Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/30/12
Episode # 10023 ~ Kevin's Dreams Fall Apart; Harmony & Neil Say Goodbye
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chelsea: Mmm, wow. Strawberries are not supposed to taste this good in October.
Adam: Let me see.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Mm, yeah, you're right. Wait, wait, wait.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: Mmm. You are definitely right.
Chelsea: I think we were both starved from bailing on dinner last night.
Adam: For good reason.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Mm. Adam...
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: I'm sorry.
Adam: For what?
Chelsea: For the things I said to you yesterday. (Laughs) Accusing you of having an affair, behaving like a... jealous wife.
Adam: There's no need to apologize, Chelse.
Chelsea: Everybody handles their grief in their own way. I shouldn't expect you to handle yours the way I do or the way I want you to. It's not fair.
Adam: I understand you being insecure at a time like this. I haven't been what you humans call "Emotionally available." Sincerely, though, I... I'm gonna work on being more open.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Sharon: This room's still not right. It's still not right.
Ronan: Forensics was here most of the night. Right now, we're just trying to piece together what happened.
Genevieve: Well, I-- if--I'm happy to answer whatever questions you may have.
Ronan: Thank you.
Genevieve: You're welcome.
Ronan: Come in. When you came to the suite to see Ms. Claude, tell me exactly what you saw and did.
Genevieve: I told you that already--
Ronan: I'd like to hear it again, please.
Genevieve: Uh, yeah. I, um, I came to the door. I knocked, and then, uh, I-I realized it was ajar so I pushed it open. And then I saw the room here in this terrible disarray, and I-I went looking to try to find the woman, and... came back this way... and I saw the blood, and I got scared and I left. And I went straight to see Ethan, and then we both came to see you.
Ronan: You didn't see your kerchief there on the floor?
Genevieve: No, I-I was absolutely stunned when you found that here.
Ronan: You didn't see it on the floor with blood on it? You didn't see that?
Genevieve: No.
Ronan: Okay, okay. So while you were looking for the victim, did you touch anything else?
Genevieve: She's a victim now?
Ronan: This is a crime scene, Genevieve.
Genevieve: (Sighs) You asked me yesterday if I touched anything. I told you, I-I--the only thing I touched was the door.
Ronan: The door. Did you happen to drop anything else, other than your kerchief?
Genevieve: (Laughs) I didn't drop that! I told you, I'm not the one who did that.
Ronan: Explain this for me.
Genevieve: It's--it's-- I don't know. It's a paperweight.
Ronan: It is, with your fingerprints all over it, and traces of blood. It's a convenient murder weapon.
Cane: I can't stop thinking about my mom, the latest mess she's in.
Lily: I know that Genevieve is not a saint, but a murderer?
Cane: Look, all I know is my mom is a magnet for trouble, and now she's directly implicated in whatever happened to this woman she hired, so...
Lily: Well, no, may have hired. "May."
Cane: Well, you might believe that she's innocent, but I think, considering her track record and the way she deceived Jack, that the police are gonna kind of see that differently.
Lily: Cane, I know that you're still upset, you know, losing the job that you wanted because of all of that. I get it.
Cane: I really don't want to talk about Jabot right now.
Neil: Well, that's just too bad... hi.
Lily: Hi.
Neil: Because Jabot is exactly what I want to talk to you about.
Cane: Oh. So when Jack said he had someone in mind for the C.E.O. job, he was, uh... he was talking about you.
Neil: Yes.
Phyllis: The nurses-- they said you were in here. Um, how'd--how'd the tests go?
Jack: Well, they don't know anything yet. The doctor should be here any minute. You didn't have to come back, you know.
Phyllis: I rode with you in the ambulance last night. Of course I'm gonna pick you up this morning.
(Door opens)
Jack: Hey, Doc. So what's the verdict?
Doctor: The news isn't good. The bullet has shifted. It's gotten dangerously close to your spine. I don't understand why it wasn't removed at the time.
Jack: They said it would be dangerous, that I could have permanent paralysis.
