Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/15/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/15/12


Episode # 10035 ~ Victoria Realizes That Billy's Past Has Put Her In Danger; Katherine's Reaction Surprises Tucker & Jill

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Noah: Hey.

Sharon: Faith? Sweetie, its Mommy. Everything is fine. You don't want to give me a hug?

Noah: She just hasn't seen you in a while. She--she's a little overwhelmed.

Sharon: I'm sure you are. I'm sorry I scared you, Honey. I just-- I was so excited to see you.

Noah: Faith, Mom is--she's-- she's been sick. And that's why she's here, okay? But--but the doctors, they're helping to get her better.

Sharon: 'Cause everything Noah said is exactly right. I am going to be fine. It's just gonna take a little time. You want to maybe sit next to me? I know you're not used to seeing me here. And new places can be scary sometimes. But as soon as I'm well, I am coming right home.

Faith: When, Mommy?

Sharon: Well, very soon, I promise.

Faith: I'm going to tell Daddy.

Noah: Oh. Sorry.

Nick: How's your salad?

Avery: Mmm. I am in goat cheese and pomegranate heaven right now.

Nick: Yeah, mine's pretty good, too.

Avery: Ahh.

Nick: This place is, uh, impressive.

Avery: Mm-hmm

Nick: I'm really digging it.

Avery: So are you feeling a bit better now? Now that you've had time to digest your settlement meeting with Phyllis and the lawyers?

Nick: All right, I'm gonna set a couple of ground rules for this date, okay?

Avery: Okay.

Nick: One, no talking about my divorce, and two, no talking about Phyllis. Are you comfortable with these rules I have laid out before you?

Avery: I think I can handle them just fine. (Chuckles)

Jeff: Um, I was in the neighborhood. I thought I'd stop by, see how you are.

Chelsea: Well, we're not exactly in anyone's neighborhood but I am glad that you came. I was gonna call you. I heard about the fire at Gloworm I'm so sorry. You must be devastated.

Jeff: Oh. Ah, you're sweet to worry, but your old man's just fine. And, um, no one was hurt. That's all that matters, right?

Chelsea: No one was hurt? Jeff, that's your livelihood.

Jeff: Well, I--yeah, it was upsetting at first, but, um, yeah, running a high-end joint like that, it's a real pressure cooker-- no pun intended. Everything has gotta be just perfect or it's... (Makes slicing sound) (Laughing) I gotta tell you, I'm glad I'm out of it.

Chelsea: Yeah, I can see that. So do they have any idea who could have burned the place down? Have-- has the fire investigator--

Adam: Jeff. You okay? I heard about the fire.

Tucker: Well, I was so glad to get your call, Jill. Do you really think you can stop Katherine from going back to Chancellor?

Jill: Well, we'll soon find out, because she's going to be joining us shortly, and before you ask, no, she doesn't know you're gonna be here.

Tucker: What? Come on, Jill. That's just gonna make her mad. You know my mother has a long list of her least favorite people, and I'm pretty sure I'm at the top of it right now.

Jill: Trust me, Tucker, I have an idea that may satisfy everybody.

Billy: Is that the $2 million?

Nikki: I could only get part of it. (Sighs)

Billy: Nikki, that--

Nikki: I'm sorry. I thought I had more liquid cash. I was wrong. I'll sell some stocks in the morning.

Billy: Eddie wants that money tonight, and he wants all of it, and I need to get Vicki home and safe before Victor charges in and ruins everything.

Victor: (Sighs) So this is the dossier of Eddie G., Huh?

Man: You said it was top priority.

Victor: It could be a matter of life and death.

Eddie: I brought you some dinner. Chinese this time. You didn't seem to like the Cuban, so...

Victoria: I'm not hungry.

Eddie: Come on now. You gotta eat. You hardly touched what I brought you before. I don't want you passing out on me now.

Victoria: So you're holding me here against my will, and suddenly you care about my well-being?

Eddie: Ms. Newman, hey, I got no beef with you, and I don't want to hurt you. As long as you have faith in your husband, you got nothing to worry about.

Victoria: Why are you doing this? Is it because of my family?

