Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/1/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/1/12


Episode # 10025 ~ Adam Protects Sharon; Chelsea & Chloe Form an Unexpected Partnership

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: You don't look like you got much sleep last night.

Noah: Are you surprised?

Nick: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up your mom and the fire. It's just speculation.

Noah: She was here on the scene when the ranch burned down. Unless you have some other explanation for the clothes in her closet that smell like smoke...

Nick: Yes, but to jump from that to--to starting the fire...

Noah: Was it arson? Do we know that?

Nick: Investigator's report's gonna come out today. Look, I know you're worried about your mom.

Noah: Yeah, well, when you've seen enough of these crises, you just sort of see trouble on the horizon, you know?

Nick: Maybe she just witnessed the fire and took off 'cause she didn't want to get blamed for it.

Noah: Or maybe she is to blame.

Nick: It's a real old house, Son. It could be the wiring. It could be the chimney. It could be a lot of things. Let's not point the finger at anyone right now, especially your mother.

Noah: Come on, Dad. Are you gonna tell me that you don't think she's capable of it?

Adam: Does that work for you? Great. Thank you. I appreciate your discretion.

Adam: Dad, you're looking well. You'd never know you just got out of the hospital.

Victor: So I understand you're going to work for Jack Abbott.

Adam: Correct.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: It's one of the few times having the name "Newman" did not work to my advantage.

Victor: Now you're not going to expect that people mistake you for the Newman of Newman Enterprises, do you?

Adam: Let's hope that payroll doesn't make that same mistake. I'll have to talk to them about that. I'd hate for them to send my paycheck over your way by accident.

Victor: (Laughs) Yeah. You're right. Very proud of yourself, aren't you, Son? You think you're very clever putting yourself in this position.

Adam: Well, not all of us can be lucky enough to be a man of leisure like yourself.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: But we'll see how that agrees with you long-term. You don't seem the type to want to take up, uh, gardening or stamp collecting.

Victor: Don't you worry about me, Son. I've got plenty of things to do.

Adam: That's right.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Wedding planning. Congratulations for the 148th time. Maybe you can consider turning that into a cottage industry for yourself. I mean, you have so much experience.

Victor: So how's your wife faring? How's your marriage, Son? Keeping your pregnant wife occupied? What's the matter?

Adam: It's out of character even for you to be so cruel.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Adam: Chelsea and I lost the baby after Summer ran us off the road.

Victor: I didn't hear anything about that. I'm very sorry to hear that.

Adam: You'll get over it. Seems as though the rest of your family already has.

Nick: (Sighs) Wherever your mother is, she is not checking her voice mail.

Noah: Maybe she's been in touch with Avery.

Nick: Avery?

Noah: If she needed legal advice?

Nick: She wouldn't go to Avery.

Noah: Isn't she her lawyer?

Nick: Avery is Newman’s corporate counsel. So once your mother left Newman Enterprises, she was no longer represented by Avery.

Noah: Well, what about when Grandpa had her arrested?

Nick: She hired Leslie Michaelson.

Noah: I think she should go back to Avery. I mean, there's no conflict of interest anymore...

Nick: (Sighs)

Noah: Now that Jack's her boss, right?

Nick: Uh, the conflict with Avery would be her principles. She doesn't work with anyone she can't trust. With all the lies your mother told letting us think Dad was dead and stealing the company out from under us...

Noah: Well, she never had clients lie to her before?

Nick: Well, if she has, she fired 'em. Avery has integrity.

Avery: Hey, a large frap, please. (Sighs)

[Avery remembering]

Nick: You bake? This is news to me.

Avery: Well, I am multifaceted. I have many facets.

Nick: You trip over yourself going up and down stairs. I've seen it.

Avery: That is true, but you do not see any stairs in my kitchen.

Nick: Yeah.

Avery: Here.

Nick: (Inhales slowly)

Avery: Oh, what, is a cupcake too froufrou for you?

Nick: Hey, I am very confident in my masculinity.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: If I want a cupcake, I'll have one. I'm just a little nervous you might have mixed up salt with sugar or, uh, I don't know, toothpaste with frosting.

