Y&R Transcript Friday 11/9/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/9/12


Episode # 10031 ~ Kevin Tries to Take Advantage of Gloria's Misfortune; Nikki Tries to Protect Victor From Bad News

Provided By Suzanne

Nick: Yeah, that kiss. It was...

Avery: Uh, a mistake. Right? It was--it was impulsive and, uh, inappropriate, and it was just--it was stupid. It was stupid, is what it was.

Nick: Avery--

Avery: No, you're right. I-I was frustrated and I was angry at Phyllis, and I-I-I took advantage of our friendship.

Nick: I do consider you my friend.

Avery: I know you do, and I crossed a line, right? And I-I don't blame you for being mad at me, so you can just-- you just say it. I screwed up.

Phyllis: Okay, let's-- so let's go back to your place, all right?

Ronan: No.

Phyllis: Okay, well, then my place. (Chuckles)

Ronan: No, I'm not going to hook up with you like this.

Phyllis: Like what?

Ronan: Like this, like how I just saw you hitting that bag.

Phyllis: I-I'm working out.

Ronan: What you're working out is some serious anger issues right now, and I think that you're gonna take me back to your place and do the same. Listen to me. I don't want revenge sex with you.

Gloria: I just don't understand why anybody would target my restaurant. I was good to my staff, customers...

Lauren: Here.

Gloria: Love me, and the food was excellent.

Jeff: Now, honey bunny, you can't get inside the mind of somebody who's turned on by torching random buildings.

Lauren: Yeah, "random" is the key word there.

Michael: Gloworm was only number three on the firebug's list.

Jeff: Yeah? Well, it makes you wonder who's next, doesn't it?

Kevin: Shh. What does the insurance policy say?

Gloria: Oh, what does that matter?

Kevin: Well, it matters, of course it matters. It's the point of having insurance in the first place.

Michael: All right, all right, quiet. Um, all right, so with damage to the building, destruction of all of its contents, and your projected loss in income, we're looking at a settlement of, uh, $7 million.

Gloria: Did you say $7 million?

Jack: (Exhales slowly) come on. Ohh. (Exhales sharply) ohh.

Jack: Ohh! Damn it.

Nikki: Victoria's been kidnapped? Oh, my god, we've gotta go to the police!

Billy: No, no, no cops.

Nikki: Well, I'm calling victor.

Billy: No, no, we cannot-- we can't tell anyone.

Nikki: Why? W-what-- her life is in danger. We need help, Billy.

Billy: We cannot risk telling anybody. Will you listen to me?

Nikki: Why not? What did they say?

Billy: They just want their $2 million.

Nikki: $2 million. I-I-I only know one person who has that kind of cash on hand. We have to tell victor.

Billy: Going to victor is the worst thing we can do.

Nikki: Listen. If this is one of his enemies, he will know how to handle him.

Billy: It's not, it's not.

Nikki: What do you m-- you know who's holding Victoria?

Billy: He's not from victor's past. He's from mine.

Nikki: Yours?

Billy: From my gambling days. He just got out of prison and he snatched Victoria in Miami.

Nikki: But--but--but why? What--what is your connection to this guy? What does he want from you?

Billy: He wants money. I never paid him what I owed him.

Nikki: You son of a bitch! My daughter is in danger because you didn't pay off a gambling debt?

Billy: Yeah, I know, I am a son of a bitch. It's my fault, okay?

Nikki: Oh, my god.

Billy: And that's why I have to get her back myself. I can take care of this.

Nikki: No, you can't.

Billy: Yes, I can.

Nikki: You cannot do this yourself. We need people who know what they're doing. We need the FBI. We need hostage negotiators.

Billy: He said he'd kill her if I told anybody.

Nikki: Oh, my god. What are we gonna do?

Billy: I wouldn't have brought you into this, except for I don't have access to Victoria's accounts, and I need some help getting my hands on that type of cash.

Nikki: If this man is as dangerous as you say...

Billy: He's as dangerous as I say, and we have to do what he says.

Nikki: I'll see what I can do.

Billy: We're gonna keep this between us?

Nikki: I'll call you.

Gloria: I am going to get $7 million because some sicko got off on watching Gloworm go up in flames?

Michael: Yeah, it's, um, more like $7.5 million, but yeah.

Gloria: Then I'll rebuild, and then some!

Jeff: I'm gonna buy a boat.

