Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/21/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/21/12


Episode # 10039 ~ Jack & Phyllis Consider Their Relationship; Devon Refuses Tucker's Thanksgiving Olive Branch

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Why isn't Eddie answering? If anything happened to Victoria--

Billy: Nothing's happened to Victoria, okay? We're here. We're in Miami. We have the money. We just need Eddie to answer his phone. Come on, Eddie. Pick up the phone. Pick up the phone.

Victoria: Eddie! (Whimpers)

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Eddie! Billy! (Grunts) Billy! Billy! Uhh! (Breathing heavily)

Cane: They are fine.

Lily: I... (Chuckles)

Cane: They are fine.

Lily: I know. I was just checking to see if Cindy called.

Cane: All right, Matty and Charlie were asleep when we left, and I'm sure they still are. They're fine.

Lily: Okay, but I'm a mom, and you know I worry if they're not feeling well.

Neil: It's just the sniffles, though, right? There's no fever or--

Lily: Yeah, I just-- I didn't want to get you sick and then have you give it to Moses.

Neil: Right, right, Moses. He's with, uh, Sofia, so I'm glad you could come to dinner tonight.

Lily: Yeah, although it's kind of weird having Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant.

Neil: You think so? Hmm. A lot of people do it. Look around you.

Cane: Yeah, well, you are cooking what? This weekend? And that is going to be our celebration, right, Baby? Come here. Mm.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Neil: Well, the only thing better than Thanksgiving is having two Thanksgivings.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: The second time around is gonna be even better, 'cause I'm gonna have Moses. Devon'll be there.

Lily: Wait, I thought Devon was coming here tonight.

Neil: Yeah, me, too. Guess he had somewhere else to be.

Jill: Oh, how nice you look today.

Devon: Mwah. Thank you. Good to see you.

Jill: You're welcome. Good to see you, too.

Kay: All right, is, um, Neil upset because you're spending Thanksgiving with me?

Devon: No, of course not. He knows how much you mean to me.

Kay: Well, Lily and Neil mean a great deal to you, too.

Devon: Well, there'll be plenty of holidays for the three of us to spend together.

Kay: You make it sound like I'll be dead by Christmas.

Jill: (Laughs)

Kay: Is that why you're here? Because you're worried about me?

Jill: Because if it is, get in line.

Esther: Yeah, behind me, too.

Kay: Oh, stop it. This is all ridiculous. Um, it's all unnecessary.

Devon: In our defense, you do make it sound like running Chancellor Industries is no big deal.

Kay: Well, I'm not going to drop dead by taking a little responsibility on my shoulders.

Jill: Unless you're faking it.

Devon: "A little responsibility"? Is that what you call running a Fortune 500 company?

Kay: Well, I've carried more on these shoulders than that.

Devon: Believe me, I know that. I still feel like it's too much, though.

Kay: All right, all right. Now stop it. Stop it. Hors d'oeuvres. Hors d'oeuvres.

Esther: Okay, but what about Murphy and Nina? Don't you want to wait for them?

Kay: Uh, Murphy called, and, um, they're short-handed, uh, with, uh, volunteers at the mission, Dear, and, uh, he and Nina are going to stay a while longer. Now may we have the hors d'oeuvres?

Esther: Oh, okay. Hors d'oeuvres coming right up.

(Doorbell rings)

Esther: Uh-- oh, after I answer the door.

Kay: I never invited any more guests.

Jill: Oh, I did.

Kay: Well, you didn't tell me who it was. Who is it?

Tucker: Just your baby boy.

Jack: Well, what's the point of having a corporate jet if you can't fly your niece to new York? I was happy to do it, ash. I'm glad you could all be together. Yeah, I-I-- I wish I could have been there, too, Traci. There's just a lot going on here. (Groans) is Kyle there? I'd like to wish him a happy thanksgiving. He didn't tell you what his plans were? No, that's all right. I'll--I'll--I'll call later. I love you all, too. Happy Thanksgiving.

Jack: (Inhales quickly) (Exhales sharply)

Chelsea: There you are.

Adam: Yeah, I just went to go get some fresh air before I had to face Jeffrey and Anita for this family soiree of ours.

Chelsea: Did you see Sharon while you were out gettin' some air?

Adam: No. And she hasn't called, either.

Chelsea: Well, maybe she's trying to tell you that she can survive on her own without you to lean on.

Adam: I just wish she hadn't left without her meds.

Chelsea: Okay, would you stop worrying about her for half a second, please, and get some wood for the fire?

