Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/14/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/14/12


Episode # 10034 ~ Lauren & Michael Don't Approve of Summer & Fen's Relationship; Jack Struggles With Addiction

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Where's Summer?

Nick: She left a little while ago to meet Fen. If this is about the custody agreement--

Phyllis: Unh-unh, unh-unh. Um, I-I'm afraid... that Summer might have something to do w-with bullying a troubled kid that Ronan is working with.

Nick: What? Why would our daughter target some kid?

Phyllis: I-I think for the same reason she's been lashing out for the last few months, to get back at me.

Nick: I thought things were getting better.

Phyllis: So did I. I-I have a really bad feeling that they're about to get much worse.

Lauren: Honey, you needed a break from Paul's case.

Michael: And you needed to talk about Fenmore.

Lauren: Do you know that I actually thought that I would be the first parent in history to do everything right and produce the perfect kid?

Michael: You are the first parent in history to do everything right.

Lauren: (Chuckles) Really?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Well, then could you please tell me why that moody, stone-faced ogre is wearing our son's clothes?

Michael: That's a teenager. Aren't they supposed to be disgusting?

Lauren: Mm-hmm, yeah, but--

Michael: But you're perfect, perfect...

Lauren: Aw.

Michael: And we will get through this. Come.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Fen: (Laughs)

Michael: Or not.

Jack: Okay, keep me informed, all right? Thanks. (Groans)

Sarge: What the hell are you doing?

Jack: (Exhales slowly)

Dr. Watkins: Sharon?

Sharon: I don't want my kids to forget me... or think that I don't love them because I took off.

Dr. Watkins: Your ex-husband won't reassure them?

Sharon: (Sighs) Nick--yeah, no, he might try, but Faith is so young, I-I just--I'm sure she's just wondering where her mommy is.

Dr. Watkins: Well, now that you're getting help, perhaps you'll--you'll be able to see your children sooner than later.

Sharon: Really?! Oh, my gosh, I can't wait. It was--I-I saw Noah last night.

Dr. Watkins: Last night? But--

Sharon: I didn't get that much time with him, and I didn't get to see my little girl.

Dr. Watkins: Sharon?

Sharon: No, because Nick came home, but I begged Noah to bring Faith for a visit.

Dr. Watkins: Here?

Sharon: All I want is to see b-both of my kids today.

(Laptop keys clicking)

Adam: (Exhales slowly)

[Adam remembering]

Sharon: God, Noah! I've really let him down. I-I'm not a mother. I'm not a wife. I'm not a leader. I'm none of those things, and they don't want me anymore. Why would they? I'm nothing. I have nothing!

Adam: Hey, hey, hey, shh. You have me, okay? Do you hear me? You have me.

Sharon: Adam, don't let go. Don't leave me alone.

Noah: So what's going on with you and my mom?

Adam: Noah. I'm very busy, as you see.

Noah: Yeah, I can see that. You--you got all these computers and these important-looking graphs and charts, but I need to speak with you. What's happening with my mom?

Adam: And why would something be happening with your mom?

Noah: Don't, don't. Drop the act, okay? She came to see me last night.

Adam: And your mother mentioned me?

Noah: See, I thought that she was out of town, but she said that you found her someplace to stay, called you a lifesaver.

Adam: I see. Well, it's very complicated, Noah.

Noah: Why don't you just tell me what's going on, hmm? 'Cause you--you would never help anyone out of the-- the goodness of your heart, so what are you up to?

Adam: (Sighs)

Jack: What-- I'm gonna need that.

Sarge: You just got out of the hospital.

Jack: Which is why I'm home and not in the office.

Sarge: Jack, you cannot jump right back in at 100%. It will impede your recovery.

Jack: Doing nothing, letting others manage my company will impede my progress. I'm gonna need that tablet nearby.

Sarge: So you can work on it.

Jack: So I can play Words with Friends.

Sarge: You don't get it, do you, Jack? We are not starting your rehab today.

Jack: Wait, why not?

Sarge: It's too soon. What you need to do-- all you need to do today is lie down.

Jack: I am fine, Sarge.

(Cell phone rings)

Sarge: You need to stop reaching like that, Jack. You're gonna hurt yourself. What you need to do is lie down.

