Y&R Transcript Monday 10/29/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/29/12


Episode # 10022 ~ Billy Is Blackmailed; Jack Takes Pleasure In His Takeover

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: I'm s-sorry.

Adam: It's okay.

Sharon: I-I mean, I-I-I didn't mean to...

Adam: Sharon, we're good.

Sharon: You know, it's like the part of my brain that controls things, it's--it's--it isn't there. (Stammers) This--just these impulses-- it's not me.

Adam: Like drinking too much?

Sharon: Like putting my arms around you the way that I just did. Where'd that come from?

Adam: You needed a hug.

Sharon: You're married. What's right? What's--what's appropriate? I don't know. It--it--it's-- in my brain, it's mixed up. It's--I-I just don't understand where these impulses are coming from. I--

Adam: Hey, maybe-- maybe we could get you some professional help.

Sharon: Okay, I'm not crazy.

Adam: No, I'm not saying you're crazy, Sharon.

Sharon: Okay, I'm not going back to that place.

Adam: I'm not suggesting you go back to any place.

Sharon: I'm not. But you want to send me there.

Adam: No, I want someone to talk to you.

Sharon: No! No. No, no...

Adam: I want someone professional to just talk to you--someone who's got experience with these things.

Sharon: No, no, no, no, no. No, I won’t. I won’t.

Adam: Sharon, you have to--

Sharon: No, I won't!

Adam: Hey, just listen to me. You need to talk to someone.

Sharon: I'm--no. No. No. No!

Genevieve: Ethan, did you get my messages?

Cane: Yeah, I got your messages.

Genevieve: Well, I-- I'm sure you've been busy.

Cane: Yeah, but not busy as the C.E.O. of Jabot, thanks to you, Mom.

Tucker: Hey. How much rejection will it take before you finally give up?

Kay: Oh, it's just gorgeous, Nikki.

Nikki: Thank you.

Kay: It's beautiful.

Nikki: Well, are you happy for me?

Kay: (Sighs) Ye--well, and also relieved that you two have found your way back to each other.

Nikki: But you know, it feels different this time.

Kay: Mm.

Nikki: Victor has reassessed where he's been and where he's going. He's making some smart choices about the kind of life he wants to have.

Kay: Well, I certainly hope he's serious about that, because I was the one who dispensed that particular advice.

Nikki: Ahh, well, then I am forever indebted to you.

Kay: Nikki, because I love you so much, I just-- I hope you don't assume these changes are permanent. I-it's very difficult-- it's hard for a man to reinvent himself, and, uh, who knows, uh, how it's going with someone as successful and unwavering as one Victor Newman?

Nick: You gonna rebuild it?

Victor: I'm not gonna just rebuild it. I'm gonna reenvision this whole thing.

Nick: It's gonna take a long time.

Victor: Well, I don't care how much it costs. I'm not gonna walk away from this because it ain't easy.

Nick: Are you saying I took the easy route?

Victor: I didn't say that, Son. You did... by refusing to fight for your family's company.

Jack: Think of products and services you wish existed.

Phyllis: Yes, and make the existing things better.

Jack: Exactly, and you'll meet with the scientists, the engineers, the designers to make it happen. No boundaries--none.

Phyllis: I haven't seen you revved up like this in a very, very long time.

Jack: That's because you've decided to work for me. And here... is your contract.

Phyllis: Oh. (Sighs) You must have been very confident that I would say yes.

Jack: I like to use the word "Hopeful."

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Jack: And, yes, I was a little bit confident. Billy was reluctant at first. I brought him on board. Red, the three of us are going to make the most amazing team. (Winces)

Phyllis: What's that?

Jack: What?

Phyllis: That. That's the same thing that happened at the club that almost took you out.

Jack: Yeah, it's just-- it's a twinge.

Phyllis: No, no, you get a twinge from carrying a heavy suitcase. You were shot, Jack.

Jack: That was almost a year ago.

Phyllis: No, and yet, right now, it looks like someone's putting a stake through your spine. Why are you not being straight with me?

Jack: (Sighs)

Billy: Honey, I'm going to need those papers I gave you back. Jack's asking for them.

