Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/8/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/8/12


Episode # 10030 ~ Sharon Makes a Revelation to Adam; Billy Gets Disturbing Information About Victoria

Provided By Suzanne

Nick: Well, it seems like there's a serial arsonist on the loose. I mean, Gloworm, the warehouse, the ranch. Sharon couldn't have set the fire at Gloworm, which means she probably didn't set the one at the ranch either.

Nikki: I suppose.

Nick: You almost sound disappointed.

Nikki: Well, why did she leave town so suddenly?

Nick: She left because she probably feels like everyone in this town hates her.

Nikki: Well, she brought that on herself. Maybe she didn't set the fires, but she's done enough to deserve our scorn.

Dr. Watkins: Sharon, what's on your mind?

Sharon: How scary this feels. I-I didn't mean that-- that I'm scared. I'm not. I have no reason to be.

Dr. Watkins: Either way, it's okay. Nothing you say here is right or wrong.

Sharon: And if I blurt out something that sounds nuts?

Dr. Watkins: I'll listen, help if I can. There is no judgment here.

Sharon: There's always judgment.

Dr. Watkins: From whom?

Sharon: All of them. They'll never forgive me.

Dr. Watkins: For what?

Sharon: All the awful things I did. I can't even understand them myself.

Adam: What could have set Sharon off like that?

Chelsea: Well, you know, meeting with a psychiatrist could spook anybody. And if this doctor is as good as you think she is, she'll be able to get through to Sharon.

Adam: Not many wives would be this supportive.

Chelsea: Not so fast. First you have to satisfy my curiosity.

Adam: Okay. About?

Chelsea: How did you know Sharon needed help? It's not like you two were talking all the time at that point, were you?

Adam: (Sighs) she called me, Chelsea, out of the blue. She sounded desperate.

Chelsea: So you went to her place? Adam.

Adam: She was at my father's house.

Chelsea: Why?

Adam: She begged for my help. She sounded panicked, okay?

Chelsea: (Sighs) when was this?

Adam: Right after our accident.

Chelsea: (Sighs) you said that your engine caught fire. You c--you came home smelling like smoke.

Adam: I didn't want to drag you into it, okay?

Chelsea: Sharon called you from victor's panicked? She's the one who set that fire, isn't she?

Phyllis: I thought we could hang out together for a little while.

Summer: Um, yeah, any other time would be great.

Phyllis: Oh, are you on your way out?

Summer: Yeah, I'm meeting fen at the coffeehouse right now.

Phyllis: Okay, well, you might want to call fen and reschedule and open this instead. (Chuckles)

Summer: What's that?

Phyllis: Um, this is the winter collection of Newman cosmetics-- makeup, nail polish, the works.

Summer: For me? It's not even my birthday.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) well, let's just call it, uh, a mother-daughter truce day, and we can commemorate it with, uh, manicures and makeovers and pedicures-- the works. Everything.

Summer: Yeah, um, that's unnecessary, mom. I told you I'm over being mad at you.

Phyllis: Okay, well, if you really meant that...

Summer: I did.

Phyllis: All right. Good. So let's start now.

Summer: Now?

Billy: Thanks for coming.

Ronan: Yeah, you got it. What'd you need?

Billy: Well, uh, I'm gettin' a little worried about Victoria.

Ronan: Why?

Billy: She left on a business trip to Miami, and I haven't heard from her since yesterday.

Ronan: And-- pardon me-- that's unusual?

Billy: Yeah, for me to leave a bunch of messages and for her not to call me back, that's just not how we do things.

Ronan: Okay. Well, I gotta ask. How were things before she left?

Billy: (Sighs) we had a small fight about business, but...

Ronan: So she left mad, and she's probably still mad.

Billy: It--it--I mean, it wasn't such a big deal that she wouldn't call me.

Ronan: I would say give it another 24 hours.

Billy: No, I--24 hours? Just listen to me, okay? Victoria would never be so upset with me that she wouldn't check in on her son.

Ronan: She hasn't called the nanny?

Billy: No, she hasn't called the nanny, and I'm trying not to freak out, man, but this is strange. This is weird.

Ronan: All right. All right, hold on a second. Just give me a couple more details here. Where's she, uh, where's she staying at?

Billy: Um, I've-- I've got all that in here.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Billy: (Sighs) this is embarrassing. Um, false alarm. This is Victoria. (Chuckles) how's that for timing?