Jack: Jack Abbott.

Sarge: You know what?

Jack: Wait, how big a shipment?

Fen: Oh, what--what are you guys doing here?

Lauren: We're getting coffee. Uh, have you done your homework?

Fen: Yeah, I'm--

Summer: Uh, no, he hasn't even started. I've been totally distracting him, so... (Laughs) Hit those books, okay? See you later.

Fen: (Laughs) Uh, hey. I didn't expect to see you guys.

Lauren: Apparently not.

Michael: You did an excellent job avoiding us last night and this morning.

Fen: And right away, you start in on me?

Lauren: Detective Malloy spoke with your father.

Fen: About me?

Michael: About your involvement in the harassment of a teenager.

Fen: Don't you mean "Alleged" harassment?

Lauren: All right, Fen, come on. Enough with the attitude, or you're gonna lose your privileges.

Fen: For asking a question?

Michael: Your mother and I are seeing and hearing a lot of things we don't like.

Fen: I've gotta go. I've got homework.

Lauren: No, you're not going anywhere... until you tell us what's going on between you and Summer.

Nick: So this kid Jamie confessed to trashing up some house.

Phyllis: Yeah, except the supposed confession came from a girl. She calls herself Brittni.

Nick: And Ronan thinks Summer is Brittni.

Phyllis: Yeah, um, he does. He has some pretty good reasons.

Nick: Well, our daughter just really doesn't like your new boyfriend, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Ronan saw Summer with Jamie.

Nick: That proves nothing.

Phyllis: (Sighs) His instincts are telling him that Summer is behind this, Nick.

Nick: Well, that might mean something to me if I trusted Ronan, and I don't.

Phyllis: Um, all right, there's something else. Today, Ronan, um, left some flowers for me by my door.

Nick: Why would you tell me that? I don't care about that.

Phyllis: When I got home, Summer was there, but the flowers weren't. I think that she dumped them because they were from Ronan.

Nick: Maybe a neighbor picked 'em up, Phyllis. I... (Sighs)

Phyllis: Uh, you won't even entertain the fact that our daughter may be in trouble? Because maybe, that way, we'd have to help her instead of fighting with each other, right?

Nick: All right, let's just assume that Summer may have taken the flowers or destroyed them. To go from that to cyberbullying is a very big leap.

Phyllis: Okay, but just look at what has happened recently. Nick, uh, what-- running away from home, trashing Ronan's car, getting in the car accident.

Nick: She's doing a lot better. Yes, she's angry and confused, but she's been home every night and she dropped the emancipation threat.

Phyllis: It might be a smokescreen.

Nick: Phyllis, come on.

Phyllis: What if Ronan's right? What if Summer's lashing out?

Nick: Well, I'm gonna need a lot more than your new boyfriend's gut feeling.

Adam: Does your father know that your mother came to visit you?

Noah: She begged me not to tell him, so I didn't, but I hate keeping this from him.

Adam: It's for the best. You need to be looking out for your mother's well-being.

Noah: That's exactly what I'm doing, but why are you telling me what's best for her? Are you starting up with her again?

Adam: I'm married, Noah.

Noah: Really? Really, that's supposed to mean something in this town?

Adam: Unfortunately, to most people in this town, no, but to me, yes, it's very important. You don't trust me?

Noah: You're sitting there in my grandfather's chair after helping steal the company from him. Why should I trust you?

Adam: You shouldn't, Noah, but in this one case you absolutely should. Your mother is not well.

Noah: How bad is it?

Adam: She's depressed, but I think, with therapy and treatment, she'll--she'll get some help.

Noah: The stuff she's dealt with before?

Adam: She came through with flying colors before.

Noah: No thanks to you.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Noah: You've caused her a lot of pain.

Adam: And who's to say that I shouldn't be taking care of her now?

Noah: She's got family.

Adam: Mm-hmm, family... all who rejected her, and that includes you, Noah.

Noah: We didn't understand what was going on.

Adam: No, no, it's not that you didn't understand. You were unwilling to understand. You looked the other way. Your grandfather, your grandmother, your father--everybody just let her get worse and worse while they turned their backs on her, so save me this self-righteous act, Noah, because I am the only one who stepped up to help your mother when she needed it.

