Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/4/12
Episode # 10046 ~ Leslie Tries to Soften Up Neil; Nick & Phyllis Are United by Summer's Troubles
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Neil: I thought I told you I needed it yesterday. I needed it yes--no. Okay, let--let's start over. I'll tell you what, I'll call you back. All right. Thank you. (Sighs)
Leslie: I was gonna ask if you had a minute.
Neil: Hey. Check back in August. I might have one then.
Leslie: And they say lawyers are workaholics.
Neil: You know, I'm actually glad to see you. Welcome aboard. I have your contract right here. All I need is a signature, and you will be Jabot's new chief legal officer.
Leslie: Neil, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't sign it.
Lauren: Honey, you're barely touching your breakfast. Is everything all right?
Fen: Can you ask me when I'm awake? Because you wanted us to bond over pancakes, I got cheated out of a whole hour of sleep.
Michael: Hey, hey. What's with the attitude?
Fen: Oh, it's not attitude. It's sleep deprivation.
Michael: This has nothing to do with you losing a little sleep.
Fen: Oh, now who's got the attitude?
Lauren: You know, Honey, your dad and I have noticed a change in you, and it is not for the better.
Michael: It happened around the same time he started spending almost all of his time with Summer Newman.
Nick: Summer, you up yet? School is not optional.
Phyllis: Where is Summer?
Nick: Well, come in.
Phyllis: I just got a call from the principal saying that she hasn't been in school for days.
Nick: I am aware of that.
Phyllis: You're aware of that? You didn't have the decency to call her mother? Let me tell you something, Nick.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: We may not be married, but you are not going to cut me out of my daughter's life. You got that?
Lily: I am not a kiss-up.
Devon: Yes, you are.
Lily: Okay, if I didn't bring Dad a bagel, he wouldn't eat, okay? Ever since he started the job, all he does is work, work, work.
Devon: I know that. He took off for Thanksgiving, though.
Lily: Yeah, for a few hours, and then he was right back at it. Should I get him a coffee or a cappuccino?
Devon: Either way, make it a decaf, because the guy's wound up tight.
Lily: Yeah, believe me, I've noticed.
Devon: You and everyone else at Jabot have noticed.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Fen: So, uh, what-- what--whatever happened to "Innocent till proven guilty"? I guess that applies to everyone except for Summer.
Lauren: All right, let's just change the subject.
Michael: You want evidence? What about the night you failed to come home? Who was the instigator?
Fen: That was my decision.
Michael: With Summer egging you on, making her problems your problems. That is the very definition of a bad influence.
Lauren: Uh, okay, Honey, what we're trying to say is that Summer's a--
Fen: You don't like Summer.
Lauren: No, no, no, she's l-lovely. I-I never said that.
Fen: Oh, really? Really? Really? 'Cause Dad just called her a bad influence on her friends.
Lauren: Honey. Honey--
Michael: You have other friends. You can spend time with your other friends. Or better yet, you could make new friends.
Fen: I-I'm out of here.
Lauren: What? Fen. Well, so much for bonding over breakfast.
Michael: Lately, I've made a point to remind my son that I love him and that I want to be there for him. It seems to be backfiring.
Lauren: I wish I could tell you it gets easier.
Michael: Scotty wasn't this hard.
Lauren: Well, Scotty was different. You know, he was away, and I was here, scared to death that Sheila was gonna get him.
Michael: Like Paul being away when Ricky was growing up?
Lauren: Scott turned out great. And Ricky didn't. So... what does that tell you about raising kids?
Michael: I know.
Nick: Summer's not upstairs, but her bed was slept in.
Phyllis: Oh, when? One day ago? Two days ago? I mean, do you even know if she spent the night here?
Nick: Of course she did.
Phyllis: Where is your proof? (Sighs) Where is it? I-I-I mean, uh, maybe if you'd be here once in a while...
Nick: Please leave Avery out of this.
Phyllis: Oh, I didn't even mention Avery's name. You're the one who's mentioning her name, Nick.
