Y&R Transcript Friday 11/16/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/16/12


Episode # 10036 ~ Christine & Paul Celebrate Lucky News; An Unexpected Delivery Confuses Noah

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Footsteps approach)

(Key turns in lock)

Eddie: You haven't eaten anything.

Victoria: I can't. My stomach's a wreck.

Eddie: Scared, huh? You should be.

Victoria: I guess Billy couldn't get the money together, could he?

Eddie: (Chuckles) I'm starting to think ol' Billy boy is jerking me around.

Victoria: I told you it was gonna be really hard for him to get his hands on all that cash. I told you that.

Eddie: This isn't gonna drag on, all right? 'Cause I'm not really known for my patience.

Victoria: What is that supposed to mean?

Eddie: Shut up and eat. Eat.

Victoria: How do I know you didn't poison it?

Eddie: (Chuckles) If I'm gonna kill you, you'll know it, all right?

Victoria: Is that what the plan is-- to kill me?

Eddie: Well, right now, I need you alive, and as long as hubby plays this the way I told him to, you're gonna stay that way, all right?

Nick: How could you let Victoria get caught up in your gambling problem?

Billy: You told him, too.

Nikki: No.

Nick: No, Dad did.

Billy: Oh, great.

Nikki: We all want to help, Billy.

Billy: You want to help? Fine, then help me get the ransom money. I've already booked a flight to Miami. I'll call Eddie when I get there. This will be over with.

Nick: Do you think we're gonna trust you to get Victoria home safe? You're the reason she's in trouble.

Billy: You know, if you had stepped up, tried to save your father's company, Vicki would have never gone to Miami in the first place.

Nick: An ex-convict that you screwed over is holding my sister hostage. This is on you.

Billy: Great! Let me handle it.

Nick: It's already handled. We got the money. The jet's ready to go. We can leave anytime we want.

Billy: I'm sorry, "We"?

Nick: Yeah, "We." Dad and I are going with you.

Billy: Yeah, no, that's not gonna happen.

Jack: To my not setting off metal detectors in the airport anymore...  

(Glasses clink)

Jack: And to the woman who made this all happen.

Phyllis: Oh, no, you can't toast me with sparkling water. You know, its bad luck or--or something like that. You can't toast me. You have to wait till you're off of the painkillers and you can drink the real stuff, and then you can toast me.

Jack: Okay, okay, fine, fine. Okay, how about--how about this? How about, to calm waters...

Phyllis: Oh.

Jack: For both of us.

(Glasses clink)

Phyllis: Okay, calm waters. I don't even know what that is. Calm waters, wow. Well, that would be nice. It would probably help me know what I'm sailing toward.

Jack: Not toward Ronan Malloy?

Phyllis: Not if, uh, last night's date was any indication.

Jack: Didn't go so well, huh?

Phyllis: Just, I'm a-- I'm a little unsteady.

Jack: It's okay. I'm steady enough for both of us. Honest to God, I feel like Leo DiCaprio in "Titanic" these days.

Phyllis: King of the world.

Jack: Yeah, running a multimillion-dollar conglomerate just gets my juices flowing.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, you--you remember what happened to Leo at the end of the movie, right?

Jack: Don't worry about me. I'm a survivor.

Phyllis: Just-- you had major back surgery. Just make sure you have your life jacket on. (Chuckles)

Jack: Yeah, and let Victor, Victoria, or even Adam swoop down and take control of Newman?

Phyllis: Not on my watch.

Jack: Wow, where has she been?

Phyllis: Who?

Jack: The fiery, feisty old Phyllis that I miss.

Phyllis: She's still here.

Jack: Listen to me. (Grunts) They took a piece of metal out of me. That's all it was, a little piece of metal. It made all the difference in the world. I'm on top of the world now because of a little piece of metal. It seems to me you got a piece of metal getting in your way right now.

Phyllis: Oh. Getting in my way. It's more than metal. (Laughs) Yeah. There.

Noah: (Reading note) "Things here are crazy. Keep this super safe. I'll be in touch. A."

Summer: Hey, you're home.

Noah: Yeah, I just got here.

Summer: Oh, good, you got your package. Who's it from?

Chris: Hey, good, I'm glad you're both here.

