Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/13/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/13/12


Episode # 10053 ~ Chloe Asks Kevin for Answers; Summer & Jamie's Meeting Goes Awry

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by

Jack: (Inhales sharply) (Exhales slowly) (Groans) (Sighs)

John: Jackie's little helpers? You know, everyone knows it's a problem but you.

Fen: Want me to take a picture for you, send to your folks, so they can see what a good boy you are?

Jamie: What?

Fen: You look studious. Your parents would be really proud of you, or... never mind. Yeah, I gotta go, before my dad finds another reason to not be proud of me.

Summer: So intense. What is this, "The meaning of life" stuff, or just calculus?

Jamie: "Trying not to get kicked out of school" stuff.

Summer: Yeah, I hate that stuff. Any more texts?

Jamie: Not today.

Summer: That's good. Maybe the person's over it.

Jamie: Y-you can sit if you have homework, too.

Summer: Uh, yeah. Um...

Jamie: It's fine. I-I get it. You don't want to be seen with me.

Summer: No, its not-- I mean, ew, I can, like, not sit here with you. I'm just kidding. I have someplace to be.

Jamie: That explains it.

Summer: Uh, yeah, I gotta go. Bye.

Chelsea: Hey. Glad you're home.

Adam: No harm, no foul? Just have things get back to the way they were, huh?

Chelsea: We can try.

Adam: And fail? And act like things are normal. It's not gonna make me forget what you did.

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: Sit down.

Michael: You are compromising my ability to lock up a felon.

Lauren: Mm, yeah?

Michael: You can, uh, compromise, uh, some more right here.

Lauren: Right there?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Mm-hmm, gladly. (Chuckles) Mm, mm.

(Cell phone ringing)

Michael: I don't-- I don't hear that.

Lauren: Mnh-mnh.

Michael: Mnh-mnh.

Lauren: Mnh-mnh, just get rid of 'em. Mm.

(Cell phone ringing)

Michael: All right!

Lauren: Okay, get it.

Michael: What? What? Okay. Yeah, yeah, okay. Thank you. Jamie's father has just been arrested. (Sighs)

(Padlock rattling)

Jack: I had surgery, Dad. I had a bullet removed, if you'll recall.

John: Ohh, so now you eat pills like candy.

Jack: That is prescription medication to alleviate pain.

John: Jack, you stuffed a wad of cash in that doctor's hands to get more drugs. Now does that sound legitimate?

Jack: My primary physician does not understand my discomfort.

John: Ohh. So what's next, let's see, dark alleys, code words?

Jack: When the pain goes away, I will stop the meds.

John: And when will the pain leave? When you have everything Victor ever had or wanted? Jackie, look around you! You've pushed your entire family away.

Jack: No, Kyle is working here, Phyllis is all but family.

John: I see.

Jack: (Sighs)

John: So that's what we're waiting for, huh? Pills to kick in? Ohh, look at you, Jack.

Jack: Yeah, look at me. I'm king of the world.

John: Son, you're hurt and you're lonely. Pills will never make that go away.

Chelsea: Yes, I-I did a bad thing, for the sake of our marriage.

Adam: You trashed Sharon's life. That's what you did.

Chelsea: Sharon trashed her own life, Adam. She tanked Newman Enterprises. She--she torched Victor's house.

Adam: No one needed to know that.

Chelsea: Sharon can do all of these horrible things and you don't judge her for a second, but me, you... (Sighs)

Adam: Sharon has made some mistakes due to a very real illness. What's your excuse?

Chelsea: I love you. That's my cross to bear, and ever since the miscarriage, I've had to sit around and watch you just drift away.

Adam: Drift? Drift?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: There was no drifting. I was right here, but it wasn't up to your standards how much I was here or not, but I was right here. You refused to accept that.

Chelsea: Mm, you know who else was right here? Sharon, in a cottage, with my husband.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: And you know what? You know what? If Sharon was really as sick and as fragile as you--you say she was, why didn't you call her family when all of this started, Adam? Let them help her, but no, you needed to have Sharon all to yourself. You needed to sit around and make excuses for her and cover for her.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Adam, you--you-- you paid somebody to burn down those other buildings. Jeff and Gloria-- their business-- it is--it is done. It is destroyed because of you. I mean, you--you could have been arrested for arson, for God sakes.

