Y&R Transcript Monday 12/10/12
Episode # 10050 ~ Chelsea Confronts Adam & Sharon About Their Kiss; Billy Plans a Romantic Evening With Victoria
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by
Billy: Surprise! (Humming)
Nick: Is this my life right now?
Avery: I hope so, because otherwise I'm snuggling with a complete stranger.
Nick: It's just a world away from the one I've been living.
Avery: Mm.
Nick: I wonder if my father's ever had a moment of peace like this.
Avery: Something tells me your idea of peace and your father's look very different.
Nick: Tranquility...
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Global thermal nuclear war.
Avery: (Chuckles) Yeah. Well, he was in his element tonight.
Nick: And Sharon played right into it. I still can't believe she showed up to the party like that.
Avery: You're surprised, even after you saw her in her state earlier?
Nick: I guess I shouldn't be. I mean, I know what she's dealing with. I can put a name to it. I just can't believe it's real. I don't want it to be real.
Avery: That's how I felt when I found out about my father.
Nick: It's like, I don't want to take one step from right here, 'cause if I do, things might never be the way they were again.
Avery: Well, when you are ready to take that step and talk about what's wrong with Sharon, there is no safer place than here.
(Knock on door)
Avery: Oh, boy. I'll bet you that is Mrs. Burg. She probably lost her dog again.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Avery: Okay. I'm coming. I'm coming. Summer, hi.
Summer: Hi. Um, I'm sorry it's so late.
Avery: That's okay. Uh, your dad and I just lost track of time.
Summer: Um, I actually came here to talk to you about Chelsea.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Chelsea: You really ought to close the door next time. (Sighs) Don't let me stop you.
Adam: Chelsea, hey. Chelsea, wait. Wait.
Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)
Billy: Just like being back there, huh? Yeah? It... do you want a rum drink? It's good. I made it myself. And... (Clears throat) Yeah, it's made in China, but it's the thought that counts.
Victoria: And what is that exactly?
Billy: Okay. I could give you my nightly apology for my past sins coming back to haunt you instead of me. I could beg you to forgive me again. But it has come to my attention that those efforts have been less than effective-- case in point. So I decided to instead show you how much we love each other. I was gonna save you the boredom...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: And me the humiliation. I hope it worked. So Jamaica, 2010, the site of some rum-fueled debauchery and a very, very spectacular and very illegal wedding-- one of the happiest times of my life, and yours, too, so I'm told. Can we go back there for a little while? We can remind each other what we have right here.
(Clinks glasses)
Summer: (Sighs) Uh, look, this is really embarrassing.
Nick: Hey. No one's judging you.
Summer: No, I mean, I showed up here like a total drama queen over nothing. It's-- really, it's not a big deal. I'm sorry for bothering you guys.
Avery: Summer.
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. I'll--you know what? I'll go. I should be the one to leave. You came to talk to Avery for-- and I'm sticking my nose in. I--
Avery: Yeah, dads can be pretty clueless sometimes, can't they?
Summer: You won't be mad?
Nick: Sweetheart, you came to Avery. You turned to someone for help. I'm very proud of you.
Summer: Yeah, maybe if I would have done that earlier, it wouldn't have caused a whole...
Nick: Is this about the car accident? You saw Chelsea at the party. That must have been hard for you.
Summer: When I walked in, when she saw me, she just--she backed away like she hated me.
Nick: Sweetheart, it hasn't been very long. You're gonna have to give her some time.
Summer: (Sighs) No. Okay, I-I killed her baby. She's never gonna forgive me. (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Adam: Don't go.
Chelsea: Get away from me.
Sharon: Chelsea, it was my fault. I encouraged--
Chelsea: Shut up!
Adam: Chelsea, its not—
Victoria: (Sighs) Would you like to hear how the housewarming went? You'll never guess who was there-- Adam. Yeah, my father invited him. Unreal, right?
Billy: Yeah, very. Here, you should try a Jamaican rum punch.
Victoria: Oh, but wait. It gets much worse. Sharon decided to crash the party.
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: She wanted to make amends for the contemptible way she's treated our family. (Sighs)
Billy: Well, that's not exactly what you needed. I'm sorry I urged you to go. However, it did give me time to set this up. Maybe it will... take your mind off of your dad's horrible party if you just focus on what Jamaica meant to us?
