Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/11/12
Episode # 10051 ~ Nikki Makes an Accusation; Christine & Paul Take Their Relationship to the Next Phase
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Your paper. It's probably going to be the last time you can enjoy reading one, though, since starting tomorrow, all the headlines will be about you being arrested for arson.
Nick: Looks like whatever it is you have to tell me is not good news.
Victor: Well, Son, it's not what I should tell you. It's what you should have told me. Its one thing for you to express your disloyalty to Newman Enterprises, quite another to turn your back on your family.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Victor: You're protecting Sharon at my expense, aren't you?
Nick: You mean, at your party?
Victor: No. I mean about the fact that she burned down the damn ranch.
Nick: Dad, you told me it wasn't Sharon, that it was some random person, a serial arsonist.
Victor: But you knew different all along, didn't you?
Nick: No, I didn't. Mom told me she thought it was Sharon. When we found out she was wrong, I was relieved.
Victor: Well, she wasn't wrong, Son.
Nick: I don't understand. What changed? Why are you so sure Sharon set the fire?
Chelsea: (Exhales slowly) (Exhales slowly)
(Footsteps on stairs)
Chelsea: Ohh.
Adam: For me?
Chelsea: Breakfast in bed. I guess you saved me the trip.
Adam: Well, I have to be at work. I have a videoconference with the Biotech in Stockholm.
Chelsea: Oh. Okay, um, well, I can just box it up for you. You can eat it on your drive in.
Adam: Hush. I'm very grateful that you came home last night.
Chelsea: I want to believe that things can be okay again. (Sighs)
Adam: Well, it means a lot that you're willing to trust me. We'll get through this. Love you. I'll call you later.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Maybe we'll get lunch.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Lily: So this is the downside to working for your father-- that you do something he may not like, and you feel like you're gonna get grounded.
Leslie: Yeah, but not fired. That's why you two needed to be the ones to orchestrate this little mutiny.
Devon: Well, just hang on, it's not a mutiny, okay? Let's get that straight. We are engaged in a pilot demonstration of an alternate workplace policy which is currently under consideration, okay?
Leslie: Oh, wow, you have a bright future in marketing, young man.
Devon: Thank you. Why do I feel like that's not a compliment, though? (Chuckles)
Lily: I don't know, I just-- I-I feel like Dad's gonna be fine with it, you know? And we haven't done anything that can't be undone.
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: We just sent out an e-mail saying dress more casually, and put on some music.
Devon: Exactly. Good music, at that.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, the whole point is just to foster a more creative, vibrant atmosphere. Its like, who could object to that? I don't know, I just think that we don't give Dad enough credit. I think he'll even embrace the change.
Devon: I think so, too.
Lily: Guess we'll see.
Neil: Devon!
Devon: (Exhales slowly)
Paul: Hi, how are you?
Chris: Hi, good.
Paul: Oh, it's so good to see you. You know, if you'd let me know ahead of time, I would have picked you up at the airport.
Chris: Oh, that's okay. I used the cab ride to pull myself together.
Paul: What's the matter? It didn't go well in New York?
Chris: It was awful. So all the way there, I was trying to think of a way to explain to Danny what was going on with us.
Paul: Well, my guess is, an explanation wouldn't help all that much. I mean, I wouldn't know how you would explain it.
Chris: You know, I couldn't get it out. Once he looked at me, I started to cry, which only made things worse. I... I finally just told him that you and I were getting back together.
Paul: How'd he handle it?
Chris: He got really quiet.
Paul: Well, that's not surprising. I mean, I-I'm sure Danny loves you.
Chris: No, I know. It's just that Danny and Nina are two of my oldest, best friends. I just--I can't believe I'm doing this to them.
Paul: Uh, I don't think they'd want us to lie. Look, I-is this too much? I mean, do you feel like you're doing the wrong thing?
Victor: Did you ever discuss this fire with Sharon?
Nick: (Sighs) I asked her point-blank if she started it, and she denied it.
Victor: Well, I could hardly believe it myself. I mean, taking over the company, selling my shares-- it was very vindictive, but burning down the ranch house, our home? That's a level of hatred I didn't think she was capable of.
Nick: Could it have been accidental?
Victor: No, she had no reason to be there. Remember, last night, she came over to the party to ostensibly apologize for the Newman debacle? I think she really wanted to apologize for the fire she set.
