Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/23/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/23/12


Episode # 10018 ~ Phyllis Accuses Avery of Wanting Nick; Victoria Asks Billy to Help Her Regain the Company

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: So go ahead, Doctor, tell him what a terrible idea it was to get up and leave last night.

Doctor: You need to rest.

Victor: Oh, I'll be fine, Doc.

Nikki: Hope so.

Victor: You'll arrange for my release today?

Doctor: Oh, I don't think so.

Victor: You run whatever tests you want. I'll pass. You'll sign my release today, all right?

Nikki: You might as well just sigh and nod like the rest of us.

Doctor: Well, only if the tests say you're ready.

Victor: Trust me, they will. All right, Doc? I gotta get out of here. We have things to do.

Victoria: Mom texted that he's getting out of the hospital today. (Sighs) Where's he gonna go?

Billy: Not for long. (Clears throat) Not if Victor has his way.

Victoria: Well, maybe... but he says he's not fighting for it. He's leaving it up to me and Nick and Abby.

Billy: Yeah, I still don't buy that. A Victor Newman who doesn't bang heads to save his empire? Unh-unh.

Victoria: I believe him. He wants us to regain the company, and I can do it if I have somebody on the inside. When it rains, it pours. Well, I guess not soon enough to douse the flames.

Neil: What?

Jack: Don't look at me that way. With--without Newman to focus on, Victor can concentrate on his ill health.

Neil: Nice. You're doing him a favor.

Jack: Well, that's the kind of thoughtful guy I am, Neil. I'm glad you dropped by. I'm gonna make it worth your while.

Neil: Uh, yeah. Listen, Jack, if this is about me coming back to Newman, I'm sorry. Uh, not about to leave Chancellor Industries.

Jack: My friend, I'm about to change your mind.

Noah: Hey, it's me. Just talking to a voice mail again. Um, look, I know that you told me not to call, it's just--just some crazy family stuff, and... I know, what else is new? Um, I was thinking about you. I-- uh, yeah, okay, bye.

Summer: Hey. Told you we should have gone to New York.

Noah: Yeah, well, we didn't. You can still smell the smoke from the main house.

Summer: You know, you're doing that Dad thing-- not answering the questions.

Noah: You didn't ask me one.

Summer: Why did you leave New York, and why don't you want to go back? You can tell me, you know? I don't have a big mouth.

Nick: Good, you're both here. I've got some tough news, and I want you to hear it from me. I just filed for divorce from your mother.

Summer: Good.

Nick: Summer.

Summer: What? Oh, seriously, you have my respect and gratitude for ditching her.

Nick: She's your mother, and she loves you very much. You need to ease up on her.

Summer: What, are you gonna give Noah the same speech about Sharon, or--or is he allowed to have his own thoughts and feelings?

Nick: Summer, come on.

Noah: Dad, don't. Just let her go.

Nick: I'm not gonna let her disrespect her mother like that.

Noah: I know, but I-- just give her some time. I think the best thing for Summer right now is this divorce.

Phyllis: Nick already filed the divorce papers. This is a surprise. Um, anyway, th-thank you, thanks for everything, Leslie.

Ronan: Hi. So your phone does work. It's just not taking my calls, I guess.

Phyllis: I-it's just-- it's been crazy, with Summer and everything.

Ronan: I understand. So I, um... what I'm gathering from this right now is I should stop making those calls...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Ronan: And everything else.

Phyllis: My--my daughter hates me... and when I'm with you, that hate turns into white-hot rage that could melt steel.

Ronan: I get it. (Chuckles) I really do. I get it. I do. Your daughter is the center of your universe, and she should be. I know that, but you and me-- that's a really good thing. Do you want to let go of that?

Neil: I'm very happy at Chancellor.

Jack: Yes, I know you are.

Neil: Katherine and I have a very good relationship.

Jack: You're damn right you do, but you still came here to see me.

Neil: I'd be a fool not to hear what you have to offer.

Jack: Yes, you would, because we're gonna show you the money.

Neil: Well, see, Jack, here's the thing, and you know this-- I've been a right-hand man before. Not my thing anymore.

Jack: Right hand, my eye. I want you as C.E.O... of Jabot.

Victoria: I want Newman back, for my dad and for Johnny.

Billy: Johnny makes out either way.

