Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/5/12
Episode # 10047 ~ Nikki & Victor Celebrate Their New Abode; Jack's Co-Workers Are Troubled by His Addiction
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: All right, close your eyes. Keep 'em closed.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: Stay closed, stay closed.
Victor: This is just like Christmas Eve.
Nikki: Over here a little bit.
Victor: What are you doing?
Nikki: Okay, okay. Welcome home.
Victor: Can I look now?
Nikki: Open, yes!
Victor: Oh, my God.
Victor: Wow.
Nikki: Well? Say something.
Victor: This is beautiful.
Nikki: (Sighs) Thank God you like it. I-I never know. If I had had to start from scratch, I would have, but...
Victor: I think you know my taste better than I do.
Nikki: (Sighs) Listen, if you want to change anything, that's not a problem.
Victor: Nothing. It's perfect.
Nikki: After losing the ranch, I wanted this place to feel like home.
Victor: You and I could live in a hovel, you know? It will feel like home to me.
Nikki: Well, this is hardly a hovel.
Victor: Let's take a look. My goodness, this is beautiful. Wow. And look at the view we're gonna have, the gorgeous sunsets.
Nikki: The view is breathtaking.
Victor: Wow. My goodness... but nothing is as breathtakingly beautiful as you are, standing right in front of me.
Nick: Why didn't you tell me your mother was back from her trip?
Noah: Mom's been sick, and she's a little fragile.
Nick: That doesn't explain why you kept me in the dark.
Noah: She begged me not to tell you. I--
Nick: She shouldn't have done that. I want to see her.
Noah: Dad, I really don't think that's such a good idea--
Nick: Noah, where is she?
Jack: Hey. I thought you were at the office.
Kyle: Yeah, I was. I just came home to see if you needed anything. You doing all right?
Jack: Yeah, I slept in. I'm all rested now, ready to get back to work.
Kyle: You sure you're up for that?
Jack: I got a lot to do. I've lost an important part of the day.
Kyle: Okay, well, I'll set your workstation up on the couch.
Jack: Uh, no, no need. No, I'm going in to Newman.
Adam: Call Harrowman, tell him yes, but, uh, you need to turn my 2:00 to a 3:00. I think the meeting with the Maytech guys is gonna run a little bit long. Thanks.
(Cell phone ringing)
Adam: Jack. How you feelin'?
Jack: Better every day.
Adam: Good to hear. Well, things are all right here. I'm keeping everything under control.
Jack: Listen, I want you to clear your schedule.
Adam: Yeah, well, I have a ton of meetings.
Jack: Do it now, Junior. I'm coming in. I want to talk to you.
Phyllis: Okay, well, that works for me. Thank you so much. All right, bye.
Eden: Hi.
Phyllis: Oh, jeez.
Kyle: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey, Kyle.
Kyle: Hey, uh, let me buy you a cup of coffee.
Phyllis: Oh, um, I already had a lot of coffee this morning.
Kyle: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Um, I can't have too much. So, uh, you know, I'm on my way to the office--
Kyle: Oh, hey, my dad's coming in today.
Phyllis: Is he really? I don't know what it takes. I've tried begging him, pleading, almost bribing him, and he just won't take it easy.
Kyle: Sometimes he forgets he's a mere mortal. (Chuckles) Listen, I know I've said it before, but I really appreciate everything you've done for him, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, no problem, no problem at all. You--I have to be honest with you. Your--your attitude with me is just kind of-- it's just pulling me off. It's sort of... odd.
Kyle: Uh, why? What--
Phyllis: (Stammers) You remember when you were younger, you were really horrible to--
Kyle: Oh, come--I was just a kid back then. I didn't know what I was doing.
Phyllis: Oh.
Kyle: Let's just put that in the past.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Okay--oh. Oh, shoot, I have to--excuse me.
Kyle: Eden.
Eden: He remembers my name.
Kyle: What?! What did I do?
Eden: I haven't talked to you in forever. I'm starting to think you're avoiding me.
Kyle: Wha...
Sharon: Nicholas.
Nick: Can I come in?
Sharon: Of--of course. Um, I'm sorry, I just thought maybe you were someone else, like Noah forgot his keys or something.
Nick: How have you been?
Sharon: I'm fine. How are you? How's Noah and Faith? Uh, I'm gonna be over to see them soon.