Ronan: It's crazy, actually. So she's okay?

Billy: Yeah, she's-- she's fine. Totally--totally fine.

Ronan: 'Cause you still seem a little nervous.

Billy: Yeah, I am, man. It-- she's very upset with me. You were right. That's good detective work.

Ronan: You better hurry and get back to her then.

Billy: Yeah, I plan to. Hey, look, thanks for coming by. Man, I-I'm sorry I wasted your time.

Ronan: No waste at I'm glad she's okay.

Billy: Yeah, me, too.

Ronan: All right. Yeah.

Billy: Have a good day. Thanks for coming.

Ronan: Take care.

Eddie: Go to the following link.

Nikki: Sharon made choices that affected everyone around her. How does she expect us to react?

Nick: What do you think, mom, I'm gonna defend her?

Nikki: Son, sometimes you are entirely too softhearted when it comes to that woman.

Nick: Well, that woman no longer bears any resemblance to the woman I used to love. I just wish I knew what happened to her.

Nikki: Well, I'll tell you what happened to her. Her true colors emerged.

Nick: No, it's not that. It was too sudden. It's like she snapped.

Nikki: Why can't you just accept the fact that she's just not a very nice person?

Nick: Because she is the mother of two of my children. Now whether Sharon's having a breakdown or she's lashing out, everything she does affects them.

Nikki: How are Noah and faith?

Nick: Faith asks about her mom every day. Every day. Noah's-- he's rollin' with it.

Nikki: And summer?

Nick: Summer's doing a lot better. Phyllis completely tanked that relationship.

Nikki: I know how heartbreaking it is to see your children suffer. I'm very proud of how you're handling it.

Nick: I get angry and frustrated and say some things I wish I hadn't, but I'm just trying to be fair to Sharon and Phyllis for the kids.

Nikki: That's very generous of you.

Nick: Well, it doesn't mean it's not hard.

Sharon: My emotions are all over the map.

Dr. Watkins: Tell me more about how that feels.

Sharon: Like a roller coaster.

Dr. Watkins: Huge highs and lows?

Sharon: Yeah. One moment I'll feel energized, organized, and in control, and the next, something hits me and--and I-I just hit tilt.

Dr. Watkins: I've reviewed your history, and you appear to have gone through severe periods of depression before.

Sharon: Yeah, but... I've always managed to find my way back, find my way home back to my kids, back to myself. It's just, um, this time, I'm-- I'm not sure, and that's what scares me.

Dr. Watkins: Is it a general feeling of fear?

Sharon: I suppose.

Dr. Watkins: Or could there be a more specific reason for your anxiety?

Sharon: Yeah. I, uh, I've done some horrible things, and, um... I'm afraid of getting caught.

Dr. Watkins: Horrible in what way?

Sharon: No, I-I don't want to talk about it.

Dr. Watkins: I think you do, or else you wouldn't have brought it up. What is it that you've done, Sharon?

Dr. Watkins: What is said here stays between us. This is a safe place.

Sharon: I can't.

Dr. Watkins: You're here because someone cared enough about you to bring you to me.

Sharon: That was so nice of Adam and you. But I can't.

Dr. Watkins: I know how isolating this must seem. But I promise you, Sharon, you are not alone.

Sharon: (Sighs) I burned down victor Newman's house. 3q you disgust me.

Chelsea: I have got an arsonist living on my property that my husband put there. I think I have a right to know why.

Adam: Now I've already explained it to you as best I can, Chelsea.

Chelsea: What'd she say?

Adam: What?

Chelsea: Sharon--when she called you, what did she say?

Adam: I don't know what you want from me. You want me to tell you what she said word for word?

Chelsea: Well--well, it must have been memorable, to say the very least.

Adam: I already told you. She sounded very upset.

Chelsea: She sounded upset. Okay. Okay. I had lost a baby. She had lost her mind. I don't understand how that's equally upsetting to you, but I guess you think--

Adam: And I don't understand why you're making this a competition.

Chelsea: Didn't you? I would call you when you were with her, and I'd get ignored. She would call you when you were with me, and you'd just go running.

Adam: Chelsea--

Chelsea: So she was upset, Adam. Who cares?! I had lost a baby. I was grief-stricken. You might be her friend, but you are my husband.

Adam: That's right. That's right. Listen to what you just said. I'm your husband.

