Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/29/12
Episode # 10043 ~ Victoria is Devastated by Victor's Revelation; Fen Avoids Michael's Questions
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: No, seriously, Jack, how many of these did you have?
Jack: Oh, not that many. I-it--it's a new prescription. I think it's stronger than the last one.
Phyllis: But you're feeling good?
Jack: Yeah, I-I-- I needed the rest. I--everything's been go, go, go.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm glad you're taking a break.
Jack: How was lunch?
Phyllis: Horrible. Summer came by, I had lunch with her, and then Ronan showed up. It was a coincidence, but Summer didn't believe me, so... (Scoffs)
Jack: So Summer left and Ronan stayed.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: I know. I was there for a little while. I was gonna have lunch, but I-I, uh, I was too tired.
Phyllis: What, too tired to come by and say hi?
Jack: I didn't want to interrupt. Ronan Malloy... God, you could do so much better than that.
Billy: Not a good time. Victoria's asleep, and, uh, I don't have anything to say to you.
Victor: What are you still doing here?
Billy: Oh, I live here. Did you see my name on the mailbox when you came up?
Victor: I gave you a chance to get out of here voluntarily.
Billy: (Sighs) I know why you're here. She's still in shock. She's having nightmares, so you can't really drop this on her now, but if you want to tell her, fine, tell her, but why don't you wait till she's recovered?
Victor: Let me tell you something, Billy-boy. It doesn't make any difference when I tell her. She needs to know, because wherever you are involved, crisis seems to follow you.
Billy: That's what you tell yourself, but this is about you. It's about what you want. How about, once in your life, you put her first?
Victor: Shh, shh, shh.
Victoria: What's going on?
Michael: So what are you into-- sports, music, video games?
Jamie: Um, I don't know. Just, you know... whatever.
Michael: This isn't an interrogation, Jamie.
Jamie: Yeah, I-I-I know. It's just kind of weird, hanging with the district attorney.
Michael: (Chuckles) I'm not here as the D.A., just a friend of a friend who'd like to help you out if he can.
Nick: Hey, how was the rest of your day at school?
Summer: Fine.
Nick: Got a lot of homework?
Summer: No, not really.
Nick: Okay, good, 'cause I need some of your time. There's something I want to talk to you about.
Summer: Okay, well, later is better, 'cause Fen's on his way over right now.
Nick: Uh, why don't you text him and tell him you're busy?
Summer: That would be so rude, okay? He's probably already halfway here. Can't this wait?
Nick: No, it won't take long. I need to go pick up Faith from a birthday party anyway, but this is important.
Summer: (Sighs) Fine.
Nick: Okay, I know you keep telling me you're not angry because of the divorce, but I think there's still a lot of that going on.
Summer: Okay, is this gonna be one of those soul-baring conversations?
Nick: Well, I really hope it is. I miss you, Summer. I miss talking to you. I miss hearing what you think.
Summer: No matter what I say, you're gonna know that I'm angry.
Nick: Well, there's something underneath that anger, so please help me understand this.
Billy: I was trying to explain that you need your rest.
Victoria: Yeah, well, this isn't exactly what I wanted to wake up to. You think you could just save the fighting for when I'm not around?
Victor: Yeah, or we should just let it go, we don’t want to upset you.
Billy: There's something we agree on.
Victor: But there's something you need to know.
Billy: Don't do this.
Victoria: Daddy, honestly, I can't take any more right now. I really can't. (Sighs)
Victor: Sweetheart... you need to be strong now.
Victoria: I'm not, right now.
Billy: Why don't you listen to her?
Victor: But you need to know the truth.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: What truth?
Victor: Your husband knew all along where I was in L.A. He knew I'd lost my memory. He didn't tell me who I was, and he informed you about none of it.
Phyllis: What do you have against Ronan Malloy?
Jack: He's wrong for you.
Phyllis: Because?
Jack: Oh, you... (Grumbling)
Phyllis: Are you saying he's too uptight? Is that what that is?
Jack: You're a free spirit.
Phyllis: Oh... (Scoffs) That's true. A little too free for some people.
