Y&R Transcript Monday 11/12/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/12/12


Episode # 10032 ~ Adam Seeks Chelsea's Forgiveness; Ronan & Phyllis Have an Unpleasant Evening

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chelsea: Check you out. What's the occasion, Sharon's birthday?

Adam: I deserve it. Well, I-in truth, Sharon is part of the motivation for this little interlude.

Chelsea: I'm flattered.

Adam: No secrets, no lies, no need to hide anything from one another. That was the agreement, right? And I blew it, hence the candles and the, uh, champagne and these little silver dome thingies...

Chelsea: (Chuckling)

Adam: That are covering food that I did not cook.

Chelsea: Wow. You really went all out.

Adam: Yes, and I will continue to go all out every day, until you realize that I love you and only you, Mrs. Newman.

Sharon: (Thinking) Dear Noah and my sweet girl Faith, there's an ache in my soul, having had to leave you again. No matter where I go or how long I'm away, you have to know how much I love you-- more than the sun and moon and stars. I'm trying to get back to you, I swear. Until I can hold you both again, you have your dad. No matter what's happened between us, Nick's a good man.

Ronan: Nice place.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Ronan: It's good for a first date, right?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yes, yes.

Ronan: (Laughs) Hey, let me get this for you. Here.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Ronan: You're welcome.

Ronan: Okay. Hi.

Phyllis: Hi.

Ronan: (Chuckles) You're gorgeous.

Phyllis: Thank you. You look very handsome.

Ronan: Thank you. This is nice.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's a really nice place. It's great.

Ronan: I meant-- I meant us, being out together in public.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Ronan: Oh, my gosh... (Chuckles) You know, with no exes around, no looming court dates. Just us, together.

Phyllis: I-it definitely makes the first date less awkward when you've already seen each other naked. (Chuckles)

Avery: Mm, wait a minute. Wait, wait. (Sighs) You said we needed to take things slow, so what's going on?

Nick: (Laughs) What are you doing?

Avery: Okay, stay there.

Nick: Okay, can you just--

Avery: Uh, uh, uh! Stay.

Nick: What's wrong?

Avery: You make my brain mushy.

Nick: Did you just say "Mushy"? I mean--

Avery: Be quiet! Stay. What changed? What changed?

Nick: You said be quiet.

Avery: Nick, what changed?

Nick: All right. I-I can't... stop thinking about you.

Ronan: Specials sound great, huh?

Phyllis: Yeah, I want that--

Ronan: You want to try that prosciutto?

Phyllis: Sure, sure. We could try the-- the ta--tapenade.

Ronan: So that's a no on the prosciutto, then?

Phyllis: Uh... n-no, I mean, we could-- yeah, I mean, I just said the--the tapenade because you--you mentioned you liked olives.

Ronan: Did I?

Phyllis: Didn't you?

Ronan: How about we just get the calamari? How about that?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, that--that's good.

Ronan: Okay, let me get the waiter over here. Do you--do you know what else you want?

Phyllis: Um, to put this date out of its misery.

Chelsea: Mmm. Hiding an ex-wife arsonist in a cottage does call for the good stuff.

Adam: You call for the good stuff. It's what you deserve.

Chelsea: Am I a sucker if I cave just 'cause of some pricey booze and cute little silver thingies?

Adam: No, don't cave too easily. You gotta make me work for this, Girl.

Chelsea: Fine, fine. I am not gonna cave.

Adam: Fine.

Chelsea: I mean, I refuse to give in.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: Yeah, I do. You are gonna have to make it up to me over and over...

Adam: Yeah, and over?

Chelsea: And over...

Adam: And over?

Chelsea: And over and over again.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: Whatever it takes. (Giggles) See? How easy. Ohh!

Sharon: No, no, no, no. (Sighs)

Nick: Can I just take off my coat?

Avery: Yes, if you stay right there.