Nick: I don't want to argue about who I'm seeing.
Phyllis: I don't want to argue with you. I really don't care who you date. It really doesn't matter to me. All I care about right now is my daughter.
Nick: Well, we agree on that.
Phyllis: Yeah, we do. Okay. So did Summer happen to tell you where she's been hangin' out instead of school?
Nick: She just said exactly that-- she's been hanging out.
Phyllis: All right. Well, that helps. Where? The coffeehouse? What, the mall?
Nick: Wherever Summer's going, I'm betting it's a place she thinks no one's gonna find her. I'm done!
(Cell phone rings)
(Ringing stops)
(Cell phone rings)
Summer: (Sighs)
Summer: Hey, Dad.
Nick: Where are you?
Phyllis: What? Answer your father, Summer.
Summer: (Scoffs) There's nothing to worry about. I'm fine.
Nick: We have a new rule now, remember? I'm supposed to drive you to school every day.
Summer: You do that with Faith. I'm not a baby. I can get there on my own.
Nick: Obviously not.
Summer: Okay, Dad, just stop. You're not taking me, okay? You can't humiliate me like that.
Phyllis: Oh, really? The way I was humiliated when the principal called me and--and I didn't know that you weren't at school for days?
Nick: Summer, come home right now. I'm driving you to school.
Summer: (Sighs) Um, Dad, I'm-- I'm sorry I left this morning without telling you. I-I really didn't mean to worry you.
Nick: A-are you kidding me? Do you think I don't know you're trying to play me right now? Get your butt home right now, young lady.
Summer: Hey, Dad, I'm, like, two blocks away from school. I can get there on my own.
Nick: If you keep arguing with me about this, not only am I gonna drive you to school, but I will sit through every one of your classes. Do you want that?
Summer: (Sighs)
Nick: She's on her way home.
Phyllis: Nicely done.
Michael: I feel like I'm losing my son, and I don't know what to do.
Lauren: I can tell you what not to do. You can stop criticizing Summer, because after witnessing that kiss-- our son has a major thing for her.
Michael: You can tell just by the way he looks at her. It reminds me of the way I looked at you when we first met.
Lauren: The way you looked at me when we first met?
Michael: It reminds me of the way I look at you every second of every day.
Lauren: Damn right. That's exactly what you meant to say.
Michael: (Laughs)
Lauren: (Laughs)
Devon: You know, you don't need to bribe the whole floor with Danish, uh, treats there.
Lily: Okay, yeah, I don't, but it wouldn't hurt Dad's image to bring in treats every once in a while.
Devon: All right. I'll tell you what would make him more approachable-- if he'd swap out those tailored suits for some jeans and a sports coat.
Lily: (Laughs)
Devon: Bam, no more hard-ass. People wouldn't be intimidated by him.
Lily: Okay, just getting him to loosen up his tie would be a major coup at this point.
Devon: I know.
Lily: Yes. You ready?
Devon: Take your purse.
Neil: You changed your mind about coming to work here, huh?
Leslie: It wouldn't be appropriate.
Neil: And why is that? Before you left for your trip, you were all gung ho about taking the job here.
Leslie: All right. And while I was away, I had time to think-- about you, Neil.
Neil: I know that you've had a lot of autonomy--
Leslie: Not you as a boss, as a man. More specifically, as a man I used to date.
Neil: Whoa! Uh, that was a long time ago.
Leslie: Right. We only saw each other a few times, and it was no big rock 'em, sock 'em romance.
Neil: (Sighs)
Leslie: I mean, still, you obviously kept my number.
Neil: As I recall, you told me to dial it when my schedule freed up at work a bit, right?
Leslie: Mm.
Neil: You're not the only one who's still waiting.
Leslie: Am I the only one who's still wondering?
Neil: About what?
Leslie: What might have happened that night in my hotel suite if you hadn't been such a gentleman.
Lauren: Have a great day, Honey.