Lauren: Don't start spending the money just yet, Jeffrey.

Kevin: Lauren's right. She's right. There will be other opportunities, other things you could spend your money on.

Michael: And the insurance company will want to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure that no fraud was involved.

Gloria: Are you suggesting that we torched our own restaurant to get the insurance money?

Michael: (Chuckles) no, not you two.

Kevin: You think I did?

Gloria: Of course not, honey. Don't listen to him.

Kevin: Thank you, mom. I'm really sorry that this happened to you, but since it did, we should start to talk about what you're gonna do with all that cash. What? In this economy, it's not a good idea to reinvest in the restaurant business.

Michael: Really, Kevin? Kevin, so obvious?

Kevin: Look, just because you don't want to help me, doesn't mean mom doesn't.

Gloria: Help you with what, angel?

Kevin: Mm, you would be helping both of us becoming extremely, extremely rich, and all I need from you two is $15 million.

Gloria: (Scoffs)

Jeff: (Exhales sharply)

Nick: I'm not mad at you.

Avery: You're not?

Nick: Nope. I'm not even sorry we kissed.

Avery: Really?

Nick: Doesn't mean that it wasn't a mistake, though.

Avery: Okay, now I'm-- you've lost me.

Nick: Avery, I like you... a lot, but it's not the best time for me to be involved with anyone.

Avery: Oh, no, I-I-I totally get that. I mean, you're going through a divorce, right? And you're--you're trying to figure out your life and what you're gonna do, and you have your kids to think about, and I-I--

Nick: Yeah, it's-- it's a lot to deal with.

Avery: Right, the last thing you need is me jumping your bones, so--I mean--

Nick: (Laughs) it--it was just a kiss...

Avery: Right. (Clears throat)

Nick: An amazing kiss...

Avery: Okay, okay.

Nick: But that's probably as far as we should let things go.

Avery: I totally understand.

Nick: My crazy life isn't the only reason we shouldn't be together right now. Your sister would be very unhappy with us.

Avery: Uh, she might already be.

Nick: Did she say something to you?

Avery: She saw us kiss.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? You really think that I would-- I would use you to work off some built-up rage?

Ronan: Phyllis, are you gonna try to deny that you--

Phyllis: Uh, no, actually, I'm actually insulted by it.

Ronan: You're insulted by it?

Phyllis: Yes.

Ronan: Oh. You stop it right now. Cards on the table. Do you want a serious relationship with me?

Phyllis: Oh.

Ronan: Do you?

Phyllis: You were all for this the other day.

Ronan: And you weren't, because you wanted to work on a relationship with your daughter, so what's changed? What has nick done now?

Phyllis: Forget you. Move.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Nikki: Thank you for meeting me here, David. I didn't want to risk coming into the bank.

David: Why not?

Nikki: Well, not a risk, really. I-I just would rather keep this between the two of us. I need to make a large withdrawal.

David: Well, how much are we talking?

Nikki: $2 million cash.

David: Well, I don't mean to pry, but why do you need that kind of money?

Nikki: David, please don't ask any questions, and whatever you do, don't say anything to victor.

Victor: Hello. What don't you want David to tell me?

Nikki: Well, what on earth are you doing here at this hour?

Victor: Well, now what are you doing here with our banker?

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: I mean, I'm on the way to the gym. What is it that you don't want David to let me know?

Nikki: It's impossible to keep a secret from you.

Victor: Well, you know that.

Nikki: (Laughs)

Victor: Yes?

Nikki: Well, I am trying to plan a surprise for you...

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: And David is going to help me with the payment.

Victor: Uh-huh. It's not my birthday. Christmas is a ways off.

Nikki: Will you stop? Now you're gonna ruin everything. No more questions.

Jack: What's with the death stare? You're the one that betrayed me.

Billy: When you gettin' out of here?

Jack: Tomorrow. You didn't answer my question.

Billy: I will when it's all over.

Jack: When what's all over? Did something happen at Newman?

Billy: Jack, that is all you think about, isn't it?

Jack: What the hell has gotten into you?

Nick: I don't want Phyllis blaming you for our breakup.

Avery: Oh, well, it would be pretty hypocritical of her, considering she's been sleeping with Ronan for weeks. Sorry.

Nick: You know, I've been thinking about it, about her cheating on me, and... feels like it's kind of payback.

Avery: What do you mean?