Avery: Wow, you're hilarious. Bite it.

Nick: That is amazing.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: It's brilliant.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: I mean, in the history of baked goods, this is the best cupcake I've ever had. This has officially changed my life.

Avery: It is delicious, and you know you like it.

Nick: Yeah, I really do.

Avery: Nice work. Wait a minute. Do you even work here?

Chloe: I keep telling myself that no, I don't, but, unfortunately, Kevin needs some help lately, so, yep, here I am.

Avery: Well, I so need this. (Sighs)

Chloe: No, no, no, no. You put that away. I will trade you this beverage for some legal advice.

Avery: All right. If I'd known that, I would have asked for more whipped cream.

Chloe: Okay, well, if you help me out, I will hook you up with all the whipped cream you can handle.

Avery: Okay, hit me.

Chloe: I kinda sorta made a deal with the devil.

Avery: Oh, well, sometimes if you scour the fine print, you can get out of those.

Chloe: I don't want out. I want to stay in.

Victor: If Summer caused the miscarriage by being reckless, I'm sure that she's heartbroken now.

Adam: Makes sense that your, uh, concern would be for her. That's not snark. I mean it. It makes sense. The way you see it, no doubt, the universe has thoughtfully arranged to take an eye for an eye.

Victor: You're talking about Ashley’s miscarriage that... you caused? Let me tell you something, Son. I don't wish this on anyone. I want you to give my sympathies to Chelsea, okay?

Nikki: Hello, Victor.

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Nikki: Adam.

Adam: Excuse me.

Nikki: Charming as ever.

Victor: Did you know that Chelsea suffered a miscarriage?

Nikki: Yes, I did.

Victor: And did you also hear that Summer may have caused it?

Nikki: Well, we'll never know for certain, but it seems likely.

Victor: Why am I only finding out about this now?

Nikki: I'm sorry, Darling. I-I didn't want to tell you while you were in the hospital, and then the fire happened, and the move--

Victor: Sweetheart. Sweetheart, do me a favor. Don't ever keep anything like this from me. I don't care how serious it is. But when it pertains to my family, I want to know everything.

Nikki: I know. I'm sorry. So I came downstairs to bring this to you. It was just delivered.

Victor: What--what's this?

Nikki: The fire inspector's report. I haven't opened it yet.

Victor: Oh, let's take a look. It's arson.

Nikki: (Sighs) I knew it. I knew it. I didn't want to say anything until we knew that the fire wasn't an accident. Has anybody spoken to Sharon about her whereabouts that night?

Victor: (Sighs)

Chloe: So then I suggested that Adam's wife Chelsea take over for him.

Avery: Does she have the same kind of expertise that he does?

Chloe: No. But she does have Adam's ear and his connections. And, look, the main advantage is that they just don't take the money out of the company.

Avery: Were they receptive to that idea?

Chloe: She was. He wasn’t. But they haven't fully rejected the idea yet. I--

Avery: But it's not looking good.

Chloe: Look, I am just hoping that there's something in all that legalese that means that he just can't leave us hanging.

Avery: Well, I gotta tell you, this contract-- the terms are heavily skewed in Adam's favor. No surprise. Everything is his option.

Chloe: Yeah, we were kind of desperate when we made the deal with him.

Avery: Well, there's nothing in there that prevents him from taking out his money if that's what he wants to do.

Chloe: (Sighs) So in other words, we're at the mercy of Adam Newman.

Chelsea: What's that?

Adam: (Clears throat) It's a peace offering.

Chelsea: Hmm. Strudel. I'm not mad at you.

Adam: Wow, so I picked a really good strudel then, right?

Chelsea: I just-- I calmed down. And I realized that if you're looking for someone to manage a huge, multimillion-dollar high-tech investment, the candidate with the G.E.D. and a couple bartending stints on her résumé is probably not gonna get the gig. Duh.

Adam: Don't do that. Don't knock yourself.

Chelsea: No. What? It's just--it's reality.

Adam: Thank you.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Chelsea, you would be perfect for the job. At this stage of the game, it's all people skills. It's convincing the investors they have confidence in the company, laying out the vision for them. You don't think that's in your wheelhouse?

