Y&R Transcript Monday 12/17/12
Episode # 10054 ~ Neil Meets Leslie's Brother Tyler; Victor Discovers the Truth About Sharon
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Victor: So how would you characterize Phyllis' approach to your green product line, Mr.--What is your name?
Matt: Mr. Merrick.
Victor: Mr. Merrick.
Matt: Yes, Sir. Uh, innovative, cost-effective, organic. She made me want to do business with Newman.
Victor: I am Newman.
Matt: Right, but you're no longer the majority stockholder.
Victor: That is why that company will only perform at a fraction of its potential.
Matt: Are--are you suggesting that might change soon?
Victor: I'm suggesting that you reconsider your association.
Matt: Phyllis guaranteed certain... perks if I signed with Jack Abbott.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Matt: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Well, I hate to inform you, Mr. Merrick...
Matt: Merrick.
Victor: Uh, I don't think that Phyllis will be in the position to fulfill those promises, those perks, as it were. Neither will Jack Abbott. Their position at Newman Enterprises is tenuous at best.
Mason: Is there a problem, Mr. Abbott?
Jack: Did--did my doctor say why he was calling?
Mason: He wants to schedule a follow-up appointment with you as soon as possible. Would tomorrow afternoon work for you?
Jack: No, I'm a bit too busy running this company to make time for the good doctor right now.
Mason: He was pretty insistent.
Jack: He's being overly cautious. I have the pain under control now.
(Telephone rings)
Jack: (Groans)
Nick: Bang!
Noah: Hmm.
Nick: You know what? My cooking's not that bad.
Noah: The fork didn't break.
Nick: That is an improvement, right?
Noah: (Inhales sharply)
Nick: You know what? Your little sister, she really likes my pancakes.
Noah: I've also seen her eat paste.
Nick: Just try it.
Nick: Yeah?
Noah: It's not bad. It's not great. Better than the usual hockey pucks you make. Pass the syrup.
Nick: There you go.
Noah: Thank you. So is this Avery's influence?
Nick: Might be.
Noah: It's a good influence. Moved on from Newman, more relaxed, managed not to burn breakfast.
Nick: (Chuckles) I don't know, it feels, uh, it feels right with Avery. I like who I am when I'm with her.
Noah: I get it. She likes to cook, you like to eat.
Nick: You know this.
Noah: (Chuckles)
Nick: Have you talked to your mom today?
Noah: Um, no, not yet. She's freaking out a little bit. If Grandpa presses charges... we can't let it get to that.
Nick: Son, you can't stop your grandpa.
Noah: I swore to Mom that I wouldn't let her get sent away.
Nick: How you gonna prevent that?
Noah: I have to keep that promise, Dad. Gotta stop him. Will you help me?
Sharon: I just can't believe that Victor and Nikki are accusing me of setting that fire.
Man: If some criminal destroyed your home, wouldn't you investigate?
Sharon: Oh, it's just that I don't know anything about it. You know, I wasn't even in town that night. Um, I was in Chicago.
Man: Oh. Can you prove that?
Sharon: What, you mean like with credit card receipts, things like that?
Man: Anything you got.
Sharon: Oh, I... I think I paid cash for everything. You know, I just wasn't expecting that I'd have to keep track of my every move.
Man: Was there anyone there who saw you?
Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure there were many people who saw me. Just, you know, all of them were strangers to me, so... anyway, if you don't mind, I have a very busy morning.
Man: If you come up with evidence that confirms your trip...
Sharon: I will forward it to you. Um, I'm so sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
Sharon: (Exhales slowly)
Chelsea: If you want, I can come back for my clothes later.
Adam: You're taking your things?
Chelsea: I don't feel-- I don't feel comfortable here, especially if you're... gone.
Adam: You can stay here, Chelsea.
Chelsea: No, it's-- it's your house, Adam.
Adam: I'm fine at the club.
Chelsea: (Sighs) So, um... so how long do you think you'll want to be there?
Adam: I'm not sure.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) So that's it? We get in one big fight, and you're ready to pack it in, quit our marriage?
Adam: You came here to pack, too.
Chelsea: You walked out on me, Adam, and now you don't even seem interested in trying to fix things.
Adam: Can things be fixed?
Chelsea: We can apologize or compromise. I mean, isn't that what a marriage is about-- give-and-take? Unless-- unless you don't want this marriage anymore.
Adam: What I don't want is to get into this when I need to be at work.