Chelsea: Sharon caused the fire at Newman ranch, didn't she?

Adam: Yes.

Chelsea: (Sighs) and you have been covering for her?

Adam: When I showed up there...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: Sharon wasn't even aware that she had started a fire. That's how crazy things were.

Chelsea: She's still responsible, Adam. She's a criminal!

Adam: I understand that she is, but she was alone! What did you want me to do, leave her in the fire to burn?!

Chelsea: How could you do this? With everything that we've been dealing with, how could you do this to us?!

Adam: I know that this bothers you.

Chelsea: Bothers me?

Adam: Yes.

Chelsea: I'm worried about you. Do you realize how much trouble you will be in?

Adam: But you don't need to worry about me. Everything is going to be fine.

Chelsea: Oh, my god, that is something people say right before they are carted off to jail, Adam.

Adam: But just trust me on this. Please, baby. Everything-- everything is gonna be fine.

Chelsea: How could you do this?

Adam: Do what? Help somebody who is in trouble?

Chelsea: How could you risk everything that you have, everything that we share, for Sharon?

Adam: (Sighs)

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness.

Summer: When did you say this line's coming out?

Phyllis: Uh, not for three weeks, so...

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Summer: Viveca is gonna be so jealous.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Summer: I mean, look at my lashes.

Phyllis: I know. You're amazing.

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: Amazing. Look how incredible you look. (Laughs)

Summer: Thanks, mom.

Phyllis: You're welcome. You're welcome. You know what? We should--we should go out and show ourselves off. What do you think? Have lunch?

Summer: Thanks, mom, but fen...

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, right. Right, okay.

Summer: You know, if he wasn't waiting for me, I would go, but--

Phyllis: Yeah, I understand. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I-I'm glad you're not mad at me. I mean, it's just-- it's something else, you know, your forgiving me.

Summer: Can't it be that I just made plans? Or does everything have to be about you?

Phyllis: No, no, it--it-- it doesn't have to be about me. You're right. Go have fun with fen. I want you to.

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: I want you to know that I'm-- I-I deeply, deeply regret all the mistakes I made, and I love you very much.

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: And if I, um, could do anything to make it up to you, I definitely would do that. Definitely, if there was anything I could do.

Summer: There's not one thing you can do, but-- (knock on door)

Phyllis: But? Um, uh, okay. Listen, I'll get rid of that person, all right? (Chuckles) we'll finish.

Phyllis: What a surprise.

Sharon: I was drunk out of my mind when I set that fire. I didn't even remember it the next day.

Dr. Watkins: A blackout?

Sharon: I don't know if it was the alcohol, or maybe I just didn't want to remember because I couldn't face what I had done.

Dr. Watkins: Well, you're facing it now, aren't you? What is it that led you to set fire to that house?

Sharon: The Newmans, all of them. I guess it was because of the way they shunned me.

Dr. Watkins: Made you an outcast.

Sharon: Yeah, they made me feel like I was stupid, like I wasn't good enough to breathe the same air they breathe. So I wanted to take as much from them as they'd taken from me.

Dr. Watkins: And afterwards?

Sharon: What I had done-- it was so much worse.

Dr. Watkins: Tell me, Sharon.

Sharon: Victor and his family, I... I destroyed their company. It wasn't just that I destroyed their house, I ruined their lives.

Dr. Watkins: How do you feel now about what you did?

Sharon: Sad. I feel... frustrated.

Dr. Watkins: Why frustrated?

Sharon: Because as much as I want to, I can't take it back.

Nikki: You have the patience of a saint to have dealt with Sharon and Phyllis.

Nick: Well, I have certainly made my mistakes, too, mom.

Nikki: Minimal in comparison, and your children know that you will always have their best interests first.

Nick: Well, I'm just following your example.

Nikki: Well, that's very sweet of you to say.

Nick: I mean it. You've always been there. You've always looked out for me and Vick. I can't say the same for dad.

Nikki: Have you heard from your sister?

Nick: Not in the last few days.

Nikki: It's not like her to not call me, even though she is out of town.

Nick: Maybe she is embarrassed about the wild goose chase she went on.

Nikki: (Scoffs) yeah, which was orchestrated by jack. I can't believe he sent the mother of a young child halfway across the country. I'm surprised she didn't call me just to curse his name.

Nick: Well, you know Victoria. She probably got all fired up. She's doing anything she can to find a lead to get jack out of there.