Nick: Okay. Avery, I like you. I like being around you. I like talking to you. I like playing chess. I like watching you bake, watching you work out, and even now, you're looking at me like I'm a lunatic, and I find that very appealing.

Avery: Uh, no, no, stay.

Nick: Okay. Now maybe I shouldn't take any more steps towards you until I get my life figured out, but maybe you're the perfect person to do that. You're still looking at me like I'm a crazy person.

Avery: Yeah, because we're talking about very big things. You can say that we're not, but we are. I mean, we could sleep together again. We know we can do that, right?

Nick: Could we?

Avery: It would be different this time. This time, we know each other. This time--

Nick: This time, it would be real.

Avery: And real can be scary.

Nick: Uh, do you want me to go?

Avery: No, I don't. You know what I really want? Soup.

Ronan: We haven't ordered yet, and that's it, we're done?

Phyllis: You feel this, too. Come on. It's weird.

Ronan: I was thinking I would glide over the rough spots, but, uh, I guess that's a little harder than I thought.

Phyllis: Yeah, the rough spots are sinkholes.

Ronan: What, is it because we're not sneaking around, because--because you're not facing criminal charges right now? (Laughs)

Phyllis: You just find me irresistible when I'm about to do hard time.

Ronan: No, I've always found you irresistible.

Phyllis: Maybe we just suck at normal.

Ronan: Okay, let's go. Let's get out of here. Let's get some pizza, let's get a six-pack, and we'll sit on your couch.

Phyllis: Pizza and--and beer and--and sex.

Ronan: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: And we'll do it again.

Ronan: Hey, that does work for us, right?

Phyllis: I can't-- I can't do that. Not tonight, I can't. I-it's just--it's not happening. (Exhales sharply) So I-I think that, uh, we should cut our losses and... (Exhales sharply)

Ronan: (Exhales sharply)

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Ronan: Mm, right.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Ronan: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay. Um, thank you.

Ronan: Thank me? Thank me for-- for that dismal date, that horrible evening? You're welcome. Anytime.

Phyllis: It... all right, bye.

Ronan: Oh--

Phyllis: See you. Bye.

Ronan: Bye.

Avery: I told you, I think more clearly in the kitchen. I can relax. I make better decisions. Cumin, please. Uh, no. Yeah, still no. You know the words are right on the bottles, right? There it is.

Nick: Well, I-- yeah, I know, but I like when you boss me around. I think it's hot.

Avery: (Snickers)

Nick: And you know we can get soup in any restaurant, right?

Avery: Wow, you know, your daughter said the same thing to me. What is it with you two? You've never seen the inside of a kitchen?

Nick: My mom never cooked. Summer doesn't either.

Avery: Ah. Oregano, please. No, it's actually right in front of your face. Here we go. Thank you. So when my dad was in prison and my mother was in denial and obsessing about how the whole world had done her wrong, she wouldn't come into the kitchen for months, so I taught myself how to cook, 'cause, you know, you gotta eat.

Nick: You know, this whole "Taking care of your parents" thing is supposed to happen the other way around, right?

Avery: Mm-hmm. Well, I think that's the curse of the good girl. I think our soup's almost ready.

Nick: Ooh. You know, it smells like you put grilled beans in here. How is that even possible?

Avery: Uh, that, my friend, is the magic of smoked paprika.

Nick: Well, I know you weren't using smoked paprika when you were cooking for your mom.

Avery: (Chuckles)

Nick: Where'd you learn all this stuff?

Avery: I don't know, you just pick things up here and there. Like, where did you learn to...?

Nick: Are you implying that I can't do anything?

Avery: Ah.

Nick: I have skills. Many of 'em.

Avery: (Laughs) Okay.

Nick: I, uh, I could make you a latte... (Snaps fingers) 'cause of Crimson Lights.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: I could pick out a cool cover shot because of "Restless Style." I can obsess endlessly about a company that never was and never will be mine, and then--

Avery: And then?

Nick: I can completely walk away...

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: And watch my sister fight for it.