Nick: Well, you didn't say that last night.
Victor: Well, we didn't know that until after the party, when Chelsea returned and told Nikki and me that Sharon was to blame for the fire, and that Adam had known all along.
Nick: So Chelsea's your source? She's a renowned con artist, Dad.
Victor: But what reason does she have to lie?
Nick: Well, maybe 'cause her husband is spending all of his time trying to help Sharon with this illness. You might be getting played here. Chelsea might just be trying to get rid of the competition.
Victor: What kind of illness are you talking about?
Nikki: You know, what irritates me the most is the fact that you almost got away with it.
Sharon: Are you blaming me for what happened at the ranch?
Nikki: Blame? No. Prosecute, yes, to the fullest extent of the law.
Sharon: Those are empty threats.
Nikki: You think so?
Sharon: Nikki, you've already gone around to everyone in town, including the police, trying to blame the fire on me, and no one took you seriously because you sound ridiculous. Look, I'm--I'm sorry that I barged in on your party last night, and--and I'm sure that that's what all of this is about and it's your way of saying, back off and--and stay away from your family.
Nikki: Sharon, it's no longer up to you whether you stay away from my family or not. I'm gonna make sure that you are put away where you can't cause any more damage. Do you happen to know what the sentence is for arson in Wisconsin? I do. Up to 60 years. Mm, mm, mm, mm.
Neil: How long you worked here? What's it been, less than a week? You think you can override me when it comes to company policy?
Devon: No, no, not at all. This is just an experiment, Dad.
Neil: Yeah, well, it failed, Devon.
Lily: What, you--you haven't even given it a chance.
Neil: Wait a minute. You--you encouraged this?
Lily: Yeah, I did, and I think it's a great idea. Why are you getting so upset?
Neil: I am the C.E.O. of this company. I am the new C.E.O. It has to be clear from the outset how the chain of command is laid out.
Leslie: I think everybody should just take a step back here.
Devon: Look, it's not like we sold off a division without telling you, okay? All we did was tell people to relax for a day and loosen up.
Neil: Oh, man, if I ever hear that phrase again--
Lily: Yeah, you know what? You're gonna keep hearing it as long as you're wound up this tight. What is going on with you?
Neil: You want to know what's going on with me? Do you really want to know?
Lily: Yeah.
Neil: I just like messing with you, that's all. (Laughing) What? Y'all really think I'm that much of a hard-ass? All right, you know what? I'm insulted. I should be offended right now, really, I should be. (Laughs)
Lily: So you're-- you're joking?
Devon: You're seriously okay with the music and the--and the casual dress?
Neil: Yeah, sure. Let's just see how it goes...but if productivity slips, it's back to commandant Neil.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Paul: Well, I just want you to know, if--if moving forward...
Chris: I know.
Paul: With this relationship makes you miserable--
Chris: Wait, wait. Wait. Once again, you are completely underestimating how I feel about you.
Paul: (Sighs)
Chris: If I could turn this off and walk away and not hurt Nina and Danny, don't you think I would do that?
Paul: Well, you have to admit that you have been resisting the pull for some time. (Laughs)
Chris: (Laughs) Yeah, and I can't do it any longer. You are stuck with me.
Paul: I'm okay with that. So where do we go from here?
Chris: I have been thinking a lot about that.
Paul: Really?
Chris: Well, actually, no, I've done more than just think about it. I quit my job.
Paul: You--you quit your job?
Chris: I did. (Laughs) So I'm leaving D.C. I'm coming back to Genoa City.
Paul: Wh--you quit your job? You're moving here now?
Chris: (Stammers) Okay, yeah, I know-- okay, I-I don't want to freak you out, right?
Paul: Mm.
Chris: But this is what I thought-- if we're gonna do this, if we're really gonna do this, we have to be in the same city. And I'm freaking you out, aren't I?
Paul: No, it's-- I-I just am surprised. I never expected this, that's all. I mean... (Laughs) Is it possible to freak out in a good way?
Chris: (Laughs) In a good way?
Paul: Well, yeah, you know, like freaking out in-- in the best way possible, because, uh...
Chris: (Laughs)
Paul: I'm freaking out! (Laughing) I'm very happy, yeah.
Chris: (Laughs) I can't believe I did it.
Chelsea: You shouldn't be here.
Nikki: We have a lot to talk about.
Chelsea: No, I told you everything I had to say last night.
