Y&R Transcript Monday 11/5/12
Episode # 10027 ~ Chelsea Confronts Adam About Her Suspicions; Summer Enacts the Next Phase of Her Plan
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chelsea: Sharon? What the hell are you doing here?
Sharon: I-- look, this isn't what you probably think it is.
Chelsea: That's funny. Adam said the same thing. What else am I supposed to think? You're obviously living on our property. What, are you having an affair? What, is this your secret little love nest?
Sharon: No! I swear it, Chelsea, this isn't what you think it is. It's--Adam has been so kind to me.
Chelsea: Oh, you just missed it. Your sweet little mistress here was just trying to defend your honor. Too bad you don't have any.
Billy: Thought you would have left by now.
Phyllis: You thought wrong.
Billy: Look, if you're planning on giving Jack more grief when he gets out of surgery, I'd appreciate--
Phyllis: Excuse me, grief? About what?
Billy: About leaving Adam in charge at Newman.
Phyllis: I'm here because I care about Jack. Despite what you may think, I have a heart.
(Doorbell rings)
Avery: (Exhales slowly) (Exhales sharply) Okay, this is not a date. (Sighs) This is not a date, not a date, not...
Tucker: So instead of doing the sensible thing and appointing an interim C.E.O., Katherine has decided to step back in herself, never mind how many years it's been.
Jill: Nobody forced her to retire. I mean, last I heard, she was very content.
Tucker: She was, but running a company the size of Chancellor at her age, all the stress that entails--
Jill: (Laughs) This from the man who caused most of that stress.
Tucker: Oh, look who's talking.
Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no. Katherine and I have mellowed toward each other. You two, on the other hand...
Tucker: Yeah, there's been conflict...
Jill: (Snickers)
Tucker: But that doesn't mean I don't give a damn. I'm not sure I'm convincing Katherine of that.
Jill: Well, you can hardly blame her for being suspicious, huh?
Tucker: Jill, will you talk to her, please? Hell, I-I understand she's restless, but this is a lousy idea. You may be the only one my mother will listen to.
Jill: (Laughs) Oh, is-- see, there--there it is. There's the "M" word.
Tucker: What, "Mother"?
Jill: You wouldn't be working an angle, would you, Tucker? 'Cause I'm with Katherine on this. This dutiful son routine-- it doesn't smell quite right to me, either. You're so anxious to keep her in her rocker. There's gotta be something in it for you.
Summer: What do you think?
Fen: Who the heck's "Brittni"? (Chuckles)
Summer: Me, only not as much fun.
Fen: You're already on FacePlace. Why set up a fake profile?
Summer: So I can reel in Jamie, detective butthead's pet project. I already sent him a friend request, so as soon as he clicks "Okay," I can put my plan into action.
Fen: Look, Summer, I get that you're mad at Ronan, but how will going after this kid he mentors get back at him?
Summer: Jeez, Fen, why do I always have to beg you to help me? Okay, are you my friend or not?
Adam: I realize how this must look, but we are not having an affair.
Chelsea: Then why would she be living here?
Adam: Sharon is working through some personal issues. She had nowhere else to go, and I offered her a place to stay.
Chelsea: What--what-- what kind of issues?
Sharon: Um... (Clears throat) What I'm dealing with-- it's very delicate, but you have nothing to worry about.
Chelsea: My husband lied to me about stashing his ex-wife in our guesthouse. Why would he keep it so hush-hush if he had nothing to hide?
Michael: Ohh, yeah.
Lauren: Okay, your shoulders are like rock. What happened?
Michael: Yes, they are like rocks.
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: I bet you I--ohh.
Lauren: Ooh.
Michael: I owe you about a thousand of these by now, don't I?
Lauren: Yeah. Yes, you're right, you do.
Michael: Ohh.
Lauren: Well, you do lots of nice things for me. (Chuckles)
Michael: I do.
Lauren: And what made this day extra hellish for you?
Michael: Oh, I got thrown a real doozy today--arson.
Lauren: Mm, what?
Michael: Yeah, the fire that destroyed Victor and Nikki's house. According to the inspector's final report, someone set it on purpose.
Chelsea: Answer me. What is the big secret?
Adam: I already explained.
