Y&R Transcript Friday 10/19/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/19/12


Episode # 10016 ~ Nikki Tries to Keep Bad News From Victor; Phyllis Sees Avery & Nick Sharing a Close Moment

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victor: I realized that things |t go on as they are now.

Nikki: Well, we're all reassured to hear you say that.

Victor: It's also occurred to me...

Victor: (Breathes deeply) How very lucky I am to have all of you here now.

Abby: We love you so much, Dad.

Victor: Made a decision. I will not fight for Newman.

Victoria: Dad, what are you saying?

Victor: I'm leaving the fate of the company to the three of you.

Abby: (Scoffs) But why?

Victor: Because Newman Enterprises... is all of your legacy.

Billy: You don't think I know that the show's in trouble? Yeah, I've been sweating the ratings numbers all month. (Stammers) Mm. (Chuckles) Nobody wants "R.S. TV" to succeed more than I do, but it's not gonna happen over this phone call, so if you--

Johnny: (Crying)

Billy: Look, I gotta go. My kid needs me, okay? (Sighs)

Avery: (Sighs) (Stereo turns on)

Avery: (Sighs) Man.

Avery: Ow.

(Knock on door)

Avery: Really? (Sighs)

(Music stops)

Avery: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Hello.

Avery: Hi. Wow, come on in.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Pee-wee's Playhouse.

Avery: Uh, you say that every time you come here to visit, which totals three times, by the way, now.

Phyllis: Okay, but you haven't been in town that long.

Avery: Well, I've been here over a year.

Phyllis: Over a year?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Well, you should have invited me over more often.

Avery: Uh, I have invited you over to dinner almost once a week since I moved in.

Phyllis: Okay, this is why I don't come over, because of your crazy attention to details.

Avery: Actually, it's facts.

Phyllis: Facts, okay, facts, yeah, whatever you want to call it. Listen, did you, um, talk to my daughter?

Avery: Yes, I did. You haven't heard from her?

Phyllis: No. No, she's dodging me. I'm trying to give her her space.

Avery: Even after the accident?

Phyllis: Yeah, I-I don't want to get on her about the accident. Nobody was hurt, thank God. You know, I just--I... next crisis. Anyway, wh-what'd she say?

Avery: Well, you know, Summer is a lot like I was as a kid.

Phyllis: No, she's not.

Avery: Well, I think, in a lot of ways, I was misunderstood, and I think Summer feels the same way.

Phyllis: What did she say about me, Avery?

Avery: (Sighs) Phyllis, she's confused, and she's angry that you cheated on Nick.

Phyllis: Did she say anything good?

Avery: No, not yet, but I did gain her trust, so at least I can keep an eye on her.

Phyllis: So she can reconnect with me?

Avery: Exactly.

Phyllis: I feel like she's on the verge of taking off and leaving my life forever. I'm not gonna lose my daughter.

Avery: Okay, we're not gonna let that happen.

Phyllis: No, we're not gonna let it happen. I have a new plan. I have a new plan to get Summer back in my good graces.

Avery: What's that?

Phyllis: I am going to win Nick back.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chelsea: (Sighs) Adam, it's me. Um, since you're not picking up, I guess you're still troubleshooting with that client. (Exhales sharply) Anyway, um, I'm just here missing you, wondering what time you'll be done, so... call me as soon as you can, okay?

Sharon: (Coughing) (Thud)

Adam: (Coughs) Sharon! (Coughing)

Adam: Here, I got you. I got you.

Avery: You only want to be with Nick because of Summer, or you want to be with Nick because of him?

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, of course because of him-- I mean, well, both, both. I-I-I never stopped loving Nick.

Avery: Even when you slept with Ronan?

Phyllis: Listen, sleeping with Ronan was a mistake. It was a mistake. Everything was up in the air. I-I was so absolutely confused. I-I didn't even think I had a future with Nick.

Avery: And now you do?

Phyllis: He w--he would give me a second chance. I mean, I-I think he'd give me a second chance, after everything we've been through.

Avery: I guess. I mean, I don't know. I can't speak for Nick, so...

Phyllis: I don't expect you to speak for Nick. I just need to talk to Nick. He's not returning my phone calls.

Avery: Well, with everything that's happening at Newman, I'm sure he's got a lot on his hands right now.

Phyllis: Why? What's happening at Newman?