Jack: Not me.
Phyllis: You're always in my corner.
Jack: I always have your back, Red.
Phyllis: (Sighs) That means a lot to me.
Jack: You mean a lot to me.
Phyllis: What--what is the name of this stuff? I should dole it out to everyone I know. (Laughs) What is that? Um, I-I'm gonna get you something to eat.
Jack: No, no, no.
Phyllis: Maybe some water.
Jack: I'm-- I'm--I'm fine, really.
Phyllis: Are you sure? Okay, because I-I actually do have to go back to the office. I have a meeting with my staff. I have a staff... (Giggles) And, um, you know, I'll--I'll come back and--and check up on you if you'd like.
Jack: I'd like.
Phyllis: Okay, I'll do that.
Nick: Thank you very much for calling. I'll be having a conversation with Summer about this immediately. You, too.
Summer: Okay, look, before you have a panic attack, I--
Nick: Have you been ditching school this week?
Summer: Okay, we're not even doing anything! Half of the kids are still gone from Thanksgiving.
Nick: That is not acceptable behavior.
Summer: You said that you weren't gonna yell at me anymore. (Sighs) Dad, how am I supposed to concentrate in school when my family is falling apart?
Nick: No. No, that's not gonna fly. If you need help with school, I'll get you a tutor or we'll get you some counseling, but you have responsibilities, young lady.
Summer: Yeah, and you walked away from yours at Newman.
Nick: I was fired.
Summer: Yeah, and you're doing nothing to try and get the company back. I guess you don't care what people say about you.
Nick: What people?
Summer: Never mind.
Nick: Summer.
Summer: They think it's funny at school, okay, that you, Grandpa, and Aunt Vicki all got booted out of your own company, okay? I'm sick of hearing about it!
Nick: Are you telling me you're being made fun of or being bullied? Do I need to get the principal back on the phone?
Summer: No. That'll just make it worse. I'll go back to school tomorrow.
Nick: Yeah, you will. I'm driving you there myself, to make sure you're going.
Summer: Yeah, as if that won't give them any more ammo. Yeah, "Guess your dad has nothing better to do with his time now."
Nick: Well, what have you been doing with your time, Summer?
Summer: What?
Nick: Where have you been going when you're not at school?
Michael: Ronan told me a little about how things have been for you lately.
Jamie: So, uh, I guess you know what I did, then.
Michael: Yeah, vandalizing your dad's girlfriend's place. What was your dad's reaction? Ronan said he can be difficult. I know a little something about difficult dads. Mine wasn't around, but my stepfather was an S.O.B. drunk most of the time, and a mean drunk.
Jamie: How'd, uh, you handle it?
Michael: I ran, not that that solved any of my problems. I was furious, resentful, and... well, you can look me up online, see just how much of a mess I made of my life.
Jamie: Well, it couldn't have been that bad.
Michael: No, I-- I turned it around eventually. It shouldn't have taken me so long. I always wonder, if there had been somebody around who gave a damn to sit me down and explain to me that there were better ways to channel all that rage... I lost a lot of years.
Jamie: That's why you're talking to me.
Michael: That's why I'm talking to you.
Victoria: Billy...
Billy: It's far more complicated than that. When we're alone, I will tell you everything that happened.
Victor: I could have been killed in that explosion.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victor: I could have died because you were withholding information, and Victoria could have died a few days ago.
Billy: There's no connection there whatsoever.
Victor: You bet there is. In both cases, you lied. You withheld information. Do you know that he did not tell me that you had been kidnapped?
Victoria: (Exhales sharply) Wait, just wait. When did you remember that you had seen him in L.A.?
Victor: When I came home.
Victoria: So then you've been keeping the secret, too.
Victor: Sweetheart, I wanted to spare you the ugly details, all right?
Billy: He wanted to blackmail me, basically.
Victor: You need to wake up as to who this man really is.
Victoria: I want you out...
Billy: Hey--
Victoria: Both of you. I want you out.
Billy: Baby, just--
Victoria: No! Don't touch me! Please get out. Both of you. Go--now!
Summer: I went and saw Mom a few times.