Victoria: (Sighs) Are you my superspy secret weapon?

Billy: Against my own brother?

Victoria: Come on. How can you bail on me?

Billy: Don't--don't-- sit down.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: I'm not bailing on you. I'm your superspy double agent man.

Victoria: Oh, good. Thank you. Thank you, 'cause you're gonna look so good in those suits, and it'll be so fun watching you play dress-up and go off to work every morning. Mm. Mm!

Billy: Yeah? Maybe I'm starting to like this superspy agent stuff.

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: So what do you have for me, Boss?

Victoria: I need you to find out everything that you can about Baker-Ryberg in Miami. They're big enough to influence the board, and I am sure they are not happy about Jack's takeover.

Billy: Okay, but, uh, this is gonna take some time. The last thing I need is Jack busting me on this, and believe me, if he does, we are all gonna be in trouble.

Nick: Job listings. Anyone in Genoa City would love to have you work for 'em.

Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah, a desk job. The idea gives me hives.

Nick: (Laughing)

Noah: Think I'm allergic to desks.

Nick: Well, did you talk to Devon? He's got a lot of hookups in the music business.

Noah: Uh, no. You know, I'm--I'm just looking for something a little-- a little mellow, low-key, you know?

Nick: Yeah, I feel you. Something that won't suck the life out of you.

Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Nick: Well, take your time, find something that works for you. There's no rush. Did I tell you yet how... good it feels to have you back?

Noah: (Chuckles) As crazy as this place is, it's definitely good to be back.

Nick: So are you gonna tell me what happened in New York yet?

Noah: Really? That's how you're gonna broach the subject? Nice, nice, blah, blah, "Welcome home," bam!

Nick: I thought I was being smooth and subtle.

Noah: (Laughs) Ohh. Not even close. Look... (Sighs) Here's the thing-- New York was just not for me, you know? It's--it's a tough place, and if you're not paying attention, it'll just rip out your internal organs.

Nick: You're talking about your heart?

Noah: That was more subtle.

Nick: Yeah, you like what I did there?

Noah: (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah, you guessed it. She... ripped my heart out.

Nick: Well, Son, I've been there-- recently, in fact, so, you know, if you want to talk about it...

Noah: Yeah, another time. I gotta roll. It's a job interview.

Nick: Sure. Good luck.

Noah: Thank you.

Noah: You got a package here.

Nick: Hmm. Cool, thanks.

Noah: Yeah.

Nick: (Laughing)

Nick: "Nick, one hint--practice! Avery." (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Clears throat) Um...

Ronan: You don't agree? You don't--you don't think that we're good together?

Phyllis: I-it--it's not that. Just... (Sighs) I miss my daughter.

Ronan: I know you do.

Phyllis: I can't have you and her in my life at the same time. You get that, right? Please, d-don't make this hard on me, please.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Please don't make this hard on me.

Ronan: Listen to me. Just listen to me.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Ronan: Just listen, please. If you need me for anything, anytime, anywhere, you call me, and I'll be there.

Neil: Jabot C.E.O.

Jack: Yep.

Neil: Not Newman.

Jack: Nope.

Neil: Jabot has always been, uh, an Abbott entity, all about Abbott leadership.

Jack: I want you, Neil. There's no one else in your league.

Neil: Victor have anything to do with this urge of yours to hire me? One more chance to stick it to "The 'stache"?

Jack: Right now, you're running a behemoth. Chancellor Industries is all ledger sheets and bottom lines that you manipulate from on high. Jabot is less cumbersome. Jabot, you get to create, implement new ideas, hire who you want, make more money than you're making right now, and best of all, you get to generate product, actual product you hold in your hand, not moving dollars from one column to the other. I know you're interested.

Neil: You're omniscient now, Jack. This office has that effect on people.

Jack: Just think about it. That's all I'm asking.

Neil: I'm thinking, and I'll be in touch.

Billy: Hey, Neil. How you doin'?

Neil: Hey, Billy, good.

Billy: Good to see you.

Neil: Good to see you, too, Buddy.

Billy: So... the Abbott brothers, back again. What would you like to talk about-- restructuring, organization?

Jack: No, I'd like to talk about why you took this job.

Billy: Because you're so cute when you beg.

