Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/20/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/20/12


Episode # 10038 ~ Victoria Finds Herself in a Dangerous Situation; Jill & Katherine Butt Heads

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Kay: Ah. Well, how did you sleep?

Jill: Ah. Australia was great, but there is nothing like waking up in my own bed in Genoa City on a crisp Thanksgiving morning.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, how would you like another reason to be thankful?

Jill: 24 hours of peace and harmony would be nice. Can you manage that?

Kay: Well, how is this for starts? I've decided to bring you on at Chancellor as my new co-C.E.O.

Jill: Oh, Katherine! Oh! [Chuckles]

Phyllis: Hey. Jack.

Jack: Oh. Yeah.

Phyllis: Wouldn't it be more comfortable to sleep in your bed?

Jack: Must have fallen asleep while I was working. [Groans]

Phyllis: Tell me the truth. You couldn't get up the stairs, right?

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: [Groans]

Phyllis: Why are you darkening this doorstep on Thanksgiving?

Adam: [Sniffles] The bigger question is why you're answering Jack's door in the early-morning light. You get here early to score some points with the boss, or were you here scoring all night?

Jack: Hey! Have we got a problem here?

Noah: Mom?

Sharon: I had to see you.

Noah: Okay. What's -- what's going on?

Sharon: I couldn't stay at that cabin at Adam's anymore. It just all went wrong -- so wrong.

Nikki: Victor, you're only frustrating yourself more by calling Nicholas every five minutes. When he or Billy can call, they will.

Victor: Sweetheart, they should have been in Miami hours ago. Instead, they're stuck on some tarmac in Charleston, West Virginia, for heaven's sake. When it comes to ransom money, kidnappers don't have patience. I assure you.

Nikki: Well, nobody could have anticipated this delay in weather.

Victor: I should never have allowed you and Nicholas to talk me out of taking charge.

Nikki: Not even you can control the weather, Victor.

Victor: [Sighs]

Nikki: Now who are you calling?

Victor: If Nicholas and this dimwit don't get to Victoria in time, I know someone who can.

Nicholas: [Sighs] I was hoping the pilot could patch through some sort of phone connection.

Billy: No luck, huh? Yeah, I already tried Eddie. I can't get a signal.

Nicholas: Well, the pilot said a bunch of the cell towers were downed in the storm.

Billy: Fantastic. Just our luck. So how do we tell Eddie that we're on our way?

Nicholas: Well, we're not on our way. We could be grounded until this afternoon.

Billy: No, that's not gonna work. We need to get to Victoria. We need to get there now.

Nicholas: Well, how would you like to do that, Billy? Take a cab? Miami's only like 1,000 miles away.

Billy: I would if I could.

Nicholas: I want to rescue my sister, too. But we need to calmly figure out the best way to do that. You know who's really good at figuring out the best way to do things.

Victoria: [Sighs] How long have you been standing there?

Eddie: Long enough.

Victoria: Have you heard from Billy yet?

Eddie: No.

Victoria: He's coming. I know he's coming.

Eddie: Oh, he has to. But he might be too late.

Sharon: I left the cottage last night.

Noah: Where have you been all this time?

Sharon: Driving around. I didn't know what else to do. And then I thought, "Noah. I can trust Noah."

Noah: Yeah, of course you can.

Sharon: Okay, well, I parked my car up near my house. I saw Summer leaving with Faith, and I noticed that Nick's car was not here. But what if he comes back? I don't want him to see me.

Noah: Okay, well, Dad called me last night to let me know he had to make a quick trip out of town, so he asked me to watch the girls.

Sharon: Oh, perfect, perfect. Okay, good. Good.

Noah: Mom, can you -- can you tell me what spooked you at Adam's? W-what did he do?

Sharon: It wasn't Adam. It was his wife. Noah, she's out to get me.

Noah: Get you?

Sharon: Yes! Chelsea hated that I was there. She hates me. She's -- she started spying on me.

Noah: Okay, um, well, you know -- here, sit down. I-I never liked that you were at Adam's, anyway.

Sharon: Okay, but you know it wasn't Adam. Adam was being really good to me.