Nick: Avery, I don't have the best track record when it comes to staying faithful, and I think, this time, it might have caught up with me.

Avery: So you think not getting involved with me completes the payback?

Nick: We rushed into things, and if we're gonna get together again... I'd like to do it right this time, so let me clean up my life first. We can start over fresh.

Avery: Okay, well... you know where to find me when you're ready. Oh, and for the record, uh, that kiss earlier-- it was okay. It was okay, but... I will bet you a chocolate cake you can do a whole lot better.

Victor: You've not heard from Victoria, have you?

Billy: She sent us all an e-mail.

Victor: Oh.

Billy: Yeah, you should have gotten it by now. Check your phone.

Kevin: Adam is bailing on TagNGrab. He's pulling out his entire investment.

Gloria: $15 million?

Kevin: I know, I know it sounds like a lot of money.

Michael: That's because it is a lot of money.

Kevin: Just-- you would be full partners. I guarantee an immediate return on your investment. The site is already up and running. We have dozens of retailers who have signed on, and our traffic has doubled.

Michael: Sounds like you'd have investors lined up out the door.

Kevin: I came to you first. It's a great opportunity. I didn't want you to miss out on it.

Gloria: And that was very sweet of you, honey, thank you, but internet businesses really aren't my thing. I am a people person. We are people people.

Jeff: So would this full partnership entitle us to some sort of profit participation?

Kevin: Absolutely. Yes, definitely.

Gloria: Well, that's very nice, but we're not interested.

Jeff: Um, buttercup, I think we should discuss this in private.

Gloria: There is nothing to discuss. Sorry.

Kevin: You got to her, didn't you? Told her not to get involved. I am such an idiot for thinking that my family might want to come through for me.

Michael: That is all I've ever done, is come through for you.

Kevin: Except now, the one time I need you to.

Gloria: Stop it, both of you! Because I don't need this right now.

Kevin: Well, then tell him to stop being such a selfish jerk! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You cannot do that, because you are the most selfish person I have ever met.

Lauren: Oh, my god. When it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,

Phyllis: Um, uh, white wine, please. Thanks. Um, have you checked on your brother since the surgery?

Billy: I'm ashamed to say that I've been a little busy and I haven't had the opportunity.

Phyllis: Watching Nikki? (Chuckles) what's going on with that?

Billy: Why don't you try minding your own business?

Phyllis: Okay. Nice talking to you, too. Such a great talk with you.

Ronan: Is it safe to stand here? You're not gonna mistake me for a punching bag, are you?

Phyllis: You're the FBI agent, and you're asking me if it's safe?

Ronan: I am.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Ronan: I'm sorry. I'm sorry about earlier.

Phyllis: I-I... (sighs) nick is not the reason I asked you back to my place. Nick is not the reason. You don't believe me.

Ronan: I want to.

Phyllis: How can I prove it?

Ronan: Have dinner with me tonight.

Phyllis: Okay.

Ronan: Okay?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Ronan: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay.

Ronan: I'll pick you up at 8:00.

Nick: Hey, you done studying with fen?

Summer: Yeah. Um, I saw aunt Avery leave as I came through the gate.

Nick: Yeah, she came by here to see you.

Summer: Yeah, she was here a long time after I left.

Nick: Don't read anything into that.

Summer: Come on, dad. She likes you, you like her. Why fight it?

Avery: (Sighs) (exhales slowly)

Nick: Do I butt in to your love life?

Summer: Oh, so you admit that aunt Avery is part of your love life?

Nick: Okay, we're done. I'm gonna check on faith.

Summer: (Laughs) okay. (Sighs) (cell phone rings)

Fen: What's up?

Summer: Jamie just de-friended me--I mean, Brittni.

Fen: He's here, showed up just after you left. He's with Ronan, and neither of them looks too happy.

Victor: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: Maybe I should find somewhere else to go work out.

Victor: (Breathing heavily) maybe you should, son. You worried about something? 3q it's time to change the way we clean.

Billy: Just calm down, okay?

Nikki: Well?

David: I'll have the money for you first thing in the morning. But, Nikki, if you're in some kind of trouble, you should really--

Nikki: I'll--I'll call you to arrange a pickup time.

David: All right.

Nikki: Thank you.

Billy: (Clears throat) so how'd that go?

Nikki: I'll have the money tomorrow. What happens after that?

Billy: I'm not sure.

Nikki: What do you mean you're not sure, Billy?