Jack: Your wife can be very persuasive, Billy. What are chances she talked you into coming to Newman so that you could report back to her?

Billy: (Laughs) Oh, wow. Are we paranoid today, huh?

Jack: I want you here. I do... but I need to know whose side you're on.

Ronan: Summer. Got a second? You were right-- I'm the jerk here. You said it, and you were right.

Summer: Yeah, great job stating the obvious. Do you want me to yell "Police harassment"?

Ronan: I just want you to listen. None of this is your mom's fault. I pursued her. It's all on me. What you just saw down there was your mother telling me to back off. She just stood down there and told me that you're the most important thing in the world to her.

Summer: Yeah, I'm not so sure that I should believe such a stand-up guy. Does my mom even know that you have a kid?

Ronan: What are you-- what are you talking about? That--ohh. That's not my son. I'm part of a mentor program for first-time juvenile offenders. They do community service, outreach programs, that kind of thing.

Summer: Yeah, "Captain Do-good." No, now my whole image of you has changed.

Ronan: (Sighs) Just listen to me, okay? It's not your mom's fault. It's me. Just... just try to remember that.

Summer: Hey, Taylor. Since when do you hang out here?

Boy: W-what? No, my name's not Taylor.

Summer: Oh... (laughs) Sorry, my mistake. I'm Summer, and who are you?

Jamie: Uh, Jamie.

Summer: Jamie. So what are you reading?

Jamie: It's just a-a book. A friend gave it to me.

Summer: Yeah, Ronan, I know. Great guy. Um, can I see?

Jamie: Sure.

Summer: Okay, thanks. Oh, I'm so-- I'm such a spaz. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Here.

Jamie: I can do it. Look, I'm fine.

Summer: No, no, no, it's--it's my fault. I do stuff like this all the time. It's nothing. Are--are you leaving?

Jamie: Look, I-I gotta go, all right?

Victoria: Noah, hi.

Noah: Hey.

Victoria: Did Mom text you, too?

Noah: No, I'm just here filling out some paperwork.

Victoria: Oh.

Noah: What's up? Is Grandpa okay?

Victoria: Well, Mom told me he's getting out of the hospital today.

Abby: Where's Nikki?

Victoria: Oh, you got the text, too?

Victor: Hey.

Noah: Grandpa.

Victor: Hello, my boy. How are you? Nice to see you. Huh? So...

Victoria: Dad, you're out. Look at you.

Abby: Are you okay, Nikki? Is--is he okay?

Victor: We're fine, but we have an announcement to make... but not until Nicholas is here. Does anyone know where he is?

Avery: (Grunts) Oh, my God. Not one word, no--

Nick: Okay. I really like your hair.

Avery: Thank you. Ha. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. I have no hot water in my apartment, and I went and showered at a neighbor's.

Nick: I bet he liked that.

Avery: Um, "He" is a she, for your information, and I left my keys and my phone in my apartment, so I had to go to my female neighbor's house and call the super, who's on his way over here, so that's why I'm waiting-- what are you doing? Oh, that's good. That's good, the knife-in-the-lock trick. That'll work, just like it does in the movies.

Nick: (Exhales slowly) You saying something?

Avery: I was saying, I'm glad my super's coming over, because I think you broke my lock. Thank you. What are you doing here?

Nick: Well, somebody sent me a chess set, so I wanted to see if maybe you wanted a rematch.

Avery: Ha! (Laughs) But what are you really doing here?

Nick: And Dad says it's up to us to fight for Newman. It feels like a test, with a million ways to fail, to see if we've learned enough and to see if we love Dad enough.

Avery: I'm still counsel for Newman, so, you know, you might not want to share this information with me.

Nick: (Chuckles) I think I'll take my chances.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Every time Dad's gotten sick or taken off over the years, it's always been up to me and Vick to protect Newman Enterprises. Now Dad's in for the fight of his life, and it's all on us. I've got my own problems to deal with right now. I'm not in the mood to take on any more.

Abby: We're not waiting for Nick, are we? I have below-average patience levels.

Victor: (Chuckles) Now this has been a very difficult week for all of us, okay? But Nikki and I want you to know that we fully intend to rebuild the ranch.

Nikki: Yes, so holidays, special events-- you'll all have a place to come home to.

Victor: So during construction, we will stay in one of our buildings downtown, all right?

