Y&R Transcript Friday 10/26/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/26/12


Episode # 10021 ~ Chelsea Talks to Adam About His Lying; John's Words Haunt Jack

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Ooh. (Inhales sharply)

(Knock on door)

Jack: Come in. Ms. Research and Development. You're here to talk about contract and compensation package.

Phyllis: I am not accepting your job offer yet, Jack.

Jack: Honey, you are drowning in your personal life. This job is a life vest. Take it. Strap it on. It will give you something to focus on. I'm doing you a favor here, Sw-- (Inhales sharply)

Phyllis: What's that?

Jack: It's nothing. It's--its annoyance. Obsessing about the past has not served either one of us. This is about the future. Please, take the job. You need this job every bit as much as I need you.

Sharon: No, no. No, that's not right. No, no, it's not right. It doesn't work. I--just figure it out. Just think, think, think. (Groans) Ugh! Adam, where's the phone?! (Sighs)

Chelsea: You do remember where you live.

Adam: (Throws keys down)

Chelsea: I was beginning to wonder.

Adam: Of course I do. This is where my heart is. Chelsea, I know I'm on the crappy husband list. I get it. I'm gonna make it up to you... (Sighs) Even if it means you have to punish me and lock me in a room with no windows or doors with Jeff and Anita for hours on end, with no alcohol to ease the pain. What?

Chelsea: Con to con, liar to liar, you really think that you can lie to me and I won't figure it out?

Adam: What are you talking about?

Chelsea: You weren't with Jack! I called Newman. You never even went there, Adam, so why don't you tell me where you really were?

Ronan: Whoa. Texting and walking-- you can hurt someone that way.

Avery: Yeah, I'll take that under advisement.

Ronan: Avery, you can stop hating on me now, okay? Phyllis broke things off with me.

Avery: Okay, that's really none of my business.

Ronan: You know, as I recall, you and Nick had a thing awhile back, right? And I have excellent powers of observation, and what I've been seeing between you and him-- it seems like you guys are revisiting those old feelings, or maybe you never let them go.

Avery: Ronan, I'm late.

Ronan: You can't go yet. See, you're gonna miss the best part-- the part where I take the heat for breaking up Nick and Phyllis and Avery reaps all the rewards.

Nick: It was chess. I was simply playing ch--

Phyllis: I don't care about chess. It was nothing.

Nick: Okay, then is it the separation papers? That's part of the divorce process. We've been through this.

Phyllis: You just, um... can we talk, please? Uh, Jack offered me a job at Newman.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: I thought you should know.

Nick: Now I know. Thanks.

Phyllis: I haven't accepted... but I can. I can accept the job for you. I could work on the inside so you can get Newman back.

Nick: I don't want Newman back, so don't do me any favors. Don't try and play me or Jack or anyone else. I think you need to move on with your life.

Jack: (Breathes deeply) (Groans) Ohh. Not now, Dad.

John: That's not gonna fix you, Jack.

Jack: I have pain in my lower spine. These get rid of pain. Leave it alone, please.

John: No, it's payback time, Jack. You've crossed the line and your body knows it, even if you don't want to admit it.

Adam: I told you, I was with Jack.

Chelsea: Adam, I just said I called the office.

Adam: I wasn't at the Newman offices. I went with Jack to Gloworm. I wanted to be seen there. I wanted the word to trickle down to my father that I was with Jack, and I figured, no better place than Gloworm when my in-laws won't be there, so they can't hover around me.

Chelsea: What was the meeting about?

Adam: Jack needs some allies, and... (Sighs) Even if that means some people that despise him. I actually think he's considering asking me back to Newman.

Chelsea: Would you say yes? Would you go work for him?

Adam: Trying to get rid of me?

Chelsea: How can I, when you're not even here?

Adam: (Sighs)

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: I always come back, Chelsea.

Chelsea: The whole reason we fell in love was there was nothing we could do to shock the other-- no shame, no fear, no secrets. You're leaving me out, Adam. You're hiding something.

Adam: (Sighs) Chelsea, it just-- it's just boring, banal stuff that, trust me, has nothing to do with us.

Chelsea: Of course it has to do with us! When you're not telling me what's going on, when you're shutting me out, when you're not looking at me the way that you used to, of course that's about us.

Adam: That's not true, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Things have not been the same, Adam, since the accident! Do you blame me-- do you blame me for losing our son?

Avery: Nick and I are friends. That happened when I first got to town. We barely knew each other. Now--

Ronan: You're friends. Yeah, heard that. You know, Phyllis and I didn't know each other when we first hooked up, but things have a way of changing, don't they?