Chelsea: Generalities don't cut it, Adam.
Sharon: It's not his secret. It's mine. Adam was just protecting me.
Chelsea: From what?
Sharon: I had a-a breakdown, emotionally. (Sighs) I did some things... some bad things. Um, I caused people that I care about to get hurt, and I can't face those people right now. I needed a quiet place to stay to collect myself, and Adam was kind enough to let me stay here, but all he talks about is you and how much he loves you. He's completely committed to you, Chelsea. Um, look, I... I don't want to cause any more trouble, so, um, if you'll just give me my bag, I'll pack my things and I'll go.
Adam: No, no, no. You're not-- you're not going anywhere.
Avery: Now this is why I'm so happy my lunch invitation got turned into dinner.
Nick: Yeah, those are definitely not lunch wines.
Avery: No, they are not. Montfort-- this is a great vineyard. I have read about the special selection cabs. I've never actually tried one.
Nick: '07 is the last year before they started adding Merlot. It's a real fruit bomb, if that's what you're into.
Avery: Wow. And the white?
Nick: That is an Adriana Chardonnay, '09 Carneros.
Avery: You really know your stuff.
Nick: I just know what I like.
Avery: Glasses are over there.
Nick: Whatever you're making smells amazing.
Avery: Ah, it's my famous chicken cacciatore. There are two places in this world that I am completely comfortable, and that is the courtroom and the kitchen. Everyplace else, I'm pretty much a wreck.
Nick: (Chuckles) There you go.
Avery: Thank you. Cheers.
(Glasses clink)
Avery: Wow. Ohh, that is good.
Nick: I'm glad you like it. So what can I do?
Avery: Well, this dinner could use a deejay. Why don't you put on some tunes?
Nick: Okay. (Scoffs) Vinyl?
Avery: Yeah, you know, the kids these days, they like the mp3s, but I stand by nothing sounds as good as a turntable.
Nick: Ohh, especially this sound.
Man: I'll be there for you I'll care for you when you're up or down
Billy: Look, I'm sorry if I offended you earlier. I didn't realize you cared that much for Jack.
Phyllis: Apology accepted. Jack and I are friends. He has faith in me. He may be the only one who does.
Billy: Yeah, well, when I walked in, he made a joke about having a knife removed from his back-- you know, the one that I placed there. Just wish we could have, um... straightened all that out before he went into the surgery, because, um, if something happens, I--
Phyllis: Hey, he's gonna make it.
Billy: Yeah.
Tucker: The answer is no. I am not working an angle where Katherine's concerned.
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: I'm not surprised you'd think that, but she is my mother, and I'm genuinely concerned about her.
Jill: Well, you've had a unique way of showing that, hmm?
Tucker: Does that mean I don't have any compassion for her, that I don't feel any connection to my own mother? I just don't relish the thought of her keeling over trying to make a point in some damn meeting.
Jill: I know, I know. I will admit that Katherine is someone that it's very difficult not to care about, okay? Even when you're ready to hire a hit man.
Tucker: You see? You've been where I am.
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: The fact is, I don't know her as well as you do, and I know you can get her to listen to you, Jill.
Jill: (Laughs) Don't bet on it.
Tucker: Will you at least try?
Jill: (Sighs)
Chelsea: If Sharon wants to go, who are we to stop her?
Sharon: Where's my bag?
Chelsea: It's at our house. I'll get it for you.
Adam: Chelsea, stop this, okay? Sharon, you're not going anywhere, okay? You're gonna stay here.
Chelsea: Don't-- don't you think that is something you and your wife should decide together?
Adam: We are not gonna throw her out. Sharon is in real trouble.
Chelsea: (Exhales sharply)
Sharon: I told you this would happen. I begged you to tell her the truth.
Adam: Sharon, I've got things under control, okay? I will deal with Chelsea. Don't worry about that, but you need to stay put, okay?
Sharon: How can I stay here now that--?
Adam: After what you've been through the last few days, you're in no shape to be out there. There is no place out there that is safe for you. You are safe here.
Avery: Thank you.
Nick: Sure. You know, it's been a long time since someone made me a home-cooked meal.
Avery: What, really?