Victoria: So you want me to live in the past. That's what you're saying.
Billy: No, no, just a quick visit. Then we can move on to the future.
Victoria: Right now... it's all I can do to get through one day. I'm gonna go check on Johnny.
Billy: (Sighs) But... (Sighs)
Avery: This ought to help. Triple chocolate-- guaranteed to fix anything.
Summer: Not everything.
Nick: Look, what happened was terrible, but that doesn't mean you are.
Summer: And this whole time, I blamed Mom, and I said it was her fault that I freaked out, but... it wasn't. I caused the accident. I got in that stupid car, and I just wasn't watching where I was going. It just would have never...
Nick: Sweetheart, you're not alone.
Summer: (Sighs)
Nick: Everyone's done things they regret.
Summer: You never made someone lose their baby. (Sniffles)
Nick: Yes, it was tragic. And Chelsea's gonna have to heal, but so do you.
Summer: Yeah, but you never get over it-- you know, even with Cassie.
Nick: It changes. Life moves forward, Summer, and you gotta move with it.
Summer: How? Chelsea is always gonna hate me. So are you and Mom.
Chelsea: You son of a bitch.
Adam: Chelsea--
Chelsea: I don't want to hear another word out of your lying mouth again. (Sighs)
Sharon: Adam, go! If you don't, your marriage is over.
Adam: You gonna be okay?
Sharon: Oh, I'm fine. I promise. Just go. Hurry.
Victoria: Is that seat taken?
Billy: Yeah, I was kind of hoping so.
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs) Down the hatch.
Billy: Um... wow. You weren't kidding. (Chuckles) Easy, Tiger. Um...
Victoria: Whew! Potent. (Sighs)
Billy: Yeah, I-I don't really know what else is in Jamaican rum punch, but I-I got the rum down. (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Sighs) True or false-- the old Victoria would have never gone to that party tonight.
Billy: (Clears throat) Is this a trick question? Are you...
Victoria: She would have blown off her father and his agenda, and she would have sent her mother a nice housewarming gift. But the new Victoria...
Billy: (Clears throat) There's a new Victoria?
Victoria: Well, yeah, there was supposed to be after that thrasher month I had. You know, I just thought I'd try a new start.
Billy: I guess that party wasn't the best place to do it.
Victoria: You know, it's just... (Sighs) Whenever I'm with my family, I feel like I get slapped in the face. And even if I'm expecting it, and even if I brace myself, it just still hurts so much.
Billy: (Sighs) Come on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Come here.
Nick: Summer, you think we hate you? Oh, Summer, you are our Supergirl. And your mother and I will always feel that way about you.
Summer: (Scoffs) Supergirls save people. They don't run them over.
Avery: Summer, you are loved by your parents. You know that.
Summer: Well, I-I know. It's just... just when I saw Chelsea tonight, it just really scared me.
Nick: What scared you?
Summer: She hates me so much that I just start thinking that other people hate me and that everyone must hate me.
Nick: All right, no one feels like that, no one.
Summer: You know, I start thinking, like, why not? You know, why--why don't people hate me for what I did? 'Cause... I think I hate myself.
Nick: Now you might be right about something. Chelsea may never forgive you. But, Summer, you gotta forgive yourself.
Summer: It's too hard.
Nick: I know it's hard, Sweetheart, but you gotta do it. It's worth it.
Summer: Maybe I'm not worth it.
Nick: You don't really think that, because if you do, you don't know the Summer that I know. You don't know the little girl who scraped her knee up because I took her training wheels off her bike but, instead of quitting, so got back on that bike and she was riding around like a motocross rider all day.
Summer: (Sighs)
Nick: Or maybe you don't know the little girl who won the Halloween contest, but she gave the trophy to the other girl who didn't have her own costume because she couldn't afford it.
Avery: You did that, Summer?
Summer: It was an ugly trophy, anyways.
Nick: I also know her favorite color is blue, and she decided that blue is the color of happiness, because we were laying in the grass, looking at the sky all day.
Nick: I also know her favorite pizza is thin crust. It's gotta be thin crust and pepperoni, but, under no circumstances, can the pepperoni be touching each other in any way.
Summer: You remember all of that?
