Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/10/12
Episode # 10009 ~ Victor Seeks Help from an Unlikely Source; Nick Blames Phyllis for Summer's Rebellion
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Start talking.
Kevin: There's nothing to tell.
Michael: Kevin, you've been holding out on me. I want to know exactly what happened the night Tim Reid died-- your version, in your own words, every detail you can remember.
Kevin: I told you everything I know. My car broke down--
Michael: Oh, let's not insult each other's intelligence! Phyllis' trial starts tomorrow, and I'm not wasting any more time, so just, uh... start with the reason you went to Phyllis' penthouse and what transpired after you got there.
Kevin: Michael, whatever information you think you have, it's bogus.
Michael: Then you're calling your own wife a liar... because everything I heard, I heard from Chloe.
Gloria: Hello! We are back. (Giggles)
Chloe: You're back. How was Sin City?
Gloria: Ohh, loads of fun. God, I love that place! But what's not to love? Spas in the morning, slots in the afternoon, all the crab legs you can eat, and shows at night.
Chloe: Sounds great.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Of course, if it were up to Jeffrey, all the shows would have g-strings and ostrich feathers, but give me a good Frank Sinatra impersonator anytime. In fact, we went to a revue up on the north end of the strip and saw this guy, and when he started singing "My Way"... I got goose bumps, and he had the bluest eyes. Oh, he probably had contacts. (Snapping fingers) Chloe. You're very quiet. Everything all right? Delia's not sick, is she?
Chloe: No, no, it's-- it's not Delia. She's fine.
Gloria: Work?
Chloe: No, it's not work.
Gloria: Not your marriage.
Chloe: Well, if selling my husband out to his brother the D.A. qualifies, then... yeah, it's my marriage.
Jeff: (Chuckles) Hiya, snookums, it's Daddy.
Chelsea: Hey, Jeff. What's up?
Jeff: Well, I'm back from Vegas, and, uh, it's been awhile since we've seen each other. I was hoping for a visit with you and my little grand-munchkin-to-be. Can you come by?
Chelsea: Thanks for the invite. Um, let me just check my schedule and I'll get back to you, okay? Okay, bye.
Adam: Devil on your left shoulder says "Blow him off." The angel on your right says, "Eh, he's your dad."
Chelsea: If you ever decide to take that whole mind-reading act on the road, I'd be glad to hook you up with some carnival people.
Adam: Come on. He's your dad and he wants to hang out, so hang out, see what it's like.
Chelsea: I already know what it's like. That's the problem.
Adam: What is the worst that could happen? He's gonna speak out of turn, say something that offends you, hit you up for cash?
Chelsea: Yes, actually, all of the above.
Adam: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Chelsea: Ooh. You're right. Jeff might become more insufferable after the baby's here.
Adam: (Chuckles) Yeah, possibly. I just think that if you put in the time now, and you and, uh, that little one will be happy in the future that you did.
(Doorbell rings)
Victor: Hello, Son.
Phyllis: Um, I tracked down Summer. I tried to reach out to her.
Nick: After I told you not to.
Phyllis: Well, yeah. Um, you were right. She--she's not ready to talk.
Nick: She walked in on you and Ronan having sex. What did you think was gonna happen? Just once, I wish you would think through something...
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Before you actually do it. Yes. (Laughs) Of course. I'm on my way. Our daughter was just arrested.
Victor: I need to speak with you, Son.
Adam: Come in.
Chelsea: Hello, Victor.
Victor: Hello, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Do I say "Welcome home," or is that too much of an understatement?
Victor: I'm glad to be back, thank you.
Chelsea: Sure. Well, I was just heading out.
Victor: Were you?
Chelsea: I'll be back, okay? Bye.
Adam: So the rumors are true. You're still among the living.
Victor: Yeah. I guess you came by the ranch. Nikki told me. I'm sorry I missed you.
Adam: Are you?