Doctor: Whoever arrived at that prognosis shouldn't be allowed to practice medicine.
Jack: Okay, so what about now? What needs to happen next?
Doctor: The bullet has to come out. If it continues to move, you'll end up paralyzed. I also would not rule out this case becoming fatal.
Phyllis: Oh, my God.
Jack: S-so how long can I hold this off?
Doctor: Get the bullet out now. If it were up to me, we would start prepping you for surgery immediately.
Chelsea: Going somewhere?
Adam: Meeting with Jack.
Chelsea: Again? I thought-- (Chuckles) What's going on with that, anyway? Are you really angling for a job at Newman?
Adam: Well, without my, uh, father or the chosen ones holding me back, I think there's a lot I can offer that company.
Chelsea: What about TagNGrab?
Adam: I'm gonna meet with Jack, I'm gonna see what he wants, and then I'll go from there.
Chelsea: What has Jack said about it so far?
Adam: Come here. Will you trust me to make the right decision for both of us?
(Doorbell rings)
Chelsea: Oh, come on. Who's that?
Adam: I don't know. Why don't you, uh, why don't you go upstairs, get some rest?
Chelsea: I'm fine. (Chuckles) Who's at the door?
Neil: It's been many years since I worked at Jabot. It's strange how life comes full circle. Cane, I'm well aware that you were gunning for the C.E.O. chair. I'm gonna ask you something. I'll understand if you say no. I am looking for a very strong right hand. I'm hoping you'll consider stepping in that role.
Cane: I don't have to consider it. I would be happy to accept it. Thank you.
Neil: Terrific. And as for you, my lovely young daughter, I have a position in mind for you, as well, starting immediately. Why don't you come by and, uh, we'll discuss it, all right?
Lily: Okay. (Chuckles)
Neil: Okay. So I'll see you both later, all right?
Cane: Sure.
Lily: Sure. Bye.
Neil: Bye.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: (Laughs)
Genevieve: I realized why this thing looks familiar to me now. You know what it is? It--this thing is in every suite. There's one in my room, too.
Ronan: I wish that were true.
Genevieve: What do you mean?
Ronan: I had my men do a sweep. There is no paperweight in your room. There's two in this one, the one on the desk there and the one you're holding, with your fingerprints on it and the blood.
Genevieve: I-I-I... (Sighs) I-I-I just-- I don't understand this. I-it doesn't make any sense. I mean, I came here to meet that woman, and that's it. That's all it was. Oh, y--ohh. Y-you know what? I-it--she called me, in fact, and I can prove that because you can just check my cell phone.
Ronan: We already are. So this woman, Shirl Claude-- she comes to town pretending to be your dead daughter...
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Ronan: Starts harassing your son. Is that correct?
Genevieve: You know, I-I-I wish you would stop calling her that. That's a made-up name.
Ronan: Yeah, well, that was the relationship that was being formed, right?
Genevieve: It--there-- there was no relationship. I-I never even saw that woman until she showed up here in Genoa City.
Ronan: But when you did see her, when she came to town, she started tormenting your family. Is that correct?
Genevieve: For heaven's sake, stop it! You don't even know yet if a-a real crime happened here. You don't! It could be something else. It could be an accident or something minor. (Sighs) May I please go?
Ronan: Yes, you may, but don't go far.
Genevieve: Why?
Ronan: Genevieve... if we had a body right now, you would be under arrest, and with the amount of blood we found on the floor over there, it won't be long before one turns up.
Kevin: Adam isn't taking our calls and we have some decisions to make now, not six months from now.
Chelsea: It's been a very difficult time.
Chloe: And we understand that things have been rough for you lately, but we have stood by for as long as we possibly could, okay? We need this company to continue to grow.
Adam: I'm sorry, I have a meeting to rush off to.
Kevin: What meeting? Why aren't we involved?
Adam: It has nothing to do with TagNGrab, Kevin.
Kevin: Look, Adam, we need to make some decisions, and we can't do that without your blessing, but you won't take our calls, you won't sit down and talk to us, even when we come to see you. What the hell? How are we supposed to run a business?