Nikki: Yeah, maybe.

Nick: Look, I'm sure we're gonna hear from her soon. (Cell phone rings)

Billy: Hello?

Eddie: Have I got your attention?

Billy: You let my wife go, you son of a bitch.

Eddie: (Laughs) easy, Billy, easy. You're not calling the shots here, man.

Billy: I promise you, if you hurt her--

Eddie: If you want to see her again, shut up and listen. Good boy. I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I got out 26 months early. Good behavior, right? (Laughs) go figure, man. So, uh, I plan on collecting that debt you owe me, and we'll call it a million even.

Billy: You want a million dollars? I only owed you $100,000 when you went down.

Eddie: Well, that's what they call juice, Billy. It's been running the whole time. Accrued interest to a-- to a 3-piece suit guy like yourself.

Billy: Eddie, this isn't right.

Eddie: (Laughs) well, if you don't like that, you're really gonna hate this. I also plan on collecting a penalty from you.

Billy: Why?

Eddie: Because you're the one who ratted me out and got me locked up so you wouldn't have to pay me.

Billy: Eddie, I-I didn't--

Eddie: Deny it, and this conversation's over.

Billy: How much?

Eddie: Another million dollars.

Billy: Eddie, be reasonable here.

Eddie: (Scoffs) what, you think I don't pay attention? You think I don't know how much you and the missus are worth? I think you're gettin' off easy, Billy. $2 million by next week. Don't go to the cops. Don't go to your wife's family, anyone. If you do, she dies.

Avery: That makeup looks great on your coloring. Mm-hmm.

Summer: Uh, do you want some of this nail polish? My mom just got it for me.

Avery: Oh, uh, I don't think that I could get away with that in the courtroom, but thank you. (Laughs)

Summer: Uh, do I really look nice, aunt Avery?

Avery: Oh, you look beautiful, honey. And what's really cool is to see you spending time with your mom.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's great. I thought she would like these products. So, um, listen, uh, we'd like to continue with our mother-daughter time. If you're here to see nick--

Avery: Uh, no, actually, I'm here to see summer.

Summer: Uh, oh. Well, what's up?

Avery: Uh, I wanted to give you the recipe for the cupcakes that we baked the other day.

Phyllis: Oh, what a sweet auntie.

Summer: That cake was superlative.

Avery: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: So if you just whip out that recipe, then you can just run along, and we can continue with our private time.

Summer: You know what? No, it's, um, it's okay. I should probably get going. Fen's been texting me a bunch.

Phyllis: Well, okay, but we were-- (sighs) we were talking about--

Summer: I know, but I don't want to blow him off again. But we'll talk later, though. Thank you for the makeup and everything.

Phyllis: Sure.

Summer: Bye, aunt Avery.

Avery: Bye.

Avery: Uh, I should-- I should go, too.

Phyllis: What about that yummy recipe that must be shared?

Avery: Uh, you know, it's no big deal. It can certainly wait.

Phyllis: Oh, please, Avery. Just admit you were here to see nick.

Avery: (Sighs) Phyllis, how many times do I have to tell you? Nick and I are just--

Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not friends. I saw you kissing nick. There was nothing friendly about it.

Nick: What's going on with my sister?

Billy: You didn't know she was out of town?

Nick: Yeah, I heard about the trip to Miami. I heard it was also a bust.

Billy: Yeah, too bad about that, huh?

Nick: She hasn't called me, Billy. That's weird. She also hasn't called my parents.

Billy: Hey, man, what can I say? I imagine she's busy.

Nick: When is she coming home?

Billy: Uh... (sighs) actually, Victoria left for Europe. She's hoping to find some more information there.

Nick: For Newman?

Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how she is about the company.

Nick: How come she hasn't mentioned that trip to anyone else?

Billy: It was last minute, spontaneous. I guess she counted on me to spread the word, and I failed there.

Nick: Is there more to this?

Billy: Like what, nick?

Nick: I don't know, Billy. You tell me.

Billy: (Sighs) okay, yeah, there's-- there's a little more. She was not happy with me over this Miami debacle, and we got into a bit of a fight, so she left upset. And you know how your sister is. When she gets mad, she gets mad. So... she left. And I guess you could see why I wouldn't want to get into it with the whole Newman clan.

Adam: I haven't risked anything.

