Y&R Transcript Monday 10/22/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/22/12


Episode # 10017 ~ Cane Thinks Jack Will Take Him Back; Genevieve Pays the Mystery Woman for Information

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Hello.

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Buy you a drink? And we could talk.

Nick: I don't think so.

Phyllis: You don't even want to talk to me anymore? Not even about Summer?

Nick: I didn't say that.

Phyllis: Because I would hate for that to be the case.

Nick: We're her parents, Phyllis. That's never gonna change.

Phyllis: Before she wrecked the car, I was giving her her space.

Nick: Good. That's what you need to do.

Phyllis: No, that's not what I need to do. I'm her mother. She's not returning my phone calls.

Nick: Well, that's not surprising, given everything that's going on.

Phyllis: Why? What's going on now? What is going on now?

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Tell me. I deserve to know. She is my daughter, too.

Nick: Okay. O-okay.

Phyllis: What is going on?

Nick: Chelsea lost the baby after the car accident.

Phyllis: Does Summer know?

Nick: I tried to keep it from her. I guess she went to see Adam and Chelsea, and they told her.

Phyllis: Oh, why did you not tell me?

Nick: Well, I'm telling you right now.

Phyllis: No, but you didn't tell me then. See, this is the point. This is-- this is what I'm talking about. Summer needs both of her parents. This is really the wrong time to be separating.

Nick: Don't turn this into a conversation about us.

Phyllis: I'm--okay, I need to go see her.

Nick: No, you're not gonna do that. Don't do that.

Lily: So what was your favorite part?

Cane: Of what?

Lily: The movie.

Cane: Hmm, I don't really remember.

Lily: Well, we just left the theater.

Cane: I know. Maybe the movie wasn't that memorable.

Lily: I see that our plan of getting your mind off of things didn't work.

Cane: I just want to believe that Genevieve's telling the truth, that she didn't hire this woman to taunt us with memories of Samantha.

Lily: But why would she do that?

Cane: Because she's my mother and that's what she does.

Lily: But Genevieve has no one. We're her only family, and I know how much she misses the twins. She doesn't have a job, so if she's not broke by now, she's definitely getting close. So why wouldn't she be trying to bond with you instead of pushing you away?

Cane: Well, what's so disturbing is that none of this makes any sense.

Lily: What if somebody really is setting her up? It's possible, right?

Cane: Y-yeah, it's possible, but I would need some proof to believe it.

Woman: (Clears throat)

Genevieve: Please... don't go away.

Woman: Why, so you can attack me again?

Genevieve: I need answers, and I'm willing to pay for them.

Woman: Answers about what?

Genevieve: About who really hired you to stalk Ethan and to torment him about his dead sister. We both know that that wasn't me.

Woman: Of course it was you.

Genevieve: Look, if you'll work with me, I'll make it worth your while.

Woman: How much?

Genevieve: $100,000, cash.

Kay: Uh, you are so foolish to think any good can come of all of this.

Jack: Katherine, I always value your opinion.

Kay: (Sighs) Well, then, you know, forget this rubbish, will you please, and think about Jabot? I mean, running a company as big as Newman, for God sake, Jack, Jabot is gonna get lost in the shuffle.

Jack: I will never let that happen, I assure you. In fact, I may even fold it into Newman Cosmetics.

Kay: Oh, Jack, Jack, Jack-- Darling, do you really want to own the world?

Jack: You did, at one time.

Kay: Well, that was a lifetime ago.

Jack: Chancellor Industries was barely a speck on the map, and you made it a powerhouse.

Kay: Okay, since, uh, when did this become a history lesson?

Jack: My guess is you miss it. Admit it. Retirement is a bore, especially for someone with your smarts and your vitality. Try to convince me that society luncheons are giving you anywhere near the thrill that running an empire did.

Kay: (Chuckles) My God. Is that what you really think that I do with my time-- eating watercress sandwiches and--and playing bridge? No, I am plenty fulfilled, thank you very much. Oh, by the way... Neil is doing a superb job running everything.

Jack: I have no doubt about that...

Kay: Uh-huh.