Nick: All right, you can stop with the lying.
Sharon: Lying?
Nick: I know you've been home for awhile now. What I don't know is why you haven't told our daughter about this. Do you have any idea how much she misses you, how many nights she has cried herself to sleep, waiting to hear from you...
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: That you couldn't be bothered to let her know you're home?
Sharon: Faith knows I'm here.
Nick: What?
Sharon: I've been to see her a couple of times. I made her and Noah promise not to tell you.
Nick: So not only are you using Noah, you used Faith, too?
Sharon: What did you expect me to do, Nick? You've been treating me like scum for months. I couldn't take any more of your judgment.
Nick: How do you think I was gonna treat you? You lied to me about my dad being alive, then you take over our company and you damn near run it into the ground.
Sharon: Look, I-- I think about that every day, and you'll never know how terrible I feel.
Nick: Noah said you were sick.
Sharon: I, uh, I can't talk about that.
Nick: Sharon, please, tell me what's wrong.
Victor: I've always loved that piece.
Nikki: I know.
Victor: You haven't played it for me for awhile.
Nikki: Well, it's a special occasion.
Victor: Which calls for a special toast.
Nikki: Oh, by all means.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: You remembered my sparkling cider. You've thought of everything.
Victor: To my beautiful Nikki...
(Glasses clink)
Victor: Without whom none of this would mean anything.
Nikki: I think about how close I came to losing you... here we are, starting our new, beautiful life. How can I ever thank you?
Victor: I'm glad you asked.
Nikki: Now I just played the piano.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: What can I possibly do for you?
Victor: That was just the prelude, you know?
Nikki: Oh. (Laughing)
Victor: I want us to get married again... and I would love the honeymoon to start right now.
Nikki: Mm.
Sharon: Noah didn't tell you?
Nick: I can see how shaken up he is about it. You think that's fair, putting a burden like that on our son?
Sharon: No.
Nick: Then tell me what's going on.
Sharon: I had a breakdown, I guess you could call it, and I saw this doctor who diagnosed me with, um, well, as being... bipolar.
Nick: Bipolar?
Sharon: That's why Noah's been so protective of me.
Nick: What are you doing about it?
Sharon: Well, I'm seeing a psychiatrist, and I'm taking medication to level out the highs and lows.
Nick: All right, what's his name? I want to talk to him.
Sharon: Her name is Dr. Watkins, and there's really no reason you need to speak to her.
Nick: Well, how do you know if she's any good? How'd you find her?
Sharon: What does it matter how I found her?
Nick: Sharon, you're the mother of my children. Every single part of your treatment matters to me.
Sharon: Adam found her.
Nick: Adam? What does he have to do with any of this?
Sharon: Adam has been a really good friend, Nick, and the truth is, he may have saved my life.
Jack: Where are we on the legal emergency with our client in Tokyo?
Adam: That's been handled.
Jack: Okay, how about next quarter projections for Beauty of Nature?
Adam: Uh, they are not in yet.
Jack: How do they look?
Adam: I won't know until I see them, but the minute that they come in, I'll forward them to you, Jack.
Jack: Good, good. Uh, now I want you to look into Jabot's financials. I'm considering buying the company and folding it into Newman.
Adam: Really?
Jack: Yeah, why so surprised?
Adam: Well, it's just that you told me not to pursue that. I mean, but then again, you said that if anyone were going to, it would just be you, so...
Jack: Well, yeah, I'm-- I'm just leaning that way. Uh, a couple more things. Uh, uh, this legal thing with our client in Tokyo.
Adam: That's been handled. I just told you that, Jack.
Jack: Oh, yeah, right. Um, just a minute. (Whispering) What have I got?
Kyle: Why would I be avoiding you?
Eden: While you were in New York, you called and texted 24/7, but since you've been home, it's like--it's like you're off the radar.
Kyle: Well, I'm sorry, but my dad's recovering and I'm back at Newman. I've barely had time to breathe.
Eden: Kyle, if you-- if you want to break up with me, just say so, okay?
Kyle: I don't want to break up with you.
Eden: Okay, what is this thing you've got going on with Phyllis?
Kyle: What? We work together. She's helping me look after my dad. That's it.
Eden: You used to hate her.
Kyle: Yeah, well, I grew up and I got over myself.
