Y&R Transcript Friday 11/30/12
Episode # 10044 ~ Cane Advises Jill to Avoid Tucker; Chelsea Threatens to Reveal Sharon's Secrets
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: It's so nice, just sitting here talking about everything... nothing.
Adam: You know, you almost just smiled there.
Sharon: I should let you get back to the office.
Adam: No, I have a little more time, actually. Um... have you been taking your meds?
Sharon: Uh, yeah. I-I don't feel anything, though.
Adam: No, well, you remember what the doc said. Could take a few weeks, could take a few months, but they will kick in. Oh, hey, no. Lunch was my treat. I can clean up. Don't worry about that.
Sharon: Um, well, I'm not helpless. I can put things in the recycling bin.
Noah: Mom?
Adam: Your, uh, your mom's in the kitchen.
Noah: What happened to letting her move on?
Adam: Moving on is a good thing. Abandoning her, not so much.
Noah: She has her family, and you have your wife.
Chelsea: You're back. Taking this bonding thing to a whole new level.
Chloe: Oh, you know you revel in my presence-- unless you're busy or something.
Chelsea: Uh, no. Adam couldn't fit me in for lunch, so I'm free.
Chloe: Good, then let's talk fashion industry and stop obsessing over crabby husbands and financial drama. And you know what? You were right, because once this whole money thing blows over, Kevin and I, we're gonna be back on track. In the meantime, mama needs to make some moola.
Chelsea: Okay, this is sounding more like you.
Chloe: I was forced to accept reality. I love Kevin. He drives me nuts, but I love him. We're in this together.
Kevin: $10,000. We're good, right?
Man: For the time being, but you've borrowed far more against your house than this.
Kevin: And the balloon payment is due soon, and that's only a portion of what I owe. I know.
Man: This buys you a month.
Kevin: Great. That's all I need. I'll have the rest of the money. Sure, I'll have the rest of the money. No problem. (Exhales sharply)
Lily: It's your favorite Malbec, breathing deeply, my dear.
Cane: Yeah? Do you know how much I love working with you at Jabot?
Lily: Oh, thank you.
Cane: Mm-hmm. So tell me, how did your meeting go?
Lily: Uh, it went good. I mean, I told my ideas and nobody laughed and pointed, so that's good. (Laughs)
Cane: It means they love everything you suggested.
Lily: Well, is it bad if I say yes?
Cane: No.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: 'Cause you have your mom and dad's business savvy and your own spin on what is hot, so...
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: I'm really proud to work with you. You know that?
Lily: Thank you. And Dad and Devon. I think we're turning into the Newmans here.
Cane: Yeah, except, uh, I hope we don't have all the emotional bloodshed.
Lily: You think that'll happen?
Cane: I don't know. You know I like working with your brother. I do. But today, Neil had me, uh, show him around the office, which meant I couldn't be in on, uh, management meetings and conference calls, and Neil knew it.
Lily: Yeah, but I don't think my dad would cut you out on purpose. Do you?
Cane: I don't know. Don't worry. It doesn't matter. You know why? 'Cause I am a team player. Jack knew it, Jill knows it, and now your dad-- well, my new boss-- he's gonna know it, as well, even if he's my father-in-law, so...
Lily: Cheers.
(Glasses clink)
Cane: Cheers.
Neil: How was your day?
Devon: It was all right.
Neil: Yeah?
Devon: It was all right. Yeah, Cane, he gave me a lot to absorb...
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Devon: And, uh, you know, I-it's cool to see him at work. He's got big ideas, but gets the--the details, too.
Neil: You see?
Devon: Hmm?
Neil: Keep your eyes and your ears open. Best way to move up the ladder.
Devon: Right, right. Don't forget, my last office was a music booth, so I don't think I'm gonna be a corporate superstar anytime soon. (Chuckles)
Neil: Devon, you realize you had a very tough year, right?