Nick: Where else? Who were you with? Were you cutting class with anyone else?
Summer: No, it's just me, and--I don't know, I've been hanging out, the library and here.
(Knock on door)
Summer: Hi. Uh, nice new hair.
Fen: Thanks.
Nick: Summer texted you and told you it wasn't a good time, right?
Summer: Yes, you saw me.
Fen: Uh, I-I had my ringer off 'cause of school. Sorry.
Nick: So you've been going to school, Fen?
Fen: Yeah.
Summer: Yeah, don't blame Fen, okay?
Nick: I want you to come with me to pick up Faith.
Summer: I don't need a babysitter, and plus, I need those missing assignments, and that's why Fen's here.
Fen: Yeah, I got them right here.
Nick: You stay downstairs and you focus on your homework. I'll be back soon. I'm not kidding! Downstairs, homework.
Summer: (Scoffs)
Fen: Guess he wasn't so okay with you missing school. (Chuckles)
Summer: Why are you picking on Jamie?
Fen: I don't know what you're talking about.
Summer: Okay, please, don't even. Okay, you're the only person that could have sent that nasty FacePlace message.
Fen: Oh, so now you're his protector. Wow, that's--that's-- that's kind of funny.
Summer: I don't get it. You were totally on my case about not hurting the kid's feelings.
Fen: Look, I didn't want you using me. Look, I-I-I don't care about Jamie. I don't know why everybody else is just so concerned about this kid.
Summer: Okay, well, just stop picking on him, and if I figured out so easily that it was you, someone else will, and then they'll trace the first message back to me.
Fen: Oh, you worried it's gonna break up your beautiful little friendship?
Summer: I just can't get into any more trouble than I already am, Fen.
Fen: We could always run away again. It was kind of fun the first time.
Summer: No, just don't, Fen.
Fen: Your dad's not here.
Summer: Yeah, and I'm on thin ice, okay? I just--I need to be on his good side.
Fen: No, I think it's that you don't need anything from me right now.
Summer: What?
Fen: No, I'm-- I'm done with this. This is--no.
Summer: Fen, what? Fen, stop!
Fen: No!
Michael: Did you not go to school today?
Jamie: Gonna arrest me?
Michael: (Chuckles) I just wondered how much it had to do with those e-mails you've been getting lately.
Jamie: Oh, R-Ronan told you.
Michael: Ronan suspects Summer Newman.
Jamie: Could be. I-I don't know.
Michael: Are you still getting them?
Jamie: It doesn't matter. Kids suck. Big shock, right?
Michael: Okay. All right, um, I'm gonna give you my number, and... I want you to call me-- anytime. Listen to me. I mean it. Anytime.
Billy: Hey, Nick.
Nick: How's Victoria?
Billy: It's rough. She's got a lot to deal with right now, you know?
Nick: Never should have happened, Billy.
Billy: You know what, man? We've been down this road already. Rehashing it's not gonna help Victoria. Do you have something else you'd like to say to me?
Nick: A little defensive, are we?
Billy: You Newmans--you guys can do whatever you want and be forgiven. (Chuckles) Victor, Adam, even your mom.
Nick: Oh, don't you talk about my mom.
Billy: But the Abbotts-- that's a different story entirely, isn't it? Doesn't matter what you do, when you did it, how much you regret it. It just proves that you're not worthy. Permanent black mark on your character, right?
Nick: Billy, I don't give a damn about your character. What concerns me right now is your enemies.
Billy: Max is in custody.
Nick: Oh, yeah, 'cause no one has ever made a call from jail to a buddy on the outside. Is this the way you want Victoria living-- afraid, wondering if she's ever gonna be safe again?
Billy: What do you want me to do, man? You want me to walk away? Are you really this much like your father?
Nick: I'm nothing like him.
Billy: You know how much I love her?
Nick: Yeah, I do, but speaking from experience, just 'cause two people love each other doesn't mean they belong together.
Phyllis: I can't find Adam.
Kyle: Yeah, he never came back from that meeting.
Phyllis: Yes, that vague, undisclosed location.
Kyle: Yeah.