Adam: Kevin, calm down.
Kevin: Calm down?! Are you trying to pull something, squeeze Chloe and me out of this?
Adam: Look, I don't have time for this. I don't have time for this, Kevin.
Chloe: Well, why don't you make some time?
Kevin: We are your partners, and we are sick of not being treated as such.
Adam: I am sick, Kevin, of you, frankly, and I want out. Find someone to buy me out. I'm finished.
Chelsea: Where did that come from?
Adam: I want to put my energies into something I believe in. The more I deal with these two albatrosses, the more I realize TagNGrab ain't it.
Chelsea: Kevin and Chloe aren't millionaires, Adam. How are they supposed to come up with the kind of money it'll take to dissolve the partnership?
Adam: They have rich friends. They'll figure it out.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: This is for the best, Chelsea. This could be the beginning of something life-changing for us. It's time.
Phyllis: Jack, I don't understand. How can you leave that hospital? You need to have that surgery.
Jack: Would you give me a break? I just took over Newman Enterprises.
Phyllis: No, no, no, you--
Jack: I need to make sure my team can keep things running smoothly while I'm laid up.
Phyllis: You are putting business ahead of your health, maybe your life!
Jack: It isn't just business! It's Newman.
Phyllis: Your old doctors could not remove the bullet. This new surgeon says he can. It is a medical miracle. You need to take advantage of it, please, Jack.
Jack: Oh, Red, you never let me get away with anything. Okay. I promise I will call Dr. Carter this afternoon and schedule surgery. I will. I-- no fingers crossed behind my back.
Phyllis: Okay.
Jack: (Groans)
Phyllis: I'm sorry. I don't want to be pushy. You're just giving me a new beginning. I don't want anything bad to happen.
Jack: Nothing will. I promise. I got big plans for you and me in this adventure. Come on, I'll buy you breakfast, I can tell you all about my grand vision.
Phyllis: Okay, great, um, after you call the doctor.
Jack: (Sighs)
Lily: A guerilla marketing team?
Neil: With you in charge, engaging the public. Just a few staff, but something that will help us reach a whole new demographic.
Cane: Yeah, the trendsetters beyond social media. I like that.
Neil: Exactly. I've set up a meeting with your team.
Lily: (Laughs) Wait, I haven't accepted the job.
Neil: Do yourself a favor-- take the meeting, see what you think. Small conference room in about 20-- ooh, make that 15 minutes.
Cane: (Clears throat)
Lily: Okay, well... (Laughs) Aren't you sure of yourself?
Neil: I know that I have an extremely intelligent daughter who won't pass up a killer opportunity when she sees one.
Lily: (Sighs) You, boys. All righty.
Neil: Break a leg.
Lily: Here I go.
Cane: I like that idea. It's good.
Neil: Hope I didn't step on any toes at home.
Cane: No, no, trust me, she's ready to come back to work.
Neil: I also hope that there's no resentment about our new arrangement. It's probably gonna take a little bit of getting used to, you know, reporting to your father-in-law.
Cane: (Exhales slowly) Okay, inside this room, it's business. Anything that's personal, family, it stays outside that door. That's the way it is.
Neil: Wouldn't want it any other way.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Neil: You know, Cane, we've had our differences, haven't we?
Cane: Yes, we have.
Neil: Mm-hmm. Your history isn't exactly ideal for my daughter and grandchildren.
Cane: (Sighs) Justifiably so, yes.
Neil: But you know something? At the end of the day, I know how much you love 'em. There's nothing you wouldn't do for your wife and kids.
Cane: No. You never doubt that. Never. It's good to work with you, Neil, again. Welcome aboard, my friend.
Neil: Thank you. Appreciate that.
Cane: You got it.
Neil: So here's to a very long working relationship together.
Adam: Sharon?
Adam: Hey. You okay?
Sharon: I... I'm sorry, Adam. I... I-I moved the furniture around. I-it didn't feel right to me. It's still not right. I hate it here, Adam. I hate everything.
