. Do you know that Phyllis and I both have had to take conference calls in your stead because you just forgot?

Jack: Okay, m-maybe you're right. Maybe I haven't been as on top of the day-to-day at Newman as I should be. But that is not about the pills.

Adam: Then what is it about, Jack?

Jack: My energy has been split. My focus has been split between Jabot and my work here. That's no longer gonna be an issue. I am rolling everything under the Newman umbrella.

Adam: No, that is not a good idea. That will only exacerbate things and cause problems, and I can't imagine Neil's gonna--

Jack: They are my companies! I will do with them what I want!

Adam: You need to go home. You need to get some rest. You need to just check out for a little bit and take a break and clean yourself up. And then when you come back, you can run things the way that you and I both know you can.

Nick: (Sighs) Hey. I thought you were at work.

Noah: Slow afternoon. They didn't need both bartenders. The other guy's late on his rent, so they'll call me if they need me.

Nick: Well, you better rest up, because once the new club opens up, it's not gonna be many slow nights, at least I hope not.

Noah: You didn't buy the club.

Nick: Yes, I did.

Noah: That is excellent.

Nick: I'm glad you think so.

Noah: You moved fast on that, too. You left Newman in your rearview, never looked back.

Nick: You know, I'm really looking forward to working with you, Bud. It'll be nice to do something with our time other than worry about your mom.

Noah: Tell me about it. You know... (Sighs) I've been thinking, what do I tell Faith if her mom goes to jail?

Nick: Well, I hope it doesn't come to that. Sharon's worried about it, too, so I'm letting Faith stay the night over there.

Noah: Good. That--that--that'll be good for both of them. But... I don't think that Faith's gonna go to sleep without Miss Patsy.

Nikki: Hi, Darling.

Victor: Hi. Hi, Baby. What's going on?

Nikki: Oh, well, I don't know. I hope your day went a little better than mine.

Victor: Why? Did the contractors give you a hard time?

Nikki: No. I tried to convince Chelsea to talk to the arson investigator about Sharon.

Victor: How did that go?

Nikki: She's protecting Adam. She's worried what her testimony would do to him and to them as a couple.

Victor: And you think that's a foolish idea?

Nikki: (Sighs) I wish I didn't understand it quite so well.

Victor: Well, that certainly is a change of heart on your part. I mean, I remember the time when you weren't too fond of that girl when she was carrying our grandchild.

Nikki: Well, no, of course not. I thought she was gonna cause trouble for Victoria. But she has kept her word about Johnny. She seems to have done away with her shady ways.

Victor: Seems to?

Nikki: Listen, with Adam as a husband, all she's doing is trading one set of problems for another. Uh, she is so insecure where he is concerned. I don't know if she's gonna testify. If she doesn't, what are we gonna do?

Victor: Nothing. We're not gonna pursue the case against Sharon.

Michael: Come on. Trust.

Lauren: I can't see. (Laughs)

Michael: Trust me. Okay.

Lauren: What?

Michael: Wait for it.

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Ready. Ta-da!

Lauren: Oh. Oh.

Michael: All right, like I said, it's not Paris, and it's not a five-star restaurant, but I did order your favorite food, and the champagne is chilling, and Fenmore's spending the night at friends.

Lauren: It's beautiful.

Michael: And I-- I got your favorite bath salts.

Lauren: From Tuscany?

Michael: Yeah, oh, well...

Lauren: (Laughs)

Michael: Jill helped me place the order. And after we eat dinner, I'm gonna draw you a bath, and I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot and whatever else needs waiting on.

Lauren: (Chuckles) What else could I need?

Michael: (Sighs) Well, it's--it's... it's like I said. It's--it's rarer than diamonds. And I hope you like it.

Leslie: Yeah, I'm just concerned that we're giving them too much leeway in paragraph 27. And the, um, citizens of planet Prometheus love our new mascara. But the purchase order is in Promethean, and Jabot's translator is on vacation.

Neil: Don't we have a Promethean translator on call?

Leslie: I didn't think you were paying attention.

Neil: I am a little distracted.

Leslie: Stop stressing about your future with Jabot. You are so valuable to Jack. You'll be fine.

Neil: Leslie, I am very confident in my ability to run this company. But now I'm not too sure if I made the right decision in coming here. I swear to God, if Jack takes away any of my power, I... (Sighs) But talking about it is keeping us away from the work at hand. What is it-- paragraph 27, right?

Leslie: Yeah. Okay.

Neil: Yeah.

Leslie: Paragraph 27--okay. So you see the language here. I'm just concerned that...

Neil: Um... thank you very much for listening to me, and I think that's all that we should cover today.

