Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/17/12
Episode # 10014 ~ Jack Takes Action Against the Newmans; Paul Might Gain His Freedom When Eden Has an Important Dream
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Abby: My big scoop about that country star getting hitched was totally bogus. I went to Chicago for nothing. Well, not nothing. I scored a killer pair of Jimmy Choo’s.
Billy: You have no idea what's going on, do you?
Abby: I heard about Phyllis' trial. The charges were dropped.
Billy: Yeah. I'm talking about what's going on between Victor and Jack.
Nick: Victoria and I are in the office with Jack. He would like you to join us.
Victor: Tell Abbott to wait, all right? Your mother and I are having brunch.
Nick: Will do. My parents are enjoying a meal, so you're gonna have to wait.
Jack: No, I don't mind waiting.
Nikki: Maybe we should just go. Why delay the inevitable?
Victor: Let that smug, obnoxious bastard wait, even though he does hold all the cards at the moment.
Chris: Hey, you have something to tell us about Ricky?
Paul: Hi.
Eden: Um...
Heather: Eden, listen. Paul's trial date has been set and it's soon, so if you remember anything useful at all--
Eden: Well, not about what happened in Ricky's suite, um, but I did have this bizarre dream about him.
Paul: Well, tell us about it.
Eden: Um, okay, so we were wearing the same clothes...
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Eden: That we had on the night that Ricky died. Uh, he was chasing me down this dark alley. He cornered me. Um, I didn't have anywhere to run, but--but he didn't hurt me.
Chris: Uh-huh.
Eden: He just started saying all these crazy things. Uh, I mean, none of it made sense, but as soon as I woke up, I wrote everything down.
Chris: Can we see?
Eden: Yeah, right here. They might-- they might not mean anything, but I just thought you should know.
Heather: No, listen, dreams can contain all sorts of information. Maybe your last hypnosis session triggered something in your psyche.
Paul: You know what, Eden? This whole ordeal, you have completely had my back. I-I just want to thank you.
Chris: "Ray and I played at church, west bank of the bay, crown on the water." I...
Michael: Yes, Agent Malloy, this is the district attorney, Michael Baldwin. I am at the courthouse for an emergency meeting. When I'm finished, I want to meet with you... here, at the courthouse. We have some unfinished business.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: (Sighs) Maybe they'll go away.
Ronan: They never go away.
(Knock on door)
Avery: It's me, Phyllis. Open up. I know you're in there.
Phyllis: Ugh. No, she's not going away. Mm. One sec. (Sighs) Hello.
Avery: Hello. I didn't realize you had company.
Phyllis: I don't need to explain myself to you.
Ronan: It's late. I'm gonna get cleaned up, get ready for work.
Avery: I came to see how you were doing. What is Ronan doing here?
Phyllis: Why do you care?
Avery: Well, I just don't know why you would give Nick ammunition to divorce you.
Phyllis: Wha... he'd asked for a divorce? (Laughs) Wow. Well, I'm not gonna contest it. I'm not gonna force Nick to forgive me. (Sighs)
Avery: Are you just gonna walk away?
Phyllis: I don't know. You know, Ronan suggested that I look at today as a new beginning. I wasn't really listening, but it sounds like sage advice now.
Avery: Well, maybe you should clarify those details.
Phyllis: Maybe I should ask you why you're so interested in me and Nick.
Avery: Look, I know you love the guy.
Phyllis: Mm. You're--you're not just interested in Nick for yourself?
Avery: Why do you do that? Why do you say things like that?
Phyllis: Okay.
Ronan: Okay, then I'll... I'll check in with you later.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: Nice seeing you, Avery.
Avery: Yep, bye.
Ronan: So all right, well...
Phyllis: Hmm. Okay.
Ronan: Yeah, um, I'll see you.
Phyllis: Okay.
Avery: Phyllis, what is going on?
Phyllis: Nothing is going on.
Avery: Really, nothing is going on? It looks like something is going on, 'cause Ronan almost cried when you didn't kiss him good-bye.
Phyllis: I don't think I want to acknowledge that it's happening, you know? I alienated my daughter because of this pretended fling, and... I've lost everything. I-I don't-- my God, I can't lose my daughter.
Avery: Have you talked to her since she got out of the hospital?