Billy: Just calm down, okay? Eddie hasn't called me yet, but he will, and then he'll tell us how we're gonna get Victoria back.

Nikki: (Sighs) this better work. If it doesn't, if anything happens to Victoria, victor will never forgive us.

Gloria: Kevin. I want to talk to you.

Kevin: You said you had no interest in backing me, mom. There's nothing else to say.

Gloria: It is not you that I can't get behind. It's this--it's this project. I mean, come on, a shopping web site? Kevin, you are far too creative, far too intelligent to be wasting your time on something that is so Chloe.

Kevin: (Scoffs) thanks for the pep talk.

Gloria: Listen, you ask me to invest in something that you feel passionately about, I will back you 100%.

Kevin: Thank you, mom. I'll keep that in mind for when TagNGrab tanks.

Gloria: Well, maybe it needs to tank. Maybe you need to tank. Maybe then, you will finally realize your full potential.

Kevin: Well, that is great advice, mom. Thank you. (Scoffs) get out of here. Get out of my uncreative, uninspired coffeehouse, and take your $7 million with you.

Gloria: You arrogant little-- you call me selfish? The business I spent years building is in a pile of ashes, and all you care about is how much you can get your grubby little hands on? Too much, Kevin.

Michael: I'm worried about Kevin.

Lauren: Do you really think that TagNGrab is gonna go under?

Michael: Mm, it's just the symptom. It's not the problem.

Lauren: Mm. So what's the diagnosis, doctor?

Michael: You've seen the way he's behaving. He's tense, short-tempered, irrational. He's behaving like an idiot.

Lauren: Actually, it seems like a bad case of old Kevin.

Michael: Huh. Since Chloe and Delia came into his life, I forgot there ever was an old Kevin.

Lauren: You know, the new Kevin wouldn't have gotten sucked into moving a dead body and then lying to the police about it.

Michael: I really have tried to help him.

Lauren: I know you have. But, you know, there's only so much that you can do.

Michael: What am I supposed to do, turn my back on him?

Lauren: Of course not. No. But, you know, there are other people that need your attention... like your son.

Michael: He has been behaving a bit defiant lately.

Lauren: (Laughs) oh, is that what you call it?

Michael: (Clears throat) sometimes he reminds me of--

Lauren: No, don't say it.

Michael: Well, maybe we've been too easy on him. Maybe it's time to tighten up the rules.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Ronan: Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?

Jamie: It's nothing. (Sighs) fine. There's this girl.

Ronan: Preaching to the choir now. So what is it now? What, are you into her?

Jamie: We met online.

Ronan: That's fine. A lot of people meet that way these days.

Jamie: Yeah, well, don't... unless you want to be the joke of the school.

Ronan: What happened?

Jamie: Brittni asked me to friend her on FacePlace. She acted like she wanted to get to know me, asked me all these questions. I-I told her about the trouble I got into with the cops, and the next thing I know, everybody on FacePlace is talking about... Jamie the juvie.

Ronan: Hey, man, listen to me. Kids can be jerks, okay? They find somebody who's different, or in your case, somebody that made a couple mistakes, and--and then they go after them, they-- and for some stupid reason, it makes them feel like big shots.

Jamie: Look, it doesn't matter.

Ronan: It does matter. It obviously matters, but that's okay. You just--you just gotta learn to let them go, get over them.

Jamie: I am.

Ronan: Who is this girl?

Jamie: Look, it might not even be a girl. People set up fake accounts all the time. I should have seen it. I mean, nobody's ever wanted to be my friend, so...

Summer: Hey.

Fen: What took you so long?

Ronan: What about summer Newman? It seems like you guys were becoming good friends.

Jamie: Yeah, she's, uh... she's pretty cool.

Phyllis: Wow. You're being released tomorrow? How did you work that out?

Jack: I'm jack Abbott.

Phyllis: (Laughs) you know what? Being fast and then speeding through life--it's not all it's cracked up to be, you know? Sometimes you have to... (sighs) stop and smell the jell-O.

Jack: No can do, sweetheart. I got an empire to run.

Phyllis: Listen, if you're worried about Newman, don't be. Adam and I have it all under control.

Jack: Wow, sounds like you don't want me back. You and junior planning a coup?

Phyllis: I don't want you-- I-I want you to take care of yourself, okay? Don't--don't be an idiot and--and screw things up. Just... take care of yourself.