Victor: I'm sure you're aware that... since I've come back, I've found Newman Enterprises to be in a complete shambles.
Adam: And work always comes first, right?
Victor: Mind if I sit down? Well, because of Sharon's rather unconscionable actions, I may no--no longer be the majority stakeholder. Seems that Jack Abbott bought at least 5% of the company, if not more, and Tucker McCall probably bought far more shares than that.
Adam: Well, even if you don't own 51%, you're still the majority shareholder... or aren't you?
Victor: I came here to tell you that both Victoria and Nicholas have agreed to present a united front with me so that we vote as a bloc, but we can't do that, really, unless we have you join us. That way, we will present a united front to Wall Street and the board of directors, and that way, we cannot be ousted from our own company. But we need you to join us.
Adam: (Clicks lips) So I'm the proverbial linchpin, huh?
Victor: You could say that. So the question is, will you join us in presenting that united front? Yes or no?
Gloria: When you say you sold Kevin out to Michael, you didn't mean that the way it sounded, did you?
Chloe: Think again.
Gloria: So Kevin broke the law. What did he do that was so terrible?
Chloe: Okay, no, listen, you are not getting it out of me, so don't even try. I am done blabbing about Kevin's secrets. I feel like a jerk, okay?
Gloria: Okay. So my little angel with the golden heart keeps stepping in it. Well, I just hope Michael isn't too hard on him.
Chloe: Oh, well, thank you. That makes me feel so much better.
Gloria: Oh, come on, Chloe, I'm not blaming you. Michael has a real knack for getting people to say things that they shouldn't be saying. It's part of what makes him a great lawyer. I know one thing-- Michael loves his brother. Kevin will be fine. This will all work out.
Kevin: Chloe had no business telling you any of that.
Michael: I leaned on her, hard. She didn't want to tell me. I made her... but if everything she said to me is true, I just can't look the other way. I got a job to do. Prosecuting Phyllis is hard enough, given our relationship. God knows... I wouldn't want to be in the same position with you.
Kevin: Is that a threat?
Michael: If you keep lying to me, I may not have any other choice. I have a responsibility to uphold the law, so I'm asking you again. Tell me the truth. Chloe says you've only given me half of the story. I want you to give me the rest of it--now.
Kevin: Go to hell.
Nick: Summer.
Summer: Dad, thank God you're here. These handcuffs are cutting into my wrists, and he totally doesn't care.
Phyllis: What--what-- what happened? What--
Summer: Dad, don't listen to him. He's gonna make it sound way worse than it is.
Nick: Just--quiet, I want to hear what Ronan has to say.
Ronan: Your daughter took a baseball bat to my car. She broke out all my windows, she smashed the hood, slashed my tires, and keyed the paint. Now I'm sure that we all know why Summer is so upset, but this wasn't the way to express it.
Adam: You want-- no, you expect me to... fall in line with your other children. When have you acted like my father? I went to your funeral. I grieved. Suddenly, there you were on live TV... giving a press conference, flanked by Nicholas and Victoria, your golden children who can do no wrong. It's not until you finally need something from me that you reach out. Now I'm your son.
Victor: So in your eyes, Son, I'm the bad guy, right? I'm the bad father who never paid attention to you. Is that what you think? Are you forgetting all the things that you have done to me and my family? We weren't exactly close now, were we?
Adam: "I'm sorry, Adam, that I put you through the hell of having to bury yet another parent." Nothing? I don't know why I'm sitting here waiting for an apology. The words "I'm sorry" are never in your vocabulary, are they?
Victor: It pains me that you feel this way.
Adam: The only pain that you feel is what's happening with Newman. Let's just be honest with one another. I am... invisible to you. Did you know that my wife is pregnant? Did you know you're gonna be a grandfather again?
Gloria: Chelsea. Good to see you!
Chelsea: You, too, Gloria.
Gloria: Mm.
Chelsea: How was Vegas?
Gloria: Oh, deliciously tacky, as always. I hope you are here to accept my invitation to host a baby shower.