Avery: Yes, but then you hooked up again and now she's on her way to divorce court, so don't act like you and I have loads in common.

Ronan: Nick and Phyllis were having problems long before me, and I never, never meant to cause her any trouble.

Avery: Oh, wow, listen to you-- almost as if you actually are in love with Phyllis.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Avery: Are you?

Ronan: (Sniffs) Phyllis' priority right now is her family.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Ronan: She's gonna hope that Nick forgives her so he'll take her back and she can continue having her little family unit.

Avery: Well, that could happen.

Ronan: But it won't, and you don't want it to any more than I. I can admit that I want to be with Phyllis. I don't want to be something on the side. I don't want to be an affair. What do you want from Nick?

Phyllis: How can you say that? Of course you want Newman.

Nick: No, I don't. Take the job, don't take the job, I don't care. Just leave me out of the equation.

Phyllis: Okay, stop, stop, stop it. (Laughs) You act like this is no big deal, like all of this is no big deal, like this is a really easy decision. Newman is your life.

Nick: No, it's not. I had "Restless Style." I had the coffeehouse. Newman Enterprises defines my dad, not me. Fighting for it and not fighting for it-- I'm over that. I'm not doing that anymore.

Phyllis: So if I go and work at Newman, if I go and work for the enemy--

Nick: You don't need my permission to do anything. It's never stopped you before.

Phyllis: You're right. You're right. I've been very... selfish and stubborn in my decisions with you and our family. I just thought you'd always stand beside me. I just--I just thought you'd always give me a second chance. But I guess I... was wrong. It's over, isn't it?  

Nick: We had so many chances to make this right. We used 'em all up... so we move on.

Phyllis: You've already moved on, haven't you? I'm not talking about Avery and... you just... (Exhales sharply) Let go. Well, I'm not gonna force you to be married to me, so... I'll let go, too.

Nick: Maybe you should take that job at Newman. It'd be good for you. Nobody wants to see Newman fail, not even with Jack at the helm, and you'd be great at it. It'd give you something to focus on.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, that's what Jack said.

Nick: He's right. Get in there and get some confidence, and then when that happens, maybe things will turn around for you and Summer. Deep down, I know she knows you love her. You two can find your way back.

Phyllis: Yeah... I hope so. (Voice breaking) Uh, I just always... I just always thought we would find our way back as a family, but... I guess not. (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm really sorry... for everything.

John: So you think you can just turn away and, uh, pretend that I'm not here?

Jack: Well, considering you're not here--

John: Well, now look at you, Jackie. Ambition, greed, hubris-- it's eating you away from the inside out.

Jack: Or maybe it's just the bullet lodged in my lower spine. Sarge said this might happen.

John: No, Son, it's more than that.

Jack: Oh, so maybe it's my psyche beating me up. How about I tell my psyche to go to hell?

John: And how about seeing a doctor?

Jack: What, to cure my hubris? That's what you said this is.

John: Jack, what are you afraid of-- now that you've got the world in your pocket, that you'll lose it all?

Jack: Yes. Damn it.

Adam: The accident, the miscarriage-- it's not your fault, Chelsea. That's about Summer being reckless. That's about Nicholas and Phyllis and their parenting. That's about so many other things, but none of it is on you.

Chelsea: Is there someone else?

Adam: No, Chelsea. This is just me dealing. I don't like to talk about my feelings. When I talk about my feelings, I would have to tell you how much I hurt, how much this pains me, how it's tearing me up, and here you are in this house, all alone with your thoughts and your grief and your hormones and you're torn about all of it, and I would understand that you're seeing things that are not here.

Chelsea: I'm not paranoid, Adam. I'm not just making this up. You're not here! Even if you're in the same room, you're still not with me!

Adam: I'm with you. Chelsea, I am right here. Baby, I'm with you.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) Ohh, maybe it's just-- maybe it's just this place. Maybe I just need to get out of here and just clear my head, but when I do, you can't just stand there and shrug your shoulders and say you're not into talking! (Exhales sharply) I love you, Adam, for exactly who you are, and you should know that and you should trust me enough to tell me what is going on. (Sighs)

Sharon: That was a cruel thing to say to her, Adam, to tell her that she's wrong and that it's all in her head, because she's right!

Adam: Sharon...

Sharon: You are! You are lying to her!

Adam: What are you doing here?

Sharon: Adam, she's gonna find out on her own. I'm your ex. You're hiding me out on your property, on her property!

Adam: I will explain that to her when and if necessary.

Sharon: No, tell her now! I'm sorry, it's just all the lying a-and this hiding is driving me crazy. (Exhales sharply) I am gonna tell him.