Victoria: Yeah, here you go. Okay, thanks. I got what I need. Hey, did you learn anything else today?

Billy: No. Just about that Miami company.

Victoria: Baker-Ryberg, yeah.

Billy: Yep. It seems them and a few others might bail. Isn't that enough for you?

Victoria: No. I'm gonna need as much ammo as I can to force Jack out. Billy, you know how much I appreciate you doing this, right?

Billy: Yeah, I know. You're really counting on me.

Victoria: Shouldn't I?

Billy: (Sighs) It's just that Jack is really suspicious right now, and...

Victoria: After one day? Why?

Billy: I don't know. I just know that I'm not good at this, okay? And I don't like to spy on my brother. This is weird.

Victoria: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. So you're not gonna help me anymore?

Billy: No, I'd like to help you, but I wish you'd find a better way for me to do it.

Victoria: Well, maybe I can, but until we come up with something that--

Billy: No, just stop. I'm gonna resign from Newman.

Victoria: So Jack practically steals my family's life work--

Billy: Come off of it, okay? It was a corporate takeover. It wasn't an armed robbery.

Victoria: He fires me and Nick, and you're okay with that.

Billy: You know that I'm not okay with that.

Victoria: Oh, really? Okay, so then why are we even having this argument?

Billy: Because as your husband, I am with you on this, but as my brother--

Victoria: Yeah, your loyalty to your brother trumps that.

Billy: How about if I asked you to lie to Nick or your father for my benefit? Would you do it?

Victoria: If they did what Jack did, in a heartbeat.

Billy: I'm not saying that I'm on Jack's team completely, okay? And on top of everything else, he offered the C.E.O. job of Jabot to Neil Winters when it should have gone to me. It's a family position.

Victoria: Oh, oh, okay. So is that what this is about?

Billy: No, that's not what I meant, and you know it.

Victoria: Ohh, I see. You didn't get the job role that you wanted, so-- so--so that's why-- that's why you're quitting on me, isn't it?

Billy: No, there's much more to it. Actually, I don't want to have to squeal on my brother and come rat him out every time he has a plan.

Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, so you're uncomfortable.

Billy: Yeah, I'm immensely uncomfortable. Wouldn't you be?

Victoria: And your discomfort-- that's why you're breaking your promise to help me?

Billy: Would you stop twisting my words?

Victoria: Fine! Quit. I'll handle everything on my own.

Billy: Fantastic.

Nikki: Well, I know Victor better than anyone.

Kay: Well, I hope so. You've married him more often than anyone. (Chuckles)

Nikki: (Laughs) That is true. But I'm going into it with my eyes wide open.

Kay: Allowing for what has happened recently? Um, losing his house on the heels of losing Newman Enterprises?

Nikki: Well, we're rebuilding the house.

Kay: Well, what about the company?

Nikki: You know, Katherine, I wouldn't say this to anybody else. But in a way, I hope that the kids can't reclaim Newman.

Kay: Well, that certainly surprises me.

Nikki: (Sighs) For decades, our lives have revolved around that company, and it has caused so much discord in the family.

Kay: Even now?

Nikki: Nicholas has already told Victor that he won't participate in a fight.

Kay: I see.

Nikki: And maybe he's right. You know? I mean, maybe it is just time to let it go, and we can all come up with new interests.

Kay: Are you telling me you're--you're glad that Jack has succeeded in his latest coup?

Nikki: I think it could be the greatest thing ever to happen to us.

Victor: I guess I'm just disappointed that you wouldn't fight for the company, you know?

Nick: I guess when you said it was my decision, you should have said it was an ultimatum-- "Either get the company back or get out of my life."

Victor: I meant it as a kind of a test.

Nick: One of loyalty? Love? And I'm guessing I failed both.

Victor: I expected more of you.

Nick: What about my expectations of you? You told me, "Cherish your family. Find clarity."

Victor: This was an opportunity, Son.

Nick: An opportunity for what? For this company to ruin our health like it's done to you? To wreck Victoria's marriage like it's done to so many of yours, Dad?

Victor: I built everything for my family. Everything I've done is for my family.

Nick: I know that.