Eddie: Your family?

Victoria: My father? What, are you going to pretend like you don't know that I'm the daughter of Victor Newman?

Eddie: Yeah. (Chuckles) I know, but this as got nothing to do with your father. This here is about Billy.

Tucker: Mm.

Kay: What is this? An ambush?

Tucker: Well, it can't be an ambush if you join us of your own volition.

Kay: Well, I haven't joined you yet.

Tucker: Katherine, we're both worried about you.

Kay: Tucker, the only person you ever worry about is yourself.

Tucker: All right.

Jill: Hey, you're here now. You might as well sit down. Look, I've ordered you your favorite sparkling cider.

Kay: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Sparkling cider. How wonderful. This is to, um, wash down the good news that I have one foot in the grave?

Tucker: Nobody said that, Katherine. Come on. Those are your words.

Kay: Look, this is ridiculous. I don't intend to climb Mount Everest. I'm going back to running a company that I ran for decades and I can do it in my sl-- I can do it in my sleep.

Tucker: Well, only if you do a half-assed job, something you've never been capable of.

Kay: Do you want to know something? Every word out of your mouth makes me more determined to prove that you're wrong.

Tucker: Well, I hope you will. But that doesn't mean we aren't looking out for you.

Jill: Hey, I have a solution.

Kay: Oh. (Chuckles) To a nonexistent problem. Congratulations, Jill.

Jill: Go back to Chancellor with our blessings.

Tucker: What?

Kay: Knowing you, there's always a catch. There must be.

Jill: Take me with you. We walk in there as a team. We run the company together.

Nick: Thank you

Woman: Checking up on little Faith back home?

Nick: (Chuckles) Excuse me?

Woman: Where'd Avery go?

Nick: She's in the ladies' room. Are your friends with her?

Woman: Is it true that your marriage to Phyllis is really over? Or are you just cheating on your wife like she cheated on you?

Nick: I'm sorry. Who are you?

Woman: Mona Madden, "G.C. Buzz."

Nick: Oh, so you're the woman who writes all that crap. Unfortunately, my teenage daughter follows your blog.

Mona: (Scoffs) Well, a lot of people do, and they all really want to know the scoop.

Nick: There's no scoop here, so why don't you beat it?

Mona: No scoop? You abandon your wife to stand trial alone. Was that when you took up with her sister? And now you're out in public romancing Ms. Clark before the final decree has even been filed.

Nick: My family is not fodder for your gossip column.

Mona: Ever hear of the first amendment?

Nick: You ever hear of a lawsuit?

Noah: The reason that we're not telling Dad is we want to keep it a surprise for when Mom gets better.

Sharon: But we need your help to keep it a secret.

Noah: Can you do that, Faith? Can you--can you help Mom and me keep it a surprise?

Faith: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Ahh, that's my big girl. I'm so proud of you.

Noah: I knew we could count on you, Buddy.

Sharon: Oh, Sweetie, are you tired?

Faith: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Okay, lie down. There. Lullaby and good night a mother's delight shining angels beside my darling abide sweet baby never fear your mother is near sweet baby never fear your mother is here.

Noah: You used to sing that when she was a baby.

Sharon: And to you, too. Do you remember? I hope this wasn't a mistake.

Noah: I hope so, too.

Adam: Chelsea and I were really quite upset when we heard about the fire.

Jeff: Well, Gloria and I are fine. Thanks for asking. Luckily, nobody was there at the time.

Adam: Well, still, to see your business go up in flames like that-- it can't be easy.

Jeff: (Chuckles) You win some, you lose some. It's the reason God invented insurance.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Well, that's one way to look at it.

Jeff: Hey, trust me, Pumpkin, it's the only way. We should be covered for most of the loss.

Adam: Well, if there are, uh, any other extra costs, uh, just let me know about it. I'd like to cover it, Jeff.

Chelsea: That's very generous of you, Adam.

Jeff: It sure is, and thanks. But, um, don't worry about us. You got enough on your plate.

Adam: Well, look, I don't mean to hijack your visit.

Jeff: Oh, jeez, look at the time. Uh, now that you're home, I'll shuffle off. So do you usually work this late?