Chelsea: Do you love me, Adam? Did you ever?
Adam: I meant every word when we said our vows.
Chelsea: Why are you talking in the past tense? We--we've been apart for less than 24 hours. Have your feelings changed?
Adam: I don't know what I feel anymore.
Woman: Hi.
Neil: Hi.
Woman: Table for one?
Neil: Actually, uh, I'm gonna be joining a friend.
Woman: Okay.
Neil: Thanks. Appreciate it.
(Cell phone rings)
Neil: Morning, Jack.
Jack: Neil, we need to meet.
Neil: Okay, when?
Jack: Well, I... (Chuckles) I don't want to sit on this too long.
Neil: What's going on, Jack?
Jack: Uh, better we talk about the details in person. Where are you now?
Neil: I'm about to sit down and eat breakfast at On the Boulevard. Uh, you need me to come to you, or...
Jack: No, that's fine. I'll be there in an hour.
Man: Hey.
Leslie: Mwah!
Nick: Noah, you are not responsible for your mother's actions or what happens to her.
Noah: Who else is gonna keep Mom out of jail, dad? Nobody cares. Did you see how they raked her over the coals at that party?
Nick: You know, Sharon and I may not be married anymore, but she's still your mom and Faith's.
Noah: So what does that mean?
Nick: It means that I will always care about what happens to your mom.
Noah: So you'll help me?
Nick: I'll do what I can, but, Son, you gotta keep me in the loop. You can't keep any more secrets from me. We're on the same team here.
Noah: I know. I know, I'm sorry. I am. But we gotta find a way to put the brakes on Grandpa. Dad, he's got an army of lawyers, and as soon as he goes full-blown Victor Newman, Mom's not gonna stand a chance in court.
Nick: It may not come to that.
Noah: She torched his house. You think he's gonna let that slide? And on top of that, she's directly responsible for him losing control of his company. He's going to throw down everything he's got.
Nick: If she's tried and convicted of arson--
Noah: We can't let it get that far.
Nick: I think the judge is gonna take into consideration that she had an undiagnosed, untreated behavioral disorder.
Noah: What does that mean? No jail?
Nick: She'll get a lighter sentence, probably serve out her time at Fairview.
Noah: She's not crazy!
Nick: Yeah, well, Fairview may end up being her best option.
Noah: (Sighs) No, no, she is so afraid of that place, Dad. She will not survive that again.
Nick: She needs treatment.
Noah: She's getting it. She's got a doctor, she's on meds.
Nick: (Sighs) Look, setting the fire was a violent act, and you need to prepare yourself--
Noah: Dad, listen to me. Being around Faith and me is what keeps Mom calm. She needs to be around us, to hold Faith, not just for ten minutes every other Tuesday.
Nick: We can make some arrangements.
Noah: But if you really want Faith and me to have our mom around...
Nick: Of course that's what I want.
Noah: Then you have to find a way to convince Grandpa to ease up.
(Cell phone rings)
Noah: Mom, you okay?
Sharon: Um, Honey, I-I'm having a really hard time.
Noah: What--what-- what do you need?
Sharon: Could you bring Faith here? I-I just need to see my little girl.
Chelsea: You don't know if you love me anymore?
Adam: Not in the way you deserve.
Chelsea: What does that even mean?
Adam: That I should love you with my whole heart.
Chelsea: (Sighs) So--so you-- you do have feelings for Sharon.
Adam: Before, when I... when I told you that she initiated the kiss...
Chelsea: Yeah?
Adam: I lied to you. I kissed her.
Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Adam: When it happened, I felt something. I don't--I don't know. It was very confusing.
Chelsea: (Sighs) And when I called you on it, you--
Adam: Blew up, 'cause I... didn't want you telling me things that I wasn't willing to face.
Chelsea: Yeah, well, now I guess we both have to face this. (Sighs)
Adam: I'm just trying to sort this out-- how it happened, why it happened, what it means, if anything. I... but I-- I can't say it didn't affect me. That's the truth, Chelsea.
Chelsea: (Voice breaking) I think I liked it better when you lied. (Sniffles)
Leslie: Uh, Neil. Hey.
Neil: Hi.
Leslie: I thought that was you over there. I mean, I don't even rate a hello? (Chuckles)
Neil: Well, hello. Uh, I didn't want to interrupt your breakfast.
Leslie: Oh, please. Tyler wouldn't have minded, would you?
Tyler: Not at all.