Dr. Watkins: Sharon, thank you for sharing these letters you wrote to your children. It gives me great insight into what's important to you.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure I sound really unstable in those letters.

Dr. Watkins: These letters reflect a woman who is struggling, but who misses and--and adores her children. That's a great motivator. I believe that you are on the right course, Sharon.

Sharon: When will I be able to go home to them?

Dr. Watkins: Well, we discussed getting you started on some medication.

Sharon: I remember.

Dr. Watkins: Well, this medication will help in leveling out your mood swings. It's a very common treatment for bipolar disorder.

Sharon: What? Bipolar? No, no, I'm not. --

Dr. Watkins: Don't be afraid of the word. It's, uh, your condition is highly treatable.

Sharon: Does it... go away, ever?

Dr. Watkins: In combination with a regimen of exercise and meditation, and of course, continuing these sessions, you should see a marked improvement.

Sharon: (Sighs) Right away?

Dr. Watkins: It takes about two weeks to a month before we can achieve a-a true balance.

Sharon: (Sighs) I can't do this!

Fen: Summer and I are friends.

Lauren: That was some friendly kiss.

Fen: She just does that to get a rise out of you.

Michael: We need to know how involved you two are.

Fen: What, you-- you want details?

Lauren: Yes, we do.

Michael: Ronan thinks Summer is causing trouble for this boy, uh, Jamie Vernon.

Fen: Why?

Michael: Don't play dumb with me. Tell me what you know about this kid's harassment.

Fen: I don't even really know that kid.

Michael: Well, is Summer involved? More importantly, are you involved?

Fen: Am I on the witness stand?

Lauren: All right, Honey, we just need to know the truth, okay? Cyberbullying is a serious crime.

Fen: Oh, so--so now--now, you're gonna--you're gonna pull good cop/bad cop on me. Leave me alone.

Lauren: No, Fen, we are just trying to--

Michael: No, no, this is-- listen to me you drop the attitude now and you tell me everything about you, Summer, and this kid.

Fen: Summer met the guy and thought we could all be friends, maybe. Why would she cause trouble for him?

Michael: You tell us.

Fen: Why do you guys automatically assume its Summer? Anyone Jamie ever knew could be doing this, and why are you treating me like I'm a criminal? Where is your proof, Dad?

Sharon: Those pills-- they're gonna flatten me out. They're gonna take away everything that makes me Sharon.

Dr. Watkins: That is a reasonable concern, but which would you prefer, the relentless extreme highs and lows of your illness, or to be able to function?

Sharon: I just don't want to be sick.

Dr. Watkins: You spoke so passionately about regaining the role in your children's lives. Now if that's your goal--

Sharon: Yes, it is. Look, why don't we have some more sessions, if that would help?

Dr. Watkins: Sharon, therapy isn't enough. This medication is an essential component in your treatment.

Noah: I need to take some blame. I didn't know. When I came back from New York, I shouldn't have been so hard on her.

Adam: Just recently, Noah, somebody stood in this office, right in this office, and they told me... (Clears throat) How disappointed my mother would be in me.

Noah: Is that true? Would she have been?

Adam: It doesn't matter. The reason that I bring it up is because I want you to know that your mother-- she has never, ever been disappointed in you.

Noah: D-did she-- did she burn down my grandfather's house?

Adam: No. Did she tell you that?

Noah: No, but I asked her about it.

Adam: Your mother did not set that fire.

Noah: She asked-- she wants to see Faith.

Adam: I don't know if that's a very good idea.

Noah: Why not?

Adam: Well, what if she-- what if she tells your father? Would that really be worth it?

Noah: I think that he'd understand.

Adam: Possibly... but your father hates me, with cause, and if you thought your father would be so understanding, why didn't you tell him that your mother came to visit you?

Noah: Okay, I won't bring Faith... but I want to see my mother again. Where's she staying?

Phyllis: Moving in, as requested.

Jack: Ready to be my wingman?

Phyllis: Not when you put it like that.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: What's going on with you? You don't look so good.

Jack: Oh, once I lose my hospital pallor, I'll look as good as I feel. How'd things go at Newman today?

