Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/6/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/6/12


Episode # 10048 ~ Nikki & Victor Are Faced With Uninvited Guests; Billy Plans a Surprise

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: I think we should move these flowers. Let's try over here, on the sofa table. Let me see. Oh, I don't know. What do you think? Hey.

Victor: I think you're driving them crazy.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Victor: This is fine. Thank you. Just leave them there. Thank you.

Nikki: (Clears throat)

Victor: They will quit before the party starts.

Nikki: (Chuckles) Oh, they'd better not. I want everything to be perfect.

Victor: But, Sweetheart, it is. Look at it. It's beautiful.

Nikki: Do you know that I haven't gotten R.S.V.P.'s from half the guests?

Victor: And do you honestly think, Victor Newman gives a party, people won't show up?

Victoria: I'm not going.

Billy: Because I wasn't invited?

Victoria: (Sighs) No, that's not why.

Billy: Vick... you know, you've, uh, been through a lot. Maybe getting out tonight is what you need.

Victoria: I'm not in the mood for a party.

Lauren: I can't believe you just didn't say, "No, I'm sorry, we can't possibly come to your party, because I'm taking my lovely wife out for our anniversary."

Michael: In retrospect, that would have been the right thing to say, but this is important.

Lauren: (Sighs) I hate it when you put work in front of your family, especially on a night like this.

Michael: I am putting us first. We're gonna go out to dinner and celebrate many years of wedded bliss, and then we're gonna drop by the Newmans' afterwards. I said yes. Can't back out of this now.

Lauren: Victor would back out on you in a heartbeat, like, hmm, maybe firing you after years of loyal service.

Michael: All right, I haven't completely forgiven Victor, but he's a good man to have on your side.

Lauren: And you know, there is the other downside to being part of the Newman inner circle.

Michael: Other than your obvious dislike of that inner circle?

Lauren: Mm-hmm. These parties bring Summer and Fen together.

Fen: Oh, don't sweat it, Mom. I'm not going to the party.

Summer: Noah?

Noah: Hey. Hey, uh, were--were you in my room?

Summer: Yeah.

Noah: Uh, what were you doing in there?

Summer: You told me I could borrow the truck.

Noah: So that gives you the right to go through my things?

Summer: No, relax, I was just looking for the keys.

Noah: Okay, well, just stay out of my stuff, okay?

Summer: Fine. Why, what do you have in there that you don't want me to find?

Noah: Nothing. Come on, let's--let's get ready. Dad said he doesn't want us to be late.

Summer: Oh, no, please tell me that you're down for ditching Grandma and Grandpa's party.

Nick: You're not ready.

Avery: No.

Nick: All right, is this one of those female "I can't decide what to wear" things?

Avery: No, it's one of those "I'm really sorry, I'm chickening out" things.

Victor: All right, I'd appreciate it. Bye.

Nikki: You know, I'm still worried that we don't have enough food. I know we said hors d'oeuvres only, but people are gonna be hungry.

Victor: Sweetheart, will you stop worrying? Everything is gonna be beautiful. Look at this.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: It's wonderful. Why don't you get dressed? Guests are about to come, okay?

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Oh, Abby called.

Victor: What?

Nikki: She's very sorry that she can't make it tonight, but she's sending a housewarming gift.

Victor: Oh, that's very sweet of her, but it's not necessary.

Nikki: I know, I told her that, but she insisted, so I told the doorman to let them up.

Victor: What do you mean, "Them"?

Nikki: It's a case of champagne and "The best bartender in town."

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: What can I say? It's Abby.

(Doorbell rings)

Nikki: And that's probably them right now.

Victor: Go get dressed, Sweetheart.

Nikki: All right.

Carmine: Mr. Newman.

Victor: What are you doing here?

Carmine: I'm your bartender.

Adam: (Sighs) How was your day?

Chelsea: Pretty boring... till about five minutes ago.

Adam: Why? What happened?

Chelsea: I got a call from Victor.

Adam: Yeah? What'd my old man want?

Chelsea: He wanted to know if we were coming to his party tonight... the party I didn't know about.