Chelsea: Oh, no. I would have rocked that.

Adam: Right?

Chelsea: (Sighs) But, Adam, then why did you say that I--

Adam: Kevin and Chloe. Kevin particularly. That, uh, that little boy is paranoid and childish and surly. He's not just that way with me. He was that way with corporate partners, Jabot. So it's one thing if he were that way with me, but if he were that way with you, it would have driven me crazy.

Chelsea: The web site is still a good idea.

Adam: Sure it is. It's a very good idea. There are plenty of good ideas out there that you can make money at and you don't feel like ripping your hair out.

Chelsea: Adam, I am going to have to find something to do. You are gonna be working at Newman long hours. If I just have to sit around here counting the throw pillows, I am gonna go insane.

Adam: No, you're gonna find something that you're passionate about.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: That's worth your time and effort, and when you do, I will be wildly supportive.

Chelsea: You got any ideas?

Adam: I have a few. But I'm gonna keep 'em to myself right now.

Chelsea: Oh, come on.

Adam: I want to see what you come up with. I mean, that's half the fun of living with you, you know? You never know what you're gonna get.

Chelsea: Oh, yeah? What's the other half? Oh.

Adam: Come here.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) There's one. (Chuckles)

Victor: Well, there's nothing in here that directly implicates Sharon.

Nikki: Is there anything that rules her out? Because she had access to the property. You hadn't even changed the locks after you threw her out. And she is bitterly resentful of you.

Victor: Sweetheart, she's not alone in that, okay? There's a long list of enemies.

Nikki: Victor, you have business rivals. This was personal. This was somebody deliberately destroying our home that we were planning on living together in, a home that we had so many memories of our family, of the kids growing up, everything. It was personal.

Victor: I hear what you're saying. But so far, there's no hard evidence in here. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to hire my own investigator.

Nikki: All right. I'm gonna do some investigating, too.

Chloe: Hey. How's it going?

Chelsea: (Sighs) It's good. But I'm... (Sighs)

Chloe: You had your talk with Adam.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. I was really excited to help you run TagNGrab, but at the-- at the end of the day, he's probably right. It's just not the best move for us.

Chloe: You know, I had a feeling that's what the answer was going to be. But, honestly, you know, it's really not a big deal, because even if you could have convinced Adam to go with it, I really don't think that Kevin would have gone for it. I mean, not that he has any objection with you in particular.

Chelsea: Right, no, I get it. It just would have put me in the middle between him and Adam. I get it.

Chloe: Yeah, it's not a fun place to be. Believe me.

Chelsea: Well, TagNGrab is still a great concept. I will continue to shop there.

Chloe: That's if it still exists.

Chelsea: Well, Adam will-- will make sure he gets you guys another investor, I'm sure.

Chloe: Maybe. But even if he does, we're not gonna have a say in who that is, and I mean, who knows how they're gonna run it or if they'll push us out? Or... (Scoffs) I'm--I'm really sorry. You know what? This is not your fault. This is my fault, because I recruited Adam, and I'm the one who forced Kevin to make it work. Guess I should have just stuck to my day job.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) I know, right? What do you do at-- at "Restless Style" again? You're a writer?

Chloe: No, I'm-- I'm a stylist.

Chelsea: No way. How do you become a stylist in Genoa City?

Chloe: (Laughs) You don’t. (Laughs) I lived in New York. Yeah, I was right in the middle of the fashion district.

Chelsea: You’re kidding. Oh, that must have been so cool.

Chloe: It was. It was a lot of fun.

Chelsea: I wanted to be a fashion designer growing up. (Giggles) My mom-- my mom and I, we ran this con once. We convinced this guy that I was a high-end model. (Laughs) I, like, created this whole fake wardrobe of mine. I would go into secondhand shops and buy a bunch of stuff, and then I would deconstruct it, and then I would put it back together in different ways. I called myself "Andie Walsh." The guy had no clue, but its Molly Ringwald's character...

Chloe: "Pretty in Pink."

Chelsea: In "Pretty in Pink," yeah. She makes her own prom dress.