Adam: Happy to.

Anita: Happy turkey day, Sweetie.

Jeff: (Chuckles) Gobble, gobble.

Sharon: Phyllis, since when do you let yourself into nick's house?

Phyllis: Since he gave me a key. (Gasps) Who let you in?

Sharon: Noah let me in.

Phyllis: I heard you were M.I.A. It doesn't surprise me, considering how they all must feel about you after what you did.

Sharon: What do you mean? What did I do?

Phyllis: Well, when Victor was missing, you took over Newman Enterprises and nearly destroyed it.

Sharon: Oh, well, Victor and I have come to an understanding about all of that.

Phyllis: Yeah, he's very forgiving.

Sharon: Is there some reason you're here?

Phyllis: Um, I-I came to see my daughter.

Sharon: Well, Summer took Faith to the parade in town.

Phyllis: Oh, she did? That--that was over hours ago.

Sharon: Well, I don't know why they're not back yet, but there's no reason for you to stay.

Phyllis: There's no reason for you to stay.

Sharon: I'm waiting here for Noah. He's bringing me something.

Phyllis: Well, I'm gonna wait for my daughter, too.

Sharon: You know, they might have stopped by the club to see Nikki and Victor. It is Thanksgiving.

Phyllis: This is so weird-- them having Thanksgiving dinner at a hotel. It's just so weird. All the Thanksgiving dinners that were spent here at the ranch, and now it's just gone.

Sharon: God, get out. Get out!

Phyllis: What's wrong with you?

Chelsea: Ice, in case anybody wants a drink. How's the fire?

Adam: Roaring.

Chelsea: Thank you for doing that.

Adam: No problem.

Anita: Okay, wh-what is going on?

Adam and Chelsea: Nothing.

Anita: Okay.

Chelsea: You're right. I... (Sighs) I am a little bit upset. I just wanted tonight to be perfect, and I felt that Adam wasn't helping enough, so we just had a small, little argument before you got here.

Anita: Is that it? I thought it was something major.

Chelsea: No. (Chuckles) No, just a Mars/Venus thing. So, um, Jeff, where's Gloria? I thought she was coming with you.

Jeff: She's with her family. I'm gonna join her later for dessert at Michael and Lauren's.

Adam: It's too bad you can't be with your wife for Thanksgiving.

Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, if you want to join her now, we'd completely understand.

Adam: We would. We'd understand.

Jeff: (Chuckles) Sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.

Chelsea: No. Why--why would we do that?

Jeff: Uh, why don't we get out of here and let these two get back to whatever it is they were arguing about?

Adam: Chelsea already told you, Jeffrey. I wasn't pulling my weight. I'm over that. Everything's fine now. Speaking of pulling weight, I will pour us all a drink.

Anita: Great. Then we can toast the happy lovebirds.

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: Nothing's wrong with me. I-I just don't like talking about things that upset me.

Phyllis: Like the fire? The fire upsets you?

Sharon: Well, I took that very personally.

(Door opens)

Phyllis: Something else is going on with you.

Sharon: (Sighs) Noah, thank God you're here.

Noah: Hey, I'm sorry that took so long. Hey, Phyllis, what's up?

Phyllis: Um, uh, nothing. Just happy Thanksgiving. I was just trying to figure out what's up, actually.

Noah: Yeah, happy Thanksgiving.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Noah: Uh, Summer's not here right now.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. I-I just wanted-- that's why I'm here. I just wanted to spend, you know, Thanksgiving dinner with my daughter.

Noah: She just called me. She and Faith ran into Avery at the parade, and they're-- they're having dinner at her house.

Phyllis: My--my daughter is having Thanksgiving dinner with Avery. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, where--where is Nick anyway? Did--did--wha-- he--he's out of town on Thanksgiving. That's weird.

Noah: Yeah, yeah, that's right.

Phyllis: I mean, did he say where he went or how long he'll be?

Noah: No, he--he just said it was an emergency.

Phyllis: Uh, that's-- did he say anything to you, Sharon?

Sharon: I--

Noah: You know what? We gotta get goin', though, so as--as soon as he gets back into town, I'll have him call you, okay?

Phyllis: Okay, I just-- I-I definitely want a call from my daughter, too.

Noah: Right. Sure. Yeah, I-I'll take care of that, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, okay.

Noah: Okay. All right.

Phyllis: What's-- what's going on around here?

Noah: Happy Thanksgiving.

Phyllis: Yeah, you, too.