Adam: Mm, yeah, that one. (Clears throat)

Chelsea: Were you planning on going without me? Maybe taking someone else?

Sharon: Mm! Oh! (Cries) Damn it. (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sighs) Oh, God. Oh, no. (Sighs)

Sharon: (Sighs)

[Sharon remembering]

Adam: Good-bye, Sharon.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Billy: Look, I get that you don't feel like going to your parents' party, but I don't know, maybe going will help bring back the old Vick.

Victoria: Oh, I'm so sorry I'm such a downer right now. Being kidnapped and held at gunpoint just sort of does that to me.

Billy: Well, maybe being with your family will help you feel better.

Victoria: You aren't concerned about me spending an evening with people who want me to dump you?

Billy: Nah. You love me too much to do that.

Nick: Avery Bailey Clark chickening out. What are you afraid of? You gonna spill something on my parents' new carpet?

Avery: I'll do that in the first five minutes.

Nick: Probably. So it's not that. What's going on? And I want the truth, nothing but.

Avery: Okay, I'm just-- I'm not ready to meet your family this way.

Nick: What way? You know them. You used to work for my dad.

Avery: Yes, working for your father and showing up at his home as your date are two very different things.

Nick: I agree with that.

Avery: (Sighs) So I'm sorry, I can't. You're just gonna have to go without me.

Nick: (Laughs) No, no, no, that's-- that's not gonna happen.

Victor: You know, there aren't enough superlatives to describe how beautiful you are.

Nikki: Oh, you haven't lost your touch, have you, smooth operator?

Victor: And I don't intend to, ever.

Nikki: (Chuckles) So what are we gonna do about him?

Victor: Don't worry about him. Abby paid for him. He's gonna earn his money.

Nikki: I think that's a good idea, seeing as you're already at odds with one daughter over a man.

Victor: Yeah, but if that guy thinks I'm gonna change my mind about him, he has another thing coming.

Nikki: Okay, Victor...

Victor: What?

Nikki: No more Carmine talk, okay?

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: It's gonna raise your blood pressure, and I won't have that, not tonight, especially.

Victor: Sweetheart, my blood pressure is perfect. Nothing will spoil this evening.

Nikki: (Laughs)

Chelsea: I felt like an idiot when he asked if we were coming.

Adam: I'm sure you handled yourself beautifully.

Chelsea: Is that code for "Lied"?

Adam: (Chuckles) I have no concerns that you can hold your own with my old man.

Chelsea: Why would Victor invite us in the first place? I mean, he must loathe you right now. You're sitting in his office.

Adam: Yeah, that is a good point. I'd love to find out, but... oh, well. (Sighs)

Chelsea: So that means you're not going?

Adam: The Newman family will have to find somebody else to be their villain for the night.

Billy: I don't like your dad, but he loves you, same as me.

Victoria: I'm having a hard time forgiving either one of you right now.

Billy: I'm aware of that. (Chuckles) You gotta start somewhere. Maybe this party's the place.

Victoria: There's more to this than you're saying.

Billy: I know the kidnapping caused all this, and I-I just want things to be right again, for you and for us. And if fixing things with your father is where we need to start, then I'm all for it.

Victoria: I'm just not ready.

Billy: Maybe being with your mom and Nick can give you what you need.

Victoria: Yeah, you know, I would like to see them.

Billy: So you're gonna go?

Victoria: All right, maybe just for a bit, but not long enough for you to get into any trouble.

Billy: (Chuckles) Not me. I'm proud of you.

Avery: Okay, I know we've moved forward in our relationship a-and we've started going out in public.

Nick: Well, what's wrong with that? Unless you're embarrassed to be seen with me.

Avery: Oh, not you, exactly. I mean, your manners are atrocious. Must you eat off of other people's plates from different tables?

Nick: I get hungry.

Avery: See? (Sighs) Going to a restaurant, the two of us, is very different than being your date at your family party. That... says something.

Nick: Well, that's the point. I want everyone to know that you're my girl.