Nick: Yeah. It's right here in the hard drive. You know what else is there? Every night before you went to bed, we would tell each other how much we loved each other. We'd say, "I love you"...
Together: More than infinity.
Nick: And I still do.
Summer: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs)
Sharon: (Sobbing)
(Knock on door) (Knocking)
Sharon: Oh, thank God you-- uh, Noah. Um, listen, right now, it isn't--it isn't a good time. I--
Noah: I can see that, Mom. I-- where's Adam?
Sharon: He just--just-- he's already come and gone. You know, I-I sent him away.
Noah: What did he do to you?
(Door slams shut)
Adam: What are you doing?
Chelsea: What I should have done weeks ago-- leaving you.
Victoria: (Sighs) Why did you let me drink that whole thing? It made me sad.
Billy: You have a right to be sad after your father and I, um... that whole secret-keeping thing. (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs) Hey, you remember the palm tree outside of our hut and how you decided that we couldn't leave Jamaica until we had real coconut milk?
Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, but it was too hard to open, so I climbed up on the roof and dropped it. (Chuckles)
Victoria: Yeah. You did. You almost went over with it.
Billy: Yeah, I did. It was almost a real Gilligan moment there.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: But I got job done.
Victoria: Sure did.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I drank so much coconut milk, I thought I was gonna burst.
Billy: Yeah, but it was so good, Mon.
Victoria: Yeah, but you know what was really good was the rum cake around the bonfire. That was so good.
[Victoria remembering]
Victoria: Whoo, rum cake.
Billy: Rum cake.
Victoria: Rum... sounds better that way.
Billy: Rum... mmm... mum--mum--mum cake?
Victoria: You know what I also enjoyed? Sharing our stories with Renée and Sebastian after we crashed their wedding.
[Victoria remembering]
Renee: They give you a hard time for being together?
Billy: Uh, no, no. Um, actually, her, uh, her--her family loves me. I mean, especially her dad. He just...
Victoria: Oh, yeah.
Billy: Oh, he loves me so much it hurts.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Renee: They think it's too fast--love at first sight?
Billy: (Coughs) Mm, excuse me. No, wrong pipe. That's... (Coughs, chuckles) that's a good point.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: No, no. It's a good point. It's a good point, actually, because this woman right here, she loved me the second she saw me in my boxer shorts.
Victoria: You were so adorable.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Chuckles) I think that's when I realized how much I love you.
Avery: Mm-hmm. It's almost time to eat.
Nick: It smells amazing, as usual.
Summer: You're an awesome cook, an amazing lawyer. So what else are you good at?
Avery: Well, a bunch of things, Summer. You'll just have to wait to find out. (Laughs)
Summer: Oh, okay. Gonna keep me hanging?
Avery: Yes. Well, actually, I will offer you dinner for now.
Summer: Uh, thanks, but I actually promised Aria that I would go meet her for pizza, so...
Avery: Oh.
Nick: Pepperoni, no touching.
Summer: (Chuckles) I'm really glad that you're here, Dad. Thanks.
Nick: Me, too. (Kisses) Have fun tonight. Be careful.
Summer: Okay. Bye.
Avery: Bye.
(Door opens)
(Door closes)
Avery: Hey.
Sharon: Nothing happened. Adam didn't do anything to me.
Noah: Well, he sure hasn't helped.
Sharon: No, he--it--it-- it's not his fault. It--it isn't him. It's me. I-I don't know what to do. It isn't working anymore.
Noah: What isn't working, Mom?
Sharon: My touchstone.
Noah: Your...
Sharon: Yes, it's--it's supposed to calm me. It was Dr. Watkins' idea, and I-I've been using it ever since.
Noah: Faith's drawing?
Sharon: Yes, it's-- it's supposed to be something meaningful, and you can't get any more meaningful than this, so then why isn't it working anymore?
Noah: Mom?
Sharon: It's not making me feel any better.
Noah: Just calm down, okay?
Sharon: No, I can't! I can't! I don't know how to! I don't have anything to hold on to.
Noah: No, it's gonna be fine.
Sharon: I'm afraid I'm gonna float away out of my body and--
Noah: You're not, Mom. You're not.
Sharon: I... (Sighs) Help me. Help me. Why aren't you helping me?
Noah: Mom, I swear to you, it's going to be okay.