Phyllis: She got out of the hospital?
Chris: (Sighs) I don't mean to rain on the parade, but I don't think these phrases mean anything.
Paul: Well, I'm not sure. There might be something here. (Sighs) Let's look at the first one. "Ray and I played at church."
Heather: Hmm.
Paul: Ray-- so I'm guessing that is Rachel?
Heather: Ricky's girlfriend.
Paul: Right... and Ricky's old apartment in Evanston was on Church Street.
Chris: Oh, Paul, I... (Laughs) That's a stretch.
Paul: All right, just hold on a second. Let's look at the next one. "West Bank of the bay."
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Paul: So the bay...ap the bay, that could be Berkeley, couldn't it?
Heather: Where Ricky went to undergrad.
Paul: Right. And you know what? When I sent him money on occasion, to--to cover expenses, the transfer was always made to the New Western Bank.
Heather: New Western Bank, West Bank of the bay-- what about this last one, "Crown on the water"?
Paul: "Crown on the water. Crown on the water." That's a little trickier, isn't it? Could that be referring to...? Coronado, California?
Eden: Well, Coronado means "Crown."
Paul: Right, and I know Isabella's family had a small bungalow on Coronado, and Ricky's grandparents used to take him there on vacation.
Eden: You know, he used to talk about that when we were roommates.
Chris: But h-how would you know about the rest of the stuff-- uh, his ex, the bank, the street he used to live on?
Eden: (Sighs) Maybe, like the Coronado thing, Ricky said something in passing.
Heather: And on a subconscious level, it stuck in your head.
Paul: It may have been more deliberate than that.
Abby: Just when things were back to normal. Dad was home safe, Uncle Jack was back to his old happy self, no more wheelchair.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Abby: (Scoffs)
Billy: Yeah, well, Jack's never been happier than when he's sticking it to Victor.
Abby: it's just messed up. Not that I don't love Uncle Jack, and I get that he's super ambitious, but why does he have to try and do this to my dad again? Not that my dad hasn't stabbed him in the back a time or two, but... (Sighs)
Billy: Yeah, or three or four or five.
Abby: Victoria is going to be furious.
Billy: Yes, she is, and I am stuck in the middle between my father-in-law and my brother.
Abby: Have you tried to talk to Jack?
Billy: Have you ever tried talking to Jack? He won't budge. He wants Newman Enterprises in the worst way.
Jack: Your old man is taking his dear, sweet time, isn't he?
Nick: I'll tell you what, Jack-- why don't you give me the message, and I'll tell him?
Jack: What, and spoil all the fun? Nah.
Victoria: You really are determined to make a spectacle out of this, aren't you?
Jack: You say that like it's a bad thing.
Victoria: We know why you're here-- to announce that you're going after Newman Enterprises.
Jack: You're wrong, Victoria. I'm not going after Newman Enterprises. I've already got it.
Abby: I can't believe Jack thought you'd come work with him at Newman.
Billy: (Inhales sharply) Yeah, well, I told him I was gonna have nothing to do with his hostile takeover.
Abby: You're already a part of it.
Billy: Well, I'm an Abbott married to a Newman. Sticky situations are gonna arise.
Abby: Well, at least you have "Restless Style" to focus on.
Billy: Yeah, I've got "Restless Style." (Chuckles) The magazine is not doing too well, and well, the TV show-- the ratings are crap.
Abby: I didn't know.
Billy: The ironic thing is, if I weren't married to Victoria, I'd be all over Jack's offer.
Phyllis: Well, she was supposed to call when she was being released. My daughter hates me.
Avery: Okay, she doesn't hate you. Give her a break. She's going through a lot right now.
Phyllis: (Exhales sharply) I just--at the hospital, I just wanted to hold her... you know, like when she was little. She's so angry with me. Oh, I just--I can't... risk alienating her with this Ronan thing.
Avery: Okay, I know that the two of you let people think that you had an affair, but... did you two actually sleep together?
Phyllis: Why do you care?
Avery: Well, I care because the trial is over. If you didn't, just go to Summer and tell her you made it up.
Phyllis: She caught us.
Avery: Oh, my God.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Avery: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Y-you know, A-Avery, you--you-- actually, you could help me.