Adam: Okay, good. Now the truth comes out, right? That's what this was about? You're protecting me from Sharon, right? That's why you ratted her out to my father? Don't do that. Don't do that, Chelsea. Don't act like this is some altruistic gesture and you're just trying to make the world all right, okay? Just call it like it is. This was a sucker punch because of a kiss-- a kiss that should never have happened, yes, but this is about a kiss.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm your wife, Adam. I'm allowed to be a little bit angry when your mind and--and your time and your heart is with somebody else.

Adam: Sharon was confused about a lot of things. I was never confused, and I needed you to trust me.

Chelsea: Sure. Exactly.

Adam: That's what I needed. I needed you to trust me.

Chelsea: No, you know what you need? You know what you need? This feeling that Sharon gives you. She believes in you. She believes in you and only you, and you love it. You love that feeling, and you don't want to lose it!

Adam: She's sick, Chelsea. She's sick.

Chelsea: Can I ask you something? How is this any different from the time Sharon flew to Kansas before our wedding to make one last pass at you? How is this any different? She wanted you then, Adam, and she wants you now. The only difference is, the last time, you said no.

Adam: You want to know one of the reasons that we fell in love with each other? It was because we're flawed, and we both admitted it and we wanted to be better people.

Chelsea: And so... (Voice breaks) (Sighs) So... (Sighs) This proves I'm still flawed. (Normal voice) So now what? Adam!

Adam: Now... I need to go.

Chelsea: Yeah, of course you do. I don't have to ask where.

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! If you need money for the meter, you don't have to raid my tip jar.

Chloe: Oh, no, I'm just looking for all the money that's missing out of the TagNGrab account.

Kevin: What's that?

Chloe: Yeah, Tucker called me about the discrepancy in the business account-- the business that he now owns, that we don't? Is this the "Financial maneuvering" you were telling me to shut up about while you handled it?

Kevin: Okay, slow down.

Chloe: Because he is going to hire financial forensic guys, and then he's gonna follow the money and trail it back to the person who stole it... unless it goes back now.

Kevin: Okay, so money's missing, and this is my fault because...

Chloe: Because you are a hacker who doesn't always see the line between right and wrong, and I saw you with your computer.

Kevin: (Gasps) Shocking. I mean, who uses a computer, right? Besides everybody.

Chloe: You stole Tucker's money, didn't you?

Michael: Jamie's father is already in lockup, waiting for arraignment. If they hold him over and convict...

Lauren: Mm.

Michael: Jamie could end up in foster care.

Lauren: (Sighs) That kid just cannot catch a break. You know the sweetness that's so clearly in there, I... you can see why Ronan wanted to mentor him, and why you're willing to do the same.

Michael: I think about Kevin...

Lauren: Well...

Michael: All the things I should have done to save him, all the things he did because I wouldn't help him, and here's Jamie, this vulnerable kid, who's already having a tough time, sucked into the system. Anything could happen.

Jamie: Never would have guessed you for a cat burglar.

Summer: I did not break in, okay? I have a key.

Jamie: Mm-hmm. So your real name is Clark.

Summer: Yeah, this is my aunt's storage place.

Jamie: Mm, and she said, "Hey, go watch my boxes"?

Summer: Okay, it's quiet and there's no drama, and no one knows that I'm here. At least, no one knew that I was here, hmm?

Jamie: Oh, hey, I-I-I know nothing, all right? I was never here.

Summer: (Chuckles) Okay.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Summer: Is it o-one of those texts?

Jamie: (Sighs) "You're a waste of space, loser." Uh, it's like having a pen pal who's anonymous and hates me, but it came and you're right here, so at least I know it's not you.

Adam: You ever read those little bottles that pills come in? I'm paraphrasing here, but I think it goes something like, "Don't booze it up while you're on hard-core pain meds.

Jack: You're concerned about what I'll do with a bulldozer?

Adam: (Chuckles)

Jack: What are you, my social worker?

Adam: I'm a friend... of sorts, and you are my boss, and all that being said, I feel you should look after yourself.