Phyllis: Well, my meetings are done for the day. I think I'm gonna just head on home.
Kyle: Hey, have you, uh, have you seen my dad today?
Phyllis: Yeah, I saw him earlier.
Kyle: And he seemed okay?
Phyllis: He was good. He's finally getting some rest.
Kyle: Ok, I hope you know how much I appreciate your help, like, looking out for him.
Phyllis: It's my pleasure. It really is. He has, honestly, done so much for me.
Kyle: Right.
Phyllis: Uh, he doesn't even need my help. He won't let me do anything, so I think it's just time for me to head back home.
Jamie: Hey, uh, you meeting Summer?
Fen: No.
Jamie: Uh, you want to sit down? Your dad was just here.
Fen: Look, what is your deal?
Jamie: What?
Fen: If you think you have a chance with Summer, you're out of your--
Jamie: What--
Fen: 'Cause we're together.
Jamie: Uh, o-okay. It's--its cool. I thought we were all just hanging out. I-I wasn't even... thinking like that.
Fen: Well, good. (Whispers) Stupid.
Michael: Fenmore! Okay, yeah. We'll talk later. All right, bye, thanks. Hey.
Fen: (Normal voice) Hey.
Michael: What are you getting? I'll treat.
Fen: Uh, don't you have to get back to work?
Michael: Uh, no, not so much.
Fen: Great.
Victor: Always that easy to put Faith down a nap?
Nick: It is when she's been on a trampoline all afternoon.
Victor: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Nick: I ran into Billy at the coffeehouse.
Victor: Yeah?
Nick: I'm surprised that, uh, he wasn't home with Victoria.
Victor: Well, I think she had asked him to give her some time by herself, you know?
Nick: She did?
Victor: I think she's beginning to realize their marriage is not working out. No matter how much she hopes that he will come through for her, I don't think he's capable of it.
Nick: Sounds like wishful thinking. I mean, trust me, I'm not gonna be too broken up about it if that happens.
Victor: May not happen right away, Son, but it's gonna happen eventually. Right now, Victoria is licking her wounds, but I think there are certain things about Billy's character that are coming to the fore that she can't ignore anymore.
Nick: She's gonna need a lot of support.
Victor: And that's where you come in, Son. You know, Victoria right now is in no shape to try to regain control of Newman Enterprises. You know that.
Nick: You're not seriously about to ask me to take over for her.
Victor: What would be wrong with that? It would make your sister very happy.
Nick: Yeah, I'm sure that's what she's thinking about is that company. Dad, after everything we have been through, after what we almost lost, how can your mind go to that?
Victor: Don't you think it's about time for you to step up, Son? You know that every day that passes, Jack Abbott is solidifying his hold on Newman Enterprises.
Nick: I can live with that.
Victor: That's partly your company. Is that the son I raised?
Nick: No, it's not. We have different priorities in life.
Victor: What is your priority? I mean, what do you do with your time?
Nick: Is parenting not enough? I will go back to work at some point, trust me, but I can pretty much guarantee you're not gonna like that choice, either.
Victor: What do you intend to do?
Nick: I don't know, Dad. Maybe I'll... be a rock star.
Victor: Are you trying to be funny with me, or what?
Nick: No, I'm not. (Sighs) Look, if getting Newman Enterprises is so all-encompassing important to you, then do it yourself.
Victor: I thought that you... would come through for me.
Kyle: I think it's too soon for you to move home. Dad still has got a long way to go.
Phyllis: Well, you're there now.
Kyle: Yeah, but he doesn't listen to me. I mean, he's got this filter in his brain that doesn't let him see me as an adult.
Phyllis: But you told him to go home today and he did it.
Kyle: Yeah, well, that was just 'cause he was exhausted. Look, it scares me to see him like this. Maybe I've got that same filter in my brain. I just want to see him how he used to be. I let him convince me. When he says he's okay, I let him go on, but you-- you see through it and you call him on it.
Phyllis: Well, if you need me to come there and give him hell, just give me a call.
Kyle: How are you gonna feel if he pushes himself too hard and he relapses, and you know you could have prevented it?