Lily: Um, it was really good. I mean, there's a lot I don't know, but the ideas were flowing and everyone was very receptive to what I had to say.
Cane: So, uh, does that mean you're gonna take the job?
Lily: Um, I'm not sure. There is a lot I have to think about.
Cane: Yeah? Like what? You know the twins are in good hands, right?
Lily: No, I know, I know. And I am ready to get back to work.
Cane: Okay, is it you're worried about working for your dad, or...
Lily: No, it's that I'm worried about working with you.
Jack: The company will focus on three key areas...
Phyllis: Thank you.
Jack: Manufacturing, tech, and real estate. Newman Cosmetics will be the only consumer division.
Phyllis: Sounds like you've been planning this for a long time.
Jack: Well, Jabot is a single company with a limited set of products targeting a very specific market.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Jack: A multinational like Newman...
Phyllis: Sets the imagination free. I got it.
Jack: So you understand why I'm reluctant to step away from my desk, even for a couple of we--
Phyllis: You're doing the surgery. You're doing it. Billy and I will take care of everything at Newman. Anybody who's a threat to Newman is gone. You gotta do what you gotta do. Everything will be fine.
Kevin: You know, Adam's money may have gotten us into the game, but if he yanks it now, what good does it do us?
Chloe: I think we need to buy him out and just move on from here.
Kevin: Buy him out? Are you kidding me? He's into the company for $15 million. Where are we gonna find that kind of cash?
(Door opens)
Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, God.
Chelsea: Hi. If you want me to go, I will go, as long as you realize I had nothing to do with Adam's decision to walk away.
Chloe: So you couldn't get through to him?
Chelsea: I'm sorry.
Kevin: I've seen this coming for awhile. He doesn't respect us, everything is a fight, and since he put up most of the money, guess who always wins? Now the whole thing could go down the toilet just because Adam doesn't feel like making an effort.
Chloe: To Adam, TagNGrab is just another investment, but to us, it's everything.
Chelsea: I understand. (Sighs) I think Adam is struggling a lot more with our loss than he'll admit. Maybe once he works through it, he'll have more faith... (Sighs) In a lot of things.
Kevin: Great, great. So while he's dealing with his angst, we get screwed.
Adam: I wish I could help you, but I am not equipped to handle this kind of... breakdown.
Sharon: You think I'm having a-a full-blown breakdown?
Adam: I don’t... I'm not qualified to answer that question, but I-I think you should talk to a doctor. I know that you're against that.
Sharon: I don't know how I feel. I... I just have no energy. It's like I'm too weak even to feel scared. I... Adam, I'm sorry I've dragged you into this.
Adam: I'm here because I want to be here.
Sharon: Have you told Chelsea?
Adam: I'm waiting for the right moment.
Sharon: You can't keep doing this. You have a life, you--you have a marriage. It--this isn't fair to Chelsea. It's--it's--it's not right. No more. I'm gonna do it. I-I'm gonna get professional help.
Adam: You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.
Lily: I don't know. You just hear all these horror stories about couples who work for the same company or they start a business together, and then a month later, they're at each other's throats.
Cane: Because they spend too much time together.
Lily: Yes, and no job is worth that.
Cane: Okay. After everything we've been through, okay, do you really think that spending time and working at Jabot is gonna do us in, hmm? I love you. Do you love me? Yeah, you love me? 'Cause I love you, all right? We are gonna be fine.
Lily: I'm so glad that you feel that way.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah.
(Door opens)
Genevieve: Ethan, Ethan! Thank God you're here. You've gotta help me.
Kevin: I've never trusted that guy. I don't like him, and we don't share similar values. Those are three outstanding reasons not to go into business with someone, and yet, I let myself get talked into it anyway.
Chloe: When we couldn't raise enough money from the other investors, I was the one who pushed too hard to make it happen.
Kevin: I still should have refused. I had all these stars in my eyes about what TagNGrab could be, the kind of life that we could have. (Sighs) I just-- I wanted things to be so much better for our kids than they ever were for us growing up.
