Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/11/12
Episode # 10010 ~ As Phyllis' Trial Starts, Summer Goes Missing
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Ronan: Coffee?
Phyllis: No, thanks. I'd rather stumble through the day in a fog.
Ronan: I know this whole situation with Summer is weighing on you.
Phyllis: Yeah. I can't stop thinking about how upset she is with me-- well, with us.
Ronan: You know, the best thing you can do for your daughter is to get through this trial and stay out of prison.
Victor: I guess "Happy Birthday" is in order.
Nick: Oh, yeah. I hadn't even thought of that.
Victor: Did you get through to Summer last night?
Nick: If by "Getting through to her," you mean "Alienating her even more," then, yes.
Victor: You need to be strong for her right now.
Nick: I thought I'd give us both a break this morning. I let her sleep in.
Victor: Well, she wouldn't be able to focus in school anyway, not with Phyllis' trial starting today. Are you going?
Nick: No.
Victor: Anyway, I just want to let you know if you need anything in regard to Summer, let me know, okay?
Nick: Dad, you have your hands full trying to regain controlling interest of the company right now. Did you talk to Adam about voting his shares in line with ours?
Victor: Yeah, he didn't give me an answer.
Nick: It's never a good thing having to depend on Adam.
Victor: You can say that again. By the way, you didn't tell me that his wife was expecting.
Nick: I guess I tried to block it out.
Victor: Ah.
Nick: It's kind of a scary thought...
(Knock on door)
Nick: Thinking about Adam being a dad.
Victor: It certainly is.
Nick: Hey, come in.
Avery: Hi.
Nick: Hi.
Avery: Hello, Victor.
Victor: Hi, Avery. Nice to see you. You let me know if you need anything, Son.
Nick: Thanks, Dad.
Avery: Bye.
Victor: All right.
Avery: Sorry to intrude.
Nick: You're not intruding. Did you... want to talk about something?
Avery: The kiss, yes. The kiss. And it has to be now before I go into that courtroom and look my sister in the eye.
Adam: So are you on board with how I want to handle things with my father?
Chelsea: (Sighs) I would have supported you no matter what you decided.
Adam: The way I see it, there's only one choice I can really make.
Chelsea: Okay, so... call your father and let him know.
Daniel: Hey. What do you want on your toast?
Heather: Really? Like it's just a regular, everyday morning?
Daniel: Do you want me to give you the silent treatment or something?
Heather: I'm about to spend my day trying to put your mom behind bars. You can't possibly be okay with that.
Daniel: Just doing your job.
Heather: Look, if I get your mom convicted of attempted murder, can you honestly say that it won't change the way you feel about me?
Chris: It's not uppermost in my mind, obviously, but it's--it's always there-- this nagging awareness that someone tried to kill us and got away with it.
Nina: Today it's finally your turn. Phyllis is gonna have to answer for what she did. I love that your daughter is prosecuting.
Paul: Yeah, well, don't forget about Ricky. He was the one that discovered all of the evidence exposing Phyllis. I mean, I know it's-- it's not for any noble reason, but still. I think it's pretty amazing that my son started this whole thing in motion so many years after the fact.
Chloe: Well, Phyllis can't expect you to keep all of her secrets. I understand that you are her friend, but you are risking too much.
Kevin: Well, if we'd all just stuck to the original story--
Chloe: Well, Michael wasn't buying that story.
Kevin: So then what's the answer, Chloe? I save myself? Who cares about Phyllis and Ronan? (Sighs) You know what? Forget it. I gave them up. I did what you wanted. There is nothing you can say about this that's gonna make me feel any better. (Sighs)
Lauren: You all right?
Michael: I hate what I'm going to have to do. How many lives am I gonna ruin in this courtroom today? (Sighs) My friends... former friends. Phyllis could do time. (Sighs) How is that gonna affect Nicholas and Summer?
Lauren: We'll be there for them.
Michael: (Scoffs)
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: I doubt they'll want that. They're gonna see me as a hypocrite... and maybe I am. I'm gonna fight like hell to protect you from those weapon charges, and obviously, I will do everything I can to help Kevin. But when it comes to Phyllis--
Lauren: No, there's nothing more you could have done for her. Ronan tried. He crossed the line for her, and look where it's gonna get him.