Eden: Good, good, 'cause if I thought that you were crushing on that cougar--
Kyle: Oh, yeah, right. Look, we'll do something this weekend, okay? I promise.
Phyllis: Hey-- oh, excuse me, sorry. Um, Kyle, my car's in the shop. It's gonna be there for a couple hours. If you're going to the office, I could use a lift. Can you help me out?
Nick: After the hell that Adam put you through, how can you even let that creep back into your life?
(Knock on door)
Noah: Hey, I just thought I should check on you guys.
Nick: Your mom just told me about her condition. Why would you keep that from me?
Noah: You know, she-- she just needed a little time to pull herself together.
Nick: Did it ever occur to you that I might be able to help?
Sharon: Uh, none of this is Noah's fault. Uh, he wanted to tell you from the beginning.
Nick: You said you had a breakdown. What does that mean? How did Adam get involved?
Sharon: How is that relevant? It doesn't matter.
Nick: You said he saved your life. What does that mean? What aren't you telling me?
Sharon: Nothing.
Nick: Sharon, for all I know, you never even went on a trip. Have you been hiding here the whole time?
Sharon: No, of course not.
Noah: Dad, come on, it--
Nick: When did you leave?
Sharon: I don't remember the exact date.
Nick: You sent Noah a text. It came about the same time the ranch burned down. Did you have anything to do with that?
Sharon: No. How could you even ask me that?
Nick: Is she telling the truth, Son?
Nikki: Oh. Hi. Mm.
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: Why don't we just stay up here forever, and pretend that the rest of the world doesn't exist?
Victor: Oh, I love that idea.
Nikki: (Laughing) No, you don't.
Victor: I do.
Nikki: You are lying to me.
Victor: No.
Nikki: You are happiest when you're surrounded by friends and family.
Victor: Well...
Nikki: Well, well, you enjoy peaceful interludes, but pretty soon, you get restless...
Victor: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)
Nikki: And want to conquer the world again.
Victor: Come here. You're worried about me, aren't you?
Nikki: Well, it wasn't that long ago that you were in the hospital.
Victor: (Sighs) I promise you, I will not do any bullfighting, no car racing, no bungee jumping, none of that.
Nikki: Victor, I'm serious. It is so beautiful here. Can't you just relax and enjoy it with me?
Victor: (Snorts)
Nikki: (Laughing) Don't laugh.
Victor: Okay. I'm ready to compromise. I promise to you that from now on, I'll conquer the world at a much slower pace, okay?
Nikki: I'm gonna hold you to that, Victor Newman.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: Okay.
Victor: Promise.
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: But you know something?
Nikki: Hmm?
Victor: I love the idea of sharing all this with our family and friends, you know? That way, we can also celebrate Victoria's safe return.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. When do you want to do that?
Victor: Tomorrow night.
Nikki: (Gasps) Tomorrow night?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: So much for a slower pace.
Victor: (Laughs) I think the sooner our family and friends know about our new place, I think, the better. What do you think, hmm?
Nikki: Okay.
Avery: Oh, hey, I got an e-mail from Jack saying to drop everything and come to his office.
Kyle: Yeah, we just got the same one.
Avery: Any idea what it's about?
Kyle: Guess we'll find out soon enough.
Avery: (Sighs) Okay. Uh, Phyllis...
Phyllis: What?
Avery: I just wanted to talk to you about Summer spending Thanksgiving at my place.
Phyllis: Really? Why would you bring that up now?
Avery: Well, I haven't heard from you since, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.
Phyllis: Actually, I wasn't, but I'm fine now, okay? Things have mellowed between Summer and me.
Avery: Okay, well, that's great.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's super. It's super, and you know what? Just for the record, um, I-I know my daughter thinks of you as a pal, and that's terrific, but she only has one mom, and that's me, okay? So next time you find yourself alone and lonely on a major holiday, find somebody else's kid to borrow, all right?
Noah: Mom had nothing to do with the fire.
Nick: So what happens now?
Sharon: Um, well, I-I concentrate on putting my life back together.
Nick: And we owe that all to Saint Adam?
Sharon: He has been there for me during the worst crisis of my life. I'm doing a lot better now, and because of Adam, I can be with my children.
Nick: Oh. Is it too late to throw him a parade?
Sharon: I know you're really angry. I've done some terrible things to you and your family, but what I realize now is I wasn't in my right mind at the time. Nick, I have a disease, and I'm hoping that maybe, one day, you'll be able to forgive me.
