Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/12/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/12/12


Episode # 10052 ~ Avery Divulges Her Past to Nick; Phyllis Is Forced to Scramble

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by

Kay: Ohh, mm.

Nikki: Katherine, I'm so glad you're here.

Kay: Ohh, mm. Am I that late?

Nikki: (Sighs) No, I-I just need my best friend.

Kay: Okay, what's up? Is it Victor? Is he all right?

Nikki: No, he's fine. We're fine.

Kay: Come on, Nikki. I mean, what--what's wrong?

Nikki: I just feel like everything is about to fall apart, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Victor: We have to find something that ties Sharon to the fire. I'm certain--yes, I'm certain she is involved, that she did it, but I need proof. Well, then find it. That woman is gonna pay for what she did.

Phyllis: Oh, Kyle, it's you.

Kyle: Well, could you at least try and conceal your disappointment to see me?

Phyllis: Have you seen your dad?

Kyle: Not this morning. Why?

Phyllis: Because we have a meeting with Matt Merrick in--oh, look, five minutes.

Kyle: Matt Merrick... oh, the green energy dude?

Phyllis: Yeah, he's the founder and C.E.O. of the fastest-growing alternative energy company in the country.

Kyle: Yeah, Green Means Go. I read that article about him in "Forbes."

Phyllis: Everybody wants to develop this guy's products-- everyone. Whoever gets him is gonna make millions.

Kyle: And my dad was first in line? Impressive.

Phyllis: Well, Newman has no chance of working with him if your dad doesn't show up for the meeting.

Kyle: Last time I saw him, he was saying good-bye to some suit at the house last night.

Phyllis: At the house? He didn't tell me about a meeting last night.

Kyle: Yeah, I thought it was strange, too.

Phyllis: This is so unlike Jack to be late for a meeting, especially such an important meeting. Where is he?

Billy: Hey. You know, I could put it all back. We could have Jamaica beach day, the sequel.

Victoria: Um, actually, I'm kind of Jamaica-Ed out.

Billy: Gotcha. You can only have so much rum and steel drums... (Chuckles) But it was fun, right? Remembering all the crazy times we had down there?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: But you know what's better than just thinking about a fun time from the past? Actually having one in the present.

Victoria: Billy--

Billy: Oh, come on. We can try that new restaurant, on the boulevard. Hannah's out with Johnny, I clean up nice.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: What do you say?

Victoria: I don't think so.

Avery: Oh, w-when you called, you said you wanted to go out for coffee.

Nick: Yeah, I changed my mind. I didn't want all that noise. I've got enough of that in my head right now.

Avery: Ah, who's causing all the racket this time?

Nick: You know, I finally get to a halfway decent place with Phyllis, and Sharon starts giving me headaches.

Avery: Mm.

Nick: Honestly, if it's not one ex, it's the other. My parents aren't helping. Really, I just wanted to come and see you, and talk to you about what happened last night.

Avery: Oh, come on, Nick.

Nick: I just want to know what I said that, you know, upset you so much.

Avery: Nothing.

Nick: Really? Really? 'Cause we were at, like, the best date ever, and we went to "Nick, why don't you beat it?" In two seconds flat.

Avery: And I told you, I was tired. I was tired.

Nick: Yeah, of me grilling you, and I get it. I shouldn't have pressured you. Avery, you don't have to tell me anything that you don't want to.

Avery: I want to be completely open and honest with you.

Nick: But?

Avery: But we have a really good thing going, and I'm afraid, if I'm too open and honest... it's gonna change the way you feel about me.

Phyllis: It's so unlike your father to miss a meeting.

Kyle: We should have at least heard something.

Phyllis: Do you know, if it gets around that he blew off a young up-and-comer, people are gonna doubt his ability to run Newman Enterprises. No C.E.O. in their right mind would miss this opportunity.

Kyle: All right, I'm gonna run home and see if he's there. You keep calling him, and let me know if he shows up here.

Man: Oh.

Kyle: Sorry, Dude.

Man: I'm looking for Jack Abbott.