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: You got your hearing back. That was pretty heavy. You made Angelina into a superstar, and then what happened? She left for L.A. your mama, she went back to Ana.
Devon: Which I understand.
Neil: Tucker-- Tucker is, uh, Tucker, right? And your bio-dad.
Devon: Which annoys me, but I'm dealing with that.
Neil: And you walked away from a career in producing music.
Devon: Everything you said, I can handle, but can you?
Adam: Well, it is time for me to take off.
Sharon: Um... (Clears throat) Adam, thank you for lunch.
Adam: It was my pleasure.
Noah: Mom, it is not a good idea to have Adam around all the time.
Sharon: Noah, listen to me. I could have ended up in Fairview. They could have locked me up and not let me back out, and now I am better and stronger every day because of Adam. Whatever happened in the past, that was the past. Right now, Adam is the best friend I've ever had.
Noah: Are you sure that's all he is?
Tucker: (Shivers)
Jill: (Laughs) I know.
Tucker: Well, you didn't sneak me in the back way. I'm assuming Katherine isn't on the premises.
Jill: No, Katherine and Murphy went to the movies.
Tucker: Oh, darn. I was looking forward to hearing her lecture you about what time she expects you home.
Jill: Tucker, I'm a grandmother. Nobody lectures me anymore, not even Katherine.
Tucker: Oh, lucky you. Remember Thanksgiving, how she, uh, scolded me for a good ten minutes about how much gravy I was using?
Jill: (Laughs) I do remember. (Sighs) Well, maybe she would have had something to say about it, and maybe I did usher them out of the house for that reason, but it's not as if this is a date.
Tucker: No, no, two people getting all dressed up, going to a fancy restaurant-- that's not a date.
Jill: A date is something personal, something romantic. I have your number, buddy. You want something, or this wouldn't be happening.
Tucker: Hey, I only want the pleasure of your company.
Jill: Oh, bingo. Company--Chancellor.
Tucker: And here I thought, when I asked you out to dinner, I made my intentions crystal clear.
Jill: (Laughs) You did, so you just keep your eyes on me, Buddy, and off my corporate assets, and this evening's gonna go just fine. Come on.
Kevin: Seriously? That's all we have in our checking account? (Sighs) (Exhales sharply) Savings, even better-- nothing. Too bad I can't switch with the TagNGrab account.
Chloe: Okay, so we have some distribution issues. I mean, do we go to a buyers' collective, or do we do an exclusive at Fenmore's, or do we skip brick and mortar and go solely online? Um, yeah, okay, what's our price point? How much profit can we turn?
Chelsea: We could make a ton of money, but our marriages could still be unfixable.
Chloe: Focus, hey. What are you doing?
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Chloe: What, are you-- are you thinking about her?
Chelsea: Adam had to keep his schedule open in case she was available for lunch.
Chloe: Ew.
Chelsea: I know.
Chloe: I mean, that was very up front of him.
Chelsea: (Sighs) Yeah. I was in his face at Newman offices, and he was sitting around waiting for "Wackadoo." (Sighs)
Chloe: Okay, listen, you are Adam's wife, not Wackadoo. You have to remember that.
Adam: Ah, my love and her little friend again.
Chloe: Hi, Adam. I was just praising your wife's genius. You know, that M.B.A. of yours-- it must mean that you really do see brilliance. At least when you're married to it, you do. Bye.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: Ahh.
Chelsea: How was lunch?
Adam: They put mustard on my pastrami.
Chelsea: Oh, God! Life can be so cruel.
Adam: Oh, the aftertaste.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Wow.
Adam: Well, no, I was with Sharon. Had some sandwiches, checked up on her, and, uh, made sure she was taking her medication. But now I'm home, and I'm with you.
Chelsea: Such a hardship.
Adam: You've seen Sharon's life, Chelsea. There's really not much going on there.
Chelsea: Yep, except for an ex who, um, cares about her every waking moment.
Adam: Hey...
Chelsea: Hey.