Leslie: See? Tyler's very secure about his place in my life.
Tyler: Pull up a chair. We're just about to order.
Neil: Uh, no, thanks. I actually, uh, have a meeting with Jack. He's gonna be here soon.
Leslie: Oh, well, then you can have a cup of coffee with us while you wait.
Neil: I wish I could. I have some reading to catch up on.
Leslie: Sit. It'll give you a chance to get to know my brother.
Neil: Your brother?
Tyler: Her much younger, much smarter brother. I'm Tyler.
Neil: Neil.
Leslie: Okay, now not that much younger, and the advanced degree hanging in my office proves I'm the smarter one in the family.
Tyler: And you know street smarts trumps book smarts.
Leslie: Oh, okay. Well, I'll remember that next time you need to be bailed out of jail.
Tyler: (Scoffs) Okay, one time, I got busted, all right? Once. (Scoffs) I was, like, 19. You believe this? You know what? Come on, have a seat while I straighten this out.
Leslie: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Okay, I will.
Tyler: Okay, first of all, those charges were dropped.
Leslie: Mm-hmm, because I put my fancy book-learning to good use. I mean, at 19, you would think the boy would know better than to draw on walls.
Tyler: It was art.
Leslie: It was vandalism.
Tyler: Well, it got me noticed, and it launched my career.
Leslie: Oh, career? That's what you call it?
Tyler: That was cold.
Leslie: (Laughs)
Tyler: You believe she did me like that?
Neil: (Laughs) Mm, yes, yes, I can. I pay her a lot of money to be ruthless.
Tyler: Oh, oh, you're her boss? Oh, I didn't know that. Here I'm talking to you like a fool, and you're the big boss. (Chuckles) Well, Sister, tell me... how long you been sleeping with the boss?
Leslie: (Coughs)
Adam: I didn't say that I didn't love you, Chelsea. You claimed you wanted me to be honest, and so I'm being honest.
Chelsea: I do, Adam, but I was just here having a life when you decided to move that woman onto our property.
Adam: What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that I'm guilty? Because I am. I am guilty...
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: Of rushing to her side, of kissing her, of feeling an attraction, and I shouldn't have felt--
Chelsea: Okay, okay, okay, I have already heard you say that you were attracted to her. You don't have to keep repeating yourself on that, okay? Thank you. (Sighs)
Adam: Just I don't understand. I can't get my mind around this thing where you just tore up Sharon's life like that. You went to Nikki and my father. That was cruel.
Chelsea: Yeah, and you know what? You will never forgive me for it, will you?
Adam: It wasn't just about Sharon. It was about her kids. There's gonna be an effect there. There's gonna be ramifications. Do you understand that? I mean, do you even care?
Chelsea: Didn't even cross my mind. Guess it's a good thing I'm not a mother.
Adam: (Sighs)
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: Chelsea... you would have made a very, very good mother. I know how much you wanted that baby. So did I.
Chelsea: I wanted a family. Some things just aren't meant to be.
Adam: Maybe they still are.
Chelsea: Meant to be, after all this?
Adam: You and I aren't exactly what we would call "Typical."
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Maybe we just take some time, we figure out where we are, where we're going.
Chelsea: A break, not a breakup?
Adam: Exactly.
Victor: I didn't expect a visit from you today. So, uh, thought you had turned your back on me. Why are you here?
Nick: To get you to back off Sharon. I want you to drop the investigation.
Victor: And why would I do that?
Nick: Because there's no proof Sharon started the fire.
Victor: I guarantee you that my investigators will find some proof that links her to starting the fire, okay?
Nick: Even if they do, Sharon can't be held responsible for her actions.
Victor: Why, because of the purported illness?
Nick: Dad, she's bipolar.
Victor: Oh, come on, son. Bipolar. That's the defense of a first-year law student.
Nick: She was diagnosed by a licensed therapist and prescribed medication to treat her disorder.
Victor: Well, I certainly hope that medication will prove effective, because who knows what else she'll up to?
Nick: Dad, if she did this--
Victor: Son, she has done enough damage to this family. It stops right here.
Neil: Thanks.
Tyler: (Clears throat)
Leslie: That was an inappropriate question.
Tyler: But not inaccurate?
Leslie: Neil and I are not sleeping together.
Neil: Yeah, your, uh, your sister and I are-- we're colleagues, you know? We're strictly coworkers. (Clears throat)
Tyler: (Laughs) All right, there's way too much tension up in here. It's time to relax. I was just messing with you, my man. I know you two aren't together. Otherwise, you would have sat as soon as she said "Sit."