Victor: Do you really know that? I came from nothing. Nothing. I had no family. I built all this stuff with my own hands for my children, Son, and for my grandchildren. All I wanted from you was a sign that you gave a damn.

Nick: You really want that company back? Or is this just another challenge for your kids? Because if so, I'm done playing your games.

Victor: It breaks my heart to say this, but you and I have nothing else to discuss.

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: Where is it? Where is it? Huh. Hello?

Woman: Does your offer to pay for information still stand?

Genevieve: That depends. Is what you have to say worth anything?

Woman: I assure you, it is.

Genevieve: All right, then. Let's meet now. Uh, you're at the club?

Woman: Yes, room 437.

Genevieve: I'll be right over.

Woman: Stop at the bank first.

Genevieve: Hmm.

Ronan: What's the rush?

Genevieve: Uh...

Ronan: Everything all right?

Genevieve: Yeah.

Ronan: Yeah?

Genevieve: (Sighs) I think it will be. Yes, it will be now, yeah.

Ronan: Okay.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Sharon: I don't need a shrink. I can get through this nightmare on my own. I just need to figure out how.

Adam: No, you're not doing this alone. I won't let you do this alone.

Sharon: I still can't figure out why you are helping me, why you are lying to your wife. I mean, does Chelsea even know where you are right now?

Adam: It doesn't matter.

Sharon: It matters to me!

Adam: What, you think I have some kind of an agenda, Sharon?

Sharon: You always do, Adam. What are you gonna want as payback? What, you think you can just seduce me into being your mistress? Some kept woman on the side?

Adam: Sharon, stop! Stop, okay? Enough. I love Chelsea.

Sharon: You know what? This is really inappropriate, especially considering what's happened between us in the past.

Adam: I am not pressuring you. I am not forcing you. I am not manipulating you. You are here because it is peaceful. It is quiet. It is private. But you are not a prisoner, and you are not locked up. You want to go? You want to face the world? Have at it.

Phyllis: Okay, what does your physical therapist say about these little twinges?

Jack: Sarge says it's perfectly normal to have occasional flare-ups of back pain. It's muscular, nothing more.

Phyllis: Are--are you sure?

Jack: I am through talking about my health. Now do you want a lawyer to look over this contract? I could have one sent over to Avery right now.

Phyllis: No, don't send it to Avery, please. (Sighs) Can we do this?

Jack: What? Work together?

Phyllis: Yeah, work together. We haven't really excelled at teamwork in the past. I mean, can it really be different this time?

Jack: Yes, this time, it will be different.

Phyllis: My life right now is a mess. I don't want to walk into another tornado. So I kind of need... this job to save me, not make things worse.

Jack: I promise you-- I promise you you will not regret this.

Kay: Darling, I'd love to stay longer, but I've got a Chancellor V.P. dinner. First things first.

Nikki: Ahh.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Victor: In that case, I'm glad I'm early.

Nikki: Hello.

Kay: How are you feeling?

Victor: Very happily engaged.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Kay: Congratulations.

Victor: Thank you, Sweetheart. So I hear rumors that you are gonna retake the reins of Chancellor.

Kay: Well, I may have started the rumor, yes. (Chuckles)

Victor: As I'm stepping back, you're moving forward. You sure you're up to it?

Kay: We will soon see. (Chuckles)

Victor: Boy, oh, boy. Okay.

Kay: All right, Darling.

Victor: You have a nice day.

Kay: God bless.

Victor: Okay.

Kay: Love the ring.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Kay: (Chuckles) Take care.

Victor: I knew you would.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Together: So--

Nikki: How are things at the ranch?

Victor: Well, various contractors have submitted their bids and I had the workers clean up the debris.

Nikki: Well, you're moving fast.

Victor: Yeah. And then I decided to continue paying our staff until they come back to work at either the penthouse or the rebuilt ranch house.

Nikki: Well, that's very sweet of you. But you know, you've only been out of the hospital for a week. Don't do anything too taxing.

Victor: Well, can we tax each other later?

Nikki: Mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh.

Victor: Uh-oh.

Nikki: Oh, Darling, hi. What's wrong?