Sharon: Oh, my God, she knows I'm here. She's gonna tell Nick.

Noah: Mom, calm--calm down.

Sharon: What am I gonna do? I'm gonna have to leave.

Noah: Calm down, okay? E-everything's gonna be okay.

Sharon: (Sighs) No, no, it is not gonna be okay. (Sighs) I just--I-I can't stop. I can't--I can't stop my head. I can't stop anything right now.

Noah: I know. Okay, look, look, I have to get you back on your meds, okay? I couldn't find them at the cottage.

Sharon: Oh, God. Okay, Adam must have them. I'll call him.

Noah: No, no, d-don't. Just forget that. Just let me-- I will call your doctor. We'll get another prescription, okay?

Sharon: No, but if he has them--

Noah: Mom, forget about him. Please.

Sharon: He wants to help me.

Noah: Mom, he's not helping. He's making things worse!

Sharon: That's not true!

Noah: Mom, look at you. You're a mess, and it's because of him. Because of this disgusting relationship--

Sharon: No, he saved my life. I would have died in that fire if it weren't for him!

Noah: So you--you were there at Grandpa's house when-- when the-- when it burned down?

Sharon: I started it.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: (Sighs) (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) Billy!

Billy: Victoria, is that you?

Victoria: Yes.

Billy: Are you okay? Where are you?

Nick: Is she okay?

Victoria: I'm okay. I'm--I'm in a--I don't know. I'm--I'm--I'm in a-- in a house in Miami.

Billy: Nick and I-- we're here. We're in Miami.

Nick: We're gonna find you, Vick.

Billy: Where's Eddie?

Victoria: I think he's dead. They shot him.

Billy: Vick, get out of that house.

Nick: Yeah, you gotta go now, Vick.

Victoria: I can't. I'm--I'm handcuffed to a couch and I can't get free.

Billy: Okay, calm down. We'll find you.

Victoria: How?

Nick: Just keep talking. We'll have Dad's guy track your signal.

Victoria: Hurry! Oh, my Dad!

Devon: Thank you.

Esther: You're welcome. Mrs. C.?

Jill: Oh, for God sake. Would you stop giving me the evil eye, Katherine? You told me I could invite whoever I wanted for dinner.

Kay: I didn't think it was necessary to add, "Except him."

Jill: This is ridiculous. You're all family. Would you please take a seat, Tucker?

Devon: You know, blood doesn't always make you family.

Jill: I don't believe you two. You were willing to give an ex-drug addict who'd found "Peace and harmony" a second chance, but you won't give Tucker one?

Kay: He's had a second, a third, and a fourth, and he's blown them all.

Jill: Yeah, because he didn't live up to your high expectations.

Kay: Mine, Devon's, Ashley's.

Tucker: All right. All right. Okay, you're right. You're all right. I'll never win a popularity contest in this town, or even in my own family.

Devon: I think that's something we can all agree on.

Tucker: You don't like the way I conduct business or my life. I get it. But can we just put all that aside for today?

Kay: And then what? Be one big, happy, dysfunctional family?

Tucker: Well, maybe we can just have a normal conversation. Or do you want me to leave?

Jack: Hey, happy Thanksgiving.

Phyllis: This is--this is the worst Thanksgiving ever, and I've had a lot of really, really bad Thanksgivings.

Jack: What's the problem this year?

Phyllis: Nick, Avery... Summer.

Jack: What did they do?

Phyllis: Uh, well, Nick left town without saying anything, and--and, um, my daughter chose to spend Thanksgiving dinner w-with Avery. Oh, my God. My sister is trying to steal my life. Oh, my God.

Jack: W-w-wait. Nick, I'm sure, had his reasons for leaving town. Summer is just being a typical teenager, and Avery, I am sure, would love to have you join her and Summer for Thanksgiving--

Phyllis: Oh, please. I'm not joining Avery for Thanksgiving. I'm never joining Avery for Thanksgiving. She's taking my daughter from me, and I am not giving her the satisfaction of knowing that I have no one to spend my Thanksgiving with. (Sobs)

Jack: Wait, wait. What about Daniel and Lucy?

Phyllis: They're--they're-- they're in Chicago with Heather. (Sighs) My God, can my life get any worse? (Sighs)

Jack: Yeah, it--it could. You could be alone at the penthouse right now, hungry with no food. You're here with me, and Mrs. Martinez left a lovely dinner in the oven.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Thanksgiving is a family holiday.

Jack: And what are we if not family?

Noah: Mom, did--did you say that you... burnt down Grandpa's house?