Jack: Well, I'm touched and oh, so convinced.

Summer: (Scoffs) Yeah, nice. So, uh, we hang out, we get coffee, you follow me places, but then you think I'm some "B" who sends nasty texts.

Jamie: Look, people do stuff without thinking, like... m-maybe they're freaked out about something, do stuff to distract themselves.

Summer: Yeah, by torturing strangers? Not my thing.

Jamie: Y-you walk up to me a-and bam, you start acting like we were friends. You're not exactly normal.

Summer: (Chuckles) Okay, so being friendly is now abnormal? Yeah, you have a very skewed view of the world, you know that?

Jamie: People can be weird, all right? Y-you think they're friends, but they're not. At least that's the way it's been for me. But it's not you, so... cool.

Summer: Yep, I'm just some freak that hangs out with cardboard boxes.

Jamie: I-I have a place like this.

Summer: Where?

Jamie: It's, uh, it's higher up, where I can look down, watch people, my dad, cops, kids from school. They--they look like toys. It's perspective, I guess.

Summer: Yeah, me, too. I guess that's why I like this place. It's quiet... usually. Just--it's kind of like my vault. Well, my aunt's vault. Well, I guess I just thought that maybe there was things in here about my mom or about my family or maybe even me, so... you never said where your place was.

(Cell phone ringing)

Jamie: Hello.

Michael: Hey, Jamie, it's Michael Baldwin. Would you mind coming over to my place? We need to talk.

Jamie: Um, about what?

Michael: It's about your father, Jamie.

Jamie: Uh, sure. I-I'll be--I'll be right there. (Sighs) Gotta go to the Baldwins'.

Summer: Um, yeah, he's friends with my mom.

Jamie: Look, I-I won't tell him about this place. Hey, I was never here, remember?

Lauren: There has to be some way that we could make sure that he doesn't get lost in the foster system.

Fen: Sounds better than what he's dealing with at home, right? Like, there are definitely good foster families out there.

Lauren: There's also another part of the system that could damage a very vulnerable kid like Jamie.

Fen: Hey, save the world, Mom and Dad. Adopt Jamie. Tuck him in. Give him milk and cookies.

Lauren: What is wrong with you?

Fen: It was a joke. Would you relax?

Michael: You watch your mouth with your mother. You hear me?

Fen: (Scoffs)

Kevin: You think I'm stealing?

Chloe: You've done it before.

Kevin: Under duress, Babe, but I have retired the chipmunk head. I'm not crazy or stupid.

Chloe: Adam and Tucker took away something that you loved, so maybe you felt justified, entitled, or maybe so smart that you would never get caught.

Kevin: Yeah, because I won't.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kevin: Look, Chloe, it's our money. The company that we created generated revenue. I'm just using some creative accounting and the offshore banking system.

Chloe: Kevin. Tucker knows. He knows.

Kevin: If he could prove anything, he would.

Chloe: Oh, because you're such a genius that he's never gonna figure it out?

Kevin: Well...

Chloe: No, you listen to me. You put the money back.

Kevin: And then what, Chloe? This--this is the answer. Adam did this to us. He wants to see us bleed, and I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction.

(Door opens)

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chelsea: Hey, sorry, I just—

Jack: You sit at my desk, in my office--mine-- with my permission.

Adam: I serve at the pleasure of the king. Is that about it?

Jack: That is exactly it. It is my office, my staff, my company, and I know that Victor has been swooping in, waving his black cape.

Adam: Dad likes to play the family card... when it suits him. Emotional bribery-- it's pretty heady stuff. The opportunity to get paternal approval...

Jack: It's a lie, Adam.

Adam: He feels Newman is his, and he wants it back.

Jack: And he's going to try to go through you to get it.

Adam: Actually, he's going to try and go through you. He knows you're steering the Newman ship while heavily medicated. You're making this all too easy for him, Jack.

Jack: Too easy for him, or too easy for you?

Jamie: (Sighs) So what did my dad do this time?

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: Uh... well... hit-and-run, D.U.I. He's already been arrested.

Jamie: W-was anyone hurt?

Michael: Unfortunately, yes. They're being treated.