Chelsea: Oh, actually, I'm here to see Jeff.
Gloria: Oh.
Jeff: Hey, Kiddo. Pull up a chair. What can I get you? Brewski, mimosa?
Chelsea: Jeff, I'm pregnant.
Jeff: Ah, just testing.
Gloria: (Laughs) And when you're ready to say yes, you find me, and we'll discuss the guest list and the menu.
Chelsea: Uh, sparkling water is fine, so... so why am I here? To see me about?
Jeff: Oh, um, nothing in particular. (Sighs) We just had such a... nice visit the last time. I just kind of, um, I don't know, missed you. Anyway, rest your tootsies. I'll go get your fizzy water.
Chloe: Hi, Kevin, it's me. Um, would you call me when you get a chance? We need to talk. (Sighs)
Michael: You're not doing yourself any favors by copping an attitude with me.
Kevin: You know, Mike, the more time you spend in this crappy job, the less respect I have for you. I told you, I don't know anything about Phyllis and Tim, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you. I'm not a snitch.
Michael: I could... subpoena you as a hostile witness. I could have you arrested for obstruction.
Kevin: Well, that wouldn't be the first time I saw the inside of a jail cell.
Michael: No. No, you've seen your share of tiny, cramped little spaces, so it definitely wouldn't be a first for you. You've gotten yourself in a lot of trouble in your life. I have always been there for you when you needed me. You owe me.
Kevin: Oh, playing the guilt card. Nice.
Michael: And it's not guilt. It's not guilt. It's a fact, and you want to know another fact? I already know what happened. The truth is gonna come out. (Sighs) So I'm just-- I'm just-- I'm just asking you, as your brother, to trust me. Tell me what happened-- your version, in your own words.
Kevin: (Exhales sharply) I went to Phyllis' penthouse to talk to her about the web site. She opens the door, she lets me in, I see a dead guy on the floor next to the couch. (Exhales sharply)
Ronan: I haven't had pictures taken yet to document the damage.
Nick: It won't be necessary. I'll pay to get your car fixed, and I'll make sure my daughter pays back every single dime, as long as you let her go.
Ronan: As long as--huh?
Summer: He ruined our family. Don't expect any favors.
Phyllis: Okay, listen, this is not all Ronan's fault. It takes two. I'm just horrified that my actions caused you to do something so violent.
Summer: (Scoffs) Bull. You don't feel anything when it comes to me or dad, so don't stand there and pretend like you do.
Phyllis: Okay, no, no, no, that is enough. That is enough.
Summer: No, it's not. I hate you both. (Scoffs) And I'm not sorry for what I did. I'd do it again in a second.
Nick: Okay, come here. Young lady, you sit down there and you shut your mouth. Do you want to end up in juvie? That's where you're headed if you don't settle down.
Summer: How can you blame me after what they did?
Nick: Not another word. Sit there while I talk to Ronan and your mother. All right, you're not pressing charges against my daughter, 'cause if you do, I'm taking a bat to your car next.
Victor: You're right. I didn't know you were expecting a child. Obviously, since I've been back, I've been preoccupied with the mess at Newman. (Exhales slowly) Makes me kind of sad, Son.
Adam: Sad, huh?
Victor: Yeah, that you have to tell me about this milestone in your life... with such anger.
Adam: Well, I haven't lost any sleep over it. You shouldn't, either. I just find it telling that, uh, you remember you have another son when--when you need a favor.
Victor: I wish things were different between us. A lot of damage has been done to our relationship, hasn't there, Adam? That's the way it is... and we are both to blame for it.
Adam: I suppose.
Victor: You know, no matter what happened... you're my son. And there's a part in me that loves you.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Jeff: (Laughs) No, no, no, no, no, I wasn't actually in the barroom brawl. I just sort of--
Chelsea: Ah. Started it? (Laughs)
Jeff: Yeah, right, and then I got the heck out of there. I mean... (Chuckles) I'm a lover, not a fighter...