Jack: That's the final offer. They can take it or leave it.
[Jack dreaming]
(Cell phone ringing)
Jack: Hold on a sec.
(Computer alert chimes)
(Laptop alert chimes)
(Cell phone ringing)
(Phone ringing)
(Cell phone ringing)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: (Grunts) (Exhales slowly) (Sniffs) Well, look who's here.
Victor: Surgery must have gone well.
Jack: Indeed it did.
Victor: Yeah.
Jack: I hope that's not a disappointment.
Victor: On the contrary, ought you a get-well present.
Jack: Well, your generosity knows no bounds.
Victor: Best $13 I ever spent.
Jack: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me for a moment.
Jack: Oh, go right ahead.
Victor: Yes, Lisa? That's exactly what I was looking for. Yeah, when--and lock it in a vault, all right, okay, and don't let Nikki know about it. I want her to be surprised. Yep, thank you.
Victor: Well, with today's highfalutin tech s, I guess you don't have to go to the office anymore.
Jack: Was there something that you wanted?
Victor: Have you heard of Victoria's ordeal?
Jack: I have.
Victor: Ah.
Jack: Billy dropped by last night.
Victor: Oh, yeah. Amazing how long that marriage has lasted, against all odds. Hopefully and mercifully, it'll come to an end soon. I was hoping that you would encourage your brother to accept the inevitable.
Billy: Victoria. Victoria?
Victoria: (Sniffles)
Nick: It's okay.
Victoria: Did you know, too?
Nick: Know about what?
Victoria: Billy's been lying to me. So has Dad. (Sighs) I don't know what I'm gonna do. (Sighs)
Michael: Let's see. Hey, I asked them to leave off the tomatoes.
Fen: Uh, why?
Michael: You don't like them.
Fen: That's when I was a kid.
Michael: Oh, okay. Well, here, you can have mine.
Fen: No, that's fine. I really--I-I don't-- I don't care.
Michael: I, uh, I really enjoyed Thanksgiving. I had a nice time. We got along. I was hoping that could be our new normal... (Chuckles) But, um, maybe you were just making a special effort for the holidays.
Fen: Look, I-is-- is this what it's gonna be like anytime we're together? Y-you studying me, analyzing my mood, what does it all mean? It's like...
Michael: (Sighs)
Fen: Can we just relax?
Michael: You may have a point there. Probably, it'd be better for us to go to a movie or something. No talking. What do you think?
Fen: What was that with Jamie before?
Michael: Well, Ronan asked me to look out for him. I don't know how well that's gonna work out, though. He seems a little bit wary of law enforcement, or wary of me.
Fen: I could see that.
Michael: But he could certainly use a friend. I was hoping you might reach out to him.
Jack: You're here to enlist my help?
Victor: Well, kind of, yeah. I mean, the last thing Victoria needs is for Billy to pressure her. That would not only be pointless but also cruel. Perhaps you convince him of that.
Jack: You're wasting your time, Victor.
Victor: What, you want your brother to continue fighting for a marriage that you and I both know is dead?
Jack: He wouldn't listen to me, one way or the other.
Victor: Well, but you are as close to a father as he has.
Jack: Billy is very upset about what happened to Victoria, so much so, he's delusional. He blames me, which I guess is kind of like blaming you, since Victoria was in Miami to do your bidding.
Victor: So then you have no allies left, do you?
Jack: Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Victor: Huh, well, Adam. Phyllis, of course. Her loyalty turns on a dime. Then there are Ashley and Abby, who you managed to alienate some time ago.
Jack: (Chuckles) You never tire of this topic.
Victor: Ah.
Jack: You never get bored with predicting my impending doom.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Jack: What's it been, decades now? Yet here I stand, getting stronger every minute.
(Door slams)
Phyllis: Hey, guys.
Victor: Hey.
Phyllis: What's going on?
Jack: Victor brought me a box of chocolates.
Phyllis: Ooh.
Victor: Isn't that nice?
Phyllis: Yeah. Ooh, was $13 just burning a hole in your pocket?