Adam: I spend my waking moments and my dreams obsessing over you, my wife, the genius, who needs to give me an update on her business venture.
Chelsea: But what if-- what if Sharon needs you? What are you gonna do then?
Adam: Will you just shut up?
Chelsea: What happens then?
Adam: I'm gonna squeeze this information out of you.
Chelsea: Hey, hold on a sec. Let me show you.
Adam: What, you're gonna text me the information?
Chelsea: No, silly, sit. Okay, so I dressed up in some of the clothing, and I had Chloe take some pictures.
Adam: All right. W... wow. That--wow, again, wow.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Okay, that should be illegal, though, but still wow.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Chloe's right. Yeah, she is right. You know what you're doing, for sure.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: This is exactly the kind of business venture I want to invest in. Yeah.
Chelsea: W-well, Chloe has lots of connections, and I--
Adam: Well, look, I mean, connections now are the easy part, working with Newman Enterprises.
Chelsea: Well, I mean, Chloe and I are doing this together.
Adam: Sure. I mean, I understand, but it seems like you're doing all the work, right? And she's just, what, encouragement?
Chelsea: Adam, this was Chloe's idea. She believes in me and she's become a friend. I want to build this business, Adam... and whether or not you agree with me, honestly, I think you owe me.
Sharon: It's gratitude, what I feel toward Adam. You know, I know you're here now, but before, everyone walked out on me, and it was the most horrible feeling of loneliness, like, this heaviness in my arms and in my head and my heart, and then Adam was there, and he's the reason I've survived this.
Noah: Mom, I am sorry I was not here before, but you call me anytime, and I will be here, I swear to you, and you know, there's dad. You--why don't you just tell him that you're back in town, on the ranch, hmm?
Sharon: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I-I can't tell him. I can't. I won't.
Adam: You know, you-- you don't need Chloe for this. She's just a crutch.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Adam, it's kind of weird for you to come from nursing Sharon back to sanity, and now you think you can tell me who I should or shouldn't be friends with?
Adam: You are absolutely right. You were not. I support you, financially, emotionally. No conditions, no rules. I will open my wallet and I will shut my mouth.
Chelsea: That may have been the sexiest thing you've ever said to me.
Adam: (Laughs) Now if you don't mind, I'd like to make one small suggestion.
Chelsea: Yeah?
Adam: Let's get you, like, a business loft, an office space somewhere.
Chelsea: Oh, no, that's okay. I like the cottage.
Adam: Yeah, it-- you can't really take buyers there, though.
Chelsea: Why? Sharon moving back in?
Adam: It's a small space, Chelsea. It's cramped. There's no room for your venture to grow.
Chelsea: And that's the only reason?
Adam: But apparently, you don't think so. How long will all roads lead back to Sharon?
Noah: Mom?
Sharon: Not--not Nicholas, Noah, please, just--
Noah: Okay, I know, I know. I hear you. I do. I-it's okay. It's okay.
Sharon: (Exhales sharply)
Noah: Um, do--do you want me to call your doctor?
Sharon: No, no. Look, I-I'm fine. (Sighs) It was just a moment. I'm okay. Look, uh, you understand about my condition, but other people, they--they don't. They're--they're just gonna see that I'm not myself and they're gonna judge me, and I can't take that right now, not on top of everything else.
Noah: Dad lives on the property, Phyllis knows you're back, and Faith--who knows when she'll forget that it's a secret? You know, just tell Dad yourself. If he finds out another way, he's gonna know that we kept it secret for a reason.
Sharon: There was a reason, Noah, because if anyone can see through me, it's your father, and--
Noah: I know, and--and you don't want him to find out about the fire.
Sharon: He--he can't. He cannot ever find out that I set that fire.
Lily: I know...
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: That no matter what any C.E.O. or father-in-law throws at you, I believe in you more than anyone.
Cane: You know what? I wish we were at the club right now, so we could take this upstairs. Hmm? Yeah.
