Y&R Transcript Friday 12/7/12
Episode # 10049 ~ Adam Tries to Calm Sharon; Jack's Descent Into Drug Abuse Continues
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: What the hell are you doing here, showing up at the door like this?
Sharon: May I come in?
Victor: No, you may not.
Sharon: Victor, I need to speak with you. It's urgent.
Victor: Nikki and I are throwing a party for our family. You're not family, so kindly leave.
Sharon: Everyone in this room needs to hear what I have to say.
Victor: No, they do not need to hear what you have to say.
Nikki: Victor, the guests are waiting. Who is it--?
Sharon: Nikki.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Sharon: What a lovely dress.
Nikki: What the hell are you doing here?
Victor: She has something to say.
Nikki: Oh, no, she doesn't. Victor, you're not going to allow this?
Victor: Just leave her alone. The best way to deal with someone that self-destructive is to give them enough rope.
Sharon: Hello, everyone.
Nick: Sharon. What is this about? What are you doing here?
Nikki: I'm sure this can wait. You're interrupting a private party.
Sharon: I assumed you'd all be here. That's why I came.
Victoria: You knew about the housewarming? Who told you? How'd you get the address?
Sharon: It doesn't really matter how I found out. What matters is that you're all in one place.
Chelsea: You told Sharon, but not me?
Noah: Mom, hey, um, maybe--maybe you shouldn't be here right now.
Sharon: Well, I am here, Noah, and I have something to say to all of you.
Nikki: Oh, no, no, you don't. I'm not gonna let you barge in here and take over just to drop some kind of bomb on us. Not gonna happen!
Kyle: You know, this place does close for the night.
Jack: Yeah, I have heard rumors to that effect.
Kyle: About ready to head out?
Jack: Not yet.
Kyle: You put in close to a full day today.
Jack: "Oh, don't push yourself too hard, Pop."
Kyle: Yeah, well...
Jack: I appreciate your concern. I just need to finish this up, okay?
Kyle: Well, what are you working on?
Jack: I'm going over some recent deals Adam made in the alternative energy division. I'm not sure these acquisitions square with my idea for the future of the company.
Kyle: Dad, no one's gonna be acquiring any companies between now and 3:00 a.m. I think, whatever it is, it can wait till the morning.
Jack: So what are your plans for the evening?
Kyle: I'm going to have dinner with some friends. Why don't you join us? You gotta eat.
Jack: Uh, another time. Thank you very much for the invite. Go ahead, have fun.
Kyle: All right, fine. See you.
Jack: (Exhales slowly) (Inhales sharply) (Groans) (Sighs) (Groaning)
Sharon: If you will just hear me out...
Victoria: We had to put up with you when you hijacked the company, but not anymore, not after you trashed what our family has poured our blood into all of our lives.
Nick: All right, Vick, ease up. Sharon has something to say. Let's just let her say it.
Victoria: No. No. No.
Nick: There's no need for this to get out of hand.
Victoria: N-no reason?! She let us believe that Dad was dead. We had to put up with that mockery of a funeral.
Nick: She's not the only one who did that.
Victoria: She's the reason that we lost Newman Enterprises.
Sharon: You're right, Victoria. I did do all those things, all of those things, and that's why I'm here tonight.
Nikki: Oh, really? To gloat?
Sharon: No, Nikki, to apologize.
Nikki: (Scoffs)
Kevin: Tucker and Adam are so loaded, they won't even notice it's missing, right? Pay off the loan, save the house. They wouldn't want Chloe and me to be homeless. (Exhales slowly)
Kevin: What can I get for you?
Man: Information.
Kevin: Uh, well, we serve coffee.
Man: Cup of coffee, then, and a side of information. You happen to know the whereabouts of Noah Newman?
Kevin: Who wants to know?
Man: N.Y.P.D.
Noah: Did you know about this?
Adam: Not a thing.
Noah: Think she's gonna say something--
Adam: I don't know.
Sharon: I understand why you'd be skeptical, but I didn't come here to cause trouble. In fact, just the opposite. I came here to do the right thing.
Nikki: Really? Do you even know what that is anymore?
Victoria: The right thing is to leave. How many times do we have to ask?
Nick: It really might be best if you leave.
Sharon: I've already waited long enough to face all of you. This is one of the reasons why this is so difficult. I have done terrible things to this family, even more than you know.