Avery: Oh, how is she doing, by the way, trying to get it back?

Nick: Not great, but Vick loves a good fight. This'll keep her focused and fired up, and you won't be able to get her to back down.

Avery: You really admire her.

Nick: Probably more than anyone in this world. She's my best friend, and I really like who she is.

Avery: Ah, that's it. Loving your family is one thing, but liking them-- that's something entirely different.

Nick: On some basic level, it's nice to know there's someone else who understands what it's like to be in the Newman shadow.

Avery: Yeah. For me, that person was always Phyllis. You know, she always got it, even when I didn't. She saw my father for who he was. You know, for so long, I blamed her for leaving, but he--he made her go. And I think... you know, everybody thinks that I stuck around because I was the good girl, but... I was probably just too afraid to leave. You ready to try it?

Nick: I've been ready for awhile.

Avery: All right, then. (Sighs) Okay. Oh, my goodness. Be very careful. It's hot. Okay.

Nick: Mmm.

Avery: It's hot.

Nick: It's hot...

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: But delicious.

Noah: Mom. Okay, Mom, come in, come in, come in. When did you get back? Wh-where's your coat?

Sharon: (Sighs) I shouldn't be here. I-I should go.

Noah: What are you-- are you gonna go home? I'll go with you.

Sharon: No, no, I can't. I just--

Noah: Are you here to see Dad?

Sharon: No. Um, his car is not here, and he should not be here right now.

Noah: Mom...

Sharon: (Sighs)

Noah: What's going on?

Sharon: I just missed you.

Noah: Okay.

Sharon: I missed you so much.

Noah: Okay, I'm right here. Where have you been?

Sharon: It's complicated. Um... did you get my message?

Noah: Yeah, I got it. I got it. You had to leave. Now you're back.

Sharon: No, I'm not back. Uh, I'm not really back yet.

Noah: Are you okay?

Sharon: No, I'm--I'm not okay. I've been sick and I've, um, I've done some things, Noah. I have done some things that I can't take back.

Noah: Look, Mom, if you're scared, its okay. You can just tell me.

Sharon: (Sighs) It was all just too much, everything with Victor and the marriage, and then when he came back, he didn't give me a chance to explain, and you know, there were times when Victor was the only friend I had, and there were times when... (Sighs) But still, what I did-- it was a terrible mistake.

Noah: Did you burn down Grandpa's house?

Nick: Mmm. This is terrible soup.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: I mean, terrible, seriously. I didn't like it at all. Do you have more?

Avery: I'm sorry. Uh, I'll try to do better next time.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: I can, uh, do the dishes before I take off.

Avery: Oh, are you eating and running?

Nick: Well, sometimes Faith wakes up in the middle of the night. If that happens, I want to be there.

Avery: Oh, of course, and I've got the dishes.

Nick: I'll do 'em next time.

Avery: Uh, you said that last time you were here. I'm gonna hold you to it.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: You're leaving, remember?

Nick: Yep.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: Um, leaving now.

Avery: (Sighs)

Nick: (Sighs)

Avery: So what do you do when Faith wakes up?

Nick: Oh, you know, just, uh, snuggle her up a little bit, take her back to her room, tell her to dream about puppies and balloons, excellent cupcakes.

Avery: Aw. I should make her a batch.

Nick: She'd like that. Yeah.

Nick: Thank you.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Good night.

Avery: Good night. (Exhales slowly)

Noah: I-if this is about the fire at the house, just tell me.

Sharon: No, um, this is about, um, Newman. No, all of Victor's stock, um, you know, all of that belongs to Jack now, and that was my doing. I'm sure the whole family hates me, and it is your legacy.

Noah: Look, look, Mom, okay, you said that you were sick. Sick how? Where? W-were you in a hospital?

Sharon: No. I have been someplace safe, someplace where I've had time to think, but no one can know, not yet.

Noah: Where have you been staying? A-are you alone? You shouldn't be alone. Wait, uh, why is it a secret?