Jack: I will. But I gotta get out of here. Somehow, I gotta get out of this hospital.

Phyllis: Okay, well, you can't do that alone, I-I--

Jack: You're right. I'm glad you're so concerned. Why don't you move in with me?

Adam: Worried, huh? Swing and a miss, dad.

Victor: Maybe envious then, son.

Adam: Envious of you?

Victor: Envious of what I have accomplished on my own. I built all this on my own. What have you done with your life?

Adam: I have a feeling this is the part where you're gonna tell me.

Victor: You bet. Do you realize that you stepped right into all this? Huh? Without doing a damn thing. You stepped right into what I have worked very hard to build up all my life, okay? You have no idea what it took. You have no idea what this company is worth.

Adam: I made something of myself...

Victor: Really?

Adam: By myself, at Harvard and on wall street without the Newman name, and I'm not the son who walked away from your family business.

Victor: But you're the son that helped jack Abbott steal the company from me.

Adam: Look, it was time for you to step aside, dad. Stop rooting against me and help me continue your legacy.

Victor: Don't tell me to step aside, son. I'll do that on my own time, and by the way, that's Victoria's job.

Adam: Yeah, okay. Then why isn't she here, fighting for it?

Victor: You know damn well why she isn't here. She's in Miami, doing jack Abbott's dirty work. She was sent on a goose chase. That's why she isn't here.

Adam: I think that says more about Victoria than it does about jack, personally. Let me hold the bag for you.

Victor: (Breathing rhythmically)

Summer: Could you hear what they were saying?

Fen: No, and I don't care. I'm done, summer.

Summer: Done what?

Fen: Going after some innocent guy so you can get back at your mom's boyfriend. It's stupid.

Summer: Okay, why do you care about some juvie loser?

Fen: Wow. Um, I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.

Summer: Why? Okay, it's true. That kid got arrested. He's a total freak.

Fen: Look, I get that you're pissed, I do-- at your mom, Malloy, the whole world-- but what you're doing to Jamie isn't right.

Summer: Are you wussing on me, fen?

Fen: Just stop, okay? Bullying someone is stupid and it's gonna get us both in trouble.

Summer: You know, fine. I don't need your help anyways.

Fen: Summer.

Ronan: Hey.

Jamie: Hmm?

Ronan: Take it easy, all right? Keep your head up.

Jamie: All right. See you.

Ronan: All right.

Ronan: Fenmore.

Fen: Agent Malloy. What's up?

Ronan: I don't know. Why don't you tell me what's up? I saw you and summer out here getting into it. What's that about?

Fen: Oh, girls... (chuckles) am I right?

Ronan: Speaking of girls, do you know this girl in your school named Brittni?

Fen: Um, I think there are like 20 Brittneys. Which one?

Ronan: 20 Brittneys?

Fen: Yeah.

Michael: Fenmore. There you are.

Fen: Great, great. First the cop's hassling me, now my dad.

Michael: What did the cop ask you?

Fen: Ask him.

Michael: What did you say to my son?

Ronan: Tut, tut, tut, tut. No, no, someone is harassing a young man I mentor, all right? They're giving him a really rough time.

Michael: What makes you think he knows anything about it?

Ronan: 'Cause he knows summer very well, and I think she has something to do with it.

Phyllis: Y-you want me to move in with you?

Jack: In the guesthouse. Doc says I can go home tomorrow if I have someone who knows me to stay with me for a while.

Phyllis: Um, listen, I-I, um, I know you and Billy are having a hard time--

Jack: No, no, no, not-- not Billy. Kyle's doing his internship in new York. I won't see him till after thanksgiving.

Phyllis: Ashley and Traci.

Jack: They have their own lives.

Phyllis: Right. I don't have a life.

Jack: No, no, no, I'm--I'm--

Phyllis: It's true, I don't.

Jack: They live back east. I can't exactly expect them to drop everything and come look after me.

Phyllis: Okay, you-- you expect me to?

Jack: No. Look, I don't expect anything. I'm just hoping. Red, the truth is, none of those people would show up if I asked them to. I mean, it's been reported I'm in the hospital. I haven't heard from any of them.

Phyllis: I told you, you have to call them.

Jack: And I will. I need your help. We've always been able to count on each other. Can I count on you for this?

Adam: (Grunting) (cell phone rings)

Billy: Eddie.