Chloe: Yeah, I know. I love that movie.

Chelsea: Hmm.

Chloe: Hey, you don't have any pictures of the stuff that you made, do you?

Chelsea: I do, actually.

Chloe: I'd love to see them.

Nikki: Oh, it is so nice to have you here within squeezing distance.

Nick: You're gonna have to resist that urge while he's at work.

Nikki: Oh, where are you working?

Noah: Uh, at the club bartending.

Nikki: No.

Noah: Yes.

Nikki: And I'm living there. I'll see you every day. But I promise I won't hug you. I'll just reach across the bar and pinch your cheeks.

Noah: Excellent. It's much more professional.

Nikki: (Laughs)

Noah: Thank you.

Nick: Dude, she is the best tipper in the world. She's gonna hook you up. Are you here to talk about wedding plans, mom?

Nikki: Um, no, no. Something else. Thank you.

Noah: Oh, you know what? I think Faith has been quiet a little too long. I'm gonna go check on her.

Nikki: Okay.

Nick: (Sighs) Thanks, Bud.

Noah: Yeah.

Nikki: Actually, I'm looking for Sharon. She's not at home.

Nick: She's out of town.

Nikki: Really? Since when?

Nick: You know, I don't know. She left a message for Noah. She didn't say where she was or how long she'll be gone.

Nikki: So she hasn't been in touch with you? You--you don't have to make arrangements for Faith?

Nick: You would think. I texted her a picture of Faith dressed up in her Halloween costume. But we found her phone at her house.

Nikki: (Sighs) All right, I have to tell you something. We got the official word this morning that the fire was deliberately set.

Nick: And now you're here looking for Sharon.

Nikki: I know you're going to tell me I'm jumping to conclusions.

Nick: Actually, the same thought crossed my mind.

Nikki: It did?

Nick: I don't want to believe it.

Nikki: Well, I think if that thought had crossed her mind, there would be nothing to stop her from doing it. And she has no conscience. She has no sense of decency or shame. And she has no remorse for the things she has done to us. In fact, she blames us. I'm sorry, Son. But I don't see anything left of the Sharon that you used to love.

[Sharon dreaming]

(Flames crackling)

Adam: Sharon!

Adam: Sharon! Sharon!

Adam: Sharon? Sharon. Hey, no, we're right here. You were dreaming.

Sharon: (Gasps) Who is that?

Adam: Remember I told you I was going to find someone to help you? This is Dr. Watkins.

Sharon: No notice? What, no warning?

Adam: Sharon, we agreed.

Sharon: No, Adam, you did not have my permission to bring her here. You have to leave.

Dr. Watkins: Where would you like me to go?

Sharon: Anywhere but here.

Nick: What else was in that investigator's report?

Nikki: If you're asking if we have solid proof that Sharon was involved, no, we don’t. Not yet. But your father has hired another investigator to look for evidence. If there is something to be found, we will find it. What? Do you know something?

Nick: There are two people upstairs who don't need to hear any of this.

Nikki: Honey, I know that. And I am so sorry. Believe me, I am not reveling in this. I mean, obviously, it's awful to think of them finding out about this on top of everything else their mother has done.

Nick: I appreciate you not bringing it up in front of Noah.

Nikki: Sweetheart, I just have to say, if it turns out that Sharon was involved, we're only gonna be able to shield them from so much. Now I already think that your father has been way too lenient with Sharon. If she had been locked up like she deserved to be, maybe the ranch would still be standing. But, unfortunately, she is a danger to herself and to everyone around her. We're gonna have to face that and take the appropriate measures, whatever they may be.

Victor: (Sighs) So what do you think, Inspector?

Man: The char pattern on the carpet indicates the presence of a liquid accelerant. It could be as simple as that.

Victor: That's my own tequila. Are you suggesting that someone could have used my own booze to burn this house down?

Man: In my experience, it suggests an unplanned act of passion.

Victor: Or an act of hatred against me.

Sharon: I have never heard of anything so unprofessional in my entire life-- ambushing someone in her sleep?

Adam: Sharon, let's be reasonable. It's not an ambush. This is a house call.

Sharon: Well, I'm sorry we wasted your time.