Victoria: (Sighs) It's nothing.

Nikki: Yes, something is wrong.

Victor: What's bothering you, Sweetheart?

Victoria: It's Billy. He's, uh, he's having second thoughts about being our inside man at Newman.

Victor: (Sighs) I knew that. I knew that would happen. When it comes right down to it, he is an Abbott. He ain't a Newman.

Jack: This time will be different.

Phyllis: Listen to you-- sitting here in Victor's chair all of five minutes. Already you can predict the future.

Jack: No, it's more recalling history. Think of how many things you and I have been through since we last worked together.

Phyllis: I have been through every circle of hell.

Jack: So have I, twice over. And here we are-- survivors and winners.

Phyllis: I'm not a winner. (Sighs) I lost Nick. I'm terrified I'm gonna lose my daughter. I can't trust my sister.

Jack: I didn't realize--

Phyllis: You know, I just don’t... want to make another mistake.

Jack: Neither do I. That is why, selfishly, I want you here.

Phyllis: What's in it for me?

Jack: A chance to get control of your life back. A chance to get back in touch with the self-reliant, determined, bright, talented woman I know. I am not saying we will agree on everything. I'm not saying there won't be occasional fireworks. You don't buy my bull, I won't buy yours. We challenge each other. We always have. That's what I need. That's what you need, too.

Genevieve: Hello? Hello? It's Genevieve.

Genevieve: Hello?

Genevieve: (Exhales sharply)

Sharon: (Voice breaking) I don't know where to go. (Sniffles) I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I got so screwed up. What's wrong with me?

Adam: It's my fault. I did this to you.

Genevieve: Let go of me! Take your hands off of me!

Man: Ma'am, Ma'am, you are not allowed in the building.

Genevieve: No, I need to see my son! It's an emergency!

Man: Ma'am!

Genevieve: Let me go!

Man: I'm sorry, Mr. Ashby. I'll call the cops.

Cane: It's okay. It's all right. I'll take care of it. Thank you. I appreciate it. Th-thank you.

Genevieve: (Sobs) Ethan.

Cane: What are you doing? What are you doing here? This is a rep--

Genevieve: You didn't answer the phone.

Cane: I was in a meeting!

Genevieve: Ethan, I need your help. That girl--the one--the one who lied and said that I was the one who hired her to impersonate Samantha--

Cane: Stop it! Stop it!

Genevieve: No, she called me. She called me! She said that she would finally tell me the truth about who put her up to all of this, but for a price.

Cane: Well, you can't help her, because you don't have any money, do you?

Genevieve: I went there, and she was gone. The door was open and the whole room had been tossed. There--there was blood on the floor.

Cane: Oh, God. Why are you coming here and telling me this? Why aren't you--why aren't you going to the police?

Genevieve: Because, Ethan, if your father is behind all of this--

Cane: Mom, if there was foul play involved, you have to go to the authorities.

Genevieve: No, please. Just come with me, please. Just--

Cane: Mom, Mom, Mom. If they find out that you knew something happened to this girl and you didn't tell them, they are going to think that you are involved.

Sharon: Your fault?

Adam: Come here. Have a seat. I am responsible... for messing you up.

Sharon: Adam, I... we haven't been together in so long, you know? We haven't even really talked.

Adam: I know. But when we were together, I did things, awful things, and it hurt you.

Sharon: Well, we both made mistakes.

Adam: No, a mistake is when you leave the refrigerator door open by accident. I did a little worse than that, Sharon. And then I had this makeover, and I figured that if I became a better person, that somehow I could make up for some of these things that I've done in the past.

Sharon: Did that work?

Adam: Not so much. And your solution was you let the Newman’s walk all over you.

Sharon: I took over Newman Enterprises.

Adam: I know. You lashed out.

Sharon: I was defending myself.

Adam: You were greedy. You were deceitful, and you were wrong, Sharon. And when the past caught up with you, when everything caught up with you, that's when things fell apart.

Sharon: And now I have no one.

Adam: And that is why I am helping you-- because I owe you, Sharon, and I want nothing. You hear me? Nothing in return.

Sharon: Well, if that's true, and that's what this is really about--

Adam: It is. It's true.