Nikki: What's the matter, Chelsea? What are you afraid of?
Chelsea: Adam cannot find out that I told you about Sharon.
Nikki: Well, it's going to come out.
Chelsea: No! No.
Nikki: I need you to go on record with the authorities.
Chelsea: It's not happening.
Nikki: If you don't testify, I can't pursue this. I don't have enough evidence.
Chelsea: That's not my problem. I'm sorry. I thought you had a right to know about what happened to your home, but I-I can't help you with this any further. I can't.
Nikki: What, are you afraid that Adam will be upset?
Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, he's very... protective of Sharon.
Nikki: Oh, yes, I'm--I'm familiar with that. Nicholas was, too, until recently, and boy, does she play on that. Listen, Chelsea. If you don't help me put Sharon behind bars now, she is going to continue to interfere in your marriage. I've seen her operate. She is relentless. You have the opportunity right now to remove her from the picture permanently. And if you don't take advantage of that, I promise, you will regret it.
Victor: Sharon said something about not feeling well, not thinking clearly. Do you know anything about that?
Nick: Dad, we've all noticed that Sharon hasn't been herself lately.
Victor: And that's attributable to what, a mental illness or what?
(Knock on door)
Sharon: Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Sharon: Um... is Noah here? I need to see him.
Victor: You're not gonna involve my grandson in this, all right? You take responsibility, for once, for the things you have done. Be honest.
Nick: Let's not do this right now, okay? Faith's home.
Sharon: She is?
Nick: Yeah, she wasn't feeling well, so I kept her home from school.
Victor: So apparently, there's something wrong with you. If that's the case, I think you should seek treatment... away from town, some isolated place, so you can't do damage to anyone around here.
Sharon: Thanks for stopping him.
Nick: Well, it's true, isn't it? You started that fire and you've lied to me about it, and you got Noah to lie to me, too.
Paul: This is fantastic. I'm so happy.
Chris: (Chuckles) And a little scary. It's okay, you can admit it.
Paul: No, no, not at all. I-I just, uh... I guess I'm a little concerned that you'll be missing some high-powered career opportunities, or...
Chris: Mm, mm. I would pass 'em up anyway.
Paul: We could have talked about the possibility of me coming to D.C. I mean, we still can.
Chris: I know, but you know what? I'm excited for a change in my life, you know? A change of pace, priorities. I am proud of the work I've done and what I've accomplished, but I-I still feel like something is missing, and I am hoping that I'm gonna find that here with you.
Paul: Wow. I mean, it--this is like something I had-- I had given up on, a future I had given up on.
Chris: So what do you have planned for today? Because I have to find a place to live.
Paul: Well, that's easy-- you can move in with me.
Chris: No, I-I think--
Paul: Come on.
Chris: No, that would be moving too fast. I'm happy to move a thousand miles to be closer to you, but I don't know, sharing a bathroom?
Paul: Oh, God. I-I've got plenty of room.
Chris: I know. I just--I think we should ease into this, each have our own place, till we know for sure. (Giggles)
Paul: Okay. So what do you say? You need some help finding an apartment?
Chris: I would love that.
Paul: Me, too.
Chris: Okay. (Giggles) All right.
Paul: (Giggles)
Chelsea: I-I should have never told you about Sharon.
Nikki: No, no, you did the right thing-- not just for Victor and me, but for your marriage.
Chelsea: (Sighs) You don't understand. If Adam finds out about this, he is going to be furious.
(Door opens)
Nikki: Well, hello, Adam.
Adam: Nikki.
Chelsea: Hey. Um, your-- hey, your conference call's over already?
Adam: No, I forgot my laptop. I need it for the conference.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: What brings you by?
Nikki: Good to see you. Actually, you're the one I wanted to talk to. I need to find out what you know about Sharon and the fire at the ranch.
Adam: Sharon and the fire? I wasn't aware there was a connection between the two.
Chelsea: Uh, she--Nikki just has it in her head that if, um, if Sharon did do it, she would have unburdened her soul to you, you know?
Adam: Why would you say that?
Nikki: Well, it was obvious last night that the two of you are still very close, whether or not your wife wants to acknowledge that or not.
Adam: Well, I don't know anything about the fire, and as far as Sharon is concerned, I believe she was out of town.
Nikki: Well, should the subject ever come up again--
Adam: It won't.
Chelsea: Can I walk you out, Mrs. Newman?