Jack: But no one-- no one, Katherine, has your flair when it comes to running Chancellor. Look me in the eye and tell me you haven't found yourself looking over Neil's shoulder.

Kay: You are fishing for something, aren't you? Well, tough. You just leave me out of it. You focus on the legacy you have from John and return to Victor's family everything, or... you will not receive one ounce of support... from your dear Auntie Katherine. Hmm?

Victor: What has you so upset? Why are you crying?

Nikki: I had just gotten you back, and the prospect of losing you again so soon, it just... I-it just all caught up with me at once.

Victor: I'm sorry, okay?

Nikki: I am very relieved that you've decided not to fight for Newman. I--oh, all that fighting and stress with Jack. I'd worry about what it would do to you.

Victor: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Nikki: Is that why you decided to hand the battle over to the kids?

Victor: I'm giving Nicholas and Victoria and Abby a choice. Everything I have ever worked for, I've done for my family, and I want to see how much they've learned from me.

Nikki: Well, that doesn't sound like a choice, Victor. It sounds like a test.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm handing them over Newman enterprises, one of the largest companies in the world. I want to know that they are capable of doing that.

Genevieve: All you have to say is two words. Tucker McCall? Jack Abbott? Victor Newman?

Woman: You have got this innocent routine down pat.

Genevieve: I am innocent. Someone put you up to this. Colin Atkinson? Colin.

Woman: I didn't say that.

Genevieve: Where is he, and why is he doing this to me?

Woman: Atkinson... Atkinson. Mnh-mnh, sorry, I don't know any man by that name.

Kay: Harshness does not become you.

Jack: I'd tell you what I really think of the man, but you're too much of a lady.

Kay: My God, Honey, I-it's not as many times as you can say "Got you" that makes you happy. It's all the people you've loved

Jack: Well, that list, for me, does not include "The Mustache."

Kay: But think of Nicholas. How about Victoria and Nikki?

Jack: Oh, Katherine.

Kay: No, come on. Jack, Jack, I-I know-- I know she wounded you, but deep down, you know and I know you will... always care about her.

Jack: Nikki has chosen her own path, Katherine.

Kay: Well, then what about the children? You helped to raise them. (Chuckles) I mean, uh, Vic-Victoria, how about--

Jack: Victoria is a grown businesswoman who knows better than to take this personally.

Kay: Well, then Nicholas. You were more of a father to that boy than Victor ever was.

Jack: The way I see it, I am doing Nicholas a favor, getting him out from under his father's shadow.

Kay: Father's shadow!

Jack: If he's half as smart as I think he is, he will use this opportunity to become the man he was always meant to be.

Nick: What you said about giving Summer space-- you need to go back to that.

Phyllis: No, I don't! I need to see her. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she needs her mother right now.

Nick: Well, that's not gonna be tonight. Summer's exhausted, and she's already in bed. Leave her alone.

Man: Excuse me, Mr. Newman?

Nick: Yeah.

Man: Will there be anything else?

Nick: No, thanks. Just need my autograph here?

Man: If you please.

Nick: Thanks, Eddie.

Eddie: Thank you.

Woman: How are you feeling?

Victor: Fine, thank you. Better all the time.

Woman: I'm glad to see Mrs. Newman is getting some rest. She seemed so agitated after that phone call.

Victor: I guess it's been a very rough day. Thank you.

Cane: So that was the sitter, and Matty and Charlie went down a couple hours ago.

Lily: Guess what's trending?

Cane: Halloween costumes.

Lily: Newman takeover.

Cane: That was my next guess.

Lily: (Laughs) I know that you've been distracted.

Cane: Yeah, I have, haven't I? I'm just kind of done with whoever's, uh, jerking us around with all these, uh, games they're playing, you know? But I'm done. No more. I am now focused, all right? On our family and our future.

Lily: Are you thinking about Jabot again?

Cane: Yes, I am. I'm thinking Jack needs someone who can take the reins. Why not me?

Lily: Well, I think that you would be great. I mean, you were before. He would be crazy not to promote you.

Cane: I will call him first thing in the morning.

Lily: Why wait? I'm sure he would see you.

Cane: You mean, call him now?