Sharon: Then tell your wife.

Nikki: Well, you just missed your father-- a last-minute meeting at the house.

Nick: It's probably for the best. Dad and I got into it earlier.

Nikki: About your decision? He didn't mention that.

Victoria: Well, you know, I am with Dad. Why are you turning your back on the family?

Nick: I'm not turning my back on the family, just the family business.

Victoria: But that's the same thing.

Nick: No, they're not, Vick. They're not. For years, we've treated them like they're the same thing, and they're not. Family is holidays and dinners together and picking each other up through tough times. Business is business.

Victoria: Fine. Then you're leaving it up to me.

Nick: You don't have to fight, either.

Victoria: (Clears throat) Well, I want to.

Nick: Oh, yeah? How's that working out for your marriage?

Victoria: Billy and I are just fine.

Nick: Well, we'll see how long that lasts with Dad playing his latest mind game. Vick, the company's gone. Just let it go.

Billy: Victoria's not here.

Victor: I'm aware of that. I've come to see you, Billy boy.

Billy: Oh, joy.

Victor: Yes, "Oh, joy," indeed. So I understand that you have decided to back away from helping Victoria from inside Newman?

Billy: That would be between me and Victoria.

Victor: You better rethink that, Billy. Victoria asks for your help-- you help her.

Billy: Well, what if I don't help her?

Victor: Then I will let her know that you knew of my whereabouts in Los Angeles, and that you were aware that I suffered memory loss and that you kept that news from her.

Tucker: Katherine... is it true that you're coming out of retirement to take over Chancellor again?

Kay: And if it is?

Tucker: I think it's a bad move. You won't be able to keep up at your age.

Kay: Keep telling yourself that.

Tucker: You've had health problems, Mother. Running that company could kill you.

Victoria: I feel too much allegiance to Newman Enterprises and too much fury towards Jack to just walk away. I'm sorry. I can’t.

Nick: Vick, I really respect your choice to stay and fight.

Victoria: Then why can't you?

Nick: I'm asking you to respect my choice not to.

Victoria: Fine, if that's what you want. I better head out. Bye, Mom.

Nikki: Bye, Sweetie.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Nick: I don't think Vick or Dad are ever going to forgive me for this.

Nikki: They'll come around.

Nick: Do you understand why I'm doing this?

Nikki: You have to follow your heart and your instincts.

Nick: I know this is the right thing to do.

Billy: You know, I figured your goodwill to keep that little tidbit of information on the down-low was gonna have a very short shelf life.

Victor: I kept your secret to protect my daughter, okay?

Billy: Yeah? Now what are you doing? Sticking it to me?

Victor: I'm still protecting my daughter. She's determined to reclaim my company.

Billy: Fantastic. I'm not stoppin' her.

Victor: She's asking for your assistance, and you will assist her.

Billy: Or I risk losing her when she finds out about L.A., right?

Victor: You're getting the drift, Boy.

(Keys rattle in lock)

Billy: I've got the drift.

Victoria: Dad?

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Victoria: Hi. What's, uh, what's goin' on?

Victor: I was in the neighborhood to say hello to my grandson.

Billy: Yeah, and I told him that he missed Johnny by about an hour.

Victor: I forgot how early the little ones go to bed.

Victoria: Yeah.

Victor: Hope I didn't disturb you, Billy.

Billy: Not at all.

Victor: You have a nice evening.

Billy: You, too.

Victor: Bye-bye, Sweetheart.

Victoria: Bye, Daddy.

Victoria: I'm going to bed.

Billy: Just hold on. Wait a minute. Okay, you were right before. I was being selfish. I forgot why I agreed to do this in the first place.

Victoria: Why did you?

Billy: Because of you. You're what matters. You're all that-- you're all that matters.

Victoria: Did my dad's visit have anything to do with this sudden insight?

Billy: Well, I'd be lying if I said it didn't, but...

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Did he threaten you?

Billy: No. He just reminded me how much this means to you, how much you mean to him, how much you mean to me.

Victoria: Billy... (Sighs heavily) If you can't do this, and you're ultimately gonna side with Jack--

Billy: That's not gonna happen.