Noah: Right. Maybe. But I'm glad you're here now. Mom, what's wrong?

Sharon: Noah, um... this illness that I have... I have to tell you about it. You need to know what's going on with me.

Phyllis: I have some errands to run. Try to see Summer. And when I come back... you're gonna be long gone.

Adam: You and Phyllis seem cozy. It's almost like she's moved in a bit.

Jack: And if she has?

Adam: I don't want to know about it. None of my business.

Jack: Didn't expect you here this early.

Adam: Really? Well, you shouldn't have sent me an urgent e-mail at 2:00 a.m. demanding a meeting.

Jack: Sit down.

Adam: Jack, it's Thanksgiving. I have places that I need to be. What is so important that it couldn't wait?

Jack: This. You okayed a risky acquisition without getting my approval. You seem to have forgotten, Adam, who is the real C.E.O. of Newman.

Victor: I spoke with a security man in Florida. He's checking out the four properties associated with Eddie G.

Nikki: No! No, they can't do that!

Victor: Sweetheart, if Victoria is held in one of those places, they will rescue her, okay?

Nikki: How? By -- by charging in with guns blazing? What if she gets caught in the crossfire?

Victor: They know what they're doing.

Nikki: [Sighs] Victor -- how do you know? I mean, they're not -- they're not police, and they're certainly not family.

Victor: Sweetheart, they're my security people. They'll be very careful. I assure you.

Nikki: I know, but you don't know. You can't really trust them.

Victor: Darling, what else do you want me to do now? There's nothing else I can do.

Nikki: I don't know. But they don't love her like we do. They don't know about that baby upstairs waiting for her to come home. Please call them back and stop them.

Victor: Billy Abbott is already late with the money.

Nikki: Victor, please, stop them!

Victor: Sweetheart, calm down, please, okay? These guys will find her if she's there. Don't you worry, now. I can't help it that they're stuck in some airport in West Virginia. I can't help that.

Victoria: Please, Eddie. Please, you can't kill me.

Eddie: I don't want to hurt you.

Victoria: The other night, you said that you were gonna get rid of me to make Billy suffer.

Eddie: I was mad.

Victoria: So you didn't mean it, then?

Eddie: I'm not a monster. I fed you, didn't I? Brought you to this nicer place to wait things out.

Victoria: Yeah.

Eddie: All right, so I'm just looking to get back what was taken from me. Savvy?

Victoria: You know, I was thinking about... I was thinking about everything that you lost and... the years that you spent in jail... and how your wife took your son.

Eddie: Yeah, I've been thinking about him, too. It's Thanksgiving.

Victoria: Oh, my God. I didn't even know that. This must be a really hard day for you.

Eddie: Just go back to sleep, would you?

Victoria: I can’t. I can't go back to sleep. It's Thanksgiving, and I-I hate being away from my -- my sons. You must feel the same way. You know, when my ex went to D.C., I mean, it was never easy, but... birthdays and holidays -- they're the worst. Don't you think?

Eddie: Yeah. Holidays are the roughest.

Nicholas: We need to look at this from his point of view. He wants money. He's not gonna hurt Victoria, 'cause he knows if he does that, he's not gonna get paid.

Billy: So?

Nicholas: So we have more time than you think. He'll wait.

Billy: No, no, no. We can't take that risk, okay? He is insane. I know him.

Nicholas: Well, that is the problem, isn't it? You know him.

Billy: Okay, here's what we do. We get off of this plane, and we walk into the airport, and we demand to use a land line.

Nicholas: You want to leave $2 million laying on the plane?

Billy: We take it with us.

Nicholas: Oh, even better. You want to run into an airport with $2 million in cash in a couple of metal briefcases. Yeah, that won't draw any unwanted attention.

Billy: Easy. One goes. One stays. I'll go.

Nicholas: I'm not letting you out of my sight.

Billy: Really? Who are you, your dad now? You really don't trust me?

Nicholas: Not even a little bit. You run into that airport, you can put this whole thing in jeopardy.

Billy: I would do anything to get Victoria back. I would trade places with her in a second. You're worried about this money? Who cares? You're worried about keeping an eye on me? Who cares? The only thing that matters is getting her back, and I need to get to a phone to do that. So why don't you get out of my way?