Nikki: I'm sure you're all as shocked as I am, but I'm grateful that you didn't push him for more of an explanation.

Abby: What if he really does want us to be the ones to save Newman?

Nick: Or not save it.

Victoria: We'll all get back together after we've thought about it, and I'll talk it over with Billy.

Nick: I know he's your husband, but he also just became this family's enemy.

Billy: What's the matter? Couldn't sleep, huh? No?

Johnny: (Fussing)

Billy: Oh, come sit down with your dad. All the tension around here got you excited, yeah?

Johnny: (Coughing)

Billy: Keeping you up? Uncle Jack and Grandpa fighting, and you and me-- we're stuck in the middle.

Johnny: (Crying)

Billy: I know! Well, let me tell you something, Buddy. Let me tell you something.

Johnny: (Fussing)

Billy: No matter who's running that company, an Abbott, a Newman... it's your company, Son.

Nick: Mom, you should get something to eat.

Nikki: Uh, I guess I could go to the cafeteria really quick.

Abby: Don't worry. He's in good hands, okay?

Nikki: I know.

Nick: Come on. I can walk you down there.

Nikki: So how do you feel about what your father said?

Nick: I don't know.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Who is it?

Nikki: I don't know. Hello.

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Nick: Mom, what's wrong?

Nikki: The ranch is on fire.

Adam: Sharon. Sharon, can you hear me? Hey, do you know where you are?

(Fire truck sirens wailing)

Adam: Sharon, you gotta focus. Stay with me. What happened?

Sharon: Sad... they were so mean to me.

Adam: "Th-they"? There was--there was someone else in the house with you?

Sharon: Nikki and Victor.

Adam: Wait, wait, just--just now? Sharon, were you alone in the house just now? Sharon, were you alone just now in the house?

Sharon: Mm, yes. Yes, and they wouldn't stop. I just wanted them to stop. I wanted them to stop!

Avery: The Newman coup happened earlier today.

Phyllis: A-and you know this because you're Victor's attorney, right?

Avery: Actually, Nick told me. We ran into each other after I saw Summer.

Phyllis: Oh, my God, how much more can he take? I-I can't believe this is happening to him. I-I need to talk to him.

Avery: Are you sure he would want that?

Phyllis: When you're in a crisis, you turn to the people you care about the most. Thanks for letting me know, Sis. Talk to you later.

Avery: Oh, come by the playhouse anytime.

Phyllis: Um, listen, I-I really appreciate what you did for me today with Summer. I really think that I can turn things around with her... and with Nick.

Avery: Phyllis, I really want you to be happy.

Avery: Huh. (Sighs) The hell with it.

Billy: How's your dad?

Victoria: Well... physically, he is fine, but he told us something that was kind of out there.

Billy: What'd he say?

Victoria: My dad says he's not fighting for Newman.

Billy: Is he on heavy medication?

Victoria: No. He was totally rational.

Billy: Well, this solves all our problems.

Victoria: What are you talking about?

Billy: I... (Clears throat) We can ditch the corporate intrigue. I don't have to play double agent with my brother anymore. Victor gave up, Jack won...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: And you and I, we are officially out of the cross fire.

Victoria: My father might not want to fight back, but I still do.

Victor: Hi, my baby.

Abby: Ohh, Nikki's gonna kill me. I wasn't supposed to wake you up.

Victor: (Chuckles) Don't you worry, okay? I don't get to spend enough time with my beautiful girl.

Abby: (Sighs) (Sobbing)

Victor: Don't you cry, my baby. Don't you cry.

Abby: (Sobbing)

Victor: Everything will be all right, okay? Everything will be all right.

Abby: (Sighs)

Sharon: Victor, Nikki... they were calling me names. They said I was... a loser and stupid, like I attacked them. They attacked me!

Adam: I know you blame them for everything that's come down on you.

Sharon: But it's true. They did this to me.

Adam: Just-- I don't want you upset. We won't have to talk about it, okay? We won't talk about it anymore.

Sharon: Adam, they did this.

Adam: I'm gonna get you some aspirin. I'll be right back.

Adam: (Exhales slowly)

(Cell phone rings)

Chelsea: Adam! Are you on your way home?

Adam: How you feeling?

Chelsea: Lonely, and worried about you.

Adam: Why?

Chelsea: Because I'm not the only one who lost a baby. Adam?

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Aren't you done with work yet?