Noah: Penthouse, of course.

Abby: Oh, of course.

Nikki: And the first event we have at the penthouse is...

Victoria: Thanksgiving.

Nikki: No.

Victor: Mnh-mnh.

Nikki: Our wedding reception.

Abby: (Gasps)

Noah: Nice.

Abby: Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!

Victoria: (Laughs) Well, here's to Mom and Dad, rebuilding the house and our family.

Neil: Yeah.

Kay: You called me about what, uh, the Meyer-Hoffman contract?

Neil: Um, Katherine, there--there's something that I-I need to discuss with you...

Kay: (Chuckles)

Neil: And, um, as my friend and as my boss.

Kay: Jack Abbott came to you, offered you your old job back at Newman.

Neil: Huh. Uh, C.E.O. of Jabot.

Kay: And you want to-- you want to see me to see if I would, uh... match his offer.

Neil: Katherine, um, it's just business, you know?

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Neil: I absolutely love and respect you, but it is an enticing offer.

Kay: And, uh, the next move is up to me, right? Match his price or, um... say good-bye?

Billy: Seriously? I mean, seriously?

Jack: I know how much Newman means to Victoria. I also know how much Victoria means to you.

Billy: And I'm just gonna roll over for Victor's sake, right? No. Look, Jack, I'm here for one reason-- to help build a legacy for my kid, so are you gonna help me with that, or what?

Jack: Let's get to work.

Billy: Let's get to work. All right.

Jack: Okay.

Abby: Hey.

Billy: Hey. You got this one on the payroll, too?

Abby: Uncle Jack, you've always been happy to borrow my money before, so now you can have all of it-- $500 million. All you have to do is give control of Newman Enterprises back to the Newman family.

Kay: Well, Jack must want you very badly to trust you with his father's company, no less. (Chuckles) Hmm. I-I can't match his offer. Now I-I don't know-- I don't know how I will survive without you, but, uh... I don't really have a choice, do I?

Neil: Katherine Chancellor. You know something? Your eyes just gave off a wicked spark.

Kay: Oh, come on, come on. Don't--don't blow smoke. I'm not going to add a zero to your paycheck.

Neil: You like the idea of the C.E.O. position being open at Chancellor. You're bored. Too much gin rummy and not enough running the world. You want back in the action, don't you?

Kay: Chancellor is not your problem anymore. We'll manage somehow.

Billy: Are you sure? Because $500 million is $500 million.

Abby: You'll never have to hit up "Bank of Abby" again.

Jack: Abby, they have increased Newman's market share. Can you make up the difference? I am sorry. Uncle Billy and I have some work to do.

Abby: You know exactly how it felt when the court said you had to stay away from Jabot. You're happy to pass that misery on to Victor, sure, but what about me and Nick and Victoria? Mom was right-- it's never enough for you. And you-- how can Victoria stand you right now?

Phyllis: Hello.

Abby: Hi.

Phyllis: Is this a bad time?

Jack: Billy, can you give us a moment?

Billy: Okay. Welcome back to the free world. (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Picture's gone. You didn't want the eyes of doom drilling holes in the back of your head?

Jack: Well, it was either tear it down or make a dartboard out of it.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Jack: So... no more court appearances, no more "Restless Style." Given any thought to coming back to work, say, as V.P. of Research and Development for Newman?

Phyllis: What?

Jack: We've worked together before. That went pretty well.

Phyllis: Except for all the times we wanted to kill each other.

Jack: But we didn't, did we? What do you say?

Phyllis: Uh... Nick wants a divorce.

Jack: Perfect. You can get under his skin working for me.

Phyllis: I don't want a divorce. I want him back.

Jack: Wanting and attaining are not always the same thing.

Phyllis: Thanks for your support.

Jack: I'm just saying, from personal experience, sometimes, you can try only so hard. Then you have to walk away.

Phyllis: No, Nick--Nick and I are not you and Nikki.

Jack: Think about it, Phyllis. I want you here at Newman. Don't miss out on a sure thing holding out for a long shot.

Nick: Be honest, is there anything hotter than a grown man whining?

Avery: (Laughs) Ah, you're just letting off steam. What are you gonna do?

Nick: Well, I don't know, Avery. That's why I'm here. I need some advice.