Chloe: I want that, too.
Kevin: Yeah, well, now we could end up with nothing, nothing, because once again, I let my ambition get in the way of my common sense. It is the story of my life, Chloe... (Exhales sharply) To just when I'm about to achieve something of--of merit, it gets ripped away from me. (Sighs)
Neil: Thanks so much. Appreciate that. Mm-hmm.
Harmony: Hey.
Neil: Mm, hey. What a nice surprise. Hi.
Harmony: It is nice, but it's not a surprise, because I was looking for you. I-I stopped over at your office at Chancellor.
Neil: Oh. Yeah, yeah, about that, um, I was gonna tell you that--
Harmony: Yeah, they-- they told me, so I went to Jabot, and they said you were here.
Neil: Look at you, chasing me all over town.
Harmony: Yeah, all over town. I'm exhausted. You move quick.
Neil: Yeah, I know I do. I'm sorry. Listen, I meant to tell you about Jabot, but everything has been happening so fast.
Harmony: Neil, congratulations. You deserve it.
Neil: Thank you. I'm gonna miss Katherine and everyone else at Chancellor, but this is an opportunity that I can't pass up. Hey, tell you what-- why don't you let me take you out to dinner sometime this week and, um, we'll catch up, all right?
Harmony: Uh, I would love to, uh, but that's what I came to see you about. I have some news of my own.
Neil: Oh, yeah? Yeah? You got some news? What you got? What you got for me? Go on.
Harmony: (Sighs) I'm leaving Genoa City.
Jack: So I haven't told many people this. I am considering merging Jabot with Newman Cosmetics. Jabot, Beauty of Nature, and this new organic line all under the same umbrella.
Phyllis: Hmm, you really do want to rule the world, don't you?
Jack: Oh, yeah, and then some.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Oh, hang on, let's--oh, you know what? It's, uh, legal. They have some questions for me.
Jack: You know what? Take that. I'm gonna have a little chat with Adam. (Groans)
Phyllis: Uh... uh, this is Phyllis.
Adam: You okay? You're walking like you're in pain.
Jack: I'm fine. I got your text. What'd you want to see me about
Lily: What is going on?
Genevieve: It's this horrible investigation.
Cane: Mom, Ronan and the police are on this, okay? So if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about.
Genevieve: Ronan's men have found more evidence.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: What kind of evidence?
Genevieve: (Sighs) Colin-- or whoever is out to get me-- is trying to make it look like I had something to do with all of this. You know, l-like I m-may have done something to that woman. Like maybe even killed her. I-I'm scared. I can't do this alone.
Cane: Mom, I am sorry. There's nothing more I can do to help you. You're on your own.
Neil: You're leaving? I-I thought things were going very well for you here.
Harmony: Oh, they are. They are. I-I love it here. I mean, I love my friends. I adore Katherine, and Devon and I, we--we're in a really good place right now. But...
Neil: But--but--but what? I mean, what is it? Is it... wait a minute. Is--is it me? Are--are you leaving town because of me?
Harmony: Because of you?
Neil: Yeah.
Harmony: Everything doesn't revolve around Neil Winters, C.E.O. of Jabot.
Neil: (Chuckles)
Harmony: (Laughs) I care an awful lot about you, Neil. I really do. It's Ana.
Neil: What--what's wrong with Ana?
Harmony: Well, she's having some trouble at school back east, and she needs her mother. And I told her all she ever had to do was call and I'd be there.
Neil: Yeah. And she called.
Harmony: She did.
Neil: Right.
Harmony: And I, um, I leave this afternoon.
Neil: Wow. So you--you're--you're come-- coming back, right?
Harmony: (Sighs)
Neil: Oh. Harmony. So this is good-bye. Ohh.
Harmony: You know, I could just... (sighs) Stand here all day lookin' at you. But I gotta go, 'cause I got a plane to catch. So long, Neil.
Neil: Good-bye, Harmony.
Adam: I haven't had a chance to congratulate you. Not many people can say they took down the great Victor Newman.