Kay: Um, may I offer you a pen? Come on, Jill. Jill, come on. Hurry up so we can celebrate, Dear.

Jill: Why would I want to sign that?

Kay: Because it's what you wanted.

Jill: What I wanted? There is nothing in this contract that indicates I'm an equal partner.

Kay: Really?

Jill: Oh, no. Don't play dumb with me, you two-faced --

Kay: Oh, just stop this! Don't start the name-calling. Come on. All C.E.O.s have to have some sort of decorum.

Jill: Oh, decorum! Well, decor this, Katherine! You never intended to share power with me, did you?! You only pretended to agree to it to get me off your case!

Kay: Well, evidently, it isn't working.

Jill: You will never make me an equal at Chancellor, will you? Nothing will ever change.

Adam: I agree. The acquisition is risky. But it will pay off, Jack. I've done my homework. You'll be able to see that in the breakdowns and the overview.

Jack: And when will I get these breakdowns?

Adam: E-mailing them to you right now.

Jack: Perhaps I didn't make myself clear when I handed you the reins. I want to clear all major proposals.

Adam: Understood, Jack.

Jack: Good. Problem solved.



Adam: You all right there?

Jack: Fine. On my way to a speedy recovery.

Adam: Those are some potent little pills there, Jacky.

Jack: You put anything else in motion at Newman that you need to tell me about?

Adam: No. Nothing else. You starting to regret your decision to leave me in charge?

Victor: A new development, Son. Call me as soon as you get this, please.


Nikki: I know you must be blaming me for this whole thing 'cause I didn't tell you about the kidnapping sooner.

Victor: I was upset with you, but I blame myself.

Nikki: Why?

Victor: For allowing our Victoria to marry this useless S.O.B. Billy Abbott.

Nikki: Oh, you wouldn't have been able to stop her.

Victor: I have ways, okay?

Nikki: She's very smart and strong and obstinate. She would have found a way to marry him, just like she will find a way to save herself if she has to.

Victor: In other words, she's fierce and wise and resilient and strong, like her mother, right?

Nikki: Well, that sounds like one of her parents, anyway.

Victor: When Victoria's found, I --

Nikki: She will look at her rescuers and say, "What took you so long?"

Victor: Come here.

Nicholas: You get off this plane, I will lock that door. Trust me. You will not get back on.

Billy: I can't just sit here and do nothing, because every second that we're stuck on this stupid plane is another second that we're closer to losing her.

Nicholas: I am not letting you run into that airport half-cocked -- not gonna happen.

Billy: I am trying to find a way to reach Eddie. If you can think of anything, please let me know. I'll do it.

Nicholas: I thought we were trying to think like Victoria.

Billy: I am. She would get off this plane, march into that airport, and demand to use a phone.

Nicholas: No, she would see problems with that right away. She is always two steps ahead.

Billy: Nick, she would grab the bull by its horns and not let go.

Nicholas: She is strategic and calculating, Billy.

Billy: Oh, man. You don't know her the way I know her.

Nicholas: Oh, really? You think I don't know her? I spent my entire life with her.

Billy: It's a little bit different, Nick, and you know it.

Nicholas: You want to know what the difference is, Billy? When we get Victoria home safe -- and we will -- I'm always gonna be her brother. You'll always be the husband she'll never forgive.


Billy: Let's go to Miami.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Avery: Hey.

Phyllis: Hello.

Avery: Okay. Uh, can I get a pumpkin latte, please? What?

Phyllis: That's what. Mona Madden's gossip blast. It's you and Nick holding hands out on the town. Looks like a pretty hot date. You want to share... Sis?

Adam: So, what happened, Jack? Why does it seem you trust me less than you did even a week ago?

Jack: Easy, Adam. Don't be paranoid. I am not threatened by someone who might want my job. It is that attitude that keeps me one step ahead and propels my company to new heights.

Adam: Sky's the limit, eh?

Jack: Don't let me keep you from your holiday.

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I want a search out for her now. All right.

Noah: Bipolar. So, it's like you have a split personality?