Paul: Hi. So you got my message about Avery, huh?

Chris: Yeah, I can act as your counsel.

Paul: Does that mean you found something?

Chris: (Sighs) See for yourself.

Noah: Just a-a friend of mine from New York just sent me some stuff that I left there.

Summer: What, like dirty clothes and stuff? Yeah, that's gross.

Noah: Yeah, I'm--I'm gonna throw it in the wash right now.

Summer: Okay. Uh, when's Dad coming home?

Noah: He should be back by now. Things still tense between you two?

Summer: (Laughs) You know, I tried to be cool about Mom and Dad's divorce, but honestly, I don't want to be around either one of them right now.

Noah: You still thinking about that emancipation thing?

Summer: No, Aunt Avery talked me out of it. (Sighs) You know, sometimes I wish that she was my mom, because there is no way that she would have cheated with that Detective Dirtbag.

Noah: You gotta let that go before you take it out on some innocent bystander.

Summer: What are you talking about?

Noah: Dad said that a kid that Ronan's been mentoring is being bullied online.

Summer: And...

Noah: I was wondering if it was you.

Jack: Well, all I can say is watch out, world. We're gonna be great together.

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna be really good.

Jack: You've been cheating the world out of a very important part of you.

Phyllis: Not anymore.

Jack: No one's any happier to hear that than me.

Phyllis: It's--it's just been so difficult. I mean, the trial, everything with Nick, and... Avery, and my--Summer, just-- I've been sort of bouncing from one crisis to the other. I just--I now-- I have one direction.

Jack: Well, I'm happy to have afforded you that direction, but I have to be honest with you-- my motives for bringing you on board at Newman were purely selfish. I want to be the best. When I'm with you, I am.

Nick: This isn't up for debate, Billy.

Billy: You're right, because there's no way in hell I'm letting you and daddy go with me to Miami.

Nick: Fine, then we're going without you.

Billy: Would you stop-- would you just listen to me? He is going to kill her if I don't show up to Miami alone.

Nick: Do you think I would let a screw-up like you handle this?

Billy: Are you really going to endanger your sister's life because you don't like me?

Nick: You're the reason she's in this mess. I'm not giving you a chance to screw it up more.

Billy: You know, you really are a self-righteous--

Nick: Yeah, that's right, I am.

Nikki: Will you two just stop? This is not helping Victoria. Stop it!

Billy: You're right, it's not. I'm going to leave.

Nick: No, you ain't going anywhere.

Billy: You gonna stop me, big boy? Come on.

Nick: Yeah. Yeah.

Nikki: Oh, Victor, thank God.

Billy: Is that the money?

Victor: The jet is waiting, okay?

Nick: Then let's go.

Billy: No, I'm not letting you do this.

Nick: Shut your mouth before you screw this up any more.

Billy: Before I screw it up?

Nick: Yeah.

Billy: What's your plan?

Victor: I'm gonna get my daughter back.

Billy: No, you're not, you arrogant bastard. You're gonna get her killed. Every one of you are gonna get her killed.

Victoria: I know you don't want to hurt me.

Eddie: I don't want to, but if it comes down to it, I got no problem hurting Billy's wife.

Victoria: I just hate being locked up in this hole. It's just really starting to get to me, you know? I-I feel like the walls are closing in, and I can't breathe.

Eddie: Well, why don't you try eating something?

Victoria: I will. I'll eat something, if you just let me out. I just want to see the sun.

Eddie: It's night.

Victoria: Is it? I don't even know. (Laughs) I just want to breathe, okay? I won't run, I promise. I mean, right now, we're just waiting. We're just waiting. I know Billy's coming.

Eddie: (Laughs) You better hope he's coming. How did you... (Scoffs) Marry such a screw-up, anyway?

Victoria: (Chuckles) I've been asking myself that a lot lately. Come on, just let me out. I'll do anything that you ask, I promise. Please, please, Eddie.

Michael: I'm sorry. That was not easy to watch.

Paul: Well, I, uh, I've been doing detective work a long time, investigated a lot of murders. Law enforcement is a gruesome business.

Chris: At least now we know what Ricky was capable of.

Paul: Cold-blooded murder. Poor girl.