Phyllis: Oh, um, hi. I am Phyllis Newman. Very nice to meet you. You're a bit early.

Man: Uh, a bit.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, well, that's a good sign. Anyway, uh, Jack will be here momentarily. Go ahead and go wait in his office, right--right through here. Um, oh, uh, would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, water?

Man: Water would be good.

Phyllis: Okay, just go ahead and have a seat.

Man: Thanks.

Phyllis: (Whispering) Get your dad right now and tell him that Matt Merrick is waiting in his office.

Kyle: Okay.

(Cell phone ringing)

Nick: All right, I don't know what you could have done that could possibly change the way I look at you.

Avery: Okay, well, it changed the way I look at myself.

Nick: We've all done things we regret and made mistakes.

Avery: This wasn't just a little mistake.

Nick: Do you want to tell me about it?

Avery: No. Yes, someday, I will.

Nick: All right. That's your call, but just know the longer you take, the more time I have to fill in the blanks with my own imagination, and I assure you, that's gonna be far worse than anything you could have done.

Avery: Okay. I was married to a good man... who didn't deserve to get cheated on.

Nick: You had an affair.

Avery: I never thought that I would be that person.

Nick: I didn't think that I was that person, either. I cheated on Sharon and Phyllis. You knew that about me. That didn't change the way you looked at me, right?

Avery: No.

Nick: I mean, what is this, some kind of unfair double standard?

Avery: No, it's not that. You didn't hide what you did. I pretended to be somebody that I wasn't-- a good, honest, decent person.

Nick: You are those things.

Avery: I cheated on my husband, Nick.

Nick: That doesn't make you a monster.

Avery: Okay, I'm not who you thought I was, and knowing that-- it's gonna change the way you feel about me, whether you want it to or not.

Billy: One hour, one hour at any restaurant you want to go. We'll go anywhere your little heart desires.

Victoria: What if my heart desires to stay home?

Billy: There's not one single place you want to go?

Victoria: (Exhales sharply) I just want to stay home. Is that okay? It's--its safe. It's warm. I just don't want to leave, all right?

Billy: All right... (Claps hands) We are not going out for lunch. We can have tuna fish sandwiches here, although I do have a backup plan... but if you don't want to leave the house, you're not gonna like plan "B."

Victoria: Plan "B"?

Billy: Oh, plan "B." Plan "B"... is this.

Victoria: You got us two tickets to Jamaica.

Billy: (Claps hands) Run away with me.

Phyllis: Um, you know, uh, as the head of R & D, I can tell you that Newman Enterprises believes in the potential of an alternative energy. Jack himself really wants to develop and implement the technology that you propose.

Man: Uh, Ms. Newman--

Phyllis: Phyllis.

Man: Phyllis--

Phyllis: You know, here at Newman Enterprises, you know, we're young. We're young and up-and-coming. We're--we're--we're-- we're a new team. We're--we're ready to go. We believe in a sustainable future. It's--it's--it's great, yeah. Look at this. No plastic bottles, only glass.

Man: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Isn't that great? Only glass. You know, when--when Jack took over C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises, he instituted a no-plastic policy. How about that? And we have charge stations for the electric cars in our parking garage, and, um, Jack drives a hybrid. Uh, his house is solar-powered. You should know that. He really wants to reduce his--his carbon footprint in society, and he asks that we--we do the same thing.

Man: That's-- that's very impressive.

Phyllis: It is very impressive. We are going green, and we want to do that with you-- with you. Green Means Go, Matt. Green Means Go. That's a great name, by the way.

Man: Matt?

Phyllis: No, Green Means Go.

Man: Oh, 'cause my name isn't Matt. My name is Mason, Mason Wilder. I'm here to interview for the assistant job.

Nikki: It just seems like the universe doesn't want Victor and me to be happy.

Kay: Well, I will admit that, uh, you have been thrown a few curveballs. I mean, after all, uh, Victor getting sick, Victoria being kidnapped, your house burning down...