Sharon: No. No, I'm always me. It's just... sometimes I'm manic, and then... other times, I'm so down, I just -- I can't even get out of bed.

Noah: I can kind of see that. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt your feelings.

Sharon: No. No, it's okay. I mean, the diagnosis -- it does explain a lot. I mean, not just my behavior lately, but for years, really.

Noah: You must have been so scared, Mom. I'm so sorry.

Sharon: You know what? Don't be. It is what it is.

Noah: I'm sorry I didn't -- I didn't try harder to find an explanation for what was going on with you. I just pulled away and got mad.

Sharon: You didn't know.

Noah: I could have got you the help that you needed sooner.

Sharon: Noah, you're here now.

Noah: I won't let you down, Mom.

Avery: Listen, you of all people should know how gossip columnists exaggerate.

Phyllis: Oh, so this wasn't a date? It wasn't? Yeah, that looks like a pretty hot date to me.

Avery: Okay, are we really gonna have another round of this?

Phyllis: My divorce isn't final, Avery. It's not final. I would have a problem with any woman dating Nick. [Scoffs] My sister? Oh, God.

Avery: Listen to me. Please. I don't want it to be like this between us.

Phyllis: Then you should stop dating Nick.

Avery: Okay, that's not fair! That's not fair. Why should you try and stop me from living the life that I want?

Phyllis: You're trying to make this sound so simple, like, "Sis, hey, you shouldn't have a problem that I'm hooking up with your ex. This should be no problem to you."

Avery: Okay, well, maybe -- maybe in time -- you know, in time --

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. I-I'll never be fine with this. I'll never be fine with this. [Scoffs] Ever. And you know that. You know that. You know, I'm sitting here in a coffee shop, on Thanksgiving, trying to cope with the fact that -- that you are spending Thanksgiving dinner with Nick's family, and I am not.

Avery: Okay, listen to me. I-I -- Nick called me last night, and he had to go out of town, so I don't have plans.

Phyllis: Oh, that's lovely, again. He called you and not the mother of his child.

Avery: Will you stop it? I am not gonna let you do this, especially not today!

Phyllis: Oh. No, no, no, no. Yeah, we're not -- we're not going there.

Avery: We're not? We're not? 'Cause that's what this is all about, isn't it?

Phyllis: No, it's not. No, it's about Nick.

Avery: No, it's not. It is about Dad and Mom, you and me and all the mistakes that have been made.

Phyllis: I can't believe that you keep on doing this to me. [Sighs] Whose mistakes, Avery?

Avery: Okay, damn it, Phyllis. Phyllis, do you have any idea... do you have any idea how badly I want someday, some Thanksgiving, to sit down with my big sister...[Voice breaking] And celebrate after everything that we have been through [Sighs] That we still have each other? But that's never gonna happen, is it?

Phyllis: Are -- are you -- are you really asking me if one day we can sit down together at Thanksgiving... after... I don't even know what to say to you.

Avery: Okay, forget it. It was a rhetorical question.

Adam: Phyllis, I'm glad I ran into you. Am I interrupting anything?

Jack: Hey, Billy, it's your favorite brother leaving another voicemail. You know we're never gonna straighten this out unless you get back to me. I understand Victoria's out of town, and I'm sure you and Delia have plans for Thanksgiving, but I'd love for you to drop by.

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: Call me, okay? Ow. [Grunts] [Sighs]

Jack: Collecting canned goods for charity?

Tucker: Ah, just thought I'd stop by to see how you're doing, Jack. Can I come in?

Jack: We don't do friendly visits.

Tucker: Well, I was trying to ease into this, in deference to your recovery.

Jack: Well, don't ease into anything on my account. Spit it out.

Tucker: All right. I have serious doubts about how you're handling Newman.

Phyllis: Go away, Adam.

Avery: No, it's okay. I was just leaving. Enjoy the day.

Phyllis: Look, you scared her off.

Adam: Phyllis, hush. Okay? I want to talk to you. We have to work together for the sake of the company.

Phyllis: If you're gunning for Jack's job, forget it. I'm not helping you.

Adam: Phyllis, yet again, you're wrong about that.

Phyllis: Well, what are you after?