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Jeff: Although come to think of it, I think that's what set the guy off in the first place, but, hey, how was I to know that hoochie mama was his wife?
Chelsea: Wow.
Jeff: (Laughs)
Chelsea: Wow, you would have been right at home in Myanmar.
Jeff: Ah, I doubt it. I'm a luxury hotel kind of guy, and from what I hear, that place is strictly bare-bones.
Chelsea: No, it depends. You spread enough money around, you can be comfortable pretty much anywhere in the world.
Jeff: Know your stuff, don't you, Kiddo? Obviously get it from me.
(Door opens and closes)
Jeff: (Chuckles) Um... (sighs) I guess, uh, Gloria's in the back.
Chelsea: I gotta go.
Jeff: I should get to work.
Chelsea: Well, thanks for the snack. (Chuckles)
Jeff: You're welcome. Um... look, uh, I know you've got all the money in the world right now, but, um... I want you to take this and, um, get something nice for the baby, something special from me. (Laughs) Hey, you know, I-I'd get it myself, but I'd end up buying him, uh, I don't know, a flask or a pool cue or something.
Chelsea: (Laughs) This has been really nice, Jeffrey.
Jeff: My pleasure, you know.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Jeff: Yeah, sure, my pleasure. You have a good one.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Ronan: No, Nick, I'm not gonna press charges, and not because you just threatened a federal agent. I know the role that I played in all of this. What Summer did was a very violent act. I just hope that you take that seriously.
Nick: What did you two expect-- that you could do whatever you wanted and there wouldn't be any fallout? You did this to my daughter, and now I have to deal with it.
Phyllis: N-no, no, no, no, I'm--I'm gonna help.
Nick: No, you're the last person that can help in this, because not only does Summer hate you right now, your trial starts tomorrow, and apparently, you've been too busy gettin' busy to spend any time with Leslie prepping for court. Well, you know what? That is not my problem anymore. And as for you, you're always gonna be the punk who broke up what Summer thought was a happy home. Don't you ever, and I mean ever, tell me how to deal with my daughter. I'll make sure she stays away from your car, Ronan, but you better stay the hell away from her. And as for Phyllis, she's all yours.
Adam: So you love me... and you really, really need me to vote my Newman shares the way you tell me to. Is that the gist?
Victor: Think about it. It's a very important decision, affects the entire Newman family.
(Door opens and closes)
Chelsea: Oh, uh, I don't mean to interrupt.
Victor: You're not. I was just leaving. So Adam tells me that you are expecting. That's wonderful news. Congratulations.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Victor: Happy for both of you. Have a nice day.
Chelsea: And what was that?
Adam: My father needed something from me, so he's putting on the charm.
Chelsea: Did he at least give you an explanation of why he hasn't been in touch?
Adam: No.
Chelsea: I'm sorry.
Adam: So where did you go to?
Chelsea: Um, I decided to take Jeff up on his offer.
Adam: How was it?
Chelsea: Surprisingly okay. I'm starting to think the guy's almost human.
Gloria: You look like you could use that.
Chloe: Thanks.
Gloria: Any word from Kevin?
Chloe: Oh... (Sighs) By now, he's realized what I told Michael, and he's not gonna call me back. I'm sure the sound of my voice makes him want to strangle me.
Gloria: Don't be ridiculous, Chloe. Kevin loves you. He could never be that mad at you.
Chloe: Want to bet?
Gloria: I guarantee... you got nothing to worry about.
Michael: So that story about your car breaking down--
Kevin: It was just a cover.
Michael: That's everything?
Kevin: Yep, that's everything.
Michael: I just have one more question. Why would you go through all this to cover up for Phyllis?
Kevin: She's your best friend, Michael. What the hell? You've been so busy trying to put her in prison that you've forgotten how close you two are? You know, you should be grateful. You should be grateful that somebody was willing to stick their neck out to help her.