Lily: Yes! Go and make your pitch to Jack. Let him know that you want to be considered.

Jack: It was good seeing you, Katherine.

Kay: (Chuckles) Even though, uh, you didn't listen to a word I had to say?

Jack: It's always worth hearing what you have to say, even when you're absolutely wrong.

Kay: (Laughs) Do you know something? You're not half as charming as you used to be, and I think I know what you're up to.

Jack: I guess we'll see, won't we?

Kay: Well, Icarus flew too close to the sun and fell. I'd hate to see that happen to you, Jack.

Jack: Thank you for your concern. I'll pack a parachute, just in case.

Phyllis: What happened?

Summer: Grandpa's house caught fire. I wasn't around when it started.

Phyllis: Where were you?

Summer: Faith's nanny and I took her out to see a movie and we just got home and found out.

Phyllis: Was anyone hurt?

Summer: How would I know?

Phyllis: There's nothing left. How did it happen?

Summer: Dad probably knows.

Phyllis: I just saw him. He didn't say anything.

Summer: Yeah, well, I guess he didn't feel like telling you.

Phyllis: Listen, I'm--I'm glad that you-- that you and Faith-- you weren't here when it happened. You--you were safe. I know about what happened, about the accident, Chelsea losing the baby.

Summer: (Sighs) Okay, do we have to do this right now?

Phyllis: Listen, I just-- I want you to know, I-I'm... I'm sure you feel a lot of guilt.

Summer: You're the one that should be feeling guilty. You're the reason why I even had the accident.

Phyllis: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait one second. I'm here to comfort you, and you are blaming the accident on me?

Nikki: Victor?

(Call button beeps)

Nikki: Um, did Mr. Newman go for some tests or something?

Woman: Not at this hour. Maybe he took a walk around the floor.

Nikki: Could you look for him, please?

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Kay: Ah, thank you. So, my dear, how are the twins?

Lily: Oh, they are rambunctious as ever. (Chuckles)

Kay: (Laughs) And that handsome husband of yours, hmm?

Lily: Um, he's hopeful. You know, since he got promoted, he's been doing an amazing job...

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Lily: And Jack has a lot of confidence in him. And now that Jack will be busy with Newman, he's hoping that he can maybe start running Jabot again.

Kay: Mm.

Lily: So he actually went to go talk with Jack about it just now.

Kay: But, uh, just remember, so much of success relies on timing.

Lily: What, you don't think that Jack will give him the job?

Kay: Well, I believe he's qualified and I think he's an excellent choice, but who knows what's running around in Jack's head these days?

Lily: Oh.

Kay: Well, if I were you, I would be glad of that. Animosity is what's fueling this whole mess. It's a war that no one ever wins. People get hurt. I'm just hopeful that Cane won't be caught in the cross fire. Mark my words, there will be cross fire.

Jack: This day has been more than 20 years in the making, Cane.

Cane: Congratulations, Mate. Well done.

Jack: Thank you.

Cane: So I, uh, presume you're gonna have your hands full now.

Jack: Oh, am I.

Cane: You know, with your focus being over at Newman, I, you know, imagine you'd probably want someone at Jabot who has experience, so, um, I was wondering, uh... Jack, I'd like the opportunity to show you what I can do, step up.

Jack: You want the job of C.E.O.?

Cane: I have previous job experience, I'm motivated, I'm totally loyal to you and the company, and while you're over at Newman taking it to greater heights, I would like to do the same thing here.

Jack: Uh, you know, I'm sorry, you caught me a little off guard here. Um, it's not that I don't value your hard work, your loyalty, and your talent. I have someone else in mind for that job.

Cane: Would you mind if I ask who it is?

Phyllis: How do you twist that around, that Chelsea's miscarriage is my fault? You can't possibly believe that.

Summer: Everything bad that's happening in my life right now is your fault, so is this.

Phyllis: Okay, all right, okay, okay, one second. I love you. That will never change, okay? But you cannot keep shoving the blame of your actions on me. You can't keep doing that. I made some stupid mistakes--

Summer: Super stupid.

Phyllis: Yes, super stupid. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. But what you're doing here, this--this is out of control.