Michael: All right, thanks. Oh, wait. Wait. There's someone I want you to meet.
Lauren: Oh.
Michael: Hey, hey. Jamie, it's good to see you again. Uh, this is my wife Lauren.
Lauren: Hi. Michael's mentioned you several times. It's nice to put a face to the name.
Jamie: It's good to meet you.
Michael: So how are things going in school? Any better?
Jamie: Not really.
Michael: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Uh, look, why don't you come over to our house for dinner? It'll give you a chance to meet our son Fenmore. I mean, you're both sophomores, right? It might make it easier if you had a friend.
Jamie: I, uh, I already know Fen. He and I don't get along.
Michael: Oh.
Lauren: Oh, well, you know, maybe we can do something about that.
Jamie: Look, um, thanks for the invitation, but it wouldn't be a good idea.
Michael: All right.
Lauren: Oh, my God.
Michael: What?
Lauren: He's afraid of Fen.
Michael: Afraid of Fen? Who's afraid of Fenmore?
Lauren: Well, you know, he was apprehensive. He was intimidated. I--you didn't pick that up?
Michael: (Sighs) Being invited to dine at the D.A.'s house? A kid who has had trouble with the law?
Lauren: Mm, maybe.
Michael: All right, I gotta go. Later. Mwah!
Lauren: Bye, Honey.
Phyllis: Actions have consequences. She needs to learn that. We need to be on the same page for once.
Nick: I am capable of putting our differences aside for the good of our daughter.
Phyllis: Okay, well, are you capable of being tough with her? Because she walks all over you.
Nick: Well, she learned from the best.
Phyllis: You're not blaming me for this.
Nick: Phyllis--
Phyllis: Are--are--wait. Are you kidding me? She lives with you. You're not paying attention to anything-- (Sighs) What took you so long?
Nick: Where have you been, Summer?
Phyllis: Summer, I was so worried about you.
Summer: Y-yeah, okay, yeah. You guys seemed really worried when I walked in. You guys wonder why I take off all the time. It's because of this, okay? The way that you guys are always fighting. I hate that our family's just too broken to fix.
Neil: All right, look, Leslie, you're--you're talking about the past, right? And I'm living here in the present.
Leslie: So am I, Neil, along with the connection we have. Unless I'm misreading things.
Neil: No, you're not.
Leslie: Didn't think so.
Neil: All right, look. The only way that our relationship here at Jabot would be considered-- what do you want to call it? In--
Leslie: Inappropriate?
Neil: Thank you very much. Is if we acted on that connection.
Leslie: Yeah, which we definitely could not do if I accepted this position. And since I can so easily envision how we might be tempted to misbehave, I...
Neil: For the record, that's not why I offered you this job.
Leslie: I'm sure it wasn't.
Neil: You know, I would hate to see you throw away a golden opportunity because of something that we have no way of predicting.
Leslie: Spoken like a true diplomat. But if we are gonna be real about this--
Neil: All right, look. If, um, we suddenly are overcome with this irresistible urge to... date, I promise you, I'll fire you.
Leslie: (Laughs)
Neil: Is that a deal? Huh?
Leslie: As your new legal counsel, I would advise that you never say that again.
Neil: Okay, that's a deal.
Leslie: You got a pen?
Neil: Yes, I-- as a matter of fact, I have the only pen that's available at Jabot. There you go.
Leslie: Thank you.
Neil: You're welcome.
Leslie: (Chuckles) (Sighs) Oh, goodness.
Neil: (Clears throat)
Lily: Well, if I didn't know any better, I could have sworn I just heard Leslie laugh.
Neil: Ahh, is it so hard for you to believe that your old man could be funny?
Lily: Well, most of your employees have yet to see you crack a smile, so there you go.
Neil: What?
Leslie: Oh, I'm gonna do my best to get him to let loose once in a while.
Lily: Well, good luck with that. I'm sure we would all be grateful.
Neil: (Groans)
Lily: So 'cause I'm the best daughter in the world, I brought you breakfast, since I'm sure you haven't had any.