Chelsea: If the police question you or me, I don't--

Adam: I would never put Sharon above our marriage or your safety. We're gonna be fine, Chelsea.

Chelsea: You don't know that.

Adam: I-I do. Sharon's not gonna get caught.

Chelsea: Because you say so?

Adam: Because I covered her tracks, that's why.

Chelsea: Covered how? How far are you willing to go for this woman, Adam?

Adam: Listen, I understand that you're angry, okay? And I in--I understand...

Chelsea: I am terrified!

Adam: That you're angry, but you don't need to turn this into something that it is not.

Chelsea: Well, then what is it? Please tell me. What is going on with you two?

Adam: It's a case of me just needing to help Sharon, because it seems that she needed it. This is not gonna come back on us.

Chelsea: Well, when the police find out--

Adam: They're not gonna find out. They're not even asking. If they thought that Sharon had started that fire, they would have sent out some massive search party for her. They're not even asking about her.

Chelsea: Are you sure?

Adam: Everybody believes that she's just having some time to herself.

Chelsea: How long are we gonna have to be involved in this?

Adam: (Sighs) as long as it takes for her to get better, or at least she shows signs of getting better, and then she can go back to her house and her life, and we can have our lives back, and it will be as if nothing ever happened.

Chelsea: What? She's still gonna be guilty, Adam. Do you think the police are just gonna throw up their hands and stop looking for the person who burned down victor Newman's place?

Adam: No, of course they're not.

Chelsea: You think victor and Nikki are just gonna stop looking?

Adam: No, I don't.

Chelsea: What did you mean when you said, "cover her tracks"?

Adam: I did what I had to do to make sure that this doesn't come back on Sharon or us.

Chelsea: What?

Adam: The less you know, the better.

Dr. Watkins: (Sighs) I think this was an excellent start.

Sharon: Is that doctor speak? Because from where I'm sitting, nothing's changed.

Dr. Watkins: You can have the benefit of my professional opinion, if you want it.

Sharon: Please.

Dr. Watkins: After speaking with you today and having read your background, I feel confident that you're going to pull through this, Sharon.

Sharon: Really?

Dr. Watkins: You just have to believe that your confidences are safe with me, because they are.

Sharon: What else?

Dr. Watkins: You have to want to get better.

Sharon: I do. I really do. I want to know how I got to this place so that I can stop it from happening again.

Dr. Watkins: Yeah, we'll work on that.

Sharon: But, dr. Watkins, um, you have to tell me-- what's wrong with me? Wow...

Nick: All right, Billy, if you hear from her, let me know.

Billy: Yeah, man, the way things are going, you'll probably hear from her first.

Nick: Probably?

Billy: Thanks for coming by.

Billy: Okay. (Sighs)

Billy: "Hi, Billy, nick, mom, and dad. Sorry I haven't been in touch, but I am following a lead that may help us get Newman back"...

Billy: "And it's taking me to Europe."

Chelsea: (Sighs) we might as well stop talking about this.

Adam: But if you still have questions, Chelsea--

Chelsea: Adam, nothing you are saying is making me feel any better.

Adam: Why not, Chelsea? Hey, look at me. Chelsea, look at me. What we have--you and me, this marriage-- it is everything to me.

Chelsea: Is it? Still?

Adam: Baby, you're gonna have to trust me. This is as much about Sharon as it is about us.

Chelsea: (Scoffs) Adam--

Adam: No, you're gonna listen to me now, okay? I have done some things in my past that are reprehensible. And I regret them, and there's no way to make them go away. There's no do-overs, but the best I can do is try and rectify things, try and start with a clean slate for you and me so that maybe we don't have things between us. We can start fresh. No more bad karma. This is about us.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) (sighs) (Sighs)

Phyllis: Okay, so, um, lay it on me. (Clears throat) tell me--tell me-- tell me what happened. Give me some legal account of, uh, why my sister was kissing my soon-to-be-ex-husband.

Avery: Um, okay. It--it--it just happened. I went to the gym to work out. I didn't know that nick was going to be there, and I--

Phyllis: Oh, my god, are you kidding me? I cannot believe that you're playing it like this.

Avery: I'm not playing. I'm not playing or pretending.

Phyllis: Then own it. Own it. You don't want to just be friends with nick, do you? You want nick. (Door opens)

Phyllis: Um, I came to see summer.

Nick: Is she upstairs?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. No, she left. Uh, it was--it was a good visit. You know, it wasn't perfect, but it's the best, um, it's been. You know?