Michael: He's a good man. He's a good man, Lauren. He's a good law enforcement agent.
Lauren: They put you in a very terrible position. And Kevin... (Scoffs) I love him. But there is no getting around it. He thought he could use your personal relationship to get away with all these lies. I know. I know you'd rather be the brother and the friend yelling at these guys, telling them that they screwed up right now, instead of literally laying down the law.
Michael: Yeah, that's me.
Lauren: Yeah. But, Baby, if it wasn't you, it would be someone else. And they'll understand-- well... Kevin-- Kevin will understand.
Michael: Mm. Mm.
Lauren: The two of you have been through worse. He knows you have his back.
Chloe: You had to do the right thing for your family and your businesses. I understand that. I understand that Phyllis is a friend, and I feel for her, too. But you can't--
Kevin: Well, then you know what people are gonna think-- that she killed Dr. Reid.
Chloe: Yeah, they probably will.
Kevin: She didn't. I was there. I know.
Chloe: Okay. And you will be able to vouch for her.
Kevin: And who is gonna believe me?
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Chloe: I think that this may be tapping in to some old wounds, yeah? You understand what Phyllis is going through.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, people have spread lies about me, said they were gonna be there for me and then... weren't.
Chloe: Okay, but you need to remember something-- this is all happening because Phyllis apparently ran over two people and hid it for about, I don't know, 20 years or something like that. She's not just some innocent, helpless victim.
Danny: Yeah, sure, I can talk, yeah.
Nina: I'll be right back.
Paul: Okay.
Chris: How you doin'?
Paul: We've waited a long time for this day.
Chris: Mm. As eager as I am to get Phyllis in that courtroom, I wish it wasn't coming at the same time that you have to prepare for your own defense.
Paul: You know what? It--it actually-- it actually helps. The truth coming out-- I mean, the system is working. It just took a long time. But really, it's exactly-- it's exactly what I need to see right now.
Chris: Mm, well, we may never get the satisfaction of hearing Phyllis admit what she did or apologize.
Paul: Well, maybe not. But we will hear the jury pronounce her guilty.
Chris: And the judge pronounce sentence. And then she'll finally have to face the consequences for what she put us through.
Paul: That's gonna feel good.
Chris: It's gonna feel great.
Paul: (Sighs)
Daniel: You know, I'm not gonna lie to you. I hope you flame out in court today.
Heather: I will try not to take that personally.
Daniel: It's my mom, you know? She's nuts. She makes me nuts, but--
Heather: But look, you don't-- you don't want her to suffer, okay? I get that. But... I'm gonna have to say awful things to her and about her.
Daniel: I'll try not to take that personally.
Heather: But you will, though. You're not gonna be able to help it. I don't think you really grasp how ugly it's gonna get in that courtroom. I can't hold back for your sake.
Daniel: I hate that any of this has to happen at all, but it's not your fault. And I... am not gonna blame you no matter what happens, okay?
Heather: Yeah.
Phyllis: Thank you. I hope Nick remembers to do that for Summer. I--with everything going on, she doesn't need to hear about all the salacious details.
Ronan: You and Summer have always been close. You're gonna work through this.
Phyllis: Yeah, sometimes it makes it worse. Honestly, I mean, the closer you are, you're that much more... disillusioned when your parent is caught lying.
Ronan: What? You mean your father?
Phyllis: I know what I'm talking about. You know his criminal record and everything, right? And I could never look at him the same way. I despised him. Is Summer gonna feel that way about me?
Ronan: No. No, she's not, because it's not the same at all.
Phyllis: Isn't it?
Ronan: Your father-- he cut you off. He pushed you away. You would never do that to Summer.
Phyllis: She may do it to me.
Nick: So you regret kissing me?
Avery: You kissed me. And I... responded briefly.
Nick: It wasn't that brief.
Avery: Well, you caught me off guard, so... look, the point is that has to be the last time that that happens. Okay, I don't know where you stand with Phyllis right now, but, um, I can't hurt her again. I would hate myself for that.
Nick: You know you're not the cause of the state of my marriage, right?
Avery: Yes, do, and I would like to keep things that way. And my life is complicated enough right now, and I think that yours is, too. Yes?
