Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/7/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/7/12


Episode # 10029 ~ Chloe Tries to Make Peace Between Kevin & Michael; Jack is Unnerved by Victor's Warning

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey. Welcome to the land of the living.

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: How do you feel?

Jack: (Groans) Sore, a little groggy.

Phyllis: Okay, that's normal after a major surgery. Can you move your legs?

Adam: I'm sorry if I woke you earlier.

Chelsea: No, you didn't. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?

Adam: Uh, I'm gonna grab a bite at the office. Thanks.

Chelsea: At least have a cup of coffee with me. We can sit on the porch.

Adam: I would love to, Babe.

Chelsea: But you have to go.

Adam: It is a big day. I am headed in as acting C.E.O., uh, while Jack is laid up.

Chelsea: He's gonna be back soon, though, right?

Adam: Maybe. Who knows? This is spinal surgery we're talking about, so even if everything goes well, you never know.

Chelsea: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Adam: What, me taking over for Jack?

Chelsea: I mean getting involved in your family business.

Adam: I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life-- that is, of course, except for marrying you.

Chelsea: I barely saw you when you were at TagNGrab. Now I'm never gonna see you.

Adam: I'll make sure that does not happen. Hey, um... I'm gonna stop by the cottage, check in on Sharon, if that is-- that's all right with you.

Chelsea: Sure. No problem. I said that I would support you, and I will. (Chuckles)

Adam: Okay, well, I will see you tonight.

Chelsea: Okay. (Sighs)

Victor: Wait a minute. I know that face.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Victor: Didn't you work for me?

Michael: It seems like more than two lifetimes ago, victor.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Michael: I heard about the fire at the ranch.

Victor: Yep.

Michael: How are you and Nikki doing?

Victor: Well, kind of adjusting, you know? How's the arson investigation going?

Michael: Preliminary still, but the warehouse fire seems to have a similar M.O. to the one at the ranch. Same long-handled fireplace starter found on the scene. Couple of empty bottles of tequila, too.

Victor: Really?

Michael: I know Nikki suspects Sharon may have burned down your home.

Victor: Have you talked to Nikki?

Michael: No. Ronan mentioned it. It's looking less and less likely now.

Victor: I respectfully disagree. I think Nikki is right. Sharon has done some damned irrational things lately.

Adam: You look good.

Sharon: I do?

Adam: Yeah, it's nice to see the color back in your cheeks.

Sharon: Hmm. How's Chelsea?

Adam: She's good.

Sharon: Hmm. Well, I hope she knows how much I appreciate her letting me stay here, especially after everything that's happened.

Adam: Well, Chelsea and I don't exactly have spotless pasts either, Sharon.

Sharon: I wouldn't blame her if she kicked me to the curb.

Adam: No, come on. We're gonna focus on the future, all right? Sit down. Gotta get you well, get you strong again. Speaking of which, Dr. Watkins is gonna be here later this afternoon, um, for the first session.

Sharon: Oh, God, so soon?

Adam: There's nothing to be afraid of.

Sharon: Well, that's easy for you to say. It's not your head she's shrinking.

Adam: (Chuckles) Yeah. Um, promise me one thing.

Sharon: What's that?

Adam: You're gonna be honest with her. She is not here to judge you. She's here to help you.

Chelsea: (Exhales sharply)

(Telephone rings)

Chelsea: Hello.

Chloe: Hey, it's me.

Chelsea: Chloe. Hey, what's up?

Chloe: I was just curious if you confronted Adam.

Chelsea: About the woman's overnight bag. You were right. It was completely innocent.

Chloe: So who did it belong to?

Chelsea: Our housekeeper. (Laughs) Yeah. Adam told her she could stay in the guesthouse while she had her apartment painted. Things have been so crazy lately, he just forgot to tell me.

Chloe: Well, I figured that's what it was. So you two lovebirds are okay?

Chelsea: Yeah, totally.

Chloe: So, uh, we still on for today?

Chelsea: Sure. Um, I'm just a little busy right now. Can you come by a little later?

Chloe: Yeah. Okay, I'll see you then.

Kevin: Tell me something, Chloe.

Chloe: What?

Kevin: How is it that you and Chelsea Newman are suddenly B.F.F.S?

Chloe: What? I like her. We actually have a lot in common.

Kevin: I can't imagine what.