Adam: I try not to, Jeff.

Jeff: (Chuckles) Well, here's a tip-- spend less time at the office and more time with my lovely daughter, and your life will be a whole lot sweeter.

Adam: Sounds like a plan.

Chelsea: Bye.

Jeff: See you, Kiddo.

Chelsea: Thanks, Jeff.

(Door closes)

Chelsea: (Sighs) I know what you're thinking, but I didn't invite him here. He just stopped by. How could I not ask him about the fire?

Adam: (Sighs) Well, I hope it puts your mind at ease.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Mona: Sue me? Please. You're a public figure. Your life begs for scrutiny.

Nick: Last warning. You need to leave me, and particularly my family, alone.

Mona: Honey, you're news, if you haven't figured that out already.

Nick: You got two seconds to get up. I'm gonna have the manager throw you out.

Mona: You don't want my autograph for Summer?

Avery: What was that about?

Nick: That would be Mona Madden.

Avery: Who?

Nick: An online gossip columnist looking for anything salacious to publish about my personal life.

Avery: Ahh. So this is what I can expect from dating a Newman? How do you stand it?

Nick: You get used to it.

Avery: You know, I gotta tell you, this isn't exactly what I bargained for when I said I would go on a date with you.

Nick: You saying you can't handle it?

Avery: I don't know.

Noah: (Sighs) We should get going.

Sharon: So soon?

Noah: It's not a sleepover. I told Dad that we were gonna go look at the windows at Fenmore's.

Sharon: Well, thanks for doing this, Noah. I know it was a lot to ask.

Noah: Hey, Sleepy face. Come here. Time to go look at some Christmas decorations. And then we'll go home and get your P.J.'s on and go to bed.

Faith: Okay.

Noah: Okay.

Sharon: Hey, if you see one of those Santas in the window, will you say hi for me?

Faith: Mm-hmm.

Noah: Take care of yourself, Mom.

Sharon: You, too, Honey.

Noah: About those things that I said... I didn't know what was going on.

Sharon: I didn't know, either.

Noah: Okay, here we go. Oops.

Sharon: I'll get it.

Noah: Thank you.

Adam: Hey. I saw Noah's car outside. Look who's here. Little Miss Sleepyhead. "Was this a good idea?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

Noah: No one's gonna say anything.

Adam: That'll be a feat.

Sharon: No, they won't find out, Adam, because Faith knows that Mommy being here is a super-super, super secret surprise, right?

Faith: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Noah: My mom trusts you. That's the only reason I'm not taking her with me.

Adam: Your mother's in good hands, Noah.

Noah: Excuse me. Okay.

Victoria: So this is about Billy?

Eddie: Billy, Liam. (Chuckles) Whatever he's calling himself these days.

Victoria: How do you two know each other? And why did you want to kidnap his wife?

Eddie: He skipped out on a debt and ratted me out to the cops to get rid of me. I mean, you're aware that-- that he's a degenerate gambler, right?

Victoria: I know that he's made some mistakes.

Eddie: Yeah? (Chuckles) I'll say. So now I want the money your husband owes me, plus some extra for my pain and suffering having spent the last few years upstate.

Victoria: If this is about cash, then you should be talking to me. I mean, I can get you more than Billy ever could. I mean, why don't we just settle this right now, you and me, so you can get paid and I can go home?

Billy: I got Victoria into this. I'm gonna get her out. Victor needs to back the hell off before he gets her hurt.

Nikki: He would never do anything to jeopardize her life.

Billy: I know he wouldn't. I know he wouldn't, not intentionally. But if he acts like a bull in a china shop like you know he's gonna do--

Nikki: All right, stop it! Do not make this about Victor. We are trying to appease the criminals who are after you. Victoria's safety is the only thing that matters.

Billy: Yeah.

Victor: So home base is Miami?

Man: South Beach, mostly. At least, it was before he went to the pen.

Victor: You got a street address?

Man: Once he made parole, he was assigned to a halfway house, but he never showed up.

Victor: Stay on it. And make sure you stay under the radar. This guy must not find out that he's being followed. That could have disastrous consequences for my daughter, all right?