Avery: (Sighs) Nick, I'm serious.

Nick: I'm mostly serious. I seriously want you to come with me to this party.

Avery: And you're not worried about what anybody's gonna think about this?

Nick: What people? Phyllis? Avery, she has moved on with her life. It's time we did the same.

Avery: I know, I just-- I'm not sure that I'm ready to make this big statement.

Nick: Okay. Does it help in any way to know that...I am? I want people to know that we're together.

Avery: Okay, don't-- don't do that. That is so unfair. Don't smile and show me your dimples like that to get your way.

Nick: Well, you should also know that Newmans rarely play fair.

Avery: (Sighs) All right, well, if I'm going to win over your family, I guess I should go and get ready.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Well... you know, it's also very cool to be fashionably late, right?

Avery: Mm.

Chelsea: I can't believe designers are already working on their collections for next fall.

Adam: Mm.

(Laptop keys clicking)

Chelsea: They must be planting cotton to make their own fabric.

Adam: Probably.

Chelsea: Maybe we should do that. We could plant a couple of acres and get a plow and get a mule.

(Laptop keys clicking)

Adam: Whatever you like.

Chelsea: What I'd like is for you to actually listen to what I'm saying.

Adam: (Clears throat)

Chelsea: God. (Laughing)

Adam: I'm sorry, I-- I just have a lot on my mind, and, um, you know, I'm covering for Jack, and I have nails-on-a-chalkboard Phyllis looking over my shoulder, so...

Chelsea: You sure that's all it is?

Adam: Well, it's, uh... it's not Sharon, if that's what you're thinking.

Chelsea: Okay. Then what?

Adam: The party.

Chelsea: Did you change your mind about going?

Sharon: (Sighs)

[Sharon remembering]

Sharon: I'm Mrs. Victor Newman.

Victoria: This reckless game that you're playing-- it isn't gonna last, Sharon.

Sharon: Victoria, I really do care about what's best for this company.

Nick: Dad married you on a whim. You've been power-hungry ever since, and now you're treating Newman like it's your own personal playground, like the bratty kid you are.

Sharon: A child?

Nick: A brat having a tantrum, and I'm tired of it.

Sharon: Oh, well, that's, uh, fine, because you won't have to deal with it any longer.

Nick: Why? Are you stepping down from Newman?

Sharon: Nope. You are. This brat just fired you.

Adam: No one hates you, Sharon.

Sharon: Yes, of course they hate me! I wore a white dress to Victor's funeral. I said vows to Tucker. (Sighs) I knew that Victor was alive, and I let them grieve. (Sighs) Newman was their life, it was their legacy, and now it's gone, and it--and it's my fault.

(Exhales slowly)

Sharon: (Exhales slowly) Calm. I gotta stay calm. (Breathing heavily)

Lauren: Honey, we're not gonna push you to go to the Newmans' party.

Michael: But we would like to know why you don't want to go to the Newmans' party.

Fen: I've got a ton of homework and, well, no offense, but I-I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of uptight, lame adults.

Michael: Why would we take offense to that?

Lauren: Um, well, I'm sure Noah and Summer will be there.

Fen: You said you weren't gonna push.

Michael: We're not, but, uh, I'm gonna ask you something, and I want you to answer truthfully.

Fen: Fine. What is it?

Michael: Is the reason you don't want to go to this party because you don't want to see Summer?

Fen: Yeah. Happy?

Lauren: No. Obviously, you're upset.

Fen: I'll be fine.

Lauren: No, talk to us, Fen. Did something happen between you and Summer?

Fen: Look, y-you said you didn't want me to hang out with her. Now I'm not, and you're still hassling me. Would you just get off my back? (Sighs)

Lauren: What just happened there?

Michael: (Chuckles) I think our little boy's heart has been broken.

Noah: Don't you think Grandma and Grandpa would notice if we didn't show up?

Summer: They'd probably be glad if I didn't.

Noah: Why would you say that? That doesn't even make sense.

Summer: Well, now that Adam has defected from the family, I am the new black sheep.