Dr. Watkins: I'm sorry we startled you.

Adam: Look, let's just calm down. We'll have a nice conversation. I can pour some drinks.

Sharon: No, no. I am way too upset. This is not going to work.

Dr. Watkins: I'm just gonna leave you my card in case you want to reschedule.

Adam: (Sighs) Uh, she's had some bad experiences when she was institutionalized last.

Dr. Watkins: Your instincts were right, Mr. Newman. She does need professional help. And, uh, sooner than later.

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: Adam, I'm sure you think that I overreacted, and I don't want to seem ungrateful.

Adam: She was just here to help you, Sharon.

Sharon: Well, I don't need a psychiatrist. All I need is for this to come to an end so I can go home and hug my kids. You know, this is a very lovely cottage, but it's starting to make me feel like I did when I was in prison.

Adam: You're here for your own protection, so that you don't end up in prison.

Sharon: Are the police looking for me?

Adam: Not that I know of.

Sharon: Do they suspect that I set that fire? Adam?

Adam: I heard my father talking with Nikki, and the fire has been ruled arson. Your name did come up.

Noah: Kiddo, get your shoes on. We'll go feed the ducks. (Sighs)

Noah: Hey, it's me. Uh, I was hopin' to catch you. I got your text. I guess it was meant for me. It could have been meant for somebody else-- you just got the number wrong. That happens, right? But if it was for me, yeah, I miss you, too.

Nick: Mom, what are you looking for?

Nikki: Well, the inspector's not gonna know what belongs here and what doesn’t.

Nick: So you think whoever started this fire would do you the favor of leaving something behind? And if that's Sharon, what's that gonna prove? That she used to live here?

Nikki: All trace of Sharon was completely gone. I saw to that. Her clothes, her jewelry-- everything was moved out of here. Victor, is your investigator still here?

Victor: (Sighs) Yeah, he's taking pictures in the other room. So, Son, what do you think about your mother's idea that Sharon started this?

Nick: I hope she's wrong.

Victor: Have you talked to her? Does she have an alibi for that night?

Nick: No.

Victor: "No" what?

Nick: No, I haven't talked to her.

Nikki: Sharon left town very suddenly.

Victor: Really?

Nick: Well, think how messed up she must have been to do something like this.

Nikki: That's exactly my point, Son. She shouldn't be roaming around out there in that condition.

Nick: That is not what I'm saying.

Victor: What you're saying is that you don't think Sharon could have done this.

Nikki: Nicholas, I know you don't want to see this, or maybe you can't see it. But there's always been this side to Sharon.

Nick: Yeah, just like Ashley? Patty? Diane? And what do they all have in common?

Victor: Son, I think it's time you leave.

Nick: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Nikki: No, please wait. Don't go.

Victor: Leave him be.

Nikki: (Scoffs) I don't want you two fighting about Sharon. She has caused so much grief for this family. I don't want you fighting about it. It's ridiculous.

Nick: I'll tell you what's ridiculous is that you're blaming one person for this. And it's Sharon?

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: I'm gonna check on the inspector.

Chloe: You really knew what was going on in the fashion world.

Chelsea: Ah, yes, that was my Alexander McQueen phase.

Chloe: Yeah, but that's-- that's not a copy. I mean, you had your own take on it.

Chelsea: Mm.

Chloe: Wow, how old were you?

Chelsea: I was like 16 or 17.

Chloe: (Scoffs) Are you kidding me? Are you sure you're not conning me?

Chelsea: (Chuckles) No. Those are mine. (Laughs)

Chloe: Okay, because these are really good. These are amazingly good. You know, you could be doing this for a living.

Chelsea: No. (Laughs)

Chloe: No, I am serious. You are really talented. I have connections.

Chelsea: Chloe, I haven't done this in, like, years. (Scoffs)

Chloe: Oh, okay, but I-- I know that you are still keeping up with it, 'cause I see you reading the magazines. I mean, come on. This isn't like TagNGrab. You don't need some huge investment. I mean, all you need is a sewing machine, some fabric, a place to work at. I mean, you could just use a spare room, and then once you get bigger, you know, rent a studio downtown.