Nikki: Sure.
Sharon: I've already answered those questions from you, Nick.
Nick: Not honestly.
Sharon: Where's Noah?
Nick: You're talking to me right now.
Sharon: Nick, just tell me where he is. Where's Noah?
Nick: It's true. You got him to lie for you, right?
Sharon: No!
Nick: Sharon.
Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, it--it just slipped out. I didn't mean to tell him.
Nick: Oh, my God. (Sighs)
Sharon: I'm so sorry.
Nick: For which part, burning down my family home, or dragging our son into it?
Sharon: I didn't mean for any of it to happen. The fire--I didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't remember it afterward.
Nick: So are we all just supposed to forget that it happened?
Sharon: Nick, it wasn't me who did those things. It was the disease, so what good would it do to lock me up in prison? I won't get better there. I'm getting better now. I'm taking my medication. It's starting to work. Please don't let your parents take that chance away from me. Let me get well. That's all I'm asking.
Devon: Well, I think it's absolutely hilarious how we were so worried for no reason. (Chuckles)
Lily: I don't know. Dad was pretty convincing when he was reaming us out.
Devon: No, he was kidding.
Lily: Maybe...
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: Or he knew Leslie was there and realized how it could look to her.
Devon: Really? You think, when he laughed it off, that was an act?
Lily: Could be.
Devon: Well, then let's drink to Leslie, the good influence.
Lily: (Laughs)
Devon: You know?
Lily: I just think it's just, you know, how he's wired. He's just serious and driven, focused.
Devon: Yeah, he's type "A" all the way, you know?
Lily: That's why Mom was just so good for him, you know? She could just make him laugh and poke fun at him, made him see there was more to life.
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: He hasn't had that since. I mean, a little bit with Harmony, but...
Devon: You know what it is, too? I think there's a lot of guilt mixed in there with it. I know he couldn't let go of feeling like he's let down Sofia and Moses.
Lily: He's just so hard on himself in every part of his life.
Devon: Yeah, and then he ends up being hard on other people, too, without even seeing it.
Lily: That's why I think Leslie is not the kind of person to put up with that, which could be good for him.
Devon: Oh, shoot, I think it would be great for him. She can shake him loose a little bit. (Chuckles)
Lily: Yeah, let's see.
Devon: Well...
Neil: Yeah, I-I did see that research. It's very interesting. It's a much broader market than I was expecting. (Clears throat) Yeah, well, you learn something new every day, don't you? Uh-huh. Okay, very good, I'll talk to you l-- yeah, bye-bye. So what you got for me?
Leslie: Just a report from the field, based on my own limited observations. You'll be happy to hear productivity has not fallen off a cliff, and morale is definitely up.
Neil: Uh-huh. Well, well. That's an argument in favor of the occasional casual dress day, though I'm sure I could marshal just as many points in opposition.
Leslie: Oh, no doubt. But before you do that, don't you think you should at least attempt to walk a mile in the other side's casual shoes?
Neil: Damn, I forgot my sneakers. Remember, I didn't get Devon's memo.
Leslie: Oh, stop being so literal, Neil. You know what I'm saying.
Neil: What? What?
Leslie: Let's just see what impact it might have on your productivity and morale to just, you know...
Neil: What--what are-- what are you doing?
Leslie: I promise it won't hurt a bit.
Neil: What are you doing?
Leslie: It will not hurt... one bit.
Neil: Better?
Leslie: Um, yeah, just, uh, do me a favor-- unbutton the top two buttons. Yeah. Much improved. Feel different?
Neil: I feel colder.
Leslie: Um, okay, so I'm going to check back with you later, see how it worked out.
Neil: Leslie, you don't have to leave.
Leslie: Yes, I do, if we're gonna stick to our agreement.
Neil: And, uh, what agreement is that?
Leslie: Oh, the one where you said you'd fire me if the heat between us got to be too much. Wouldn't want you to have to make good on that so soon.
Neil: (Chuckles)
Sharon: Oh, no. Oh, please, don't tell me that Chelsea threw you out.
Adam: No.
Sharon: Well, she will, if she finds you here. I wouldn't be surprised if she follows you over here again, after what she saw last night. She saw us kissing.
Adam: Forget about that for now. Sharon, Nikki was over at my house this morning. She has it stuck in her head again that you started that fire.