Chris: Yeah, well, the same thing could have happened to Eden if you hadn't shot Ricky. She--she's gonna be so grateful that you're finally gonna be clear of all of this.

Michael: Maybe.

Chris: Maybe-- this video proves that Ricky was a threat to Eden.

Michael: That proves that Ricky murdered his girlfriend. It's not enough to drop the charges against Paul.

Chris: We've been looking for this evidence for months, and now we have it, and it's not enough? Come on, what do you want? Do you want Eden's dead body? Would that prove that Ricky was a danger?

Paul: Chris, don't.

Michael: I want to help Paul as much as you do, but that video proves nothing. Paul didn't even see it before he shot Ricky.

Chris: So?

Michael: So if he never saw it, how could he have known his son was capable of such a heinous act?

Paul: Michael's right. The video doesn't prove that-- that Ricky threatened Eden.

Chris: No, we can use it to sway the jury.

Michael: I'll object on the grounds it's prejudicial.

Chris: Yeah, and I'll file a motion against you.

Michael: You want tough? I'll bring you tough.

Chris: Bring it on, Michael.

Paul: That's enough! I don't want to use the footage.

Chris: (Sighs)

Summer: (Sighs) Wow, even my own brother thinks that I'm a cyberbully.

Noah: Okay, look. You're going through a hard time. I've been there.

Summer: Is this your attempt at trying to be a good big brother?

Noah: Yeah, it is, so shut up and listen to me. Sometimes you do some really stupid stuff, Summer. You think that nobody's gonna get hurt, that your actions don't affect anyone, but that's not always how it works. That's never how it works.

Summer: All right, Noah, I get it. I'll be careful.

Noah: I'm not asking you to be careful. I'm asking you to do the right thing. Now maybe you know something about this, just having a little fun, but you went on that little joyride during your mom's trial just for fun...

Summer: That is not the same thing!

Noah: And people got hurt, Summer. People got really hurt. Look, I know you don't want to feel that way again.

Phyllis: That was really sweet, what you said before.

Jack: What, about my feeling like I'm king of the world?

Phyllis: No. You were a b-better man when you were with me.

Jack: You are my north, Red.

Phyllis: You take me down the right path, too.

Jack: You ever allow yourself to think what might have happened if--

Phyllis: If what? What, if I hadn't been with Nick?

Jack: Yeah.

Phyllis: I would have screwed it up. (Laughs)

Jack: Love just doesn't last.

Phyllis: Maybe not with us.

Jack: I've been married, I've been divorced, I've been in love, I've been out of love, I've been happy, I've been miserable, I've been shot at, I've been paralyzed. I'll take this any day.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Me, too.

Eddie: Over here. (Grunts)

Victoria: Hey, thanks for letting me out. I appreciate it.

Eddie: Well, you try anything funny, I'll throw you back in that closet.

Victoria: No, I won't. I'll behave.

Eddie: All right, you said you'd eat if I brought you up here.

Victoria: What happened to that arroz con pollo?

Eddie: Aha. I knew you liked Cuban food.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, you'd have to be crazy not to, right?

Eddie: (Laughs) That's what I say. I mean, I've never been to Havana, but they can't make better Cuban food there than they do here.

Victoria: Maybe you can get me some black beans and some rice, maybe some plantains, too.

Eddie: Yeah, I'll get you something. Stay healthy. You know, something happens to you, it won't be on me. It'll be because your worthless husband didn't come through... right?

Victor: If I were you, Billy boy, I'd stop running my mouth, all right? You're responsible for this mess.

Billy: You can save it. You can save it. I've heard it from her, I've heard it from Nick, I've said it myself a thousand times. Victoria is in this mess because of me.

Victor: That's about the only thing you're right about.

Billy: Great, we agree. Please just let me have the ransom money and let me go.

Nick: What did you find out about this guy?

Billy: Oh, no, you've been snooping around, asking questions about Eddie? (Chuckles)

Victor: Take a look.

Billy: This is great. You can't...

Nick: What are these four addresses?

Victor: Now those are places he had rented or owned, and my security team is trying to find out whether he's holding Victoria hostage in one of them.

Nikki: Ohh, finally, we're getting somewhere.