Chloe: Well, I accidentally learned that she has a real talent. Like, a real gift.

Kevin: She can touch her nose with her tongue?

Chloe: Well, I don't know anything about that, but I do know that she can take vintage clothes, tear them apart, put 'em back together, and make 'em look like they just walked off the runway.

Kevin: Hmm.

Chloe: I mean, Chelsea is actually, like, a born designer.

Kevin: Gives you something to talk about, I guess.

Chloe: Oh, I was thinking of doing something more than just talking.

Kevin: Like what?

Chloe: Maybe start a business.

Kevin: We already have a business-- more than one, actually.

Chloe: I know, but... (Sighs) I--okay, Babe, I love TagNGrab, but we lose Adam, and then if we don't get any new investors, then I'm sorry, but we're sunk.

Kevin: (Chuckles) So--so what, do you want to just give up, move on to greener pastures?

Chloe: No, I was thinking more like learning from our mistakes and rebooting.

Kevin: I have worked like a madman on this. I am not gonna just throw it away because Chelsea's husband is a jerk.

Chloe: I loved TagNGrab. It was our baby.

Kevin: W-what--what do you-- what is this "Was"? "Is," it is. I am gonna find a way to save it, and it absolutely blows my mind that you have already given up on it.

Phyllis: Okay, um, there you go.

Jack: (Chuckling) I told you. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: That's a relief.

Jack: I told you. Mamie always said the Abbotts have strong legs. Hey. Hey, what's going on?

Phyllis: (Sighs) I have to be honest with you. I was just so nervous. That whole time you were in surgery, I kept on thinking something was gonna go wrong and that you would be stuck in that chair again. (Sighs)

Jack: You never let on.

Phyllis: No, of course not. Someone has to be strong. (Chuckles)

Jack: Wow.

Doctor: I see you've started the examination without me.

Jack: Hey, Doctor, it looks like you've got the magic touch.

Doctor: It's not magic, Mr. Abbott, just years of training. Can you feel that?

Jack: Uh-huh.

Doctor: How about this?

Jack: Yep.

Doctor: This?

Jack: Oh! Boy, I definitely feel that.

Doctor: Well, no apparent paralysis, critical sensitivity good. With some physical therapy, I see no reason why you shouldn't make a complete recovery.

Phyllis: Oh, and back to your super-fun self. Good.

Jack: (Laughing)

Doctor: You'll have to take things very easy. You need to give your body a chance to heal.

Jack: (Exhales slowly)

Phyllis: All right, you hear that? Do you hear him, Mr. "I gotta get back to work"?

Doctor: I should warn you there'll be significant pain for some time.

Jack: I have an abnormally high tolerance for pain.

Doctor: Nonetheless, I'll prescribe some painkillers.

Jack: Thank you, Doctor. I mean it. You gave me back my future.

Doctor: Well, you're welcome, Mr. Abbott. I just hope all of my patients had an outcome like yours.

Phyllis: Bye.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Jack: Ohh. Boy, old smiling Jack is on a roll these days, isn't he?

Phyllis: Will you now call your family?

Jack: Yeah, you know what? Kyle's with Ashley and Traci right now. They don't need to be dragged into this. Really, we're through the worst of it. The doctor just said I'm gonna be like new.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. Um, I know your brother would like to hear from you.

Jack: Billy is the last person I want to talk to right now.

Phyllis: Okay, you should know this. He was here during the entire surgery. He was very, very worried about you. He loves you very much.

Jack: I love him very much, too. I just don't happen to like him very much right now.

Phyllis: Okay, that's fair. Kind of how I feel about my sister. I get it.

Jack: Besides, my siblings are just gonna try to talk me into convalescing for weeks on end. That is not an option.

Phyllis: Okay, I get this, I get this. It's gonna interfere with, uh, your grand plan or whatever it is at Newman.

Jack: My grand plan includes having a very productive V.P. of research and development. I think it's time you get back to Newman. I want you up to speed so that we can hit the ground running when I get back.

Phyllis: Okay, I'll go, but only because I think Adam's up to something.

Jack: You worry too much.

Phyllis: You don't worry enough.

Jack: I'm pleased you're so concerned about me, but--

Phyllis: I don't want to see you get hurt.

Jack: I won't get hurt. Adam and I make a great team. Add you to the mix-- I'm telling you, we are unstoppable.