Neil: Well, I'm gonna leave it right here on my desk for lunch.
Lily: (Chuckles)
(Tablet alert chimes)
Neil: You know what? I think--oh, yeah, this is my 11:00 appointment. Um, Leslie, once again, welcome to Jabot.
Leslie: Thank you.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Got a sweet tooth, huh?
Jamie: Major.
Lauren: You know, there is the best bakery down the street from us. In fact, I was gonna pick up a pie for dinner tonight. You sure you won't change your mind?
Jamie: No. Thanks.
Lauren: If you're worried about Fen being there, I doubt he will be. His father and I are not exactly his favorite people these days.
Summer: You and Noah and Faith are here, but there's no one that I can talk to who will understand me.
Phyllis: No, Summer. I'm here. You have your mom. You can talk to me.
Summer: How am I supposed to go to you when I'm still so mad at you?
Phyllis: Well, let me tell you something-- I'm mad at you, too. How about that? I'm mad at you, because you looked me in the eye and you pretended that things were fine with us and that things had turned a corner, and you just lied to me.
Nick: You have been telling your fair share of those lately.
Summer: I'm sorry, Daddy. Okay? I'll do-- do better, I swear. I promise.
Phyllis: When are you gonna stop trying to manipulate us and be real with us so we can help you?
Summer: You think that I'm making this up?
Phyllis: Yeah. I actually do. I think that you're using your rage to lash out against us, and let me tell you something-- that's gonna stop. That's gonna stop right now.
Summer: Okay, Dad, tell her I'm not faking it.
Noah: What's, uh, what's going on?
Summer: (Sighs)
Nick: That's between Summer, her mother and me.
Phyllis: Actually, I think it's just between Summer and me. We need to have a conversation. We need to talk about our relationship and why it fell apart.
Noah: Does that mean I can-- I can borrow my dad for a little bit?
Nick: I don't think I should leave.
Summer: Well, I should probably get to school. I mean, that's where this all started, right?
Phyllis: You know what, Nick? Why don't-- why don't you go with Noah? Uh, we need some time alone. This-- this conversation is long overdue.
Nick: You're gonna be fine.
Summer: (Sighs)
Noah: So when you said you had someplace to show me...
Nick: Interesting, huh?
Noah: Sure, you know, but I've always had a thing for abandoned bus stations.
Nick: (Laughs) It used to be a nightclub. It could be again, with the right owner.
Noah: What? You're gonna buy a nightclub?
Nick: I'm considering it.
Noah: When did this happen?
Nick: After Avery showed it to me. What do you think?
Noah: Uh... (Chuckles) It's got a ton of space.
Nick: Yeah.
Noah: You could have the dance floor over there, stage over there for the deejay, if you decide to book out some bands. Giant TV screens on the walls. Wait, no, no. Where would you put the cages?
Nick: Cages?
Noah: For the dancers.
Nick: Uh, yeah, Son, I don't know if it's gonna be that kind of joint.
Noah: Dad, come on. Keep an open mind.
Nick: (Laughs)
Noah: How about some couches, you know? I-I hate it when it's just, like, a sea of sweaty bodies, no place to sit.
Nick: So I'm guessing you like the idea.
Noah: Don't you?
Nick: I'm definitely warming up to it.
Phyllis: Listen, I didn't have the greatest relationship with my parents, and that is a massive understatement.
Summer: Yeah, I know. You left home as soon as you could and never looked back, okay? I heard the story a hundred times.
Phyllis: No, Summer, you actually haven't heard the story a hundred times, because I haven't told you a hundred times. You don't know why I left.
Summer: You were mad at something that your dad did.
Phyllis: My father was a criminal. My father was unethical. I turned him in. He turned my entire family against me. My mom took his side and my sister took his side, and that's why I left home.
Summer: Yeah, okay, I get it. You--you're trying to show me how much better I have it than you.