Noah: Mom, Dad-- Dad and Nikki are right. I-I know you mean well, but this is really not the time.
Sharon: Honey--
Noah: Mom, it really isn't, okay? So I'll just take you home.
Sharon: Noah, I have to do this, now! (Exhales sharply) I-I feel terrible and ashamed for many of my actions and I wish that I could take them back, but I can't. All I can do is say that I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused your family, a family that I still consider to be my own.
Victoria: (Scoffs) Please.
Nikki: Oh, my God! If you believe that, Sharon, you are delusional.
Victor: What angle are you working? This sounds more and more like a con.
Sharon: I know it may sound like that. I don't blame you for thinking that, because I've lied to you and I've--I've lied to everyone, but--but I am here to do just as I said-- make amends.
Nikki: What really happened, Sharon? Did you run away, and for the first time, nobody chased after you? You finally realized that people are sick of being mistreated by you? And now you get it-- they don't care about you, Sharon. Yes, it is sad and very depressing to be all alone in the world, especially when you've brought it on yourself, but that's what this is really about. That's why you're here tonight. You tried to make it on your own and you couldn't do it, so now you're terrified, aren't you?
Sharon: Well, I have to admit it has been difficult on me. Yes, I can't deny that, but that's not really what this is about. This isn't about me.
Nikki: Oh, my God, of course it's about you. It's always about you. You didn't hesitate, coming in here tonight and ruining everything.
Noah: Okay, Mom, you've apologized. Really, it's--it's all good.
Nick: Why don't you let Noah take you home?
Sharon: No, I'm not leaving here until I'm finished!
Victoria: Oh, I think you're already finished. Did you think you could just put on some fancy cocktail dress and crash our family celebration with your lame "I'm sorrys" and oh, poof, everything would just be forgiven?
Sharon: Well, I'm-- Victoria, I realize that I-- I have a lot to make up for, and I-I've done some terrible things, but I was sick! I wasn't myself! Do you understand that?! I made mistakes, mistakes!
Noah: Okay, Mom, put your coat on. Let's go.
Sharon: No! Noah, I need them to understand that--
Noah: Mom--
Sharon: I need them to understand what was going on. I want them to know that I didn't mean to hurt them! I need to make them understand!
Noah: We need to go now. Don't--don't say a word.
Sharon: I just want to make your father understand, and your grandfather, that I didn't mean to hurt them.
Nick: Sharon, we know. We know.
Victor: I don't give a damn about your excuses, okay?
Nikki: That makes two of us.
Victoria: You know, you can apologize from now until doomsday. You will never undo the damage that you've done.
Sharon: Victoria, you-- you have to let me try.
Chelsea: Don't even think about it. She knew what she was getting herself into. Maybe this will help her.
Adam: How can this help, Chelsea?
Sharon: Don't you understand how difficult this is for me? I came here to apologize. I-I've admitted that I was wrong, completely wrong!
Victor: Sharon, you're drunk. I asked you to leave. I will not ask you again.
Nikki: Look, you may think that Victor is too polite to physically throw you out, but trust me, I'm not.
Nick: No one is throwing anyone out. Sharon is leaving, right?
Victoria: Yeah, and why don't you leave town while you're at it? And stay gone this time. I don't know why you bothered coming back in the first place.
Sharon: I-I came back for my kids. I had to come back for my kids.
Victoria: Oh, your children that you've abandoned how many times now?
Nick: Victoria, that's enough. That's enough.
Sharon: Victoria, I love my kids. They mean everything to me. I had my reasons for staying away!
Nikki: Oh, God, Sharon, what--what is wrong with you? Are you drunk?
Sharon: No, I-I'm-- I-I haven't had anything to drink.
Nikki: Well, something's off, 'cause you're not making any sense.
Noah: Okay, you're--you're-- you're forgiven, Mom, okay? Can--can we just go now, please?
Victoria: Yeah, Noah... (Clears throat) Y-yeah, you can forgive her, but don't presume to speak for the rest of us.
Adam: He speaks for me.
Victoria: Oh, really? Really? What did she ever do to you?
Adam: Sharon, you've-- you've done all you can here tonight. There's gonna be no more forgiveness.