Sharon: I... I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I just... I didn't know what I was doing. Please don't hate me.

Noah: I could never hate you.

Sharon: Noah, I could go to prison. You have to help me. You have to convince them that I didn't know what I was doing. I-I was scared, and I was confused. I-I can't be locked up again. I-I can't.

Noah: Okay, okay, okay. Look, I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm not gonna let Faith grow up without a mom.

Sharon: But it was a terrible crime.

Noah: Listen to me. I've been reading about bipolar disorder. People do things that they wouldn't normally do. So we'll get a lawyer. We'll build a case that says that you're not responsible for your actions.

Sharon: But the house...

Noah: Grandpa's already rebuilding. The important thing is everyone is safe.

Sharon: Victor and Nikki, they lost everything. They--

Noah: It can all be replaced. Okay? So just take a deep breath.

Sharon: (Inhales deeply) (Exhales)

Noah: That's better. No one needs to know that you started the fire.

Sharon: I just want things to go back to normal.

Noah: It will be, okay? I'm gonna--I'm gonna call Dr. Watkins. We're gonna get a refill on your prescription, and then we're gonna go out, and we're gonna have Thanksgiving dinner.

Sharon: Out? Meaning, like, out in public?

Noah: If things are gonna be back to normal, we have to start acting normal.

Sharon: All right.

Noah: It's gonna be okay. I promise.

Victoria: (Whispering) Where's the phone? Where is the phone?

(Door opens)

Victoria: (Whimpers) Oh, God.

Victoria: Who are you?

Max: A friend of Eddie's.

Victoria: How did you know him?

Max: He was working for me.

Victoria: Right. So you're behind this.

Max: Eddie was just waiting for a taste of the $2 million.

Max: I heard you make him a better offer-- dangled his kid in front of him. (Tsks) You knew he had a soft spot for that brat.

Victoria: Okay. So if you heard what I said, then you knew that I'm gonna offer you double. Triple-- triple what you're asking.

Max: Mm, tempting. But you're a witness.

Victoria: No. No, I-I didn't see anything. I--nothing. (Sighs)

Max: I don't leave loose ends.

Victoria: (Sighs) What?

(Keys jingle)

Max: Don't do anything stupid, or you'll end up like my buddy over there.

Victoria: (Gasps)

Max: Move.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Tucker: (Sighs) So, um, is there a place at the table for me or not?

Devon: I--he-- he's more than welcome to stay. I just have nothing to say to you.

Tucker: Well, that's too bad. I wanted to ask you about your studio.

Kay: Uh, um, yeah. How, um, how are things down there?

Devon: Things have actually been slow.

Tucker: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Tucker: I thought you were on a roll, man. You had Angelina and then Ana.

Devon: Yeah, I was. Uh, but it's tough to get new talent to come to the Midwest. They all want to record in L.A. and New York.

Jill: Maybe I could help you with that. There are marketing strategies to attract talent.

Devon: Hmm. Thank you for the offer. That's very nice of you, but nothing seems to be working.

Tucker: You're not thinking about giving up, are you?

Devon: Neil actually offered me a job at Jabot. And you know, he really gets how frustrated I've been.

Tucker: Well, so do I. But you know, building a music career takes time. I'll tell you what-- maybe I can help you out. You bring your recording business under the McCall umbrella, I'll cover all your expenses.

Devon: No, thank you.

Tucker: Just until you get back on your feet.

Devon: Tucker, I'm not working for you.

Tucker: (Sighs) Okay. (Chuckles) I'll tell you what-- it'll be your studio. You won't have to answer to me or anyone else.

Devon: Again-- thank you, but no, thanks.

Tucker: I'm offering you a solution to your problem.

Devon: I'm well aware of what you're offering me, and I don't want your money or your advice.

Tucker: Come on, man. I'm your dad. Why don't you let me help you out?

Devon: Actually, you know what? Neil is my dad. You're a guy that has no say in my life. I'm sorry. I-I'm gonna take off.

Kay: Devon?

Devon: I-I'm-- I apologize. Please understand. Okay. I'm sorry.

Jill: (Sighs) Tucker, I'm so sorry.

Tucker: No, he's right. Neil was here. I wasn't.

Kay: That's not why he considers Neil more of a dad.

Sharon: Noah, I'm really not sure about this.

Noah: Mom, it's gonna be fine.

Sharon: Okay, why are they looking at me like that?

Noah: They're just saying hi.

Sharon: No, they're staring.