Nikki: Well, I can't blame the universe on the fire. That was Sharon's handiwork.

Kay: Mm?

Nikki: Mm.

Kay: Oh, come on. Sharon burned down the house?

Nikki: I've known that from the very beginning, Katherine. We just couldn't gather enough evidence to prove it.

Kay: And now you have?

Nikki: We have it on good authority that she's the one responsible.

Kay: But no actual proof?

Nikki: Because somebody is helping her cover her tracks.

Kay: Nikki, no.

Nikki: Katherine, she burned our house to the ground. Shouldn't she have to pay for that?

Kay: Well, perhaps so, but, Darling, I hate to see you so consumed with this revenge.

Nikki: It's not like that. Anyway, Victor claims that he's very happy in our new penthouse, but when we lost the ranch, a little part of him is missing forever.

Kay: Now that's what's scaring you, isn't it? What it will do to him.

Nikki: He is trying desperately to fill that void.

Kay: By, uh, going after Jack?

Nikki: Oh, he's determined to get the company back, and he's trying to use the children to do it.

Billy: I'm not asking you to forget what happened. I'm asking--I'm not even asking you to forgive me. I'm asking you to give me a chance to make it up to you. You know, if we could just get away from here and focus on us, I know I could make that happen.

Victoria: (Chuckles) You make it sound so easy.

Billy: It's that easy. Look, you just-- you take two t-shirts and you stir. That's it.

Victoria: Oh, well, no paper umbrellas?

Billy: Oh, that's easy, too. We'll just steal 'em from Finn McGee's. We have a little layover in New York.

Victoria: Ah. Montego Bay via JFK?

Billy: Yeah, well, we can't recapture our past glory without downing a few of our favorite green beers in our favorite pub...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: And I've got the princess tiara. It's already packed. It's ready to go.

Victoria: (Gasps) You had this whole thing planned before you even asked me.

Billy: Uh-huh, I had to, because I know you can't say no to effective preparation and organization.

Victoria: Hmm. Don't be so sure.

Billy: Come on. Look what happened last time we up and flew to Jamaica. We got faux married, which led to us being real married, which led to you and me and Reed and Delia and Johnny becoming the greatest family ever. Think about what could happen now.

Victoria: Well, are you talking about leaving tonight?

Billy: I mean, as soon as we make arrangements for Johnny.

(Doorbell rings)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Y-you know, it's probably the driver ready to take us to the airport. It's a little premature. You just hang on for a minute. I'll stall him. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Hey. You--

Victoria: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Where have you been? You were supposed to be in the office hours ago.

Jack: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Jack? Jack, are you here? Jack? (Sighs)

(Door opens)

Phyllis: Oh, my God, Jack. (Exhales sharply) Where have you been? You were supposed to be in the office hours ago.

Jack: Isn't that where you're supposed to be?

Phyllis: I was. I was handling an interview that you set up. The assistant interview?

Jack: That must have been somebody else's office.

Phyllis: No. Sarge's nephew, Mason Wilder.

Jack: Ohh, right. How was he?

Phyllis: Well, great, considering the entire time I was talking to him, I thought he was Matt Merrick.

Jack: Who?

Phyllis: Matt Merrick, the green whiz kid that you've been working on for weeks.

Jack: Oh, oh, right, right, right, yeah, that--that Merrick. (Chuckles) You thought he was Sarge's nephew the whole time? I wish I could have been there to see that.

Phyllis: Why weren't you there?

Jack: You seem to have forgotten who the C.E.O. is here.

Phyllis: I've forgotten? You set up the meeting and you didn't show. What is going on with you? You weren't answering your phone, Jack. It looks like you slept in your clothes. Oh, my God, did you sleep in your clothes?

Jack: It's none of your business!

Phyllis: Jack... what--what's happening with you? Wh-where were you all night?

Avery: So there you go. There's the real me.