Lily: Wow, I like that.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Instead, we're stuck here, and so, what? We'll just have to talk about Christmas lists or something like that, huh?
Lily: Well, I like that, too.
Cane: Mm-hmm?
Lily: What are you gonna get me?
Cane: Oh, really? You think I'm gonna fall for that? Hmm?
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: 'Cause I was actually talking about the twins, what we should get the twins for Christmas.
Lily: Oh, I don't know, but it has to be two of everything.
Cane: Or we just teach 'em how to share.
Lily: We should, but I know the feeling. Sometimes I don't want to share you.
Cane: Mm. I like that.
Jill: Whoa!
Lily: Hi.
Jill: Cane, Lily, how wonderful.
Lily: You look great, Jill.
Jill: Well, thank you. Oh, my God, it's so cold. It's almost summer in Australia.
Lily: Yeah.
Jill: The things we do for family, huh?
Lily: Yes.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: Uh, well, why don't you guys join us? We have Cane's favorite wine. Why don't you move over here?
Jill: Sure. Okay. Oh, do you know what? This is Phillip's favorite, too.
Lily: Oh, really?
Jill: Yeah.
Lily: Nice.
Tucker: Well, if a former bar owner and bartender recommend it, I'm down. I want a taste.
Lily: You will love it, trust me. (Chuckles)
Tucker: So is this a business meeting we busted in on? You two are at Jabot together now, right?
Cane: No, we're here on pleasure. What about you, Tucker? What are you--you're here on business, right?
Tucker: No. No. I guess the four of us are on the same mission tonight-- pleasure.
Neil: Hiring you was purely selfish. I need creative thinkers who pay attention to detail. That's not you?
Devon: Well, sure, that's me, but it's me in music.
Neil: Yeah, but that's how you applied it, and now you're gonna apply that here.
Devon: Like you're not gonna cut me a break and just look the other way if I'm not up to speed?
Neil: You know what's funny? All I keep hearing is how serious I am. What is it, uh, uh, I'm a stick in the mud, right?
Devon: Right, mm-hmm.
Neil: But suddenly, I-I'm a cuddly kindergarten teacher that's gonna hold your hand throughout this whole process and give you a salary to boot. No, man, I don't think so. See, when I was C.E.O. at Newman, didn't I bring you in on that project? Didn't you nail it? And you impressed the hell out of Victor. He isn't easy to impress. You know that.
Devon: Right.
Neil: And you became a music producer with a cochlear implant. You dig that?
Devon: You did always tell me that I can do anything I set my mind to.
Neil: Yeah, I said that, and I meant it, but you, you proved it. Devon, I couldn't ask for more in an employee... or more in a son.
Devon: Thank you.
Chloe: What you doin'?
Kevin: Hi. What? Nothing. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Oh, that wasn't suspicious at all.
Kevin: I was just doing a little fiscal maneuvering, since Adam and Tucker left us penniless.
Chloe: What kind of maneuvering?
Kevin: Well, just trust me to take care of everything, because I'm going to.
Tucker: Mmm. Really nice choice.
Jill: Mm-hmm. Cane, you have excellent taste.
Cane: Thank you.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: Oh. (Sighs)
Jill: Oh, at dinner, seriously?
Tucker: No, no, I-I'm sorry. I was expecting this call. It's a little online retail site I got involved in. Uh, I'll be back.
Jill: Well, I am loving this, spending time with the two of you.
Cane: What about Tucker?
Jill: What, did I miss him?
Lily: What's going on between you two?
Jill: Dinner. Dinner is what's going on, and I'd heard so much about this place, I had to check it out.
Cane: Tucker McCall is a user.
Jill: Well, who's to say who's using whom, hmm?
Noah: Dad is not a mind-reader, Mom. He had his suspicions about the fire, but that's it. He's not gonna look at you and know anything. No one ever has to know that you started that fire.
Sharon: Only you and Adam know, and Dr. Watkins, but she can't say anything.
Noah: And Adam says he's not gonna tell anybody?