Adam: You're gonna tell who, what?

Sharon: Victor, about the fire. I have to confess.

Adam: No, no, no, no, you are--you are not going to tell my father about this.

Sharon: Adam, I'm sinking. I can feel it. You're trying to pull me out, but now I'm just taking you down with me.

Adam: I'm not gonna let my father and his stormtroopers just tear into you. You are safe here with me, and you're gonna let this whole thing just blow over.

Sharon: I'm not gonna tell them that it was you who found me at the ranch.

Adam: You are cooped up and you are freaked out, and you need to just trust me.

Sharon: I know how Chelsea feels. You try reaching out to someone, connecting, and then there's this wall there, and it wasn't there before. And now I'm the wall. (Sniffles) You and Chelsea-- you need each other, and I'm not gonna make this worse for you.

Adam: (Exhales slowly)

Nick: Hey, where you headed?

Summer: Um, t-t-to a friend's to study.

Nick: You got a second?

Summer: Not really.

Nick: It wasn't really a request, so sit down.

Summer: Why?

Nick: Because this is gonna be one of those father/daughter moments where you tell me about your life and school...

Summer: (Sighs)

Nick: Your friends, the car accident.

Summer: I thought that you said that what happened to Chelsea's baby wasn't my fault. Were you lying?

Nick: Well, obviously not, Summer, but it's a big burden to carry around. I want to see if you're okay or if you want to talk about it.

Summer: No, I'm fine.

Nick: Okay, so this tough kid thing you got going on now-- it's pretty easy to see through. I don't want you to forget something. I'm the guy who used to bring you your big fluffy bunny, Mr. Ears, every night so you wouldn't get lonely.

Summer: Look, I feel bad that Adam and Chelsea lost their baby, but I-- there's nothing that I can do to fix it.

Nick: Well, I know, Sweetheart, but you know that your mother didn't have anything to do with it, either, right?

Summer: (Sighs) Yeah, and all the roads lead back to Mom, so can I go now, please?

Nick: I got news for you, Kid-- you're stuck with us as parents.

Summer: Yeah, well, not together. I just heard all of that. Marriage is over, family's split. Just move on.

Nick: Our family's rearranging, but it's still a family.

Summer: Yeah, that worked when I was a kid, but now I know how lucky you are to not be with Mom.

Nick: I know you love her, and its okay to admit that.

Summer: I love her? Okay, Mom didn't just cheat on you. She said, "Hey, wow, why don't I just blow up this whole family so I can get a chance to get with that cop?" You know, don't tell me to forgive her when you can't forgive her, either.

Phyllis: (Exhales slowly) Oh, hey, I just--

Ronan: Hey, you--

Phyllis: I was, um, yeah.

Ronan: Hi.

Phyllis: Hi.

Ronan: How you doin'?

Phyllis: Good. Yeah, um, I got an impressive job offer.

Ronan: Congrats.

Phyllis: Thank you. I-I came to terms with the death of my marriage, and there's a shoe sale at Fenmore's, yay. (Chuckles)

Ronan: (Chuckles) Oh. Just girls' shoes over there, or anything for a guy?

Phyllis: Um...

Ronan: (Chuckles) Anyway, what's--what's going on with this job offer?

Phyllis: Uh, I should be discreet, keep it to myself.

Ronan: That tells me that you haven't decided on it yet. I mean, if you-- I don't know, if you need anyone to talk to about it, I could-- code of silence, you know?

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Ronan: I'm--I'm your guy. Maybe over dinner? Right.

Phyllis: I--

Ronan: Me asking you to dinner is me not staying away from you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Phyllis: I-I-I didn't-- I didn't say that.

Ronan: Is that a yes?

Phyllis: Uh, no, it's not...

Ronan: Okay.

Phyllis: But I may change my mind. Keep trying.

(Knock on door)

Avery: Coming. Oh. Summer, hi. Oh, what's wrong?

Summer: I just had to get out of there. I just--I just told my dad that I was going to a friend's house.

Avery: Okay, okay, well, you're not wrong. I'm a friend.

Summer: (Sniffling)

Avery: Oh.

Jack: Yeah, I got the world in my pocket. You bet I do, and so what? I've got a little back pain. They said I would never be out of a chair for the rest of my life. I'm walking. They said I'd never get Newman. I've got it.

John: Right, Jack. You're walking and you've got Newman, and you've got a bullet in your back.

Jack: Okay, fine, so maybe I won't clear the metal detector.