Noah: They're-- Mom, they're not-- they're not staring at you.

Sharon: Oh, my God. Everyone is staring at me.

Noah: Mom, they're--

Sharon: Noah, this was a mistake. I don't-- I don't want to be here. Take me home. Now. Now!

Noah: Okay. Okay.

Anita: Mm.

Adam: (Sighs)

Chelsea: Oh, I should probably go check on the turkey.

Anita: Honey, let me help you.

Chelsea: Oh, thanks, Mom. It shouldn't be long till dinner.

Adam: (Sighs)

Jeff: Just us guys.

Adam: Why don't we turn on the game?

Jeff: No, you know, um, I'd rather spend some time with my son-in-law. We've never really had a chance to talk.

Adam: What would you like to talk about?

Jeff: Well, how about the weird vibe I get every time I'm in the same room with you and Chelsea? I got it the other day, again today. It's like, um, the honeymoon's definitely over.

Adam: What's the matter, Jeffery? You afraid you're about to be pruned from the Newman family tree?

Jeff: (Laughs) I'm worried about my daughter.

Adam: The daughter whose life you just entered about five minutes ago? That's the one you're concerned about?

Jeff: I may not have been much of a father--

Adam: You were no father, so don't start trying to pretend to be one now.

Nick: Hey! He's got a gun!

Max: (Grunts)

Billy: (Grunts) Max?

Nick: You know this guy?

Billy: Yeah, he owns the casino in Puerto Rico.

Max: (Grunts)

Billy: Where's my wife?

Max: She's dead. (Laughs)

Tucker: Well, I guess I better get goin'.

Kay: Well, I'm surprised you stayed this long, taking my abuse. Tucker, what I said before--

Tucker: Oh, you're gonna lecture me some more?

Kay: Well, I think I do have some experience in connecting with an estranged son.

Tucker: Okay, go ahead.

Kay: Don't push too hard. It tends to backfire.

Tucker: Well, maybe if Devon understood why I did that, he wouldn't keep pushin' me away.

Kay: Maybe.

Tucker: Well, thanks for the advice, and for lettin' me stay. I hope we can do it again.

Kay: Me, too.

Jack: (Sighs) Kyle's not picking up on any of my calls, not responding to any of my texts.

Phyllis: I'm sorry. I-I know how badly you wanted to talk to him.

Jack: When I think of how many happy Thanksgivings I had in this house... sometimes a big crowd. Most of the time, just the four of us and Mamie. I can hear my sisters right now arguing over who gets to pull the wishbone with Jack, Mamie telling us all to eat up. (Chuckles) And my dad... he'd make sure each of us, one by one, would say what we were grateful for. I don't even know what I said. I'm grateful for my toys or my bike or...

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Jack: My new car or... if I had it to do all over again, I'd want to tell each and every one of them how grateful I am to have them in my life.

Jack: So many chances. I... I guess I just didn't know how lucky I was.

Phyllis: You know--

Jack: No, no, no. Don't--don't feel sorry for me. This is my choice. I did this. I just can't help wondering...

Phyllis: What?

Jack: Did I make a mistake taking over Newman Enterprises?

Sharon: I'm sorry I embarrassed you at the restaurant.

Noah: Mom, no, no, no. I-I shouldn't have pushed you to go out. That was--that was stupid.

Sharon: (Sighs) It's not your fault. It's just... everything is too much right now.

Noah: Yeah. Why hasn't your doctor called yet?

Sharon: Well, she's probably having dinner with her family like you should be.

Noah: You're my family.

Sharon: I hate that you're spending Thanksgiving like this.

Noah: With my mom? Can't think of a better way to spend it.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Noah: You know what, though? I-I do need to rush out and get something really quick. It won't take me that long. Do you want to-- do you want to lie down? Just get a--get a little rest?

Sharon: Yeah.

Noah: Okay.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Noah: I'll be back before you know it.

Sharon: Okay.

Devon: Hey, I'm looking for the Winters family.

Lily: Hi. Oh, my gosh.

Neil: Hey, Buddy.

Lily: I thought you were having dinner with Katherine.

Devon: I was, but then, uh, Tucker decided to crash the party.

Lily: Oh, jeez.

Neil: Boy, ruined your appetite, huh?

Devon: Yeah, something like that.

Neil: Yeah? Hold on. I'll get you a chair.

Lily: Yeah, get a chair.

Devon: I feel bad bailing on Katherine, but anyways, I, uh, I'd rather be here with you guys tonight, so...