Sharon: He won't.
Noah: Mom, he had video proof that you didn't kill Skye, and that just went missing.
Sharon: Okay, then you're just gonna have to trust me that I have some of my instincts left. He's not going to betray me.
Noah: But Dad would?
Sharon: Well, if he knew that I started the fire--
Noah: He won't. He won't. All this credit that you give Adam for being decent-- you know, you could--you could give some of that to Dad, too. How long did he love you through everything? Newman, the stocks, Tucker. Dad said that he didn't recognize you. That's true. He didn't. That was the illness. This is the real you, getting help, getting better. He would support that. He would support you.
Sharon: You know what? I'll think about it.
Noah: I-I-I can call him right now.
Sharon: No, I said that I would think about it! We have to do it when I'm ready.
Noah: He cares about you, Mom. Talk to him. You won't regret it.
Adam: I don't know what you want me to say. You want me to tell you that I have no romantic feelings for Sharon? Is that it? Because I don't. You see what I'm saying? I do not, but I cannot keep saying this to you over and over again and over again, ad nauseam, if you're not going to listen.
Chelsea: You are Sharon's hero right now. You are everything that is good and safe in the world to her right now, right? But you are also someone who has always been assumed the worst. Everyone always assumed the worst of you. Now you are being worshipped as this savior. Of course that is gonna go to your weak spot, and my God, coming from Sharon, it's gonna go straight to your heart! (Scoffs)
(Cell phone ringing)
Adam: (Sighs) (Clears throat) Hello.
Sharon: Noah's gonna tell Nick that I'm here.
Adam: What did Noah say?
Sharon: He said that I should believe in Nick the way that I believe in you.
Adam: Do you want me to talk to Noah for you? Would that make you feel better?
Sharon: I'm sorry, I'm too needy, aren't I? I-I--just expecting you to fix everything. I shouldn't.
Adam: Slow down, okay? Get some rest. (Exhales sharply) I'll check back in with you later, okay?
Chelsea: Adam?
Cane: So you're using Tucker?
Jill: Did I say that? Heavens, no.
Cane: Mom--
Jill: Ohh.
Cane: I mean, Jill.
Jill: You really know how to get to me, don't you?
Cane: Tucker has screwed over a lot of people lately, okay? Genevieve, Victor, Sharon, even Katherine.
Lily: I think--I think that we're just worried about you.
Cane: Yes.
Jill: Oh, do you know how much I love that you are? But I promise you, you don't have to worry about me. I have been around the block a time or two, you know.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Oh, I'm sorry about that.
Jill: Oh.
Tucker: Phone's in my pocket, and our table's ready.
Jill: Great. Thank you.
Tucker: Thanks for sharing your wine with us.
Lily: Of course.
Tucker: Good to see you both.
Lily: You, too. Bye.
Cane: I'll talk to you soon, okay?
Jill: I'll talk to you soon. Mm. Bye.
Cane: Bye.
Jill: (Clears throat)
Tucker: Cane was drilling me with a death glare.
Jill: That's because he doesn't like you.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Jill: Thank you.
Tucker: Thanks. Yeah, but you... you're another story, aren't you? Remember the night we met?
Jill: Yeah, it's when you pretended to be the bartender. I remember.
Tucker: You tipped very well that night.
Jill: (Chuckles) Well, there's not gonna be any tip tonight, I can promise you that.
Noah: You know, I just saw my mom, so whatever you need to talk about--
Adam: Noah, sit, please. Please.
Adam: I owe your mother. I could repay her for ten lifetimes. It will never be enough, but I will keep trying, because she deserves it. Now you and I, we don't have to be the best of friends.
Noah: (Chuckles) Well, that's a relief.
Adam: Noah, just listen to me. You can't be going to your father about her. That is making her anxious. Do you understand?
Noah: She called you.
Adam: Yes.
Noah: I told her that I would be there for her and my dad would, too. She humored me, and then she called you.