Phyllis: Um, uh, I don't-- I don't know. I don't know. I, um, met with Nick and the lawyers, uh, about the divorce.

Jack: I'm sorry. A forgot that was happening today.

Phyllis: And, uh, I-I was trying to avert a crisis with, um, with Summer, another one.

Jack: You want to talk?

Phyllis: Nope. I just, uh, yeah, I-I don't-- I'd rather be your wingman. I don't want to get into it.

Jack: Well, you know, you could always distract yourself with, I don't know, something like your job.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, no, I-I am ready to go. I am ready to do this. Full speed ahead. I want to jump into Newman Enterprises with both feet.

Jack: Good, because I need you to do something for me at the office.

Michael: Well, so much for the direct approach with our son.

Lauren: Yeah, seriously. It's Summer. That girl is not good for him.

Michael: And yet, our disapproval will only make her more attractive.

Lauren: Right, right. So how do we get him to understand that without alienating him?

Michael: Yeah.

Paul: Hey.

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: Hi.

Paul: Just ran into Fen. I thought I'd come over and say hi, if it's not a bad time.

Michael: Sure, have a seat.

Lauren: No, come on.

Paul: Thanks.

Lauren: Any word from Christine or Heather?

Paul: Uh, well, they've checked out a couple of places, but no luck yet.

Lauren: It's sad, actually. Here we are, waiting for horrific proof that none of us want to see.

Michael: It's possible that video could prove that Paul was justified in shooting Ricky.

Lauren: I know, but it certainly doesn't make it easier that...

Paul: My son is a murderer.

Lauren: Honey, I didn't mean anything--

Paul: No, no, it's okay. I, uh, I'm used to saying the words now, and I'm accepting responsibility.

Michael: You're not responsible for Ricky's actions.

Paul: You know, Michael, when you have a child, the parent is responsible to, uh, pour all the love and hope for the future into them, and when something-- something terrible happens, it's hard not to feel... responsible.

Lauren: Paul, you've done nothing wrong.

Michael: Ricky was an adult. He made his life. He made his decisions.

Paul: There's not much comfort in that. Listen to me. Do whatever you need to do, make whatever sacrifices necessary to make sure that your son is safe and healthy. Believe me, nothing else on this earth matters.

Jack: I've been catching up on e-mails, making phone calls, but it's not the same as being in the office.

Phyllis: You--you need eyes and ears.

Jack: I need a report on what you've been doing in research and development.

Phyllis: What about the cosmetics division?

Jack: I would also like a spreadsheet there. There is one other thing I would like, as well.

Phyllis: Please tell me you want me to spy on Adam.

Jack: I would like to know what Adam's been up to, yes.

Phyllis: Thank God you are beginning to rethink your decision, making him the interim C.E.O.--oh.

Jack: No, I am not. I am not a fool, either, and Adam is someone to keep an eye on.

Phyllis: That's for sure.

Jack: So any whispers, any rumors?

Phyllis: No, I am sad to report that he has been behaving perfectly.

Jack: Well, good. I will rest easier being in the loop, though, so until I'm in the office, I'd appreciate you coming to me with intel.

Phyllis: Yes, okay. Well, I will go there now. I'll do a little recon, and then I'll report back to H.Q.

Jack: (British accent) Well, thank you, Ms. Bond.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Don't drink any martinis on the job, please.

Phyllis: Oh, that's no fun! Thank you for the distraction.

Jack: (Normal voice) Ditto, Red.

(Knock on door)

Adam: Oh, you got here fast. Then again, given what you are paid to be Newman's chief counsel, you should run when the C.E.O. calls.

Avery: Was that the purpose of this meeting, to clock my land speed?

Adam: (Chuckles) No. Actually, I wanted to discuss with you, uh, how much you like your job.

Avery: Well, I'm not sure where this is headed, Adam, but I like my job very much.

Adam: Okay. I'm just concerned that you might have developed loyalty issues that might preclude your working with me.

Avery: My loyalty has always remained with Newman Enterprises.

Adam: Okay. I'm just saying that Jack fired his brother because Billy decided to choose Victoria over the company.

Avery: Mm-hmm, and you understand that an employee's personal life is exactly that--personal-- meaning you, as the employer, have no jurisdiction over it.