Nick: Oh, yes.
Avery: Yes, so... I have a friend who works at the station. He told me about Summer. Is she okay?
Nick: Not really, no. Would you mind talking to her?
Avery: Me?
Nick: She is so pissed off at me right now, and Phyllis is clearly no help. She could really use someone to talk to that will listen to her and, you know, loves Phyllis and also understands the frustration. I'll tell you what-- at least stay for breakfast.
Avery: Okay.
Nick: All right. I'm so good at breakfast, so...
Avery: Okay.
Nick: There's coffee. I'm gonna go wake her up. She's gone!
Phyllis: Wait. Wait a second. Wait a second. She's missing? Since when?
Nick: I talked to the security guard at the gate. He said he saw Summer leave last night. I thought she was asleep in her room.
Phyllis: She doesn't even have her phone, right? You took it from her, didn't you?
Nick: I'll check with the rest of my family. Maybe she crashed at Vick's.
Phyllis: Okay, yeah, yeah. I'll--I'll--I'll call Daniel and--and Summer's friends.
Nick: Oh, hold on. Did you find her?
Avery: Not yet.
Nick: Avery's trying to get a hold of Leslie. She thinks they can get your trial postponed.
Phyllis: Wait, Avery is there? Uh, uh, tell her thank you.
Lauren: Summer is missing.
Michael: What?
Lauren: Fen spent the night at a friend's last night. Michael's calling him right now. Phyllis, I-I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure she's just making a statement, and if we need, Michael can have the police run a trace on her location from her cell phone. Oh. You didn't happen to put a G.P.S. tracking device on her car, did you? Yeah. Might want to look into that. Michael, anything? He's--he's walking toward me. Did Fen know where Summer is?
Michael: He didn't spend the night at Austin's house.
Lauren: What?!
Michael: He said he changed his mind and he was going to stay home.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Chloe: If you don't answer it, I will.
Kevin: What, Michael? No, I haven't. Have you seen Fen or Summer?
Chloe: No.
Kevin: Chloe hasn't, either. (Sighs) O-okay. Okay, if either of them come into the coffeehouse, I will let you know. And, look, try not to panic. Fen is a good kid. He's not gonna do anything stupid.
Daniel: Are you kidding me? I can't believe she's pulling this today. Oh, so at least she's probably not alone. Well, it's a bad move on his part, 'cause Michael's gonna put him under house arrest when he gets his hands on him.
Heather: (Whispering) Wait, Fen's gone, too?
Daniel: Um, look, I-if I don't find them, do you still want me to come to the courthouse? Should I keep looking? Should-- oh, okay, um, thanks. Just keep me posted? Yeah. Bye. Avery's trying to get the trial postponed.
Heather: (Normal voice) It'd be fine with me.
Daniel: I gotta go look for Summer.
Heather: Good luck.
Daniel: Yeah. Hey, uh, Megan? Yeah, look, change of plans. Um, I can't come get Lucy before she wakes up. There's a family emergency.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Anything new?
Nick: No.
Phyllis: Of course.
Avery: Uh, I did get a hold of Leslie. She's having a meeting with the judge to explain the situation.
Phyllis: Okay.
Ronan: I put the word out with some friends on the force. They're looking for both kids and both cars right now.
Phyllis: (Exhales sharply) Yeah, uh, Daniel is out searching, and we should be, too.
Avery: You can't leave.
Phyllis: Oh, the hell I can't leave.
Avery: What if Summer comes home? And you may still have a trial to go to. You have to get ready.
Phyllis: No. No.
Ronan: She's right.
Nick: Look, I'll go. You stay.
Avery: I'll wait with you. You can join the search.
Phyllis: Uh, Nick? Just bring her home, please.
Victor: So how are you?
Chelsea: I'm doing well, thanks.
Adam: Hey, Dad.
Victor: Hey, Son.
Chelsea: I'll, um, give you two some privacy.
Victor: All right, thank you.
Victor: So I didn't expect to hear from you this soon.
Adam: I knew you'd be anxious to hear my decision.
Victor: And what is it?
Adam: I can't do it, Dad. I can't turn over my Newman shares.
Victor: Mm-hmm. That's rather disturbing news. Surprising... not surprising. So by the speed of your response, I thought that you would go along with what I'd asked you to, but I guess, um, I was mistaken.