Neil: So, uh, just based off of what I've heard, you're an artist?
Tyler: Uh, my degree's in graphic design, yeah.
Neil: Wow. Where do you work?
Tyler: Well, I started out designing posters for some clubs around L.A., and then I bounced up to san Francisco, did advertising for an internet start-up.
Leslie: He's being modest. His campaign put the company on the map. Now it has half a billion users.
Neil: Nice. How'd you accomplish that?
Tyler: It was guerilla-style, mostly. You know, you find a sticky concept, something that gets--
Neil: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Define "Sticky."
Tyler: It's something people can't forget, you know? It's, uh, like a word or an image, you know? Then you cover the city with it. Stickers, posters, paint.
Neil: Right, right, right. I got it. I like it, and its-- its very--very grassroots.
Leslie: Yeah, changed the way people thought about advertising. That's the kind of change we can use at Jabot.
Tyler: Damn, Leslie. Did you just turn this into a job interview?
Neil: Why don't you work up a pitch, my man, and we will talk?
Jack: Don't forward any calls to me.
Mason: When shall I say you'll be back?
Jack: This afternoon.
Adam: Where are you rushing off to?
Jack: I have a meeting.
Adam: I didn't see it on the schedule. Who's it with?
Jack: I don't run my schedule by you. I run this company.
Adam: When we can find you.
Jack: Adam, there will be days when I arrive late, days that I leave early due to my recovery. That is why you're here.
Adam: Tell me again why you didn't show up at the meeting with Matt Merrick.
Jack: I don't answer to you.
Adam: I'm guarding your back, Jack.
Jack: Then do that.
Adam: I will continue to, as I have, but if you don't want my father huffing and puffing and knocking the door down, you need to be honest with me.
Nick: Dad, Sharon's not out to hurt anyone.
Victor: Oh, yeah? Then how do you explain the fire?
Nick: If she did do this, she wasn't in her right mind at the time.
Victor: Son, why are you suddenly her ally?
Nick: For the same reason you stood by Mom through all of her problems. This is the mother of my children.
Victor: Son, there's a huge difference. Your mother's an alcoholic, not an arsonist.
Nick: Both Mom and Sharon have problems that they can't fight alone. They need their families.
Victor: (Sighs) Well, then you and your kids support and love her. That's all I can say.
Nick: I can tell you this-- Sharon is not gonna get better sitting in some jail cell. Please don't pursue this.
Victor: Sorry, Son.
Nick: All right, then what do you want?
Victor: Any number of things.
Nick: Do you want me to fight for the company? Is that what it'll take to get you to back off?
Victor: Too late for that, Son. You and Sharon made choices, and now you have to live with the consequences.
(Knock on door)
Noah: Hey.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Noah: I promised Faith cookies.
Sharon: Oh, and you're gonna get 'em, both of you! Ohh, I'm so glad you're here. Thank God. (Sighs)
Chelsea: Of course I suspected something. I mean, anybody can see that they have a connection, but hearing Adam say those words... it felt like I was being hit by a truck.
Chloe: What words did he use, exactly?
Chelsea: He said that he felt something for Sharon.
Chloe: Yeah, that "Something" being her tongue down his throat.
Chelsea: Please, okay? I already have the vivid images in my head. They keep just playing over and over and over, every time I close my eyes.
Chloe: It must be torture.
Chelsea: (Sighs) That's not the worst part.
Chloe: Well, I mean, what could really be worse than... oh, no, he didn't do--
Chelsea: No. No, no, he didn't do that, but he said... (Sighs) Adam said that he wasn't sure how he feels about me anymore.
Chloe: Okay, look, you guys were fighting, right? I mean, I'm sure that you said some things that you didn't mean, either.
Chelsea: How did this happen? A few months ago, we were so happy. We were living in this house and we were expecting a baby, and now he--he wants a break?
Chloe: Wait, hold up. A break?
Chelsea: Adam... (Sighs) Adam said that maybe we should take some time apart to gain perspective.
Chloe: Honey, that's called hedging your bets.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Chloe: Adam wants to keep his wife handy, just in case this whole Sharon thing blows up in his face.
Noah: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Noah: Thanks for coming. I gotta get to work, and she just seems like she's doing so much better now that I brought Faith over.
Nick: Yeah, you didn't want to rush it. I get it.