Noah: That's just what you want everybody to think-- Summer Newman, bad girl.

Summer: No, okay. No, I have not even been arrested for, like, two months. I am turning my life around right now.

Noah: Good, good, then stop busting my chops about this party. Let's go.

Summer: (Sighs) Fine, under one condition.

Noah: I am not slipping booze into your diet soda.

Summer: No, it--if the party gets to be a total drag, just send me an emergency text so I have an escape hatch.

Noah: Can't Fen do that for you?

Summer: I don't think Fen would help me out.

Noah: Are you guys fighting?

Summer: Why don't you worry about your own love life?

Noah: Uh, because I don't have one.

Summer: Uh, maybe because you're too hung up on that New York girl. Okay, forget about her. Just move on.

Noah: Thanks for the advice.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Noah: Go change.

Summer: No, seriously, though, Noah, you should forget about her. She's too much trouble.

Noah: (Sighs) Too much trouble.

Nikki: I think this is beautiful. Thank you.

(Doorbell rings)

Nikki: Oh. (Clears throat) Adam. Um, it's not really a good time for a visit. We're having a little get-together tonight.

Adam: Indeed, I know.

Nikki: You do?

Adam: We were both invited.

Victor: Well, hello. Hello, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hi.

Victor: How pretty you look.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Thanks.

Victor: Son, welcome.

Nick: You're gonna look superhot in any of 'em. Just pick one.

Avery: No, I need your help.

Nick: Okay, I'll tell you what, you try 'em on, and then I'm gonna take 'em off you.

Avery: Okay... but I'm not sure we're gonna ever make it to this party. (Clears throat)

(Champagne cork pops)

Nikki: (Clears throat) You want to tell me what's going on?

Victor: Sweetheart, we are hosting a wonderful cocktail party, okay? Waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive.

Nikki: No, no, no, no. There's more than that. You're up to something. I want to know what it is.

Victor: Don't you worry about a thing. There's nothing I know that you don't know, okay?

Carmine: There you go, two glasses of the good stuff.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Adam: Thank you. I know you f-from Abby, yes?

Carmine: Yes.

Adam: Ah. Well, why are you here?

Carmine: Well, I couldn't swing an invite, but, uh, well, if I'm not here, who's gonna pour the hooch?

Adam: Who indeed, Carmine?

Carmine: (Laughs)

Adam: Who indeed? Thank you.

Chelsea: Let's go check out the view. Want to?

Adam: Sure.

Chelsea: Babe, where is everybody? You don't think we're the only ones invited, do you?

Adam: No. Relax. Just enjoy the good stuff. (Clears throat) I'm sure we'll figure out what my father's up to soon enough.

(Doorbell rings)

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: Well, that better not be another mystery guest.

Victor: Mm.

Nikki: Oh, Victoria! Oh, I'm so glad you made it. How are you feeling?

Victoria: Um, I'm, you know. Uh, Mom, what are they doing here?

Nikki: They were invited.

Victoria: I thought this was supposed to be a nice, quiet get-together.

Nikki: Yes, I know. Apparently, your father prefers fireworks. I'm sorry.

Victoria: I know.

Victor: I'm so glad you could make it.

Victoria: Yeah, I'll bet.

Victor: Would you like some champagne?

Victoria: I would like to talk to you.

Victor: Well, we can talk, but first, let me get you some champagne, okay?

Victoria: Unbelievable that Billy isn't welcome here, but he is?

Nikki: No. I can't explain Adam. Does that mean that you wanted Billy to come tonight?

Victoria: No.

Nikki: So you haven't forgiven him?

Victoria: Well, he and Dad make that really hard. Every time I forgive them, they do something else to infuriate me.

Adam: No, thank you. Victoria, nice to see you. I'm sorry to have heard about your little "Trouble" in Miami.

Victoria: Well, Adam, the only thing that got me through the ordeal was the thought of seeing you again.

Adam: So touching, Victoria. Very touching. So where's your hubby? Did you leave him in Florida?

Chelsea: Uh, Babe, will you get me some more champagne?