Avery: Oh, wow. Well, I'm not great at family advice. My father was a liar, my mother is an enabler, my sister-- well, you know her. Is there anything hotter than a grown woman obsessing about her childhood? (Laughs)

Nick: I think you turned out okay.

Avery: Oh, well, I don't know about that. (Sighs) You know, I-I went to law school because of my father, and I came to Genoa City because of my sister. So much of what I do is because of other people, and that's crazy, right? That's crazy. I should be making decisions for myself, and it's taken me my whole life to figure this out, to see the light, but that's what I need to do. I need to start... (Sighs) Doing what I want to do. You know what I'm saying?

Nick: I know exactly what you're saying.

Abby: I offered my uncle half a billion dollars to get control of Newman. He basically patted me on the head and kicked me out the door.

Carmine: You should thank him. That's nuts, blowing everything on your old man like that. I mean, do you have any idea the percentage of people who would kill for your bankroll? You should be a job creator. I mean, you got money, I got ideas. We could team up.

Abby: What kind of ideas?

Carmine: Like... a soap that gets rid of the smell of garlic off your hands, or inline skates that go on railroad tracks. Oh, okay, um... a-an airplane that has a cabin in it, and--and the cabin has springs, so when turbulence hits, it doesn't get affected, you know? It goes like, boing, boing, boing. Smooth ride.

Abby: These are the things you spend your time thinking about?

Carmine: No, not really. I was just trying to cheer you up.

Abby: Oh, okay. (Laughs)

Carmine: But the garlic thing, that was pretty good.

Abby: That's actually a good idea.

Carmine: I know.

Abby: I hate garlic hands. These are the kind of things I would present to my dad, and he would laugh me out of the room. Do you know how many times my dad told me he was disappointed in me?

Carmine: Uh, Victor's... you know, he's tough, but he definitely loves you.

Abby: Yes, he loves me, but I will get his company back, and I will give him a reason to respect me.

Victoria: So Billy started at Newman today. Can't tell you how bizarre it was waving good-bye. He's going to my old office, but he's in and he's on our side, and we'll get all the information that we need.

Victor: Victoria, Billy is an Abbott, and in the end, his allegiance will be with his family.

Victoria: (Sighs) Dad, Billy and I have been through a lot, just like you and Mom, so you need to stop with Billy and me, all right? Just concentrate on Mom instead.

Nikki: Oh, I like that idea very much. By all means, take her advice.

Victor: So you're very sure of yourself and Billy?

Victoria: He's on my side, and he will do whatever it takes to help me get Newman back.

(Knock on door)

Billy: Hey. So is Phyllis checking out her new office?

Jack: She hasn't said yes yet. I'm hopeful she will.

Billy: And Neil's slipping back into his old chair.

Jack: At Newman? No. I offered him the job of C.E.O. at Jabot.

Billy: (Exhales sharply) Well, passing on Chancellor to go to Jabot is not exactly a lateral move.

Jack: Well, I'll definitely make it worth his while if he agrees. Meantime, you and I need to focus on smoothing things over with some of the companies we do a lot of business with.

Billy: Okay, who's unhappy?

Jack: Some of the bigger department store chains are making a lot of noise-- Hoffman's in California, Baker-Ryberg in Miami.

Billy: Want me to handle it?

(Telephone rings)

Jack: Oh, hold on. Jack Abbott.

Neil: Yeah, it's Neil.

Jack: Are you in?

Neil: I am.

Jack: That is great-- great for you, great for Jabot. I'll be in touch. Neil's in.

Billy: That's fantastic. You just gave Neil Winters my job.

Avery: Mm.

Nick: I know. It burns.

Avery: You are in the zone.

Nick: I was inspired by your speech.

Avery: Oh, well, I'm sorry it didn't have much actual advice for you.

Nick: No, on the contrary, it's exactly what I needed to hear, and that is checkmate.

Avery: Impressive, most impressive. Nicely done, Nick. (Clears throat)

Nick: You let me win.

Avery: What? No. You won fair and square.

Nick: No, six moves ago, you gave up your queen too easily. You wouldn't do that.

Avery: Why would I let you win?

Nick: That's what I want to know.