Adam: Correct, correct, unless it affects business.

Avery: Okay. Adam, you can't control who my friends are.

Adam: Friends. Okay, let me rephrase this. Either you are for the company, or, Avery, you are for Nicholas Newman.

Noah: Hey, Faith, you want to go outside? We could play a little before dinner. We can frolic in the leaves. You want to do some frolicking?

Faith: I dreamed about Mommy last night.

Noah: You did?

Faith: I miss her.

Noah: Yeah, so do I, Sweetie, but she's gonna be home soon. Look, Faith, I-- Mommy wants to be here with you more than anything in the world, but she can't right now.

Faith: Is Mommy really coming back?

Noah: It seems like she's been gone forever, huh? Okay, change of plans. We're gonna go for a drive, okay? Look, I know that you've been-- you've been sad about Mommy, but this is gonna cheer you up, okay?

Nick: Hey.

Noah: Hey. Uh, I-I didn't know that you were--you were coming home before your dinner.

Nick: Yeah, I went by to check on the progress at the main house. Where are you guys off to?

Faith: Noah's taking me someplace 'cause of Mommy.

Noah: (Laughs) Faith was feeling down 'cause of Mom, so I thought I'd take her out to cheer her up.

Nick: (Sighs) I know it's been hard, Sweetheart. Come here. Daddy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Where you guys going tonight?

Noah: Fenmore's put their-- their Christmas windows up over the weekend. She'll like that.

Nick: Hmm, that sounds fun. Maybe I should shift my plans so I can hang out with you two tonight.

Noah: Oh, don't do that. Uh, you should keep your plans on a day like this. Faith and I are all good. (Groans) I'll take care of her.

Jack: It's a deal, then. You come to Genoa City this year, I'll come to Mumbai in 2013. (Laughs) You got it. Great talking to you, Halil. Thanks. (Exhales sharply) (Groaning) (Exhales sharply)

Jack: (Exhales slowly) (Sighs)

Avery: That'll give their legal department time to review.

Adam: So we can complete the acquisition next week as planned.

Avery: Mm-hmm...

Adam: Good.

Avery: If I'm still working here.

Adam: (Chuckles) Oh, Phyllis, may I help you?

Phyllis: Am I interrupting?

Avery: No, we're all set.

Adam: Frankly I'm surprised to see you. I thought you were working half-days. I'm not sure how Jack used to run things, but that is not how I run things.

Phyllis: Human resources, uh, allows for personal time away as it arises. The time arose. I took it. You have a problem?

Avery: Uh, Phyllis is referencing section 5, paragraph 7 of the personal guidelines. Would you like m to forward you a copy?

Adam: No, that'll be fine, Avery, thank you. Uh, I expect you to be supervising the department you're managing.

Phyllis: I am, in fact, here for my department. Uh, did you sign off on the funding for that R & D proposal, or are you having too much fun patting yourself on the back for sitting in the big boy chair?

Adam: Well, guess what? I approved the request. Here it is. I signed the file.

Phyllis: Mm, great. And, uh, by the way, Jack is on the mend, so time is fleeting for you to bask in power.

Paul: So I am bracing myself for the possibility that, uh, I sent Heather and Chris hunting for evidence that doesn't exist anymore.

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: Well, I prefer to believe that they're gonna find that video and you're gonna be exonerated.

Michael: I second that.

Paul: (Chuckles) Do you really, Mr. D.A.?

Lauren: Mm, you see, with Michael's job, he has to be very careful--

Michael: My job is to put criminals away, not people I know to be innocent. Nope. Just can't fit him in my budget.

Phyllis: What does the human resources manual say about punching out the interim C.E.O.?

Avery: (Sighs) Make sure there are no witnesses. I'm amazed you can deal with Adam at all today.

Phyllis: It's my job.

Avery: How did the divorce proceedings go?

Phyllis: It was horrible. How do you think they went?

Avery: Okay, please don't... (Sighs) I am asking out of genuine concern.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Are you kidding me? This morning, you accused me of trying to guilt Nick into giving me a better settlement. Now--

Avery: Okay, must we have the same fight every day? You're my sister. Can't we get past this?