Adam: My reputation -- regaining it.

Phyllis: At the company you feel is your birthright.

Adam: Is that what you think?

Phyllis: Although your last name is Newman, you're not one of them. You'll never be one of them. And I think that chips away at your soul every single day.

Nicholas: All right, we got priority. Sit down. We're taking off.

Billy: I guess I can still call Eddie from the air. Just hope we're not too late.

Nicholas: Some things were said, you know, in the heat of the moment.

Billy: Yeah, like you saying Victoria will never forgive me.

Nicholas: I meant every word of it.

Victoria: You know, this time next year, you and Tommy could be, uh, in the Caribbean, fishing.

Eddie: Yeah, if I can find him.

Victoria: With my money and my resources, I mean, you guys could be together by -- by Christmas.

Eddie: [Chuckles] Oh, man. [Chuckles] You're good. You almost got me.

Victoria: I'm not lying. This is the truth. I promise you, I can make this happen. We don't have to wait for Billy. I can make this happen right now -- you and me.

Eddie: Yeah. Right. [Sighs]

Victoria: I told you about my son Reed in D.C. and how many nights I have cried for him. Please, Eddie. Please listen to me.

Adam: Gone are the days where I'm trying to prove myself to my father. If I make a success of myself at Newman, I'll be doing it for myself.

Phyllis: Have at it.

Adam: You and I have a lot more in common than you might realize.

Phyllis: Other than walking upright, we have nothing in common.

Adam: We are outsiders in our own families. We are oftentimes our own worst enemy. We're misunderstood at times.

Phyllis: Is that all?

Adam: But Jack, Phyllis -- he's given us a second chance. And if we can show him that he was right and warranted to have faith in us, isn't that worth putting our animosity aside for the greater good of the company?

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Excuse me. Yeah. Okay. Just keep checking in with me. We need to find her.

Phyllis: "We need to find her"? Who are you trying to find?

Noah: Did they give you any kind of medication?

Sharon: Yeah. It isn't working.

Noah: How long has it been, Mom, a day? It takes longer than that to get allergies under control.

Sharon: I don't like it, okay? Taking medication every day for the rest of my life?

Noah: Okay. I-I wouldn't like it, either.

Sharon: So you understand.

Noah: I would take 20 pills a day if it meant helping me deal with a chronic illness. Now, where's the medicine? Do you have it on you?

Sharon: No. I left it at the cottage. And I don't want to go back there.

Noah: I'll go, then.

Sharon: Noah, no.

Noah: Mom, you have to do what the doctor advised you to do so that you can get better, okay? I know it's scary. But I'm gonna be right here with you. Will you stay here and wait for me?

Sharon: Yeah, I'll be right here.

Noah: Okay.

[Door opens, closes]

Tucker: I took a backseat in the takeover of Newman because I trusted you to do the job and make me money.

Jack: And you're having second thoughts now?

Tucker: Look who you brought in. Adam -- he's cutthroat. And Phyllis -- she's been out of the business arena for years.

Jack: I couldn't have picked two sharper execs.

Tucker: I can think of a person who would have been a much better pick.

Jack: Who, you?

Tucker: I am the other majority stockholder.

Jack: [Chuckles] I would think you'd be much too busy swindling Katherine out of Chancellor.

Tucker: Where'd you get that?

Jack: Come on. Neil's gone. Katherine's talking about coming out of retirement. And suddenly, out of nowhere, Jill shows up, thanks to a phone call from you. I smell a very well-groomed rat.

Tucker: Not that it's any of your business, Jack, but I'm looking out for my mother's welfare.

Jack: Katherine and Jill are going to do what Katherine and Jill have always done -- fight. O-or maybe that was the plan.

Tucker: The plan?

Jack: Get these two women to take their eye off the prize so you can swoop in and be Chancellor's savior.

Jill: You are still the same conniving, selfish old harpy you always have been.

Kay: Yes, yes.

Jill: You set me up with that whole warm speech just so you could phase --

Kay: I gave you the opportunity of a lifetime!

Jill: Opportunity of a lifetime?! That's such bull!