Sharon: Well, I just wanted to-- I mean, I-I-I meant to--
Victor: Excuse me, I've asked you to leave. Please get the hell out of here now. Now!
Sharon: No, I'm leaving alone.
Noah: No, Mom--
Sharon: No, I don't want you to see me like this!
Chelsea: Adam! For the love of God.
Adam: We don't know what she's capable of, okay? I have to go.
Chelsea: Oh, my God, you're just gonna do what you want...
Adam: No.
Chelsea: Like you always do. You're not even gonna listen to me.
Adam: I know that you don't like this, and I understand, but I am doing the right thing, and you have to trust me.
Chelsea: Adam!
Kevin: New York? What do you want with Noah?
Man: Then you do know him.
Kevin: Well, there's a Noah who comes in here every once in awhile. I don't really know him, though. Sorry.
Man: This Noah that comes in here every once in awhile, uh, you ever heard him talk about a woman named Adriana?
Kevin: How would I have heard that?
Man: Oh, maybe a phone call, conversation.
Kevin: (Chuckles) No, I don't listen in on my customers' phone calls.
Man: Oh, of course not. I was just hoping that maybe you inadvertently heard something.
Kevin: No, I'd remember that, too.
Man: Why would you remember that?
Kevin: Well, it's an odd name, Adriana. It would have stood out. Why are you looking at me like you don't believe me?
Man: Well, I'm a detective. Don't take it personal. I don't believe anyone.
Kevin: Yeah, but why would I lie about that?
Man: I've been on the job 12 years. I've learned that sometimes people don't need a reason to lie. They just do. They just can't help themselves.
Kevin: Well, that's certainly not me.
Man: Ohh, that was good. Look, if this Noah you don't know stops by... give me a call.
Kevin: You got it.
Man: (Clicks tongue)
Jack: Damn it, Adam! Why isn't anything in the right place? (Breathing heavily) Uh, hello, this is Jack Abbott. Could I speak to Dr. Carter, please? No, this can't wait. I need to speak with him. If he's just leaving, that means he hasn't left yet. Thank you. Dr. Carter, yeah, Jack Abbott. (Chuckles) Thank you for talking to me. I'm glad I reached you before you left. I got a little bit of an emergency. I have a new assistant who lost the bag I keep my oxydycone in, and... (Chuckles) Would you believe it? My back is screaming at me right now. I just need a vial, enough to get me through till I find the bag. I-I-I realize I was just there a few days ago. Yes, I know the medication is very strong. It must be, because I'm in some kind of agony. C-could you just-- just this once, just do me a favor and call in this prescription? I'm in pain now, Doctor. Unless you can see me in the next five minutes, setting up an appointment isn't gonna do anything. Do I have to maybe take this up with your chief of staff? Forget it. Forget it! Thanks for nothing. (Breathing heavily)
Man: Just arrived in Genoa City. I'm waiting on an address, but so far, no sign of him or the money.
Avery: Uh, white wine, please.
Carmine: Quite a show out there. You sure you don't want anything stronger?
Chelsea: I would.
Noah: I'm going after her.
Nick: No.
Noah: She shouldn't be alone right now.
Nick: If you take off, there's bound to be more questions.
Noah: So handle them.
Nick: I don't want to draw any more attention to your mother's mental state. If they find out what she's going through, it's just gonna give 'em more ammunition.
Nikki: Just when she'd sunk lower than you'd think anybody can sink...
Victor: It's absolutely pathetic.
Victoria: Does anybody have Fairview on speed dial?
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Victoria: I'm starting to think she's losing it again.
Victor: Mm.
Nick: You know, that's a lousy thing for you to say in front of Noah.
Nikki: You're right, Son. Forgive me, Noah, I didn't mean to be harsh.
Victor: Sorry, Son, what else do you want us to say to a woman who has done the things she has, hmm?
Nick: Sharon showing up tonight wasn't appropriate, but what exactly did she say that was so bad? She apologized.
Victor: Son, you cannot apologize for what Sharon has done. Some offenses are not forgivable.
Nick: Like me not fighting for Newman? Is that what this is about?
Victor: If that is what you think...
Nick: Now you're just twisting my words.
Victor: You heard what I said about rebuilding the legacy of Newman. I meant every word of it. So when a crazy woman waltzes in here who has destroyed that legacy, I'm not in a forgiving mood. I'm not about to tolerate her games.