Phyllis: Yeah, you-- you do, Summer. You have it so much better than I did. Even if I did have parents who supported me, I think I would have left anyway. I couldn't stay there. I just couldn't do it. I see that in you. I don't know if that can be inherited... but I'll be honest with you. I get... (Voice breaking) So afraid... that one day, you're gonna decide to leave... and it's never-- gonna see my beautiful baby girl anymore.
Summer: That's all I want and that's all I think about is I want to go to Chicago or New York and just start a new life. I would-- I would be so free. I want to go somewhere where no one knows that I am Phyllis' daughter or Victor Newman's granddaughter and where no one knows anything about me or my family or what I've done. I would be so free from all of this.
Fen: Didn't realize you knew Jamie.
Lauren: Yeah. Your father introduced us.
Fen: Wow, you're-- you're all buds now. Oh, that's--that's awesome, man. Seriously, wow. One big happy family. Oh, has she offered to buy you pancakes yet?
Lauren: Which I guess weren't very good, 'cause you didn't touch them this morning.
Fen: I lost my appetite.
Jamie: Dude, I was just trying to get a cup--
Fen: Filling in for me?
Lauren: Fen.
Jamie: I came to get a coffee. That's it.
Fen: Seriously, man? (Laughs) Dude, I don't care. Everyone on this planet wants my life. You're welcome to it.
Lauren: Okay, would you...
Fen: Do you want it? Take it.
Lauren: Excuse us for a minute? Out here. What exactly is your problem with that kid?
Fen: What? I hardly know him, but he sure seems to spend a lot of time with my parents. It's kind of weird.
Lauren: You jealous of him?
Fen: (Laughing) No.
Lauren: That's how you're acting, which is silly, because your dad and I love you so much, and Jamie hasn't been as lucky as you. You have no idea what that kid has been through, and I'm not just talking about this bullying stuff. (Sighs) His parents are divorced. They barely have time for him, and he really could have gone down a bad path if Ronan hadn't stepped in and become his mentor. And now your father is stepping up to become a positive role model and you know, I really hope that you will follow suit, because you have a lot to offer a boy like that.
Phyllis: You know, there is a saying, um, that goes... "Wherever--wherever you go, there you are." All your issues tend to follow you.
Summer: Do you regret leaving home?
Phyllis: (Sighs) No. I had to leave... but my situation was very different from yours. But I'll tell you a secret. I ended up only hurting myself. See, that's what you do. You end up just hurting yourself and people who love you. So all of this, uh, rage and lashing out and disappearing and... punishment, it's just-- it's really gotta stop, Summer. It's really gotta stop. I know you don't want to hurt people. I know that about you, but the way you're acting toward me is just... mean.
Summer: I'm sorry, Mom, I'm just-- I'm just really confused.
Phyllis: Oh, I know. Believe me, I know. I know you are.
Summer: Okay, no, and I'm mad at you for so many things, but it's mostly because of what you did to Dad, because now we can't be a family together anymore.
Phyllis: I know. Listen, I-I hate what I did. I hate what I did, too. I agree with you.
Summer: (Sighs) You know, when I was little, after the divorce, you guys always said that we were still a family, but we weren't. Okay, not really, not to me. To me, a real family is when you wake up from a bad dream and both of your parents are there, when you--you eat together as a family and you go on trips, when you all snuggle on the couch together and watch TV. I know I talk big, but I couldn't leave like you did. I would miss you guys a lot.
Noah: Dad, this town is so dead.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Noah: You have to do this. You have to buy this club, and you know what? We could be partners.
Nick: Whoa. There's a lot you need to learn about business before we can even talk about something like that.
Noah: I can learn as we go.
Nick: That sounds like it's gonna be expensive for me.
Noah: But... if I was an investor--
Nick: Settle down, Dude. You ain't touching your trust until you turn 25.
Noah: Ugh, fine. I'll tend bar. Already have the experience, can't use that as an excuse.
Nick: I'm not looking for one.
Noah: You sure? 'Cause you brought me here to show me this cool place and all I'm hearing is excuses, so what's holding you back?