Jack: Well, it wasn't single-handed. Your shares helped put me over the top.
Adam: Glad to be of service.
Jack: Listen, I was sorry to hear about you and Chelsea losing the baby.
Adam: Thanks.
Jack: For what it's worth, I, uh, I've been there, more than once. I know about the heartache. How are the two of you doing?
Adam: Hangin' in. Thanks for your concern.
Jack: So tell me about the rest of your life. Is TagNGrab taking the world by storm yet?
Adam: I am selling my stake in that company.
Jack: I kind of wondered how long that would keep your interest. So talk to me. What's going on? What are you thinking?
Adam: I want to come work with you, Jack.
Jack: At Newman?
Adam: You're building your team. I want back in at that company. The timing seems fortuitous.
Jack: Adam, why on earth would I trust you with any position you're qualified for?
Adam: Oh, Jack, I thought we were past all that.
Jack: You sold me your shares in Newman, a simple transaction. This is doing business together. You understand why I'm wary.
Adam: And that is precisely the reason why I should be by your side.
Sharon: If you only knew how much I missed you... Oh, Adam, why is there no phone?! (Sighs)
Genevieve: You don't think that I am actually capable of... (Sighs) Th-that I would actually do anything to harm someone, do you?
Cane: Frankly, Mom, I don't know what to think.
Genevieve: Ethan!
Neil: What's going on?
Cane: You don't want to know, Neil, trust me.
Genevieve: (Gasps)
Lily: We'll fill you in later.
Genevieve: Son, oh, please. (Sobbing) I'm begging you, please.
Cane: That is my wife, and that is my father-in-law, and because of my ties to you and my father, I have caused them an incredible amount of pain. And it has taken me years to get their trust back. Every single time you have a catastrophe and I come and help you, I live to regret it, and I will not do that to them again. Now please just leave.
Chloe: You know, maybe we just should walk away ourselves. I mean, I'm not willing to approach anyone to get the money to buy out Adam. And what--what if he sells to someone that we hate?
Kevin: You want to walk away from everything that we've worked for?
Chloe: No, of course I don't want to just walk away, but I can't stand seeing you so angry.
Kevin: Damned right I'm angry! You know what? To hell with Adam. I'm gonna fix this.
Chloe: How?
Kevin: I'm gonna find us the money, whatever it takes. That smug bastard is not gonna ruin this for us just because he got bored and moved on.
Phyllis: H-huh? Uh, y-yeah, I'll get that for you.
Jack: Junior, come on. If you were in my position...
Adam: You're a capable businessman. I'd hear you out.
Jack: You'd hear me out, and then you'd throw me out.
Adam: You want to hire your brother and Phyllis to do jobs they've never done before, that's your prerogative. You're comfortable with them. You assume that they will grow into their positions. But you cannot surround yourself entirely with trainees. You need... people who have experience and expertise in key positions. The nuances of Newman finance-- something I am all too familiar with. I know where the bodies are buried, Jack.
Jack: So to speak.
Adam: As a continuing board member, I would like to support your, uh, vision going forward.
Jack: Adam, you are saying all of the right things. My instincts tell me, though, that this is not a good fit.
Adam: Have your instincts considered just how much fun it would be hiring the black sheep of the Newman family? My father would blow yet another gasket. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Jack: (Laughs) Okay, you got me there. All right, Adam. What is it you want?
Adam: Make me C.F.O.
Sharon: (Sighs) Hi, Noah. It's me. (Sighs) It's been a long time. Um, I'm actually out of town right now. Um, I-I just needed to take a little trip and--and get away. I'm... I know I've been a mess lately, and I really, really want to straighten myself out, so the next time we see each other, I promise that I will be in a much better place. (Sighs) I'm really sorry I missed you, Honey. I... it seems like forever since I've heard your voice.
(Key turns in lock)
Sharon: (Gasps)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ronan: Why'd you take the job at Newman? Is it about Nick?
Nick: You sold him your Newman shares in exchange for a top-level gig. Is that the way this went down?
Kevin: I should have never gone into business with Adam Newman.
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