Nick: It's no game, all right? Sharon's-- she is dealing with a lot right now.
Nikki: She said something about being sick. What did she mean by that?
Sharon: God! How could I be so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid? (Exhales slowly)
(Pounding on door)
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nikki: So was Sharon ill?
Nick: It's not my place to say.
Victoria: Meaning, she was.
Victor: What was the matter with her?
Nick: The next time you see her, just cut her some slack, all right? For her sake, and especially my kids'.
Nick: (Exhales slowly) (Groans)
Avery: Hey, you look like you're ready to go.
Nick: I'm beyond ready.
Avery: Okay, I'll get our coats.
Nick: Thanks.
Victoria: Are you okay?
Nick: He is never gonna change.
Victoria: Well, you know, Sharon crashing the party didn't really help matters, Nick. Don't worry, I'm not gonna pry.
Nick: Good.
Chelsea: Thank you so much for having me.
Victor: I'm sorry that Adam had to run off so suddenly. I'm sure he went after Sharon.
Chelsea: No doubt. I was hoping he would come back for me, but I'm guessing he's not, so I should be going.
Victor: Oh.
Nikki: Well, wait. If--if he took your car, how are you gonna get home?
Chelsea: I'll just have your doorman call me a cab.
Victor: No, no, no, no, no. I will have my driver take you home, okay?
Chelsea: That's not necessary.
Victor: No, I insist.
Nikki: It's the least we can do.
Chelsea: Thank you. That's very kind.
Victor: It'll be-- it'll be the-- it'll be the silver Bentley outside, okay? Yes.
Chelsea: Your house is beautiful. I'm sure you and Victor will be very happy here.
Nikki: Thank you.
Victor: Thank you.
Carmine: Oh, man. You see a lot of things in my line of work, but that scene that just happened right there-- that was free entertainment.
Noah: What do you mean?
Carmine: Oh, come on, man, it's like a reality show around here. The one thing I have learned since I have moved to this town is that the classier they dress, the nastier they fight, and your mom Sharon-- whoo-hoo, man. I-- yeah, that's gotta be a handful growing up with that, man. Hey, whoa!
Adam: I'm glad you're all right.
Sharon: Yeah, am I?
Adam: You're home. You're safe.
Sharon: Yeah, and I managed not to burn down any more houses on the way home, so that's a plus, right?
Adam: Those days are behind you, Sharon. You've come so far.
Sharon: Adam, just-- no, stop, please. Look, we've been down this road before. You--you have got to stop being my savior, I need to stop depending on you, so just--just say your good-byes and--and please go.
Adam: I'm not going anywhere. You need a friend.
Jack: Thank you for coming by. You're a lifesaver, Ed.
Ed: Since you're not my patient, this is highly unethical.
Jack: Well, I think I explained over the phone. My pills have gone missing, and my normal doctor is unnecessarily paranoid about giving me a refill. I guess Memorial's really coming down on the doctors there. Anyway, since you're in private practice, I thought maybe you could come through for an old buddy.
Ed: All doctors need to be vigilant about prescribing controlled substances. There are very good reasons for this, Jack.
Jack: I just--I just need enough to get through to the next visit. 30 would do the trick. Okay, h-how about just ten?
Ed: Look, I'm sorry. I don't feel right about this.
Jack: Is that maybe enough to ease your conscience?
Ed: (Sighs)
Noah: Take back what you said!
Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa! We got a problem here?
Carmine: No, man! This guy just pushed me for no good reason.
Noah: Really? You want me to talk about your mom?
Nick: All right.
Victor: That's it!
Noah: I-I'm sorry. I can't-- I-I can't be here right now.
(Door closes)
Victor: Take this money and get out of here, and don't you ever start a ruckus in my house again. Take the money now.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs) I am so sorry the party didn't turn out as I had hoped. I would have enjoyed talking more to you, Avery. Maybe next time.
Avery: Yes. I look forward to it.
Nikki: Okay.
Nick: Night, Mom.
Nikki: Good night, Sweetheart. Drive safely.
Nick: I always do.
Victoria: Hey, Mom. I'm taking off, too.
Nikki: Ohh, Baby. I feel terrible. I'm sorry.