John: Jack, that bullet has got to come out. Now you know that. You've known that for months and you did not trust your instincts, and now you're paying for it. Pain is a sign.

Jack: Yeah, it's a sign. That's right. It's a sign that I'm alive, and I'm just fine with that.

John: What are you afraid of?

Jack: Is that what you want? You want me to cower in the corner, terrified of my pain, terrified of this job, of the fact that people don't like me? I'm not afraid of anything! We're done here. You're wasting my time. (Breathing heavily)

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: Chelsea.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: What happened? Are you okay?

Chelsea: (Sighs) I got halfway down the road, and then I realized that all I wanted... all I wanted was to be here with you. (Sniffles) Maybe you're right. Maybe its hormones and--and grief. I never cared about anything before you, so nothing ever really hurt...

Adam: Hey...

Chelsea: But now, with the baby and you--

Adam: There's no wall between us. I'm right here. I'm here. It's you and me, okay? We're in this thing together. Will you do me a favor?

Chelsea: (Sniffles)

Adam: Just--just go upstairs, draw a bath, soak. I will go get you some dinner. We can eat together. It'll be just-- just the two of us.

Chelsea: I love you.

Adam: (Sniffles)

Chelsea: (Sighs) You know, that tub is big enough for two.

Adam: First dinner, and then...

Chelsea: (Sniffles) (Sniffles)

Adam: I love you.

Chelsea: I know. (Sighs)

Nick: Hey, Summer, it's Dad. Will you call me, let me know you're okay? You don't want to talk about the divorce, I get it, but I'm here when you're ready, okay? I'm always here.

Phyllis: (Sniffles) (Sighs)

Phyllis: Hey, um, Summer, it's your mom. Maybe you will delete this before listening to it, but I just... (Voice breaking) Want you to know how much I miss you. I wish I could fix this. I love you very much, as big as the world.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) "I give up. You win." (Sighs)

Summer: And Mom just lies and cheats and acts like it doesn't matter. So what am I supposed to do, just forget what she did? Okay, it wrecked our family and it's disgusting. I mean, Aunt Avery, I just-- I-I can't take it.

Avery: Okay, listen. I get it. I do. I understand not wanting to be around your family.

Summer: Yeah, well, I don't want to just not be around them, I want to make it legal. I want to sue them for emancipation.

Avery: Wow, that's a big decision. What do you know about it?

Summer: Just what I've read on the internet. So can you help me?

Avery: Well, I can't represent you, if that's what you're asking, but I do know a few things about family law. Would you help me with this? Just put one in every slot.

Summer: Wait, seriously? We're baking?

Avery: Mm-hmm, yes, we are baking, and I need some flour.

Summer: I'm asking you to help me get away from my family.

Avery: Yes, I know, and I will help you, but right now, I need 2 cups of flour. See, baking is all about precision. Cooking, you add a little of this, you add a little of that, you make mistakes, you add some more spice, but baking-- baking, all you have to do is follow the rules. You do exactly as you're told...

Summer: (Sighs)

Avery: And what do you get? Cupcakes.

Summer: You know, there's places to buy cupcakes on every corner.

Avery: I do know that, but these are gonna be better. I'll go get the sugar.

Jack: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Sharon: Jack.

Jack: Well, now this is a surprise.

Sharon: I need to see Victor.

Jack: Well, you're a couple million shares too late. (Chuckles)

Sharon: I don't understand.

Jack: What, have you been out of the country, living in a cave with no Wi-Fi?

Sharon: Just tell me what's going on!

Jack: Well, take a gander. There's no mustache glaring down at the lesser mortals. This is my office now, my desk, my chair. Newman Enterprises is mine to run, and no small thanks to you. Really, thank you. You drove Newman into the ground, I got to pick up the pieces. One little hostile takeover, and it's all mine.

Sharon: No one told me about this.

Jack: Well, I guess Nicholas and Victoria are a little too busy plotting my overthrow. They have time for that kind of thing now. They've been relieved of their duties here at Newman.

Sharon: You fired Nicholas?

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Jack: Ooh, I'm gonna have to deal with this. My receptionist will validate your parking.

Adam: Hey.

Sharon: Oh, God, Adam. I came to see Victor.

Adam: Yeah, I figured as much.

Sharon: Jack's in charge. No one told me that.

Adam: It must have slipped my mind. Come on, we gotta get out of here.

Avery: Never forget the salt, just a pinch. It brings out the flavor, a little kick to the sweet, kind of like chocolate-covered pretzels.

Summer: Oh, I love those.