Sharon: Oh, I know.
Noah: You're gonna get through this, okay?
Sharon: I just need to find something else. I have to find something else. Let's see. Photos. No.
Noah: Just stop, Mom. Mom, stop!
Sharon: No.
Noah: Please! Just listen to me, okay, please. All right, maybe--maybe your touchstone isn't working, because you need the real thing, all right? I'm real. I am here. Please let me help you.
Adam: Chelsea, what can I do to stop you?
Chelsea: Why would you want me to stop me? I mean, this way, you don't-- you and Sharon don't have to sneak around.
Adam: I came home to you. That should tell you something, right?
Chelsea: What, that it takes two women to satisfy you?
Adam: I'm not with two women. I'm not in a relationship with Sharon. It was a kiss. It was stupid, a mistake that will not happen again.
Chelsea: You--you know, it's like you just can't help yourself. You know, you--you-- you promise me one second that you're done with Sharon for good, and the next, you're leaving me at a party to go chase after her. It's crazy.
Adam: You saw the way that she left the party, right, and you know that she's capable of hurting herself.
Chelsea: So... (Sighs) So you--you--you calmed her down by kissing her?
Adam: She... kissed me. It caught me off guard.
Chelsea: Admit it, Adam. You were as much into that kiss as she was.
Billy: Well, since we're going down the "I knew I loved you the first time I saw you" road, I--
Victoria: No, I know. Um, New Year’s Eve, 2009-- you tell that story all the time.
Billy: Ah. But you don't know the first time that I knew I wanted to marry you. Finn McGee's, when I unzipped my pants and I showed you my "Kiss me, I'm Irish" boxer shorts.
Victoria: Mm. That was when you decided, huh?
Billy: Yeah, most people could--they would have ran away, been scared, but no, you just laughed.
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: And it was the sweetest sound I've ever heard. And I knew if I could make you laugh for the rest of your life, I would be a very lucky man. I knew I wasn't good enough for you. That's why, in Jamaica, I knew I had to marry you right then and there. Otherwise, we would go home, we'd slow down. You'd think about it, move on, and I would lose you forever.
Victoria: No. I wasn't going anywhere.
Billy: I couldn't take that chance then, and I can't take it now.
Victoria: Billy, I--
Billy: Ah, you know what?
Victoria: No.
Billy: Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This isn't right. This isn't perfect yet. What is Jamaica without music? You know what I'm saying? We need some music. Mm-hmm.
(Reggae music playing)
Billy: Dim some lights. You know what I'm saying? And do you remember this, the chicken? Can you do the chicken? Want to do the chicken? Now I'll make him a turkey. Gobble, gobble. That's right. Uh-huh. You know you like the chicken.
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Billy: You also like the lawn mower. You like this one? Yeah!
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: Ah, this worked the first time. (Chuckles) The Cadillac. Mm, you know, it seats two, Baby. Come on.
Victoria: (Laughs) What?
Billy: It seats two. Come get in this car.
Victoria: Mnh-mnh.
Billy: Come--come on. Come get in this car. (Chuckles) There she is. There she is. Oh, look at that. (Chuckles)
Nick: Mm. What was that for?
Avery: Oh.
Nick: Not that I'm complaining.
Avery: It's for you are a good man and a good father.
Nick: If they had told me there would be days like this--
Avery: You would have each of your children all over again.
Nick: You're probably right.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: I think Summer's through the worst of it.
Avery: I think so, thanks to you.
Nick: And you. She showed up to your door.
Avery: Well, I don't think Phyllis would be as understanding as you.
Nick: Look, she needs to learn that Summer needs help no matter who she gets it from.
Avery: Yeah, well, good luck with that.
Nick: Phyllis should be grateful that Summer has someone as great as you are with kids to turn to.
Avery: You think I'm great with kids?
Nick: You're amazing. You're a natural. Are you sure you don't have any?
Avery: I did have one.
Nick: What?
Avery: Mm-hmm. One. Her name was Nancy. Nancy Drew Summers-- my imaginary child as a kid.
Nick: Of course.
Avery: (Chuckles)
Nick: An imaginary friend.
Avery: Yes. I wanted a daughter that was brave and mysterious and used her smarts to solve mysteries.
Nick: So you invented her.
Avery: Mm-hmm. And I even invented her boyfriend.