Phyllis: You only like Adam because he hates Victor as much as you do.

Jack: Adam doesn't hate Victor. Adam is constantly trying to prove himself. That's what drives him, not hatred.

(Knock on door)

Chelsea: Hey.

Sharon: Hi, Chelsea. Is something wrong?

Chelsea: (Laughs) W-what could possibly be wrong? My husband's ex is living in our guest cottage. Isn't that every wife's dream?

Sharon: I don't understand. I thought Adam said--

Chelsea: Uh, I'm the one doing the talking now, Sharon. If you want to stay here, it's gonna be on my terms, not yours.

Sharon: Of course. Whatever.

Chelsea: Look, I don't know if this little breakdown of yours is for real or part of some agenda, but don't even think of sinking your fangs back into my husband.

Sharon: Chelsea, I swear I have no intention of causing any trouble for you and Adam.

Chelsea: Why should I believe you?

Sharon: Well, because when he first invited me to stay here, I begged him to tell you everything. I really didn't like the sneaking around.

Chelsea: Really?

Sharon: Yeah, I-- ask him yourself. I-I mean, I really didn't want you to find out this way.

Chelsea: He was trying to protect me. It's your motives that I question.

Sharon: Well, I just want to feel like a human being again and get back to my kids.

Chelsea: If you're telling the truth, I hope that happens for you. But if you're lying, you will be sorry.

Kevin: (Clears throat) (Exhales slowly) Okay. (Exhales sharply)

Michael: I'm glad you called, Brother-man. I missed you.

Kevin: I need your help, Mikey.

Michael: Okay. You only call me "Mikey" when you need something. All right, I'll bite. What is it?

Kevin: $15 million.

Michael: (Laughs) Whew, I thought it was something big. I'll rush off and grab my checkbook.

Kevin: I'm--I'm not-- I'm not kidding.

Michael: (Laughs) $15 million? W-what kind of dream world are you living in?

Kevin: Adam is pulling out his investment. It's gonna destroy the company. He doesn't care.

Michael: That's--that's-- what do you expect? What do you expect when you go into business with a hack like that?

Kevin: Can you just save your I told you so's for later? This is crunch time for me.

Michael: Okay. (Exhales sharply) Sure. Sorry. Um... $15 million. Go.

Kevin: Okay. Our web business is growing every day. The potential is tremendous, but if Adam yanks his money out now, we're screwed, and this isn't just about Chloe and me. We have investors-- Mom, Katherine.

Michael: What do you expect me to do? I don't have that kind of cash.

Kevin: What about Lauren?

Michael: No.

Kevin: Well, it doesn't have to be one person. There could be a group of investors.

Michael: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to go to 15 of my closest friends and ask them to loan my kid brother $1 million each?

Kevin: No, no, no, it wouldn't be a loan. They would be investors. They would be investors. They would have a stake in the company. Come on, man, you know a lot of high rollers.

Michael: No one I'm comfortable enough to approach with something like this.

Kevin: (Exhaling sharply) You enjoy seeing me fail.

Phyllis: If your theory is right and Adam is only seeking approval from Victor, then what better way to get that than betray you?

Jack: Not gonna happen.

Phyllis: How can you be so sure?

Jack: Because Adam will never admit that he needs his father's approval. It's a vicious cycle, one I know all too well.

Phyllis: So you're transferring your daddy issues to Adam?

Jack: Every son wants to make his father proud whether he's 4 or 40, but eventually, you realize you can't live your life for someone else.

Phyllis: And he did that by selling you the Newman stock.

Jack: Exactly.

Phyllis: Oh.

Jack: If he wanted to make brownie points with daddy dearest, all he had to do was give him his Newman stock, and this takeover never would have happened.

Phyllis: Okay. I get what you're saying. I still don't trust him.

Jack: Then trust me. Adam is desperate to prove to Victor that he's a real player in the business world. That alone is going to keep him honest.

Victor: I just heard that Jack Abbott was in the hospital. Thought I might find you here.

Adam: He appointed me acting C.E.O. while he's out of commission.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Adam: Smart move on his part, actually.

Victor: If I didn't know better, if I didn't know that Jack Abbott was lying in the hospital with a bullet next to his spine, I would have suspected you arranged for his absence.

Adam: I can always count on you to expect the worst of me, Dad.