Jamie: Thanks for letting me know.

Lauren: Jamie, this isn't just about your dad.

Jamie: I'm a minor, no other family, so... hello, foster care.

Lauren: Where's your mom?

Jamie: Haven't seen her in awhile.

Lauren: I want you to know, we will do whatever we can to help you.

Jamie: Thanks. I'll--I'll let you know what social services tells me to do.

Lauren: Please, don't go.

Michael: Stay for dinner.

Jamie: N-no, it's-- it's cool, thanks.

Lauren: I-I cannot let you leave without a meal. Come on, we're-- we're just having takeout. We have more than enough.

Fen: Yeah, stay, man.

Lauren: You see? It's all set. I'll get the plates.

Michael: I will wrangle drinks.

Chelsea: Well, that didn't look tense or anything. (Sighs)

Chloe: Kevin won't let it go. The company, our finances-- I mean, it is just getting worse.

Chelsea: I have something worse.

Chloe: No, look, I don't want to start turning this into, like, a whole competing thing, like, whose life sucks more. Just trust me, my news is worse.

Chelsea: Sharon started the Newman fire.

Chloe: Okay, you win.

Chelsea: That's why Adam was protecting her, and then he kissed her and I saw it. And then I went and I told Victor and Nikki about the fire, and now--and now if you could see the way that he's looking at me... (Sighs) I think my marriage may be over.

Adam: I am the acting C.E.O., Jack, as you said, at your request, and I am no threat to you.

Jack: All the times you sat behind Victor's desk-- you could never make it stick. Always tussling with Victor or Nicholas or Victoria. Now you got one thing between you and the throne-- me, the guy who threw you to the wolves, the guy who let you take the rap for forging daddy's diary. Who would blame you for wanting to even the score? And here I just had surgery... lingering pain. This could be a real party for you.

Adam: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm trying to sink my claws into the C.E.O. gig. That must be why I'm warning you to lay off the pain meds and put down the scotch. Go home to sleep, Jack. Rest. Heal properly.

Jack: Then you're looking out for me.

Adam: Those pills you're popping are heavy-duty opiates, basically synthetic heroin. If I wanted to oust you at Newman, I would just pat you on the back, tell you you're doing a great job. We could call a big board meeting and they could all see you like this.

Jack: Like what?

Adam: Not yourself, Jack. Sure, it sucks to hear. Frankly, it's-- it's hard to watch. You're muddling information. You have a-a simple little interview with Sarge's nephew Mason. You have a huge meeting with that energy guru.

Jack: Did Phyllis tell you about this?

Adam: Nobody had to tell me about this. I am the acting C.E.O., So, of course, I know what's going on, and I'm telling you, Jack-- trust me. You have to trust me. Look around, brother. You have no one else.

Jack: I don't have to trust you, Junior. I could just fire you.

Adam: (Chuckles) Yes, you can. You can just fire me, the one guy who's actually trying to help you out. That would be perfect. Meanwhile my father and his cronies can swoop right in, and you wouldn't be aware, because you'd be searching for bliss in the bottom of a pill bottle. My brother Nicholas-- he might regain interest, want to lead the charge, and then my brother and my father would be toasting their success over your failure.

Jack: Wow. Did I just see you reveal honest emotion? Something got you on edge, Adam?

Adam: Don't worry about me. You have enough on your plate.

Jack: If my C.E.O. is not on his game, that is my business.

Adam: (Exhales slowly)

Jack: I've been hearing a lot lately about Sharon and her illness. That have something to do with your frayed nerves?

Adam: Sharon. (Clears throat) No. Haven't you heard? Everyone turns their back on her eventually. So why would I be any different?

Jack: I did turn my back on her. I regret that. I once loved her very much, and despite what you might think, I'm glad she's not alone, but, Adam, given your history together, I think maybe it's best the two of you stay far apart.

Chloe: But you were protecting Adam from the emotional bloodsucker. He should be thanking you.

Chelsea: Yeah. I won't hold my breath.