Adam: I'm--yeah, I-I am. Um, I-I got out of my meeting. I didn't--I didn't want to bother you about this, but I'm on the other side of town. My car broke down and, uh, I'm waiting for the tow truck driver to-- to come all the way out here.

Chelsea: W-well, I'll-- I'll come get you. Just tell me where you are.

Adam: I don't want to drag you out in the middle of the night. Don't worry about me, all right? I'll--I'll be home as soon as possible.

Nikki: I wish they would have let us get closer. I feel so helpless.

Nick: We need to figure out if anyone was in there. Excuse me. What happened? Was anyone hurt?

Man: The house was empty. None of the staff were here, and nobody was injured.

Nikki: Oh, thank God for that.

Man: Guard on the property saw the flames and called 9-1-1. That quick action helped us to keep the fire from spreading to other structures on the ranch.

Nick: Do you know how it started?

Man: It's too soon to know, but the house is clearly beyond saving.

Nikki: What? No, no!

Nick: Come on, Mom. Mom, Mom! There's nothing we can do.

Nikki: Oh, my God, no!

Nick: It's gone.

Nikki: Nicholas! (Sobbing)

Abby: (Sniffles) It's just awful seeing you like this. We were just getting used to having you alive again. (Laughs)

Victor: Well, the doctors tell me that I'll be out of here pretty soon, you know?

Abby: I know they think this is because of some medical thing, the bumps on your head, but whatever. (Scoffs)

Victor: You-- what do you think?

Abby: I don't think it's a coincidence that you passed out right after losing Newman Enterprises.

Victor: I think it was just a coincidence, you know?

Abby: Why can't my Uncle Jack just have his own family company and you have your family company and everybody just be happy?

Victor: You're always caught between the Newmans and the Abbotts, aren't you?

Abby: But you know what I never, ever understood?

Victor: What's that?

Abby: The hatred, the way you guys look at each other, like it would kill you to leave the other one standing.

Victor: I just don't like the man, you know?

Abby: What does it get you, Dad? When will it stop? When will enough be enough?

Nick: (Sighs) This doesn't seem real.

Nikki: I'm glad it's dark outside. We can't really see it. I don't think I could bear it.

Nick: Mom, I can drive you back to the hospital.

Nikki: Oh, my God. We have to keep this from your father.

Nick: How are we gonna do that, Mom? Dad could pick up the remote in his room, see the--

Nikki: I'll make-- I'll make sure that that doesn't happen. He shouldn't have to cope with something like this, at least until he's released from the hospital.

Adam: Here, take these. Some aspirin will make you feel better.

Sharon: I don't know if anything will make it better. Everything's fallen apart. Everyone's gone.

Adam: Everyone? Not me.

Sharon: Why are you... how...?

Adam: Sharon, just-- just lay down. Just take the aspirin.

Sharon: Ohh.

Adam: Come on. You're gonna lay down, you're gonna get some rest, okay? You need to sleep.

Sharon: Ohh. Adam--

Adam: Sharon, just sleep, okay? (Sighs) Sharon... what have you done?

Billy: Victor wants you, Nick, and Abby to decide what happens to his company?

Victoria: That's what he said.

Billy: Well, Jack's not gonna buy it. He'll love hearing it, but he won't buy it. He will be delighted to think that he finally forced the old man into submission, though.

Victoria: I'll bet. So how did Jack take your decision to work with him at Newman?

Billy: He seemed pleased.

Victoria: Suspicious?

Billy: No, I told him that I was doing it for the sake of my children and their children and so forth and so on, and...

Victoria: All right, good. Then I'm glad it went well. (Sighs)

Billy: Do you really still want me to do this? I mean, Victor's taken himself out of the game. There's no real reason...

Victoria: Listen to me. I am gonna need you more than I even anticipated. This thing with my father-- he's challenging his kids. I have to save my father's company.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: (Sighs) Get it. It...

Victoria: Hey, Nick. We were just, um, we were just talking-- what? There was a fire at my parents' house.

Nikki: How has he been?

Abby: Fine. He woke up for a little while.

Nikki: Was he in pain?

Abby: No. He was Dad, only lying down. (Chuckles)

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Abby: (Sighs) I'm so glad he's okay.

Nikki: Yeah, me, too.

Abby: Were you able to relax a little?

Nikki: Um...

Abby: What is it?

Avery: Nothing like a roaring fire on a chilly fall night.