Nick: Well, you know, Phyllis, she burns water.
Avery: Yeah, Phyllis.
Nick: Probably shouldn't have brought her up.
Avery: No, listen, we can't exactly pretend like she doesn't exist, right?
Nick: Maybe we should. Mmm. This is really good.
Avery: Oh. You didn't think it would be?
Nick: Look, the cupcakes the other day-- they were amazing, but I have a giant sweet tooth, so when it comes to desserts, I'm super easy.
Avery: Yeah, I've heard that about you. (Chuckles)
Nick: (Chuckles) This is the best meal I've had in a long time.
Avery: Thank you. You know, Summer helped me make those cupcakes.
Nick: She mentioned that. She seemed pretty proud of herself. She seems like she's in a better place, a lot more calm.
Avery: Well, good, good. Maybe our bake-and-talk session helped.
Nick: Well, if that's what it was, thank you very much, 'cause Summer was heading down a pretty dark road.
Fen: You still haven't explained how getting Jamie to be your fake FacePlace friend helps you get back at Ronan.
Summer: Fen, just trust me, okay? The less you know, the better. Plus, if I told you all the deets, you'd probably just try to talk me out of it, which would be a huge waste of time, because I am not bailing on this. That cop took a chain saw to my family. He doesn't get to walk away without a scratch.
Fen: Summer, think about--
Summer: Oh, yes! Jamie just accepted my friend request. All right, Brittni, do your thing. (Chuckles)
Billy: I don't understand. Why doesn't he want the family to know?
Phyllis: He doesn't want anyone to worry.
Billy: Yeah, but they should at least know what's going on, especially Kyle. He already lost his mom.
Phyllis: He's not gonna lose his dad.
Billy: You never know those things for certain. Kyle's still on Wall Street doing that internship. I could call him. Maybe I should call Ashley, I--
Phyllis: No. He doesn't want anyone to know. He was adamant.
Billy: I know that, but it doesn't make it right. Why does this family have to be so weird?
Phyllis: Tell you about weird are the Newman’s. They're weird.
Billy: Yeah, I heard about you and Nick splitting up. I'm sorry about that.
Phyllis: Anyway, the bright side is I don't have to spend any more holidays with that family. I mean, I don't have to spend any more holidays with Victor.
Billy: It is torture, isn't it? I'll be thinking of you come Thanksgiving. Maybe you can stop by for some pie after dinner, let Victor glare at you from across the table. It's so much fun.
Avery: You know, when I was a kid, things were great between my mom and me, and then when my dad was dying... you know, I learned the truth about all the things he did, and then I realized that my mom had lied for him all those years, and I felt so betrayed. I still do, just like Summer does, so, you know, I can empathize.
Nick: Do you think you'll ever forgive your mother?
Avery: I don't know. I don't know. I mean, she's not completely evil, but she is loyal to a fault and she is deeply misguided, and you know what? I need to take responsibility, too, for not ever questioning anything that I was told.
Nick: Yeah, that's part of the reason I backed away from Newman. I didn't want to define my life anymore according to what my father wants.
Avery: Yeah. It's hard, stepping out of your family's shadow and finding your own way.
Nick: Well, you did it. I mean, if anyone has their act together, it is you.
Avery: Oh, no, do not let the briefcase fool you. I have a long way to go. You pull me out of my comfort zone, I am just as scared and insecure as Summer is. And on that light and frothy note...
Nick: (Laughs) Sorry.
Avery: (Laughs)
Nick: I didn't mean to, uh, turn things all serious. Yeah, I just-- I feel like I can talk to you about anything... and I didn't mean to pry.
Avery: No, it's okay. I want you to pry.
Michael I hate losing Heather... I'm glad she and Christine are out there trying to find the evidence to clear him.
Lauren: Yeah. Oh, and can you handle one more wrinkle? I talked to Paul after you left today, and you are not gonna believe who he's falling in love with again.
Michael: (Chuckles) Christine.
Lauren: You knew?
Michael: Watching the two of them say good-bye-- it's kind of obvious.
Lauren: I think he's even denying it to himself.
Michael: His life is rather complicated at the moment.
Lauren: Right... but Nina has been there through everything, and actually, at one point, I thought Chris and Danny were getting back together.