Sharon: I'm not-- I'm not alone, not totally. Someone is helping me.

Noah: Who?

Sharon: Adam. And he has been very respectful, very decent...

Noah: (Sighs)

Sharon: And he has kept me safe. Noah, I owe him my life.

Adam: Your job, my friend, was to play firebug. When did I ever tell you to torch Gloworm?

Man: You said anyplace, just make sure no one was inside.

Adam: I also said vacant buildings. You know that restaurant belonged to my wife's father?

Man: (Chuckles) That's too funny.

Adam: I find it decidedly unfunny. I can't just let you walk around town, torching anyplace you want.

Man: Can't let me? That's funny, too.

Ronan: What are you getting into this time, Newman?

Chelsea: Adam?

Adam: Ah, Detective. It's always a pleasure-- a joy, even.

Ronan: (Laughs) So what are you breaking open that wallet of yours for now, Adam, especially in a place like this?

Adam: A place like this? This is a fine, upstanding establishment. They serve you, don't they?

Ronan: (Chuckles) They do, yes. But I thought that you liked to do your business at the G.C.A.C.

Adam: Nah, I'll do business anywhere, Detective. Plenty of deals go down in places like this, and plenty of dirty deals go down at the club.

Ronan: So you're up to something dirty. Is that what you're telling me?

Adam: No, we are making arrangements for a high-stakes poker game. Nothing illegal.

Ronan: Actually, gambling's still illegal, my friend.

Adam: Then the money that I speak of is hypothetical.

Ronan: Well, when are you playing? 'Cause I'd like to get involved in this hypothetical game of yours.

Adam: Uh, I can't. You're too good. See, you'd-- you'd sniff out a bluff like an old pro that you are.

Ronan: (Chuckles)

Adam: I'll see you around.

[Avery dreaming]

(Knock on door)

Avery: (Exhaling rhythmically) Hi.

Nick: I forgot something.

Avery: What?

Nick: To tell you that I had an amazing time tonight, and I really hope we can do that again, a lot more.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: You okay with that?

Avery: Yeah, I think I might make soup every night.

Phyllis: You're a liar. You said, "Oh, Phyllis. Phyllis, nothing is going on between me and Nick."

Avery: There wasn't. It's just-- Nick said that he's happy when he's with me.

Phyllis: Did you say that to her?

Nick: Phyllis, you shouldn't be here.

Phyllis: No, you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here. You came in to Genoa City to punish me. You brought Daisy back into town, you took Sharon on as a client, and you slept with my husband! You couldn't resist. You had to get him into bed, didn't you?

Nick: Okay, that's enough. You need to go home.

Phyllis: No!

Avery: It's not like that now. I don't want him because he's yours. I want him because he's him.

Phyllis: Nick came back to me once. He'll come back to me again.

[Avery wakes up]

Avery: (Gasps) (Exhales slowly)

Noah: You cannot trust Adam. Everything he's done-- the tape of you and Skye at the falls-- Faith. Mom, h-have you forgot about Faith?

Sharon: Shh. Don't wake your sister. Listen, Noah. I know who Adam is. I do. And I also know all of the good things that he's done for me. I'm gonna go up and see Faith's face before I leave.

(Car approaching)

Noah: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Sharon: Shoot, Nick.

Noah: Look, look, look, he's--I-its okay. He's been worried about you, too.

Sharon: Um, no. Look, I parked my car up the street. He doesn't know I'm here, and you can't tell him.

Noah: Can't tell him?! Mom, you said you've been sick. You've been getting help from Adam, of all people. How do I not tell him?

Sharon: I am getting better. I'm also getting help, not just from Adam. I'm getting professional help, and I don't want to have to leave again, so you can't tell Nick, please!

Noah: (Sighs) Look, Mom, I want to help you.

Sharon: Bring Faith tomorrow. I need to see my little girl again. Call Adam.