Avery: Me? With what?
Phyllis: Yeah, y-you-- you c--you--no, no, listen, listen, listen, listen. You can--you can-- you can help me. If--if I'm ever gonna win back my daughter's trust, I need to know what's going on in her head. I mean, she--she--she won't talk to me right now, so you could reach out to her as, you know, the cool, concerned aunt, and just--to just find out where her head is at.
Avery: You want me to be your spy?
Phyllis: Yeah, I-- yeah, I want you to be my spy, you know? I-if I'm--if I'm ever gonna be close to her again, I need to know what's going on in her life, a-and--and she won't talk to me. Can--can you just-- can you do this for me, please? Please, I'm begging you. Can you please do this for me, so I can be close to my daughter again?
Michael: You got my message.
Ronan: This about what Kevin told you?
Michael: Kevin confirmed what I suspected. You buried evidence. You got rid of a witness to cover for Phyllis.
Ronan: Yes. So let's, uh... let's cut to the chase, huh? You're gonna have to go public with what you know. My career is over, and I'll have charges pressed against me. I mean, that's about the gist of it, right?
Jack: Included in that document is a list of companies and individual stockholders who back me.
Nick: Tell me that doesn't hold up.
Victor: I can't.
Jack: No, he can't, because it does hold up, and you are all going to have to learn to deal with it.
Nikki: If your father were alive, he would be ashamed of you.
Jack: My father is not alive. Were he among us, he better than anyone else would understand it. Now here is how this is all going to fall out. I am now running Newman Enterprises. You are each minority stockholders. I have already assembled a board of directors. My first order of business, approved by them, is to fire the three of you. Much as I respect both of you personally, you realize I can't keep you around. It would be dangerous business-wise. I'm sorry.
Nick: Oh, sure, I can feel how broken up you are about it.
Jack: This is not my favorite part of the day, Nicholas, believe it.
Victor: You realize, of course, Jack, that news of this takeover is gonna send Newman stock plummeting... and this new board that you will surround yourself with will oust you before you were able to paint your name on the new parking space.
Jack: I guess we'll see, won't we?
Victor: So you and Tucker are partners in crime? Is that it? Since he voted on your behalf.
Jack: No criminal activity. No, everything aboveboard.
Victor: You must have had a good laugh about Beauty of Nature.
Jack: What about it?
Victor: Tucker sold it to me! Knowing full well that the two of you would get it back.
Nikki: You bought Beauty of Nature?
Victor: That's right, in exchange for Sharon's freedom.
Jack: That sly old dog. No, he didn't tell me a thing about it. Guess I'll have to thank him. Well, if you all will excuse me, I have someplace I need to be. Oh, uh, one last thing.
Nick: (Sighs)
Jack: The three of you have until the end of business tomorrow to pack up your personal effects and vacate this building. Oh, and, Victor... take the portrait with you. We're gonna need to make room for mine.
Victor: Jack Abbott, you are playing a very, very dangerous game.
Paul: I think Ricky told Eden things that seemed unimportant at the time, but remained in her subconscious and now they're beginning to surface in her dreams.
Heather: I think the hypnosis helped release them.
Chris: I-I was doubtful, too, but there are some strange coincidences here.
Paul: These clues just needed to be interpreted by someone who knew Ricky.
Avery: Okay, I want to understand these, I do, but these are clues to what?
Paul: The location of the video that Ricky made... of him drowning Rachel.
Avery: Why would Ricky leave clues that could ultimately prove he was a murderer?
Paul: I don't know. Maybe it was unintentional. But it wouldn't surprise me at all if this was part of some sick plan of his.
Chris: Most likely, he stashed that video someplace safe.
Paul: In an old apartment, safety deposit box, or in a-- in a family vacation home, and all of those elements are present in Eden's dream.
Avery: Okay, it's possible, I suppose.
Paul: Avery, we need your help. I need to check it out.
Avery: Okay, well, these locations are all in California, and you're on bail and you can't leave the state.
Chris: No, he can't, but I can.
Abby: You know, we could do a segment on celebrities with cellulite.
Billy: I would never stoop that low.
Abby: (Gasps) What if I resurrect the Naked Heiress, ride a horse in the buff down Main Street?