Man: You got it, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Get the jet ready. Destination--Miami. I'll let you know. Bye.

Kay: A wolf in sheep's clothing--that's one of my favorite parables.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: I, uh, I-I trust you know how it goes.

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Jill: Oh, my Lord. Why do you always think the worst of me? Is it so inconceivable that I would want you to be happy and also keep an eye on you?

Kay: You keep an eye on me?

Jill: Yes, keep an eye on you, Katherine.

Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, Jill.

Jill: No, that way, if I felt you were overdoing things or you're endangering your health, I could say something, because your other executives aren't gonna do that. They wouldn't want to risk offending you.

Kay: Oh, which you have taken to an art form.

Jill: See? Now she's just being ornery.

Kay: Well...

Jill: Yeah.

Kay: What else do we ancients do? I mean, we're all so feeble. How else are we going to amuse ourselves?

Tucker: Katherine, Jill has come up with a good and feasible solution.

Kay: (Scoffs)

Tucker: And what would be so terrible about being co-C.E.O.'s and working side by side, sharing the workload? And don't give me that crap about not trusting her anymore. Well, that's ancient history. Jill and I care about your well-being. Deal with it.

Jill: And if you don't give a flying fig about your health, well, just think about how much more you could accomplish as part of a strong, experienced team.

Tucker: There you go. Hell, the two of you combined, you'd be almost as good as me.

Jill: (Chuckles) Come on. We could do great things. We could take that company to new heights.

Tucker: Katherine, at least think about it before you turn thumbs down. It's a damn good idea, and you know it.

Kay: Well, if it's such a damned good idea, why don't you let Jill run McCall with you?

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Nick: I'm really sorry the gossip hound ruined our evening.

Avery: Oh, it's okay. I'll get over it.

Nick: You know, you're practically a celebrity yourself-- all the high-profile cases you've worked on, all the times you've bee in the papers. You've never been harassed before?

Avery: (Laughs) Well, we defenders of the downtrodden aren't nearly as exciting as you millionaire playboys.

Nick: "Playboy."

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: That is hilarious. Where are the paparazzi when I'm helping Summer with her homework or Faith has the sniffles?

Avery: Oh, well, they're looking high and low for me, of course, hoping to find me with my skirt on inside out.

Nick: (Chuckles) Seriously, um, vultures aside, I had a really, really awesome evening tonight.

Avery: I did, too. I don't suppose you'd care for a nightcap.

Billy: This is my mistake. I know that, Nikki. (Scoffs) What happened with Eddie, it was just... so long ago. Hell, I was a different person. I never even thought I would hear his name again.

Nikki: Well, escaping the past isn't always so easy.

Billy: He should have come after me. Instead, he goes after my wife? No one should pay for my mistakes. I would switch places with her in a heartbeat.

Nikki: I know you would. And Victoria knows that, too.

Billy: Yeah, I hope so.

Nikki: I believe that she is fighting just as hard as we are to get back home, and that will happen.

Billy: Yeah, it has to. It has to.

Eddie: Well, it sounds like you don't have much faith in Billy.

Victoria: For something like this, I feel like he's out of his league. Plus, I know about his gambling problem. Do you think that I'm naive enough to give him access to my account?

Eddie: Never thought about that.

Victoria: Honestly, it scares the hell out of me to think that you'd put my life in Billy's hands. Why don't you deal with me on this and then you can have whatever you want. You're gonna have whatever you want, and then I can go home to my baby. Please, just bring me a phone or a computer, and I'll make this happen right now.

Sharon: I'm sorry.

Adam: No. No worries.

Sharon: (Sighs) I know that Faith couldn't stay, but it's just... watching him take her out the door... watching my children leave, never knowing when I'm gonna see 'em again...

Adam: No, you-- you don't have to explain. There's- there's no need to explain. I know this is a very upsetting time for you, Sharon.

Sharon: I don't remember a time when I wasn't upset. How did things go so horribly wrong?

Adam: You gotta just focus on the positive, on getting well. Before you know it, you'll be back to your old life.

Sharon: My old life is starting to feel like it is just a fantasy.