Nick: All right, I don't know what happened between you and your husband, but you obviously needed someone, and if anybody gets that, it is me. If you would have told me I was gonna cheat on Sharon with Phyllis, I would have thought you were crazy... but then... Cassie died, and our family was broken. I was broken. Sharon was drowning in grief, and there wasn't anything I could do to save her or myself... and Phyllis was there. As much as I hated myself for abandoning Sharon...look, Phyllis and I had some amazing years together, and I would never, ever regret having Summer... but the choices I made hurt a lot of people, Avery.

Avery: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring this up for you.

Nick: No, I'm-- I'm glad you did, because I want you to see all of me. Just--I want to see all of you.

Nikki: You would think, after everything he's been through, that Victor could just sit back and enjoy his children.

Kay: Ohh, Nikki, you know him better than that.

Nikki: Oh, I know. He's driving them away. Abby's already in New York, Victoria is furious with him, and Nicholas has told him he has no interest in Newman Enterprises.

Kay: Ooh, I'm sure that went over very well. (Laughs)

Nikki: Oh, Victor's not gonna give up the idea of getting his company back.

Kay: So he is going to take Jack on by himself?

Nikki: He's cooking up something. He won't tell me what, exactly, but I think Adam is involved, and that's not good.

Kay: Do you know, um, when Victor was in the hospital, I tried to persuade him to end this ridiculous feud with Jack?

Nikki: And you warned me that he probably wouldn’t. (Sighs) Katherine, it's not good for him, all this stress, and if I'm not able to convince him of that, I could lose him... for good this time.

Victoria: All right, the floor is yours.

Victor: We know who set fire to the ranch.

Victoria: Who?

Victor: Sharon.

Victoria: Sharon?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: What? Does Nicholas know?

Victor: Yeah, I talked to him about it earlier.

Victoria: I don't know why I'm surprised, considering the way she was acting last night.

Victor: Yeah.

Victoria: Um, has she been arrested?

Victor: We don't have enough evidence against her yet, but we will find it.

Victoria: Well, score one for your side.

Victor: What do you mean, "For your side"? You mean, for our side.

Victoria: No, it doesn't feel that way lately, Dad.

Victor: Sweetheart, in times of crisis, I... found it good to surround myself with family.

Victoria: What do you want, Dad? Do you want me to forget what you've done? You want me to just put a smile on my face and be a good member of the Newman family?

Victor: I want you to help me come up with a plan to take back Newman Enterprises from Adam and Jack Abbott.

Phyllis: Where were you all night?

Jack: I was in the Windy City.

Phyllis: You were in Chicago?

Jack: Yeah, I had an emergency meeting with a software developer.

Phyllis: Last night, in Chicago?

Jack: Yes, your hearing is 20/20.

Phyllis: Okay, because Kyle said that he saw you here with some guy at the house, so unless Scotty beamed you in from Chi--

Jack: I drove to Chicago right after the meeting. This tech engineer said I had issues that needed to be dealt with at Newman. I raced there, jumped in my car, and drove to Chicago.

Phyllis: Okay, so why didn't you just jump back into your car and drive home--

Jack: It was 2:00 A.M. I stayed in a hotel, and I came back this morning.

Phyllis: So Kyle or--or I, we couldn't help you with--

Jack: My phone was dead. I didn't bring a charger. I didn't realize anyone would even miss me!

Phyllis: Okay, so what you're saying is you completely spaced on the meeting with Sarge's nephew and with Matt Merrick.

Jack: Even my brain doesn't retain everything. The important thing is, I'm here now. I would love to meet this green giant, but I would also like to shower and shave, okay?

Phyllis: All right, I got a hold of Matt Merrick. He'll be in your office in ten minutes.

Jack: Great. Do your magic on him. I'll be there soon.

Nikki: So you'll help me, won't you? You'll convince Victor to forget about getting the company back.

Kay: Darling, I can’t.

Nikki: But you said that you would!

Kay: I-I know-- I know what I said, but I cannot be a hypocrite and keep on beating that drum.

Nikki: Why do you say that?

Kay: Because I was so excited to take back the reins of Chancellor Industries. I can't tell Victor he shouldn't fight to do the same.