Chloe: O-okay, this is not happening.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chloe: No, this whole little whimper voice... (High-pitched voice) "Oh, poor me! Will Adam ever forgive me?" (Normal voice) No, listen, he lied to you.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Chloe: He stashed his ex on your property, and he keeps on going to check on her to make sure that poor "Widdle" Sharon's okay? He should be begging you for your forgiveness! I-I'm telling you, if Kevin pulled something that big behind my back, I would be like, "Yo, you fix it."

Chelsea: And would he do it?

Chloe: Well, he would have to, because he loves me.

Kevin: I give Tucker back his stupid money, and I lose my house. Cardboard box, here we come.

Michael: How's school? Your grades okay?

Jamie: Uh, 3.0.

Michael: Ah.

Lauren: Wow, that's amazing, especially with everything that's going on.

Michael: I see you hitting the books at Crimson Lights. See, that's how you do it, boy! More times with the books, little less time on the internet.

Fen: How about the fact I'm at swim practice? I'm really close to nailing the 400 freestyle record.

Lauren: I didn't realize. Oh, my God, that's so great!

Michael: How about you, Jamie? Clubs, sports, extracurriculars?

Jamie: Not since I got kicked off the baseball team for fighting.

Lauren: You were in a fight?

Jamie: Yeah, it was-- it was my old school. I should have walked away.

Michael: Well, new school, new start. You can try out for the team in the spring.

Fen: Oh, I-I know the baseball coach. I'll introduce you.

Lauren: Well, there you go. Thank you, Fen.

Avery: I'm glad you're here. How was school?

Summer: Uh, schoolish. You know, books, lockers, number 2 pencils.

Avery: Your dad told me that you cut a few times.

Summer: Uh, yeah, well, uh, I got busted, so that won't be happening again.

Avery: Where do you go when you skip?

Summer: Um, you know, around, just--the park.

Avery: By yourself? That seems a little boring.

Summer: You know, don't you?

Jamie: So, uh, that's cool, about the baseball coach.

Fen: How do you do it, pull off this-- this pathetic victim thing you got going?

Jamie: So I guess we won't be hangin' with the coach, huh?

Fen: You-- you sucked in Ronan, my girlfriend, my parents. You know what? Wh-why--why don't you join the swim team next? Then you can just drown me and take over my life.

Jamie: What, you think I'm faking this?

Fen: I think you milk it for all it's worth.

Jamie: First, Summer isn't your girlfriend. Second, you're the one that acts all buddy-buddy and then turns jerk-hole when your parents are out of the room. And as far as taking over your life, did you miss the part about me going to foster care? Huh? Yeah, lucky me, and lucky you. You get to keep your life and your parents that you're too stupid to be grateful for.

Avery: That storage unit contains personal items, okay? You weren't invited to go there. You weren't invited to go through my things. It's like me marching up to your bedroom and reading your diary. Do you understand? Look, Summer, we are friends. You come over to my house and we hang out and we cook, and I-I don't understand why you would betray my trust like this. Why would you do this?

Summer: I just wanted to know.

Avery: You wanted to know what?

Summer: About you and my mom.

Avery: By going through my boxes?

Summer: My mom never talks about her family or--or where she grew up, so I just thought, maybe-- maybe there was something in there about her. I mean, I-I'm supposed to be like her, but maybe I don't want to be, so I just want to learn what she was like at my age. But there was nothing, so I'm sorry, Avery.

Avery: Okay, whatever peace you are looking for, you're not gonna find it reading my letters.

Summer: It's just that I didn't even know that you existed until last year, and--and reading those letters--

Avery: Oh, my God. (Voice breaking) How many did you read?

Summer: Only--only a couple, and I'm not gonna tell anyone, okay? I'm not gonna tell my mom or my dad, I swear. Just--please don't tell them what I did, okay? It--look, it started off as someplace quiet, that I could be someplace alone. Just... are you gonna tell them?

Avery: We are gonna keep this between us, and you are going to keep what you read to yourself.

Summer: Who was the guy in the letters?

Avery: Those letters are from a long time ago. It's... (Clears throat) It's in the past, and it needs to stay there.

Adam: I was helping Sharon through a rough time. She has no one else.

Jack: Wasn't that long ago you were writing Sharon off. Now--

Adam: I understand her actions.