Billy: Honey, I know that you're trying to help me...
Abby: But stop?
Billy: Please stop.
Abby: (Sighs) I'm just stressing about the "Sitch" with my dad and Uncle Jack.
Billy: So am I.
Abby: As far as "Restless Style" goes, you'll figure something out. You always do. Mwah.
Billy: (Sighs) Hmm. Thank you. Bye.
Abby: Bye.
Billy: You should have been my story. Nothing is going as planned this week.
Michael: You're gonna keep your badge.
Ronan: As what, a souvenir?
Michael: I'm not going on record.
Ronan: Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but why wouldn't you?
Michael: Don't get me wrong. As the district attorney, I hate what you did, but as Phyllis' ex-friend and as Kevin's brother, I get it.
Ronan: You get it? I'm surprised.
Michael: Yeah, well, you are a fairly competent agent... and maybe I am learning about having to compromise in this job.
Ronan: Well, the D.A.'s human after all. Who would have thunk it, huh?
Michael: I realize that when you told me that you were in love with Phyllis, that you weren't kidding. You meant it.
Ronan: I thought you didn't believe me.
Michael: Yeah, well, I figured you just threw it into the story to make it more believable.
Ronan: And what's different now?
Michael: Well, you know, how far you were willing to go, how big an idiot you were willing to be, you know? If that's not love...
Ronan: (Chuckles) Well, since I'm still employed, I guess we have work to do, huh?
Michael: No, not so fast. I'm willing to look past your transgressions, but if you ever, ever screw up a case of mine again, you're out. Do we understand each other?
Paul: Thank you, Avery.
Avery: Don't thank me yet. I haven't done anything.
Chris: But you'll try.
Avery: I'll do my best. I think Paul's earned the benefit of the doubt.
Paul: Well, just the same, thank you.
Avery: I'll be in touch soon.
Paul: Okay.
Avery: Oh, uh, actually, if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to someone. Uh, Summer, Summer, hi. Got a minute?
Summer: Uh, why?
Avery: I know that we don't know each other really well.
Summer: Let me guess-- my mom sent you.
Avery: You know, I blame myself for not making the effort sooner.
Summer: Why didn't you?
Avery: Well, you know, your mom is really protective over you, and I guess I was afraid that she would be upset or jealous.
Summer: And now you don't care?
Avery: Now things are different. I know what's been going on.
Summer: So you know that she cheated on my dad with that creepy cop?
Avery: Yeah, and I thought maybe you could use somebody to talk to.
Summer: I-I get why you two were never close. I mean, she's a total liar. The only person that she cares about is herself.
Avery: You know, Sweetie, you have every right to be angry. I understand. Your whole world is turned around, right?
Summer: Yeah, that's for sure. (Sighs)
Avery: You know, I know you don't know this now, but I promise you it will get better, and if I can help in any way, I will.
Phyllis: Hey, Nick, it's me. Um... (Sighs) I just wanted to know how Summer was when she left the hospital. (Voice cracks) Can you please call me? We should talk. (Sighs)
Nick: (Sighs)
Victor: I can handle Jack Abbott attacking me... but when he goes after my children--
Nick: Dad, don't worry about me and Vick. We're gonna be fine.
Victoria: Of course we will.
Victor: You know his actions are gonna hurt Newman Enterprises terribly. You know that, don't you?
Nick: How the hell did this even happen?
Victor: Well, he and Tucker took advantage... when I'd lost my memory and was down and out.
Nikki: Well, you're gonna fight this.
Victor: No one takes away what I have built my whole life. He's gonna pay dearly for this. I will destroy him.
Jack: Well, Billy boy, it is done.
Billy: Pulled the trigger, did you?
Jack: Yep, the Abbott family now has control of Newman Enterprises.
Billy: The Abbott family does not have control of Newman Enterprises. You do.
Jack: Come work with me at Newman. You can change all that.
Billy: I told you to count me out.
Jack: I realize I'm putting you in an awkward position here.
Billy: An awkward position? You shafted my father-in-law.
Jack: Your father-in-law has shafted you more times than I can count. Besides, there's no one in the world I trust more than my little brother.
Billy: (Laughs) Yeah, except for when you don't.
Jack: Uh... (Sighs)
Billy: We've been down this road before.