Billy: Yeah, and getting closer to getting her killed. No, you guys want to sit here and talk, and let me go save my wife?

Victor: You're not gonna do that on your own.

Billy: You can't stop me.

Victor: You try me, son.

Billy: Eddie said that he would only deal with me. All of us show up in Miami, who knows what he's gonna do to her?

Nick: Dad, Billy's right. I think you should stay home.

Victor: There's no way I'm gonna give $2 million to Billy Abbott to go to Miami, okay? I think I have as much of a right as a father to try to save my daughter as that jackass.

Nick: No, Dad, you have more. You're holding those two briefcases, but you have an extremely high profile, and we have to do what is best for Victoria right now. If you go down there and someone spots you, things could go wrong, and we can't have that. I know you don't want that.

Nikki: No, of course he doesn't.

Nick: I will go with Billy.

Victor: I thought you decided to turn your back on us.

Nick: On the business, yeah, but never the family.

Summer: Yeah, I heard about what that girl Brittni posted. Man, that's--that's terrible.

Jamie: You've heard about it, or you wrote it?

Summer: What? You think that I'm Brittni?

Jamie: Ronan was getting curious that you wanted to hang out with me, all the questions you've been asking.

Summer: Yeah, I was trying to get to know you. That's what you do when you've become friends with someone. Look, I can't believe that you really think that I would do that. Okay, why would I be all nice to your face and then go post awful things behind your back?

Jamie: I don't--I don't know. Kids--kids get off on trying to make me look like a loser... tripping me in the hall and shoving my head in the toilet. You know, my whole life, it's like I've got a sign on my back that says "Kick my ass."

Summer: I'm really, really sorry.

Jamie: I mean, it's-- it's no big deal. I just-- I-I thought... You-- you seem cool... not like the other kids. It--I-it'd suck if it turns out you really are like them.

Summer: (Stammering) I'm not, okay?

Chris: Look, you should know that Heather flew to Chicago to meet up with Daniel. He's got a lead on Daisy. I should have told you.

Michael: What did Heather think of the video?

Chris: Heather agrees that this video proves that Paul acted in self-defense.

Paul: Well, Michael disagrees and he's prosecuting, so let's drop it.

Chris: Oh, my God, this is the strongest piece of evidence we have!

Paul: Damn it, Chris, I don't want to use the footage.

Chris: (Sighs)

Michael: All right, forward the video to my office. I have to think about this.

Chris: Thank you.

Michael: Don't thank me yet.

Fen: Guys, what's up?

Summer: Uh, hey, Fen. You are just in time.

Fen: For what?

Summer: To get us all coffees. Uh, make mine a latte, okay?

Fen: Uh, sure. I'll be right back.

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: You okay? Quiet and pensive?

Jack: Uh, I guess it's not always easy being king of the world.

Phyllis: Oh, that crown is weighing too heavy on your head, is it?

Jack: I don't feel great about letting go of Victoria and Nicholas.

Phyllis: If it's any consolation, I'm sure they would have left on their own.

Jack: I wish Billy had.

Phyllis: Listen, he gave you no choice but to fire him.

Jack: No, I gave him an impossible choice-- choose between your wife or your brother. That's a lose-lose any way you look at it.

Phyllis: Okay, well, if you want to go back to Jabot, sell Newman Enterprises back to the Newmans...

Jack: I can't. It's in my D.N.A.

Phyllis: Sticking it to Victor?

Jack: No. Well, there's always that, but... when I was young, I-I never wanted to be a movie star, never dreamed of being a baseball player. I was gonna be a businessman, like my dad. I was gonna run a company... and I always dreamed, one day, I would run with the big boys, all my life. Now I have that chance. I'm not gonna walk away from it.

Phyllis: I understand that. I get it. My daughter asked me why I slept with Ronan. (Sighs) It's how I'm hardwired. You know, Jack, I just needed to know that someone cared. My--my head was telling me it was wrong, that I hurt the people that I love. Oh, I just can't stop myself.

Fen: The line was too long.

Summer: Oh, I was thinking we should blow this place anyway. I mean, Jamie's been having a really rough time, you know, with all that online stuff.

Fen: Yeah, I-I heard about that.