Nick: Yeah, unless it's your childhood home burning down.

Avery: What?

Nick: Nothing. I'm sorry, I got a lot on my mind.

Avery: Oh. Then I'll leave you to it.

Nick: Um... no, I think I'd prefer it if you stayed, if you want to.

Avery: Are you sure? You look like you want to be left alone.

Nick: I thought I did, but...

Nick: (Sighs)

Avery: (Sighs)

Nick: So did something drive you to drink tonight?

Avery: No, absolutely not.

Nick: Then why are you here?

Avery: Mm... I'm here for the same reason you are. I'm just looking for a hot, steamy... game of chess.

Nick: (Laughs)

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: Me, too. Perfect. This is exactly what I need to take my mind off things. Let's do this.

Avery: Yeah, like the takeover, right?

Nick: Um, yeah, and my dad is in the hospital.

Avery: What? When did that happen? Is he okay?

Nick: He's gonna be fine, but he will be crushed when he hears there was a big fire at the main house.

Avery: Oh, my God, you weren't kidding before.

Nick: No, it's gone. I mean, completely gone.

Avery: Oh, Nick, I'm so sorry. What an awful day.

Nick: Yeah, I was thinking this qualifies as one of the worst days ever... but then, I don't know. Things turned around pretty quickly.

Avery: Good. How did that happen?

Adam: (Thinking)

Sharon, I had to head home. Until you talk to me, don't leave the house and don't speak to anyone. This is serious. I'm gonna have to do some major damage control for you.

Avery: Ah, the Sicilian defense. Clever. It's very clever, but it is no match for the Latvian gambit.

Nick: The lat-- you made that up.

Avery: Maybe.

Nick: Okay, only girl... in the chess club in school.

Avery: (Laughs) Maybe.

Nick: So tell me what it was like for you growing up. I'm guessing you were super ambitious...

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Top of the class type stuff.

Avery: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yes, yes, but I wasn't always the smooth operator you see before you.

(Chess pieces clanging)

Avery: Oh, oh, Dear.

Nick: Jeez.

Avery: Sorry.

Nick: So at some point, you were saying, then, you must have been a real klutz.

Avery: Yeah, like my whole life, actually. I have so many stories where I do something so embarrassing that most people would never leave their house, and for me, it's just another day. (Laughs)

Nick: I think you should tell me one of those stories.

Avery: Ah. Okay, well... there's a good one from law school. I had my first mock trial. Uh, I was lead counsel and totally prepared, of course, and I had the facts, I had the attitude, I had the best gray pinstripe suit.

Nick: Ooh, very professional.

Avery: Yes, I thought so, too, until I walked into the class and my fellow students were snickering and laughing.

Nick: Toilet paper on the shoe?

Avery: It was so much worse than that.

Nick: (Chuckles)

Avery: So much worse. I had put my skirt on inside out.

Nick: (Laughs) Oh, that's--

Avery: (Laughs)

Nick: Okay, so did you change?

Avery: No, I couldn't! The--there was no time. The judges were ready to go. I had to present the entire case looking like a lunatic.

Nick: And how'd you do?

Avery: What do you think? I kicked butt.

Nick: Of course you did.

Avery: Of course I did, and to reward myself afterwards, I went and I got this huge slice of greasy pizza, which I promptly dropped on my lap.

Nick: (Laughs) Okay.

Avery: (Laughs) Yes--

Nick: That is such a good story.

Avery: How--however-- no, no, no, wait, wait. Since my skirt was still on inside out, I won the case and I saved my suit. Double victory.

Nick: Look at you. All right.

Avery: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)

Nick: Ahh, okay. Double victory.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: You know, this is exactly what I needed to take my mind off things. It's perfect.

Victoria: I just-- I don't even understand how this is possible. Losing the company and the house all in the same day?

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: You know... maybe the house being destroyed is a warning. There's been all this destruction lately. You and I are preparing to head into battle. Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe something's trying to tell us that we should try things differently this time.

Victoria: How?

Billy: (Sighs) I don't know. We could give up on Newman. (Chuckles) We could stop getting involved in this silly never-ending feud. I could back out of my deal with Jack. Hell, I'll sell "Restless Style." And then maybe you and I, we can start fresh. Maybe we can start our own company, make something of our own that we can pass down to our son.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Adam: Hey, Chelse.