Michael: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, as Phyllis' friend, I appreciate that, but as the district attorney--
Kevin: Yeah, you know what? Maybe it was a mistake. I guess--yeah, it was a mistake, but I did what I thought was right.
Michael: Look, you know what? I can see you're frustrated. We're gonna get past that. It's best for everyone that the truth came out now. It really is--
Kevin: Don't! Don't!
Michael: No, no, Kevin--
Kevin: Get away from me. You know, somebody else used to threaten to put me in small, confined spaces when I wouldn't obey an order. So congratulations, Michael, you're just like Tom!
(Door slams)
Ronan: There you go.
Phyllis: Thanks. When I was a kid, I used to get into a lot of trouble. I'm sure that surprises you.
Ronan: No, you? I'm shocked.
Phyllis: My mom used to always scream, "One day, you're gonna have a daughter just like you." I guess she was right.
Ronan: (Chuckles) Uh, I don't think you would have done that to a federal agent's car at 16.
Phyllis: If it were me, your car would have been ash and cinders by the time I was done with it.
Ronan: (Chuckles) Okay. All right, um, what-- what would have been an effective punishment for you at that age?
Phyllis: Actually, spending time with my parents.
Ronan: (Chuckles) Okay, try that.
Phyllis: When I walk into the room, she leaves. (Sighs) Oh, God, my life is... a disaster.
Ronan: It's gonna be fine. You give Summer some time to cool off, and then you go to her and you try to work it out. It's gonna be fine.
Phyllis: From prison? (Chuckles)
Ronan: Look at me. One crisis at a time, okay?
Phyllis: Do I get a volume discount? (Laughs)
Ronan: Come here. Come here.
Victor: Am I interrupting?
Gloria: Oh, TagNGrab for mobile. Great idea.
Jeff: Yeah, what will they think of next?
Gloria: Yeah.
Chloe: Hey, uh, Kevin's here. Would you mind?
Gloria: Mm. Mm, mm. No problem. Hey, Angel. Hey, love the new app. Great idea.
Kevin: Thanks.
Jeff: You would have loved the big computerized display we saw on the strip.
Gloria: Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh. Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh. Jeffrey.
Jeff: Hmm? Oh.
Gloria: Excuse us.
Kevin: I just came from Michael's office. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Adam: Dad seemed pleased about the baby. Considering how nasty he was when I married you...
Chelsea: Maybe the last few months really have changed him.
Adam: Part of me thinks I shouldn't stand in the way of our kid knowing their grandfather. The other part of me doesn't want to put forth the effort.
Chelsea: I hear you. Jeffrey's high-maintenance, too, but it feels like he's really making an effort, finally, and not just because my husband's loaded. He even gave me a hundred bucks to go buy a gift for the baby from him.
Adam: Wow.
Chelsea: I know, right? (Laughs)
Adam: So I've got, uh... two choices-- throw in with my dad or vote on each issue put before the board depending on what I think is right for the company, even if it means opposing my family.
Chelsea: I don't envy you having to make that decision.
Nick: Stop right there, young lady.
Summer: What?
Nick: You're upset at me. I get it. Well, so am I. What you did scares me, Summer. If vandalizing someone's car is how you choose to express your anger--
Summer: I thought you'd be giving me a high five. You can't tell me you wouldn't have loved to have done it yourself.
Nick: I'm not letting you off the hook for this. Violence doesn't solve anything.
Summer: (Scoffs)
Nick: Look, I really think you need to talk to someone about this rage you have, learn to channel it in a more appropriate manner.
Summer: W-wait. Are you saying I need a shrink?
Ronan: Is there something I can help you with, Victor?
Victor: I got the news about Summer. Anything I can do? Is Nicholas with her?
Nick: Yeah, Nick, he-- he took her home already.
Ronan: Nick offered to make restitution, so I'm not going to be pressing charges.
Victor: I'm very glad to hear that.
Phyllis: Can you--can you give us a minute, please?