Noah: I-I just--

Sharon: You two can make arrangements. Noah, everything will be all right.

Noah: (Sighs)

(Door opens)

Nick: What's up, man?

(Rhythmic knocking on door)

Phyllis: Ohh. Oh, okay, one sec!

(Persistent knocking on door)

Phyllis: Ohh.

Ronan: Hi.

Phyllis: Hi.

Ronan: I want to have a do-over date. I want to do it over.

Phyllis: Hey, it--it's--

Ronan: I want us to do it our way. We can do it again and do it our way.

Phyllis: It--you're drunk.

Ronan: You're drunk. Here, you can catch up.

Phyllis: I--listen, I-I was--I was already asleep.

Ronan: You took a nap, and then you have the energy to hang out with me, right?

Phyllis: All right, can we-- can we do this tomorrow, please?

Ronan: No, no, no tomorrow. I don't want to do it tomorrow. We can do it right now. We can talk about this right now-- oh, or we can not talk about it. We can not talk at all if you don't want to. We can salvage this night right now.

Phyllis: It's late. It's late. I don't... (Sighs)

Ronan: Do you know, Phyllis, that you're your own worst enemy?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah.

Ronan: Do you know that? 'Cause that's why you always end up in trouble, running from something, arrested, or you know what? Even worse, that's why you always end up alone.

Chelsea: Adam? Sharon?

[Chelsea reading a note]

Chelsea: "And Adam has been my rock, my protector. Without him, I'd be lost."

Chelsea: (Gasps)

Sharon: These are mine. You had no right!

Nick: (Sighs) Faith up at all?

Noah: Nothing. Uh, it's been quiet here. Where you been?

Nick: Avery's.

Noah: So this thing with, uh, with her is-- it's real?

Nick: I'm not saying that's true, but if it was, would it be such a terrible thing?

Noah: Kind of fast. You and Phyllis aren't divorced yet.

Nick: Well, we're on our way. Settlement meeting tomorrow.

Noah: Hoops to jump through, bank accounts, property... breaking up is hard enough when you're not married, never mind all this stuff.

Nick: I don't think we're talking about Eden right now, but you haven't mentioned anyone... else.

Noah: Her name was Adriana. That was fast, too. Intense. She was wild, you know? In a good way, and then... in a not-so-good way. She--she cheated on me.

Nick: I'm sorry, Son.

Noah: So this-- this whole thing with Phyllis and Ronan... I get it.

Nick: And I wish you didn't.

Noah: So... if this thing with Avery is going somewhere and you trust her, don't screw it up.

Phyllis: Let me explain something to you--we had sex. That was it. That was it. It wasn't a relationship. It's not like we were going steady. It--it was just sex, and you want to talk about being how own worst enemy? How's your mom doing? How's your mom doing? How's, uh, your buddy Christine doing? How's your brother Chance doing? How's that all working out for you?

Ronan: All I've-- all I've ever heard from all of them is that I-I don't reach out, I don't try, and I don't open up.

Phyllis: Okay, I never said that to you, Ronan.

Ronan: But here I am with you. I'm trying 'cause I want to know you, Phyllis. I want to know what you think, I want to know what you want, and I'm not just-- I'm not just talking about in bed. I want to know you.

Phyllis: What do--what-- what does that mean?

Ronan: It means out of life, and out of our life, out of the big picture. (Stammering) I want to know-- I want to know what really makes you happy.

Phyllis: I don't know. Don't, please. Don't do that. Please, just--- we'll talk tomorrow, after my divorce hearing. (Voice cracks) Just go.

Ronan: That's what this is always about. Oh, my God, why didn't I think of it? That's what this is always about. It's Nick.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Ronan: It's Nick.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) All right.

Ronan: It's always Nick. It's Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick. Ohh... (Laughs) God.

Phyllis: All right, you need to--you need to leave, okay?

Ronan: Do you think that when you go into a conference room with him tomorrow, that he's gonna take you back? He's not! It's over! He's not coming back! It's done!