Michael: (Scoffs) Whatever's going on with those four, it sounds like a hot mess.
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: Hey.
Lauren: Hmm?
Michael: We're okay, huh?
Lauren: Okay? Okay? Baby, we're better than okay.
Michael: (Chuckles) Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but couples are dropping like flies all around us.
Lauren: Yeah.
Michael: Nick and Phyllis, for one.
Lauren: I know. It's sad.
Michael: And here we are. We just keep chugging along.
Lauren: That's right. We have a wonderful marriage and a wonderful family.
Michael: And speaking of wonderful...
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Any idea where our wonderful son is right now?
Lauren: Ah, Fen. No, I don't. He's probably with Summer.
Summer: "I'm way into guys like you."
Jamie: "Oh, yeah? What kind of guy am I?"
Summer: "The hot kind." Smiley face. "If I wasn't doing lifelong penance, I would totally come hang out with you."
Fen: Why are you making yourself sound like that?
Summer: Like what? Like a bad girl, the kind that love to stir up trouble?
Fen: Well... yeah. (Chuckles)
Summer: (Chuckles) Because that's the kind of boy that he is. You know, if he thinks that he found his soul mate, maybe he'll open up about why he got arrested and got to know moron Ronan. It's brilliant, huh?
Jamie: "Penance? For what?"
Summer: "I got into some trouble."
Jamie: "What'd you do?"
Summer: "This friend of my mom's is a total 'B.' I took some money from her purse, and I borrowed her car. She told the cops that I stole it. I had to do stupid community service. It sucked."
Fen: Jeez, Summer, what are you s--
Summer: Okay, wait. He's typing back, hold on.
Jamie: "All right, I did that, too, got arrested for something, but I met a cool guy who helped me out, a cop."
Summer: (Chuckles) I've almost got him. (Exhales sharply) "What crime?"
Jamie: "I hate my dad's girlfriend. She ruined our family. So I broke into her house and trashed the place."
Fen: What's wrong?
Jamie: "Still there?"
Summer: I-I got a confession out of Jamie. I'm gonna post it all over the place online, make him look like a real loser.
Fen: That's pretty cruel.
Summer: Yeah, well, so was what Ronan did to my family.
Adam: Chelsea, listen to me.
Chelsea: All of those times that you were late or--or you had car trouble or--or you were running off to some mysterious meeting, those were all times that you were with Sharon, weren't they?
Adam: Yes.
Chelsea: Oh, God. Adam! How could you lie to me like that?
Adam: 'Cause I knew you would react like this, and I felt the need to protect Sharon's privacy.
Chelsea: Protect her from your wife? How--how is any of this your responsibility, anyway? If she's really in that bad of shape, let someone in her family take her in.
Adam: There are legal ramifications, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Okay, enlighten me.
Adam: There are legal issues involved here, okay? I am not sleeping with Sharon. I'm not having an affair with Sharon, okay? I'm paying a psychiatrist to treat her, and I feel like it's something that I just need to do. I have to do this. What is it gonna take for me to convince you that--that nothing is going on?
Chelsea: I believe you're not having sex with her. I believe you're not cheating on me, but now what I'm thinking is even worse.
Adam: What could be worse than that?
Chelsea: Adam... are you still in love with Sharon?
Adam: I am not in love with Sharon. I love you, only you.
Chelsea: How am I supposed to believe that when you have been covering up something this huge?
Adam: I was helping someone in need. That's it, Chelsea.
Chelsea: It... (Sighs) Has it ever even occurred to you, Adam, that she might be faking this whole thing?
Adam: Has it ever occurred to you that she's not acting like herself lately?
Chelsea: Why, because she's not insulting me? Because she's not taking her usual cheap shots at our marriage? The only person who's been acting differently lately, Adam, is you, and it all started when we lost the baby.
Adam: Hey, that is way out of bounds. That's way out of bounds.
Chelsea: When Sharon flew-- when she flew to Kansas to make one last play for you, you told me about that right away, but this time, you lied, and you've just continued to lie.
Adam: Sharon said this and it does bear repeating-- there is nothing to worry about.