Summer: Okay, well, I was so mad at you that that is the reason why I was driving like that.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Just because you're upset at someone, that does not give you license to be violent and reckless and do whatever you want, Summer. Do you understand me? I took responsibility for what I did. I owned up to my mistakes. And now it's time you own up to yours.

Summer: Are you saying that it's my fault that the baby died?

Phyllis: No. No. No, I'm not saying that. Accidents happen. Miscarriages happen for many, many different reasons. It probably--maybe it had nothing to do with the accident, I don't know, but that's not how Chelsea and Adam see it, I'm sure.

Summer: No, I-I don't-- I don't even want to hear any more of what you have to say. You think that I killed the baby, and I will never forgive you for that.

Phyllis: Summer, I am not saying that!

Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Faith's asleep upstairs. Calm down.

Summer: Dad, no, you should have heard what she said to me!

Nick: Okay, Honey, I'm sure she didn't mean it.

Summer: You weren't even here and you're still defending her!

Nick: Summer...

Summer: (Sighs) Okay, no, I've--I've seriously had it with--with both of you. I cannot wait until I'm out of here and I never have to deal with either of you again. No.

Phyllis: Okay, come on, Summer. Summer!

Nick: I thought I told you to stay away.

Nikki: Oh, my God. (Sniffles) I thought I would find you here. You--you should not have snuck out of the hospital, Victor. You--you really shouldn't be out of bed.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: Ohh. (Sobbing)

Victor: This is our house. (Sighs)

Nikki: It's devastating. (Sobs)

Victor: Why didn't you tell me about this?

Nikki: (Sniffles) Oh, I-I couldn't. I-I just couldn't do that to you when you were sick. And you can't do anything. There's nothing you can do about it.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: (Sobbing)

Jack: I would rather not say who I hope to hire until I've spoken to them and gotten a response to my offer.

Cane: Fair enough.

Jack: As far as your place at Jabot goes, you have nothing to worry about. You've done terrific work, Cane. I just didn't think you were ready for this move.

Cane: You know, Jack, I did have the position before, and I did excel at it.

Jack: A lot's happened since then, cane.

Cane: So... you mean, uh, my mother and the way she deceived you during your engagement?

Jack: No way. That's not the way I operate. I would never punish you for Genevieve's bad behavior.

Genevieve: Hi, Lily.

Lily: Hi.

Genevieve: Listen, I know that you two are upset with me, and if what that woman said was true, you would have every right to be. But it's not, and I know who's responsible for all this now.

Lily: Who?

Genevieve: Yeah, I ran into that woman again. I offered her $100,000 for a name.

Lily: Do you even have a hundred--

Genevieve: It doesn't matter. I got the information for free.

Lily: How?

Genevieve: I saw how she reacted when I mentioned Colin's name.

Phyllis: Oh, Nick, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. We can't let Summer do this. (Sighs)

Nick: Once she calms down, I'll talk to her.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. You know, we were having a civil conversation, and she said something to me, and it pushed buttons and I lost it, and I'm an idiot. I could kick myself. I could kick myself. I didn't mean to upset her. I really didn't. You--you believe me, don't you?

Nick: Just go home, okay? It's not good for Summer for you to be here.

Phyllis: All right, but for--for you? I saw the house. I'm--I'm--I'm sorry.

Nick: It's all gone... but it can't be undone. We'll get past it.

Phyllis: Houses can be rebuilt. So can relationships.

Nick: This is over. I want a divorce.

Nikki: I just can't believe it's gone. So much of our lives were spent right here.

Victor: It's a building. And the memories we have are in our hearts, always will be.

Nikki: Ohh. (Sniffling) (Breathes deeply) (Sighs) I remember the first time I came here... and I remember when you asked me to live with you. You were gonna make a lady out of me.

Victor: This is where we belong, you and I, together. I remember.

Nikki: (Sobbing) You were right, what you said before. The memories will live in our hearts forever.

Victor: You know... the love you and I share will survive anything.

Nikki: (Sniffles)

Jack: Is that wine? We should be drinking champagne.

Phyllis: We have nothing to celebrate. If you want some applause for stealing Newman, you picked the wrong bar.