Eddie: Give me some good news, Billy.

Billy: I've got your money tomorrow.

Eddie: Smart. I'll call you back then.

Billy: No, no, do not hang up, I want-- I want to talk to Victoria.

Eddie: Aw, Billy, that is so sweet. Let me see if she's available, brother.

Eddie: Don't get cute, okay?

Victoria: Billy?

Billy: Hi, baby. Look, don't--don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of this.

Victoria: Who is this guy?

Billy: It doesn't matter. It's all gonna be over tomorrow.

Victoria: Are you sure?

Billy: I swear, I swear, I'm gonna make this right, I'm gonna get you out of there. I just need you to be strong for just a little while longer.

Victoria: How's Johnny?

Billy: He's great. He misses you. I miss you. I love you.

Victoria: Billy, call my dad. Call my dad--

Eddie: All right, here we go. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'll be in touch, and, um, Billy... no games.

Victor: Did you finish your business with David?

Nikki: Yeah, everything's all set.

Victor: Uh-huh. But what about my surprise?

Nikki: Well, I can't tell you that. You're not even supposed to know there is a surprise.

Victor: Sweetheart, now that I know, I'm curious.

Nikki: Well, you'll have to be patient.

Victor: That's not my strong suit. You know that. But what is my strong suit is reading people. You look worried.

Nikki: I am.

Victor: About what?

Nikki: I'm--I'm afraid you're pushing yourself too much. I'll bet you overdid it in the gym just now.

Victor: Baby, I feel stronger than ever. I'm ready for action.

Nikki: I just want you to be careful. That's all.

Victor: Okay. (Doorknob clicking)

Phyllis: How do I get into these kind of situations?

Jack: Wait, wait, is that a yes?

Phyllis: I will spring you from this place under one condition-- that you don't push yourself too hard.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, I promise.

Phyllis: You're a horrible liar. (Laughs) all right, I'll see you tomorrow.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, you gotta leave so soon?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I have an appointment.

Jack: An appointment at this hour? That sounds more like a date.

Phyllis: Yeah, I guess you could call it a date.

Jack: You and nick trying to put things back together?

Phyllis: Unh-unh. Nick has made it clear that he's moving on with... he's moving on, and I'm moving on, too.

Jack: So who's the lucky guy?

Phyllis: Um, I'll be here first thing in the morning, okay?

Jack: Hey. Thank you for pushing me to have this surgery.

Phyllis: What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there to push you off the ledge?

Jack: God. (Grunts) (breathing heavily) (exhales slowly) (Groans) (Exhales sharply)

Nick: I cannot believe you tried that trick on me.

Avery: What are you talking about?

Nick: You left your gloves at my place.

Avery: You have them! I was wondering where they were.

Nick: Oh, just stop, okay? You're embarrassing both of us.

Avery: Oh, you think I left them on purpose? Like it's completely out of the realm of possibility that I, of all people, absentmindedly forgot something?

Nick: It seems very suspicious.

Avery: Nick, I spent ten minutes this morning looking for my glasses.

Nick: Oh, where were they?

Avery: I was wearing them.

Nick: Okay, all right, maybe--maybe it was an honest mistake. Was it?

Avery: Well, I don't know. I can't remember that far back.

Nick: All right, here you go.

Avery: Thank you, but this is one glove.

Nick: Yep. You know what that means.

Avery: Yeah, it means one of my hands will be toasty warm, and the other one, not so much.

Nick: No, it means, because you tried this very obvious trick on me, I reserve the right to come by and give you the other one anytime I want.

Avery: What? That's not fair.

Nick: Oh, it's completely fair, and this gives me an excuse to pop in to see you whenever I want.

Avery: An excuse? What exactly are you gonna do when you pop in? (Laughs) I'm sorry. (Laughs)

Nick: What are you laughing at?

Avery: I'm not, I'm just-- I feel like I'm in junior high and I have a--I have a crush on a really hot guy.

Nick: And you want that really hot guy to take you behind the bleachers, kiss you?

Avery: Something like that.

Avery: Mm, mm, mm, wait. I thought--

Nick: Yeah, I thought, too, but then I realized that's my problem. I'm always thinking too damn much.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Chelsea: Hiding an ex-wife arsonist in a cottage does call for the good stuff.

Noah: Did you burn down grandpa's house?

Adam: Your job was to play firebug. When did I ever tell you to torch Gloworm?

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