Chelsea: Mm, hi. Uh, how's your car? (Sniffles)

Adam: You should head on up to bed.

Chelsea: No. No, I want to hear about your meeting and... (Inhales sharply) Is that smoke I smell on you?

Victor: Has Abby left?

Nikki: Yeah, all the kids went home. I'm gonna spend the night.

Victor: Sweetheart, you don't have to do that. Why don't you go home and sleep in your comfortable bed?

Nikki: There's no other place I'd rather be than right here by your side.

Victor: Have you been crying?

Avery: Checkmate.

Nick: Yeah. That's well-played.

Avery: You thought you had me five moves ago, but I employed the Kasparov endgame.

Nick: (Laughs)

Avery: (Laughs) (Sighs) It's late. I should probably go.

Nick: I'll walk you out.

Avery: Okay.

Nick: Thanks for the game... and the company.

Avery: Well, I should be thanking you. It's been far too long since I thoroughly trounced someone at chess.

Nick: Trash talk like that only is begging for a rematch.

Avery: Anytime, anywhere, but you should brush up, or I will pummel you again.

Nick: Mm. Hey, let me ask you something, did it ever occur to you that I might let you win?

Avery: Not for a second, Newman.

Nick: Good night, Avery.

Avery: Good night.

Victoria: I don't want to give up on Newman, okay? I-I don't. I mean, it means too much to me. But beyond that, I-I just feel like if--if I don't fight for this company, my father's gonna look at me like I'm a failure.

Billy: Okay, that's not fair. You weren't running the company when it was taken over. That was all Sharon.

Victoria: I feel like my father wants for his children to prove to him how much we love him, and to show him how grateful we are for everything that he built for us.

Billy: If that's true, that's not love. That's just another one of his head games.

Victoria: (Sighs) He's challenging us. I know it.

Billy: He's challenging you. Look, your father either loves you and accepts you or he doesn't. (Scoffs) And if he doesn't realize how much you love him, then, Honey, I am truly sorry for that, but that is his problem.

Victoria: This is important, Billy, not just to my dad, to me. I'm gonna get Newman Enterprises back, and I want you to fight with me.

Nikki: I haven't been crying.

Victor: I don't believe you. What is it?

Nikki: It's just-- it's just been a hard day.

Victor: I know you too well. There's more to it. What is it?

Nikki: Why don't I read to you? You always like that, and it'll help you relax.

Victor: Sweetheart, with everything you and I have been through... everything that has happened to both of us... (Breathes deeply) And the pain we have caused each other, and the love, I don't think there are any more secrets. Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?

Adam: Yeah. Engine on my car caught fire.

Chelsea: While you were driving? Why didn't you tell me?

Adam: Well, I-- I didn't want to worry you. Um, I-I'm fine. I don't want to worry you, and there's nothing to be worried about. I--see? I'm--I'm fine. The car isn't, but I took a cab home.

Chelsea: Why don't we just go upstairs? And you can take a shower, and I'll bag your clothes to be cleaned, and then you can just crawl in bed with me.

Adam: (Sighs) That sounds good. I'm just, uh... (Exhales sharply) I'm just pretty wired. So I'm gonna stay up. I think I might make myself some food.

Chelsea: Okay, well, I'll--I'll sit with you.

Adam: No, you don't have to. Um, I'll be up-- I'll be up later.

Chelsea: You don't want me to keep you company?

Adam: (Sighs) I just think that you should get as much sleep, as much rest as you can after... our accident.

Chelsea: Okay.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: (Sighs heavily)

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Adam?

Adam: I thought I would get your voice mail. You should be resting.

Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, God. I-I had the worst dream. It was... (Sighs) Adam, I'm so scared. I... what happened tonight?

Adam: You had too much to drink. Just stay put. I will be there in the morning.

Sharon: Why can't you just tell me what happened?

Adam: I left you a note. You see it?

Sharon: Yes.

Adam: Heed the note. Don't go anywhere. Do not talk to anyone. Don't even answer your door.

Sharon: Why, Adam? What happened? What did I do?

Adam: It doesn't matter. But I promise, everything's gonna be okay. I'll fix everything.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Cane: Jack needs someone who can take the reins. Why not me?

Genevieve: I need answers, and I'm willing to pay for them.

Phyllis: I'm sure you feel a lot of guilt.

Summer: You're the one that should be feeling guilty.

Phyllis: And you are blaming the accident on me?

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