Jack: And it's a relief, isn't it? Knowing you can forgive her, being back in her world again? You have to admit, it was more of an obsession than an attraction... but it's good to be back in her orbit, isn't it?

Adam: Jackie-boy, are we talking about me and Sharon or you and "Red"? I mean, I have noticed a little something between the two of you.

Jack: Phyllis has moved back to her place.

Adam: But you asked her not to go, right?

Jack: There aren't many people I can trust, Adam. Phyllis is one of them.

Adam: I'm sure that's all it is.

Jack: And if it isn't, what's the difference? Neither of us is married... unlike yourself.

Chelsea: Kevin makes you nuts, but at least the two of you can still be in the same room together. Adam was horrified that I exposed Sharon's crime, because it was a crime, yet somehow, I'm the bad guy in all of this.

Chloe: Well, Adam needs to get over it.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chloe: He cannot point fingers.

Chelsea: No.

Chloe: You know what you have to do? You have to draw up a list of all the nasty things that he and Sharon have done. It will take him a week to go through every single thing, and by then, he'll probably forget why he was mad.

Chelsea: Yeah. Well, I can't even go home right now. I'm just gonna get a room at the club.

Chloe: Shut up. You're staying with Kevin and me.

Chelsea: Oh, no, that's okay. I wasn't fishing for that. I just...

Chloe: You don't have a choice. I'm your only friend and you're mine, and I'm pretty sure that this is what friends do, so... I could beat up Adam for you.

Chelsea: (Laughing)

Chloe: I could kick his ass. Better yet, I could kick Sharon's ass.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Yeah, that is way more satisfying.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Chloe: God...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chloe: She's a piece of work. She just knows how to work Adam every single time.

Chelsea: You're not making me feel any better.

Chloe: No, you can fix this.

Chelsea: How?

Chloe: Get Sharon out of the picture.

Lauren: There are more brownies if anybody wants 'em. Oh.

Michael: Where's Jamie?

Fen: Oh, he had to take off.

Lauren: Without saying good-bye?

Fen: I guess he's not big on manners.

Michael: What'd you do to him?

Fen: He's a-- he's a delinquent with a drunk for a father who just got arrested, but "Big bad Fen" must have scared him away.

Jamie: It looks like Dad's in some serious trouble this time. You know, my--my first reaction was--was, good. I mean... he--he deserves it. I mean, yeah, I know I'm not supposed to say that, but that's how I felt. And now I don't feel so good about that. I mean, no--no matter what, he's--he's still my dad.

Summer: I'm sorry.

Jamie: You know, don't be. I'm not trying to throw a pity party.

Summer: No, I-I didn't say that you were. I-I felt like you were being honest.

Jamie: Fen thinks I'm playing the pity card. He's all pissed off because I'm trying to steal you and his parents from him.

Summer: What? That's crazy. I'm not Fen's to be stolen from, and his parents adore him.

Jamie: Yeah, they do. Two parents who care-- the guy has no idea how good he has it.

Chelsea: I tried to get Sharon out of the picture. That was the whole point of telling Nikki and Victor about the fire, but unless I testify, the charges are not gonna stick, and it's not like Adam's gonna say anything.

Chloe: Then testify.

Chelsea: Right. Like I'm gonna get on the stand and just point at angelic Sharon and say, "It was her! She did it!" And then watch Adam take Sharon in his arms and take off his wedding ring and throw it at my head. (Exhales sharply)

Chloe: Get a grip, Cupcake. We can do this. We are going to make Sharon go away and Adam stick around.

Jack: You're no prize, Adam, and yet Chelsea still loves you. Marriage is hard enough when you're totally committed. If you can't give 100%, do your wife a big favor and cut her loose. 'Cause if you go on pretending that she's your one-and-only, you are not the new, improved Adam you want us to believe. You're the black-hearted villain that everyone thinks you are. Is that who you are, Adam?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: I'm sure Victor wants to see me rot in jail. (Voice breaks) Looks like he's gonna get his chance.

Chelsea: You don't even seem interested in trying to fix things.

Adam: Can things be fixed?

Victor: Why are you here?

Nick: To get you to back off Sharon.

Victor: Why would I do that?

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