Jack: Listen, I am gonna do great things at Newman. I'm taking it to the next level, and I can't do it without you by my side.
Billy: I thought I just told you to count me out.
Jack: Think of all we could accomplish, Billy. Think how much we could do together.
Billy: I don't understand this. Nobody would work harder for Newman than Victoria and Nick, even if they want to shove you in the shredder.
Jack: I couldn't risk that.
Billy: What do you mean, you couldn't risk that?
Jack: I fired all the Newmans.
Billy: You fired my wife?
Michael: I have just been praying for a break in Paul's case.
Ronan: Nothing new?
Michael: No, we're running out of time, and his trial date is locked in.
Heather: I'm hoping to change that, actually.
Ronan: And how are you going to do that?
Heather: Huh? Avery's filed a motion for a continuance.
Michael: Based on what?
Heather: Some new information has come to light.
Michael: What information?
Heather: Eden's hypnosis may have shaken loose some memories that are manifesting themselves in her dreams.
Michael: Well, I doubt a judge will base a continuance on a dream.
Heather: Yeah, there's more to it than that, but Avery and Christine need time to investigate.
Ronan: It sounds like a Hail Mary to me.
Heather: Mm-hmm, sometimes those work.
Michael: Well, until I hear otherwise, I will proceed on the assumption that I will be trying another dear friend for murder next week.
Summer: (Laughing)
Avery: And I fell all the way down. (Laughing)
Summer: Oh, my God.
Nick: It's nice to hear you laughing, Summer.
Summer: (Sighs) Whatever. See you at home, Dad.
Nick: Okay. You know, my daughter was never this rude.
Avery: Well, she's going through something that no 16 year old should have to go through.
Nick: Did you happen to talk to her about the accident?
Avery: No, she didn't mention it, and I didn't ask. Same thing with Phyllis. It's not my place.
Nick: I doubt Phyllis even knows.
Avery: Well, she didn't mention it when I saw her earlier.
Nick: Why were you hanging out with Phyllis?
Avery: I just went to see how she's doing. Come on, she's still my sister, and she's going through a really hard time.
Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, for all of us. My dad lost his company today.
Avery: What?! Oh, my God. What about your job?
Nick: Gone, same as Victoria.
Avery: Jack?
Nick: Mm-hmm, with help from others.
Avery: (Exhales slowly)
Nick: This is killing my dad. I mean, he lives and breathes Newman Enterprises.
Avery: What about you? How are you feeling?
Nick: That's a good question.
Victor: Oh. I thought you had left.
Nikki: Yeah, well, I came back.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Victor, look at me. I know what losing Newman Enterprises is doing to you, and I will leave you to figure out your next move... but first, there's something I want you to know.
Victor: What's that?
Nikki: With or without this place...
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: You're still Victor Newman, and you're the man I will always love... always.
Billy: You fire my wife, then offer me a job in the same breath? What's wrong with you?!
Jack: No, no, simmer down. Your wife is a brilliant businesswoman who knows not to take this personally.
Billy: Jackie, why couldn't you just leave well enough alone?
Jack: You know why.
Billy: Oh, wow. You still can't forgive yourself for losing Dad's company?
Jack: I'm the one that convinced Dad to take Jabot Cosmetics public in the first place. I will never forget the day or the smug look on Victor's face when he announced he had stolen the company from us.
Billy: I know, I've heard this story before. Hell, its ancient history, Jack.
Jack: There and then, I swore I would one day even the score. Well, now I have.
Billy: Look... (Chuckles) I know losing Jabot to Victor was gut-wrenching, and you spent years trying to get it back. And look, you've finally done it, and what, you're just going to abandon it because of some stupid feud?
Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no, nobody's abandoning Jabot. Jabot is gonna be just fine. I have a plan for that.
Billy: Uh... (Laughs) Don't kid yourself. You're gonna be consumed with running Newman. Jabot is going to suffer. Hey... if you don't want it, then give it to me.
Jack: What about your magazine? What about your TV show?
Billy: I'll delegate. I'll do whatever I have to do, trust me.
Jack: Billy, I know "Restless Style" has given you a lot of satisfaction. I also know you're having trouble keeping things afloat. Maybe it's time for you to change course, too, only not with Jabot. Come work by my side at Newman.