Victor: (Laughs) Yes. Yes, you enjoy the candy, Jack, okay? Have a good time with it. You have a nice day.
Phyllis: What was that all about?
Jack: Oh, who knows what goes through the wormholes of that man's mind? He just came here to yank my chain.
Phyllis: Nothing more than that?
Jack: Well, whatever he came for, he didn't get it.
Nick: If Billy had just come forward, then Dad wouldn't have been in that explosion. He would have pulled him out of there, and then we wouldn't have grieved. Think about what Mom went through. I was scared she was gonna start drinking again, Vick.
Victoria: You know, this is what we-- we've all grown up with, all of us, all the feuding. I think that's why Billy and I understood each other. It felt like we could, you know, escape from it and make our own rules, but, oh, it just pulls you back in.
Nick: Are you making excuses for him?
Victoria: No, I'm not. He should have known better. Of all people, he should have known that "An eye for an eye" is a trap and that it doesn't work, but it's been constant attacks from Dad since the very day that we got married. (Sighs)
Nick: Dad gave Billy a chance when he got back to L.A. He could have busted him, but he didn't.
Victoria: (Scoffs) No, he was just holding it over Billy's head as leverage. It's a sickness, this pattern. It's a sickness, and I just don't know how I'm supposed to get away from it.
Nick: I used to feel that way, with Phyllis.
Victoria: But you did get away. You made a clean break. (Sniffles) Are you sorry about that?
Nick: No. Vick, I'm not saying you should do what I did, or that you shouldn't. It's gotta be your decision.
Victoria: (Sniffles) I don't know. I go back and forth. I love him.
Nick: I know you do.
Victoria: You loved Phyllis.
Nick: With all my heart, but it got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. You think you're at that point?
Victoria: I don't know. I don't know. We have a baby.
Nick: Well, that could be an argument either way, couldn't it? I mean, you tell me he acts the way he does because of what he saw growing up. What do you want Johnny to see?
Summer: Hi. I don't understand.
Jamie: Just look. Read it.
Summer: They're not stopping.
Jamie: Why the hell do people bother? What do they get out of being such... idiots?
Summer: Maybe they're hurting so much that they're gonna make sure that everyone else does, too.
Jack: You really want to move back home?
Phyllis: Well, um, yeah. I-I mean, you have Kyle, Mrs. Martinez. I would just be cramping your style.
Jack: You know that's not true.
Phyllis: I-I just-- I need my own space.
Jack: Okay, as long as it wasn't something I did or said to push you out the door.
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, not at all.
Jack: I'm having a little trouble believing that. Um, just know it was the meds doing the talking, uh, the kissing.
Phyllis: Oh, no, l-- no, listen. It's not that at all. It just--I-I came here to help you recover, and look at you. You--you look great. You're recovered. Mission accomplished.
Billy: (Sighs) Don't be mad I'm here. I need to explain.
Victoria: I really don't know how you're gonna talk yourself out of this one, Billy. (Sighs)
Billy: There were only a few days while everybody was looking for Victor that I knew where he was. It was wrong keeping the secret.
Victoria: (Sniffles)
Billy: I knew it then. I was headed back to find him and bring him home. It was just-- I was too late.
Victoria: Why did you lie about it?
Billy: I told myself it was because you were doing a great job with the company, and I didn't want him to get in the way of that.
Victoria: But that wasn't really it.
Billy: No. He locked me up, kept me away from my family. Yeah, he deserved it.
Victoria: (Sniffles)
Billy: You didn't deserve I know that.
Victoria: (Sniffles)
Billy: I know your mother didn't deserve it. I know that Nick didn't deserve it. I-- that's why I changed my mind.
Victoria: If he had died in that explosion, you would have never told me that you could have saved him. Do you know how hard that makes it to trust you? And don't tell me that you love me, because I know that, but that doesn't seem to stop you from doing these kind of things.
Billy: (Sighs) It was a bizarre, freak circumstance.
Victoria: That is the story of my life, and I don't want it anymore.
Billy: What are you saying?
Victoria: I'm saying that I need some time to think about things... (Sniffles) And that you can stay until I figure things out, for Johnny.
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