Jack: I want to start acquiring companies geared more toward cutting-edge technology and alternative energy, invest in businesses that are, uh, environmentally friendly, with products and ideas.
Adam: I'm all for saving the planet, Jack, but that's--
Jack: Listen, there's a reason I'm doing this. I want to send a message. When the public hears the name "Newman Enterprises," I want them to think of the future and all of its infinite possibilities.
Avery: Well, there are some legal aspects to that--
Jack: Not now, Avery. We'll get into that later.
Phyllis: Jack? Did you hear me?
Jack: Yeah, yeah, of course. I, uh, would you repeat that, though? My mind kind of wandered. Where is the damn proposal?
Adam: Jack, it's-- its right here.
Jack: Somebody has to learn something about filing. Yeah, here. Okay, I think we can end this meeting. We've covered a lot of ground here.
Sharon: If you can't forgive me, I understand.
Nick: Look, I'm gonna try, for the kids' sake, but it's gonna take time. This is a lot to process.
Sharon: Well, I am feeling a lot more like my old self, and spending Thanksgiving, at least in part, with my children was a big help... and Noah's been a Godsend.
Nick: Look, I'm glad you're there for your mother, but don't you ever feel like you can't come to me for something, Dude. The same goes for you.
Sharon: Um, I'm sorry I upset you.
Nick: If you need anything, either one of you, you come to me, not Adam.
Sharon: Adam's no longer in the picture.
Nick: I hope not.
Noah: Mom, I'm sorry. It's--it's--Phyllis told Dad about you being at the house during Thanksgiving, and--and he just--and I had to come clean. I'm sorry.
Sharon: All right, you know, it's all right. I understand.
Noah: (Sighs) Now you'll probably never trust me with anything again, and I wouldn't blame you. Just--
Sharon: What? No, don't say that. Of course I trust you. I shouldn't have put my problems on you.
Noah: No, no, I-I'm glad you confided in me.
Sharon: Well, now that Nick knows I'm home, the rest of the world will, too.
Noah: Don't be scared, Mom. I've always got your back.
Sharon: Thank you, but you know what? I think it's time. I've been hiding out here long enough. I need to face the people who I've hurt and make amends... especially Victor.
Nikki: I think it'll be fun showing off our new place, but I wish you wouldn't exclude Billy.
Victor: Sweetheart, I just don't want that moron to put a damper on our festivities.
Nikki: Well, I think that should be something Victoria decides, if he comes or not. He is her husband.
Victor: (Sighs) Not for long.
Nikki: What have you done?
Victor: I told her that that bastard knew all along where I was in L.A., that I lost my memory, and he refused to inform her about that.
Nikki: Oh, boy. How did she react?
Victor: She got very upset, threw both of us out.
Nikki: Victor, she had just been rescued from that kidnapper. You chose then to tell her this?
Victor: Sweetheart, she'll calm down. Once she realizes that I was right, she's gonna tell that lowlife to get lost.
Nikki: She must be so upset.
Victor: She'll adjust, okay? She'll find a man who truly deserves her. All right?
Phyllis: Okay, well, you all noticed that, right? Jack's behavior.
Adam: The guy just had major surgery. I'm sure mood swings, lashing out, it's all part of the healing process.
Avery: Well, then he should have stayed home.
Phyllis: You can't tell him that. It's like talking to a wall.
Adam: I think Jack just needs to feel like he's in control of the company, and if he feels included, then the healing process could be expedited.
Phyllis: You're a psychologist, Adam?
Avery: Yeah, what are you, on Jack's side now?
Adam: I'm on the company's side, okay? It was a long meeting. Let's just give the guy a break.
Jack: Hey, listen, I want you to research Earthlife Industries.
Kyle: Yeah, you--you told me that in the meeting, Dad.
Jack: Well, yes, so I want you to get right on it. Go! (Sighs) (Breathes deeply)
Adam: I need that budget report before you leave today, okay?
Phyllis: Top priority. I get it.
Adam: What, Phyllis?
Phyllis: If you think Jack's behavior is so normal, why are you looking for information on his pain medication?
Adam: Why are you snooping around my office?
Phyllis: I wasn't snooping around your office. This is Jack's office. I wanted to know why Victor was here, so I looked around.