Nick: Okay. Let me make sure--okay. (Chuckles) You, when you were a kid...
Avery: Uh-huh.
Nick: Invented a daughter...
Avery: Uh-huh.
Nick: And had a boyfriend.
Avery: Uh-huh. Yes. I had a very active imagination. Still do.
Nick: Really?
Avery: (Gasps) Oh! Oh! That is probably why I am so enamored with you. You are just like Nancy's boyfriend.
Nick: Ah. So he was incredibly good-looking with a great sense of humor but came from a messed-up family.
Avery: You see, this is-- you think that I'm with you for you, but I'm actually with you because of your name.
Nick: My name?
Avery: Yes. I have Nick Newman. Nancy had Ned Nickerson.
Nick: (Laughs)
Avery: (Laughs)
Nick: Well, it must be fate.
Avery: I'd like to think so.
Sharon: Sweet Noah. (Sighs) Gosh, you're trembling. I'm so sorry.
Noah: No, no.
Sharon: I'm sorry if I scared you.
Noah: No. I'm--I'm your-- I'm your touchstone now, remember? (Sniffs) Touchstones don't get scared.
Sharon: I'm just... I've done so many awful things, and even when I try to apologize for them, I make them worse. And--and they're all-- they think I'm crazy.
Noah: No, don't-- who cares what they think? Okay? It's not true. You have a mood disorder.
Sharon: That's a nice way of saying it.
Noah: Which can be managed. Okay?
Sharon: Can it? Am I ever gonna get better?
Chelsea: It was a rhetorical question. You obviously gave as good as you got.
Adam: Chelsea, Sharon-- she messes with my mind.
Chelsea: That's not all she messes with.
Adam: You know those snapshots in life, those moments where everything else fades, all those other pictures go away, but there are those few iconic moments that change everything for you?
Chelsea: Adam, what does this have to do with anything--?
Adam: That moment on that lake on that ice, when you were in that freezing water, and I realized that this woman who had been my friend was suddenly-- suddenly someone I... the only one that I could not be without.
Chelsea: (Sniffles)
Adam: Chelsea, I realized right then that I loved you. That was my moment.
Chelsea: (Sniffles)
Adam: That was my iconic moment that changed everything.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: And if I lost you, if I would have lost you then, I don't... tonight, again...
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: With Sharon, consoling her, comforting her, and the next thing I know, you're there. And then I see the best thing... (Sighs) The best thing that has ever happened to me in my life walk out that door. Please, do not walk out this time.
(Reggae music playing)
Billy: (Humming)
Victoria: Ooh. (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs) What is that? Uh, you.
Victoria: You.
Billy: You. (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: Uh. (Hums) (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
(Slow music playing)
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: Hmm. (Giggles)
Billy: (Humming)
Nick: So you owe your culinary expertise to an easy-bake oven.
Avery: Oh, I wanted one more than anything. I used to dream about putting those little cakes in the oven and taking them out and putting 2 pounds of frosting on them.
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Avery: Every Christmas I thought I was gonna get one, and my dad always said it was impractical. So to spite him, I decided to become the best chef I could be. I still dream about that silly oven.
Nick: You know it's not really an oven, right? It's just a box with a bulb in it.
Avery: Uh, here's what I know. You put the batter in it and a cake comes out. That's an oven, Nick.
Nick: (Laughs) I think this is one of the many reasons I keep showing up here. You make me forget about everything else going on in my life. (Sighs)
Avery: Yeah, Sharon?
Nick: Yeah.
Avery: It's okay. Listen, I expect you to be worried after what happened tonight, you know. And she was a huge part of your life, so...
Nick: Thanks for understanding that.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: I'll always be tied to Phyllis and Sharon, because of my kids.
Avery: I know. And I would not expect anything less from you.
Nick: And what about you, Ms. Clark?
Avery: Hmm?
Nick: Do you still keep in touch with your ex?
Avery: Uh, well, no. There's no children to bind us, remember?
Nick: Well, no contact at all? No, like, Christmas cards? No postcards, "Hey, I'm in Maui, so glad you're not here"?
Avery: Mnh-mnh. No. No. It was a long time ago. It didn't end well. I made some mistakes, so...
Nick: Any guys after him?