Noah: Yeah. How'd it go with Grandpa?
Nick: Not as well as I expected.
Noah: Ohh, man.
Nick: All right, don't worry. We're gonna work it out.
Noah: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Nick: See you, man.
Sharon: Okay.
Nick: Well, it looks like you two are having a good time.
Sharon: Oh, we are. The best!
Nick: Hey, Faith, why don't you go upstairs and draw your mommy a picture for her new collection?
Faith: Okay.
Sharon: Um, so Noah told me you went to see Victor.
Nick: Yeah. My first mistake was thinking I could reason with him.
Sharon: Well, y-you explained my situation to him?
Nick: Yeah. I-I really thought that Dad would show some empathy, but I couldn't convince him to back off of the arson investigation.
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, God. You know, I've done some really terrible things to him. I'm sure Victor wants to see me rot in jail, and it looks like he's gonna get his chance. (Voice breaks)
Nick: Come here.
Leslie: Thanks for giving my brother a tryout at Jabot.
Neil: Well, I couldn't exactly say no, not with my entire family working there.
Leslie: I would have understood.
Neil: Eh, I couldn't risk it. You might have put that law degree of yours to work and slapped me with a lawsuit for unfair hiring practices.
Leslie: Ah. Hey, Jack.
Jack: Hi.
Jack: So was that business or pleasure?
Neil: Jack, that would be business. I did send you a memo that I hired Leslie at Jabot.
Jack: Indeed you did, and it looks like you two are enjoying a close working relationship.
Chelsea: No, no. Adam wouldn't do that to me.
Chloe: This is Adam Newman, the ultimate "I'll stab you while smiling at you" guy.
Chelsea: No, but he's never been that way to me, Chloe. He wouldn't hurt me. We've been through too much together.
Chloe: So have Adam and Sharon. He stole her baby from her.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Chloe: She made him think that she was dead. Like, he got her thrown in jail.
Chelsea: Oh, God, that is so twisted.
Chloe: Yeah, because he is twisted, and you just don't see it because you're wrapped up in this whole happily-ever-after mode.
Chelsea: Okay, if Adam wanted Sharon, why would he have married me in the first place?
Chloe: Because when you have a special history with someone, you just get, I don't know, thrown into that whole boomerang mode. I don't know.
Chelsea: Hard to stay away.
Chloe: Yeah, and Adam clearly can't.
Chelsea: He just needs to feel-- Adam needs to feel needed.
Chloe: Yeah, we all want to feel needed.
Chelsea: I'm just saying it all stems from his father, you know? Victor, he--he has Nick and he has Victoria and Abby. He never needed Adam, and as much as Adam pretends he doesn't care, deep down, he really wants Victor to-- to love him and accept him.
Chloe: And you think that's why Adam is so fixated on Sharon?
Chelsea: Well, she does need him.
Chloe: And so does his wife!
Chelsea: Well, not as desperately as Sharon does.
Chloe: Yeah, well, that is the perfect definition for that wack-job-- desperate. I mean, she just clings to every man because she's afraid to be alone.
Nick: I know things seem pretty bleak right now.
Sharon: Yeah. Well, your father's a force to be reckoned with.
Nick: So are you, when you want to be.
Sharon: Nick, I-- I don't even know if I know how to be that person right now. This illness--it's just-- it--I-I can't even trust my own thoughts.
Nick: The medication will help with those jumbled feelings.
Sharon: Oh, great, so I'll be normal and sane when they cart me off to prison.
Nick: You work with this doctor, and she'll get you back to being that force of nature again, and that's who you need to be when you fight Dad.
Sharon: I wish I could just get it together.
Nick: I told Dad that you've been sick and haven't been yourself lately.
Sharon: And--and he didn't believe you?
Nick: That's what he said, but I think he's gonna underestimate you. He's gonna think he has an easy fight on his hands, he'll let his guard down, and that's when you show up and surprise the hell out of him.
Sharon: Nick, look, I-I really do appreciate this pep talk, but you and I both know that this is gonna come down to what the jury believes.
Nick: It's gonna come down to evidence. They can't convict you unless they have some. Is there any to be found?
Sharon: Nick, I don't even remember that night, but from what I've been told, there is nothing there that could implicate me.
Nick: Who told you that? Adam?
Sharon: I mean, he promised he covered his tracks.
Mason: Excuse me. You can't go in there.
Victor: I beg your pardon? See the name on the building? What does it say?