Jack: Since when were you part of Victor's fan club...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Jack: Or he part of yours? You've just been through the worst crisis of your life. How many of that gang stood by you? Not even Nick. Look, I realize the two of you are on the outs now.

Phyllis: No, no, that's-- that's temporary.

Jack: Oh. So then offering you a job would just be a waste of time?

Summer: I heard a car driving away.

Nick: Yeah, she's gone. Want to sit down?

Nick: Look, Sweetheart, I know you're going through a real difficult time right now. You're very upset with your mother and me, you feel responsible for what happened to Adam and Chelsea's baby, and you want to pin that on your mom. It's gotta be tearing you up inside. I'm just asking you to, please, think long and hard before you do anything rash. Give things a chance to settle down. Give me a chance. Can you do that?

Summer: I'm not making any promises.

Nick: Okay, I'll take that. Just think about what I said, okay? Now I hate to pile on, but some things happened today that you should know about.

Nikki: Can this be rebuilt?

Victor: (Exhales slowly) Yeah. It'll take time, but everything that has been damaged can be repaired.

Nikki: Well, we are proof of that.

Victor: Yeah... aren't we? (Exhales slowly) Let's move forward together, okay? I don't want to dwell on the past.

Nikki: We can make new memories.

Victor: I'm looking forward to that. (Exhales slowly) As Katherine said... I lost a hell of a lot in the blink of an eye, didn't I? First my company, and then this house. (Exhales slowly) Both tragic and liberating, because now... we'll have a fresh start, won't we?

Nikki: Well, then we'd better make sure that you're 100%. Let's get you back to the hospital.

Victor: No, Baby, not yet.

Lily: Hi.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Uh-oh. Did it not go well?

Cane: Jack has other plans for the C.E.O. spot. At least I'm still the, uh, head of marketing, right?

Lily: Baby, I'm so sorry. Did he say why, or anything?

Cane: No, but I think it has something to do with the way my mother tried to snake Beauty of Nature from underneath him. She's just the gift that keeps on giving.

Genevieve: Ethan, Darling, I have some incredible news! I know who put that awful woman up to impersonating Samantha. It was your father!

Cane: I don't care! This is the last time you ruin my life.

Genevieve: I've messed up your life? Wh-what are you talking about?

Cane: You willfully and you purposely deceived him when he trusted you and was about to make you his wife, and it has now cost me a very, very big promotion.

Genevieve: Did Jack say that?

Cane: No, Mom. He didn't have to. And now I'm done with you.

Cane: Come on, Baby.

Lily: Let's go.

Phyllis: Are you serious?

Jack: Totally.

Phyllis: A job?

Jack: Why not?

Phyllis: What kind of job?

Jack: Working with me at Newman, you and me, side by side. Stop by the office tomorrow. I'll give you details.

Phyllis: No, I can't do that. Nick would never forgive me.

Jack: What makes you so sure Nick will ever forgive you anyway? Come be part of my team at Newman. We'd be great together. You know that, and I know that.

Nick: Here you go.

Summer: Are you sure Grandpa's gonna be all right?

Nick: That's what the doctor said. And you know what? As for the fire... no one was hurt, and that's really all that matters. Everything else can be replaced.

Summer: Except people.

Nick: Come here.

Summer: What are you gonna do now? How are you gonna get the company back?

Nick: (Sighs) I don't know if we can. You know that old saying, "Sometimes, when a door closes, another one opens"?

Victor: (Exhales sharply) You know, maybe I had to lose everything to realize what's very important to me, really important to me. It's you.

Nikki: Oh, Victor.

Victor: You and I have been through so much together, so many ups and downs, so many obstacles in our way. Lost each other over and over again. We always found our way back to each other.

Nikki: Yeah.

Victor: Maybe that means something very profound.

Victor: I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Victor: Marry me, and don't say no. Don't--don't say no. Just marry me. Marry me for the last time, forever.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Nick: I just filed for divorce.

Summer: Good.

Neil: Not about to leave Chancellor Industries.

Jack: My friend, I'm about to change your mind.

Summer: And does my mom even know that you have a kid?

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