Lily: Aw, so sweet.

Cane: See, this is great, because now I'm not going to have to listen to her complain about, "It just wasn't Thanksgiving without my brother."

Lily: Oh, whatever.

Devon: Really? You said that?

Cane: Uh-huh. She always says that.

Devon: That was so sweet of you.

Lily: I know.

Devon: I'm going to remind you every day at work how lucky you are to have a brother like me.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: Every day at work?

Devon: Yeah, I-I need to tell you, um, if your offer still stands, I have decided to accept and come work at Jabot.

Cane: Wait, wait, wait. You offered him a job at Jabot?

Neil: Y-yeah, but I-- I really didn't think you were gonna take it.

Devon: Yeah, say "Hi" to your newest employee.

Neil: My man.

Devon: Yeah. (Laughs)

Lily: Wow, so we're all going to be working together. This is great! Congrats.

Devon: Yeah, I know. Thank you. I'm excited.

Lily: Yay, I know.

Neil: One big happy family. Might as well.

Lily: Want some of my pie?

Devon: Yes, I do.

Phyllis: Hey, weren't you the same guy who said you can't-- you can't fight your own D.N.A.?

Jack: That doesn't mean you can't question it.

Phyllis: I think you're letting the ghosts of Thanksgiving past get to you.

Jack: No, it’s Thanksgiving present that has me rethinking taking over Newman.

Phyllis: You know what? You're wrong. I'm here to tell you you're wrong. This is your time, Jack.

Jack: You're just saying that 'cause I gave you a job.

Phyllis: No, I'm not saying that because you gave me a job. I believe in you. I really do. And--and I'm excited to have this job. I'm excited to have a ch-- second chance, but you're gonna do really great things at Newman.

Jack: So many people have said I'm selfish and greedy for taking the company from Victor and firing Nicholas and Victoria...

Phyllis: Don't--

Jack: For putting Billy to a loyalty test. I don't know. I guess in all the noise, I've started to doubt myself.

Phyllis: Don't. Don't do that. No matter how tough it gets, I'll be right by your side.

(Knock on door)

Adam: (Sighs) Sharon.

Sharon: Um, you're probably having dinner.

Adam: No, uh, come in.

Chelsea: My parents are gonna do the dishes.

Sharon: Chelsea, um, I'm-- I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to interrupt your Thanksgiving.

Adam: We are both just glad that you're okay.

Sharon: I am. I'm--I'm fine, and I just, uh, wanted to let you know that I have moved back into my own house, and I wanted to thank you both.

Adam: Well, you sure you're gonna be able to do this on your own?

Sharon: (Sighs) Well, there's only one way to find out. Um, but did you happen to find my pills at the cottage? Because I think I'm gonna need them.

Adam: Uh, yes, they're upstairs. I'll go get 'em.

Sharon: I really am sorry, you know?

Chelsea: For what?

Sharon: Just for, you know, all the trouble I've caused you over the last few weeks. He really does love you.

Chelsea: Yeah, I know.

Sharon: You're lucky to have him in your life, and... (Sighs) Don't ever take that for granted.

Billy: Vick! Vick! Are you in here? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey, can you hear me? (Voice breaking) Can you hear me? (Sobs) Vicki? Baby, talk to me. Talk to me. Say something. Please say something. Vicki?

Victoria: (Inhales quickly)

Billy: Oh, my God, Baby. Baby, Baby, Baby, wake up. Baby, wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Victoria: Billy?

Billy: Oh, my God, Vick. I've got you. I've got you. I'm right here. I'm right here. Oh, thank God.

Chelsea: Good night. Thanks for the pie. (Sighs) (Exhales) On this day, I am grateful that Thanksgiving only comes once a year.

Adam: We made it through dinner with your parents. That's something to be thankful for.

Chelsea: And Sharon's back.

Adam: How do you feel about that?

Chelsea: (Sighs) I've been acting like a jealous idiot.

Adam: I've asked a lot of you.

Chelsea: No. You only asked me to trust you, and I should have. And I do. Sharon needed you, and you were there for her. And now that she's strong enough to take care of herself... (Sighs) I know you're gonna let her go.

Adam: I already have.

Chelsea: Mm.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Nina: We don't have to talk about this anymore, okay?

Paul: It's not that simple.

Nina: Yes, it is.

Tucker: TagNGrab.

Kevin: Are you looking to invest?

Tucker: Adam offered me his share.

Victor: You can pack your things and get out. I don't ever want to see you near my daughter again.

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