Victoria: All right. Well, then if you're right and Jack's suspicious, then I don't have much time. I'm gonna have to get to Miami to convince Baker-Ryberg to persuade the board to get rid of Jack. I'm leaving tonight.

Billy: I'm--I'm sorry. Did you just say you're leaving tonight? Like right now?

Jack: Unfortunately, I won't be coming to Miami any time soon. You will be getting a call or maybe even a visit from Victoria Newman to discuss your ongoing relationship with Newman Enterprises. Yeah, I-I know that, Charlie. Just play along. Just don't believe anything she says, okay? Done. (Winces) (Exhales sharply)

Chelsea: What took you so long?

Adam: Tears?

Chelsea: Whose?

Adam: Yours. The ones you would have shed if I hadn't gone to five restaurants to find us the perfect dinner.

Chelsea: (Sighs) (Laughs)

Adam: Come here.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: Mm. Dinner can wait.

Chelsea: Come on. (Giggles) come on. (Squeals)

Adam: Are you trying to take over here?

Chelsea: (Laughing)

Sharon: I have to get this right. I have to make it all right. I have to get this right. I have to make it all right. I have to get this right. I have to make it all right. I have to get this right. I have to make it right. I have to get this right. I have to make it right. I have to get this right. Make it right.

Ronan: I want you guys to wait right here. Did you touch anything?

Genevieve: I-I just touched the door.

Cane: Mom, where is the blood you found?

Ronan: I found it. (Sighs)

Genevieve: Hold my hand. Please.

Genevieve: That's mine.

Cane: (Sighs) How did it get here, Mom?

Genevieve: I have no idea. I... well, I usually carry one of those in my purse.

Ronan: I'm gonna have to call this in. It's a crime scene.

Cane: (Sighs)

Kay: Tucker, you will stop meddling in my business.

Tucker: I'm just trying to help.

Kay: What's your angle? Are you trying to maneuver a piece of Chancellor for yourself?

Tucker: No. And you're my mother. And like it or not, you are my business.

Kay: Not anymore. As of this very moment, you and I are out of business.

Tucker: Katherine.

Tucker: (Sighs) Stubborn woman. (Sighs)

Tucker: Hey. You should get back to town. Katherine's about to make a big mistake.

Nikki: Nicholas, stay and have dinner with us.

Nick: Uh, no, thanks, Mom. I've gotta get home and take care of my girls. Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad.

Victor: Son.

Nikki: Good night.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: You forgot to mention earlier that you and Nicholas had argued.

Victor: Yeah. The fact that he decided not to help us get Newman Enterprises back weighs on me more heavily than I thought.

Victoria: I got all weepy saying good-bye to Johnny while he was sleeping. Oh, I'm gonna miss him a lot. I wish I could take him with me.

Billy: Yeah, he's gonna miss you, too, I'm sure, but I'll keep him preoccupied. And maybe I'll teach him how to play poker.

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: No? No poker? Fine. Blackjack it is. (Chuckles) I'm sorry. I feel like I really screwed you up here.

Victoria: No, you didn’t... yet. But Jack can't find out about this trip, okay?

Billy: I told him that you were going to Italy.

Victoria: Oh, you see? That was very smart of you.

Billy: Hey, I try.

Victoria: You promise that you'll keep me posted on any-- anything that Jack's doing?

Billy: Yeah, sure.

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Come here for a minute.

Jack: (Gasps) (Groans) (Breathing heavily)

Phyllis: Jack?

Jack: I-it's not as bad as it looks. (Breathing rapidly) Okay? See? (Groans)

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Jack. Come on. One second, okay?

Jack: (Groans)

Phyllis: Just hold on.

Jack: (Groaning)

Phyllis: No, don't move. Don't move. I need an ambulance-- Newman Tower, right away. It's Jack Abbott. I need it right away!

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Genevieve: Thank God you're here. You've gotta help me.

Sharon: I hate it here, Adam. I hate everything.

Harmony: I have some news of my own.

Neil: Yeah? You got some news? What you got? What you got for me? Go on.

Harmony: I'm leaving Genoa City.

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