Victor: Mm-hmm. It must make you feel good to sit behind that desk.

Adam: I'm very busy, Dad. What do you want?

Victor: To offer you one last chance to do right by your family.

Michael: You can't say that to me. You can't say that to me. I have helped you out of so many jams, I've lost count.

Kevin: Not without making me feel like an idiot.

Michael: Well, maybe I'm not the one making you feel that way.

Kevin: See? That, that. That is exactly what I'm talking about. I come to you with this kick-ass idea, and you put me down.

Michael: I do not, I--

Kevin: Yes, you do. You discourage me, you make me feel like a loser.

Michael: I do not, I do not! Sometimes, maybe, I-I try and guide you now and then, but that's what big brothers do. I am, and I always will be-- I'll be your biggest fan.

Kevin: (Sighs) Forget it. I never should have come here. I should have known you weren't gonna help me.

Michael: Kevin, of course you've gotta come here. I'm your brother, I'm the one you're supposed to come to!

Kevin: Thanks for nothing.

Michael: Kevin!

(Door slams)

Chloe: If I could get your amazing fashion ideas to the right designers, make some sort of deal, you know, and if that doesn't work, then maybe Adam can front us the cash and start up a small business. I mean, who better to invest in than his own wife, right? Hello? Are you listening to me?

Chelsea: Yes, yes. Sorry, I'm... I-I just--you're moving a little too fast, Chloe. I don't know if I even want to design clothes.

Chloe: Something upset you. What's wrong?

Chelsea: I'm just a little bit overwhelmed.

Chloe: Yeah. It hasn't been long since you lost the baby.

Chelsea: Yeah, and I just-- I have this killer headache, and all this talk about starting a business, it's, um... do you think maybe we could just delay it a day or two?

Chloe: Of course, absolutely. Why didn't you say something to me?

Chelsea: Okay.

Chloe: I'll--look, I'll-- I'll see my way out and, um, put a cold compress on the back of your neck. It always helps me-- followed by a cocktail.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Thanks. (Sighs)

Victor: As acting C.E.O., you could meet with the board, then let the shareholders know that you want Jack out.

Adam: That is most certainly not my plan.

Victor: Son, I know you have issues with me, but do you really have to be this vindictive?

Adam: One of the many traits I must have inherited from you.

Victor: Certainly not from your mother, I can assure you. She'd be appalled at your behavior.

Adam: Leave the mother guilt trips at the door. This is just business. (Chuckles) "This is just business." Wonder how many times you've said that over the years.

Victor: You really find all this amusing, don't you?

Adam: I don't. Don't worry, Dad. I won't destroy this company that you built. I plan on making it great.

Victor: It was already great.

Adam: Why are you so interested in Newman Enterprises? You dumped it on your other children. You challenged them to fight for it. Do you find it ironic that the one child that you've always treated as an afterthought is the one sitting in this chair now?

Victor: Don't get too comfortable sitting in there, okay?

Phyllis: What are you doing back here?

Victor: When I saw you earlier, you didn't tell me that Jack was in the hospital.

Phyllis: Mm, no, I didn't. Um, I chose not to, but you seem to have found out on your own.

Adam: Thanks for stopping by, Dad.

Adam: How's Jack doing?

Phyllis: He's doing great. The surgery was successful.

Adam: That's really good to hear.

Phyllis: He's very anxious to get out of the hospital and back in that chair.

Adam: Is he worried that I will, uh, run the company into the ground?

Phyllis: Or steal it out from under him. What was your father doing here?

(Sirens wailing)

Kevin: Go away, Michael.

Michael: Not until we talk. I don't like the way we left things.

Kevin: There's nothing to talk about. You made yourself perfectly clear.

Michael: Look, just because I can't help you raise this money doesn't mean I'm not being supportive.

Kevin: Well, you have a backwards way of showing it.

Michael: Look, I know you're upset, but come on. If the company tanks, it's not the end of the world.

Kevin: It is to me.

Michael: I mean, you are a smart, creative person. You can find something else to put your energy into.

Kevin: Oh, shut up, Michael. I don't need one of your asinine pep talks!

Michael: Do you know who's being asinine right now? Right there, Buddy!

Chloe: What is going on right now? Guys, the entire place can hear you.