Victoria: Oh, don't. You know, it should have been a lovely party, but it certainly wasn't your fault that it wasn't.
Nikki: Oh, well, I know you had reservations about coming, and I am glad that you came.
Victoria: Yeah, Mom, I don't want to hurt your feelings when I say that I wish I would have just stayed home.
Nikki: (Sighs) Believe me, I understand.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Nikki: I get it. I just hope that going home to Billy isn't gonna upset you even more. I'll hold good thoughts for you.
Victoria: I love you.
Nikki: I love you, too.
Victoria: Okay. Good night.
Nikki: All right.
Victoria: Bye.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: Ahh.
Nikki: Hey.
Victor: Well, that was a hell of a party, wasn't it?
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: What happened?
Nikki: Well, everybody went home.
Victor: Because of Sharon.
Nikki: Uh, Darling, I think, uh, part of it was because of you, as well.
Nick: It wasn't a family gathering. It was a blood sport.
Avery: Well, Victor's Victor. What are you gonna do?
Nick: Remind me, next time I get an invitation, to say no. I'm sorry I dragged you to that. Your first instinct was right.
Avery: Ahh.
Nick: We never should have gone.
Avery: Well, Nick, if there's one thing that I have learned from personal experience, no family is perfect, you know? It wasn't pretty, what happened tonight, but we will all live to fight another day. (Chuckles)
Nick: So I haven't scared you off?
Avery: Not even close.
Noah: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Exhales sharply) (Exhales sharply) I was hoping you'd pick up. I just want to hear your voice, know you're okay. You're okay, right? This--this place is killing me. I-I--nothing ever changes. I'm thinking about just leaving, just getting in the truck, driving away... but I won't. I won't, because you need me, and I will be here for you, Mom.
Adam: The family was harsh with you. I'm sorry they're like that.
Sharon: The worst part, for me, was Noah. He was so uncomfortable, having me there, and I just couldn't stop myself.
Adam: Noah's a big boy, okay? The move that you made-- it was a courageous, positive move. He understands that. So do I.
Sharon: But I think it was more reckless and impulsive.
Adam: No, you--you showed up to make amends, okay? You believed that that was possible, all right? And--and they just weren't ready for that. In their eyes, you-- you pushed too far, too fast.
Sharon: (Sighs) And everything blew up in my face. Gosh, I've just made everything worse. You know, I-I almost told them what was wrong with me, but I just couldn't. I couldn't say the words and... (Sighs) I really messed up. I should have never gone there.
Adam: No, no, no, look-- look at me. You made a mistake, okay? That's all it is. Just a mistake. The next time you have an idea like that, you just run it by Dr. Watkins.
Sharon: You know, and that just never occurred to me. It's like this idea just popped into my mind and I thought, hey, that--that's perfect. Group apology. I'll show up at the party, and that'll solve everything. Why did I think that would work? I used to be able to think things through before I acted. I mean, where did that go? What's happened to me? Am I gonna have to question every decision I make for the rest of my life?
Adam: No, you-- Sharon, you're gonna get your life back, okay? This--you're gonna get through this.
Sharon: No, no, no, no. Adam, I cannot keep relying on you like this. You need to go now. Now!
Ed: (Sighs)
Jack: Ed, I cannot thank you enough.
Ed: Don't call me again.
Kyle: Jeez. Mr. Personality. Who was that guy, anyway?
Jack: Oh, a guy from the club. I'm doing a little business with him.
Kyle: You work too hard.
Jack: How was dinner?
Kyle: It was fine. Did you eat anything?
Jack: Kyle, I think you would be amazed at how well your father can take care of himself.
Kyle: Fine. Well, I'll be upstairs if you need anything.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: (Humming)
(Knock on door)
Alex: Noah Newman?
Noah: Yeah.
Alex: Detective Alejandro Chavez, N.Y.P.D. Can I come in?
Noah: Yeah, yeah.
Alex: Thanks.
Noah: Um, I'm sorry, why-- why would you come all the way from New York to find me?
Alex: Adriana Vega.
Noah: Uh, what about her?
Alex: When's the last time you spoke to her?
Noah: Uh, you know, it's--it's been awhile, not since I left New York.
Alex: So she hasn't called you since?
Noah: No, no. Why? Wh-what's she done?
Alex: Uh, Adriana's connected to a case I'm working on. You live here by yourself?