Billy: It'll never happen, Jack.
Jack: Just-- just sleep on it, okay? Sleep on it, and be honest with yourself about "Restless Style." Billy... we could do amazing things together. We have a chance to rewrite the Abbott family legacy. Think about it.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Jack: Sorry. I, uh, I was just leaving.
Victoria: Oh, well, good, then it saves me the trouble of having to throw you out.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I'm so sorry, Baby. I'm sorry.
Ronan: You're looking fried, you know that? You should get some rest.
Michael: Huh? Uh, maybe later.
Ronan: I'm gonna go down to the station, check in, and, uh, hey... thank you.
Heather: I didn't want to say anything before, but it looks like you and Ronan worked things out.
Michael: I hope that's okay with you.
Heather: Uh, who am I to cast stones?
Michael: I hear you.
Heather: And Ronan's right, you look like hell.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Heather: Why don't you take a few days off, go be with Lauren and Fen?
Michael: Yeah, and do what, push the "Pause" button on my cases?
Heather: Well, I'll handle them--all of them except my dad's, of course.
Michael: It's tempting, Heather, but I can't. I have got to stay on top of this.
Heather: Well, at least pack it in till the end of the day, huh?
Michael: (Sighs)
Heather: Mike, come on, go. Go.
Chris: Hey, Avery agrees Paul might be on to something.
Paul: Yeah, we're hoping that what you remembered might buy me a continuance while Chris does the detective work.
Eden: Paul, that's awesome.
Paul: Yeah, thanks.
Eden: Oh, coming. Sorry, people need their fix.
Chris: You know how I look at it?
Paul: How?
Chris: Phyllis was as guilty as sin, and she got to go home. You're innocent. If there's one ounce of fairness in this world, you will, too.
Paul: Oh, my advice that you make peace with Phyllis' freedom, I'm glad to see you've taken it to heart.
Chris: Yeah, right. I am filing a civil suit against that lunatic in the morning.
Nick: You know, it's the damnedest thing. You would think, losing my job, I'd feel angry and depressed.
Avery: Mm.
Nick: But I find myself surprisingly liberated.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Hey, Ronan. I-I was just thinking about you.
Billy: Well, the upside to being canned is that you have more time to spend with Johnny.
Victoria: That's true. (Sighs) So... Jack rips my father's company out from underneath him, and then he comes by here to brag.
Billy: Actually, he offered me a job at Newman.
Victoria: What did you say?
Billy: (Chuckles) I said no, of course.
Victoria: No, I think you should take that job..
Billy: I mean, I... wait, huh?
Victoria: I need someone on the inside. I need you on the inside, so I know what's going on on a daily basis.
Billy: You... (Chuckles) You want me to spy on my brother?
Victoria: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Victor: But for the life of me, I can't understand why so many stockholders, so many friends, people I've done business with for years-- why would they turn on me? You mean, because of Sharon? That's why they lost faith? (Sighs) Okay. Thank you. (Sighs)
Nikki: Abby, hi.
Abby: Nikki. I heard what my uncle's up to.
Nikki: (Sighs) He didn't just get rid of your father. He fired Nicholas and Victoria, too.
Abby: That's pretty cold, even for Jack.
Nikki: Oh, you should have seen him.
Abby: Ohh.
Nikki: He was just laughing in our faces as he single-handedly erased all the Newman’s from their own company!
Abby: Poor Dad. Oh, Newman Enterprises-- I-it's like one of his children, only more important. (Chuckles)
Nikki: And to have it taken by the person that he hates most on this earth...
Abby: Can Jack get away with it?
Nikki: Well, your father's gonna fight it, but there's no guarantee that he'll succeed.
Abby: It's like a vicious cycle between Dad and Jack. Can they just grow up, end this stupid feud?
Nikki: Honey, I've been praying for that for as long as I can remember, but the truth is, I don't think it's ever gonna be over.
Jack: (Laughs) (Chuckles)
(Objects clattering)
Victor: (Gasping)
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Sharon: The current Mrs. Newman is home!
Jack: This is about the Abbotts finally besting the Newmans.
John: It's about you versus Victor.
Nikki: Victor! Victor!
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