Adam: You have to see this as a good thing. She is reaching out. Just--
Noah: She's telling me what I want to hear, avoiding my dad, and then running straight to you-- to you. The fact that you don't see that as a problem is an even bigger problem.
Sharon: Chelsea.
Chelsea: Did he bring you dinner, some ice cream, huh? A blankie for you to snuggle?
Sharon: Um, Adam is not here. Did anyone see you come in?
Chelsea: Oh, you're living in your old house, Sharon. Pretty delusional to think it'll stay a secret.
Sharon: I just needed some time.
Chelsea: Take time. I don't care, but do it without my husband. Stop calling him, stop needing him, stop sucking his life dry!
Sharon: Adam is my friend, Chelsea, and he's been my friend since well before he knew you existed.
Chelsea: Oh, please, the wounded dove thing again. Leave him alone.
Sharon: You know what? If you have a problem, that's between you and Adam.
Chelsea: No, Sharon, you're between me and Adam, and it stops now.
Sharon: I don't know why you're attacking me. If you're so worried about your marriage, then take it up with your husband.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Well, that's funny. That's funny. It's actually hard to get his attention lately because I am a strong, normal woman and not some neurotic nightmare.
Sharon: Adam cares about me, Chelsea, and maybe that's why you're so worried about your marriage-- because, deep down, you know that Adam's never gonna love you the way that he loves me.
Chloe: "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead," right? That's the saying?
Kevin: (Chuckles) I think the old adage is ignoring imminent danger despite almost certain self-destruction.
Chloe: Really? That's the saying? That's horrible.
Kevin: Well, it doesn't matter, because there is not gonna be any self-destruction. I told you, I'm taking care of everything.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, that's fantastic. Thank you, but... what if I helped out?
Kevin: How?
Chloe: Well, Chelsea and I are really gearing up and moving forward on this whole fashion mission. It's amazing, right?
Kevin: No.
Chloe: That's not amazing?
Kevin: Chloe, look, you have vision, you have brains. Chelsea has a schmuck of a husband, Adam, so no, you're not going into business with her. It's not gonna happen.
Chelsea: Adam loves you?
Sharon: I-I meant loved, loved. I just--you know, you-- you came in here attacking me, and I-I meant the past tense. I... you know, wh-what we had, it was destructive, and--and you and Adam are...
Chelsea: No, no, go-- please, go on. Tell me more about me and my husband.
Sharon: It's not tainted.
Chelsea: You mean, not intense?
Sharon: I-it's honest.
Chelsea: Except when he's lying to me about you.
Sharon: Look, Chelsea, I... (Sighs) I have nothing. You know, I-I-- you have no reason to be jealous of me.
Chelsea: I'm not. I'm not anything of you, because you don't exist. Not in my world, not in Adam's. You are done, and from this day forward, you will stay away from my husband. No calls, Sharon, no tears, no begging him, no thanking him. You will leave us alone. Do you understand?
Sharon: I told you, he's just my friend.
Chelsea: No, Sharon, he's someone that you used to know a long time ago, and if you don't stay away, I swear to you I will tell the whole damn world that you burned down Victor's house.
Noah: If you care about her so damn much, let her go. Let her depend on the people that really love her.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Noah: That her?
Adam: No.
Noah: (Scoffs)
Adam: Your mother needs some control of her life. That includes when she reaches out to her father. You can't be pressuring her or judging her.
Noah: I'm not.
Adam: If that's what she feels, who is she gonna turn to?
Noah: How about her doctor?
Adam: Okay, but that connection takes time. She has history with me, Noah.
Noah: Yeah, like the "Titanic" has history with the iceberg. Adam, look, I'm--I'm trying to be as honest-- honest as I possibly can with you right now, man to man. Whatever you're doing for my mother right now, it is not helping her. Please... leave her alone.
Sharon: Dr. Watkins, its Sharon Newman. It's getting worse. I'm getting worse.
Tucker: You look relaxed.