Noah: Uh, no, I-I live here with my--my dad and my sisters.
Alex: Oh. Is this a barn? Yeah, I-I mean no disrespect, but I'm from Queens, and it, you know, I've never seen a place like this.
Noah: It's a-- it's a remodeled tack house.
Alex: What does that mean?
Noah: It's where they used to keep the equipments for the, uh, the horses-- the saddles, bridles.
Alex: So... a barn.
Noah: Yeah.
Alex: (Clears throat)
Noah: Um, listen, Detective Ale--is--is there anything else I can help you with?
Alex: So were you and Adriana dating?
Noah: (Chuckles) Uh, I mean... (Chuckles) You know.
Alex: N-no, I don't. That's--that's why I'm asking.
Noah: I mean, it's New York, you know? People don't really go on dates. They just sort of occupy the same space.
Alex: (Laughs) Yeah. So did--did you and her occupy the same space?
Noah: We were close, uh, yeah, but it didn't really end very well. Haven't seen her since.
Alex: Hmm. So you haven't called her? If--if I were to pull phone records, they'd support that?
Noah: No, no, I-I've called her. I call--I called her today.
Alex: Oh.
Noah: I keep leaving her messages and she keeps not calling me back.
Alex: Oh. Didn't end well, huh?
Noah: Yeah. Uh, listen, Detective, I'd--I'd really love to help you out here, but... haven't spoken to her in months.
Alex: Okay. I appreciate your help.
Noah: Yeah.
Alex: Thanks a lot, Noah.
Noah: You're welcome.
Alex: Oh, um, listen, if she calls, I need to know.
Noah: Uh, yeah. Yeah, no problem.
Nick: That smells amazing.
Avery: Well, three rules to live by-- butter is our friend, there is no such thing as too much garlic, and bacon makes everything taste better, or in this case, diced pancetta.
Nick: Mom had a whole feast laid out, but who could eat with all the drama?
Avery: Yeah, that's not good for the digestion.
Nick: You know, I really want to thank you.
Avery: Well, you know that cooking is therapeutic for me. I'm doing this as much for myself.
Nick: I'm not talking about the food, although I can't wait to try what you're making. I'm really grateful for everything you do for me. I appreciate the way you put yourself out there for me, and I only hope I can do as much in return.
Avery: Well, I have no complaints. Hey. You seem really deep in thought.
Nick: (Sighs) I've just really been thinking about what I'm gonna do with my life, and after tonight, it completely solidified my decision. Avery, I'm so done with Newman Enterprises.
Victor: What are you saying? I ruined the party?
Nikki: I'm saying that even if Sharon hadn't darkened our doorstep, the results would have been the same-- a very short-lived gathering.
Victor: So what do you think I did?
Nikki: Oh, come on, Victor, you know what I'm thinking.
Victor: I have nothing to apologize for, my darling, okay?
Nikki: You are up to your old tricks, trying to use Adam to get our kids to fight for Newman Enterprises.
Victor: For your information, this had nothing to do with either Nicholas or Victoria. This was all about giving Adam a false sense of security. Okay?
Nikki: Okay.
Victor: See you in the morning.
Nikki: I'm going to bed.
Adam: Sharon, you need to calm down. You need to calm down--
Sharon: I asked you to leave!
Adam: I know what you're asking me, but you need to calm down and just count to ten. Close your eyes. Relax for a second, okay?
Sharon: Adam, we made rules. We set boundaries.
Adam: All right, listen, Noah said that you shouldn't be alone, and I happen to agree with him on this. You need to just calm down. You don't need to--
Sharon: Oh, God. Now you're pushing my buttons. Don't use my son to get to me. You think I don't know you're doing that?
Adam: I'm not pushing your buttons and I'm not using your son, Sharon! I genuinely care!
Sharon: I don't want you here. I don't want you here! Get out! Adam, I mean it! Get out! (Sobs)
Adam: Hey, I care about you, and you don't need to be alone. Sharon, hey! Hey, Sharon. Sharon. Sharon! Sharon, you need to calm down.
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Summer: Chelsea is always gonna hate me. So are you and Mom.
Chelsea: It's not what I think? You son of a bitch.
Sharon: They think I'm crazy.
Noah: No. Who cares what they think, okay? It's not true.
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