Phyllis: Okay, we're done here. We're done here.

Ronan: It's done!

Phyllis: We're done here.

(Door opens)

Ronan: (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: It's late, Phyllis. Is something wrong?

Phyllis: Ohh, everything. (Sighs)

Sharon: You had no right! I-I know the cottage is yours, but these are mine.

Chelsea: I know.

Sharon: Personal thoughts, my feelings. It... it's lonely here. You understand that?

Chelsea: I do. I do, actually. I've been alone before. It's--it's lonely and empty. "Tears don't fix it. There's only emptiness and fear and being sure that you'll never be whole again." I know. I-I get it.

Sharon: Uh, you lost the baby. Well, I wish I could tell you that it gets better, but I really don't think it does, not deep down. I'm sorry, that's a terrible thing to say, and that doesn't help you.

Chelsea: No, actually, I-it--it does, because it--it still hurts a lot, and I feel like I just need to stop talking about it. I need to--I need to move on, but--but that's hard. At least I know it's not just me.

Sharon: Your heart is your heart. You shouldn't let anyone tell you what to do with it.

Chelsea: I'm sorry that you can't be with your kids.

Sharon: I-I wasn't a great daughter, and... I'm not a great mother, either.

Chelsea: But you love your children.

Sharon: And I love my mother, but I put her through hell, and I've put my kids through hell, too. As much as I wish I could change it, I can't take away the damage that's done.

Phyllis: (Sighs) You know, the meeting with the lawyers tomorrow, um... maybe we just, uh, need a little time to cool down.

Nick: It's--its part of the process. You know, it's gotta happen.

Phyllis: I would just rather talk about a settlement, um... when you don't despise me.

Nick: Honestly, I just want it to be over.

Phyllis: Of course, yeah.

Nick: I'll see you tomorrow.

Chelsea: Adam?

Chelsea: Oh, my God.

(Door opens)

Adam: Hey, you're up.

Chelsea: Oh, my-- I just read the article. Jeff and Victoria-- the restaurant. I have to call my father.

Adam: Yeah, he's--he's fine. E-everyone's fine, actually. No one got hurt.

Chelsea: Another fire? (Exhales sharply) They're saying they think it's the same person who burned down the Newman ranch. Sharon didn't do this, did she?

Adam: Of course not. She's here, she couldn't have done it.

Chelsea: But someone made it look like it's the same person who did this.

Adam: Or maybe it's a coincidence.

Chelsea: Adam, you didn't have anything to do with this, did you?

Adam: What, did you think I'm just gonna walk around town starting fires on my own, Chelsea? Come on.

Chelsea: You said you were protecting Sharon. Protecting her how, besides hiding her here and getting her therapy? There's more to this.

Adam: As far as people will know, Sharon was not in town the night the ranch was set on fire. There are several people who are willing to testify to that, thanks to the crisp new cash lining their pockets.

Chelsea: Okay, so you made it seem like Sharon had left town. I'm asking you about the fires, Adam.

Adam: Um, maybe people got the idea from the ranch, copycat, whatever, but it covers for Sharon, right?

Nick: Hi.

Avery: I'm coming in.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: (Exhaling sharply) Nick, I have--I have done some stupid, stupid things with you in the past, but these past few weeks, the only stupid thing that I have done is not tell you sooner that-- that I don't care where this is going. Okay, actually, that's not true. I do care where this is going, but I'm not afraid. Well, I mean, maybe I'm afraid a little bit, but, uh, but-- don't laugh at me.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: I am... (Exhales sharply) (Sighs) It's worth the risk to me to do this. You are my friend and it's wonderful, but I want more than that. I want you. So now you know, and, uh, the rest is up to you. (Sighs) Okay, good night.

Nick: Good night.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Phyllis: I'm meeting with Nick today. I need moral support. Will you come to the meeting with me?

Victor: What, you got a gun in there? What the hell is going on here?

Victoria: Let me out!

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