Adam: You don't often do that.
Victor: Make mistakes? Sure I do.
Adam: No, admit that you make them.
Victor: Can I ask you what reason you have for your decision?
Adam: Maybe I just don't want you owing me anything.
Victor: Mm-hmm. So a clean slate between us. Is that it?
Adam: Something like that.
Victor: So nothing on your side of the ledger, nothing on mine. No debts to be paid. In other words, no connection between us at all. Is that it?
Adam: Come on. You couldn't have expected me to say yes, could you?
Victor: This may cost me my company. But you rest assured, I won't expect a damn thing from you.
Daniel: I already checked the park, and I checked Trumbull's, and I checked Summer's favorite bagel shop.
Kevin: Uh, there is nothing on either of their FacePlace pages.
Chloe: Yeah, and I already checked their TagNGrab profiles.
Lauren: All right, I'm gonna go to school. I'm gonna talk to their friends. Maybe they'll open up more in person than over the phone. All right?
Nick: Ms. Morgan's her favorite teacher if that helps. I'm not sure if she confided in her, but it's worth a shot.
Lauren: Okay, I'm gonna try that. Please, please keep me posted on what's happening with the trial.
Michael: Okay.
Ronan: No decision from the judge yet?
Michael: Huh? Uh, no. No word yet.
Ronan: I'm gonna check with the police and see what areas they've already covered.
Daniel: Where do you want me to look?
Nick: Go to your mom. Avery's with her now, but I'm sure it's gonna take more than just her.
Daniel: Okay.
Nick: Michael?
Michael: Uh, may-- maybe we should split up and check out their favorite places.
Nick: Yeah, that's good. I'm sure it's occurred to you by now they may have left town.
Michael: No, it doesn't seem likely. I mean, it's possible. And if it happens to be the case, Ronan's connections with the FBI will come in handy.
Nick: Yeah, that dude always likes to play the hero, so let's put that to good use for once. I really think you need to call the authorities out by the lake. Summer's got a lot of friends whose families have cabins out there. They'd be empty right now.
Michael: All right. Breaking and entering, that's--that's marvelous. Marvelous.
Fen: (Whispering) Oh, geez. Hey, wake up. It's morning.
Summer: (Groans)
Fen: Ready to go home?
Summer: I don't have a home anymore.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Hey, Leslie. Oh, my God, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Why is he doing this to me? Oh, you know-- I-I can't even deal with this right now. I-I--my daughter needs me.
Avery: The judge won't delay the trial.
Phyllis: No. No. Apparently he has a packed schedule, and that's more important than a missing child.
Avery: Stop. St--
Phyllis: You know, I--you know what? They can have their trial without me. Do you--
Avery: You will ruin your chances. You will be held in contempt.
Phyllis: Do you think I care?
Avery: Okay, when we do find Summer, do you want to be in a jail cell? You're going to court, Phyllis, if I have to carry you there myself.
Daniel: Can't you appeal it or something?
Avery: No, the trial is happening as scheduled. Your mother is upstairs getting ready.
Daniel: You know this has the potential to be a disaster. I mean, especially with her this upset.
Avery: I know.
Phyllis: Hey, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be looking for your sister.
Daniel: Yeah, I was.
Phyllis: Daniel, please don't do this to me. Please don't do this to me. You're supposed to be me today, okay? I can't go there. You're supposed to be looking for her because a judge is making me stand trial.
Daniel: Mom, Mom, Mom, its okay. A lot of people are looking for Summer. You got the police out there, and Nick's trying to get Victor involved. Look, Nick sent me over here to check on you because he's worried about you.
Phyllis: He said that?
Daniel: Yeah.
Phyllis: He's the only one who knows how I feel, you know? Even if everything else goes wrong, at least we'll have that.
Avery: Uh, we have to get to court now. Are you coming?
Daniel: Yeah, I'm coming. Absolutely. Hey, um, you know they're gonna try and get at you, right? They're gonna try to make you lose it on the stand.
Phyllis: Oh, of course, but, you know, I'm gonna take my cues from Christine. I'm gonna be a cold, unfeeling--
Avery: Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) They can't touch me.