Phyllis: Uh, your door was open... out there. I didn't know Nick was here. Hi, Nick. Yeah. Uh, your office... said you took the morning off and, uh, I called your cell and you weren't picking up so I was worried, but you are doing fine, so, uh, I don't mean to interrupt. Bye, see you.

Avery: Okay, Phyllis, wait, wait. (Sighs) I got locked out of my apartment, me out here, my cell in here, and my hair is wet because I had to shower at a neighbor's house, and there is nothing going on here.

Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey, remember that time, um, you called me over to your hotel suite so I could walk into your room and find you having sex with Nick? Remember that?

Avery: Okay, okay...

Phyllis: It was so funny. Such good times.

Avery: We were just playing chess, and I didn't ask you to come over here.

Phyllis: Chess, hmm? Mm-hmm, but you did ask Nick to come over here, didn't you? With your wet, tousled hair...

Avery: (Sighs) Okay, Phyllis.

Phyllis: And "Oh, I forgot my key, I locked myself out and my cell phone's in there."

Avery: Phyllis, there's nothing going on.

Phyllis: You're a liar. You lie to yourself. You're a liar to me.

Avery: (Sighs) Well, you just got to see firsthand how well I deal with my family.

Nick: Well, to be fair, there's not a lot of options with Phyllis.

Avery: Okay, but she's not completely wrong. There was a time that I invited her to walk in on us, but that--that is not what this is.

Nick: What is this? Okay. I'm gonna get out of your wet, tousled hair.

Avery: Okay, well, good, you have your chess set.

Nick: Thanks for letting me win and the talk. I really needed that.

Avery: I'll see you around, Newman.

Avery: Oh! Oh, no. No, oh, come on! (Sighs)

Kay: Uh, Neil, I know I'm a pain in the... I'm a pain. Uh, let's--listen, it's not gonna be easy to find a C.E.O. That I can work with. I'm not about to install Tucker. A desk job is the last thing that Devon would want, even if I thought he were ready.

Neil: Any thoughts about asking Jill to come home?

Kay: (Laughing) Jill.

Neil: Mm.

Kay: Uh, right now, Jill is, uh, C.E.O. of, uh, Phillip's life. Oh, my God, does he have my sympathies. Whoo!

Neil: Katherine, listen to me. I-I-if you're asking me to say no to Jack, right? I will. You just say the word.

Kay: As your friend, you would only do that over my dead body. If your gut tells you to take it, then by God, you take it! Besides, I, uh... I'm afraid I have no choice whatsoever regarding your replacement. I guess I... have to come out of retirement.

Neil: What a surprise. Long live the queen.

Billy: Neil's good. He's great, but C.E.O. of Jabot? That's a family position.

Jack: Take it as a compliment, Billy. I need you here at Newman. If you have problems with the way I've chosen to run things, that's a conversation you and I need to have.

Billy: No, you're right. Newman is the issue at the moment, so what do we do?

Jack: We are building a new, bigger Abbott legacy. Newman is our new frontier.

Billy: Hmm.

Ronan: Thought you were taking off.

Summer: Yeah, looking for your buddy?

Ronan: I am. Had to let him know about a schedule change.

Summer: Yeah, well, he took off. I think that he dropped this.

Ronan: (Scoffs)

Summer: Oops.

Ronan: Thanks.

Summer: Mm.

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Nikki: Hey.

Victor: Son, I thought we'd see you here earlier.

Nick: Yeah, sorry, I got held up. What's going on?

Victor: Well...

Victoria: (Clears throat) Mom and Dad are getting married.

Nick: (Laughs) Wow.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Nick: That's so cool.

Victoria: Yeah.

Nikki: And before you say anything, yes, it is the last time.

Victor: Your mother's right, you know.

Nick: Okay.

Victor: Yes.

Nick: Well, I figured this was about you, uh, telling me you were gonna head up the fight to win Newman Enterprises back.

Victor: Uh-huh, well...

Victoria: No, uh, that's-- that's up to us.

Nick: Well, then I have an announcement. This mission to get Newman Enterprises back-- I'm out.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Phyllis: We're not gonna talk about what you did to my family.

Chris: What I did to your family? What I did to your family? Are you kidding me?

Phyllis: Yes, every single-- every single thing! Every single thing!

Paul: Okay, that's enough!

Chelsea: He's not going to leave me just because I lost the baby.

Adam: Sharon.

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