Mason: Newman Enterprises.
Victor: You're talking to Victor Newman right now.
Mason: What can I do for you?
Victor: I don't give a damn, Sir. You become aware.
Mason: Um, I'm not following.
Victor: You become aware of the history of this building, this company. I built it from the ground up.
Adam: Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The great Victor Newman, picking fights with an assistant.
Victor: That was not my intention. Simply making the young man aware of the history of this... place he's working for.
Adam: Mm. You took a little dramatic license, didn't you? For example, you don't run this place, not anymore, Dad.
Victor: We'll see about that.
Adam: There's only one Newman in charge here, and it ain't you. Thank you, Mason.
Victor: With your help, I'm planning to make a play against Jack Abbott.
Adam: It slip your mind, Pops? I've already turned you down.
Victor: Let's say I'm giving you another opportunity.
Adam: Which I would take, why?
Victor: Because I don't think you would want Sharon to spend extended time in a padded cell, would you? And then one has to consider your own culpability. You might spend some prison time for a crime you helped cover up. So it's going to prison or helping me to get this company back.
Jack: Thank you. So was this casual Friday?
Neil: No, Jack, I'm, uh, still in my breakfast mode, right? So what's going on?
Jack: I'm selling Jabot.
Neil: Say it again? I-it--
Jack: I'm selling Jabot.
Neil: But it's your family's company.
Jack: Which is why I gave this a lot of thought.
Neil: Jack, I can't believe you're willing to sell the company that your father founded.
Jack: Whoa, uh, just because I'm selling it doesn't mean I'm walking away from it.
Neil: How does that work?
Jack: Well, I'm keeping all of my assets under one umbrella.
Neil: Wait a minute, let me get this straight-- you're folding Jabot into Newman?
Jack: I wanted you to be the first to know.
Chloe: You can't take this from Adam. You have to make this break a breakup.
Chelsea: Didn't you just say last night that I should stand by my man and fight?
Chloe: Yeah, that was before Adam wanted to take a time-out in your marriage so he could just go suck face with Sharon.
Chelsea: Ah! It was one kiss.
Chloe: That you know about.
Chelsea: No, no. Adam would have told me if there was something else.
Chloe: (Laughs) Please. The only reason why you know about that kiss is because you walked in on it.
Chelsea: Adam is honest with me.
Chloe: He's a guy, and they all come from the same school of thought-- what you don't know won't hurt you-- but it does, and do you want to get hurt again?
Chelsea: I can't give up on him.
Chloe: Give up on him, or this life that you have with him?
Chelsea: Oh, it's not the house or the money. Trust me, I've been broke before.
Chloe: You still love him?
Chelsea: Yeah... and there's no way I'm letting Sharon have my husband.
Adam: Blackmail, Dad? That's so last year.
Victor: Oh, yeah, but very effective.
Adam: Only if you have evidence against me, which you don't.
Victor: No, Son, I know you well enough. You don't do the heavy lifting, do you? You pay someone to do the dirty work for you.
Adam: That's more your style.
Victor: How long do you think it'll take me, with all my connections... to find out who you paid to be the arsonist?
Adam: The one who doesn't exist? Boy, I don't know.
Victor: Well... past experience tells me it won't take much cash or convincing to get this guy to spill the beans.
Faith: It's for you, Mommy.
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, goodness, look at that! I love it! (Gasps) Your pictures have been helping me so much, Honey. Mm, but not as much as hugging you helps.
Nick: I really hate to, uh, to do this, but we should go. I gotta get her home.
Faith: I want to stay here with Mommy.
Nick: Sweetheart, your mommy's not feeling well right now. Maybe next time.
Sharon: You know, Nick... there might not be that many more opportunities.
Nick: Okay, you can stay the night with your mommy. I'll pick you up tomorrow. I know you're gonna be a really good girl, right? Give me some knucks.
Sharon: Thanks, Nick.
Nick: Sure.
Sharon: So, Faith, you and I get to spend the whole day and the whole night together.
Faith: What are we gonna do?
Sharon: Hmm. How would you feel about going on a trip?
Faith: Where?
Sharon: Well... it's a surprise.
Faith: (Giggles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: You own it? It's yours?
Nick: Yeah.
Avery: Nick, that's fantastic!
Adam: See if you can get Sharon and I both in jail, and you're gonna miss your one opportunity to get Newman back.
Sharon: But we have to go now, Faith. Come on. We're going on an adventure!
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