Chelsea: I want to trust you, Adam, but the woman who flew all the way to Kansas to stop our wedding-- her, I will never trust, so don't ask me to.
Billy: It's definitely a tough spot. Who are you supposed to be loyal to? Do you screw over your wife or your brother?
Phyllis: I know, it's like pissing off a pit bull or a prettier pit bull.
Billy: (Chuckles) I just wish I could make this right with Jack without ruining my marriage.
Phyllis: Good luck with that. Everything okay?
Billy: Yeah, it's just... I haven't heard from Vick in a while and she's supposed to be getting on a plane, yet I have no flight information.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, planes are pretty packed these days. It's hard to get a last-minute seat.
Billy: Yeah, or she's still upset with me about this thing with Jack, and I hope it's that and not some sort of trouble.
Victoria: Aah! Oh!
(Door slams)
Victoria: (Breathing heavily) (Grunts)
(Pounding on door)
Victoria: (Grunts) (Breathing heavily)
Summer: (Sighs) Mission accomplished.
Fen: Since when are you such a bully?
Summer: Excuse me, what?
Fen: What did Jamie ever do to you? Why humiliate him this way, and how will smearing him online help you get back at Ronan? It's just gonna blow up in your face, and then... what are you doing?
Summer: What do you think I'm doing?
Fen: Trying to get me to shut up?
Summer: It works good, huh?
Fen: No.
Summer: Really, Fen? Are you sure?
Fen: (Sighs)
Nick: I love this city. I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Avery: What are you thinking of doing, now that you've left Newman?
Nick: Thank you.
Avery: You're welcome.
Nick: I don't know. I just know I want to take my time figuring it out.
Avery: I am all for taking your time. (Sighs)
Nick: That's probably a wise move.
Avery: Yeah, we can't let things... escalate.
Nick: No escalation.
Avery: No. No, we are just two friends having dinner. We're food buddies. (Laughs)
Nick: That's right. We're food buddies. I should go anyway. Yeah, Summer's home with Faith.
Avery: Ah, right, you have a live-in babysitter.
Nick: Yeah, the problem is, I can't really afford her rates.
Avery: (Laughs) Well, go see your daughter, my niece.
Nick: Not until I help you with the dishes. I'll do that.
Avery: Oh, oh, thank you for the offer, but I have everything under control, and the kitchen is my domain, remember?
Nick: Okay, if you're sure you can handle it.
Avery: Nick, I am so unsure about many, many things in my life right now, but one thing I am certain of is that I can completely handle doing the dishes alone. (Laughs)
Nick: Okay.
Billy: Hey, man, your shoes are noisy.
Phyllis: Your eyebrows are weird.
Billy: What is that supposed to mean?
Phyllis: Nothing. You're just sitting there so calmly, it's getting on my nerves.
Billy: Well, your pacing is getting on mine. Just relax.
Phyllis: Why haven't we heard something? We should have heard something by now.
Billy: Because the doctors will talk to us when they know something. What's wrong with my eyebrows?
Phyllis: You know what? I-I'm gonna go check it out. I'm gonna see what's happening. I can't stand it.
Billy: Phyllis, come on, just let the doctors do their job. Phyllis—
Tucker: So now that we've covered, uh, Phillip's rehab, the, uh, restaurant scene in New South Wales...
Jill: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Everything you've missed around here, I'd like an answer, Jill.
Jill: Did you really think I came all this way just to evade your questions?
Tucker: I'm starting to think that, yeah. So come on, tell me. Will you do what you can to talk Katherine out of going back to Chancellor?
Jill: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Tucker, but no. For one thing, I would never get anywhere, okay? But most importantly, the wounds it would open would be way too painful, so I'm afraid I can't help you or Katherine. I'm sorry. She's on her own.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Summer: (Giggling) (Clears throat)
Nick: What's going on, Kids?
Summer: Uh, Dad, you're home early.
Nick: No, I'm not. You're supposed to be watching your little sister.
Summer: Yeah, she's sleeping. Do I have to watch her sleep?
Fen: Um... I-I'd better get going. Bye, Mr. Newman.
Nick: Fen, we haven't had a chance to talk about this yet, but can I assume you will always be a gentleman with my daughter?
Fen: Yes, Sir.