Avery: I do, too. So, um, about this emancipation idea-- I get it, I totally do, but I think that you have to think the whole thing through in your head, right? I mean, if it were to work, and that is a big "If," you would legally be an adult, so no more support from your family, your parents. Your bills, your rent, your medical decisions, your legal decisions-- it's all on you.

Summer: Yeah, but I'd be free.

Avery: You'd be free to be homeless. Look, I know that emancipation seems like the answer right now, but are you really ready for all of that?

Summer: Definitely not.

Avery: Definitely not, so take some more time at home. It'll fly by, I guarantee it. And you don't want to come out of the oven too soon, because nobody likes soggy cake.

Summer: (Laughs)

Avery: (Laughs)

Summer: Are you telling me I'm a cupcake?

Avery: I'm telling you you're a good girl who's hurting, and I don't want to see you make a decision that makes you hurt even more.

Summer: You know, I wish my mom was just like you. (Sighs)

Jack: You alone?

Phyllis: So, so alone.

Jack: Got your text.

Phyllis: Didn't take you long to get here.

Jack: I win. Says so right here. So what exactly is my prize? You coming aboard at Newman?

Avery: That was fast.

Nick: You told me Summer was here.

Avery: She was. Everything's fine. We talked, we baked.

Nick: You talked and baked?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: I'm surprised she was willing to do either.

Avery: Well, she wants help in becoming an emancipated minor.

Nick: What'd you tell her?

Avery: I taught her how to measure flour and I told her I hoped she'd reconsider.

Nick: Do you think it worked?

Avery: I don't know.

Nick: (Sighs) Well, thanks for trying.

Avery: I'll tell you what I told her. She's a good kid, and I remember what it's like to just want everybody to leave you alone.

Nick: Is that a hint for me to take off?

(Timer goes off)

Avery: No, I'd say your timing is just right.

Sharon: Newman is gone, and it's all my fault. Nick and Noah must hate me more than ever now. (Sniffles) (Exhales slowly)

Adam: No one hates you, Sharon.

Sharon: Yes, of course they hate me! I wore a white dress to Victor's funeral. I said vows to Tucker. I knew that Victor was alive, and I let them grieve. Newman was their life. It was their legacy, and now it's gone, and--and it's my fault.

Adam: Hey, hey.

Sharon: And you know, I was sure. I was so sure that I could make Newman better, stronger-- that I could prove that I was strong and prove all of them wrong for doubting me. God, Noah! I've really let him down. I'm--I'm not a mother, I'm not a wife, I'm not a leader. I'm none of those things, and they don't want me anymore. Why would they? I'm nothing. I have nothing!

Adam: Hey, hey, hey, shh. You have me, okay? Do you hear me? You have me.

Sharon: Adam, don't let go. Don't leave me alone.

Jack: Perfect. We'll talk. Yeah. Sorry about that.

Phyllis: Oh, no, when you're the master of the universe, people get used to waiting for you to finish a call.

Jack: You said I win. Say you're in already.

Phyllis: I'm in already.

Jack: Fantastic.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Jack: We should toast. (Groans)

Phyllis: What's wrong? What's wrong?

Jack: (Inhales sharply) I'm fine, I'm fine. Just hope they have the good stuff.

Phyllis: No, you are not fine. You are not fine. What's wrong with you? Jack, what's wrong with you? And don't even think of lying to me.

Avery: Oh, girls like Summer break my heart. They're right on the edge, you know, wanting so badly to be an adult, but still needing their parents. Now if we could just channel her energy into pastry, she and I could open a bakery. What?

Nick: You bake?

Avery: Uh-huh.

Nick: This is news to me.

Avery: Well, I am multifaceted. I have many facets.

Nick: You trip over yourself going up and down stairs. I've seen it.

Avery: That is true, but you do not see any stairs in my kitchen.

Nick: Yeah.

Avery: Here.

Nick: (Inhales slowly)

Avery: Oh, what, is a cupcake too froufrou for you?

Nick: Hey, I am very confident in my masculinity.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: If I want a cupcake, I'll have one. I'm just a little nervous you might have mixed up salt with sugar or, uh, I don't know, toothpaste with frosting.

Avery: Wow, you're hilarious. Bite it.

Nick: That is amazing.

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: It's brilliant.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: I mean, in the history of baked goods, this is the best cupcake I've ever had. This has officially changed my life.

Avery: It is delicious, and you know you like it.

Nick: Yeah, I really do. Mmm.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Phyllis: It looks like someone's putting a stake through your spine. Why are you not being straight with me?

Nick: Are you saying I took the easy route?

Victor: You did, by refusing to fight for your family's company.

Billy: I'm gonna resign from Newman.

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