Nick: I'm glad.

Avery: Uh, I just came by to drop off a recipe for summer.

Nick: Well, Noah will probably make her whip that up tonight. He practically inhaled that last cupcake.

Avery: (Chuckles)

Nick: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Um, I have somewhere I have to be.

Adam: So how'd it go?

Dr. Watkins: I had a very good session with Sharon. Beyond that, it's up to her how much she wants to share with you.

Adam: What happens next?

Dr. Watkins: I'd like to see her again, preferably at my office.

Adam: We'll see what we can do. Thanks for making a special trip.

Dr. Watkins: Hopefully, Sharon feels encouraged to continue the process.

Adam: Mm. Thanks again, doctor.

Dr. Watkins: Mm-hmm.

Adam: (Sighs heavily) so a good session. Maybe this is gonna work out after all.

Chelsea: You should go see Sharon. I-I know you want to talk to her.

Adam: We can both go together.

Chelsea: No, that's okay. I don't think I'm ready to see her again. (Sighs) plus I'm sure she'll be more open with you if I'm not there.

Adam: You sure?

Chelsea: Yeah. Go deal with her. Help her. Take care of this. I get it now. Just don't...

Adam: What.

Chelsea: (Sighs) don't end up breaking my heart, Adam.

Adam: Never.

Chelsea: (Sighs) (sighs heavily)

Billy: I am so sorry, Victoria. This is my fault. This is my fault. I promise I'm gonna bring you home.

Billy: Hi. Could you come see me, please? It's urgent.

Sharon: I, um, I felt really safe with her.

Adam: That's good. So you want to continue with this therapist? Sharon, what-- what's wrong?

Sharon: Dr. Watkins told me some things that... I wasn't expecting. ú How far will people go to relieve their sore throat? let's go to my place, me in here, the oven.

Phyllis: (Grunts) (exhales sharply)

Ronan: Whoa. Burnin' off carbs or hostility there?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Let-- let's go to my place, and we can burn off a little bit of both. You want to do that? Let's go to my place.

Avery: Okay, all done. Uh, it's pretty simple, and summer can call me if she has any questions, so...

Nick: Okay. I don't know why she would have to. This is, like, the most detailed instructions I've ever seen.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: Did you used to work for NASA or something?

Avery: Uh, no, but, you know, baking is an exact science, so, you know, one mistake, and--blech, bad cupcakes. Or--or worse, bland cupcakes. So you want to make sure that you get everything right.

Nick: Okay, can you-- okay, can you just take a breath? (Chuckles)

Avery: (Exhales) okay, I lied.

Nick: You sabotaged the cupcakes, didn't you?

Avery: No. No, I didn't come here to see summer.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: I came to see you.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: Because of what happened at the gym.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Avery: I think we need to... I think we need to talk about that.

Nick: About the kiss?

Avery: Yeah, the kiss.

Sharon: Dr. Watkins thinks that I need medication.

Adam: I suppose that makes sense. I mean, a lot of people do. It helps them cope.

Sharon: Yeah, but taking medication every day for the rest of my life? I mean, what--that-- that's terrifying.

Adam: Why?

Sharon: Because it-- what does that say about my mind? Dr. Watkins must think I have some very serious disorder that isn't going to go away.

Adam: Maybe it's only temporary.

Sharon: But what if it isn't? I mean, what if I have to live like this with all these emotions for the rest of my life?

Adam: Come here.

Victoria: (Sighs) (doorknob rattles)

Eddie: (Sighs) hope you like Cuban.

Victoria: You don't know what you've done or to whom.

Eddie: Honey, I know who you are. That's why you're here, ms. Newman.

Victoria: My dad is not gonna let you get away with this.

Eddie: Well, if your husband's a smart man, your father won't know about this.

Victoria: And if Billy tells my dad?

Eddie: Not smart. But then... it won't matter.

Billy: I'm out of options, and I don't know what to do. (Scoffs) you're actually the only person that can help us, and I'm gonna tell you-- I'm scared.

Nikki: Is this about Victoria? What's happened?

Billy: She's been kidnapped.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Michael: We're looking at a settlement of $7 million.

Billy: He wants money. I never paid him what I owed him.

Nikki: You son of a bitch!

Nick: I'm not even sorry we kissed. It doesn't mean that it wasn't a mistake, though.

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