Sharon: I know. I saw her, too. She--she was here, and she was telling me she was gonna have me arrested.
Adam: Based on what? What--what would put her back on your trail?
Sharon: I don't know. But I saw Victor, too, and he was furious. He seemed to know for sure what I had done.
Adam: Well, they didn't bring it up at the party, so what would have happened between then and now?
Sharon: Um... Chelsea told them.
Adam: No. No.
Sharon: Adam, she told them. Of course she did.
Adam: No, she was with me at my house this morning when Nikki came by. She backed me up completely.
Sharon: Well, who could have told them?
Adam: Other people knew.
Sharon: Who? Dr. Watkins, Noah-- neither of them would have any reason to go to Victor and Nikki. Chelsea saw us kissing. Adam, this is payback.
Paul: But you only looked at one apartment.
Chris: Yeah, I know, and it's perfect.
Paul: Perfect?
Chris: Four rooms, okay? Which are the exact rooms I need--living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. What are the odds?
Paul: Okay, let me point out a few things that you might have overlooked, like the leaky faucet, the cracks in the ceiling, the carpeting that has seen better days.
Chris: Yeah, but I wouldn't worry about that.
Paul: Well, you know, there's--you--you-- you don't have to rush it. We can keep looking.
Chris: Okay. (Laughs) You know, the idea isn't to find the greatest place in Genoa City. The idea is to find a place as close to you as possible, and I did that, so I'm happy.
Paul: (Chuckles) You know, oh, my God, I think about where I was just a few weeks ago-- facing the possibility of life in prison.
Chris: Mnh-mnh, I wasn't gonna let that happen.
Paul: That seems almost as unreal as this does right now. Mm.
Chris: Does that feel real enough for you?
Paul: It's getting there, but I think-- I-I think you can, uh...
Chris: (Laughs)
Paul: Give me a reality... (Chuckles) That's better.
Chris: Mm.
Nikki: So Nicholas confronted Sharon himself?
Victor: Well, obviously, she denied setting the fire, and he wanted to believe her. But what is worse than lying to him was that she may have told the truth to Noah.
Nikki: Why do you say that?
Victor: Because after you had it out with her, she came running over to the tack house, looking for him...
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: As if he was gonna save the day for her.
Nikki: Well, he has been protecting her, but...
Victor: I know.
Nikki: The poor kid. She--how can she put him in such a horrible position?
Victor: (Sighs) I wish she hadn't done that.
Nikki: Well, come on, I mean, it's his mother. Yes, she put us through an awful ordeal, but it doesn't compare to the chaos she put into his life. I mean, that woman is beyond the help of a team of psychiatrists. It's not fair to think that he knows the right thing to do. He's a kid. He just wants to live in peace.
Victor: I know. Well, he's not gonna have much of that once we bring charges against her.
Nikki: Well, I don't know if we can.
Victor: What are you talking about?
Nikki: Chelsea is refusing to cooperate with the investigation. She thinks that Adam might get upset with her, and she's probably right.
Victor: Did you make it clear to her that she might lose her marriage? Did you see how Adam was wrapped up in Sharon's situation?
Nikki: I did, but I don't think I got through to her.
Victor: (Sighs) Well, I'll tell you what-- with or without her support, we're gonna proceed.
Nikki: How? I mean, we--we don't really have any proof that she started the fire. I mean, yeah, we have the bracelet thing, but she can easily claim that I planted it or it was somehow in the house before the fire started.
Victor: So you don't want to do it?
Nikki: Oh, God, y-- no, I want to do it. There's no way she's gonna get away with it.
Victor: Oh, good, my darling.
Nikki: We have to find a way to hold her responsible, that's all.
Victor: Baby, I love you, I love you.
Nikki: (Laughs) Well, I love you, too. Mwah.
Victor: But, you know, when you're pushed in the corner, when it comes to defending your family, you're like a lioness. I feel sorry for Sharon. I'm a lucky man.
Nikki: Yeah, well, Sharon's been pretty lucky, too. What if somebody had been staying at the ranch that night? She would be looking at murder right now.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: I mean, it was a terribly cruel thing to do. We have so many beautiful memories in that house.
Victor: I know. I promise you, we'll make new ones. Okay?
Chelsea: Uh-oh. Forget something else?
Adam: Yeah. I forgot what a good liar you are.
Devon: Please have a seat.
Leslie: Hey, thank you.