Kay: Who in the hell do you think you are?! Half the time, you're so jealous of everything I have ever--

Jill: Jealous is not the --

Kay: Oh, God.

Jill: Katherine! Katherine?

Kay: Oh, dear God.

Jill: Katherine?

Kay: Oh, dear God.

Jill: What? What? What? What?

Kay: Oh, God, it hurts.

Jill: Katherine. Katherine.

Tucker: Your accusations about Chancellor are ridiculous.

Jack: Do you think Katherine would agree with your assessment?

Tucker: Newman's future is the matter at hand, Jack. Now, you make sure your decisions don't hurt the company.

Jack: One question. Is some part of you hoping that I'm gonna fail?

Tucker: I don't care if you fail. But I'll be damned if I'll watch Newman fail. If I have to, I will step in and take action.

Adam: An executive's been avoiding me. I need her signature by the end of the business day Friday.

Phyllis: By the look on your face before, I thought maybe your wife was missing.

Adam: This face? No. Actually, I need to go get some dessert and make it home for Thanksgiving, or my wife might change the locks on the doors.

Phyllis: You'd better get going, then.

Adam: Okay, I will. So are we gonna do this, Phyllis? Want to give it a shot?

Phyllis: Yeah, Adam. You do your job, I'll do mine, and, yes, I will try.

Adam: Phyllis, I could almost -- almost -- give you a hug.

Phyllis: Okay, you don't have to do that, thank you. I will protect Jack, and he will protect me, just so you know.

Adam: Actually, it's nice to see the two of you reconnect. I think it'll be good for the two of you. And for the company.

Phyllis: Hey, Avery. [Scoffs] Voicemail. Voicemail. Hey...Avery. Um... you know, I don't want to be mad at you, either. I don't want us to be mad at each other... [Chuckles] ...Which means we have a lot to talk about. Call me.

Avery: [Scoffs] To hell with this.

Jill: Katherine, I love you. I love you. Please, you can't die on me over something as stupid as business. I've got to call 911.

Kay: Oh, that won't be necessary.

Jill: What?

Kay: Well, that was merely a test.

Jill: A test?!

Kay: Uh, well, yes, to find out how genuine your emotions are for me. Because you constantly are shrieking and -- oh, Jill, I'm so happy you passed the test.

Jill: Well, I'm real happy you're all right, Katherine. But I ought to kill you for putting me through what you just put me through. You are as infuriating as ever.

Kay: Admit it. You sort of enjoy all this. We miss it, don't we?

[Both chuckle]

Jill: [Laughs] Oh! You're just a crazy old fruit bat, aren't you?

Kay: Yes.

Jill: [Laughs]

[Door rattles]

Victor: [Sighs] That Eddie G. guy wasn't at any of the locations and neither was Victoria. Who knows where they are?

Nikki: Oh, my God. What are we going to do?

Victor: We have faced worse than this in our lives, my darling. One thing we don't do -- we never give up hope, okay? Come here.

Billy: We've lost so much time.

Nicholas: You can get a hold of Eddie, let him know we're here and you have the money. That'll buy us some time. I'm still not getting any signal. Are you?

Billy: No, I'm not. Wait! Yes, I am. Yes, I am.

Victoria: Even with video conferencing and constant calls, I still miss Reed every minute. Every single day, I miss him. [Sniffles]

Eddie: I'd do anything to see my boy again. I mean, that's what this whole thing has been about.

Victoria: I mean, what's gonna happen if you get arrested for kidnapping, then? Right?

Eddie: Are you threatening me? [Clears throat]

Victoria: No. No, I'm not. No, I was just -- I'm just trying to show you that there's another way. I mean, I could take care of this right now. This can end. And I'm not gonna tell anybody that you took me. I promise you. And I'll help you get your son back. But you got to let me go. You got to take these handcuffs off. Please, Eddie. Please. [Crying]

[Cell phone rings]

Eddie: It's Billy.


Victoria: [Gasps] Aah!

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Kay: I never invited any more guests.

Jill: I did.

Phyllis: All the Thanksgiving dinners that were at the ranch, and now it's just gone.

Sharon: Get out. Get out!

Max: Don't do anything stupid, or you'll end up like my buddy over there.

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