Adam: See, that's just your insecurities that are taking hold right now.

[Chelsea outside the door]

Sharon: No, I'm-- I'm being realistic. What if the pills don't work and all the therapy? What if I'm never stable enough to be around my kids?

Adam: Sharon, hey. I have never known anyone like you before. You're kind. You're s-smart. You're sweet. You're amazing. Okay? I-I have no doubt you will be able to overcome this. You have the motivation. You have the will to do it. I have absolute faith in you.

Chelsea: (Reading Sharon’s note) "Adam has been my rock, my protector. Without him, I'd be lost."

Nick: Irish coffee is my favorite.

Avery: Ahh, who doesn't like whipped cream?

Nick: Exactly. Who doesn't like whipped cream? We need to have a serious talk with them.

Avery: Quickest way to a man's heart.

Nick: Mmm. You know, I have a confession to make. I'm not really interested in you because you're smart, or... incredibly beautiful. It's cause of the food.

Avery: (Laughs) Really? Well, I have a confession to make, too.

Nick: What's that?

Avery: Yeah, I'm only interested in you because you're smart and good-looking, and not because you're a messy eater.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Mm, that can't possibly be important.

Avery: (Sighs)

Nick: Oh, it's my dad. I don't need to take this.

Avery: Uh, how often does your dad call you to chat? I think you should take it.

Nick: Okay. (Sighs) What's up?

Victor: Please come to the club. It's urgent, all right?

Nick: Dad, if this is about Newman--

Victor: It has nothing to do with the company. It's a family matter. You need to come over right now.

Nick: Is everyone okay?

Victor: I'm not sure.

Nick: Is it Victoria?

Victor: Son, just come over here--now.

Eddie: So you want to get back to your kid, huh?

Victoria: Yeah, I do. He's all I think about. That might not mean anything to you--

Eddie: Yeah, well, it means everything to me, you know? You want to get back to your kid? Me, too, but I can't. "Billy Boy" got me sent to prison, and my wife moved away with my son. (Scoffs) So this is not about money all right? This is about making your husband pay for what he's taken away from me.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

(Door opens)

Adam: Why are you sitting in the dark?

Chelsea: Because I felt like it.

Adam: What's wrong?

Chelsea: (Sighs) What made you fall in love with me?

Adam: Chelsea, come on. Don't be silly.

Chelsea: No, no, no. I mean it. Tell me. (Sniffles)

Adam: You're serious? Okay, well, first of all, you are beautiful. And by the way, did I mention you're beautiful? And you're kind, and I'm just happier when I'm with you. You and I are so much alike. People don't even realize. And when you do things, you put your mind to it, and you just do it. No excuses. I respect that. Chelsea, where is this coming from? Is this because I had to go check in on Sharon?

Chelsea: When I had my miscarriage, your reaction was to run away from me. Now Sharon's in trouble, and you can't stop running to her.

Adam: (Sighs)

Chelsea: You'll never love me the way you loved her, and I can't compete with that.

Adam: Baby, you are my wife. I love you. You. I chose you, and I choose you now. I keep telling you that.

Chelsea: Yes, you've-- you've told me. You have clever way of reassuring me. You--you push all the right buttons, and you said all of the right things, but--

Adam: No, hey, hey, watch it. I don't push buttons. I am honest, and I am telling you the truth. You want to--in the spirit of honesty, when Sharon came to visit me in Kansas, she wanted me to go away with her. I could have then. I did not, because I choose you. I love you. Chelsea, I love you. You, not Sharon. Not anyone else that I've ever been with. I love you.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: That... won't ever change.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) I-I really want to believe you, Adam.

Adam: Believe it. Come here.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs)

Nick: What's going on?

Victor: Victoria is in trouble because of that jackass she is married to.

Nick: What do you mean, she's in trouble? Where is she?

Victor: She's being held for ransom by some loan shark. He used to have dealings when Billy was gambling.

Nick: Are you telling me Victoria's been kidnapped?

Victor: That's exactly what I'm telling you, okay? And I don't trust Billy Abbott to resolve this problem. So you and I have to go to Miami.