Nick: Good. Drive safely.
Fen: Thanks. I will.
Summer: All right, before you go all birds and bees on me, we were just kissing.
Nick: What if I came home an hour from now?
Summer: Then our lips would be tired.
Nick: Summer.
Summer: Okay, more tired, but it would still be G-rated.
Nick: Then why do you look so guilty?
Adam: Sharon, what are you doing?
Sharon: The place is all clean, as clean as it was when I got here.
Adam: Look, just stop what you're doing and have a seat. We need to talk.
Sharon: Oh, God. I've ruined something else, haven't I? The one person who was on my side still, and--
Adam: Hey, hush. You didn't ruin anything, okay?
Sharon: Of course I did.
Adam: I will handle this, Sharon.
Sharon: No. Adam, just-- just give me my things and--and give me the psychiatrist's number. I'll make an appointment on my own. I--you've helped me enough and--and I'll just take it on my own from here.
Adam: Where are you gonna go, Sharon? You gonna go back home? The second you step foot on the ranch, my father is gonna have you thrown in jail. You need to stay put while I finish setting up your alibi.
Sharon: I can't stay here. It's wrong. I can't let you risk ruining your marriage.
Chelsea: Don't worry, Sharon. It'll take more than you to do that.
Lauren: (Giggles) Mm, fire's so cozy this time of year.
Michael: Yeah. Makes me want to break out the bearskin rug.
Lauren: We don't have a bearskin rug.
Michael: Not yet. Come here.
Lauren: Ohh, Baby. (Laughs)
Michael: (Laughs)
Lauren: Mm. Hey, hey, Sweetheart.
Fen: Hey.
Michael: Hey, you. Your ears must have been burning. We were just talking about where you've been.
Lauren: Yeah. What'd you do? Did you have fun?
Fen: I was out, okay?
Michael: You might want to take that down a notch, Son.
Lauren: Uh, we were just curious as to where you were.
Fen: Well, I'm home now, all right? You don't have to grill me like I'm some perp up on Dad's witness stand.
Summer: Look at you, Mr. Laid-back. No lectures about the evils of making out?
Nick: Why don't you type one up and I'll sign it?
Summer: Someone's in a good mood tonight.
Phyllis: I just talked to the doctor. Jack's out of surgery. Everything is fine, no complications. It's so great.
Billy: Oh, that's fantastic, that's great, that's great.
Phyllis: Uh, yay.
Billy: Yeah.
Phyllis: Good. So a-anyway... (Sighs) I told you everything was gonna be okay.
Billy: Yeah, I told you that--
Phyllis: Well, no, when I-I--earlier, I--
Billy: Right. Well, at any rate, don't get weird about this, but, um, it was nice having you here. It helped the-- really made the time pass.
Phyllis: Weird? Yeah, I'm not weird. Yeah, I-I feel the same way, just--yeah, don't--don't-- just keep it to yourself.
Billy: (Scoffs) Yeah, absolutely.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Billy: Oh, must be Vick. (Humming)
Phyllis: Is it bad news?
Billy: No. Everything's good.
(Cell phone rings)
Avery: May I help you?
Nick: Hey, it's me, your ungrateful food buddy who left without a proper thank-you. Um, tonight was amazing. Dinner was so good. Thank you, Avery.
Avery: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I was just thinking about what a great night it was.
Nick: It was good food, great wine, and perfect company, and I really hope we can do that again soon.
Avery: That would be nice. Thanks for calling. Good night, Nick.
Nick: Good night, Avery.
Sharon: I was just leaving.
Chelsea: Don't. You can stay. (Sighs) I'm not gonna throw you out on the street if you're really in trouble.
Sharon: I've already caused you enough grief.
Chelsea: It's okay. I calmed down and I reconsidered. (Exhales slowly) If Adam really thinks that this is the right thing to do, then I will respect his wishes.
Sharon: Chelsea, I, uh, I don't know what to say. Thank you.
Chelsea: (Exhales sharply)
Adam: Thank you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: What's going on between you and my dad?
Jill: You and I both know that you are up to something. I haven't figured out what it is yet, but I will.
Billy: You tried this blackmail thing with me before. It blew up in your face. You gonna learn your lesson?
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