Adam: Don't look at me like that, Phyllis. It's not as if I invited my father to come pay me a visit.

Phyllis: I bet he was surprised to see you at the Newman throne.

Adam: If he was, he didn't let on.

Phyllis: But he was happy to see you there, I bet.

Adam: Mm, overjoyed. He squealed like a little schoolgirl. Can't you just picture it? What do you want?

Phyllis: Did you tell Victor that Jack was in the hospital?

Adam: He already knew. He finds things out. That's what he does. But, uh... he did ask me to betray Jack.

Phyllis: Of course he did. What did you say?

Adam: I said I'll do it. What do you think I said? I made my decision when I sold my stock to Jack.

Phyllis: I wish I could take your word as gospel.

Adam: Why is it that you still see me as the enemy?

Phyllis: Because you're a liar. You lie and you cheat as easily as you breathe.

Adam: You paint a wonderful self-portrait, Phyllis. Get over yourself. We're on the same team. We have the same goal-- to catapult Newman Enterprises to the next level.

Phyllis: Ohh, wow. I wish I could believe what you say, Adam.

Adam: Frankly, I don't care what you believe, but I do care if you want to talk about preliminary developmental ideas, discuss anything like that.

Phyllis: Oh, gosh, thank you. Uh, no, I think I'm gonna wait until Jack gets out of the hospital and run it by my boss.

Adam: (Exhales slowly)

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Chelsea. What are you doing here? Are you okay?

Chelsea: (Sighs) Everything's okay now.

Adam: Now?

Chelsea: Chloe was asking questions about the overnight bag she and I found in the guest cottage.

Adam: What'd you say?

Chelsea: Don't worry. I covered for Sharon.

Adam: I appreciate that.

Chelsea: You look very impressive sitting behind your father's desk.

Adam: This isn't his desk anymore. I'm sorry, I...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: I'm sorry. I had a minor run-in with my father here earlier, and his radiant personality always leaves a sour taste.

Chelsea: Hmm. Well, you can wash the bad taste out of your mouth by taking me to lunch.

Adam: Lunch sounds good.

Chelsea: Okay.

(Cell phone rings)

Adam: Adam Newman. Yes--oh, okay. Uh, well, why don't we meet at my house first? All right, sounds good. I'll see you soon.

Chelsea: Who will you be seeing soon?

Adam: That was Dr. Watkins. She's now gonna go see Sharon. Being that this is the first time, I feel I should be there, initially.

Chelsea: So much for lunch.

Adam: Well, would you settle for... a romantic dinner instead?

Chelsea: Sounds even better.

Jack: (Grunts)

Victor: You need some help?

Jack: How'd you know I was here?

Victor: I'm on the hospital board, and my name is on the pediatric wing. Why the hell wouldn't I know where you are?

Jack: Sorry to disappoint you. (Grunts) I'm gonna live.

Victor: I'm sure you are. Only the good die young. Where's my daughter Victoria?

Jack: Why would I know that?

Victor: You know exactly why you would know that. You sent her on a wild goose chase to Miami, didn't you? She hasn't returned yet, nor has she returned the calls.

Jack: I haven't sent Victoria anywhere. That was Billy, stealing confidential information and feeding it to his wife. Maybe she's embarrassed, hanging out until it blows over.

Victor: Anything happens to her, Jack, I'll hold you and your brother responsible.

Jack: Nothing's gonna happen to her. She's a Newman.

Victor: Talking about Newman’s, you're focusing on the wrong one.

Jack: Oh, if you're talking about Adam, yeah, he's on my team now.

Victor: Of course he is on your team.

Jack: Well, as long as he doesn't put up a portrait of himself to stare at all day, I'll be fine.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I would be very careful if I were you. He is more like me than you think.

Jack: Well, if it does your ego good to think of him as a clone, well, knock yourself out. I'll tell you this much. He wants nothing to do with you.

Victor: This has nothing to do with my ego. I'm just warning you. He has my D.N.A. Watch him.

Dr. Watkins: Sharon's very lucky to have such a strong support system.

Adam: Well, my wife and I just want her to get well. She has children that need her.

Dr. Watkins: I've retrieved Sharon's records from the last psychiatric facility she was in. After reviewing her history, I'm even more concerned now.

Adam: What do you mean, Dr. Watkins?

Dr. Watkins: Mr. Newman, tell me something. Do you think that Sharon is a danger to herself or others?