Leslie: Anytime. Yeah. Anytime.

Neil: Bye.

Leslie: Yeah.

Nick: Sharon?

(Cell phone ringing)

Sharon: Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message.

Nick: Sharon, where are you and Faith? Call me as soon as you get this message.

Sharon: No fair asking where we're going, or it won't be as much of a surprise, okay? Now we're not going to Grandma and Grandpa's new penthouse. And we're not going to an amusement park. But you will love it there. Why don't you try to close your eyes and take a nap? And when you wake up, we'll be in the fun place.

Faith: I want Miss Patsy.

Sharon: Honey, why don't you try to go to sleep without her just this once? And soon we'll get you a nice new friend. Doesn't that sound nice?

Faith: No! Go home, Mommy!


Nick: Noah, are you still at the house?

Noah: Yeah. Sure.

Nick: Did your mom come by to pick up Faith's doll?

Noah: Uh, I thought you dropped it off to her.

Nick: Uh, I'll tell you what. Just stay there, and if your mom comes by, give me a call, okay?

Noah: Yeah, yeah. Okay. I will. I will.

Avery: What weren't you telling Noah?

Nick: Sharon's gone. Her car's not there. There's an abandoned suitcase. Every time I call her, it goes straight to voice mail. I think Sharon took Faith.

Lauren: (Chuckles) A handwritten love letter?

Michael: Like I said, rarer than diamonds. (Chuckles)

Lauren: "My darling beautiful wife, the things that I didn't know"--

Michael: The things that I didn't know on our wedding day could fill a book.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: How could I have anticipated that having you constantly able to read my mind would actually be comforting? Or that as we grew older guys would even hit on you more?

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: Or that my loneliest moments would be when I'm home and you're not? Thank you. Thank you for marrying me, Lauren Fenmore Baldwin. How could I have anticipated that every year that we're together would be just as wondrous as the day I fell in love with you?

Michael: Still falling, my love. I'm still falling. (Sighs)

Lauren: (Sniffles)

Michael: (Sighs) All right. (Sighs) Would you have rather gone to Paris?

Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, not on your life. (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Noah: Mom? No, wait, wait, wait. Adriana, don't come here. No, you don't understand. There was a cop here asking questions about you. Whatever kind of trouble you're in, stay away from here, okay?

Mason: And here as well, Mr. Abbott.

Jack: I... I thought I finished these.

Mason: Uh, my fault. (Sighs) I gave you the wrong paperwork.

Jack: You don't have to take the fall for me, Mason. I know these papers have been on my desk in this folder for a couple of days now. I thought I'd finished them.

Mason: I should have reminded you.

Jack: If I screw up, you tell me, okay? You don't have to take the fall for my mistakes.

Mason: What mistakes?

Jack: (Chuckles) Call me Jack. My dad is Mr. Abbott.

Mason: (Chuckles) Okay. Sorry.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Victor: Here, Sweetheart.

Nikki: So what did you do, make some kind of deal with Adam?

Victor: What if I did?

Nikki: Oh, my God. You will do anything to get your company back.

Victor: Sweetheart, think about it for a moment. What good would it do to put Sharon into jail? Does that get us our house back?

Nikki: Are you kidding? Victor!

Victor: Honey, I think we need to focus on what is attainable right now. You know, vengeance is just not very practical, considering the fact that we can take advantage of the situation.

Nikki: So you're gonna let her get away with this? That woman has taken too much from us.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I understand how you feel, but do me a favor. Go along with me on this. I know what I'm doing.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Adam: Did you decide to move back in? I thought we agreed we were gonna take some time apart.

Chelsea: I don't need a break to think. I'm ready to forget the past and move forward, Adam.

Adam: Forward how?

Chelsea: I am ready to recommit to you right here, right now, because I love you more than anyone in the world. Can you say the same thing about me?

Adam: Of course. I want nothing more than to get things back to the way they were. And I'm willing to try for it. I just think that it's-- it's gonna be a long road ahead.

Chelsea: I know. I can handle that.

Adam: I just gotta get my mind around this whole thing. How you-- you went behind my back to my father, of all people. It just--it's...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: It's something that's not easily forgotten, you know?

Chelsea: All I need right now from you is an answer. Regardless of any feelings you've ever had for Sharon, can you look me in the eye right now and promise me you will make our marriage your number one priority? Yes or no?

Faith: (Crying)

Sharon: Everything is gonna be okay, Faith. I promise.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: Well, you know, opportunity exists all around us. You just have to know where to look.

Nick: Noah's not answering. I don't like this.

Jack: Let's just chalk it up to stupidity.

Phyllis: And the pills.

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