Summer: So I thought of a great way to cheer him up.

Fen: Wow, Summer, that's really nice of you.

Summer: I know, right? Uh, so I was thinking my dad's not home, so maybe we can go over to my house, watch a movie, and maybe raid the liquor cabinet. It would be a blast.

Jamie: Uh, I-I don't know. I have a curfew.

Summer: But there's not even school tomorrow.

Jamie: Yeah, y-you don't know my dad. If I'm a little late... uh, about before, I-I didn't mean to insult you.

Summer: No, fine, forget it.

Jamie: So, uh, I'll see you around, then?

Summer: Absolutely.

Fen: Later.

Fen: Bravo, Summer. You should get an academy award for that performance.

Summer: I'm not acting. I really like Jamie.

Fen: (Laughs) Yeah, right, "Brittni."

Summer: Really, okay? I'm done with that stuff. You were right, okay? Messing with Jamie online was stupid. I don't know, he seems like a nice guy.

Fen: What the hell? One minute, you're-- you're trying to get me to help you bully the kid. The next, you're holding hands with him, acting like you're all into him.

Summer: (Scoffs) You're jealous. Oh, that is so sweet.

Fen: Stop it, Summer. I know what you're doing.

Summer: Yeah, well, don't be all mad. It was some stupid prank. No one got hurt, and now it's over.

Fen: Yeah, until Malloy or my parents figure out who was behind it.

Summer: Yeah, well, they won't because we're both gonna keep our mouths shut. I can count on you, right, Fen?

Fen: There you go, pull--pulling that flirty thing again. You know, I'm getting sick of the way you treat people, all right? Especially me.

Phyllis: If this is how we're hardwired, then maybe we should just accept it.

Jack: No, it's not all bad. I mean, Newman was in bad shape when I took over. Hundreds of employees were about to lose their jobs.

Phyllis: Well, see, there-- there you go, that--that-- that, um, chromosome that you inherited-- it helped people, and then my--what is my thing? My--my take-charge, live-life gene, hurt-people gene, then I--

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's not all bad now. It makes you fiery and... passionate, and that makes you a--

Phyllis: A lot of woman?

Jack: No, I was going to say it makes you an innate leader, a lioness of a mother, and a fiercely loyal friend.

Phyllis: You're a good friend, too. I mean that. You're good for my soul...not to mention my ego. (Laughs)

Jack: Well, I think both of those things need regular nurturing.

Phyllis: Yeah. A great dinner, and look what I got tonight. I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead.

Jack: Okay. (Groans)

Phyllis: Oh, are you okay?

Jack: Yeah, I'm good. I'm good, yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah?

Jack: Doctor said I was gonna feel some pain. He gave me these pills. They ought to work.

Phyllis: Do you want me to get your pills? I'll get them.

Jack: No, no, no, I'm fine.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, you know where I am if you need anything. Good night.

Nick: Dad, trust me, I will bring Victoria home.

Victor: Son, you, I trust.

Billy: We need to go. Eddie's waiting.

Victor: You're rushing off to Miami without knowing a damn thing. You're a fool.

Billy: I know Eddie wants that money and he has my wife. What else is there to know?

Victor: What do you know about his operation? Who's backing him? Who's giving him his money?

Billy: His operation? There is no operation. It's just Eddie.

Victor: A guy like that never works alone.

Nick: Dad, we gotta go.

Nikki: You know, Victor, maybe you should let Nicholas go. You have to think about your health.

Victor: Sweetheart, its okay. It's okay. All right. Don't let that idiot screw things up.

Billy: This "Idiot's" bringing back his wife.

Victoria: We have something in common, you know.

Eddie: What's that? We're both pissed off at your husband?

Victoria: I've been separated from my child, too. Yeah, my ex took my son Reed. What do you have, a boy or a girl?

Eddie: Boy. Um, Tommy.

Victoria: I bet he loves his daddy.

Eddie: Kid hardly knows me, and thanks to your hubby, probably thinks I bailed on him. I'd never do that, you know?

Victoria: Well, no, but now that you're out of prison, I mean, you can just tell him that that's not true.

Eddie: Yeah, I'll do that, as soon as I figure out where his mom took him.