Nikki: I don't know if Victoria ever told you this, but, um, she was kidnapped once before.

Billy: Yeah, the guy at work that was obsessed with her.

Nikki: Yeah, his name was Gary. He held her in a tree house on the ranch, and we had teams searching for her day and night, and she was right there the whole time, right under our noses. And she could have panicked. She could have fallen apart, but she didn't. And she was much younger then. She's savvier now. She has much more experience in dealing with people.

Billy: Eddie's not "People." He's a hardened criminal. He's extremely violent, and he's lashing out at me.

Nikki: And Gary was psychotic, a very disturbed individual. But Victoria was tough, and she was determined to survive, and she did, and that's what we need to hold on to.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: It's him.

Nikki: Well, answer it.

Billy: And tell him what? That I don't have the money?

Nikki: Tell him that you'll have it tomorrow.

Billy: This is Billy.

Eddie: You got the money?

Billy: I have most of it.

Eddie: So in other words, no.

Billy: Look, Eddie, I just can't go by the A.T.M. and pull out $2 million, okay? But I will get it, I promise you. I will get it. I just need a little bit more time.

Eddie: You're playing me.

Billy: No, I-I am not playing with you, okay? Eddie, I-I-I've done everything you've asked of me. You told me not to tell anybody, so I'm doing this on my own. I'm by myself, and I can't just get my hands on that type of money by myself, but I will get it. I promise you, I will get it. Can I speak to Victoria, please?

Eddie: (Sighs)

(Phone hangs up)

(Door closes)

Jill: So that's it? You're shuttin' me down without even considering my proposal?

Kay: I never said that.

Tucker: Then why were you just acting like it's a terrible idea?

Kay: I need to sleep on it. Okay? Oh, and, um, by the way, Jill, why don't you move back to the mansion? After all, you own half of it. Tucker.

Tucker: Bye.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Tucker: (Sighs)

Jill: Did you hear what I just heard?

Tucker: She didn't say no.

Jill: By the way, your support--was that real?

Tucker: Yes. I like your plan, Jill. It's smart for my mother, and it benefits you, too.

Jill: Hmm.

Tucker: Well played, Darlin'.

Jill: (Chuckles) Well, thank you, Darlin'. (Glasses clink)

Kay: Victor?

Victor: I didn't see you there.

Kay: What's the matter?

Victor: Why? Why do you think something is the latter?

Kay: Oh, stop it. I mean, you never let anyone sneak up on you unless you're preoccupied. What's wrong?

Victor: Sweetheart... (Chuckles) You know me too well, don't you.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Victor: Nothing is wrong-- nothing I can't handle.

Kay: Really?

Victor: No.

Kay: Well, the last time, uh, you "Handled" everything, uh, you wound up in the hospital.

Victor: Well, thank you for your concern.

Kay: Don't tell me you're going back to work.

Victor: You mean like you?

Kay: Well...

Victor: No. Unlike you, I'm not interested right now.

Kay: Listen, um, Jill presented me with a rather interesting, um...

Victor: Oh.

Kay: Proposition. I, um, I may call you tomorrow, get your take on it.

Victor: You call me anytime, but I need to go out of town on an emergency, so... but you call me anytime, okay?

Kay: Okay, I see. In the meantime, I hope you resolve whatever it is you're not telling me. (Chuckles)

Victor: You take care of yourself, okay? All right, Katherine.

Kay: Travel safely. Later.

Victor: Thank you. Bye, Sweetheart.

Kay: Good-bye.

Victoria: Please don't let me down, Billy. Please get this right.

Billy: He's still not picking up. We gotta get him his money.

Nikki: Well, he's gonna have it tomorrow. Call him back and leave a message so he knows that.

Billy: Nikki, I can't leave a message on a disposable phone.

Nick: You son of a bitch! What did you do? What did you do?!

Nikki: Nicholas! Nicholas! Stop! Stop it!

Billy: Calm down.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Noah: (Thinking) "Keep this super safe. I'll be in touch. A."

Paul: You found something?

Chris: See for yourself.

Jack: It seems to me you've got a piece of metal gettin' in your way right now.

Phyllis: Getting in my way?

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