Nikki: (Sighs) But your--your business doesn't consume you like his does.

Kay: Well, perhaps not. (Quieter voice) Perhaps not, but when you've given your heart and soul to something for as long as Victor and I have, you can't just let it go. You can't!

Nikki: Well, it's impossible for Victor.

Kay: Oh, come on. Newman Enterprises defines the man.

Nikki: And now it's killing him.

Kay: Is the fight to get it back killing him, or not having it?

Victoria: So you came here to ask me to help you get Newman Enterprises back.

Victor: It belongs to us.

Victoria: Do you remember my 6th birthday?

Victor: Yeah.

Victoria: It was a pink party. I had a pink dress, pink balloons, pink cake. You bought me a pony. It had a pink bow... but you missed my party. You were... (sighs) Closing a deal in Tokyo, or... and that was more important to you than my birthday.

Victor: Sweetheart--

Victoria: No, nothing's changed, Dad. Nothing.

Victor: (Exhales slowly) Be honest. Have you ever known an executive who runs a big corporation who hasn't missed a birthday party or two of his children? Come on now. I was away because I was building this company, a legacy for Johnny, for Reed, for you, for my whole family. You used to understand that.

Victoria: Dad, I was kidnapped. I was held at gunpoint. There was a gun to my head. I never thought I was gonna see my children or anyone else ever again.

Victor: S-sweetheart, that was--

Victoria: I still wake up in the middle of the night reliving that, Dad!

Victor: That was Billy’s fault, okay? That's not gonna happen again.

Victoria: No, stop! Stop. Stop trying to manipulate me into leaving Billy and fighting for your company. Just stop.

Victor: Why are you so stubborn? You know that man isn't any good for you. You know it! He gets into one trouble spot after the other. You want Newman Enterprises back as much as I do. You know it, I know it. It's in your blood, as it is in mine. You are much more like me than any of my other children, in your head and your heart. Whether you like to admit it or not... you want Newman Enterprises back as much as I do. It's out of love!

Victoria: Really? Really, Dad? Then prove it. Prove that you love us more than the company. Tell me that you're willing to let it go.

Victor: If I did that, it would be a lie. Haven't you had enough of lies?

Victoria: Yes, Dad, I have... but sometimes, the truth hurts just as much.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wh-what-- well, congratulations. Now you've chased all your children away.

Victor: You go to hell.

Nick: We can't go back, Avery, either one of us. We gotta move forward and forgive ourselves, and we gotta hope that the people we hurt, too, will forgive us.

Avery: Okay, I can't compare my situation to yours. It's so different. Come on. You lost a child. A lot of marriages don't survive that.

Nick: No excuses.

Avery: Okay, but your affair with Phyllis-- it wasn't some meaningless fling. You--you cared for her.

Nick: I loved her.

Avery: Yes, and out of that love came Summer. The only thing that came out of my infidelity was... just a lot of pain, and it ended my marriage and the affair, and you know, just-- people got hurt, and for what?

Nick: Well, I'm sure that's not what you intended. You must have had feelings for this guy.

Nick: You loved him, didn't you?

Avery: It doesn't matter. He's gone.

Jack: Welcome aboard, Mason.

Mason: I am psyched to be working here. My uncle told me I'd be learning from the best.

Jack: Wait, Sarge said that?

Mason: He also said he'd take my head off if I blew this opportunity.

Jack: Now that's the Sarge I know and love. By the way, where is he? I've been having trouble reaching him.

Mason: He's in Detroit, taking care of business. He'll be back in a couple weeks.

Jack: Oh, good.

Mason: I'm gonna get started on this list you gave me. If there's anything else you need--

Jack: Oh, believe me, you'll hear from me. Uh, Kyle will be looking out for you. If you have any needs, talk to him.

Mason: Nice meeting you, Phyllis.

Phyllis: You, too, Mason.

Kyle: I'll be right there. Hey, Phyllis said you went to Chicago?

Jack: Yeah, I did. We'll talk about it later.

Kyle: Okay.