Victoria: Oh. You don't know where your son is?

Eddie: Money wasn't the only thing that Billy took from me.

Victoria: I could help you find him. I can. I mean, if you let me out of here, I can-- I can use my family's resources to f--track him down. I mean, make sure you're reunited with him.

Eddie: Why should I trust you?

Victoria: Because I know exactly how you feel. I want to be back with my kids, too, just as much as you do. Just one phone call, and I can make that happen for both of us.

Jack: (Exhales slowly) (Groans) (Sighs) Ohh. (Inhales deeply) Okay.

Michael: I just kept thinking that one definitive piece of evidence would show up to clear Paul, something that would tell me without a doubt that Paul's actions were justified.

Lauren: I mean, you know that he didn't go to Ricky's room to kill him.

Michael: But I can't prove that, and how's that for irony? The district attorney is talking about proving a defendant's innocence.

Lauren: Mm. Your legal and moral compasses are just spinning in opposite directions.

Michael: I hear you, sister-woman...

Lauren: Yeah.

Michael: And not one of 'em-- not one of 'em is pointing north.

Lauren: And you know what? You throw them out. You follow your heart, because it has never led you in the wrong direction.

Paul: (Sighs)

Chris: I'm sorry. I-I didn't realize.

Paul: What a hothead I was?

Chris: What watching that video would do to you. (Sighs) I've just been so focused on clearing your name, I...

Paul: I thought I could handle it. I should have been able to. I mean, it's a piece of evidence. How many of those have I seen?

Chris: I know, but it's not a random person. It's your son committing murder.

Paul: Still, I'm a professional.

Chris: You don't have to hide your feelings, okay? We've been friends for too long.

Paul: Yeah, well, you know what? I don't deserve a friend like you. You're a good and decent person, and I fathered a murderer.

Chris: (Sighs)

Paul: I mean, why would you want to have anything to do with me, huh? Come on.

Chris: Because you are one of the best and most honorable men I've ever met. I can't even imagine my life without you in it. My life would be so much less if we had never met. (Laughs) I mean, God, look at us. We've been--we've been together, we've been apart, we've been with other people. But I've never stopped caring about you.

Paul: I feel the same way.

Chris: I'm sorry. (Sniffles)

Noah: Yeah, okay. Yeah, I will tell Summer that you had to leave town. I will take care of her and Faith. Okay. Yeah, I'll see you when you get back. Bye.

Noah: (Sighs) Hey, it's me. I got the--the stuff that you sent me. What's going on, Adriana? Look, I hope that everything's okay, but you gotta give me a call. (Sighs)

Nick: I didn't want to tell Noah too much. I figured it was better to wait till we got Victoria home safe.

Nikki: That's a good idea.

Nick: Dad?

Victor: (Sighs)

Nick: We should go.

Nikki: Nicholas, please be careful.

Nick: I will.

Nikki: (Sighs) Ohh. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Victor: Sweetheart... if you know of something like this in the future, you've got to come to me, okay? Before it's too late. If you had told me in time, Victoria would have been home by now.

Victoria: I taught him how to turn a double play... (Laughs) And to slide headfirst.

Eddie: (Chuckles) You? Come on. What do you know about baseball?

Victoria: Well, Reed was an all-star last year, so I guess I must have done something right. What about you and Tommy? What do you guys like to do?

Eddie: Oh, fish. I loved to take him fishing. You know, we'd head out before the sun come up, just the two of us, and I taught him how to bait his own hook and cast the line, and we'd wait all day just for one bite, man, but... (Laughs) You really think you could help me? What the hell are you doing? You're calling the cops? You weren't gonna help me find my kid.

Victoria: Yes, Eddie, I was.

Eddie: Shut up! I can't trust you, I can't trust your husband--

Victoria: Yes, you can. Billy's gonna get you the money.

Eddie: Screw the money! Billy took way more from me than that. Maybe I should take something he loves from him. That'd even the score, huh?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: You accepted?

Leslie: How could I possibly turn you down?

Sharon: Does Adam know you're here?

Chelsea: What difference does it make?

Sharon: I don't think he would approve.

Nina: So can you please tell me the truth--are you involved with Christine again?

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