Adam: (Exhales slowly) She could be, yes.

Dr. Watkins: Then there's no time to waste. I need to begin treating her immediately.

[Sharon remembering]

Adam: Remember I told you I was going to find someone to help you? This is Dr. Watkins.

Sharon: No notice? What, no warning?

Adam: Sharon, we agreed.

Sharon: No, Adam, you did not have my permission to bring her here.

Sharon: (Sighs) Ohh. I can't do this! Okay, pull yourself together, Sharon. You want to end up in that mental hospital? Why do I agree to this? Why did I agree to this?

Phyllis: First I find you at Newman Enterprises, now here.

Victor: (Chuckles) I think you're stalking me, aren't you? Anyway, I should go. Oh, Jack, um, if I were you, I'd get the hell out of that bed as quickly as I could, you know? Get back to work. Oh, but then I forget, you don't have my powers of recuperation, now do you? So be careful. Don't overdo it. Just get--get well, all right?

Jack: What was he talking about? What was he doing at Newman?

Phyllis: He was in your office, talking to Adam.

Jack: Talking about what?

Phyllis: Adam claims he was trying to lure him to team Newman.

Jack: I'm getting out of--

Phyllis: No, Jack, no! You are not going anywhere.

Jack: Oh!

Phyllis: Please. The doctor said take it easy. Jack, stop it, please. You're gonna rip open your stitches.

Jack: Ohh. Red, I have got to figure a way to get out of here in a hurry. (Breathing heavily)

Chloe: I can't believe you. 2 men acting like 2 year olds.

Kevin: Stay out of it, Chloe. You're just as bad as he is.

Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, what is this about, TagNGrab?

(Cell phone ringing)

Michael: What?! What? When? Was anybody hurt? Well, that's a blessing. Yeah, yeah, uh... (Sighs) Keep me posted.

Michael: Well, there's been another fire.

Chloe: Where?

Michael: Gloworm. It's gone. Burned to the ground.

Kevin: That's terrible, but Gloria and Jeffrey have a huge insurance policy.

Michael: Really, Kevin? That's the first place you go?

(Knock on door)

Adam: Sharon?

Sharon: The doctor isn't here, isn't she? She--she decided not to come?

Adam: No, no, no, she's--she's here. She's just outside.

Sharon: Ohh.

Adam: What's--what's wrong?

Sharon: Um, nothing. I'm--I'm just nervous.

Adam: I-I understand. I mean, there's no need to be. I mean, everything's gonna be fine.

Sharon: Why didn't she come in with you? What's wrong?

Adam: Sharon, nothing's wrong. What--what... I just wanted to come in and make sure that everything's fine.

Sharon: Fine, fine-- why do you keep saying that? Fine, fine, fine! Everything is not going to be fine, Adam, ever again, and I only have myself to blame for that.

Dr. Watkins: Hello, Sharon.

Sharon: Hello.

Dr. Watkins: Would it be all right to sit? We're just gonna talk.

Sharon: Okay.

Dr. Watkins: (Sighs) I know you've been having some problems.

Sharon: Sure. People always say that, but the reason that they say it is because it's easier to say that than, you know, "That person has problems," than looking at themselves, am I right? I mean, tell me I'm right. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Dr. Watkins: You're ill. It's the same as having a disease or a broken arm. You didn't want this to happen, and nothing you did made this happen.

Sharon: I really need help.

Dr. Watkins: Admitting that is the first step toward recovery.

Sharon: I want to get better more than anything in this world, I do... but I'm scared.

Dr. Watkins: Don't be. You're my patient now. Everything you say to me is confidential. But I'm gonna need you to be truthful with me. That's the only way I can help you.

Chelsea: Is Sharon with the doctor?

Adam: Mm-hmm. Something happened. I saw her before I went to work, and she seemed much better and... I don't know, she's fallen back into a dark place.

Chelsea: Well, isn't that normal for someone who's had a breakdown, to be up one minute and down the next?

Adam: Yeah, this isn't, uh, this isn't about a mood swing. Something happened between then and now, something that caused her to relapse.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: I'm getting a little worried about Victoria.

Ronan: Why?

Sharon: I've done some horrible things, and I'm afraid of getting caught.

Chelsea: Sharon caused the fire at Newman ranch, didn't she?

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