Phyllis: That was an award-winning performance.

Jack: I don't know what you're talking about.

Phyllis: Oh, come on, don't be modest. No one would know that you completely forgot about an interview with an assistant and that you blew off a very, very important meeting. You even fooled Kyle.

Jack: I have a lot of work to do today, Phyllis. I assume you do, too.

Phyllis: What's going on with you, Jack?

Jack: I am trying to run a business.

Phyllis: No, it's the pills. You haven't been the same since you started taking them.

Jack: No, that's right, because I am not in constant pain any longer.

Phyllis: No, you're forgetful. You're confused.

Jack: I am on top of my game.

Phyllis: You don't need to lie to me.

Jack: Back off, Red! I mean it. I would like a cost-benefit analysis on McKinsey Biotech.

Phyllis: I'll get it for you.

Nick: So when you say "Gone"...

Avery: Killed. Killed in Afghanistan. He was deployed there. (Sniffles)

Nick: I'm so sorry.

Avery: Oh, I'm not the one that you should be sorry for.

Nick: Avery, you lost someone that you clearly care about.

Avery: When I heard the news, I had just gotten the call from your dad, asking me to come to Genoa City to represent Sharon, so I packed up my stuff and I moved here.

Nick: You just... wiped the hard drive clean, huh?

Avery: Uh-huh, that was--

Nick: Start fresh?

Avery: That was the plan, yes.

Nick: Yeah. How's that working out for you?

Avery: (Voice breaking) Not counting today? (Exhales slowly)

Nick: Grief and loss are very personal. Everyone chooses their own way to deal with those things, but what you can't do is just put those feelings in a box and pretend the bad stuff never happened.

Avery: (Normal voice) I'm just trying to put the past behind me.

Nick: Moving on doesn't mean you have to forget.

Avery: You know, a lot of men would be very threatened by past relationships. (Sniffles)

Nick: Well, remembering someone who is gone doesn't mean you care less about the people who are still here. I think it makes you appreciate 'em even more.

Avery: I'm not sure I could appreciate you more. (Sighs) (Sniffles)

Billy: (Sighs)

Victoria: Hey, um...

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: I'm sorry I left you with Dad.

Billy: Oh, no problem. We had a great time. We played "Words with Friends." I beat him, he got mad, and he left.

Victoria: Yeah, he's not really good at losing.

Billy: I don't blame him this time. I'd be upset, too, if I lost you.

Victoria: Yes.

Billy: Yes?

Victoria: Yes, I'll go with you to Jamaica.

Billy: You will? That's great! (Claps hands)

Victoria: Yes, okay. I just want to get away from Genoa City and my family and from everybody. Let's get far, far away and just concentrate on us, okay?

Billy: We're halfway there. Just go grab your sandals, Baby. (Chuckling)

(Door closes)

Nikki: Victor? Victor? What's wrong?

Victor: I've lost them all.

Nikki: (Sighs) So you saw Victoria.

Victor: Yeah. You know... my father left my family with nothing. That's why my mother had to take me to an orphanage...when I was 7 years old. And then when I met you, I was so happy that we could create a family, so proud of my family. I built this whole business for them... and now they don't want to fight for it.

Nikki: They are tired of fighting, Darling, and to be frank, so am I.

Victor: Sweetheart, I know you--you don't understand why I can't let this go.

Nikki: No, you're wrong. I do understand. Newman Enterprises fills up empty spaces inside of you. You don't feel whole without it.

Victor: I'm gonna get it back.

Nikki: I know. I know you will.

Victor: (Sighs heavily) But then I wonder, for what reason? Without my kids beside me, what's the point? What's the point of building all this?

Nikki: I understand why you can't live without Newman Enterprises...

Victor: (Exhales sharply)

Nikki: But, Darling, you have to accept the fact that your children can.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

John: You're hurt and you're lonely. Pills will never make that go away.

Chloe: Tucker called me about the discrepancy in the business account.

Summer: Who was the guy in the letters?

Avery: It's in the past, and it needs to stay there.

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