Adam: Why don't you ask Victor?
Phyllis: Maybe I will, but right now, I'm asking you. Why are you doing research on his pain medication?
Adam: Well, as you so astutely pointed out, Phyllis, this is Jack's office. It's his desk, so I'm sure there would be articles that are his, perhaps. Did you ever think that maybe he had something here he was researching...
Phyllis: No.
Adam: So he could find out what it is he's taking?
Phyllis: No. No.
Adam: No. Jack trusted me to look after this company while he's laid up. My family, each and every one of them, never would do such a thing, so why don't you just cut it out with these conspiracy theories, snooping around, all right? I'm going to do right by Jack...
Phyllis: Adam, I really, really hope you mean that.
Adam: And so should you, instead of wasting your time running around like a junior detective. (Breathes deeply)
(Laptop keys clicking)
Victor: So how's the party planning coming?
Nikki: Check the guest list, will you?
Victor: Yeah. Yeah, great. Did you talk to Victoria?
Nikki: Mm-hmm. Its bad enough I had to ask her not to bring Billy, but if she's upset with you...
Victor: You're afraid that she may not come. Is that it?
Nikki: Aren't you? And if you're still pressuring Nicholas to get Newman Enterprises back--
Victor: But, Sweetheart, this party has nothing to do with business.
Nikki: Of-- I--that doesn't matter. I mean, what if neither one of our kids shows up?
Victor: Don't you worry. They will come.
Adam: No. It's a family emergency, but we will reschedule at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Adam: Who let you in?
Nick: I know about Sharon.
Adam: What do you know?
Nick: I appreciate you helping Noah and Faith's mother. Thank you.
Adam: You're welcome.
Nick: That being said, if I find out you're exploiting Sharon's illness in any way to benefit yourself, you will answer to me.
Adam: Sharon doesn't need a knight in shining armor. Sharon's strong. She's determined to get well. She'll do this on her own. She'll be fine.
Nick: It's not Sharon I'm worried about. You don't do anything unless there's something in it for you.
Adam: You think you have me all figured out, don't you? Everything is just black-and-white, night-and-day, good-and-bad, isn't it, Nicholas?
Nick: I'm pretty clear where I stand on a lot of things, especially you.
Adam: You ever really take a look at a black-and-white picture? Mostly gray. We're all gray, Nick. And with that lesson in human behavior, I must ask you to leave my office. I have business to attend to here at Newman Enterprises.
Nick: Jack's in charge. You're just the errand boy.
Avery: Hey, is everything okay?
Nick: Hi. Uh, you know what? Why don't you come by my house later after work, and we can talk about it?
Avery: Okay.
Nick: Avery, hey. Uh, thought you were coming by later.
Avery: Yeah, well, you seemed pretty upset when you left Newman. Did something happen with Adam?
Nick: Yeah, sort of. Uh, come in.
Avery: Um, I'm sorry, you must think I'm crazy, rushing over here, but-- I know, it's none of my business.
Nick: No, I was, uh, just gonna go for a drive, but I realized I don't really want to be alone right now, so what are you doing? You're off work?
Avery: I could finish later.
Nick: Cool. Let's get out of here, then. I want to buy you a drink.
Avery: Okay.
Adam: Nicholas paid me a visit. He knows you're sick.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yeah, he stopped by here, too. He doesn't know about the fire, though-- I mean, unless you said something to him.
Adam: No, I wouldn't throw you under the bus like that.
Sharon: Okay, well, he asked me if I was involved, and I denied it.
Adam: You think he believed you?
Sharon: I don't know.
Adam: Okay, you know what? It doesn't matter anyway. Even if he's suspicious, they can't trace this back to you. I made certain that I covered your tracks.
Sharon: You never said how.
Adam: I made it seem like you were out of town the time of the fire.
Sharon: Well, my--my son knows I set it.
Adam: How did he find out, Sharon?
Sharon: I was upset and I blurted it out. Uh, but when Nick questioned him about it earlier, he lied. He protected me.
Adam: Well, that's a good thing, I guess.
Sharon: I'm worried. If Nicholas keeps pressuring him, he might--
Adam: He won't. He knows what's at stake here. He knows what would happen if people found out about this.
Sharon: Adam, you shouldn't be here. You have to go.
Adam: I can't.