Lily: Hi. We are a little scared to go back to the office.
Leslie: You don't need to be. He's doing fine, getting into the spirit of things.
Lily: Uh, not really.
Devon: Mnh...
Leslie: Yes, really. Even loosened his tie.
Devon: Get out of here.
Lily: Wow. Yeah.
Leslie: Yeah.
Devon: That's an improvement. I'm gonna get a refill. You want some coffee?
Leslie: That'd be great. Thanks.
Devon: Lily?
Lily: I'm fine.
Devon: All right.
Lily: So whatever you're doing with my dad, it is working.
Leslie: I'm not doing anything, Lily.
Lily: (Laughs) No, something's happening with him, 'cause this morning, he was actually pleasant, so what's that about?
Leslie: Well, if he's changed, it might be because he's happy to be working with his family.
Lily: I don't know. I think he's happy to be working with someone.
Leslie: (Sighs) It won't hurt a bit.
[Neil remembering]
Neil: What are you doing?
Leslie: It will not hurt.
Neil: (Sighs)
Paul: (Chuckles)
Chris: (Laughs) (Clears throat) A little too public?
Paul: Well, uh, maybe, a tad. We're grown-ups, you know.
Chris: (Laughs)
Paul: (Chuckles) And you know, I-I think you had a good point. We have lots of time, and if we're gonna do this the right way, then...
Chris: You're right. We do have lots of time.
Paul: Come here. (Laughs)
Chris: (Chuckling)
Paul: Maybe I was wrong. (Chuckles)
Nick: How about some chicken noodle soup? Does that sound good?
Faith: Mommy's soup?
Nick: Mommy's soup? Um... hmm, is that the same as chicken noodle soup? Does it have noodles?
Faith: I want Mommy.
Nick: I know, Sweetheart. You always want your mommy when you don't feel good, but the truth is, mommy isn't feeling too good, either, right now.
Faith: Is she getting better?
Nick: Oh, yeah, she is. She's taking her medicine, just like you are. She's gonna get better real soon, okay?
Sharon: "Police have yet to apprehend a suspect." (Sighs) So the police don't have a suspect, but Nikki and Victor are sure it's me.
Victor: I just wonder if the other fires-- the warehouse and Gloworm-- they were just coincidence.
Nikki: What, you think Sharon started those, too? They have no connection to you or to the family at all.
Victor: Yeah, but, Sweetheart, that's the point. What if they wanted everyone to think the burning of the ranch was just a random fire, like Gloworm and the warehouse, without there being a personal vendetta involved?
Nikki: Well, if that's true, it worked. We were convinced.
Victor: That's right... until Chelsea told us otherwise.
Nikki: I don't know. I mean, that's diabolical, but it's clever. Is Sharon that clever?
Victor: I don't think it is about Sharon. I think this has everything to do with Adam. He wants to protect her.
Nikki: You really think he would risk going to prison for her?
Victor: Well, I don't think that he thinks he's gonna go to prison. He thinks he's just very clever, and he doesn't think anyone will find out. I got news for him.
Adam: Nikki didn't come here with questions about the fire. She already had her answers, didn't she? From you. You went there last night, to my father, to Nikki, and you told them that Sharon started that fire. You didn't come back because you decided to trust me. You came back because you felt like you had solved the problem on your own.
Chelsea: It does solve the problem. The only problem we have ever had has been Sharon.
Adam: Sharon is sick. She needs help.
Chelsea: I don't care! She's not my priority. Why is she yours? I'm your wife!
Adam: That's right. That's right, Chelsea. Keep saying it. You're my wife. You are my wife and I chose you and I love you, but apparently, that is not enough, is it?! It's not enough! You have to push things! You have to take it to the point where Sharon could go to jail, take it to the point where she could lose her children. You betrayed me, Chelsea. I had a plan and it was working-- all because you're feeling insecure.
Chelsea: Yeah, and why is that, hmm? Has anything happened in the past 24 hours or so to make me feel less than secure in my marriage?
Adam: If there's no trust and there's no faith, you can't blame that on Sharon. Getting rid of Sharon doesn't fix things, Chelsea. Quite the opposite.
(Door slams)
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Victoria: You got us two tickets to Jamaica.
Billy: Run away with me.
Avery: I want to be completely open and honest with you.
Phyllis: This is so unlike Jack to be late for a meeting, especially such an important meeting. Where is he?
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