Adam: Hey.
Chelsea: Hey. Is Victor gone?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: (Sighs) How'd he take the news?
Adam: The way I figured he would.
Chelsea: Do you regret your decision?
Adam: No.
Fen: Come on, Summer. You don't even have a change of clothes.
Summer: You go ahead. Leave if you want.
Fen: What are you going to do? Call your parents.
Summer: (Scoffs) That'd be rude when they're so busy. My mom has the trial and her new boyfriend.
Fen: So call your dad. You know he's freaking out right now.
Summer: Serves him right.
Fen: Fine. I'll call him.
Summer: (Scoffs) So you're gonna screw me over, too?
Fen: I'm just gonna let him know you're doing okay.
Summer: I'm not okay. (Scoffs)
Fen: Summer, it's going to be okay. You don't have to stay with your parents if you don't want to. You could go to boarding school. Noah did. Or... stay with a friend.
Summer: A friend? Like you?
Fen: I'd be cool with it.
Summer: (Chuckles) You're sweet. (Laughs)
Nina: Did you have the media barred from the courtroom or something?
Chris: Are you kidding? I would have liked to have seen it broadcast in Times Square, but this is a no-nonsense judge.
Danny: Probably a good thing. Less likely to put up with, you know, Phyllis' theatrics.
Paul: Uh, hi, Sweetheart.
Heather: Hey.
Paul: We thought it would be a good idea to come early, so...
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Chris: Is everything okay?
Heather: We almost had to delay the trial, so...
Chris: (Scoffs)
Nina: Why?
Paul: Oh, don't tell me-- theatrics.
Heather: Not Phyllis', actually.
Paul: Really?
Heather: Any luck?
Paul: What's going on?
Daniel: Summer and Fen might be missing. They--they may have run away. They've been missing since last night, but nobody realized it till this morning. Look, why won't the judge postpone this? Both sides have kids missing. Both sides want it postponed.
Phyllis: Because he's an ass.
Avery: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, he can't hear me. He's not even here.
Avery: All right, okay.
Phyllis: Better get here soon, or else Christine's gonna jump in his chair and take over for him, right, Christine?
Avery: Phyllis.
Chris: (Scoffs) I'm sure you're worried about Summer. I hope she calls you soon.
Summer: Why didn't we do that last night?
Fen: You were upset.
Summer: What if I wanted you to take advantage?
Fen: (Sighs)
Summer: (Chuckles)
Fen: I'm still gonna call your dad.
Summer: Later.
Fen: No, now.
Summer: (Sighs) Oh, my God. That's more important to you? Fine. Here's your damn phone.
Fen: Summer, you are such a brat sometimes. (Sighs)
Heather: You know, I do think the judge is being unreasonable. I mean, Michael's son is missing.
Paul: Luckily, he has you to rely on.
Danny: Man, Lauren's gotta be losing her mind right now.
Chris: We have no reason to believe they're in danger.
Heather: (Sighs)
Nina: Yeah, but when your kids are missing, your imagination goes into overdrive. You start thinking of the worst-case scenarios.
Danny: Look, I'm gonna go have a word with Phyllis.
Nina: Do you think that's a good idea?
Leslie: I made the strongest argument I could.
Phyllis: Oh, no, I'm sure you did. You're an incredible attorney. Incredible. Listen, I-- he probably thinks that I'm lying. He probably thinks that I convinced Summer to run and hide so I could push the trial back. I mean, Christine has tried to convince everybody in town, everybody who will listen, that I'm conniving and I'm evil.
Danny: Listen.
Phyllis: What?
Danny: I-I'm sorry.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Danny: I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to interrupt. I just--I wanted to express my deep concern for Summer, and to tell you that we're all praying for her.
Phyllis: Praying.
Danny: Yeah. And if there's anything I can do to help...
Daniel: That's, um, that's really nice of you, Dad.
Phyllis: Um, listen. I'll let you know, okay?
Danny: Okay.
Daniel: Maybe, um...
Danny: Yeah?
Daniel: Maybe you being here is not such a good thing.
Danny: Well, look, I mean, I-I made a special trip to be here for you and--
Daniel: I know, I know, I know. I appreciate it. But she's already under so much pressure, and I don't think that you being here is helping out.