Nick: So Sharon's having some problems, and she turned to Adam for help.
Avery: Why him and not you?
Nick: We're not on the best of terms right now. (Sighs) The point is, she let that snake back into her life. Now Sharon's done some pretty terrible things to my family, but she's still Noah and Faith's mother.
Avery: So what are you gonna do?
Nick: I'm gonna make sure that Adam doesn't take advantage of Sharon's state.
Avery: Her state? What, has something happened to her?
Nick: It's not really my place to say.
Avery: Okay. Well, are you sure that you want to get involved in this situation?
Nick: I gotta do it for my kids, Avery.
Avery: Okay, clearly, but you are freaked out by this. How can I help?
Nick: You already have, by letting me get this off my chest.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Oh, it's my mom. I gotta take this.
Avery: Oh, okay.
Nick: Hey, Mom. Is everything okay? Is Dad, uh...
Nikki: No, your father's fine. The reason I'm calling is we wanted to invite you to our new home tomorrow night for cocktails. It's just a small group.
Nick: Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass.
Nikki: I know things are tense between you and Victor, but it would mean so much to me if you would come.
Nick: All right, since you're asking, I'll come, but know that I'm doing it for you.
Nikki: Thanks, Sweetheart.
Nick: And I'm gonna bring a date.
Kyle: Hey, can I talk to you for just a sec?
Phyllis: Uh, Adam wants me to finish this report.
Kyle: Please?
Phyllis: Okay, what is it?
Kyle: Listen, I'm really starting to get scared about my dad.
Phyllis: So am I, after that meeting.
Kyle: Yeah, I mean, he's forgetting things, he's snapping at people. That's--that's not like him.
Phyllis: No. I'm glad you brought this up. Adam insists he's fine.
Kyle: No, well, we both know he's not.
Phyllis: He's not. Adam was in the same meeting we were in. He saw what we saw. What is he up to?
Kyle: I don't know. What do you-- what do you want to do?
Phyllis: I think we should just stick to the plan, and report back to each other if we see anything suspicious.
Kyle: Sounds like we'll be talking every five seconds. (Chuckles)
Jack: Oh, come on, I'm already paying you more than it's worth. (Laughs) Yeah, you wish. (Laughs) Do we have a deal? Great. Great. Just fax me the papers in the morning. Done.
Nikki: Well, Victoria hasn't given an answer yet about the party, but Nicholas is coming. He even asked if he could bring a date.
Victor: Who is he bringing?
Nikki: Didn't say.
Victor: Well, certainly not Phyllis.
Nikki: Maybe he's met someone. He sounded happy.
Victor: Well, now he's no longer working at Newman, he has no responsibilities.
Nikki: I know you don't approve...
Victor: Mnh-mnh.
Nikki: But you could at least be happy that he's in a good place.
Victor: (Sighs) I'll try.
Nikki: I have to find the caterer's phone number.
Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.
Sharon: When we said our good-byes, we agreed that was it.
Adam: But we've been through some intense stuff together. It's hard, Sharon.
Sharon: It's really hard for me, too, but it's what's best.
Adam: How'd you feel when you saw Nicholas? How'd that go?
Sharon: (Sighs) I guess I'm relieved. At least he knows I wasn't being vindictive when I did those things. There are others I need to apologize to.
Adam: I hope you're not implying that--that's--
Sharon: Victor, yes.
Adam: You know, that man has treated you like something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe, which probably contributed to your illness and made it worse.
Sharon: Well, I at least just need to let him know that I was sick.
Adam: But my advice to you, Sharon-- stay as far away from him as you possibly can.
(Cell phone ringing)
Adam: Pops. What a delight to hear from you.
Victor: I was wondering if you and your lovely wife would join Nikki and me at a housewarming tomorrow night?
Adam: You do know that this is Adam you're speaking to, correct?
Victor: Now you've always complained that we didn't make you part of the family, so I'm trying to change that.
Adam: I'll tell you what, I'll think about it.
Sharon: What did he want?
Adam: He wanted to, um, invite me to a party, to his new penthouse.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: You're just gonna have to go without me.
Nick: (Laughs) No, no, no, that's--that's not gonna happen.
Michael: I'm gonna ask you something, and I want you to answer truthfully.
Fen: What is it?
Carmine: Mr. Newman.
Victor: What are you doing here?
Carmine: I'm your bartender.
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