Ronan: Yes, of course.
Victor: Thank you, Ronan.
Phyllis: All right, well, go ahead and lay into me. I'm sure you blame me for pushing Summer into this.
Victor: Actually, I don't.
Chloe: Babe... I am so sorry.
Kevin: Oh, sorry? You're sorry?! Because of you, I had to rat out Phyllis.
Chloe: Listen, you don't think that I hate this, too? Okay, I do. I hate it. Michael was pressuring me.
Kevin: Oh--
Chloe: He kept on pressuring me and pressuring me. He knew that I was lying.
Kevin: Yeah, I don't care. I don't care. I don't care that he was pressuring you. You betrayed me. How am I supposed to trust you again?
Gloria: You never said. How'd your visit with Chelsea go?
Jeff: Oh... (Chuckles) Really well. She's beginning to warm up to her old man a little, you know? (Clicks lips) (Sighs)
Adam: My father... tries to play God with other people's lives. Part of me thinks that it's... it's not fair to subject our kids to something like that. Then there's another part of me that thinks that it wouldn't be fair to keep our-- our kids away from their grandfather.
Chelsea: (Sighs) The thing is, at least with Victor, we know what to watch out for, you know? So we can protect them. But I barely know Jeffrey, and from what I've seen so far, it doesn't look like he'd be that great of an influence. Then again, it could just be my resentment talking because of the way he rejected me at first.
Adam: I'm sure when he takes a look at his very first grandchild, it'll be a whole different ball game.
Chelsea: Has Victor ever pulled his whole control freak thing with Nick or Victoria's children?
Adam: Not that I've ever seen. And who knows? Maybe they get a little older, they get rebellious, could be a different story.
Summer: My mom's going on trial for trying to murder two people. She cheats on you and uses you and Ronan to try and cover up another crime, and I'm the one that needs a psychiatrist? Are you kidding me?!
Nick: What you did was destructive and against the law, and before this, we found you with alcohol. So I don't think you know how to deal with your anger. I think you need to talk to someone about it, Summer, and I will go with you.
Summer: Forget it. I know kids whose parents made them go, and it was a waste of everyone's time.
Nick: I'm not letting you do this.
Summer: Do what?
Nick: Act like a little spoiled rich kid.
Summer: Rich kid? I'm living in a barn.
Nick: That is not the point. I will not allow my daughter to act like she's entitled to everything and anything that goes wrong is everyone else's fault.
Summer: But this time, Mom crossed the line.
Nick: You destroyed that car, Summer. You did that.
Summer: I'm sorry.
Nick: Don't just say that 'cause you think that's what I want to hear. You have to know there are consequences to everything you do. Am I getting you through to you?
Summer: I guess.
Nick: Clearly I'm not. There are consequences. You act like you can get away with anything. I know someone else like that-- your mother. You want to end up like her?
Summer: Fen, it's me. What are you doing right now? As soon as my dad falls asleep, I'm sneaking out of here. You with me?
Victor: I just want you to know that I did not come here to pass judgment. I don't know of a single family that doesn't have problems.
Phyllis: That's true.
Victor: This all is none of my business. I'm sure that you and Nicholas will work things out. I just wanted to make sure that my granddaughter is all right.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, she is. Nick is-- he's doing a really good job. I just hope that, you know, one day, I can do... a good job, too.
Victor: Just know that... (Inhales quickly) (Exhales slowly) As a father, I've made many mistakes, many. But I've always gotten a second chance, for which I'm very grateful. I hope the same thing will happen to you. And good luck at the trial tomorrow, all right?
Phyllis: (Voice breaks) Thank you.
Victor: It'll be all right.
Phyllis: (Sobs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: You want to talk about something?
Avery: The kiss, yes. The kiss.
Heather: I'm about to spend my day trying to put your mom behind bars. You can't possibly be okay with that.
Michael: How many lives am I gonna ruin in this courtroom today?
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