Leslie: So what's it like working with your husband? A little too much togetherness?
Lily: No, no, not at all. I love running into Cane during the day, and plus, we're not on the same track. I'm on the guerilla marketing team, so we really don't see that much of each other.
Leslie: Hmm. Sounds like a good balance.
Lily: It is. It is. What about you? Gonna be weird working with my dad?
Leslie: Why would it be?
Lily: I don't know, maybe 'cause you guys dated for a while.
Leslie: Strictly casual.
Lily: Oh.
Leslie: We were never really an item.
Lily: Okay, so no weirdness at all?
Leslie: It was a little disconcerting seeing Neil behind that desk. He can be so...
Lily: Stuffy, uptight, no-fun Neil?
Leslie: (Laughs)
Lily: (Laughs)
Leslie: Maybe it's just him at the office.
Lily: Yeah. Well, Devon swears that it's the suits, 'cause when he puts that jacket on, it just sucks all the fun right out of him.
Leslie: (Laughs)
Neil: So what'd you think of your first flash meeting in front of the accounting team?
Devon: Uh, well, it was very, um, it was very thorough.
Neil: Yeah?
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: Well, listen, man. You'll never be able to maximize your profits until you have a handle on your costs.
Devon: Right. Dad, don't fire me for saying this...
Neil: What?
Devon: But sitting in there surrounded by pinstripes was like "Night of the Living Dead," banker edition.
Neil: (Laughs)
Devon: I'm not sure--
Neil: What? Come on.
Devon: I'm very serious. Dad, cosmetics are about fashion and the latest trends-- at least, that's what they're supposed to be, right?
Neil: Y-yeah. Wh-what's your point?
Devon: My point is that when you walk into a place like Jabot here, you expect to find a creative, hip environment, kind of like the offices you'd see in the record business-- maybe with some music playing, people are in jeans, right? They're loose, ideas are flowing, no neckties cutting off circulation to your brain. (Chuckles)
Neil: Okay, yeah, I see where you're headed with this. Um, listen, it's my-- our responsibility to maintain a certain level of professionalism, you know? Jabot--look around you. It's a very highly respected company, Son.
Devon: I know that.
Neil: Right.
Devon: So's Google, though. It's a perfect example. No one there would be caught dead in a three-piece suit.
Jamie: What do you want?
Fen: My mom thinks I owe you an apology, and maybe she's right.
Jamie: For what, exactly?
Fen: I overreacted, seeing you and Summer together. I shouldn't have gotten in your face like that. I was a jerk, and my mom made sure I know it. So now I'm a jerk, and I'm embarrassed that you now know my mom is able to push me around.
Jamie: It's not that bad. She seems nice, and at least your parents give a flying flip about you.
Fen: Oh, you--yours don't?
Neil: Devon, this company is an institution, you know? We're not gonna change it overnight.
Devon: Well, I'm not saying we should.
Neil: Sounded like it to me.
Devon: Listen, you're the one that keeps asking me what I think about things.
Neil: Mm-hmm. That's because I value your opinion.
Devon: Okay, then, here's my opinion-- honestly, I think something as simple as casual Fridays would do wonders for morale around here.
Neil: That's very interesting, Son. Um, I wasn't aware that we even had a problem...
Devon: (Chuckles)
Neil: All right?
Devon: (Stammers) Understand this-- I'm not trying to criticize.
Neil: But suddenly, I'm not a man of the people, huh? What are you trying to say to me, that my employees can't relate to me, that I'm--I'm not an effective leader? Is that what you're saying?
Devon: Mm, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not at all.
Neil: You sure?
Devon: Not at all, yes. E-everyone here respects you, okay? That's for damn sure. All I'm saying is that, based on what I've observed from wandering the halls the last few days, loosening up a few rules would be a good thing. Loosen up this tie while you're at it.
Neil: (Laughs) Dream on.
Devon: Dad. You know this. Productivity has a lot to do with people's attitudes, right? It's just I think that attitudes can use some adjusting around here.