Danny: I see.
Daniel: Well, we'll catch up later, me and you.
Danny: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Of course, yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right.
Nina: I'm gonna make sure he's okay, all right?
Paul: All right.
Avery: You have got to rein in the anger.
Phyllis: Avery. Avery. I know what I'm doing. I'm not an idiot.
Nina: Danny? He doesn't want you here? That... (Scoffs) That's not fair.
Danny: I have to respect his wishes, you know? He's looking after his mother.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Danny: That's what good kids do.
Nina: Yeah, I know. He's a good kid. I don't have to like this, though, do I?
Danny: Hey, tell me something-- how could a good kid like that have been raised by a mother like her?
Nina: (Laughs) I have no idea.
Danny: Tell me.
Nina: I don't know. Hey, why don't you and me find a way to spend the day?
Danny: What about Christine and Paul? You--
Nina: Uh, they'll-- they'll catch up with us later. I have a feeling on a day like today, they--they need each other more than they need us. Okay? Let's--let's go.
Danny: Okay.
Michael: Look, on the bright side, no car crashes have been reported. Nobody fitting the description has been checked into any of the hospitals.
Phyllis: Oh, well, that's something. That's great.
Michael: Ronan and Lauren and Nicholas are still out looking for them. I wish we were with them instead of here.
Phyllis: But you wouldn't want to miss this, would you? This is gonna be great for your career, isn't it? You're taking down the notorious Phyllis Newman. Better get to your table. We're going to start soon.
Adam: I have an idea.
Chelsea: Oh, yeah?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: I know all about your ideas. That's what got us into this mess in the first place.
Adam: Want to go on a "Babymoon"?
Chelsea: Yes, but wasn't that the plan already?
Adam: Today?
Chelsea: Today? Really?
Adam: Yeah, we've got your sonogram appointment. Then we can go right after.
Chelsea: Yes! (Gasps) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Mm. (Chuckles)
Ronan: I gave these pictures of Summer and Fen to the police. I can forward them to your team if you'd like.
Victor: You do that. Just know that my helicopter's available, and whatever other resources you may need, okay?
Ronan: I'll keep that in mind.
Victor: Ronan, also keep in mind that we wouldn't have to deal with any of this if it weren't for your relationship with Summer's mother. So you make sure you bring my granddaughter home safe and sound. Is that clear?
Nick: When I got home from the station, I thought I was gonna lose it with Summer. I mean, she has been acting like Phyllis lately. The bad part of Phyllis-- reckless, self-destructive. I didn't want to say anything I'd regret, so I told her we'd talk in the morning.
Lauren: I would have done the exact same thing.
Nick: But in the morning, she was gone. It's like my own daughter can't trust me anymore. She doesn't trust anyone... except maybe Fen.
Lauren: What? Oh!
Fen: I'm s--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stay out all night.
Lauren: (Gasps)
Nick: Hey, is Summer with you?
Fen: She was. She took off.
Victor: Where was she headed?
Fen: I don't know. She was mad at me. I couldn't leave her last night, and she wouldn't let me take her home. I-I-I was just gonna stay with her until she cooled off, but then she fell-- we both fell asleep.
Nick: Had she been drinking?
Fen: No way. Nuh-uh. Absolutely not.
Heather: So it was right after Christmas-- a beautiful time for a wedding, what should have been for Paul and Christine a day of joy and love and celebration. Instead, it was filled with terror and pain. And every anniversary of that date-- all 17 of them-- have not been wedding anniversaries. They've been stark reminders that the person who tried to take their lives was still out there... somewhere. Let's not let another Christmas pass without justice for these two people.
Leslie: Ladies and gentlemen, you're gonna hear a lot of theories, a lot of conjecture, a lot of wild speculation. What you will not hear is a single eyewitness placing Phyllis behind the wheel of that car. Without that, you cannot convict her of this crime.
Judge Rice: Call your first witness.
Michael: Your honor, I would like to call Kevin Fisher to the stand.
Phyllis: (Whispering) Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: It's a Newman family problem.
Adam: Don't talk to me about family.
Jack: I am about to make a move on Newman Enterprises, and when I succeed, I'm gonna need your help.
Michael: The last time you saw Tim Reid, was he alive?
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