Adam: Sure.

Chelsea: Thank you. It's really a lovely apartment.

Victor: Do you still have enough bottles here?

Carmine: Mm-hmm.

Victor: All right, thank you.

Adam: Two more, please.

Carmine: Sure thing, Boss.

Victor: Ahh.

Adam: So, it's a great party.

Victor: Yeah. Glad you could make it. So let me ask you something. I understand the stock went up. Was that Jack's doing or your doing?

Adam: Well, you know, it's a team effort, Dad.

Victor: Oh, yeah? Team effort? (Laughing) How modest of you, Adam.

Adam: Yeah.

Victor: That is so modest of you. You know, I'm stunned that Jack can do any work at all, considering the amount of painkillers he's taking.

Adam: Not very subtle, Dad.

Victor: What in the world would you mean by that, hmm?

Avery: Okay, okay. You know, wait.

Nick: No, don't say it.

Avery: This isn't right.

Nick: Avery, it's the fourth one you've tried on.

Avery: I know, but it's not right.

Nick: Well, there are no more dresses.

Avery: What about the first one that I tried on?

Nick: Oh, the one that I loved and you hated?

Avery: I didn't hate it. I just thought it was a little frilly, and I don't really do frilly.

Nick: It's perfect. I mean, perfect. It--perfect.

Avery: Are you sure?

Nick: Avery, no one at the party is gonna be able to take their eyes off of you.

Avery: Not even you?

Nick: Definitely not me. Damn. Look, there is nothing to be nervous about.

Avery: (Sighs)

Nick: I'll be right there with you the whole time. You know I got your back.

Avery: (Sighs) Okay, thank you. I feel much better, and we should go, because we're going from fashionably late to distinctly unfashionable.

Nick: Mm. Wait a second. (Exhales slowly)

Avery: What? What's wrong?

Nick: I think I'm getting nervous now. (Laughing)

Avery: Come on. (Sighs)

Noah: Adriana, what is going on? You sent me this package, then you don't return my phone call. Where are you? I need to know that you're safe. Call me.

Summer: Whoo.

Noah: Hey.

Summer: Are you ready for the weirdness of another Newman party?

Noah: (Laughs) I can hardly wait.

Summer: (Sighs) But one good thing is that neither of our moms will be there.

Sharon: (Sighs) (Exhales sharply)

Adam: So I thought you might be planning an ambush. I had myself all prepared for that.

Victor: Huh. And instead?

Adam: Instead, I'm bait. You'll be using me to get under Nicholas and Victoria's skin. You think if you shove it in their face that I'll be stealing their legacy from them, that they might be motivated to fight for it, right?

Victor: Mm-hmm. You afraid you might lose?

Nikki: Nicholas, hi.

Nick: Hey, Mom.

Nikki: Avery, come on in.

Avery: Thank you.

Nick: Avery, I'll take your coat.

Avery: Oh, thank you.

Nikki: Hello, Sweetheart.

Adam: And right on cue, look who's here.

Nikki: (Clears throat)

Nick: What is he doing here?

Nikki: He was invited. Play nice.

Nick: What is Dad up to?

Nikki: I don't know. He claims, nothing.

Victoria: Hello, Nick.

Nick: Hey, Vick.

Victoria: Avery, nice to see you.

Avery: And you.

Nikki: Okay, so come on in.

Victor: Well, there you all are. How you doing, my boy?

Nick: I am... curious.

Victor: You are curious. Why, you're curious about the place. This is very different from the ranch. I'll show you around, but what a nice surprise to see you, Avery.

Adam: The evening is full of surprises, isn't it, Dad?

Victor: Yes, it is, indeed.

Victoria: Oh, I need a fresh drink and some fresh air.

Victor: All right.

Adam: Good talk, Victoria. Good talk. What about you, Nicholas? We gonna attempt to have a civil conversation tonight?

Nick: Nope.

Adam: That's what I thought.

Nikki: (Sighs) Hey, the kids are here. Let's go say hi.

Victor: Well, my goodness.

Summer: Hi.