Neil: You're very lucky that you're family...
Devon: (Gasps)
Neil: And--and I will take this under advisement.
Devon: Okay, even the part about the blue jeans?
Neil: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't push your luck, youngster.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Fen: I really like Summer. (Sighs) I mean, she's smart, fun, hot, but I'm pretty sure she only thinks of me as a friend.
Jamie: Since when? I mean, that day we got into it, you said she was yours, that you're together.
Fen: Oh, we--we will be, a-a-at least, I-I hope-- I hope we will be soon.
Jamie: I get what this is about. You're afraid she'll fall for someone else, and you'll never get to be anything but friends.
Nick: Oh, no.
Noah: I'll be upstairs.
Nick: (Sighs) I know I shouldn't have left.
Phyllis: Oh, no, Summer and I talked.
Nick: And?
Phyllis: She had a bit of a breakdown. It was good. Must be difficult, holding all that anger inside. No insults, no screaming at each other. It was good.
Nick: I'm glad. It sounds like you guys made some progress.
Phyllis: Yeah, I think we did.
Nick: Where is she?
Phyllis: Uh, she went to school.
Nick: You didn't take her?
Phyllis: No, no. I just felt, you know, she opened up to me, so I just wanted to reciprocate with some trust.
Nick: Yeah, okay, that's-- I think you did the right thing.
Phyllis: Yeah? Thanks.
Nick: I-I'm glad you guys got a chance to talk.
Phyllis: Yeah, me, too.
Nick: Making some headway. It probably felt good.
Phyllis: Yeah, it did, it definitely did. Hey, it must be really fun having, uh, Noah live with you.
Nick: Yeah, it's great. He's a great kid.
Phyllis: Yeah, you... you talk about guy things? Like carburetors and sports and fishing?
Nick: (Laughs) Yes, no, we talk about those things every day.
Phyllis: I was a little worried about him, um... you know, when I saw him on Thanksgiving. He seemed like he had his--his hands full with Sharon. She was just acting so odd.
Nick: What? You saw Sharon on Thanksgiving? Where?
Phyllis: Here, at the house, with Noah.
Lily: Thank you. So what happened to your tie?
Devon: I lit that thing on fire.
Lily: (Laughs)
Leslie: (Laughs) You did not.
Devon: Not joking.
Lily: You tell Dad to do the same with his?
Devon: I did tell him, but, uh, you know, it's like you said, baby steps. At least he listened to me.
Leslie: Mm. Don't give up hope, Devon. One way or another, we'll convince Neil to lighten up a little.
Lily: (Laughs)
Leslie: At the very least, open a button or two.
Lily: (Laughs) Yes.
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: (Sighs)
Neil: (Inhales sharply)
Jamie: Hey, uh, I'm taking off.
Fen: Thanks.
Summer: What the hell are you doing, hanging with Jamie?
Fen: I mean, I'm just following your lead.
Nick: Well, I'm glad you and Summer had a chance to talk.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: I'll, um, I'll let you know how school went.
Phyllis: Yeah, maybe she'll call me herself, who knows?
Nick: That'd be nice.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah.
Nick: All right, so, yeah.
Phyllis: Oh, I gotta go. I have a really busy day.
Nick: Me, too.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: We used up half of it dealing with this stuff.
Phyllis: Yeah, okay. Well, call me if, uh, anything comes up. See you.
Nick: I'll do that. Bye.
(Door closes)
Nick: Noah. Down here, now.
Noah: What's wrong? What's up? What is it?
Nick: Phyllis just told me she saw Sharon here on Thanksgiving. Why wouldn't you tell me she's back in town?
Noah: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kyle: I don't want to break up with you.
Eden: What is this thing that you've got going on with Phyllis?
Phyllis: Next time you find yourself alone, find somebody else's kid to borrow.
Nick: Noah said you were sick.
Sharon: I can't talk about that.
Nick: Tell me what's wrong.
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