Avery: Mm, not unless you count my dog Thurgood.
Nick: How about before him? Who was your first love?
Avery: This is so not worth talking about. I'm gonna make some coffee.
Summer: Hey, thanks for covering for me, Aria. Yeah, no. I just needed to chill. Okay. Bye.
Chelsea: I should never have listened to you. (Sighs) I'd be in my own place by now, instead of--
Adam: Instead of giving me another chance?
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Chelsea: The day that you showed up with the lesson books and encouraged me to get my G.E.D., that's... that's the picture in my head.
Adam: When everything changed for you?
Chelsea: You had some serious issues, but I was no prize either, so I thought perfect match. (Laughs) We'll either go on a cross-country crime spree together or we'll make each other better people. Problem is those things are really hard to do when there's a third person tagging along.
Adam: Well, she won't be tagging along anymore.
Chelsea: Well, probably not, 'cause she'll be committed soon.
Adam: Chelsea, it's not true.
Chelsea: This coming from the man who ran to her rescue saying she may do something harmful. You can't have it both ways, Adam. You have to make a choice.
Adam: I've made my choice. Now can we just please stop bad-mouthing Sharon?
Chelsea: If I'm your choice, then why are you still defending her? I will always come in second with you.
Adam: No. Is it necessary to talk about Sharon being committed?
Chelsea: Yea--why would I say something like that? (Scoffs) Oh, gee, I know why. Maybe because tonight Miss Crazy Pants gave us her best version of a raging lunatic!
Adam: Chelsea, I--
Chelsea: Not to mention, the little bonfire she set at the ranch.
Adam: Hey, I thought we were never gonna talk about that ever again. If Nikki or my father ever found out about that--
Chelsea: Right, right, right. God forbid we protect people from a dangerous psychopath.
Adam: She's not a psychopath. Will you just cut it out with the insults?
Chelsea: But don't you see that she's a danger to people, Adam? You can't deny that.
Adam: She just needs time. She needs time, okay. This is a person who needs help. She needs patience, understanding, something of what you seem to be lacking right now.
Chelsea: Because I'm scared, Adam. I am scared for you. I am scared for us and our future. I have never loved anybody as much as I love you.
Adam: Yes, and I-- and I love you. I love you, too, but love is meaningless-- Chelsea, without trust, love is meaningless. I know that sounds ridiculous saying the word "Trust" after what you just witnessed, but you're gonna have to trust me.
Chelsea: I want to, Adam, but it is really hard to do when Sharon is always in the way.
Adam: But she doesn't have to get in the way, okay. She doesn't have to get in between us if there is love and trust. I know what you witnessed was awful, okay. But you have to look me in the eyes and know that I'm telling you the truth when I say I love you and I say you need to trust me. Sharon will not come between us.
Adam: (Sighs)
Billy: Let's go back to Jamaica. We'll get away from our families, make a clean start, just like you wanted.
Victoria: I can't. Sorry, I'm just not ready.
Billy: (Scoffs) (Clears throat)
Avery: (Sighs)
Nick: I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just... I want to know everything about you.
Avery: Oh, well, aren't you the one that's been advocating that we leave the past in the past and focus on our lives?
Nick: Yeah, I'm cool with that.
Avery: (Sighs) You know, I have a very big day tomorrow, so I have to call it a night.
Nick: Okay. Uh... I really hope that I didn't, like, mess anything up. I just, uh--
Avery: No, you didn't. You didn't. It's fine. It's fine, really.
Nick: Yeah?
Avery: Yeah.
Nick: Okay.
Avery: Yeah.
Nick: Good night.
Avery: Good night.
Nick: (Sighs)
Avery: Good night.
Summer: "Dear Avery." "Love Dylan." (Sighs)
Noah: You can stop wondering, Mom. Okay. You will get better.
Sharon: I wish I had your confidence.
Noah: Just keep taking your meds. Give 'em a chance. It'll pay off.
Sharon: What if it doesn't? What will happen to me? Will they lock me up?
Noah: No, no. It--it--I won't let that happen. Okay. I swear to you, you will never go back there again.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: Is this too much? Do you feel like you're doing the wrong thing?
Neil: You think you can override me when it comes to company policy?
Devon: No, no, not at all.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Victor: You're protecting Sharon at my expense, aren't you?
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