Phyllis: How do you propose we get past this, Avery?

Avery: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I can come by your apartment tonight and we can talk. We can--we can work this out.

Phyllis: Mm, mm, can't.

Avery: Okay, okay, fine.

Phyllis: I'm staying with Jack anyway. I'm helping him get over the surgery and recovery and...

Avery: Really? I knew you were looking out for him, but don't know that included moving in.

Phyllis: We're just friends, Avery.

Avery: I understand.

Phyllis: No, you're trying to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.

Avery: No, I'm not.

Phyllis: Yes, you are, because you feel guilty because you want to date Nick.

Avery: Why do you keep pushing us into the same argument?

Phyllis: Um, you know what? I think because you bring it out in me.

(Elevator door opens)

Avery: (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Noah: Hi.

Sharon: Faith, oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness, Noah. Thank you. Thank you so much! (Gasps) Let me get a look at you, let me take a look at my little girl!

Lauren: Paul, we are not gonna let you slip back into that dark place that you were in when Ricky first died. You can't lose hope.

Paul: Uh, I'm--I'm not in the same place as before.

Lauren: Well, it really sounds like it to me.

Paul: No, no, I-I'm not asking anyone to lock me up and throw away the key.

Lauren: Well, then why are you so fatalistic?

Paul: Realistic, Lauren. No matter how it turns out, whether I'm found guilty or the charges are dropped, I'm never gonna be free.

Lauren: I understand.

Paul: I shot my son, and all the choices that made from the day he was born led him and me to that moment, and that... is a prison of my own making.

(Telephone ringing)

Adam: Adam Newman. No, no, it is not too late to crunch those numbers. Yeah, give me what you got.

(Laptop keys clicking)

Adam: Okay.

Jack: Sparkling cider. To what do we owe this, uh, nonalcoholic mini-fest?

Phyllis: Well, I don't know. Uh, we are gonna toast to Adam, who's doing right by the company so far.

Jack: I hear a "But" lurking.

Phyllis: Yeah, he remains to be a pompous ass.

Jack: So nothing's changed. Anyway, thanks for the intel.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, you're gonna put-- put down this file. Put it down, down, down, down, and we--

Jack: (Groans)

Phyllis: You okay?

Jack: Yeah, I'm fine. (Clears throat)

Phyllis: We're gonna toast.

Jack: What are we toasting to?

Phyllis: Uh, a new beginning for Newman, for you... (Voice breaking) And for me.

(Glasses clink)

Jack: Okay.

Nick: Have you been waiting long?

Avery: Oh, hi. No, I just got here, so...

Nick: Avery, you ordered wine and have had some bread.

Avery: Are you gonna eat with your coat on, or did you change your mind about our date?

Nick: Uh... something happened on the way out the door.

Avery: Phyllis showed up?

Nick: No, but I saw some framed photographs of my kids.

Avery: And you thought about how dating me would affect them.

Nick: Wondering if I was making a mistake.

Avery: I-I totally understand. Look, you are going through a divorce with my sister, no less, so you want to cancel. That's, um, that's--

Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no, I don't want to cancel.

Nick: Avery, my kids are fine, and this is exactly where I want to be.

Sharon: Faithie, are you hungry? Um, you know, if I had known that you were coming, I-I would have had some toys here for you.

Noah: We--we ate on the way over. I think she's just-- she's a little stunned.

Sharon: Oh, why?

Noah: Uh, she was a little surprised when I told her that we were coming to see you, Mom. Weren't you, Faith?

Sharon: Oh. Um--

Noah: Well, she just-- she just needs a little time to ease into it.

Sharon: Yeah, yeah. We can do that. Of course, we can do that. Uh, I know what I'm gonna do. I'll get us all a drink. Faith, are--are you thirsty? I--no, I-I know. Why don't--why don't you tell me how it's going at school, the way that you used to? How's it going at school, Baby? I'm--I-I'm sorry. I just--honey, I-I'm just so happy to see you. I...

Noah: Whoa, hey. Hey, it's okay.

On the next "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: So do they have any idea who could have burned the place down?

Sharon: Faith knows that mommy being here is her secret surprise.

Jill: We walk in there as a team. We run the company together.

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