Chelsea: Every time I see her, I just--

Adam: Hey.

Victor: Nice to see you.

Adam: Try not to let it get to you.

Victor: You weren't too bored to come to your parents'-- grandparents' housewarming.

Summer: No, I mean, Noah and I were so excited to see your new place.

Victor: Oh, really? Well, take a look.

Summer: This is so cool. (Laughs) I mean, look at your view. This is so cool.

Lauren: Switch. So do you think the problem between Fen and Summer is sex?

Michael: Well, he's definitely in to her, and they are teenagers.

Lauren: And you had the conversation with him, right? About being safe?

Michael: (Sighs) It's no guarantee they will be.

Lauren: That's true. Well, you know, I have always trusted Fen's judgment.

Michael: Yeah, well, hormones will do a real number on a kid, even one as good as Fenmore.

Lauren: Oh, maybe. Just maybe now that he's not seeing Summer, he'll go back to being his old self.

Michael: Well, that will save us a fortune on doors.

Lauren: (Chuckles) Did you tell him we were leaving?

Michael: He said, uh, don't hurry back.

Lauren: That means we should.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Mm-hmm. Ready?

Michael: Yes, Mrs. Baldwin.

Lauren: Okay, here we go.

(Cell phone ringing)

Fen: What's up, Summer?

Summer: (Sighs) Where are you?

Fen: Home.

Summer: Wait, I thought you said that you were coming to my grandparents' party.

Fen: Nope. Is that all you wanted?

Summer: Fen, please don't be like that. I really need a friend right now.

Fen: Well, why don't you call Jamie?

Summer: What?

Fen: I've got another call. Uh, I'll talk to you later.

Summer: Fen-- (Sighs)

Summer: Uh, Chelsea--

Chelsea: Please... don't.

Adam: Summer... you should just stay away.

Michael: No, no, no, no, no, it--it needed to be done. Yes, I will see you shortly. All right. Thanks.

Lauren: And now will you admit that you put work in front of family?

Michael: I am so sorry. I have to be there. We are shorthanded with Heather gone. They want to arraign this guy tonight.

Lauren: On our anniversary.

Michael: I'm sure he didn't know it was our anniversary when he assaulted those people.

Lauren: (Scoffs)

Michael: Look, I am so sorry. I am sorry. I'm gonna make it up to you. I will--a whole weekend. I'm gonna-- I'll toss away my phone. I'll toss away my computer. It'll just be you and me.

Lauren: I'll believe it when I see it, Baldwin.

Michael: Happy anniversary, Mrs. Baldwin.

Lauren: Mm-hmm. Ah! Hey. (Sighs) (Sighs)

Billy: Hannah, I'm back. (Chuckling) All right, all right, all right. (Chuckles) (Humming)

Billy: (Whistles) (Chuckles) (Cracks knuckles) (Imitates engine zooming)

Victoria: Hey, Summer. Are you okay?

Summer: Yeah, um, Aunt Vicki, I can't stay.

Victoria: Why?

Summer: Um, just tell my dad and Noah that I took a taxi home, okay?

Nikki: Well, that was Michael on the phone. He had an emergency at work, so he and Lauren cannot make it tonight.

Victor: Oh, well... well, let me do something here.

Nikki: Okay.

Victor: May I have all of your attention, please? Nikki and I would love to thank you for being so kind as to come here and help us christen this beautiful new penthouse. When the ranch burned down, I thought I would really miss it, but looking at all of you, I realize that was just a building. You are my home, all of you. Now someone obviously thought that by destroying our house, they would destroy this family. Nothing, no one, will destroy the Newmans, so here's to rebuilding our legacy.

Nick: Cheers.

Nikki: Hear, hear.

(Glasses clink)

(Doorbell rings)

Victor: Excuse me.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Noah: (Clears throat)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Man: You happen to know the whereabouts of Noah Newman?

Kevin: Who wants to know?

Man: N.Y.P.D.

Jack: I'm in pain now, Doctor. Setting up an appointment isn't gonna do anything.

Sharon: Hello, everyone.

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