Jill: It was a good meal. Plus, it's always nice to see people you love, and by that, I obviously mean Cane and Lily. It really warmed my heart that he warned me away from you.
Tucker: Me?
Jill: (Chuckles)
Tucker: What about Colin, the killer cattle thief?
Jill: Colin's gone, but you are here, and Cane is worried.
Tucker: I get a lot of that.
Jill: Oh, please. How long have you been practicing that pained look?
Tucker: There's some things I've done I'm not proud of... to you, to my mother. (Laughs) She hates me. Well, maybe I can't do anything about that, but I would hate to think that you see me the same way she does. I know I deserve it, but I wish I didn't.
Jill: So what are you saying, Tucker? That you're a changed man?
Tucker: I'm saying I want to change.
Jill: Why?
Tucker: For you.
Neil: Hey, hey, hey, look at this. Come here. Jill, Tucker. How you doin'?
Tucker: Hey.
Jill: Oh, wow, how wonderful to see both of you. Cane and Lily just left.
Devon: Oh, nice. Glad to know they got to have some downtime. Cane had his hands full today, showing me the ropes at Jabot.
Tucker: So, you, uh, you are working for Neil now, huh?
Devon: Yep.
Jill: Uh, that's wonderful. Wow, Devon and Cane and Lily-- what a team. You must be thrilled.
Neil: Well, Jill, you surround yourself with the right people, you're bound to succeed.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Jill: (Chuckles)
Neil: Now Katherine knows that all too well. Congratulations, Ms. C.E.O.
Jill: Oh, how sweet of you. Boy, ever since I came back to Genoa City, it's been one pleasant surprise after another.
Devon: Hmm. Well, it's good to see you.
Jill: Good to see you, too.
Neil: Enjoy.
Jill: Thanks.
Devon: You forget something?
Neil: Yeah, my phone. I need to make an important call.
Devon: Uh-oh.
Neil: Uh...
Lily: Oh, looks like the boss is out for the night.
Cane: So is everybody else.
Lily: Well, I guess we're off the clock, too, so I'm gonna grab some research.
Cane: Sure. You know, you, uh, you look good behind this desk, hmm? Maybe you should be next in line for the position of C.E.O.
Lily: (Gasps) I thought you had your eyes on that job.
Cane: No, actually, you're right. I had my eyes on something else.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: (Laughs) Mm.
Cane: Tell me something-- how much longer do we have the nanny for, hmm?
Lily: (Gasps) In my father's office?
Cane: Yeah, your father's office.
Lily: I'm shocked.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Yes.
Cane: You want me to really shock you? Hmm?
Lily: (Chuckles) Yes, please.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Yeah?
Neil: Devon, you go ahead and order. I'm gonna go by the office and grab my phone, okay?
Devon: All right, no problem.
Neil: All right, I'll be back.
(Letter tray clattering)
Chloe: So, what, are you giving me orders now?
Kevin: No, I'm pointing out that Adam gutted our company like a fish, and now you want to go into business with his wife?
Chloe: And since the last time that we had this conversation, it's not your decision to make.
Kevin: Chloe, our joint focus right now should be climbing out of our financial abyss.
Chloe: I'm trying to help us climb, and you just shot it down.
Kevin: Because, I told you, I'm gonna take care of it.
Chloe: How? Oh, right, that's right, you won't tell me. That's an excellent plan for marital harmony.
Kevin: Oh, come on, I'm doing all of this for us.
Chloe: Doing what? (Groans)
(Laptop key clicks)
Chelsea: (Exhaling slowly) (Exhales slowly) (Sniffles) (Breathing heavily) (Breathing heavily) How could you do this to me?
Adam: Chelsea, how can I fix this?
Chelsea: Never see Sharon again.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Chelsea knows. She threatened to tell everyone if I don't stay away from Adam.
Avery: Let's just say that we're gonna take a little trip into your future.
Victor: You use that document and you take Newman Enterprises away from him.
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