Chelsea: Actually, we have a cottage on the property that's completely empty. I could use that as workspace.

Sharon: I don't remember anything I did that night. Gosh, someone could have seen me going to the ranch. But for all I know, I could have scrawled my name all over the walls. I wasn't rational.

Adam: If somebody had seen something, then my father would have eventually found out, and he has not said anything, so at this point, it is just conjecture.

Sharon: All right. Well, I-I could have left footprints.

Adam: Now that's easily explainable. You had been staying there. What we need to do is establish an alibi, and that is what I am working on. No one's gonna be able to touch you, Sharon. But in the meantime, I need you to play ball with me. You-- you have to stay in the cottage. No more sneaking up to the house. No more phone calls.

Sharon: No. No, I-I know. I understand.

Adam: I want to help you out, but I need your cooperation. You know I'm there for you, right?

Chelsea: I thought it was in here.

Chloe: You don't have a spare key to the cottage?

Chelsea: No. There's a master key around here somewhere.

Chloe: Even the word "Cottage" is, like, straight out of the Brothers Grimm. Its way more creatively inspiring than being stuck in some spare room.

Chelsea: Mm. Aha! Here it is. Let's go check it out.

Chloe: All right.

Nick: Hello?

(Knocks on countertop)

Nick: Anybody there?

Avery: Hey. Why all the yelling, Newman?

Nick: I really need some coffee.

Avery: Okay, well, they're a little understaffed, so it's kind of a self-serve honor system kind of day. Everything okay?

Nikki: (Sighs) Ooh, my God. This is just heartless. Whoever did this...?

Victor: (Sighs) Sweetheart, all of this can be replaced, okay?

Nikki: (Sighs) I used to feel safe in this house. Can you replace that?

Victor: I can, and I will.

Man: I got a picture of this already. Looks expensive. You don't want to leave it here.

Nikki: Um, it's not mine.

Avery: Well, maybe I shouldn't ask you what's going on until you finish that.

Nick: You probably shouldn't ask me even then.

Avery: Oh, okay.

Nick: For your own sake. Bad moods can be contagious.

Avery: Oh, you know I don't mind.

Nick: So you remember the day I had last week that was really, really terrible?

Avery: Uh, the one where your family lost the company, your father was in the hospital, and the ranch burned down? Yeah, it's kind of hard to forget that.

Nick: Yeah, well, this one's starting to feel a little worse.

Avery: Oh, Nick. How can I help? Do you need anything?

Nick: I need food. I need some lunch. Have you had lunch yet?

Avery: No, not yet.

Nick: Then let's go have some lunch. But we're not going anywhere popular, because I don't want to run into anyone I know.

Avery: Okay, well, I can't do lunch today, but we could meet later for a friendly dinner at a place I know would cheer you up.

Nick: Where is that?

Avery: My place.

Adam: I don't want anyone injured. Find vacant buildings. Make sure no one is inside. You deviate from that plan in any way, and you are not paid. Understood?

Man: You saying you don't care which buildings I torch?

Adam: I'll leave that up to you. Just make certain it looks like arson. Use alcohol-- tequila, preferably Capataz. Leave the bottles behind.

Man: You're setting somebody up.

Adam: Just the opposite.

Chloe: Okay, process of elimination.

Chelsea: Let's try... this one. Hmm.

Nikki: Do you recognize this?

Victor: Yes, I do. Do you think there's some truth to what... Nicholas was suggesting?

Nikki: Victor, just tell me.

Victor: Well... when a crime is committed, one so easily always looks at one person.

Nikki: Yeah, but what does that mean?

Victor: Well, maybe... I may be partly responsible for what happened here. I gave this bracelet to Sharon during our brief courtship.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Yep.

Nikki: So there is only one person responsible for this, and she's gonna pay for it. She's gonna pay for it.

Victor: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: Do you feel that? Like someone's been here?

Genevieve: I need your help, Tucker.

Tucker: Bank's closed.

Genevieve: No.

Jack: Congratulations, Adam. You will be the acting C.E.O. during my brief absence.

Phyllis: You're joking.

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